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S Aliau  J Marti  J Moretti 《Biochimie》1978,60(6-7):663-672
Bovine AFP was purified by ion exchange chromatograph on C.M. cellulose and DEAE Sephadex A-50, gel filtration and immunosorbent technique. AFP was homogeneous when studied by gel electrophoresis under non denaturing and denaturing conditions, by ultracentrifugation and by immunological methods. The following molecular data were obtained: 1. Sedimentation equilibrium indicated a molecular weight of 66,500 and sedimentation velocity gave s degrees 20, w = 4.71 S. A partial specific volume v = 0.737 ml g-1 was derived from density measurements. 2. From these data, a Stokes radius of 3.26 nm, a diffusion coefficient D20 w = 6.61 10(-7) cm2 sec-1 and a frictional ratio f/fo = 1.21 were calculated. 2. Sodium dodecylsulphate disc electrophoresis suggests a molecular weight of 67,000. 3. Gel filtration pointed to a molecular weight of 75,000. 4. Microheterogeneity of AFP was demonstrated by isoelectric focusing. The isoelectric point of the major component is 4.6. 5. The chemical composition was determined. AFP is a glycoprotein containing 7 per cent carbohydrate including 1.67 per cent hexoses, 2.38 per cent N-acetyl glucosamine and 1.8 per cent N-acetyl neuraminic acid.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were isolated from detergent-treated Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human lymphocytes to examine their potential use in the study of the functional expression of genetic disorders of the respiratory chain. The increase of cytochrome c oxidase activity in the mitochondrial fraction indicated a 6-fold purification of intact mitochondria. Polarographic and spectrophotometric studies revealed that the isolated mitochondria were functionally well preserved. Furthermore, the isolated mitochondria supported an active in organello protein synthesis, which was dependent on the presence of a respiratory substrate generating ATP and was essentially abolished by chloramphenicol or by a specific respiratory chain inhibitor, such as antimycin. Thus, B lymphoblastoid cell lines constitute a valuable source of mitochondria to investigate mitochondrial functions in patients affected by respiratory chain disorders.  相似文献   

In poliovirus-infected HeLa cells, poliovirus RNA is translated at times when cellular mRNA translation is strongly inhibited. It is thought that this translational control mechanism is mediated by inactivation of a cap-binding protein complex (comprising polypeptides of 24 [24-kilodalton cap-binding protein], 50, and approximately 220 kilodaltons). This complex can restore the translation of capped mRNAs in extracts from poliovirus-infected cells. We have previously shown that the virally induced defect prevents interaction between cap recognition factors and mRNA. Here, we show that the cap-binding protein complex (and not the 24-kilodalton cap-binding protein) has activity that restores the cap-specific mRNA-protein interaction when added to initiation factors from poliovirus-infected cells. Thus, the activity that restores the cap-specific mRNA-protein interaction and that which restores the translation of capped mRNAs in extracts from poliovirus-infected cells, copurify. The results also indicate, by an alternative assay, that the cap-binding protein complex is the only factor inactivated by poliovirus. We also purified cap-binding proteins from uninfected and poliovirus-infected HeLa cells. By various criteria, the 24-kilodalton cap-binding protein is not structurally modified as a result of infection. However, the 220-kilodalton polypeptide of the cap-binding protein complex is apparently cleaved by a putative viral (or induced) protease. By in vivo labeling and m7GDP affinity chromatography, we isolated a modified cap-binding protein complex from poliovirus-infected cells, containing proteolytic cleavage fragments of the 220-kilodalton polypeptide.  相似文献   

Purification of alpha-fetoprotein from mouse hepatoma BW7756 extracts was performed using ammonium sulfate precipitations, gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography and isoelectric focusing. These procedures produced a 5.6% yield of alpha-fetoprotein with 96% purity. Polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis, extended agarose electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis demonstrated that mouse hepatoma alpha-fetoprotein migrated at pH 8.6 as a rapid alpha1, or postalbumin globulin. Crossed antibody electrophoresis of the agarose zone containing alpha-fetoprotein failed to demonstrate microheterogeneity. Molecular weight analysis of the mouse hepatoma alpha-fetoprotein on a calibrated Sephadex G-200 column yielded a value of 72 000-73 000 for the native protein. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis subsequently demonstrated a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 72 000. Amino acid analysis showed the alpha-fetoprotein to be an acidic protein dominated by hydrophobic residues. The total carbohydrate content was 5.5%, and 3 mol of sialic acid were detected per mol of alpha-fetoprotein. Although neutral sugars were the principal class present, galactosamine was the most abundant single sugar detected.  相似文献   

Cell envelopes (cell wall and cell membrane) from aerobically grown cells of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides were isolated and purified by a combination of differential centrifugation and centrifugation through 40% sucrose. Cell envelope protein from aerobically grown cells was resolved by dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Biochemical characterization of selected envelope membrane proteins demonstrated heterogeneity between different protein species. Amino acid analyses of individual proteins revealed between 50–60 mole% nonpolar residues.Envelope membranes derived from anaerobically grown cells were also isolated and purified by a combination of differential centrifugation, column chromatography on Sepharose 2B, and centrifugation in 40% sucrose. The dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel patterns of anaerobic and aerobic envelope membrane proteins were very similar and the results suggest a common protein structure.  相似文献   

A group of abundant (15% of the soluble protein) nonhemoglobin proteins was isolated from the primitive (embryonic) red cells found in tadpoles, using the cationic properties of the proteins at pH 8.6 to separate them from hemoglobin and other red cell proteins. The cathodal proteins (CP) were resolved into five components, and the two most predominant proteins were separated and characterized. Purified CP-1b and CP-2 had an amino acid composition similar to that of unfractionated cathodal proteins and to each other, except for small variations in the lysine and half-cystine content. The molecular weight of the purified CP-1b and CP-2 was 13 to 14,000, determined by gel filtration chromatography and electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Cathodal proteins were immunologically related although there were quantitative differences in reactivity. The concentration of cathodal proteins in primitive (embryonic) red cells was 100 times that in definitive (adult) red cells coincided with the replacement of primitive red cells. The synthesis of the cathodal proteins appeared to continue throughout the life of the primitive red cells; when hemoglobin synthesis declined in primitive red cells, approximately half of the protein synthesized by the cells was cathodal protein. Although the function of the cathodal proteins is as yet unknown, the data suggest that the cathodal proteins are a unique characteristic of erythroid differentiation in early development.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IF) isolated from a variety of cultured cells, conventionally described as fibroblasts, are composed predominantely of proteins of molecular weights of 54,000 and/or 55,000. Less than 15% of the protein found in native IF preparations from these cells is composed of three to four polypeptides of molecular weights 60,000- 70,000. We have investigated some biochemical and immunological properties of these proteins isolated from BHK-21 and mouse 3T3 cells. They are capable of forming paracrystals that exhibit a light/dark banding pattern when negatively stained with uranyl acetate. The dark bands are composed of longitudinally aligned approximately 2-nm-diam filaments. The center-to-center spacing between either dark or light bands is 37-40 nm. These dimensions are consistent with the secondary structure of IF polypeptides and suggest that the dark bands represent lateral alignment of alpha-helical coiled-coil domains. Immunoblotting, secondary structure, as well as amino acid composition data indicate that the 60,000-70,000-mol-wt paracrystal polypeptides are similar to keratin. Thus, polypeptides with biochemical and immunological properties of epidermal keratin are present in cells normally considered to be fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Extracts of cultured 3T3 fibroblasts, obtained by homogenization and Triton X-100 solubilization, were fractionated on Sepharose columns covalently derivatized with asialofetuin. Three distinct carbohydrate-binding proteins (CBPs) were purified from the material bound to the affinity column: CBP35 (Mr = 35,000), CBP16 (Mr = 16,000), and CBP13.5 (Mr = 13,500). These CBPs were similar in several key properties. (a) They showed agglutination activity when assayed with rabbit erythrocytes; (b) they all appear to specifically recognize galactose-containing glycoconjugates; (c) they have low isoelectric points, pI 4.5-4.7; (d) their binding activities are rapidly lost in the absence of beta-mercaptoethanol; (e) the CBPs do not interact with each other, and the fractionated proteins can bind to asialofetuin independent of associated polypeptides; and (f) none of the proteins tend to self-associate to form oligomers of identical subunits. Comparisons of these and other properties of the CBPs suggest that CBP16 and CBP13.5 may be the murine counterparts of lactose-specific lectins previously identified in electric eel and in several bovine and avian tissues. In contrast, it appears that CBP35 represents a newly identified protein capable of binding to galactose-containing carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Due to their RNA-N-glycosidase activity, ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are attractive candidates as antitumor and antiviral agents in biomedical and agricultural research. We have isolated and characterized two such proteins, foetidissimin II and texanin, from two Cucurbitaceae species. Foetidissimin II, obtained from the roots of Cucurbita foetidissima, was identified as a type-2 RIP, with a molecular weight of 61 kDa, as estimated by gel electrophoresis. It is composed of two chains, a 29-kDa chain A, and a 32-kDa chain B. Texanin, isolated from the fruits of Cucurbita texana, is a type-I RIP, with a single chain of molecular weight 29.7 kDa, as estimated by MALDI-TOF-MS. Both proteins exhibit RNA-N-glycosidase activity, with aniline playing a critical role in rRNA cleavage. The IC50 value of foetidissimin II, determined by cell-free protein-synthesis inhibition, was 0.251 muM. In an in vitro cytotoxicity assay, foetidissimin II exhibited IC50 values of ca. 70 nM to both adenocarcinoma and erythroleukemia cells. Texanin exhibited a weaker anticancer activity against erythroleukemia cells, with an IC50 value of 95 microM, but no activity against adenocarcinoma cells. The N-terminal sequences of both proteins were compared with those of reported RIPs.  相似文献   

The kinetics of iodinated human serum albumin ([125I]Hu-SA) and alpha-fetoprotein ([125I]Hu-AFP) binding and endocytosis by resting and phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-activated human T lymphocytes were studied comparatively. The binding of both SA and AFP appeared considerably increased upon blastic transformation. SA, like AFP, binds in a saturable way to the surface of PHA-stimulated human T lymphocytes at 4 degrees C and is endocytosed at 37 degrees C. Two saturation plateaus were observed by incubating at 4 degrees C activated T lymphocytes with [125I]Hu-AFP at different concentrations (10 ng-250 micrograms/ml), while only one saturation plateau was obtained by incubating cells with [125I]Hu-SA in the same conditions. Scatchard analysis of binding data revealed two types of binding sites for Hu-AFP and one for Hu-SA. Competition experiments using proteins of human and bovine origin are in favor of the presence on the surface of these cells of a common binding site for AFP and SA. Pulse-chase experiments showed that internalized [125I]SA was released mainly in a degraded form from the cells, in agreement with detection by ultrastructural cytochemistry of peroxidase-conjugated SA in lysosome-like bodies by ultrastructural cytochemistry. This contrasts with the intracellular pathway of AFP, which as previously described (Geuskens, M., et al., Eur. J. Cell Biol. 50, 418-427 (1989)), moves to tubular-vesicular structures in the Golgi region and is recycled for the most part undegraded.  相似文献   

Chromosomal nonhistone high-mobility-group (HMG) proteins were purified from nuclei of maize (Zea mays L. cv. A619) endosperm and leaf tissue. Tissuespecific differences were observed in their polypeptide patterns, in in-vitro phosphorylation experiments with a casein-kinase type II, and by Western blot analysis with antisera against different HMG proteins. Gelfiltration chromatography demonstrated that maize HMG proteins occur as monomers. By measuring the capacity of the HMG proteins to bind to the 5 flanking region of a zein gene, the sensitivity of the proteins to different temperatures, salt concentrations and pH values was determined.Abbreviations EMSA electrophoretic-mobility-shift assay - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - HMG high-mobility group - kDa kilodaltons - PVDF polyvinylidenedifluoride - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis We would like to thank Mrs. E. Brutzer for excellent technical assistance. We are indebted to Mrs. M. Strecker and Dr. W. Bessler of the Institut für Immunbiologie, Freiburg, FRG, for the preparation of antisera and we gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with Drs. T. Quayle, R. Grimm and U. Müller of this institute. This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Fond der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

Endogenous antimicrobial peptides and proteins are crucial components of the innate immune system and play an essential role in the defense against infection. Antimicrobial activity was detected in the acid extract of livers harvested from healthy adult White Leghorn hens, Gallus gallus. Two antimicrobial proteins and one antimicrobial polypeptide were isolated from the liver extract by cation-exchange and gel filtration chromatography, followed by two-step reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). These antimicrobial components were identified as histones H2A and H2B.V, and histone H2B C-terminal fragment using peptide mass fingerprinting and partial sequencing by tandem nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry. The proteins and the peptide identified in the present study, which exhibited antimicrobial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, were thermostable and showed salt-resistant activity. The antimicrobial properties of histones and histone fragment in chicken provide further evidence that histones, in addition to their role in nucleosome formation, may play an important role in innate host defense against intracellular or extracellular microbe invasion in a wide range of animal species.  相似文献   

Due to its rapid breakdown in the body, denatured serum albumin has not been identified in biological samples. In this study we attempted to determine whether denatured albumin could be identified in rats with endotoxicosis. Male Wistar rats were injected with lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 5 mg/kg body weight). Plasma albumin concentration decreased to one-third the normal level at 2 days after the injection. By using the purified IgG against the specific epitope of chemically denatured albumin, two immunoreactive plasma proteins (bands D2 and D3) were identified by native PAGE followed by Western blot analysis. The plasma concentration of these two proteins increased significantly at 1 and 1.5 days after LPS injection. Peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF-MS) identified these two proteins as serum albumin. In order to characterize their conformational nature, ion-exchange chromatography was used to isolate D2 and D3 albumins from rats injected with LPS. Far- and near-UV circular dichroism (CD), tryptophan and 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) fluorescence, and proteolytic susceptibility showed conformational alterations in the D2 and D3 albumins as compared with native albumin. These data indicate the presence of denatured albumin in circulating rat plasma, and this fact may contribute to a further understanding of the molecular mechanisms of albumin breakdown in physiological and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

The (ADP-ribose)n protein conjugates formed by incubation of Ehrlich ascites tumor cell nuclei with 1 mM (3H)NAD were isolated by chromatography on boronate cellulose columns with a yield of >85%. Possible contamination by glycoproteins was excluded by rechromatography after specific release of the (ADP-ribose)n residues from their acceptors. Dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed numerous protein bands which coincided with the (3H)ADP-ribose bands obtained by fluorography of the gels. 40% of the acceptor proteins were identified as the nucleosomal core histones. Most of these histones, however, appeared in the non-histone fraction because of extensive modification by poly(ADP-ribose). Drastic changes in properties were also seen in the true non-histone proteins which comprised 60% of the total conjugated protein. Besides several prominent acceptor proteins (Mr = 12,000; 31,000; 125,000) numerous proteins were detected indicating a considerable heterogeneity of non-histone acceptors.  相似文献   

A simple method is described for the isolation of spicules from pluteus embryos of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Radio-iodination of the demineralized matrix reveals six bands on SDS protein gels. Treatment with N-glycanase leads us to believe that some of these proteins are N-linked glycoproteins.  相似文献   

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