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Aqueous phenol extraction of the lower trypanosomatid Leptomonas samueli released into the aqueous layer a chloroform/methanol/water-soluble glycophosphosphingolipid fraction. Alkaline degradation and purification by gel filtration chromatography resulted in a tetrasaccharide (phosphatidylinositol (PI)-oligosaccharide A), and a pentasaccharide (PI-oligosaccharide B), each containing 2 mol of 2-aminoethylphosphonate and 1 mol of phosphate. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry suggested that the structure of PI-oligosaccharide A is [formula: see text] and that of PI-oligosaccharide B is as shown. [formula: see text] Both compounds contain an inositol unit linked to ceramide via a phosphodiester bridge. The major aliphatic components of the ceramide portion are stearic acid, lignoceric acid, and C20-phytosphingosine. These novel glycolipids fall within the glycosylated phosphatidylinositol (GPI) family, since they contain the core structure Man alpha (1-->4)GlcNH2 alpha (1-->6)myo-inositol-1-PO4, which is also found in the glycoinositolphospholipids and lipophosphoglycan of Leishmania spp., the L. major promastigote surface protease, the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor of Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein, and the lipopeptidophosphoglycan of Trypanosoma cruzi. The glycophosphosphingolipids of Leptomonas have features in common with the glycolipids of both Leishmania and T. cruzi, resembling the former by the alpha (1-->3) linkage of mannose to the GPI core, while the 2-aminoethylphosphonate substituent on O-6 of glucosamine and the presence of ceramide in place of glycerol lipids is more reminiscent of T. cruzi. Thus these data lend some support to the hypothesis that both T. cruzi and Leishmania evolved from a Leptomonas-like ancestor.  相似文献   

Mild alkaline hydrolysis of the glycophosphosphingolipids of the protozoanLeptomonas samueli liberated several phosphoinositol-containing oligosaccharides (PI-oligosaccharides), which were purified by high performance anion exchange chromatography. The oligosaccharides in the resulting four fractions were characterized by methylation analysis, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The oligosaccharides contain the core structure Man(1–4)GlcN(1–6)-myo-inositol-1-OPO3, and are substituted with 2mol of 2-aminoethylphosphonate per mol of oligosaccharide. The nonreducing ends of the oligosaccharides were terminated by rhamnose branched neutral and acidic xylose-containing penta-, hexa-, hepta- and octasaccharides, of which the three most abundant were shown to have the structures:

Affinity-purified glycopeptides were prepared from Trypanosomacruzi using the carbohydrate-specific monoclonal antibody WIC29.26.These glycopeptides contain rhamnose, fucose, xylose, and galactose,in the ratio 1:1:2:3. A series of oligosaccharides was releasedfrom the glycopeptides by mild acid hydrolysis, while, in contrast,no oligosaccharides were released by either peptide N-glycosidaseF or conventional base-catalyzed ß-elimination andreduction. This suggested the presence of a phosphodiester linkagebetween the carbohydrate and peptide, which was further supportedby the detection of phosphothreonine in the glycopeptides. Themild acid liberated (MAL) fraction was resolved into two majoracidic oligosaccharides (MAL-P1 and MAL-P2), two minor neutraloligosaccharides (MAL P1b and MAL-P2b) and a neutral fraction(MAL-N1), consisting of Gal and Xyl monosaccharides. The MAL-P1and MAL-P2 oligosaccharides proved to be hexa- and heptasaccharidesthat shared a common xylose reducing terminus, but differedby one galactofuranose residue, and their negative charge wasshown to be due to the presence of cyclic-phosphate attachedto nonreducing terminal galactofuranose residues. The MAL-P1band MAL-P2b oligosaccharides appeared to be nonphosphorylatedversions of MAL-P1 and MAL-P2. Partial structures of MAL-P1and MAL-P2 are suggested, based on compositional analyses, electrospraymass spectrometry, and tandem mass spectrometry before and afterpermethylation. The origin and significance of these uniquetrypanosomatid glycoconjugates is discussed. glycoprotein monoclonal antibody oligosaccharide structure Trapanosoma cruzi  相似文献   

Summary Leptomonas samueli possesses in its cytoplasm a membrane-bounded organelle which can reach a length of 2.8 m and a diameter of 0.2 m. Catalase activity, which is inhibited by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole, was detected at the ultrastructural level in the matrix of the organelle by using an alkaline diaminobenzidine medium. Freeze-fracture studies showed the presence of a large number of intramembranous particles on both the P and the E faces of the membrane of the organelle. Based on these data as well as on previous observations, it is suggested that the trypanosomatids possess an organelle that can be considered to be a peroxisome.  相似文献   

In this article, Armando Parodi presents a summary of the knowledge of the structure and biosynthesis of mammalian Asn-linked (N-linked) oligosacchorides and compares this with what is known in trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

The complete primary structures of the major Asn-linked oligosaccharides from the type II variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs), MITat 1.2 and MITat 1.7, and the type III VSG, MITat 1.5, were determined using a combination of exo- and endoglycosidase digestions, methylation analysis, acetolysis, and 500 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy. Each variant contained classical branched oligomannose-type and biantennary complex oligosaccharides, a proportion of the latter substituted with terminal alpha(1-3)-linked galactose residues, the first report of the presence of this epitope in Trypanosoma brucei. In addition both the type II variants contained relatively large amounts of the unusual small oligomannose-type oligosaccharides, Man4GlcNAc2 and Man3GlcNAc2, and a diverse array of novel branched poly-N-acetyllactosamine oligosaccharides, similar but not identical to those from mammalian glycoproteins. These latter structures were also partially substituted with terminal alpha(1-3)-linked galactose residues. Glycosylation in the type II variants showed site specificity in that the poly-N-acetyllactosamine and Man(9-5)GlcNAc2 oligosaccharides were located exclusively at Asn-glycosylation site 1 very close to the C terminus, whereas the Man(4-3)GlcNAc2 and biantennary complex oligosaccharides were located exclusively at site 2. This is the first report of the presence of poly-N-acetyllactosamine oligosaccharides in protozoa.  相似文献   

The structure of a glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored glucoxylan (GPI-glucoxylan) synthesized by the monogenetic trypanosomatid Leptomonas samueli has been determined. The glucoxylan is anchored to the membrane by phytoceramide and an oligosaccharide core, the structure of which is identical to glycoinositolphospholipids (GIPLs) expressed by this protozoan. The glucoxylan chain is linear, containing -->4Glcalpha1-->, -->4Xylbeta1--> and -->3Xylbeta1--> residues. A well defined sequence heterogeneity was analysed in terms of a series of overlapping trisaccharide substructures. A proportion of the chains are capped with a GlcAalpha1-->3Glcalpha1--> sequence. While an average GlcA-capped chain contained 10 Glc and 16 Xyl residues, uncapped chains have a higher molecular mass with an average of 30 Glc and 50 Xyl per chain. We propose a mode of biosynthesis based on the observed structural heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Midguts of the malaria-transmitting mosquito, Anopheles stephensi, were homogenized and microvillar membranes prepared by calcium precipitation and differential centrifugation. Oligosaccharides present on the microvillar glycoproteins were identified by lectin blotting before and after in vitro and in situ treatments with endo- and exo-glycosidases. Twenty-eight glycoproteins expressed a structurally restricted range of terminal sugars and oligosaccharide linkages. Twenty-three glycoproteins expressed oligomannose and/or hybrid N-linked oligosaccharides, some with alpha1-6 linked fucose as a core residue. Complex-type N-linked oligosaccharides on eight glycoproteins all possessed terminal N-acetylglucosamine, and alpha- and beta-linked N-acetylgalactosamine. Eight glycoproteins expressed O-linked oligosaccharides all containing N-acetylgalactosamine with or without further substitutions of fucose and/or galactose. Galactosebeta1-3/4/6N-acetylglucosamine-, sialic acidalpha2-3/6galactose-, fucosealpha1-2galactose- and galactosealpha1-3galactose- were not detected. Terminal alpha-linked N-acetylgalactosamine residues on N-linked oligosaccharides are described for the first time in insects. The nature and function of these midgut glycoproteins have yet to be identified, but the oligosaccharide side chains are candidate receptors for ookinete binding and candidate targets for transmission blocking strategies.  相似文献   

The primary structures of the N-linked oligosaccharides from tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum) have been elucidated. For the isolation of the protein fraction, two procedures were employed alternatively: a low temperature acetone powder method and ammonium sulfate precipitation of the tomato extract. After peptic digestion, the glycopeptides were purified by cation-exchange chromatography; the oligosaccharides were released by N-glycosidase A and fluorescently labelled with 2-aminopyridine. Structural characterization was accomplished by means of two-dimensional HPLC in combination with exoglycosidase digestions and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Two varieties as well as two stages of ripening were investigated. In all the samples, the same sixteen N-glycosidic structures were detected; the two most abundant glycans showed identical properties to those of the major N-linked oligosaccharides of horseradish peroxidase and pineapple stem bromelain, respectively and accounted for about 65-78% of the total glycan amount; oligomannosidic glycans occurred only in small quantities (3-9%). The majority of the N-glycans were beta 1,2-xylosylated and carried an alpha 1,3-fucose residue linked to the terminal N-acetylglucosamine. This structural element contributes to cross-reactions among non-related glycoproteins and has been shown to be an IgE-reactive determinant (Tretter, Altmann, Kubelka, M?rz, & Becker, 1993). The presented study gives a possible structural explanation for reported immunological cross-reactivities between tomato and grass pollen extracts due to carbohydrate IgE epitopes (Petersen, Vieths, Aulepp, Schlaak, & Becker, 1996), thereby demonstrating the importance of the structural characterization of plant N-glycans for a more reliable interpretation of immunological data.  相似文献   

Chromatographic methods were developed for the separation and characterization of acidic (sialylated) and neutral (asialo-complex and high-mannose) oligosaccharides released from glycoproteins with peptide N-glycosidase F. endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H using a carbohydrate analyzer (Dionex BioLC). All the carbohydrate separations were carried out on a polymeric pellicular anion-exchange column HPIC-AS6/CarboPac PA-1 (Dionex) using only two eluants namely, 0.5 M NaOH and 3% acetic acid/NaOH pH 5.5, which were mixed with water to generate various gradients. Developed conditions for quantitative detection of carbohydrates with pulsed amperometry were necessary to obtain steady baselines at 0.1-0.3 microA output with suitable sensitivity (less than 5 pmol) in separations employing a variety of acidic and alkaline sodium acetate gradients. Oligosaccharides released from heat-denatured and trypsin-treated glycoproteins were purified initially from large-scale digestion (greater than 0.1 g) by extraction of peptide material into phenol/chloroform and finally by ion-exchange chromatography of the acqueous phase. Oligosaccharides isolated from the peptide N-glycosidase digests of bovine fetuin, human transferrin and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein gave multiple peaks in each charge group in separations based on the charge content at pH 5.5. Alkaline sodium acetate gradients were developed to obtain oligosaccharide maps of the glycoproteins within 60 min, in which separated oligosaccharides eluted in the order of neutral, mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-sialylated species based on both charge, size and structure. Baseline separations were obtained with neutral oligosaccharide types but mixtures of high-mannose and complex types were poorly resolved. The high-mannose peaks were eliminated specifically from complex oligosaccharides by digesting with alpha-mannosidase. Treatment with beta-galactosidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and alpha-mannosidase resulted in a decrease of the oligosaccharide elution times corresponding to the number of sugar residues lost, the profile of changes was highly reproducible. In contrast, treatment with alpha-L-fucosidase, endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H resulted in an increase in their corresponding oligosaccharide retention times similar to the presence of an additional sugar residue. Conditions developed for separation of the reduced oligosaccharides and also a mixture of monosaccharide to oligosaccharide containing about 15 sugar residues within 30 min were useful in determining the effect of endo- and exo-glycosidases on porcine thyroglobulin oligosaccharides. Changes in elution time of the oligosaccharides following specific glycosidase digestions combined with methylation analysis provided a rapid and sensitive tool for confirmation of the carbohydrate primary structures present in thyroglobulin.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1986,146(2):279-305
Rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) is a structurally complex pectic (d-galactosyl-uronic acid-rich) polysaccharide that is present in the primary (growing) cell-walls of higher plants. RG-II is composed of ∼60 glycosyl residues. The isolation and structural characterization of 23 oligosaccharide fragments of the residue of RG-II that remained after removal of hepta- and di-saccharides by partial hydrolysis with acid are reported. In order to obtain the oligosaccharide fragments characterized herein, the carboxyl groups of RG-II were dideuterio-reduced, and the carboxyl-reduced polysaccharide was per-O-methylated. The per-O-methylated polysaccharide was fragmented by partial hydrolysis with acid, producing partially O-methylated oligosaccharides. These derivatized oligosaccharides were reduced, to afford a mixture of partially O-methylated oligoglycosyl-alditols, which was then per-O-methylated. The structures of the resulting per-O-methylated oligoglycosylalditols were determined by chemical-ionization mass spectrometry, electron-impact mass spectrometry, fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry, 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy, and analysis of corresponding, partially O-acetylated, partially O-methylated alditols. Seventeen of the oligosaccharides isolated from RG-II were parts of a single heptasaccharide, namely.  相似文献   

S E Trombetta  M Bosch  A J Parodi 《Biochemistry》1989,28(20):8108-8116
An assay for UDP-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase was developed. Incubation of rat liver microsomes with UDP-[14C]Glc led to the formation of hot trichloroacetic acid insoluble material identified as protein-linked Glc1Man7-9GlcNAc2. Addition of 8 M urea-denatured thyroglobulin to the incubation mixtures stimulated up to 10-12-fold the formation of the same compounds but only in the presence of detergents. Native thyroglobulin was ineffective. Several experiments indicated that the stimulation was due to the transfer of glucose residues from UDP-Glc to high-mannose oligosaccharides in urea-denatured thyroglobulin and that this transfer reaction did not involve dolichol mono- or diphosphate derivatives as intermediates. The glycoprotein glucosylating activity was mainly located in the endoplasmic reticulum and could glucosylate glycopeptides derived from the digestion of thyroglobulin with an unspecific protease. Glucosylation of oligosaccharides in those glycopeptides occurred, however, at a rate at least 2 orders of magnitude slower than that of the same compounds in urea-denatured thyroglobulin. Tryptic digestion of urea-denatured thyroglobulin did not affect its glucosylation rate. The structure of Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 linked to urea-denatured thyroglobulin was identical with that of Glc1Man9GlcNAc2-P-P-dolichol. The assay of UDP-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase allowed detection of the activity in microsomal membranes in which endogenous acceptors appeared to be absent or almost absent, such as those derived from mung bean, Mucor rouxii, Crithidia fasciculata, and Trypanosoma cruzi cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Structures of O-linked oligosaccharides of leukosialin isolated from K562 erythroid, HL-60 promyelocytic, and HSB-2 T-lymphoid cell lines were examined. Leukosialin was isolated by specific immunoprecipitation from cells which were metabolically labeled with [3H]glucosamine, and glycopeptides were isolated after Pronase digestion. O-Linked oligosaccharides were released by alkaline borohydride treatment, and the structures of purified oligosaccharides were elucidated by specific exoglycosidase digestion, Smith degradation, and methylation anaylsis. Oligosaccharides from K562 cells were found to be GalNAcOH, Gal beta 1----3GalNAcOH, NeuNAc alpha 2----6GalNAcOH, NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3GalNAcOH, Gal beta 1----3(NeuNAc alpha 2----6)GalNAcOH, and NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3(NeuNAc alpha 2----6)GalNAcOH. On the other hand, oligosaccharides from HL-60 and HSB-2 cells were found to be NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3GalNAcOH, NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----6(Gal beta 1----3)GalNAcOH, Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----6(NeuNAc alpha 2----3)Gal beta 1----3)GalNAcOH, and NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----6(NeuNAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3)GalNAcOH. These results clearly indicate that leukosialin can be differently glycosylated with O-linked chains, and each erythroid or myeloid (and T-lymphoid) cell line expresses a characteristic set of O-linked oligosaccharides which differ in core structures as well as in sialylation.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins were extracted from meconium samples of group O neonates of secretor type by pronase digestion followed by precipitation in 67% aqueous ethanol and separated into Ii antigen enriched and depleted fractions by affinity chromatography. The latter fraction strongly expressed the oncofoetal antigens recognised by natural antibodies in mouse sera and the hybridoma antibody FC 10.2, and this activity was enhanced after mild acid hydrolysis to remove sialic acid and fucose residues. Oligosaccharides were released from the mild-acid-treated fraction by base-borohydride degradation and purified by gel permeation chromatography on Bio-Gel P4 and high performance liquid chromatography on octadecylsilyl and aminopropylsilyl columns. The major oligosaccharides were characterised by fast atom bombardment and electron impact mass spectrometry, combined gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and 500-MHz proton NMR spectroscopy. Their structures, in order of abundance, were: (Formula: see text).  相似文献   

It was previously shown that alkaline borohydride treatment of human midcycle cervical mucin releases a heterogeneous population of reduced neutral, sialylated, and sulfated oligosaccharides (Yurewicz, E. C., and Moghissi, K. S. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 11895-11905). Three major neutral oligosaccharides were isolated with approximate compositions of Fuc:Gal:GlcNAc:N-acetylgalactosaminitol (GalNAcol) = 0:2:1:1 (A1), 1:2:1:1 (A2), and 2:2:1:1 (A3). They comprised roughly 21%, 13%, and 8% of human cervical mucin oligosaccharide chains, respectively. In the present report, each was analyzed by periodate oxidation, methylation, and sequential degradation with glycosidases. A1 was shown to contain more than one component, but structural analyses clearly demonstrated the presence of one predominant (75%) tetrasaccharide. The proposed structure, Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-6(Gal beta 1-3)GalNAcol, has previously been found in human gastric, submaxillary, and ovarian cyst mucins in their carbohydrate-to-protein linkage regions. beta-Galactosidase from Aspergillus niger selectively cleaved the Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc linkage in the intact tetrasaccharide. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the Gal beta 1-3GalNAcol linkage required prior removal of the Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-unit attached to 0-6 of GalNAcol. The data for A2 indicated a mixture of two oligosaccharides, Gal beta 1-4,3(Fuc alpha 1-3,4)GlcNAc beta 1-6(Gal beta 1-3)GalNacol and Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-4GlcNac beta 1-6(Gal beta 1-3)-GalNacol, in an approximate molar ratio of 3 to 4:1, respectively. Two structures are consistent with the data obtained for A3: Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-4,3(Fuc alpha 1-3,4)GlcNAc beta 1-6(Gal beta 1-3)GalNAcol and/or Gal beta 1-4,3(Fuc alpha 1-3,4)GlcNac beta 1-6(Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-3)GalNacol. The results indicate that A1 represents the "core" tetrasaccharide of the larger human cervical mucin oligosaccharides A2 and A3.  相似文献   

The oligosaccharide side chains of a human anti-lipopolysaccharide IgM produced by a human-human-mouse heterohybridoma were analyzed at each of its five conserved N-glycosylation sites. This antibody also has a potential sixth N-glycosylation site in the variable region of its heavy chain which is not glycosylated. The oligosaccharides were released by digestion with various endo- and exoglycosidases and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis. The antibody has various complex- and hybrid-type oligosaccharide structures at Asn 171, various sialylated complex-type oligosaccharides at Asn 332 and 395, and high-mannose-type oligosaccharides at Asn 402 and 563. Of note is the presence in this human IgM of oligosaccharides containing N-glycolylneuraminic acid and N-acetylneuraminic acid in the ratio of 98:2 as determined using anion- exchange chromatography. Furthermore, we observed oligosaccharide structures containing Gal alpha (1,3)Gal that have not been reported as components of human glycoproteins.   相似文献   

During studies on the fucosylation of endogenous proteins inparental (Pro5) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) transferaseI-deficient (Lec1) Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, we observedthat Lec1 cells incorporate  相似文献   

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