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A simplified purification procedure for mung bean nuclease has been developed yielding a stable enzyme that is homogeneous in regards to shape and size. The nuclease is a glycoprotein consisting of 29% carbohydrate by weight. It has a molecular weight of 39 000 as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The enzyme contains 1 sulfhydryl group and 3 disulfide bonds per molecule. It has a high content (12.6 mol %) of aromatic residues. Approximately 70% of the enzyme molecules contain a peptide bond cleavage at a single region in the protein. The two polypeptides, 25 000 and 15 000 daltons, are covalently linked by a disulfide bond(s). Both the cleaved and intact forms of the enzyme are equally active in the hydrolysis of the phosphate ester linkages in either DNA, RNA, or adenosine 3'-monophophate. The enzymatic activity of mung bean nuclease can be stabilized at pH 5 in the presence of 0.1 mM zinc acetate, 1.0 mM cysteine, and 0.001% Triton X-100. The enzyme can be inactivated and reactivated by the removal and readdition of Zn2+ or sulfhydryl compounds.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is the causative organism of the disease cholera. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of V. cholerae plays an important role in eliciting the antibacterial immune response of the host and in classifying the vibrios into some 200 or more serogroups. This review presents an account of our up-to-date knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics of the three constituents, lipid-A, core-polysaccharide (core-PS) and O-antigen polysaccharide (O-PS), of the LPS of V. cholerae of different serogroups including the disease-causing ones, O1 and O139. The structure and occurrence of the capsular polysaccharide (CPS) on V. cholerae O139 have been discussed as a relevant topic. Similarity and dissimilarity between the structures of LPS of different serogroups, and particularly between O22 and O139, have been analysed with a view to learning their role in the causation of the epidemic form of the disease by avoiding the host defence mechanism and in the evolution of the newer pathogenic strains in future. An idea of the emerging trends of research involving the use of immunogens prepared from synthetic oligosaccharides that mimic terminal epitopes of the O-PS of V. cholerae O1 in the development of a conjugate anti cholera vaccine is also discussed.  相似文献   

Filter-top cages, while effective in reducing cross contamination by particulate material including microbes, can also cause accumulation of the waste gases carbon dioxide and ammonia as well as increased intracage relative humidity. A prototype system which provided each cage with 23 air changes per hour through a nozzle inserted in the filter lid was evaluated. The ventilated cageing system was effective in reducing intracage carbon dioxide, ammonia and relative humidity levels. Mean weekly carbon dioxide levels were 2900 ppm lower, ammonia levels 240 ppm lower and intracage relative humidity levels 8% lower in the ventilated cages than in unventilated controls.  相似文献   

Rabbit cardiac myosin, isolated from frozen tissue, was effectively purified by batchwise treatment with DEAE-cellulose in addition to suing cilution-precipitation techniques. An extensive experimental program was subsequently carried out with respect to the enzymic amino acid, optical and physicochemical properties of native cardiac myosin. This program has included the following: examination of the effects of pH and varying concentrations of ATP, CaCl2, MgCl2, and PCMB on its ATPase activity; measurement of its circular dichroic spectrum in solvent buffers, at different pH or containing ATP in the absence or presence of Ca-2+ or Mg-2+ ions; study of the concentration dependence of its viscosity and sedimentation velocity at low temperatures; and investigation of its molecular weight by the Archibald method and low- and high-speed sedimentation equilibrium. The results of these studies were consistent with the interpretation that cardiac myosin is comprised of highly asymmetric, semi-rigid molecules with a molecular weight in the order of 4.7 times 10-5, which display non-ideality even in solvent buffers of high ionic strength at neurtal pH. In addition, computer analysis of the high-speed sedimentation equilibrium data has provided evidence for the presence of a self-association reaction at low protein concentration. Even though the specif ATPase activity of cardiac myosin was found to be approximately one-third that reported for skeletal myosin in all cases, it was concluded, on the the basis of the essentially analogous physical and chemical properties of rabbit cardiac and skeletal myosin, that the two proteins are very similar in terms of molecular size, shape, and secondary structure.  相似文献   

Various chemical and physical methods for destroying the triactinomyxon (TAM) stage of the myxozoan parasite Myxobolus cerebralis were tested. The fluorescent stains propidium iodide and fluorescein diacetate were used as indicators of viability. Physical variables tested included freezing, drying, high temperature, sonication, and pressure of 6.2 x 10(7) Pa (9000 psi). Chemicals evaluated included chlorine bleach, povidone-iodine, and hydrogen peroxide. Freezing or drying for 1 h was effective in killing TAMs, but pressure was not. Temperatures above 75 degrees C for at least 5 min were also effective. Sonication with a laboratory instrument cleaner for 10 to 13 min killed and ruptured TAMs, resulting in <1.9% recovery. However, among the surviving TAMs, 39 to 58% were still viable. Chlorine concentrations of 130 ppm for 10 min were also effective at temperatures ranging from ice-water to room temperature and total hardness ranging from 10 to 500 mg l(-1). Lethal concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and povidone-iodine (10% solution) were quite high: 10% for 10 min, and 50% (5000 ppm active iodine) for 60 min, respectively. The stain results indicating TAM death were verified in 2 tests in which rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were exposed to TAMs that had been either frozen for 1 h or treated with 66 ppm chlorine as sodium hypochlorite for 1 min. None of the fish exposed to the treated TAMs became infected. These results should provide disinfection guidelines to prevent transfer of M. cerebralis TAMs to uninfected areas and provide information on the risks of parasite transfer under various treatment scenarios.  相似文献   

Plants react towards changes in their environment, which can be a result of biotic or abiotic activities. Numerous studies have investigated the effects of abiotic stress on plants, and how it affects the primary as well as secondary metabolism. Generally it is accepted that plants react to environmental stress by increasing secondary metabolites. This is however a very broad and simplified explanation and often inaccurate. Various examples are provided where plants react positively, and often negatively towards seasonal variation and water availability, resulting in a lowering of certain secondary metabolites concentration, while others are increased. Furthermore species differences, cultivars and interaction of other environmental factors such as temperature complicates a simple conclusion from the effect of stress on plants. The differential expression of genes in different species and in different metabolic pathways ensures a complex and very specific reaction of a plant to environmental stress. Overall the paper provides support for a complex and intricate response system which differs for each plant species, and could be explained by understanding and studying the different metabolic pathways responsible for secondary metabolite production.  相似文献   

Massive pyrite was shown to produce soluble iron, hydrogen, and sulfate ions on exposure to air and water. The rate of this process was directly proportional to the surface area of the mineral; it was unaffected by a drop in the pH and the presence of the ferrous and sulfate ions formed. Cupic ion had no effect but ferric ion accelerated pyrite degradation until all the ferric ion was consumed, in accordance with FeS2 + 2Fe3+ —>‐3Fe2+ + 2S°. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans increased pyrite degradation considerably; the presence of Thiobacillus thiooxidans had no influence on pyrite degradation.  相似文献   

Temperature and light interact to modify the chemical and biochemical composition of a nitrogen-limited marine diatom, Thalassiosira allenii Takano, grown at a constant dilution rate in continuous culture and under a light:dark cycle.The percent of the total 14C incorporated into protein, polysaccharide and lipid, the N/C ratio and the C/cell varied with temperature in a markedly non-linear manner. The N/cell was negatively correlated to temperature. The Chl aC ratio was positively correlated with temperature under saturating light and non-saturating light for temperatures > 25 °C, but was constant under non-saturating light conditions for temperatures < 25 °C.Productivity index (PI) was negatively correlated to temperature under saturating light conditions, but did not vary under low light. In each case, the variation in PI with temperature was governed by the variation in Chl aC.The dark carbon loss rate was exponentially related to temperature and independent of light. Variation in the percent of the total 14C incorporated into protein and polysaccharide, the NC ratio and C/cell was primarily due to the effects of N-limitation < 20 °C and primarily due to the effects of temperature > 20 °C. Variation in N/cell was primarily due to the effects of temperature over the entire range of temperature studied. Variation in Chl aC was caused by the interaction of temperature and light effects.In most cases, temperature and nutrient effects interacted to govern how a particular parameter varied with temperature while light affected the range of values over which the parameter varied.The percent of the total 14C incorporated into protein exhibited a significant linear relationship with NC.The dark carbon loss rate, NC ratio and Chl aC ratio data were used to test the applicability of a model for the physiological adaptation of unicellular algae. The model, with parameters derived from a non-linear least-squares fit of the dark carbon loss rate data, adequately described the NC ratio between 15 and 25 °C at 290 and 137 μE · m?2 · s?1, but failed to describe the data at 28 °C and at 48 μE · m?2 · s?1. The Chl aC ratio was adequately described by the model under all light and temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Aestival ponds are shallow, semi-permanent water bodies that retain some water throughout the year, but freeze to the bottom during the winter. They are characteristically found at high latitudes or altitudes and present special conditions as environments for aquatic life. A study of such a pond in western Canada revealed two distinct seasons: an open-water season extending from March to November, during which water volume decreased considerably through evaporation, and a winter season in which all water remaining in the basin was frozen. Transitional periods between these two seasons were short. As water volume decreased during the summer, increases were noted in the specific conductance and hardness of the remaining water, whereas bicarbonate alkalinity was found to be directly correlated with rainfall alone. Values of other chemical constituents examined exhibited no distinct patterns. The formation of ice in early winter resulted in increases in all ion concentrations in the underlying water, just as occurs during the formation of sea ice. Furthermore, as the ice cover increased in thickness, the water beneath became supersaturated with dissolved oxygen. The consequences of this cryogenic “salting out”, are discussed.  相似文献   

Both chemical and physical effects of red cells have been implicated in the spontaneous aggregation of platelets in sheared whole blood (WB). To determine whether the chemical effect is due to ADP leaking from the red cells, a previously described technique for measuring the concentration and size of single platelets and aggregates was used to study the shear-induced aggregation of platelets in WB flowing through 1.19-mm-diameter polyethylene tubing in the presence and absence of the ADP scavenger enzyme system phosphocreatine-creatine phosphokinase (CP-CPK). Significant spontaneous aggregation was observed at mean tube shear rates, (G) = 41.9 and 335 s-1 (42% and 13% decrease in single platelets after a mean transit time (t) = 43 s, compared to 89 and 95% decrease with 0.2 microM ADP). The addition of CP-CPK, either at the time of, or 30 min before each run, completely abolished aggregation. In the presence of 0.2 microM ADP, CP-CPK caused a reversal of aggregation at (t) = 17 s after 30% of single cells had aggregated. To determine whether red cells exert a physical effect by increasing the time of interaction of two colliding platelets (thereby increasing the proportion of collisions resulting in the formation of aggregates), an optically transparent suspension of 40% reconstituted red cell ghosts in serum containing 2.5-micron-diameter latex spheres (3 x 10(5)/microliters) flowing through 100-microns-diameter tubes was used as a model of platelets in blood, and the results were compared with those obtained in a control suspension of latex spheres in serum alone. Two-body collisions between microspheres in the interior of the flowing ghost cell or serum suspensions at shear rates from 5 to 90 s-1 were recorded on cine film. The films were subsequently analyzed, and the measured doublet lifetime, tau meas, was compared with that predicted by theory in the absence of interactions with other particles, tau theor. The mean (tau meas/tau theor) for doublets in ghost cell suspensions was 1.614 +/- 1.795 (SD; n = 320), compared to a value of 1.001 +/- 0.312 (n = 90) for doublets in serum. Whereas 11% of doublets in ghost cell suspensions had lifetimes from 2.5 to 5 times greater than predicted, in serum, no doublets had lifetimes greater than 1.91 times that predicted. There was no statistically significant correlation between tau meas/tau theor and shear rate, but the values of tau meas/tau theor for low-angle collisions in ghost cell suspensions were significantly greater than for high-angle collisions.  相似文献   

The uric acid contents in larvae, pupae, and culture media were studied during larval and pupal development in three genotypes of Drosophila melanogaster reared in both crowded and noncrowded conditions. The uric acid content and the response of genotypes in media supplemented with 10 and 15 mg/ml of uric acid were correlated with the outcome obtained in conditioned media. In addition, the behavior of genotypes in conditioned media is explained in terms of the physicochemical properties of the conditioned media, which include uric acid content, the amount of food ingested, the degree of free water, the physical disturbance within the cultures, and the particular response of each genotype to uric acid.  相似文献   

It has always been a desire of mankind to conquest Space. A major step in realizing this dream was the completion of the International Space Station (ISS). Living there for several months confirmed early observations of short-term spaceflights that a loss of gravity affects the health of astronauts. Space medicine tries to understand the mechanism of microgravity-induced health problems and to conceive potent countermeasures. There are four different aspects which make space medicine appealing: i) finding better strategies for adapting astronauts to weightlessness; ii) identification of microgravity-induced diseases (e.g. osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, cardiac problems and others); iii) defining new therapies to conquer these diseases which will benefit astronauts as well as people on Earth in the end; and iv) on top of that, unveiling the mechanisms of weightlessness-dependent molecular and cellular changes is a requirement for improving space medicine. In mammalian cells, microgravity induces apoptosis and alters the cytoskeleton and affects signal transduction pathways, cell differentiation, growth, proliferation, migration and adhesion. This review focused on gravi-sensitive signal transduction elements and pathways as well as molecular mechanisms in human cells, aiming to understand the cellular changes in altered gravity. Moreover, the latest information on how these changes lead to clinically relevant health problems and current strategies of countermeasures are reviewed.  相似文献   

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