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Of 35 species collected from the shores of the Suez Canal and its lakes, five were abundant year round. Sihouettea aegyptia and Aphanius dispar are of Red Sea (warm water) origin, whereas Pomatoschistus marmoratus, Aphanius fasciatus and Atherina boyeri are Mediterranean species. S. aegyptia and A. dispar are distributed throughout the Suez system whereas A. fasciatus is restricted to the northern canal. P. marmoratus and A. boyeri have not spread southward beyond the Bitter Lakes. Salinity is the main limiting factor for the distribution of Mediterranean species. S. aegyptia and A. dispar are dominant in the Bitter Lakes (salinity 44‰), whereas P. marmoratus and A. boyeri are abundant in Timsah Lake (salinity 7·8–41·6‰). There was considerable interannual and monthly variation in the relative abundance of each species. The populations were dominated by a single age group, and life spans were no more than 2 years. Rapid growth was evident during the first spring in P. marmoratus and A. boyeri and during the first summer, early autumn in S. aegyptia and A. dispar . The relative abundance of each food item in the diet varied with fish size and season. S. aegyptia, P. marmoratus and A. dispar fed mostly on harpacticoid copepods, polychaetes, demersal eggs, diatoms and blue-green algae whereas A. boyeri fed mostly on planktonic copepods. The warm water species are summer spawners, whereas the temperate species are autumn-winter spawners.  相似文献   

The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 caused a migration generally from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, rarely the opposite direction, and 63 lessepsian fish species penetrated into the Mediterranean by way of this canal. These species usually spread northward and most of them can establish wide populations in this area, but some of them can not be successful with respect to establishment. Thus, it is clearly seen that there are a lot of factors influencing the success of species with respect to migration, spreading and establishment. So, the lessepsian migration has been formed by the effects of these factors. Lessepsian species also have the ability to adapt to the ecological conditions of their new environment. Therefore, the influential factors, their effectiveness and the observed changes in lessepsian species due to the effects of these factors have been discussed by considering fishes in this paper.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of Lessepsian migration has stimulated the interest of biologists ever since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, concerning, in particular, the possible effects of migrants on Mediterranean autochthonous communities. So far, most attention has been devoted to macrofaunal taxa - yet, the nature of the sandy shores of the Canal may constitute an ideal habitat for many interstitial taxa. However, studies on these organisms, and especially on “inconspicuous” taxa, such as the microturbellaria, are almost completely lacking. A recent sampling campaign along the shores of the Suez Canal, aimed at studying the composition and distribution of free-living Platyhelminthes in the area, potential invaders of the Mediterranean Sea, revealed the occurrence of the interstitial species Minona ileanae (Neoophora: Proseriata), first described on specimens collected in the Gulf of Eilat-Aqaba (Red Sea). The presence of a significant population of this species in the Suez area, a possible source of colonizers of the Canal, allowed comparison between its genetic pattern and those obtained from three populations collected in the Canal. Their genetic structure was surveyed by means of ISSR (Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat) molecular markers. UPGMA cluster analysis based on the matrix of interindividual dissimilarity (1-relatedness) and the assignment test revealed sharp genetic divergence among the four samples with a highly significant FST value (0.155, P < 0.001). The significant genetic differentiation may be related to a post-1869 colonisation of the Canal with swift genetic divergence, due to either different pressure selection of the habitats and/or the short life cycle of M. ileanae, or, more convincingly, to an early migration to the Isthmus in pre-Lessepsian periods, during i) the Last Interglacial Optimum, ii) the Holocene Climatic Optimum, or iii) across the artificial waterways built by the ancient Egyptians from the 13th century B.C. onwards. The remarkable tolerance shown in laboratory of the species to salinity values ranging from as low as 10‰ to 80‰ supports the possibility that M. ileanae may have survived in the water bodies of the Isthmus in pre-Lessepsian times.  相似文献   

A simple population dynamics model was constructed to simulate temporal variability in the biomass of a dominant copepod Calanoides carinatus (Copepoda: Calanoida) along the West Coast region of South Africa. Calanoides carinatus is extensively preyed upon by the commercially important anchovy Engraulis capensis, thus variability in zooplankton production may serve as a useful predictor of variability in anchovy recruitment levels. The model developed here circumvents the need to include a large number of parameters because it uses satellite-derived estimates of chlorophyll a concentration and sea surface temperature as primary inputs. Abundance estimates necessary to initialize the model are readily obtainable from biannual research cruises. The model successfully simulates observed features of a copepod population's response to pulses of upwelling and is robust with respect to most of its parameters because minor changes in their values result in predictable changes in model output. The model showed greatest sensitivity to parameters that are difficult to determine empirically, such as predator-induced mortality rates. Gaps in our present understanding of the nature and scale of processes affecting copepod egg abundance, survival and viability in the southern Benguela system were identified as the dominant impediment to simulating copepod population dynamics in the region.   相似文献   

横断山南段复杂的地形地貌和多样的气候环境造就了高度丰富的植被多样性。这种植被多样性的演化与形成是植物学、生态学等领域共同关注的科学问题, 而植物化石是回答这一科学问题的重要媒介。本文基于横断山南段的9个上新世化石植物群, 根据其植物组成和优势成分, 分析其所代表的植被类型, 总结了该地区上新世的植被多样性与空间分布, 并结合古环境研究资料, 探讨该地区植被多样性的兴起, 植被分布格局的形成, 及其与环境变迁之间的关联。结果显示, 横断山南段在上新世时期已经具有了多种植被类型, 包括亚热带常绿阔叶林、亚热带落叶阔叶林、硬叶常绿阔叶林、针阔叶混交林、灌丛草地等, 体现了丰富的植被多样性; 植被类型从南面的偏热性植被向北面的偏温性植被逐渐转变, 反映了当时随纬度变化的海拔梯度, 植被类型与分布呈现出与现在高度相似的格局。同时, 小范围内也具有适应于不同气候的植被类型, 反映了当地较大的海拔落差, 可能与高大山体的存在有着密切关联。我们推测, 横断山南段现在丰富的植被多样性和随纬度变化的植被面貌最晚在上新世就已基本形成, 但形成时间是否更早则需要更多、更老化石植物群的发现与研究。  相似文献   

Mycoplasm-like organisms were found in taiga podzolic soils of the South Irtish region. They were detected in close contact with soil bacteria more ofter than in a free state. The mycoplasm-like organisms either were absorbed on the bacterial cell walls or grew inside the cytoplasm as filamentous forms; sometimes they filled the whole inner space of the cells, disrupted the cell wall, and were liberated into the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

A reproductive biology study of the spider crab Schizophrys aspera (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) was conducted in the Suez Canal from July 2012 to June 2013. The annual sex ratio (Male:Female) of S. aspera was female biased with values of 1:1.25. Out of the four ovarian development stages of this crab, two stages were observed in the Suez Canal throughout the whole year. The ovigerous crab’s carapace width varied from 28 to 52 mm. This crab species can spawn during most of the year in the canal water, with a peak during late spring and early winter. The fecundity of ovigerous females ranged between 2349 and 13600 eggs with a mean of 5494 ± 1486 eggs. Female crabs that reached sexual maturity exhibited a minimum carapace width varying between 22 and 46 mm, and fifty percentage of all ovigerous females showed a carapace width of 36 mm.  相似文献   

On the west coast of Baja California, Nyctiphanes simplex isby far the most abundant euphausiid species. To determine itsimportance in terms of growth production (Pg), and its relationto physical changes in the southern region of the CaliforniaCurrent System, a survey was made along the Baja Californiapeninsula including intensive sampling areas on BahíaVizcaíno, south of Punta Abreojos and in front of BahíaMagdalena during February 1994. The results show high valuesfor zooplanktonic volumes, chlorophyll a concentrations, andabundance of N. simplex along the peninsula associated to inshoreareas from Bahía Vizcaíno to the Golfo de Ulloa.Daily N. simplex growth production (Pg) values in BahíaVizcaíno and South Punta Abreojos were 0.215 and 0.440mg dw m-3 day -1respectively. In Bahía Magdalena thePg value (0.014 mg dw m-3 day -1) was lower. Larvae (organisms  相似文献   

We examined general and family-specific patterns of vascular plant richness along a large elevational gradient (0?C3,670?m a.s.l.), assessed the continuity of these patterns and analysed their potential underlying causes in a high diversity region of the Sierra Madre del Sur, Oaxaca, Mexico. We used a vascular plant database constructed previously. The gradient was divided into 18 200-m elevation belts. To examine elevational patterns of richness, we used both observed and estimated (interpolated) species richness, as well as genus and family observed richness, for each belt. A generalised linear model (GLM) was used to assess the effect of altitude on area-corrected species richness (standard area?=?100?km2), and a numerical classification of the elevational belts based on species richness was performed. Overall, richness at the three taxonomic levels decreased with elevation, but some individual families departed from this pattern. A sharp drop in species richness was observed at 1,800?m, and the dendrogram separated two elevational floristic groups at this elevation. The GLM revealed a significant negative effect of elevation on species richness. Despite this overall decreasing pattern for vascular plants along this extensive gradient, an examination of some family-specific patterns revealed the existence of other elevation?Cdiversity relationships, indicating taxon-specific responses to elevation. The most noticeable discontinuity in species richness, at ca. 1,800?m, is likely related to a critical temperature isocline.  相似文献   

Lake Timsah is considered as the biggest water body at Ismailia City with a surface area of 14?km2. It is a saline shallow water basin lies approximately mid-way between the south city of Suez and the north city of Port Said at 30o35′46.55“N and 32o19′30.54″E. Because it receives water with high and low salinities, salinity stratification is producing in the Lake Timsah, with values of 14–40‰ for the surface water and over 40‰ for the bottom water. The temperature of the lake water decreased to below 19 °C in the winter and rose to above 29?°C in the summer; the concentration of dissolved oxygen ranged between 6.5 and 12.2?l?1 and the pH fluctuated between 7.9 in its lower value and 8.2 in its higher value. Water transparency was very low as indicated by Secchi disc readings recorded during this study and varied between 0.3 and 2.7?m. The main chemical nutrient (phosphorus) reached its highest levels of 96?µg?l?1 in winter and their lowest values of 24?µg?l?1 during summer. This nutrient concentration is high especially by comparing with those of unpolluted marine waters, but is typical of the more eutrophic coastal waters worldwide. The composition and abundance of phytoplankton with dominancy of diatoms and increased population density (20,986 cell l?1) reflect the eutrophic condition of the lake. The intensive growth of phytoplankton was enriched by high concentration of chlorophyll a with annual values ranged between 6.5 and 56?µg?l?1. The objective of the present work was quantitative assessment of the quality of the water of the Lake Timsah using different approaches. During the present study, three different approaches were applied for the quantitative assessment of Lake Timsah water quality: the trophic state index (TST); trophic level index (TLI) and water quality index (WQI). Application of the trophic state and trophic level indices (TSI & TLI) revealed that the Lake Timsah has trophic indices of 60 and 5.2 for TSI and TLI, respectively. Both indices reflected the eutrophic condition of the lake waters and confirmed that the eutrophication is a major threat in the Lake Timsah. On the other hand, the WQI calculated for the Lake Timsah during the present study with an average of 49 demonstrated that the water of the Lake Timsah is bad and unsuitable for main and/or several uses. Moreover, WQI allows accounting for several water resource uses and can serve a more robust than TSI and/or TLI and can be used effectively as a comprehensive tool for water quality quantification. In conclusion, the three subjective indices used for the assessment process for the lake water are more suitable and effective for needs of the sustainable water resources protection and management of the Lake Timsah.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the Red Sea goby Silhouettea aegyptia , and Mediterranean Pomatoschistus marmoratus , has been studied in Lake Timsah, Suez Canal. Male: female sex ratio was 1: 1 7 in S. aegyptia and 1: 2 7 in P. marmoratus . Size at first maturity was 20 mm ( s.l. ) in S. aegyptia and 24 mm in P. marmoratus . The breeding season of S. aegyptia extended from March to September with most gonadal activity in May, whereas in P. marmoratus , it stretched from. November until the following April with a peak in February. Hepatosomatic index for both species exhibited monthly fluctuations and an inverse correlation with gonadosomatic index was evident. Oocyte size-frequency distribution indicated several modes at 400, 600 and 800 μm during the breeding season. Fecundity of S. aegyptia ranged from 152 to 782 with an average of 468 eggs, whereas in P. marmoratus it varied between 293 and 1300 with an average of 603 eggs. Fecundity was related curvilinearly to fish length, body weight and ovary weight. Recruitment of young fish to the adult populations occurred in late July and early August for S. aegyptia and during March for P. marmoratus . Life history pattern indicated that both species of gobies are successful colonists of Lake Timsah, Suez Canal.  相似文献   

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