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Relative pollen and ovule production in the genera of the legume tribeTrifolieae is explored particularly as to howMedicago with its explosive pollination mechanism compares with its allies.Medicago produces much larger, although much fewer pollen per ovule than the other five genera in the tribe; this is interpreted as a consequence of its highly specialized, irreversible pollination mechanism, which allows only one effective exchange of pollen with pollinators.Melilotus andTrifolium produce a comparatively large quantity of pollen; this can be related to their floral characteristics requiring abundant pollen to achieve fertilization. InMedicago andTrigonella, annuals convert a higher proportion of pollen grains and ovules into seeds than perennials.  相似文献   

TheVicia sativa aggregate contains plants with different chromosome numbers karyotypes; they are still cross-compatible and have partially fertile F1-hybrids. There is also wide adaptive radiation and geographic distribution. The seed protein profiles ofV. sativa agg. are remarkably variable but no band or bands could be related to a specific karyotype, chromosome number or taxon, and variation within and between karyotypes are of the same magnitude. It is suggested that variation in the seed proteins ofV. sativa agg. might be an important agent for acquiring ecological flexibility, and that it is probably enhanced by interkaryotypic hybridization.  相似文献   

Populations of the annualPhaseolus sublobatus from different ecogeographical zones are genetically differentiated. In twelve populations from the western ghats (Maharashtra range) chasmogamous flowers are arranged in peduncled capitate racemes borne in leaf axils of higher nodes. One population (Poona Race S4) has additional inflorescences, also with chasmogamous flowers, on the main axis between the cotyledonary node and the ground. When the pods of these flowers ripen, the inflorescence gradually coils and, eventually, gets bury the fruits in the soil. This phenomenon is not known in any other plant.—The seed-coat patterns as revealed by SEM, and germination behaviour of both aerial and subterranean seeds are similar, and both types of seeds lack dormancy.—Heavy seed predation selection pressure is probably the principal cause for the evolution of fruit dimorphism inP. sublobatus. The origin of geocarpy in relation to fruit dimorphism and seed predation is discussed.  相似文献   

The serological reaction of seed proteins provides evidence for a partly new systematic arrangement ofCytisus sect.Trianthocytisus and ofCytisus s.l. Proposed modifications agree with recent advances in morphological taxonomy. Sect.Trianthocytisus includes only two species,C. villosus andC. aeolicus. Its position is central within the genus, and this fact agrees with the proposed retypification ofCytisus (type species:C. villosus).C. emeriflorus, formerly included in the same section, constitutes the monospecific sect.Emeroides, which is intermediate towards the genusLembotropis. This is serologically isolated and includes onlyL. nigricans. It is confirmed thatC. sessilifolius should be removed from the genusCytisus as a monospecific genus:Cytisophyllum Lang which is closely allied toHesperolaburnum and toPodocytisus, the most primitive genera ofGenisteae.  相似文献   

Vicia sativa L. s. l. is presented as a variable complex consisting of 7 subspecies, including wild types, weedy races and cultivated derivatives. The group is characterized by: (a) Decreasing aneuploid (dysploid) chromosome series (2n = 14 12 10,); (b) wide variation in karyotypes; (c) pronounced weediness and colonization of disturbed habitats; (d) cohabitation of several forms; (e) intergradations between the main morphological types; (f) predominance of self-pollination; (g) lack of full sterility between the main chromosome types. Plants with different chromosome numbers or different karyotypes are loosely interconnected by occasional hybridization, particularly in disturbed habitats. Colonization appears to be associated with reticulate evolution and the recombination of previously separated gene pools. The wide karyotypic polymorphism characteristic for this complex is interpreted as a result of such relatively recent processes.  相似文献   

The immunological comparison of the seed reserve proteins suggests thatLupinus is a natural genus, the American and the Euro-African species belonging to the same stock. Among the Lupines of the Old World, the smooth-seeded and the rough-seeded species from two natural segregates. The genusLupinus is serologically related to the rest of theGenisteae and to the AsiaticSophoreae rather than to AmericanSophoreae andThermopsideae. The data suggest thatLupinus may have originated with the remainder of theGenisteae from primitiveSophoreae of temperate-subtropical Asia. America and the Mediterranean-African region are regarded as secondary centres of speciation.  相似文献   

Lupinus pilosus Murr. andL. palaestinus Boiss., are both East Mediterranean annuals, greatly resemble each other in morphology, and have the same chromosome number (2n = 42). Some fertile hybrids can be formed by artificial hybridization or under unusual habitat conditions. Isolation in nature between the species is, however, maintained by prevalent selfing, partial reproductive barriers and genic imbalance, together with differences in ecological requirements. It is suggested that this speciation pattern which includes little morphological and hardly any chromosomal divergence might have occurred in other cases of edaphic vicariants too.  相似文献   

Medicago intertexta andM. ciliaris have been controversially recognized as separate species. The only reliable diagnostic character, gland-tipped trichomes on the fruits inM. ciliaris, is controlled by presence of a single dominant allele, and such one-character taxonomies are debatable. Contributing to the difficulty,M. muricoleptis andM. granadensis, the other two species ofMedicago sectionSpirocarpos subsectionIntertextae, are sometimes confusingly similar toM. intertexta or to each other. Allozyme differences provided 95% verification of the suitability of the gland-tipped trichome character for separatingM. intertexta andM. ciliaris, thus corroborating their recognition as separate taxa. Several measures of allozyme variation indicated thatM. intertexta is more polymorphic than its sister species. Heterozygosity was also highest inM. intertexta, suggestive of a higher outcrossing rate, which is also consistent with larger floral size. Heterozygosity ofM. intertexta was concentrated in Sicily and nearby countries. Taxonomic difficulties in identifying SicilianM. intertexta are well known, and may be the result of interspecific hybridization and introgression.Medicago muricoleptis differed from the above two species in the frequency of several alleles, whileM. granadensis possessed numerous unique alleles consistent with its complete absence of genetic exchange with the other three substantially interfertile species.  相似文献   

In alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), plastids are inherited biparentally. Patterns of plastid transmission vary according to the genotypes involved, but there is a strong bias in favor of male plastid transmission. Previous cytological studies on the male gametophyte of this species have not provided an adequate explanation for the differences in plastid transmission frequencies among genotypes. In the present study, we compared egg cells from genotypes classified as strong or weak plastid transmitters to determine whether plastid transmission strength is correlated with egg cell structure before fertilization. We found that plastids in the mature egg cells of the strong female (genotype 6–4) are significantly larger than in mature eggs of the weak female (genotype CUF-B), and that significantly more plastids are positioned in the apical portion of the mature egg cell of genotype 6–4 than in CUF-B. Immature eggs in the two genotypes show the same pattern as mature eggs with regard to plastid number and polarization. Since only the apical portion of the egg cell/zygote gives rise to the functional embryo, these results indicate that the potential input of female plastids, in terms of plastid size and number, may be an important factor in determining the inheritance patterns of these organelles in alfalfa.Support for this work by the United States Department of Agriculture under grant 88-37234-3876, the National Science Foundation under grant DCB-9103658, the Organized Research Fund of Northern Arizona University, and the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station is gratefully acknowledged. We are indebted to Dr. Craig Caldwell, Northern Arizona University Computer Visualization Laboratory, for his expert help with the computer graphics.  相似文献   

We studied the biology and floral rewards of 34 taxa ofGenisteae from the SW of Europe. Most of the floral attributes show a statistically significant direct relationship. Anther biomass of the lower whorl (lW) is significantly lower than that of the upper whorl (uW), and the ratio of the two (Rv) differs among the taxa. All taxa are polliniferous, andRetama sphaerocarpa also secretes nectar. They can be considered xenogamous or facultative xenogams on the basis of their high pollen/ovule (P/O) ratios. Three principal mechanisms of pollen releasing are identified in this tribe: valvular, pump and explosive; the latter comprises specialized and nonspecialized subtypes. Pollination is sternotribic except in the specialized explosive mechanism, in which it is noto-sternotribic. Thus some pollen serves as food (pollen from the uW, which adheres to the ventral surface of the insect) and part of the pollen fulfils a polliniferous function (pollen from the lW, which adheres to the dorsal surface). Species that use a pump mechanism have very low Rv values (Rv=0.08–0.26); species with valvular or nonspecialized explosive mechanisms have Rv values between 0.24 and 0.58; those with a specialized mechanism of pollen presentation have high Rv values (0.6–0.76). In contrast to expectations, the highest P/O ratios appear in the specialized explosive system, which allows a single visit from the insect.  相似文献   

Phylogenies of Old WorldTrifolium species were constructed using nucleotide sequence data of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA restriction site data from PCR-amplified genes and genic regions (rbcL,trnK, andrpoC1–C2). Biogeography, morphological evolution, and the existing classification forTrifolium were examined. The genusTrifolium is strongly supported as monophyletic, however, only one small section (Chronosemium) is monophyletic, although the data are in conflict regarding its placement. The two largest sections of the genus, Sects.Lotoidea andTrifolium, are not supported as monophyletic, as currently circumscribed. Many members of Sect.Lotoidea are basal within the genus, supporting previously-proposed hypotheses concerning plesiomorphic morphological characters and a Mediterranean-Mideast biogeographic origin of the genus.  相似文献   

4C DNA values have been estimated in 16 cultivars ofCajanus cajan by cytophotometry. The values range between 6.19 pg to 7.97 pg, a 23.6% variation. The cultivars form four groups which differ significantly from each other but have insignificant difference within them. The implications of this variability with respect to the heterogeneity and origin of this legume crop are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species,Lotus digii, has been found in Morocco growing on the coastal sandy soils. Further localities are from Algeria and Egypt. It should be expected also in Libya.  相似文献   

A recent investigation of genome size in certain samples of the pigeonpea,Cajanus cajan, indicates values from 1.55 pg to 1.99 pg (1C level), which is 1.29-fold variation between accessions. In the present analysis those of these accessions which had particularly high or low DNA contents in that study were subjected to a reanalysis using propidium iodide and DAPI flow cytometry and Feulgen densitometry. Only minor differences in genome size, not more than 1.047-fold, were found with flow cytometry, and no significant differences were obtained with Feulgen densitometry. The previously reported genome size cannot be confirmed. It is about half as large and was determined in the present study as 0.825 pg (1C, propidium iodide flow cytometry,Glycine max as standard) and 0.853 pg (1C, Feulgen densitometry,Allium cepa andPisum sativum as standards), respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic variation inPhaseolus lunatus (Lima bean) was investigated at isozyme and DNA levels. Sixty cultivated accessions, including representatives of the Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools and intermediate types, were analyzed for variability at 17 isozyme loci. Some accessions were also examined for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the rDNA level. These data were used to construct two dendrograms showing clear separation in two distinct groups corresponding to each of the gene pools and an intermediate one probably representing a transitional group.  相似文献   

R. C. Woodruff 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):143-154
As an initial study of the influence of transposable DNA elements on life history traits, and as a model system for estimating the impact of somatic genetic damage on longevity, the effect of P DNA element movement in somatic cells on adult lifespan was measured in Drosophila melanogaster males. Lifespan was significantly reduced in males that contained the somatically active P[ry+ 2–3](99B) element and 17, 4, 3, but not just a single P element. Furthermore, there appears to be a direct correlation between the number of transposing P elements and the amount of lifespan reduction. This reduction in lifespan observed in males with somatically active P elements is probably due to genetic damage in embryos, larvae and pupae from P-element excisions and insertions, leading to changes in gene structure and regulation, chromosome breakage, and subsequent cell death in adults. This hypothesis is supported in this study by a significant increase in recessive sex-linked lethal mutations in the same males that had reduced lifespans and by the previous observation of chromosome breakage in somatic cells of similar males. The evolutionary implications of these results are discussed, including the possible influence of somatic DNA transpositions on fitness and other life history traits.  相似文献   

A study of the phenolic compounds of the closely related papilionoid tribes,Podalyrieae andLiparieae, proved that the flavonoid patterns of hydrolysed seed extracts are remarkably conservative. Butin (7, 3, 4-trihydroxyflavanone), 3-hydroxydaidzein (7, 3, 4-trihydroxyisoflavone), vicenin-2 (6, 8-di--D-glucopyranosyl-5, 7, 4-trihydroxyflavone) and orobol (5, 7, 3, 4-tetrahydroxyisoflavone) were isolated and identified as the major flavonoids. The seeds ofAmphithalea, Coelidium, Liparia, Xiphotheca, Calpurnia, Stirtonanthus andPodalyria accumulated three isoflavone O-glycosides that yielded 3-hydroxydaidzein on hydrolysis. In contrast,Virgilia contained a unique combination of vicenin-2 and orobol. Vicenin-2 was also present inCalpurnia as a major compound, butStirtonanthus insignis was the only other species studied that contained orobol (in trace amounts only). Butein, a chalcone, was reported byHarborne from the seed ofCyclopia subternata. This compound's flavanone analog, butin, was the principal component inCyclopia. A cladistic analysis, using flavonoid, alkaloid and morphological data, showed that the seed flavonoids of thePodalyrieae andLiparieae behave rather poorly as cladistic characters. They are, however, of considerable taxonomic value at the tribal level favouring the opinion that the two tribes should be combined. The apparent absence of flavonoids in the seed ofHypocalyptus supports the suggestion that it should be excluded from theLiparieae. Flavonoids also show that theArgyrolobium-group is very different from the tribeCrotalarieae and support the recent transfer of this group to the tribeGenisteae.  相似文献   

Summary Life table experiments were conducted on the generalist suspension feeder Daphnia galeata, using as food the two green algae (Chlorophyta) Scenedesmus acutus and Oocystis lacustris. Oocystis was hypothesized to be a lower quality food because it is convered with a thick sheath, believed to reduce digestibility. Results showed that Oocystis is a lower quality food for Daphnia, but only at relatively low food concentrations (0.15 mg C/L) and not at higher concentrations (1.0 mg C/L). At 0.15 mg C/L, Daphnia intrinsic rate of increase (r) when grown on Oocystis was only half that when grown on Scenedesmus. Daphnia r was similar at 0.15 mg C/L Oocystis and 0.075 mg C/L Scenedesmus, indicating that Daphnia requires twice as much Oocystis as Scenedesmus to achieve the same fitness. Intrinsic rate of increase was lower on Oocystis mainly because age at first reproduction was greatly delayed compared to that on Scenedesmus (13.6 vs 7.3 d). In addition, juvenile growth and survivorship were reduced on Oocystis compared with Scenedesmus. Clutch sizes were similar on the two foods, indicating that once individuals reached adulthood, the two foods were similar in quality. In contrast, at high food concentrations (1.0 mg C/L), the two algae were similar in quality for both juveniles and adults, and r was not significantly different on the two foods. Ingestion and assimilation rate experiments whowed that Daphnia consumes the two algae at identical rates, and that adults assimilate the two algae at similar rates. However, juveniles assimilate Oocystis at much lower rates than Scenedesmus, possibly accounting for reduced juvenile growth and delay in age at maturity at low concentrations. Thus, Daphnia exhibits an ontogenetic shift in its ability to utilize Oocystis, and this can result in juvenile bottlenecks in which survival and growth of young age classes are of critical importance in determining population dynamics. Because food quality effects were manifested primarily in juveniles and at low concentrations, food quality effects in nature will depend on phytoplankton abundance and age-structure of Daphnia populations.  相似文献   

The six species of the sectionFoenum-graecum ofTrigonella have the same chromosome number, 2n = 16.T. gladiata andT. cariensis have fairly symmetrical karyotypes, while those ofT. foenum-graecum, T. berythea, T. macrorrhyncha andT. cassia are asymmetrical. C-bands are present in all six species but the number of bands and their positive vary considerably among the species. The karyotype evidence suggests that none of the available species of theFoenum-graecum section can be considered as the wild progenitor of fenugreek.  相似文献   

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