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The differential ability of forest herbs to colonize secondary forests on former agricultural land is generally attributed to different rates of dispersal. After propagule arrival, however, establishing individuals still have to cope with abiotic soil legacies from former agricultural land use. We focused on the plastic responses of forest herbs to increased phosphorus availability, as phosphorus is commonly found to be persistently bioavailable in post-agricultural forest soils. In a pot experiment performed under field conditions, we applied three P levels to four forest herbs with contrasting colonization capacities: Anemone nemorosa, Primula elatior, Circaea lutetiana and Geum urbanum. To test interactions with light availability, half of the replicas were covered with shade cloths. After two growing seasons, we measured aboveground P uptake as well as vegetative and regenerative performance. We hypothesized that fast-colonizing species respond the most opportunistically to increased P availability, and that a low light availability can mask the effects of P on performance. All species showed a significant increase in P uptake in the aboveground biomass. The addition of P had a positive effect on the vegetative performances of two of the species, although this was unrelated to their colonization capacities. The regenerative performance was affected by light availability (not by P addition) and was related to the species’ phenology. Forest herbs can obviously benefit from the increased availability of P in post-agricultural forests, but not all species respond in the same way. Such differential patterns of plasticity may be important in community dynamics, as they affect the interactions among species.  相似文献   

Our understanding of plant growth in response to nitrogen (N) supply is mainly based on studies of mutants and transformants. This study explored the natural variability of Arabidopsis thaliana first to find out its global response to N availability and secondly to characterize the plasticity for growth and N metabolism among 23 genetically distant accessions under normal (N+), limited (N-), and starved (N0) N supplies. Plant growth was estimated by eight morphological traits characterizing shoot and root growth and 10 metabolic parameters that represented N and carbon metabolism. Most of the studied traits showed a large variation linked to genotype and nutrition. Furthermore, Arabidopsis growth was coordinated by master traits such as the shoot to root ratio of nitrate content in N+, root fresh matter and root amino acids in N-, and shoot fresh matter together with root thickness in N0. The 23 accessions could be gathered into four different groups, according to their growth in N+, N-, and N0. Phenotypic profiling characterized four different adaptative responses to N- and N0. Class 1 tolerated N limitation with the smallest decrease in shoot and root biomass compared with N+, while class 2 presented the highest resistance to N starvation by preferential increased root growth, huge starch accumulation, and high shoot nitrate content. In contrast, class 3 plants could tolerate neither N limitation nor N starvation. Small plants of class 4 were different, with shoot biomass barely affected in N- and root biomass unaffected in N0.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD), which hydrolyses phospholipids to produce phosphatidic acid, has been implicated in plant response to macronutrient availability in Arabidopsis. This study investigated the effect of increased PLDε expression on nitrogen utilization in Brassica napus to explore the application of PLDε manipulation to crop improvement. In addition, changes in membrane lipid species in response to nitrogen availability were determined in the oil seed crop. Multiple PLDε over expression (PLDεOE) lines displayed enhanced biomass accumulation under nitrogen‐deficient and nitrogen‐replete conditions. PLDεOE plants in the field produced more seeds than wild‐type plants but have no impact on seed oil content. Compared with wild‐type plants, PLDε‐OE plants were enhanced in nitrate transporter expression, uptake and reduction, whereas the activity of nitrite reductase was higher under nitrogen‐depleted, but not at nitrogen‐replete conditions. The level of nitrogen altered membrane glycerolipid metabolism, with greater impacts on young than mature leaves. The data indicate increased expression of PLDε has the potential to improve crop plant growth and production under nitrogen‐depleted and nitrogen‐replete conditions.  相似文献   

This work describes a regulatory network of Pseudomonas putida controlled in response to nitrogen availability. We define NtrC as the master nitrogen regulator and suggest that it not only activates pathways for the assimilation of alternative nitrogen sources but also represses carbon catabolism under nitrogen-limited conditions, possibly to prevent excessive carbon and energy flow in the cell.  相似文献   

Spatial variations in nitrogen availability were studied in a desert community codominated byLarrea tridentata (DC.) Cov. andProsopis glandulosa Torr. Measurements of natural 15N values in tissues suggested thatProsopis obtains approximately half of its nitrogen through direct symbiotic fixation. Soils were collected under 1)Prosopis shrubs, 2)Larrea shrubs 2 m fromProsopis (LP), and 3)Larrea 2 m from otherLarrea but> 5 m from the nearestProsopis (LL).Prosopis soils showed significantly higher rates of nitrogen mineralization than LL soils in both A and B horizons. Rates of mineralization in LP soils were significantly higher than rates in LL soils only in the B horizon and were not significantly different from rates inProsopis soils. Leaf nitrogen concentrations were significantly higher in LP shrubs (2.06%) than in LL shrubs (1.78%), although 15N values did not differ between the two shrub types. Nitrogen concentrations inPerezia nana Gray, a perennial herb, were greater in plants underProsopis shrubs (2.09%) than under LP shrubs (1.93%) or LL shrubs (1.67%). Despite apparent differences in nitrogen availability, biomass ofLarrea and density ofPerezia did not differ significantly among these sites.  相似文献   

Abstract In the filamentous cyanobacterium Calothrix PCC 7504, which fixes N2 aerobically, the modification state of the regulatory PII protein (GlnB) was shown to depend on nitrogen and carbon availability, as observed in the unicellular non-fixing strain Synechococcus PCC 7942. However, the conditions for modifications, the time dependence of the process and the electrophoretic behavior of the native PII isoforms differed somewhat between the two strains. In another strain, Calothrix PCC 7601, which has lost the capability to fix N2, PII was modified only if ammonia plus an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase were present. It is proposed that: (i) the behavior of the PII proteins depends upon the physiological properties of the strains; and (ii) the modification system of PII per se may differ between the two cyanobacterial genera.  相似文献   

Many workers have demonstrated a genetic basis for variation in inflorescence traits, but this variation can also have an environmental component. Because flowering can incur significant water costs, I estimated plasticity of inflorescence traits of three populations of Lobelia siphilitica in response to drought. I manipulated soil water availability in the greenhouse and measured seven inflorescence traits. Under drought conditions, plants from one population flowered later and produced fewer flowers with shorter corollas and narrower landing pads. In contrast, the height of the flowering stalk decreased in response to drought in all three populations. Consequently, pollinator-mediated natural selection on these plastic traits may depend on soil water availability. Plastic responses differed between genotypes only for the height of the flowering stalk and the length of the corolla tube and only in one or two populations. This suggests that genotype × environment interactions would not limit the evolution of inflorescence traits in L. siphilitica. The strength and sign of phenotypic correlations among inflorescence traits did not respond plastically to drought, suggesting that indirect selection on inflorescence traits of L. siphilitica will not vary strongly with water availability. My results suggest that plasticity of inflorescence traits may influence their evolution, but the effects are population- and trait-specific.  相似文献   

Recent control of atmospheric SO2 pollution is leading to important soil sulphur impoverishment. Plasticity could be a mechanism allowing species to adapt to this rapid global change. Trifolium repens L. is a key grassland species whose performances in community are strongly linked to nitrogen availability. Plasticity of three white clover lines contrasting in their ability to use atmospheric N2 or soil N was assessed by analysing a set of functional traits along a gradient of nitrogen and sulphur fertilisation applied on a poor soil. White clover traits showed high morphological and physiological plasticity. Nitrogen appeared to be the most limiting factor for the VLF (Very Low Fixation) line. S was the element that modulated the most traits for the nitrogen fixing lines NNU (Normal Nitrate Uptake) and LNU (Low Nitrate Uptake). As expected, N fertilisation inhibited white clover fixation, but we also observed that N2 fixation was enhanced when S was added. S fertilisation increased nodule length as well as the proportion of nodules containing leghaemoglobin. S fertilisation, with a direct effect and an indirect effect through N2 fixation, increases white clover performances particularly with regards to photosynthesis and potential vegetative reproduction. The important plasticity in response to S availability should allow it to adapt to a large range of abiotic conditions, but its sensitivity to S nutrition would be a disadvantage for competition in a situation of soil sulphur impoverishment. In contrast, S fertilisation could help maintain this species when nitrogen status is against it.  相似文献   

Mineral nutrients are distributed in a non-uniform manner in the soil. Plasticity in root responses to the availability of mineral nutrients is believed to be important for optimizing nutrient acquisition. The response of root architecture to heterogeneous nutrient availability has been documented in various plant species, and the molecular mechanisms coordinating these responses have been investigated particularly in Arabidopsis, a model dicotyledonous plant. Recently, progress has been made in describing the phenotypic plasticity of root architecture in maize, a monocotyledonous crop. This article reviews aspects of phenotypic plasticity of maize root system architecture, with special emphasis on describing (1) the development of its complex root system; (2) phenotypic responses in root system architecture to heterogeneous N availability; (3) the importance of phenotypic plasticity for N acquisition; (4) different regulation of root growth and nutrients uptake by shoot; and (5) root traits in maize breeding. This knowledge will inform breeding strategies for root traits enabling more efficient acquisition of soil resources and synchronizing crop growth demand, root resource acquisition and fertilizer application during crop growing season, thereby maximizing crop yields and nutrient-use efficiency and minimizing environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Krasowski  M.J.  Owens  J.N. 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):215-228
This study examined how the availability of inorganic nitrogen (N) modified the anatomical characteristics of white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) roots related to their hydraulic properties. Seedlings were grown for one growing season in 4 L capacity pots filled with sand under one of three N levels: low (10 ppm), medium (50 ppm) and high (125 ppm). First order lateral roots with intact tips were sampled from dormant seedlings in October. Root segments were collected from 4, 10, and 14 cm distances above the root tip for fixation and sectioning and for maceration. Additional specimens were collected from the 4 and 14 cm distances for maceration and scanning electron microscopy of xylem pits. Root diameter and surface area occupied by the xylem in root cross sections increased basipetally in all treatments but exceptions were found. Higher N-levels significantly increased root diameter and surface area occupied by the xylem. In the two higher N treatments secondary root development was more advanced near the root tip than in the low N treatment. There was a strong positive correlation between root diameter and cross-sectional root area occupied by the xylem (30–50% of the root cross section) but not in portions with little secondary development. Non-conducting space within the xylem occupied 10–13% of its cross-sectional surface. Tracheids of the primary xylem were larger, had larger lumens but thinner cell walls than those of the secondary xylem. Low N treatment seedling tracheids had smaller total cross-sectional area, less lumen, and less cell wall surface area than the two other N treatments. Tracheid diameter means were between 19–20 μm in the high and medium N treatments, and 15.2 μm in the low N treatment. The range was 4.5–51.3 μm. Tracheid length was not significantly affected by N. The average tracheid was about 1000 μm long, and the range was 110–3530 μm. Pit-border diameters ranged between 4.1–20.6 μm (average 10–11 μm) and were not affected by the N treatment. Pit aperture diameters were within 0.62–10.2 μm range (average between 3–4 μm) and were also not significantly affected by the N treatment, although tracheids from the medium N-treatment roots tended to have larger apertures. The pit border diameter equals that of the margo while the aperture size should be similar to that of the torus of the pit membrane. If the capacity for axial water transport in spruce roots is affected by N, it would be by its impact on conduit diameter and, possibly on the pit-membrane pore sizes but not by changes to conduit length and to the size of the pit membrane surface area. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of cellulose contributes greatly to the cycling of carbon in terrestrial environments and feedbacks to the atmosphere, a process that is highly responsive to nitrogen inputs. Yet how key groups of cellulolytic microorganisms adaptively respond to the global conditions of nitrogen limitation and/or anthropogenic or climate nitrogen inputs is poorly understood. The actinobacterial genus Cellulomonas is of special interest because it incorporates the only species known to degrade cellulose aerobically and anaerobically. Furthermore, despite their inability to fix nitrogen, they are active decomposers in nitrogen-limited environments. Here we show that nitrogen limitation induced biofilm formation in Cellulomonas spp., a process that was coupled to carbon sequestration and storage in a curdlan-type biofilm matrix. The response was reversible and the curdlan matrix was solubilized and used as a carbon and energy source for biofilm dispersal once nitrogen sources became available. The biofilms attached strongly to cellulosic surfaces and, despite the growth limitation, produced cellulases and degraded cellulose more efficiently. The results show that biofilm formation is a competitive strategy for carbon and nitrogen acquisition and provide valuable insights linking nitrogen inputs to carbon sequestration and remobilization in terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess the effect of phosphorus (P) supplementation and water availability on incidence of nodulation and nitrogen (N) fixation by Cercocarpus betuloides seedlings. Phosphorus supplementation resulted in a two-fold increase in shoot and total dry matter of seedlings grown in a P-deficient soil. Seedlings grown in P-supplemented soil supported a larger number (4.8 vs. 0.3) and fresh mass (0.179 vs. 0.009 g) of nodules than did controls. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction), N concentration and N accretion were greater for seedlings grown in P-amended soil than for controls.Seedlings were grown at four soil water potentials –0.1, –0.2, –0.4, and –0.7 MPa for 214 days. Biomass production, nodulation, acetylene reduction activity and N accretion were greatest at –0.2 MPa and declined at higher and lower soil water potentials. Independently-measured dependent variables were highly correlated, suggesting that water availability was influencing a primary plant process, most likely photosynthesis, on which other plant processes are dependent.  相似文献   

de Vries  Franciska T.  Brown  Caley  Stevens  Carly J. 《Plant and Soil》2016,409(1-2):297-312
Plant and Soil - Root traits are increasingly used to predict how plants modify soil processes. Here, we assessed how drought-induced changes in root systems of four common grassland species...  相似文献   

Summary The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on seed yield and seed nutrient content inPisum sativum L. cv Sprite were studied. In the first experiment (spring-sown) seed yield was increased by 55% due to the combined effect of high nitrogen and phosphorus, although in subsequent experiments (during the summer) nitrogen had no effect on seed yield, and a response to phosphorus was obtained in only one of two experiments. In all experiments, increased plant nitrogen and phosphorus supply resulted in increased concentration of the respective element in the seed.  相似文献   

Plants subjected to increases in the supply of resource(s) limiting growth may allocate more of those resources to existing leaves, increasing photosynthetic capacity, and/or to production of more leaves, increasing whole-plant photosynthesis. The responses of three populations of the alpine willow, Salix glauca, growing along an alpine topographic sequence representing a gradient in soil moisture and organic matter, and thus potential N supply, to N amendments, were measured over two growing seasons, to elucidate patterns of leaf versus shoot photosynthetic responses. Leaf-(foliar N, photosynthesis rates, photosynthetic N-use efficiency) and shoot-(leaf area per shoot, number of leaves per shoot, stem weight, N resorption efficiency) level measurements were made to examine the spatial and temporal variation in these potential responses to increased N availability. The predominant response of the willows to N fertilization was at the shoot-level, by production of greater leaf area per shoot. Greater leaf area occurred due to production of larger leaves in both years of the experiment and to production of more leaves during the second year of fertilization treatment. Significant leaflevel photosynthetic response occurred only during the first year of treatment, and only in the dry meadow population. Variation in photosynthesis rates was related more to variation in stomatal conductance than to foliar N concentration. Stomatal conductance in turn was significantly related to N fertilization. Differences among the populations in photosynthesis, foliar N, leaf production, and responses to N fertilization indicate N availability may be lowest in the dry meadow population, and highest in the ridge population. This result is contrary to the hypothesis that a gradient of plant available N corresponds with a snowpack/topographic gradient.  相似文献   

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