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To determine the occurrence of variants of African cassava mosaic virus, 316 cassava leaf samples were collected from mosaic‐affected cassava plants in 254 farmers. fields in 1997 and 1998, covering the humid forest, coastal/derived, southern Guinea and northern Guinea savannas and arid and semi‐arid agroecologies of Nigeria. The samples were tested in triple antibody sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay using a panel of 10 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the virus in which 29 reaction patterns were observed. In cluster analysis, nine serotypes were obtained at 0.80 Jaccard similarity coefficient index in which at least 50% of isolates of each serotype reacted alike. The serotypes ranged between two extremes: serotype 1 with 90% isolates reacting with the 10 MAbs and serotype 8 in which 90% of its isolates failed to react with the antibodies. Isolates of serotypes 1, 2, 4 and 8 were widely distributed while those of the other serotypes were estricted to certain agroecologies. Four representative isolates 227 (serotype 1), 231 (serotype 2), 235 and 283 (serotype 8) elicited different responses in Nicotiana, benthamiana, with isolate 283 not able to infect this and other test plants used. The serological variations did not necessarily reflect the biological variations. In polymerase chain reaction tests, one out of the five pairs of ACMV primers tested distinguished only isolate 283. The humid forest, derived/coastal and southern Guinea savannas where most of the crop is grown in Nigeria had a high number of variants, which makes the agroecologies suitable for the selection of resistant cassava clones against ACMV.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to assess the effect of different cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs) occurring in Uganda on the growth and yield of the susceptible local cultivar ‘Ebwanateraka’. Plants infected with African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), ‘mild’ and ‘severe’ strains of East African cassava mosaic virus‐Uganda (EACMV‐UG2) and both ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 were grown in two experiments in Kabula, Lyantonde in western Uganda. The most severe disease developed in plants co‐infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 and in those infected with the ‘severe’ form of EACMV‐UG2 alone; disease was least severe in plants infected with the ‘mild’ strain of EACMV‐UG2. ACMV‐infected plants and those infected with the ‘mild’ strain of EACMV‐UG2 were tallest in the 1999–2000 and 2000–2001 trials, respectively; plants dually infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 were shortest in both trials. Plants infected with ‘mild’ EACMV‐UG2 yielded the largest number and the heaviest tuberous roots followed by ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 ‘severe’, respectively, whilst plants dually infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 yielded the least considering the two trials together. Reduction in tuberous root weight was greatest in plants dually infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2, averaging 82%. Losses attributed to ACMV alone, EACMV‐UG2 ‘mild’ and EACMV‐UG2 ‘severe’ were 42%, 12% and 68%, respectively. Fifty percent and 48% of the plants infected with both ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 gave no root yield in 1999–2000 and 2000–2001, respectively. These results indicate that CMGs, whether in single or mixed infections, reduce root yield and numbers of tuberous roots produced and that losses are substantially increased following mixed infection.  相似文献   

Twenty-two cassava genotypes and eight controls were evaluated in two cropping seasons for resistance to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) fields, located at different ecozones of Nigeria. Disease incidence (DI) and index of symptom severity data were obtained monthly at each location and genotype. Symptomatic leaves were also collected during evaluation at each location, and virus was indexed by amplification in polymerase chain reaction. Significant differences within and across locations were observed in the reactions of cassava genotypes to CMD. DI across cassava genotypes was significantly (p = 0.05) highest in the Ibadan (22.6%), followed by Onne (19.3%). Generally, plants of clones 96/0860, 96/1439, 96/0160, 96/1089A, 96/1632, 96/1613, 96/1708, 96/0191, 96/0249 and 96/1565 had significantly lower values of DI in each location. African cassava mosaic virus in single infection was the predominant causal agent of CMD in IITA experimental fields under study.  相似文献   

A new strain of cassava common mosaic virus, designated CsCMV-ve, was isolated from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) plants growing in Venezuela. The 520 nm long semi-flexuous virus particles sedimented in sucrose gradients as one component and contained a single coat protein molecule of c. 28 kDa, and a ssRNA of c. 2.1 times 106. A single dsRNA species of c. 4.2 times 106kDA was isolated from virus-infected cassava leaves. In double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, CsCMV-ve reacted strongly with antisera to CsCMV and potato virus X, but not with those to other typical members of the potexvirus group. Ultrastructural studies of CsCMV-ve infected cells showed the presence of large bundles of inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm, a proliferation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and large crystals in the peroxisomes. CsCMV-ve in crude buffered sap or in purified preparations was not mechanically transmitted to known hosts of the Chaya and Brazilian strains of CsCMV. Isolated virus RNA also failed to infect a range of test-plant species. This is the first report of the presence of CsCMV in Venezuela.  相似文献   

The cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (35S) promoter is used extensively for transgene expression in plants. The promoter has been delineated into different subdomains based on deletion analysis and gain-of-function studies. However, cis -elements important for promoter activity have been identified only in the domains B1 ( as-2 element), A1 ( as-1 element) and minimal promoter (TATA box). No cis -elements have been described in subdomains B2–B5, although these are reported to be important for the overall activity of the 35S promoter. We have re-evaluated the contribution of three of these subdomains, namely B5, B4 and B2, to 35S promoter activity by developing several modified promoters. The analysis of β-glucuronidase gene expression driven by the modified promoters in different tissues of primary transgenic tobacco lines, as well as in seedlings of the T1 generation, revealed new facets about the functional organization of the 35S promoter. This study suggests that: (i) the 35S promoter truncated up to –301 functions in a similar manner to the –343 (full-length) 35S promoter; (ii) the Dof core and I-box core observed in the subdomain B4 are important for 35S promoter activity; and (iii) the subdomain B2 is essential for maintaining an appropriate distance between the proximal and distal regions of the 35S promoter. These observations will aid in the development of functional synthetic 35S promoters with decreased sequence homology. Such promoters can be used to drive multiple transgenes without evoking promoter homology-based gene silencing when attempting gene stacking.  相似文献   

The cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs) isolated from cassava plants expressing mild and severe symptoms of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in 2002 in Uganda were investigated using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) molecular techniques and DNA sequencing. Two previously described cassava mosaic geminiviruses: African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) said East African cassava mosaic virus - Uganda variant (EACMV-UG2) were detected in Uganda. The RFLP technique distinguished two polymorphic variants of ACMV (ACMV-UG1 and ACMV-UG2) and three of EACMV-UG2 (EACMV-UG2[1], EACMV-UG2[2] and EACMV-UG2[3]). ACMV-UG1 produced the fragments predicted for the published sequences of ACMV-[KE]/UGMld/ UGSvr, while ACMV-UG2, which produced the RFLP fragments predicted for the West African ACMV isolates ACMV-[NG], ACMV-[CM], ACMV-[CM/DO2] and ACMV-[CI], was shown to be ACMV-UGMld/UGSvr after DNA sequencing. EACMV-UG2[1] produced the RFLP fragments predicted for the published sequences of EACMV-UG2/UG2Mld/UG2Svr. However, both EACMV-UG2[2] and EACMV-UG2[3], which produced East African cassava mosaic vzras-[Tanzania]-like polymorphic fragments with RFLP analysis, were confirmed to be isolates of EACMV-UG2 after DNA sequencing. Thus, this study emphasises the importance of DNA sequence analysis for the identification of CMG isolates. EACMV-UG2 was the predominant virus and occurred in all the surveyed regions. It was detected in 73% of the severely and 53% of the mildly diseased plants, while ACMV was less widespread and occurred most frequently in the mildly diseased plants (in 27% of these plants). Mixed infections of ACMV and EACMV-UG2 were detected in only 18% of the field samples. Unlike previously reported results the mixed infection occurred almost equally in plants exhibiting mild or severe disease symptoms (21% and 16%, respectively). The increasing frequency of mild forms of EACMV-UG2 together with the continued occurrence of severe forms in the field warrants further studies of virus-virus and virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

Methods previously established for the propagation of cassava plants free from cassava mosaic disease have been applied to Nigerian clones. Meristem tips from diseased plants subjected to heat treatment for not less than 30 days at 35°–38°C were cultured on modified Murashige-Skoog medium. Concentration ranges of benzyladenine in combination with α-naphthalene acetic acid and gibberellic acid were investigated and, at optimal levels, 36% of the meristems regenerated. Regenerants, with callus and shoots only, were rooted with 80% efficiency by sub-culturing following a dip in a hormone rooting powder. All plants raised from heat-treated meristems were free of the disease as judged by visual inspection of the leaves, rooted explants and assay for the suspected pathogenic agent of the disease.  相似文献   

Cassava mosaic disease is caused by cassava mosaic begomoviruses (CMBs) and can result in crop losses up to 100% in cassava (Manihot esculenta) in Tanzania. We investigated the efficacy of chemotherapy and thermotherapy for elimination of East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV) of Tanzanian cassava. In vitro plantlets from EACMV‐infected plants obtained from coastal Tanzania were established in the greenhouse. Leaves were sampled from the plants and tested to confirm the presence of EACMV. Plantlets of plants positive for EACMV were initiated in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. On the second subculture, they were subjected into chemical treatment in the medium containing salicylic acid (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/L) and ribavirin (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg/L). In the second experiment, EACMV‐infected plantlets were subjected to temperatures between 35 and 40°C with 28°C as the control. After 42 days of growth, DNA was extracted from plant leaves and PCR amplification was performed using EACMV specific primers. It was found that plant survival decreased with increasing levels of both salicylic acid and ribavirin concentrations. In general, plants treated with salicylic acid exhibited a lower plant survival % than those treated with ribavirin. However, the percentage of virus‐free plants increased with an increase in the concentration of both ribavirin and salicylic acid. The most effective concentrations were 20 mg/L of ribavirin and 30 mg/L of salicylic acid; these resulted in 85.0% and 88.9% virus‐free plantlets, respectively. With regard to thermotherapy, 35°C resulted in 79.5% virus‐free plantlets compared to 69.5% at 40°C. Based on virus elimination, ribavirin at 20 mg/L, salicylic acid 30 mg/L and thermotherapy at 35°C are recommended for production of EACMV free cassava plantlets from infected cassava landraces.  相似文献   

Zheng X  Deng W  Luo K  Duan H  Chen Y  McAvoy R  Song S  Pei Y  Li Y 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(8):1195-1203
Here we report the effect of the 35S promoter sequence on activities of the tissue- and organ-specific gene promoters in tobacco plants. In the absence of the 35S promoter sequence the AAP2 promoter is active only in vascular tissues as indicated by expression of the AAP2:GUS gene. With the 35S promoter sequence in the same T-plasmid, transgenic plants exhibit twofold to fivefold increase in AAP2 promoter activity and the promoter becomes active in all tissue types. Transgenic plants hosting the ovary-specific AGL5:iaaM gene (iaaM coding an auxin biosynthetic gene) showed a wild-type phenotype except production of seedless fruits, whereas plants hosting the AGL5:iaaM gene along with the 35S promoter sequence showed drastic morphological alterations. RT-PCR analysis confirms that the phenotype was caused by activation of the AGL5:iaaM gene in non-ovary organs including roots, stems and flowers. When the pollen-, ovule- and early embryo-specific PAB5:barnase gene (barnase coding a RNase gene) was transformed, the presence of 35S promoter sequence drastically reduced transformation efficiencies. However, the transformation efficiencies were restored in the absence of 35S promoter, indicating that the 35S promoter might activate the expression of PAB5:barnase in non-reproductive organs such as calli and shoot primordia. Furthermore, if the 35S promoter sequence was replaced with the NOS promoter sequence, no alteration in AAP2, AGL5 or PAB5 promoter activities was observed. Our results demonstrate that the 35S promoter sequence can convert an adjacent tissue- and organ-specific gene promoter into a globally active promoter. Xuelian Zheng and Wei Deng contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors.  相似文献   

The effects of cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) on yield in fully and partly infected stands of cassava were investigated in field trials in Uganda in 1990-91 and 1991-92. Three cultivars (Ebwanateraka, Bao and Bukalasa 1 l), each at three levels of cutting infection (O%, 50% and 100%) and harvested 510 and 15 months after planting (MAP) were used in a randomised block design with split-split plots and four replicates. Moreover, yield and growth data for individual infected and uninfected plants were considered in relation to the health status of their nearest neighbours. In each experiment, fresh tuberous root yields of plants from 100% infected plots gave sigdicantly lower yields than those from 0% or 50% infected plots at each harvest date and the losses were greatest in cv. Bao. Yields of plants from 0% and 50% plots for each of the three cultivars were not significantly different, 10 and 15 MAP. The loss in yield differed between cultivars and harvest dates. Fresh stem, leaf and root yields and the number of tuberous roots were influenced by the health status of the plants harvested and that of their nearest neighbours. Uninfected plants surrounded by infected ones had more roots and heavier total fresh root, stem and leaf weights than those surrounded by uninfected ones. Overall, 26% and 42% compensation was recorded in 1990-91 and 1991-92, respectively. The effects of CMD on cassava production and of compensation in mixed stands of infected and uninfected plants are discussed, especially in relation to control strategies such as roguing.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, an epidemic of cassava mosaic virus disease caused major losses to cassava production in Uganda. Two factors associated with the epidemic were the occurrence of a novel recombinant begomovirus, EACMV-Ug, and unusually high populations of the whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci. Here we present molecular evidence for the occurrence of two cassava-colonizing B. tabaci genotype clusters, Ug1 and Ug2, one of which, Ug2, can be consistently associated with the CMD epidemic in Uganda at the time of collection in 1997. By contrast, a second genotype cluster, Ug1, only occurred 'at' or 'ahead of' the epidemic 'front', sometimes in mixtures with Ug2. Comparison of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene sequences for Ug1 and Ug2 and well-studied B. tabaci reference populations indicated that the two Ugandan populations exhibited approximately 8% divergence, suggesting they represent distinct sub-Saharan African lineages. Neither Ugandan genotype cluster was identified as the widely distributed, polyphagous, and highly fecund B biotype of Old World origin, with which they both diverged by approximately 8%. Within genotype cluster divergence of Ug1 at 0.61 +/- 0.1% was twice that of Ug2 at 0.35 +/- 0.1%. Mismatch analysis suggested that Ug2 has undergone a recent population expansion and may be of nonUgandan origin, whereas Ug1 has diverged more slowly, and is likely to be an indigenous genotype cluster.  相似文献   

To study the cause of the current epidemic of severe mosaic in Ugandan cassava, PCR analysis was used to detect and identify African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV) and the recently reported recombinant geminivirus (UgV), which is derived from ACMV and EACMV, in leaf extracts from cassava plants grown from cuttings in the glasshouse at Dundee. The cuttings were collected from plants showing symptoms of different severities and growing at different sites in Uganda inside, at the periphery of, and outside, the area affected by the epidemic. ACMV occurred throughout the nine districts sampled but UgV was detected only in the area affected by the epidemic. EACMV was not found in Uganda. Most plants containing ACMV alone expressed mild or moderate mosaic, whereas very severe mosaic developed in most plants containing UgV plus ACMV and a few of those containing UgV only. Very severe mosaic in cassava from southern Sudan was likewise associated with co-infection by UgV and ACMV. The very severe disease was reproduced by graft-inoculating geminivirus-free cassava with UgV plus ACMV; plants inoculated with either UgV or ACMV developed severe or moderate symptoms, respectively. Unlike ACMV, Malawian EACMV did not enhance the severity of symptoms induced by UgV. However, a very severely affected plant from Ukerewe Island, Tanzania, contained ACMV and EACMV but not UgV. UgV attained a much greater concentration in cassava than did ACMV but the opposite occurred in Nicotiana benthamiana. In neither host was total virus antigen concentration affected by co-infection. Factors affecting the genesis, selection and spread of UgV are discussed. The evidence indicates that UgV is probably of relatively recent origin, that such variants do not appear often, and that the current epidemic has resulted from the rapid spread of UgV to infect plants and to invade regions in which ACMV already occurred. The novel type of virus complex so produced, consisting of an interspecific recombinant virus (UgV) and one of its parents (ACMV), typically has even more severe effects than UgV alone.  相似文献   

Genetic modification of cassava for enhanced starch production   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To date, transgenic approaches to biofortify subsistence crops have been rather limited. This is particularly true for the starchy root crop cassava ( Manihot esculenta Crantz). Cassava has one of the highest rates of CO2 fixation and sucrose synthesis for any C3 plant, but rarely reaches its yield potentials in the field. It was our hypothesis that starch production in cassava tuberous roots could be increased substantially by increasing the sink strength for carbohydrate. To test this hypothesis, we generated transgenic plants with enhanced tuberous root ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) activity. This was achieved by expressing a modified form of the bacterial glgC gene under the control of a Class I patatin promoter. AGPase catalyses the rate-limiting step in starch biosynthesis, and therefore the expression of a more active bacterial form of the enzyme was expected to lead to increased starch production. To facilitate maximal AGPase activity, we modified the Escherichia coli glgC gene (encoding AGPase) by site-directed mutagenesis (G336D) to reduce allosteric feedback regulation by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. Transgenic plants (three) expressing the glgC gene had up to 70% higher AGPase activity than control plants when assayed under conditions optimal for plant and not bacterial AGPase activity. Plants having the highest AGPase activities had up to a 2.6-fold increase in total tuberous root biomass when grown under glasshouse conditions. In addition, plants with the highest tuberous root AGPase activity had significant increases in above-ground biomass, consistent with a possible reduction in feedback inhibition on photosynthetic carbon fixation. These results demonstrate that targeted modification of enzymes regulating source–sink relationships in crop plants having high carbohydrate source strengths is an effective strategy for increasing carbohydrate yields in sink tissues.  相似文献   

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