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The FokI restriction endonuclease recognizes an asymmetric DNA sequence and cuts both strands at fixed positions upstream of the site. The sequence is contacted by a single monomer of the protein, but the monomer has only one catalytic centre and forms a dimer to cut both strands. FokI is also known to cleave DNA with two copies of its site more rapidly than DNA with one copy. To discover how FokI acts at a single site and how it acts at two sites, its reactions were examined on a series of plasmids with either one recognition site or with two sites separated by varied distances, sometimes in the presence of a DNA-binding defective mutant of FokI. These experiments showed that, to cleave DNA with one site, the monomer bound to that site associates via a weak protein–protein interaction with a second monomer that remains detached from the recognition sequence. Nevertheless, the second monomer catalyses phosphodiester bond hydrolysis at the same rate as the DNA-bound monomer. On DNA with two sites, two monomers of FokI interact strongly, as a result of being tethered to the same molecule of DNA, and sequester the intervening DNA in a loop.  相似文献   

Genetic events often require proteins to be activated by interacting with two DNA sites, trapping the intervening DNA in a loop. While much is known about looping equilibria, only a few studies have examined DNA-looping dynamics experimentally. The restriction enzymes that cut DNA after interacting with two recognition sites, such as FokI, can be used to exemplify looping reactions. The reaction pathway for FokI on a supercoiled DNA with two sites was dissected by fast kinetics to reveal, in turn: the initial binding of a protein monomer to each site; the protein–protein association to form the dimer, trapping the loop; the subsequent phosphodiester hydrolysis step. The DNA motion that juxtaposes the sites ought on the basis of Brownian dynamics to take ~2 ms, but loop capture by FokI took 230 ms. Hence, DNA looping by FokI is rate limited by protein association rather than DNA dynamics. The FokI endonuclease also illustrated activation by looping: it cut looped DNA 400 times faster than unlooped DNA.  相似文献   

Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy were used to investigate DNA looping by NgoMIV restriction endonuclease. Using a linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecule labeled with a fluorescence donor molecule, Cy3, and fluorescence acceptor molecule, Cy5, and by varying the concentration of NgoMIV endonuclease from 0 to 3 x 10(-6) M, it was possible to detect and determine diffusion properties of looped DNA/protein complexes. FRET efficiency distributions revealed a subpopulation of complexes with an energy transfer efficiency of 30%, which appeared upon addition of enzyme in the picomolar to nanomolar concentration range (using 10(-11) M dsDNA). The concentration dependence, fluorescence burst size analysis, and fluorescence correlation analysis were all consistent with this subpopulation arising from a sequence specific interaction between an individual enzyme and a DNA molecule. A 30% FRET efficiency corresponds to a distance of approximately 65 A, which correlates well with the distance between the ends of the dsDNA molecule when bound to NgoMIV according to the crystal structure of this complex. Formation of the looped complexes was also evident in measurements of the diffusion times of freely diffusing DNA molecules with and without NgoMIV. At very high protein concentrations compared to the DNA concentration, FRET and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy results revealed the formation of larger DNA/protein complexes.  相似文献   

Modes of DNA cleavage by the EcoRV restriction endonuclease   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
S E Halford  A J Goodall 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1771-1777
The mechanism of action of the EcoRV restriction endonuclease at its single recognition site on the plasmid pAT153 was analyzed by kinetic methods. In reactions at pH 7.5, close to the optimum for this enzyme, both strands of the DNA were cut in a single concerted reaction: DNA cut in only one strand of the duplex was neither liberated from the enzyme during the catalytic turnover nor accumulated as a steady-state intermediate. In contrast, reactions at pH 6.0 involved the sequential cutting of the two strands of the DNA. Under these conditions, DNA cut in a single strand was an obligatory intermediate in the reaction pathway and a fraction of the nicked DNA dissociated from the enzyme during the turnover. The different reaction profiles are shown to be consistent with a single mechanism in which the kinetic activity of each subunit of the dimeric protein is governed by its affinity for Mg2+ ions. At pH 7.5, Mg2+ is bound to both subunits of the dimer for virtually the complete period of the catalytic turnover, while at pH 6.0 Mg2+ is bound transiently to one subunit at a time. The kinetics of the EcoRV nuclease were unaffected by DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence recognised by the HinfIII restriction endonuclease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HinfIII is a type III restriction enzyme (Kauc &; Piekarowicz, 1978) isolated from Haemophilus influenzae Rf. Like other type III restriction endonucleases, the enzyme also catalyses the modification of susceptible DNA. It requires ATP for DNA cleavage and S-adenosyl methionine for DNA methylation. We have determined the DNA sequence recognised by HinfIII to be:
In restriction, the enzyme cleaves the DNA about 25 base-pairs to the right of this sequence. In the modification reaction only one of the strands is methylated, that containing the 5′-C-G-A-A-T-3′ sequence.  相似文献   

Discrimination between DNA sequences by the EcoRV restriction endonuclease   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J D Taylor  S E Halford 《Biochemistry》1989,28(15):6198-6207
The EcoRV restriction endonuclease cleaves not only its recognition sequence on DNA, GATATC, but also, at vastly reduced rates, a number of alternative DNA sequences. The plasmid pAT153 contains 12 alternative sites, each of which differs from the recognition sequence by one base pair. The EcoRV nuclease showed a marked preference for one particular site from among these alternatives. This noncognate site was located at the sequence GTTATC, and the mechanism of action of EcoRV at this site was analyzed. The mechanism differed from that at the cognate site in three respects. First, the affinity of the enzyme for the noncognate site was lower than that for the cognate site, but, by itself, this cannot account for the specificity of EcoRV as measured from the values of kcat/Km. Second, the enzyme had a lower affinity for Mg2+ when it was bound to the noncognate site than when it was bound to its cognate site: this appears to be a key factor in limiting the rates of DNA cleavage at alternative sites. Third, the reaction pathway at the noncognate site differed from that at the cognate site. At the former, the EcoRV enzyme cleaved first one strand of the DNA and then the other while at the latter, both strands were cut in one concerted reaction. The difference in reaction pathway allows DNA ligase to proofread the activity of EcoRV by selective repair of single-strand breaks at noncognate sites, as opposed to double-strand breaks at the cognate site. The addition of DNA ligase to reactions with EcoRV made no difference to product formation at the cognate site, but products from reactions at noncognate sites were no longer detected.  相似文献   

The MspJI modification-dependent restriction endonuclease recognizes 5-methylcytosine or 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in the context of CNN(G/A) and cleaves both strands at fixed distances (N12/N16) away from the modified cytosine at the 3′-side. We determined the crystal structure of MspJI of Mycobacterium sp. JLS at 2.05-Å resolution. Each protein monomer harbors two domains: an N-terminal DNA-binding domain and a C-terminal endonuclease. The N-terminal domain is structurally similar to that of the eukaryotic SET and RING-associated domain, which is known to bind to a hemi-methylated CpG dinucleotide. Four protein monomers are found in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. Analytical gel-filtration and ultracentrifugation measurements confirm that the protein exists as a tetramer in solution. Two monomers form a back-to-back dimer mediated by their C-terminal endonuclease domains. Two back-to-back dimers interact to generate a tetramer with two double-stranded DNA cleavage modules. Each cleavage module contains two active sites facing each other, enabling double-strand DNA cuts. Biochemical, mutagenesis and structural characterization suggest three different monomers of the tetramer may be involved respectively in binding the modified cytosine, making the first proximal N12 cleavage in the same strand and then the second distal N16 cleavage in the opposite strand. Both cleavage events require binding of at least a second recognition site either in cis or in trans.  相似文献   

Recognizing the methylation status of specific DNA sequences is central to the function of many systems in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Restriction–modification systems have to distinguish between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’ DNA and depend on the inability of restriction endonucleases to cleave their DNA substrates when the DNA is appropriately methylated. These endonucleases thus provide a model system for studying the recognition of DNA methylation by proteins. We have characterized the interaction of R·PvuII with DNA containing the physiologically relevant N4-methylcytosine modification. R·PvuII binds N4mC-modified DNA and cleaves it very slowly. Methylated strands in hemimethylated duplexes were cleaved at a higher rate than in fully methylated duplexes, in parallel with a higher binding affinity for hemimethylated DNA. The co-crystal structures of R·PvuII–DNA, together with a mutagenesis study, have implicated specific amino acids in recognition of the methylatable base; one of these is His84. We report that replacing His84 with Ala reduced the rate of cleavage of unmodified DNA but, in contrast, slightly increased the cleavage of N4mC-modified DNA.  相似文献   

The preferred dye binding sites and the microenvironment of known nucleotide sequences within mitochondrial and plasmid pBR322 DNA was probed in a gross fashion with restriction endonucleases. The intercalating dyes, ethidium bromide and propidium iodide, do not inhibit a given restriction endonuclease equally at all of the restriction sites within a DNA molecule. The selective inhibition may be explained, in part, by the potential B to Z conformation transition of DNA flanking the restriction site and by preferred dye binding sites. Propidium iodide was found to be a more potent inhibitor than ethidium bromide and the inhibition is independent of the type of cut made by the enzyme.  相似文献   

Many enzymes acting on DNA require Mg2+ ions not only for catalysis but also to bind DNA. Binding studies often employ Ca2+ as a substitute for Mg2+, to promote DNA binding whilst disallowing catalysis. The SfiI endonuclease requires divalent metal ions to bind DNA but, in contrast to many systems where Ca2+ mimics Mg2+, Ca2+ causes SfiI to bind DNA almost irreversibly. Equilibrium binding by wild-type SfiI cannot be conducted with Mg2+ present as the DNA is cleaved so, to study the effect of Mg2+ on DNA binding, two catalytically-inactive mutants were constructed. The mutants bound DNA in the presence of either Ca2+ or Mg2+ but, unlike wild-type SfiI with Ca2+, the binding was reversible. With both mutants, dissociation was slow with Ca2+ but was in one case much faster with Mg2+. Hence, Ca2+ can affect DNA binding differently from Mg2+. Moreover, SfiI is an archetypal system for DNA looping; on DNA with two recognition sites, it binds to both sites and loops out the intervening DNA. While the dynamics of looping cannot be measured with wild-type SfiI and Ca2+, it becomes accessible with the mutant and Mg2+.  相似文献   

The type IIs restriction endonuclease MboII recognizes nonsymmetrical GAAGA sites, cutting 8 (top strand) and 7 (bottom strand) bases to the right. Gel retardation showed that MboII bound specifically to GAAGA sequences, producing two distinct complexes each containing one MboII and one DNA molecule. Interference analysis indicated that the initial species formed, named complex 1, comprised an interaction between the enzyme and the GAAGA target. Complex 2 involved interaction of the protein with both the GAAGA and the cutting sites. Only in the presence of divalent metal ions such as Ca(2+) is the conversion of complex 1 to 2 rapid. Additionally, a very retarded complex was seen with Ca(2+), possibly a (MboII)(2)-(DNA)(2) complex. Plasmids containing a single GAAGA site were hydrolyzed slowly by MboII. Plasmids containing two sites were cut far more rapidly, suggesting that the enzyme requires two recognition sites in the same DNA molecule for efficient hydrolysis. MboII appears to have a mechanism similar to the best characterized type IIs enzyme, FokI. Both enzymes initially bind DNA as monomers, followed by dimerization to give an (enzyme)(2)-(DNA)(2) complex. Dimerization is efficient only when the two target sites are located in the same DNA molecule and requires divalent metal ions.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence recognized by the EcoDXX1 restriction endonuclease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
EcoDXX1 is a type-I restriction enzyme coded for by the plasmid pDXX1. Like other type-I restriction endonucleases, the enzyme catalyses the modification of susceptible DNA. We have determined the DNA sequence recognised by EcoDXX1 to be: 5'TCANNNNNNNATTC-3' 3'-AGTNNNNNNNTAAG-5' where N can be any nucleotide. This sequence has an overall structure very similar to previously determined type-I sequences.  相似文献   

N.BstNBI is a unique restriction endonuclease isolated from Bacillus stearothermophilus. We have characterized the recognition sequence and the cleavage site of N.BstNBI. Mapping of cleavage sites of N.BstNBI showed that it recognizes an asymmetric sequence, 5' GAGTC 3', and cleaves only on the top strand 4 base pairs away from its recognition sequence. To verify the nicking activity of N. BstNBI, we have constructed two plasmids containing a single recognition sequence (pNB1) or no recognition site (pNB0). When pNB1 and pNB0 were incubated with the enzyme, N.BstNBI nicked only the plasmid pNB1, suggesting that N.BstNBI is a specific nicking endonuclease.  相似文献   

N.BstNBI is a nicking endonuclease that recognizes the sequence GAGTC and nicks the top strand preferentially. The Type IIs restriction endonucleases PleI and MlyI also recognize GAGTC, but cleave both DNA strands. Cloning and sequencing the genes encoding each of these three endonucleases discloses significant sequence similarities. Mutagenesis studies reveal a conserved set of catalytic residues among the three endonucleases, suggesting that they are closely related to each other. Furthermore, PleI and MlyI contain a single active site for DNA cleavage. The results from cleavage assays show that the reactions catalyzed by PleI and MlyI are sequential two step processes. The double-stranded DNA is first nicked on one DNA strand and then further cleaved on the second strand to form linear DNA. Gel filtration analysis shows that MlyI dimerizes in the presence of a cognate DNA and Ca2+ whereas N.BstNBI remains a monomer, implicating dimerization as a requisite for the second strand cleavage. We suggest that N.BstNBI, MlyI and PleI diverged from a common ancestor and propose that N.BstNBI differs from MlyI and PleI in having an extremely limited second strand cleavage activity, resulting in a site-specific nicking endonuclease.  相似文献   

The SgrAI endonuclease usually cleaves DNA with two recognition sites more rapidly than DNA with one site, often converting the former directly to the products cut at both sites. In this respect, SgrAI acts like the tetrameric restriction enzymes that bind two copies of their target sites before cleaving both sites concertedly. However, by analytical ultracentrifugation, SgrAI is a dimer in solution though it aggregates to high molecular mass species when bound to its specific DNA sequence. Its reaction kinetics indicate that it uses different mechanisms to cleave DNA with one and with two SgrAI sites. It cleaves the one-site DNA in the style of a dimeric restriction enzyme acting at an individual site, mediating neither interactions in trans, as seen with the tetrameric enzymes, nor subunit associations, as seen with the monomeric enzymes. In contrast, its optimal reaction on DNA with two sites involves an association of protein subunits: two dimers bound to sites in cis may associate to form a tetramer that has enhanced activity, which then cleaves both sites concurrently. The mode of action of SgrAI differs from all restriction enzymes characterised previously, so this study extends the range of mechanisms known for restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

A direct, physical correspondence between certain Pst I-generated genomic DNA fragments and Taq I-generated fragments, revealed with HLA-DQor -DQ gene probes, has been demonstrated. As an immediate consequence, the nature of the DQ and DX hybridized genes contained in the fragments was established. Taq I-generated DQ allelic forms which associate with serologically defined DRl1 DR2, and DRw6 specificities were also proven to be sensu stricto splits of the Pst I-generated allelic form associated with all three DR specificities.  相似文献   

The EcoRV restriction endonuclease recognises palindromic GATATC sequences and cuts between the central T and dA bases in a reaction that has an absolute requirement for a divalent metal ion, physiologically Mg(2+). Use has been made of base analogues, which delete hydrogen bonds between the protein and DNA (or hydrophobic interactions in the case of the 5-CH(3) group of thymine), to evaluate the roles of the outer two base-pairs (GATATC) in DNA recognition. Selectivity arises at both the binding steps leading to the formation of the enzyme-DNA-metal ion ternary complex (assayed by measuring the dissociation constant in the presence of the non-reactive metal Ca(2+)) and the catalytic step (evaluated using single-turnover hydrolysis in the presence of Mg(2+)), with each protein-DNA contact contributing to recognition. With the A:T base-pair, binding was reduced by the amount expected for the simple loss of a single contact; much more severe effects were observed with the G:C base-pair, suggesting additional conformational perturbation. Most of the modified bases lowered the rate of hydrolysis; furthermore, the presence of an analogue in one strand of the duplex diminished cutting at the second, unmodified strand, indicative of communication between DNA binding and the active site. The essential metal ion Mg(2+) plays a key role in mediating interactions between the DNA binding site and active centre and in many instances rescue of hydrolysis was seen with Mn(2+). It is suggested that contacts between the GATATC site are required for tight binding and for the correct assembly of metal ions and bound water at the catalytic site, functions important in providing acid/base catalysis and transition state stabilisation.  相似文献   

EcoP15 is a restriction-modification enzyme coded by the P15 plasmid of Escherichia coli. We have determined the sites recognized by this enzyme on pBR322 and simian virus 40 DNA. The enzyme recognizes the sequence:
In restriction, the enzyme cleaves the DNA 25 to 26 base-pairs 3′ to this sequence to leave single-stranded 5′ protrusions two bases long.  相似文献   

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