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Excised shoot tips from 10-day-old etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) seedlings were incubated in solutions of chloramphenicol, cycloheximide, and lincomycin at different concentrations during periods of 0, 4, 8, and 12 hours of irradiation with high intensity white light. Enzyme extracts were prepared from the whole shoot tips and compared with extracts from nontreated shoot tips for their capacity to synthesize ent-kaurene from mevalonate. In control samples, kaurene synthesis increased during the first 8 hours of irradiation and decreased after 12 hours. Chlorophyll content increased steadily up to 12 hours of irradiation. Chloramphenicol and cycloheximide reduced both kaurene synthesis and chlorophyll formation to a similar extent during all periods of irradiation, the reduction being greatest after 8 hours of irradiation. Lincomycin, a specific inhibitor of the formation of chloroplast ribosomes in detached pea shoot tips, did not significantly affect kaurene synthesis activity but strongly inhibited chlorophyll formation. It is tentatively concluded that the increase in kaurene synthesis activity during normal photomorphogenesis in pea seedlings is due to photoinduction of de novo synthesis of one or more proteins involved in the biosynthetic pathway from mevalonate to kaurene.  相似文献   

An enzyme, which lacks cellobiase activity, responsible for the synthesis of ethyl-beta-glucoside has been found in the extracts of pea hooks (1-centimeter length of the apical portion of epicotyl) and has been partially purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation. The enzyme can transfer the glucosyl moiety from a group of phenolic beta-glucosides to ethanol. A specific beta-glucosyl donor, isosuccinimide beta-glucoside, isolated from the extracts of pea seedlings shows the highest activity. The characteristics of the enzyme which synthesizes ethyl-beta-glucoside and the glucosyl donor, isosuccinimide beta-glucoside, have been studied. The significance of this system (enzyme and isosuccinimide beta-glucoside) has been discussed.  相似文献   

After removal of myrosinase activity by concanavalin A-Sepharose 4B chromatography, cell-free extracts of light-grown cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seedlings, catalyzed the sulfation of desulfobenzylglucosinolate (Km, 0.23 millimolar) to benzylglucosinolate using PAPS (Km, 1 millimolar) as sulfur donor. Sulfotransferase activity, which was optimal at pH 9.0, was stimulated by MgCl2, MnCl2, β-mercaptoethanol, and dithiothreitol and was inhibited by ZnSO4 and SH-reagents. The enzyme also sulfated desulfoallyglucosinolate to allylglucosinolate (sinigrin) but was inactive towards all phenylpropanoids and flavonoids tested.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies of the translocation of radiocarbon from a young expanded leaf of two tall varieties (Improved Pilot and Thomas Laxton) and two dwarf varieties (Little Marvel and Meteor) of Pisum sativum showed that 40 to 45 per cent of the radiocarbon was exported from the 14CO2 treated leaf after 24 hours in all four varieties. Although substantial export to the upper shoot always occurred it was more marked in the two tall varieties. Pre-treatment with GA did not affect total fixation but increased total export from the 14CO2 treated leaf in cv. Meteor and decreased it in cv. Improved Pilot. GA had no effect on the translocation pattern in the tall plants but modified that of the dwarf plants to correspond to that found in the tall varieties.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts were prepared from anthers of normal anddwarf rice (Oryza sativa L.), and the metabolism of radioisotope-labeledgibberellins in the extracts was analyzed by HPLC and gas chromatography-massspectrometry (GC/MS). GA12 was converted to GA15 and GA34 inthe extracts. GA20 was converted to GA1, GA8 and GA29, but GA9was converted only to GA34. The extracts of the dwarf cultivar,Waito-C (dy mutant), showed the same 3ß-hydroxylationactivity as did those of the normal cultivar, Nihonbare, indicatingthat the dy gene is not expressed in the anthers. These resultssuggest that the regulation of the biosynthesis of gibberellinsin rice is organ-specific. (Received November 9, 1989; Accepted January 10, 1990)  相似文献   

Excised shoots and cell-free extracts prepared from Wedgwood iris (Iris hollandica Hoog. “Wedgwood”) shoots metabolized 14C-labeled mevalonic acid (MVA). By using cell-free extracts, the 14C from MVA-1-14C was recovered as 14CO2, while that from MVA-2-14C was recovered as neutral terpenes, acid-hydrolyzable terpenes, or 14CO2. Also, under optimal incubation conditions, 12.8 nanomoles R-MVA-2-14C was incorporated into neutral terpenes per milligram fresh weight per hour. In contrast, excised shoots incorporated only 0.58 nanomoles R-MVA-2-14C per mg fresh weight per hour. Labeled products identified from the cell-free system were squalene, farnesol, geranylgeraniol, and compounds that are converted to farnesol and geranylgeraniol after alkaline hydrolysis. Squalene and a 4,4-dimethylsterol were identified as products from excised shoots but not the terpene alcohols or the alkaline-hydrolyzable compounds.  相似文献   

Kaurene synthetase B activity (conversion of copalyl pyrophosphate to ent-kaurene) is readily detectable in crude cell-free extracts of 3- to 4-day old dark-grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus cv. Mammoth) seedlings, whereas little or no kaurene synthetase AB activity (conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate to ent-kaurene) can be found in these extracts under comparable assay conditions. A low amount of AB activity is evident only if an extensively dialyzed extract is used in low concentrations as the enzyme source. One factor which may contribute to the low apparent levels of AB activity is the presence of inhibitory factors in the crude sunflower extract since these extracts can be shown to act as a potent inhibitor of Marah macrocarpus endosperm kaurene synthetase AB activity. Heat treatment (100°C) or dialysis of the sunflower extract reduces the amount of its inhibitory activity. Also, it was observed that low concentrations of extensively dialyzed sunflower extracts act to stimulate M. macrocarpus AB activity. There is no evidence for the presence of an inhibitory factor for M. macrocarpus kaurene synthetase B activity in sunflower extracts. However, there does appear to be present in the crude preparation of sunflower extract a dialyzable factor(s) that impedes its own B activity. There is little information to date on the nature of these inhibitory and stimulatory factors for kaurene synthetase activity or their possible roles in physiological regulation. The possible presence of such factors should be considered, however, when attempting to evaluate kaurene synthetase activities in extracts of vegetative plants.  相似文献   

Treatment of etiolated pea (Pisum sativum (L. cv. Alaska) seedlings with 2′-isopropyl-4′-(trimethylammonium chloride)-5′-methylphenyl piperidine-1-carboxylate (Amo-1618) prior to irradiation with white light inhibits photomorphogenesis and formation and stacking of thylakoid membranes in the chloroplasts, as well as (−)-kaur-16-ene (ent-kaurene)biosynthesis. Exogenous gibberellic acid also inhibits greening. A crudely determined action spectrum for the photoinduction of ent-kaurene biosynthesis shows two peaks, one in the blue region at 458 to 490 nanometers and another in the red region at 606 to 678 nanometers. The possible participation of phytochrome in the photoinduction of ent-kaurene biosynthesis is indicated by comparative effects of red, far red, and alternating red/far red irradiations on enhancement of enzyme activity. The activity of blue light as well as red shows a similarity of the photoinduction of ent-kaurene synthesis activity to the high irradiance responses, and indicates probable participation of a second photoreceptor. From these observations, it is concluded that photoinduction of ent-kaurene biosynthesis and chloroplast development in shoots are closely linked processes.  相似文献   

Loscher R  Heide L 《Plant physiology》1994,106(1):271-279
The enzymatic formation of p-hydroxybenzoate from p-coumarate in cell-free extracts of cell cultures of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. et Zucc. was investigated. p-Coumaroyl-coenzyme A (p-coumaroyl-CoA) is the activated intermediate in this biosynthetic reaction. It is formed by an ATP-, Mg2+ -, and CoA-dependent 4-hydroxycinnamate:CoA ligase reaction. p-Coumaroyl-CoA is oxidized and cleaved to p-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA in a thioclastic reaction in which NAD is an essential cofactor. These CoA esters are rapidly hydrolyzed to acetate and p-hydroxybenzoate, probably by thioesterases. The enzymes involved in the formation of p-hydroxybenzoate are soluble. p-Hydroxybenzalde-hyde is not an intermediate in this conversion, and S-denosylmethionine and uridine-5[prime]-diphosphoglucose do not enhance formation of p-hydroxybenzoate in our system.  相似文献   

Anderson JD  Moore TC 《Plant physiology》1967,42(11):1527-1534
Mevalonate-14C was incorporated into (—)-kaurene-14C in cell-free extracts of immature pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds. The identification of 14C-product as (—)-kaurene was based on: A) comparison with authentic (—)-kaurene on thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography; and B) oxidation of 14C-product and (—)-kaurene with osmium tetroxide to form the common derivative kaurane-16,17-diol. The enzyme system is heat labile and is dependent upon ATP and Mg2+ or Mn2-, with Mn2+ being a more effective activator than Mg2+. The reaction rate was proportional to enzyme concentration in reaction mixtures containing 0.45 to 1.8 mg protein n/ml, and was linear with time through 120 minutes in standard reaction mixtures. Enzyme preparations from immature seeds of tall and dwarf peas appeared to synthesize (—)-kaurene at the same rate. Synthesis of (—)-kaurene was readily inhibited by Amo-1618. (2-Chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) also inhibited (—)-kaurene synthesis; however, approximately 1000-fold higher concentrations of CCC were required to evoke the same percentages of inhibition as Amo-1618.  相似文献   

Moore TC  Shaner CA 《Plant physiology》1967,42(12):1787-1796
A 2-step, 1-dimensional thin-layer chromatographic procedure for isolating indoleacetic acid (IAA) was developed and utilized in investigations of the biosynthesis of IAA from tryptophan-14C in cell-free extracts of pea (Pisum sativum L.) shoot tips. Identification of a 14C-product as IAA was by (a) co-chromatography of authentic IAA and 14C-product on thin-layer chromatography, and (b) gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography of authentic and presumptive IAA methyl esters. Dialysis of enzyme extracts and addition of α-ketoglutaric acid and pyridoxal phosphate to reaction mixtures resulted in approximately 2- to 3-fold increases in net yields of IAA over yields in non-dialyzed reaction mixtures which did not contain additives essential to a transaminase reaction of tryptophan. Addition of thiamine pyrophosphate to reaction mixtures further enhanced net biosynthesis of IAA. It is concluded that the formation of indolepyruvic acid and its subsequent decarboxylation probably are sequential reactions in the major pathway of IAA biosynthesis from tryptophan in cell-free extracts of Pisum shoot tips. Comparison of maximum net IAA biosynthesis in extracts of shoot tips of etiolated and light-grown dwarf and tall pea seedlings revealed an order, on a unit protein N basis, of: light-grown tall > light-grown dwarf > etiolated tall etiolated dwarf. It is concluded that the different rates of stem elongation among etiolated and light-grown dwarf and tall pea seedlings are correlated, in general, with differences in net IAA biosynthesis and sensitivity of the tissues to IAA.  相似文献   

The effects of red and blue light on the formation of chlorophyll in excised roots of cucumber and pea was investigated and compared with previously reported experiments on wheat roots. All three kinds of roots are similar in that in continuous red light no or very little chlorophyll is formed. and in blue light a considerable amount of chlorophyll is produced. Roots of cucumber and pea differ from those of wheat, in that red light is ineffective (or nearly so) even when combined with blue.  相似文献   

Nitrogen Mobilization in Pea Seedlings   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

If a cell-free extract of Streptococcus faecalis is fractionated by way of a 10 to 70% sucrose gradient, at least three areas are found capable of protein synthesis having a density greater than can be accounted for by association of individual ribosomes. These areas represent distinct “polysome” peaks rather than random distribution of polymers of varied length. They appear to be membrane subunits. In addition there is a further particle with a density of about 150S, incapable of protein synthesis but which is capable of stimulating protein synthesis in some of the larger fractions found by gradient centrifugation.  相似文献   

Previous indirect evidence suggested that the biosynthesis of flavonoids in Citrus may not proceed via the usual chalcone synthase reaction and that glycosylation occurs during chalcone formation and not afterward, as has been reported in other species. We detected chalcone-synthase and UDP-glucose:flavanone-7-O-glucosyl-transferase activities in cell-free extracts of Citrus. The glucosylated flavanone was further rhamnosylated when exogenous UDP-glucose and NADPH were added to the extract. Chalcone-synthase activity was detected in cell-free extracts derived from young leaves and fruits. Young fruits (2 millimeter diameter) had the highest chalcone synthase activity. UDP-glucose:flavanone-7-O-glucosyl-transferase activity was measured in cell-free extracts derived from young leaves and fruits of Citrus mitis and Citrus maxima. The highest UDP-glucose:flavanone-7-O-glucosyl-transferase activity was found in young C. maxima leaves. These data indicate that Citrus contains a flavonoid pathway similar to that studied in other species.  相似文献   

A particulate fraction from a T1 form of Salmonella typhimurium incorporated radioactivity from uridine diphosphate (UDP)-(14)C-glucose into products associated with the particulate enzyme. A major fraction of the incorporated radioactivity was found in the cell wall lipopolysaccharide fraction. Acid hydrolysis of incorporation products produced labeled galactose, ribose, and also glucose. The incorporation of glucose could be dissociated from the incorporation of galactose and ribose under certain conditions, and was assumed to represent incorporation into a polymer not related to T1 antigen. The incorporation of galactose and ribose probably represented the synthesis of T1 side chains of lipopolysaccharide, because (i) particulate fractions from non-T1 strains incorporated much less of these sugars and (ii) periodate oxidation and borohydride reduction converted a large portion of incorporated galactose residues into arabinose. The latter finding indicates that the galactose residues are galactofuranosides substituted either at C2 or C3; about 70% of the galactose residues in T1 side chains are known to be galactofuranosides substituted at C3. UDP-(14)C-galactose preparation used was not contaminated by UDP-(14)C-galactofuranose; therefore pyranose-to-furanose conversion must have taken place at some step during the reactions described above. The mechanism of conversion of galactose to ribose is not clear, but it was not found to involve a selective elimination of C1 or C6 of galactose or glucose.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis GA3 cDNA was expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and the ability of the transformed yeast cells to metabolize ent-kaurene was tested. We show by full-scan gas chromatography-mass spectrometry that the transformed cells produce ent-kaurenoic acid, and demonstrate that the single enzyme GA3 (ent-kaurene oxidase) catalyzes the three steps of gibberellin biosynthesis from ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid.  相似文献   

Temperature and Anoxic Injury in Pea Seedlings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anaerobic incubation of newly germinated pea seedlings understerile conditions on moist filter paper was used to distinguishbetween the physical effects of excess moisture on soaking injuryand the metabolic consequences of prolonged anoxia. Over a 4d incubation period seedling death after anoxia fell as temperaturewas reduced from 25 to 5 °C. Internal ethanol concentrationsincreased with length of anaerobic incubation but fell withdecrease in temperature. For all combinations of temperaturewith length of anaerobic incubation, seedling survival was alwaysinversely related to ethanol concentration. An internal ethanolconcentration of 60 µM appeared to be a threshold valuefor seedling survival as anoxic death occurred only when thisconcentration was exceeded.  相似文献   

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