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Encoding features of spatiotemporally varying stimuli is quite important for understanding the neural mechanisms of various sensory coding. Temporal coding can encode features of time-varying stimulus, and population coding with temporal coding is adequate for encoding spatiotemporal correlation of stimulus features into spatiotemporal activity of neurons. However, little is known about how spatiotemporal features of stimulus are encoded by spatiotemporal property of neural activity. To address this issue, we propose here a population coding with burst spikes, called here spatiotemporal burst (STB) coding. In STB coding, the temporal variation of stimuli is encoded by the precise onset timing of burst spike, and the spatiotemporal correlation of stimuli is emphasized by one specific aspect of burst firing, or spike packet followed by silent interval. To show concretely the role of STB coding, we study the electrosensory system of a weakly electric fish. Weakly electric fish must perceive the information about an object nearby by analyzing spatiotemporal modulations of electric field around it. On the basis of well-characterized circuitry, we constructed a neural network model of the electrosensory system. Here we show that STB coding encodes well the information of object distance and size by extracting the spatiotemporal correlation of the distorted electric field. The burst activity of electrosensory neurons is also affected by feedback signals through synaptic plasticity. We show that the control of burst activity caused by the synaptic plasticity leads to extracting the stimulus features depending on the stimulus context. Our results suggest that sensory systems use burst spikes as a unit of sensory coding in order to extract spatiotemporal features of stimuli from spatially distributed stimuli.  相似文献   

Sensory information about the outside world is encoded by neurons in sequences of discrete, identical pulses termed action potentials or spikes. There is persistent controversy about the extent to which the precise timing of these spikes is relevant to the function of the brain. We revisit this issue, using the motion-sensitive neurons of the fly visual system as a test case. Our experimental methods allow us to deliver more nearly natural visual stimuli, comparable to those which flies encounter in free, acrobatic flight. New mathematical methods allow us to draw more reliable conclusions about the information content of neural responses even when the set of possible responses is very large. We find that significant amounts of visual information are represented by details of the spike train at millisecond and sub-millisecond precision, even though the sensory input has a correlation time of ~55 ms; different patterns of spike timing represent distinct motion trajectories, and the absolute timing of spikes points to particular features of these trajectories with high precision. Finally, the efficiency of our entropy estimator makes it possible to uncover features of neural coding relevant for natural visual stimuli: first, the system's information transmission rate varies with natural fluctuations in light intensity, resulting from varying cloud cover, such that marginal increases in information rate thus occur even when the individual photoreceptors are counting on the order of one million photons per second. Secondly, we see that the system exploits the relatively slow dynamics of the stimulus to remove coding redundancy and so generate a more efficient neural code.  相似文献   

Recent experimental reports have suggested that cortical networks can operate in regimes were sensory information is encoded by relatively small populations of spikes and their precise relative timing. Combined with the discovery of spike timing dependent plasticity, these findings have sparked growing interest in the capabilities of neurons to encode and decode spike timing based neural representations. To address these questions, a novel family of methodologically diverse supervised learning algorithms for spiking neuron models has been developed. These models have demonstrated the high capacity of simple neural architectures to operate also beyond the regime of the well established independent rate codes and to utilize theoretical advantages of spike timing as an additional coding dimension.  相似文献   

Correlation between spike trains or neurons sometimes indicates certain neural coding rules in the visual system. In this paper, the relationship between spike timing correlation and pattern correlation is discussed, and their ability to represent stimulus features is compared to examine their coding strategies not only in individual neurons but also in population. Two kinds of stimuli, natural movies and checkerboard, are used to arouse firing activities in chicken retinal ganglion cells. The spike timing correlation and pattern correlation are calculated by cross-correlation function and Lempel–Ziv distance respectively. According to the correlation values, it is demonstrated that spike trains with similar spike patterns are not necessarily concerted in firing time. Moreover, spike pattern correlation values between individual neurons’ responses reflect the difference of natural movies and checkerboard; neurons cooperate with each other with higher pattern correlation values which represent spatiotemporal correlations during response to natural movies. Spike timing does not reflect stimulus features as obvious as spike patterns, caused by their particular coding properties or physiological foundation. As a result, separating the pattern correlation out of traditional timing correlation concept uncover additional insight in neural coding.  相似文献   

The precise timing of action potentials of sensory neurons relative to the time of stimulus presentation carries substantial sensory information that is lost or degraded when these responses are summed over longer time windows. However, it is unclear whether and how downstream networks can access information in precise time-varying neural responses. Here, we review approaches to test the hypothesis that the activity of neural populations provides the temporal reference frames needed to decode temporal spike patterns. These approaches are based on comparing the single-trial stimulus discriminability obtained from neural codes defined with respect to network-intrinsic reference frames to the discriminability obtained from codes defined relative to the experimenter''s computer clock. Application of this formalism to auditory, visual and somatosensory data shows that information carried by millisecond-scale spike times can be decoded robustly even with little or no independent external knowledge of stimulus time. In cortex, key components of such intrinsic temporal reference frames include dedicated neural populations that signal stimulus onset with reliable and precise latencies, and low-frequency oscillations that can serve as reference for partitioning extended neuronal responses into informative spike patterns.  相似文献   

Encoding synaptic inputs as a train of action potentials is a fundamental function of nerve cells. Although spike trains recorded in vivo have been shown to be highly variable, it is unclear whether variability in spike timing represents faithful encoding of temporally varying synaptic inputs or noise inherent in the spike encoding mechanism. It has been reported that spike timing variability is more pronounced for constant, unvarying inputs than for inputs with rich temporal structure. This could have significant implications for the nature of neural coding, particularly if precise timing of spikes and temporal synchrony between neurons is used to represent information in the nervous system. To study the potential functional role of spike timing variability, we estimate the fraction of spike timing variability which conveys information about the input for two types of noisy spike encoders--an integrate and fire model with randomly chosen thresholds and a model of a patch of neuronal membrane containing stochastic Na(+) and K(+) channels obeying Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics. The quality of signal encoding is assessed by reconstructing the input stimuli from the output spike trains using optimal linear mean square estimation. A comparison of the estimation performance of noisy neuronal models of spike generation enables us to assess the impact of neuronal noise on the efficacy of neural coding. The results for both models suggest that spike timing variability reduces the ability of spike trains to encode rapid time-varying stimuli. Moreover, contrary to expectations based on earlier studies, we find that the noisy spike encoding models encode slowly varying stimuli more effectively than rapidly varying ones.  相似文献   

What are the fundamental constraints on the precision and accuracy with which nervous systems can process information? One constraint must reflect the intrinsic “noisiness” of the mechanisms that transmit information between nerve cells. Most neurons transmit information through the probabilistic generation and propagation of spikes along axons, and recent modeling studies suggest that noise from spike propagation might pose a significant constraint on the rate at which information could be transmitted between neurons. However, the magnitude and functional significance of this noise source in actual cells remains poorly understood. We measured variability in conduction time along the axons of identified neurons in the cercal sensory system of the cricket Acheta domesticus, and used information theory to calculate the effects of this variability on sensory coding. We found that the variability in spike propagation speed is not large enough to constrain the accuracy of neural encoding in this system.  相似文献   

Although the timing of single spikes is known to code for time-varying features of a sensory stimulus, it remains unclear whether time is also exploited in the neuronal coding of the spatial structure of the environment, where nontemporal stimulus features are fundamental. This report demonstrates that, in the whisker representation of rat cortex, precise spike timing of single neurons increases the information transmitted about stimulus location by 44%, compared to that transmitted only by the total number of spikes. Crucial to this code is the timing of the first spike after whisker movement. Complex, single neuron spike patterns play a smaller, synergistic role. Timing permits very few spikes to transmit high quantities of information about a behaviorally significant, spatial stimulus.  相似文献   

Neural processing rests on the intracellular transformation of information as synaptic inputs are translated into action potentials. This transformation is governed by the spike threshold, which depends on the history of the membrane potential on many temporal scales. While the adaptation of the threshold after spiking activity has been addressed before both theoretically and experimentally, it has only recently been demonstrated that the subthreshold membrane state also influences the effective spike threshold. The consequences for neural computation are not well understood yet. We address this question here using neural simulations and whole cell intracellular recordings in combination with information theoretic analysis. We show that an adaptive spike threshold leads to better stimulus discrimination for tight input correlations than would be achieved otherwise, independent from whether the stimulus is encoded in the rate or pattern of action potentials. The time scales of input selectivity are jointly governed by membrane and threshold dynamics. Encoding information using adaptive thresholds further ensures robust information transmission across cortical states i.e. decoding from different states is less state dependent in the adaptive threshold case, if the decoding is performed in reference to the timing of the population response. Results from in vitro neural recordings were consistent with simulations from adaptive threshold neurons. In summary, the adaptive spike threshold reduces information loss during intracellular information transfer, improves stimulus discriminability and ensures robust decoding across membrane states in a regime of highly correlated inputs, similar to those seen in sensory nuclei during the encoding of sensory information.  相似文献   



How do neural networks encode sensory information? Following sensory stimulation, neural coding is commonly assumed to be based on neurons changing their firing rate. In contrast, both theoretical works and experiments in several sensory systems showed that neurons could encode information as coordinated cell assemblies by adjusting their spike timing and without changing their firing rate. Nevertheless, in the olfactory system, there is little experimental evidence supporting such model.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To study these issues, we implanted tetrodes in the olfactory bulb of awake mice to record the odorant-evoked activity of mitral/tufted (M/T) cells. We showed that following odorant presentation, most M/T neurons do not significantly change their firing rate over a breathing cycle but rather respond to odorant stimulation by redistributing their firing activity within respiratory cycles. In addition, we showed that sensory information can be encoded by cell assemblies composed of such neurons, thus supporting the idea that coordinated populations of globally rate-invariant neurons could be efficiently used to convey information about the odorant identity. We showed that different coding schemes can convey high amount of odorant information for specific read-out time window. Finally we showed that the optimal readout time window corresponds to the duration of gamma oscillations cycles.


We propose that odorant can be encoded by population of cells that exhibit fine temporal tuning of spiking activity while displaying weak or no firing rate change. These cell assemblies may transfer sensory information in spiking packets sequence using the gamma oscillations as a clock. This would allow the system to reach a tradeoff between rapid and accurate odorant discrimination.  相似文献   

Studies of motor control have almost universally examined firing rates to investigate how the brain shapes behavior. In principle, however, neurons could encode information through the precise temporal patterning of their spike trains as well as (or instead of) through their firing rates. Although the importance of spike timing has been demonstrated in sensory systems, it is largely unknown whether timing differences in motor areas could affect behavior. We tested the hypothesis that significant information about trial-by-trial variations in behavior is represented by spike timing in the songbird vocal motor system. We found that neurons in motor cortex convey information via spike timing far more often than via spike rate and that the amount of information conveyed at the millisecond timescale greatly exceeds the information available from spike counts. These results demonstrate that information can be represented by spike timing in motor circuits and suggest that timing variations evoke differences in behavior.  相似文献   

Neurons communicate primarily with spikes, but most theories of neural computation are based on firing rates. Yet, many experimental observations suggest that the temporal coordination of spikes plays a role in sensory processing. Among potential spike-based codes, synchrony appears as a good candidate because neural firing and plasticity are sensitive to fine input correlations. However, it is unclear what role synchrony may play in neural computation, and what functional advantage it may provide. With a theoretical approach, I show that the computational interest of neural synchrony appears when neurons have heterogeneous properties. In this context, the relationship between stimuli and neural synchrony is captured by the concept of synchrony receptive field, the set of stimuli which induce synchronous responses in a group of neurons. In a heterogeneous neural population, it appears that synchrony patterns represent structure or sensory invariants in stimuli, which can then be detected by postsynaptic neurons. The required neural circuitry can spontaneously emerge with spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Using examples in different sensory modalities, I show that this allows simple neural circuits to extract relevant information from realistic sensory stimuli, for example to identify a fluctuating odor in the presence of distractors. This theory of synchrony-based computation shows that relative spike timing may indeed have computational relevance, and suggests new types of neural network models for sensory processing with appealing computational properties.  相似文献   

Compelling behavioral evidence suggests that humans can make optimal decisions despite the uncertainty inherent in perceptual or motor tasks. A key question in neuroscience is how populations of spiking neurons can implement such probabilistic computations. In this article, we develop a comprehensive framework for optimal, spike-based sensory integration and working memory in a dynamic environment. We propose that probability distributions are inferred spike-per-spike in recurrently connected networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. As a result, these networks can combine sensory cues optimally, track the state of a time-varying stimulus and memorize accumulated evidence over periods much longer than the time constant of single neurons. Importantly, we propose that population responses and persistent working memory states represent entire probability distributions and not only single stimulus values. These memories are reflected by sustained, asynchronous patterns of activity which make relevant information available to downstream neurons within their short time window of integration. Model neurons act as predictive encoders, only firing spikes which account for new information that has not yet been signaled. Thus, spike times signal deterministically a prediction error, contrary to rate codes in which spike times are considered to be random samples of an underlying firing rate. As a consequence of this coding scheme, a multitude of spike patterns can reliably encode the same information. This results in weakly correlated, Poisson-like spike trains that are sensitive to initial conditions but robust to even high levels of external neural noise. This spike train variability reproduces the one observed in cortical sensory spike trains, but cannot be equated to noise. On the contrary, it is a consequence of optimal spike-based inference. In contrast, we show that rate-based models perform poorly when implemented with stochastically spiking neurons.  相似文献   

Population coding of stimulus location in rat somatosensory cortex.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study explores the nature of population coding in sensory cortex by applying information theoretic analyses to neuron pairs recorded simultaneously from rat barrel cortex. We quantified the roles of individual spikes and spike patterns in encoding whisker stimulus location. 82%-85% of the total information was contained in the timing of individual spikes: first spike time was particularly crucial. Spike patterns within neurons accounted for the remaining 15%-18%. Neuron pairs located in the same barrel column coded redundantly, whereas pairs in neighboring barrel columns coded independently. The barrel cortical population code for stimulus location appears to be the time of single neurons' first poststimulus spikes-a fast, robust coding mechanism that does not rely on "synergy" in crossneuronal spike patterns.  相似文献   

An important problem in neuroscience is to obtain quantitative knowledge of how information is represented, or encoded, in the signals that nerve cells process and transmit. Sensory receptors have provided important models for the study of neural coding because their inputs can often be relatively easily controlled and measured, while the resultant activity is recorded. A variety of engineering concepts have been successfully applied to physiological sciences, particularly those related to control of dynamic systems. Linear systems analysis was one of the earliest methods used to probe sensory coding, and measurements such as step responses and frequency responses have become standard tools for describing sensory functions. Modern systems analysis has evolved to provide accurate and efficient linear identification of encoding in sensory receptors that use either graded potentials or action potentials. It has also led to nonlinear systems analysis, the creation of parametric nonlinear models, and measures of information coding by sensory neurons. These methods promise to provide important new knowledge about sensory systems in the future, especially when complemented with parallel biophysical and molecular studies of sensory neurons. Mechanoreceptors provided some of the earliest preparations for the investigation of neural coding, and both the linear and nonlinear properties of wide variety of vertebrate and invertebrate mechanoreceptors continue to be explored. This article is part of a special issue on Neuronal Dynamics of Sensory Coding.  相似文献   

外周感觉神经元通过动作电位序列对信号进行编码,这些动作电位序列经过突触传递最终到达脑部。但是各种脉冲序列如何通过神经元之间的化学突触进行传递依然是一个悬而未决的问题。研究了初级传入A6纤维与背角神经元之间各种动作电位序列的突触传递过程。用于刺激的规则,周期、随机脉冲序列由短簇脉冲或单个脉冲构成。定义“事件”(event)为峰峰问期(intefspike interval)小于或等于规定阈值的最长动作电位串,然后从脉冲序列中提取事件间间期(interevent interval,IEI)。用时间,IEI图与回归映射的方法分析IEI序列,结果表明在突触后输出脉冲序列中可以检测到突触前脉冲序列的主要时间结构特征,特别是在短簇脉冲作为刺激单位时。通过计算输入与输出脉冲序列的互信息,发现短簇脉冲可以更可靠地跨突触传递由输入序列携带的神经信息。这些结果表明外周输入脉冲序列的主要时间结构特征可以跨突触传递,在突触传递神经信息的过程中短簇脉冲更为有效。这一研究在从突触传递角度探索神经信息编码方面迈出了一步。  相似文献   

Spike timing is believed to be a key factor in sensory information encoding and computations performed by the neurons and neuronal circuits. However, the considerable noise and variability, arising from the inherently stochastic mechanisms that exist in the neurons and the synapses, degrade spike timing precision. Computational modeling can help decipher the mechanisms utilized by the neuronal circuits in order to regulate timing precision. In this paper, we utilize semi-analytical techniques, which were adapted from previously developed methods for electronic circuits, for the stochastic characterization of neuronal circuits. These techniques, which are orders of magnitude faster than traditional Monte Carlo type simulations, can be used to directly compute the spike timing jitter variance, power spectral densities, correlation functions, and other stochastic characterizations of neuronal circuit operation. We consider three distinct neuronal circuit motifs: Feedback inhibition, synaptic integration, and synaptic coupling. First, we show that both the spike timing precision and the energy efficiency of a spiking neuron are improved with feedback inhibition. We unveil the underlying mechanism through which this is achieved. Then, we demonstrate that a neuron can improve on the timing precision of its synaptic inputs, coming from multiple sources, via synaptic integration: The phase of the output spikes of the integrator neuron has the same variance as that of the sample average of the phases of its inputs. Finally, we reveal that weak synaptic coupling among neurons, in a fully connected network, enables them to behave like a single neuron with a larger membrane area, resulting in an improvement in the timing precision through cooperation.  相似文献   

 In the presence of a subthreshold membrane oscillation, analog information may be encoded in the timing of spike generation phase-locked to the oscillation. With this spike timing neural code, a competitive network of inhibitory spiking neurons was shown to achieve a novel timing mechanism of neural activity selection: the neurons had higher probabilities of becoming winners if they were stimulated earlier in each oscillatory cycle. Here the timing mechanism and its robustness are studied both numerically and analytically, and the conditions to yield a given number of winners (the inhibitory neurons that remain active after the competition) are investigated. The analysis revealed that activity selection with a small number of winners is ensured for broad ranges of values of the parameters such as the strength and time constant of inhibition. In particular, the number of winners is almost unchanged for various timing differences between stimuli to different neurons. This implies that the timing mechanism is useful for such biological information processing as requires perception of a relatively small number of significant stimulus components. Received: 24 January 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 24 July 1996  相似文献   

Sensory and sympathetic neurons are generated from the trunk neural crest. The prevailing view has been that these two classes of neurons are derived from a common neural crest-derived progenitor that chooses between neuronal fates only after migrating to sites of peripheral ganglion formation. Here I reconsider this view in the light of new molecular and genetic data on the differentiation of sensory and autonomic neurons. These data raise several paradoxes when taken in the context of classical studies of the timing and spatial patterning of sensory and autonomic ganglion formation. These paradoxes can be most easily resolved by assuming that the restriction of neural crest cells to either sensory or autonomic lineages occurs at a very early stage, either before and/or shortly after they exit the neural tube.  相似文献   

In the CNS, activity of individual neurons has a small but quantifiable relationship to sensory representations and motor outputs. Coactivation of a few 10s to 100s of neurons can code sensory inputs and behavioral task performance within psychophysical limits. However, in a sea of sensory inputs and demand for complex motor outputs how is the activity of such small subpopulations of neurons organized? Two theories dominate in this respect: increases in spike rate (rate coding) and sharpening of the coincidence of spiking in active neurons (temporal coding). Both have computational advantages and are far from mutually exclusive. Here, we review evidence for a bias in neuronal circuits toward temporal coding and the coexistence of rate and temporal coding during population rhythm generation. The coincident expression of multiple types of gamma rhythm in sensory cortex suggests a mechanistic substrate for combining rate and temporal codes?on the basis of stimulus strength.  相似文献   

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