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The germ line limited (K) chromosomes of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae) were stained for G-banding on gonial mitoses, along with the somatic (S) chromosomes. Nine different types of K chromosomes could be distinguished by the G-banding pattern and other cytological criteria. Various combinations of K chromosomes were found in the complements of different individuals and cells: some Ks were missing and others were present up to as many as five times. No two animals were completely alike in the composition of their gonial chromosome complement. Thus none of the different K types can be essential. These results are discussed in view of the complex chromosome cycle of the Orthocladiinae.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Staiber 《Génome》2006,49(3):269-274
During germ line-soma differentiation in early syncytial embryonic development of the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus, a complement of supernumerary chromosomes, the so-called germ line limited chromosomes (Ks), is excluded from the future somatic nuclei in the course of elimination mitoses. The Ks lag behind in the equatorial plane, while the somatic chromosomes (Ss) segregate equally. After elimination mitoses, the Ks are only present in the pole cells, the primary germ cells. In the divisions before their elimination, the Ks frequently showed delayed separation of sister chromatids with high-frequency formation of anaphasic bridges and lagging in pole movement as detected in 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained squash preparations of early embryos. To determine if all of the Ks are eliminated in one step during a single mitosis, a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of early embryonic divisions was performed using probes of germ line specific repetitive DNA sequences, which specifically label the Ks in their centromeric regions. In most cases, all of the Ks are lost in one mitosis; however, occasionally one or several of the Ks can escape their elimination by segregating and moving poleward together with the Ss. The escaping Ks will then be eliminated in one of the following mitoses. This clearly indicates that the specific conditions to eliminate Ks are not restricted to only one division. Possible mechanisms of elimination of Ks are discussed.  相似文献   

Hans Bauer 《Chromosoma》1970,32(1):1-10
Among more than 700 chromosome rearrangements induced by X-rays in oocytes of newly hatched females of Smittia parthenogenetica two cases of insertion of heterochromatin into an S chromosome have been obtained. As the S chromosomes do not contain such heterochromatic sections, the insertions must be derived from K chromosomes. Whether all K chromosomes are completely heterochromatic or whether all or some contain euchromatic sections remains open, but for the two latter possibilities no proof has been obtained. Euchromatic insertions or translocations with a banding pattern non-homologous with S chromosome sections have not been observed with certainty. Homologous duplications could all be interpreted as being derived from S chromosomes. From the K chromosome cycle it can be inferred that the K complement consists of more or less identical elements and that genetic isolation has led to their heterochromatinization.To Sally Hughes-Schrader with affection and admiration.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Staiber 《Protoplasma》2014,251(4):979-984
Unequal chromosome segregation and spindle formation occurs in the last gonial mitosis in the germ line of the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus. During this differential mitosis, all germ line-limited chromosomes (=Ks) migrate undivided to only one pole of the cell, while the somatic chromosomes (=Ss) first remain in the metaphase plane, and with the arrival of the Ks at the pole, they then separate equally. The evolutionarily conserved GTPase Ran plays a crucial role in many cellular processes. This includes the regulation of microtubule nucleation and stabilisation at kinetochores and of spindle assembly during mitosis, which is promoted by a RanGTP concentration gradient that forms around the mitotic chromosomes (Kalab et al. in Science 295:2452–2456, 2002, Nature 440:697–701, 2006). In the present study, a strong accumulation of Ran was detected by immunofluorescence at the kinetochores of the Ss in normal gonial and differential gonial mitoses of males of A. lucidus. In contrast, no Ran accumulation was observed at the kinetochores of the Ss in the metaphases of brain ganglia mitoses or of aberrant spermatocytes or in metaphases I and II of spermatocyte meiotic divisions. Likewise, there was no accumulation at the kinetochores of Drosophila melanogaster mitotic chromosomes from larval brains. The specific accumulation of Ran at the kinetochores of the Ss in differential gonial mitoses of A. lucidus strongly suggests that Ran is involved in a mechanism acting in this exceptional mitosis, which retains the Ss at the metaphase plane and prevents a premature separation and unequal segregation of the Ss during monopolar migration of the Ks.  相似文献   

. In the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus, parts of the genome, the germ line-limited chromosomes, are eliminated from the future soma cells during early cleavage divisions. A highly repetitive, germ line-specific DNA sequence family was isolated, cloned and sequenced. The monomers of the tandemly repeated sequences range in size from 175 to 184 bp. Analysis of sequence variation allowed the further classification of the germ line-restricted repetitive DNA into two related subfamilies, A and B. Fluorescence in situ hybridization to gonial metaphases demonstrated that the sequence family is highly specific for the paracentromeric heterochromatin of the germ line-limited chromosomes. Restriction analysis of genomic soma DNA of A. lucidus revealed another tandem repetitive DNA sequence family with monomers of about 175 bp in length. These DNA elements are found only in the centromeric regions of all soma chromosomes and one exceptional germ line-limited chromosome by in situ hybridization to polytene soma chromosomes and gonial metaphase chromosomes. The sequences described here may be involved in recognition, distinction and behavior of soma and germ line-limited chromosomes during the complex chromosome cycle in A. lucidus and may be useful for the genetic and cytological analysis of the processes of elimination of the germ line-limited chromosomes in the soma and germ line. Received: 12 April 1997; in revised form 26 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 June 1997  相似文献   

A detailed map of the salivary gland chromosomes ofAcricotopus lucidus is presented. Differences in puffing and developmental Puffing sequences of the three salivary gland lobes were investigated from mid fourth larval instar to pupation and compared with the puffing pattern of the Malpighian tubules. The intraglandular differentiation is quite extensive; the differences in the pattern of gene activity between the anterior lobe and the main and side lobes are as great as between the salivary gland and the Malpighian tubules. In the main and side lobes all developmental puffing changes proceed synchronously whereas in the anterior lobe both asynchronous and synchronous changes occur. In the anterior lobe the asynchronous regression of BR 3 and BR 4 is followed by a characteristic sequence of activation and inactivation of puffs.  相似文献   

In the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus, germ line-soma differentiation becomes evident with the formation of the pole cells and the elimination of the germ line-limited chromosomes (Ks) from the future somatic nuclei of the embryo. Unlike in Drosophila, the early nuclear divisions do not proceed synchronously in A. lucidus. Usually, only one nucleus, the future pole nucleus, penetrates into the pole plasm, always at a telophase stage in the course of a regular mitosis. This happens by chance, depending on the orientation of the mitotic spindles of the early syncytial nuclei. Consequently, the time and the cell cycle at which a nucleus reaches the pole plasm, and pole cells arise, vary between embryos of the same oviposition. When entering the first germ line mitosis, while polar plasm and syncytial plasm are still not separated, some future somatic nuclei begin to eliminate their Ks. While the soma chromosomes (Ss) undergo normal anaphasic migration to the opposite poles, the K chromatids do not separate and remain in the equatorial plane, as demonstrated by fluorescence in situ hybridization using germ line-specific DNA probes. The elimination of the Ks does not occur at the same time in all future somatic nuclei. Nondisjunction of Ks was observed in the first mitosis of the pole nucleus, leading to primordial germ cells with different compositions of their K complements. The pattern and timing of elimination mitoses in the embryos indicate that each of the future somatic nuclei seems to regulate the elimination of the Ks autonomously.  相似文献   

In polytene chromosome II of Smittia parthenogenetica a heterochromatin insertion has been studied which is derived from a germ-line limited chromosome section (Bauer, 1970). This insertion is C-banding positive, late replicating, inactive in RNA synthesis, fluoresces brightly with quinacrine and is polytenized. After N-banding a major part of the heterochromatin insertion is N-banding negative, whereas in the centre of the insertion a N-banding positive body is present. The properties of the N-positive and N-negative parts of the inserted heterochromatin section are compared with the properties of the heterochromatin of Chironomus melanotus and Drosophila melanogaster. It is concluded that the heterochromatin insertion consists of two different heterochromatin types and it is discussed whether the N-banding positive part within the insertion represents a heterochromatin type which is underreplicated during polytenization.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hans Bauer in honour of his 75th birthday on September 27, 1979  相似文献   

The polytene chromosomes of the salivary glands of Nilodorum biroi (Kieffer) comprise three long metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes. It is considered that this is a derived condition from a diploid number of 8, by the tandem fusion of a small acrocentric element (C) to a metacentric chromosome (AB). A standard chromosome map for the genus is provided and the chromosomal polymorphism of Indian and Australian populations is described.  相似文献   

In order to induce chromosomal rearrangements, males were exposed to x-rays and then mated to non-irradiated females. The number of each type of structural alteration was determined by examination of the polytene chromosomes of the F1 progeny. -- A comparison of the results with similar studies made on Drosophila revealed a significantly greater sensitivity in Phryne. Parallel to that an extremely high frequency of small inversions was ascertained in Phryne, and the observed ratio of inversions to translocations was the inverse of that which would be expected from purely mathematical considerations based on the lengths of the different chromosomes. These facts allow the conclusion that the paternal pronuclear chromosomes in Phryne are highly spiralized. Besides, the kinetochore-to-translocation-breakpoint distance was measured in both of the chromosomes involved in each reciprocal translocation and the differences (kinetochore-break distance differences) were registered and from them the arrangement of the chromosomes in the pronucleus of Phryne deduced. The data obtained support the assumption of an ordered, polar-field type of orientation. In Drosophila, in contrast, the comparable data showed that the pronuclear chromosomes are not spiralized and are randomly arranged (Bauer, 1939). -- These results seem to indicate that a close correlation exists between the different radiation sensitivities of Drosophila and Phryne and the different states of spiralisation and arrangements of their chromosomes in the pronucleus stage. It is hypothesized that the influence of the maternal genome on the degree of spiralization of the paternal chromosomes could account for differences in the pronuclear chromosome structure of both species.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments onGlyptotendipes salinus were carried out in order to assess cytogenetic effects of different doses of gamma-radiation on polytene chromosomes, isolated from salivary glands. Chrinonomid larvae (III–IV larval stage) were irradiated with doses varying from 0.05 to 1.00 Gy (5–100 rad) and were bred under laboratory conditions until the fourth larval stage. Cytogenetic slides were analyzed for an estimation of occurrence of changes in the organization of the polytene chromosomes caused by gamma-radiation. A specific heterochromatin effect was found in certain chromosomes of the investigated species after 1.00 Gy irradiation. Decondensation of the centromeric heterochromatin and increased functional activity of Balbiany ring 2 were observed in the fourth (G) chromosome. Regression of the nucleolus of the first (AB) chromosome was detected.  相似文献   

The tribe Diamesini is a characteristic element of the chironomid fauna of the Holarctic alpine and montane areas. It is represented in the E African mountains by three species: Diamesa kenyae Freeman, Diamesa ruwenzoriensis Freeman and Diamesa freemani sp. nov. The adults of the three species, the pupa and larva of D. freemani , and the larva of D. kenyae , are all described in detail. Several morphological features indicate that the Afrotropical Diamesa are derived from a relatively plesiomorphic lineage of the genus. Other characters indicate possible sister-species occurring in the Alps, the Caucasus mountains and the Himalaya. Three lines of evidence suggest a northern origin of the Afrotropical Diamesa: the relatively young age of the E African mountain peaks, the proposed phylogeny of the genus, and the present distribution of the tribe Diamesini.  相似文献   

A review of the genusChironomus (Diptera,Chironomidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dr. Jon Martin 《Chromosoma》1971,35(4):418-430
Two cytologically distinguishable species have been found in material ofChironomus australis. These species have been calledCh. australis andCh. duplex. Both belong to thepseudothummi-cytological grouping because they have the chromosome arm combinations AE, BF, CD, G.Ch. duplex shows a modified arm pattern due to a tandem fusion of arm G to arm E.—The banding patterns of the polytene chromosomes of the two species are compared to each other and to the Australian standard species,Ch. oppositus. Ch. australis is very close cytologically toCh. oppositus, whileCh. duplex, which is considered a derived species because of the tandem fusion, shows a number of inversion differences from the morphologically similarCh. australis. Ch. duplex is polymorphic for six inversions, four of which are simple inversions, the other two are complex involving also the transposition of some bands.Ch. australis appears to be monomorphic.  相似文献   

The identity of Chironomus atrella Townes has been confusing because the name has been used for at least 2 quite different species. This situation is clarified karyosystematically by describing the banding patterns and chromosomal polymorphisms from a number of locations in Canada and the US. Most populations show only moderate levels of polymorphism (average heterozygosity, 0.36), although in some samples from shallow waters, the level of polymorphism is much higher (average heterozygosity, up to 0.92). The banding patterns of the polytene chromosomes are either identical or closely related to those found in Holarctic species with a northern distribution. These patterns and the distribution of inversions in the C. atrella populations are consistent with a progenitor that colonized North America across the Bering Strait and spread down the Rocky Mountain chain; at the same time, new gene combinations developed that allowed it to spread eastward over the majority of the continent.  相似文献   

Q-, C-, and G-banding patterns are described for the germ-line and somatic chromosomes of Miastor sp. The chromosome number in the germ line is 36, which is 3 less than that previously reported for the same cultured line 18 years ago. There are 8 chromosome groups: 8 large acrocentrics, 11 large and medium submetacentrics, 4 medium metacentrics, 4 medium subtelocentrics, 6 medium telocentrics, one medium acrocentric, one small submetacentric, and one small telocentric. All 8 large acrocentrics have a Q-band and an interstitial C-band in the short arm, suggesting that these chromosomes are at least partially homologous (or homeologous) and that the germ line originally was polyploid. Only one other germ-line chromosome, the small submetacentric, has a Q-band and an interstitial C-band. In somatic cells there are 8 chromosomes, 28 chromosomes having been eliminated during early cleavage. Three of the four pairs of somatic chromosomes are heteromorphic, despite the indications of a polyploid origin of the germ-line chromosomes and despite the presence of somatic pairing. Furthermore, there is a great deal of restriction on which chromosomes are retained in somatic cells, and it may be that the same 8 chromosomes are retained by all embryos. The G-banding pattern is not as clear as the other two banding patterns. The findings are discussed in relation to observations in other cecidomyids, and a model for the evolution of the chromosome system of Miastor is presented.  相似文献   

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