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Flowers consist primarily of four basic organ types whose relative positions are universally conserved within the angiosperms. A model has been proposed to explain how a small number of regulatory genes, acting alone and in combination, specify floral organ identity. This model, known widely as the ABC model of flower development, is based on molecular generic experiments in two model organisms,Arabidopsis thaliana and Antirrhinum majus.Both of these species are considered to be eudicots, a clade within the angiosperms with a relatively conserved floral architecture. In this review, the application of the ABC model derived from studies of these typical eudicot species is considered with respect to angiosperms whose floral structure deviates from that of the eudicots. It is concluded that the model is universally applicable to the angiosperms as a whole, and the enormous diversity seen among angiosperms flowers is due to genetic pathways that are downstream, or independent, of the genetic programme that specifies floral organ identity.  相似文献   

Mesozoic plants and the problem of angiosperm ancestry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Krassilov, V.: Mesozoic plants and the problem of angiosperm ancestry.
Trends leading to the foliar and floral structures of angiosperms may be deduced by comparison with Mesozoic gymnosperms. The Debeya-Fontainea group of Cretaceous angiosperms closely resembles the Early Mesozoic Scoresbya group of pteridosperms with regard to leaf characters. The bivalved capsules of Jurassic Leptostrobus , with stigmatic bands, are regarded as the forerunners of certain types of angiosperm carpels. The angiospermous characters arose in several lineages of gymnosperms and were probably accumulated by non-sexual transfer of genetic material. The earliest angiosperm mega- and microfossils have been reported from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the northern hemisphere. Most of these angiosperms were confined to chaparral-like communities dominated by shrubby conifers and cycadophytes. The rise of angiosperms was promoted by the climatic changes and the simultaneous rise of mammals.  相似文献   

Although flowers, leaves, and stems of the angiosperms have understandably received more attention than roots, the growing root tips, or root apical meristems (RAMs), are organs that could provide insight into angiosperm evolution. We studied RAM organization across a broad spectrum of angiosperms (45 orders and 132 families of basal angiosperms, monocots, and eudicots) to characterize angiosperm RAMs and cortex development related to RAMs. Types of RAM organization in root tips of flowering plants include open RAMs without boundaries between some tissues in the growing tip and closed RAMs with distinct boundaries between apical regions. Epidermis origin is associated with the cortex in some basal angiosperms and monocots and with the lateral rootcap in eudicots and other basal angiosperms. In most angiosperm RAMs, initials for the central region of the rootcap, or columella, are distinct from the lateral rootcap and its initials. Slightly more angiosperm families have exclusively closed RAMs than exclusively open RAMs, but many families have representatives with both open and closed RAMs. Root tips with open RAMs are generally found in angiosperm families considered sister to other families; certain open RAMs may be ancestral in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Genome duplication and the origin of angiosperms   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Despite intensive research, little is known about the origin of the angiosperms and their rise to ecological dominance during the Early Cretaceous. Based on whole-genome analyses of Arabidopsis thaliana, there is compelling evidence that angiosperms underwent two whole-genome duplication events early during their evolutionary history. Recent studies have shown that these events were crucial for the creation of many important developmental and regulatory genes found in extant angiosperm genomes. Here, we argue that these ancient polyploidy events might have also had an important role in the origin and diversification of the angiosperms.  相似文献   

胡新生 《遗传学报》2000,27(5):440-448
将已知用于从地理空间上离散或连续分布群体随机抽取基因样本的基因家系谱理论推广到两性异交植物上。由于存在不同的群体间基因多率,地3种不同遗传方式的植物基因组(核、叶绿体和线粒体DNA)分别进行了研究。理论上证明对于不同遗传方式的基因,通过相应调整有效群体大小和迁移率,现有的基因家系谱理论可直接应用于植物群体上,其中一个结论就是当从离散分布群体中随机抽取n个基因样本时,亚群体间的花粉流和种子流的相对比  相似文献   

最近吴征镒等发表的被子植物“多系_多期_多域”的“八纲”新分类系统,是以该系 统作者自己人为截取早白垩世时间横断面并认为在这个横断面上存在8条主传代线为基础建 立的。“八纲系统”在祖先式样及其起源时间和地点方面缺乏证据,各主传代线相互之间及 其与被子植物共同祖先的关系也基本没有说明。由于没有接受植物系统发育重建研究中共同 遵守的共同祖先原理,而且混淆使用了“单系”和“多系”的概念,可以认为“八纲 系统”是人为性很强的被子植物分类系统。  相似文献   

Multiple hypotheses have been put forward to explain the rise of angiosperms to ecological dominance following the Cretaceous. A unified scheme incorporating all these theories appears to be an inextricable knot of relationships, processes and plant traits. Here, we revisit these hypotheses, categorising them within frameworks based on plant carbon economy, resistance to climatic stresses, nutrient economy, biotic interactions and diversification. We maintain that the enigma remains unresolved partly because our current state of knowledge is a result of the fragmentary nature of palaeodata. This lack of palaeodata limits our ability to draw firm conclusions. Nonetheless, based on consistent results, some inferences may be drawn. Our results indicate that a complex multidriver hypothesis may be more suitable than any single‐driver theory. We contend that plant carbon economy and diversification may have played an important role during the early stages of gymnosperms replacement by angiosperms in fertile tropical sites. Plant tolerance to climatic stresses, plant nutrition, biotic interactions and diversification may have played a role in later stages of angiosperm expansion within temperate and harsh environments. The angiosperm knot remains partly tied, but to unravel it entirely will only be feasible if new discoveries are made by scientific communities.  相似文献   

We present a numerical cladistic (parsimony) analysis of seed plants plus progymnosperms, using characters from all parts of the plant body, outgroup comparison, and a method of character coding that avoids biases for or against alternative morphological theories. The robustness of the results was tested by construction of alternative trees and analysis of subsets of the data. These experiments show that although some clades are strongly supported, they can often be related to each other in very different but nearly equally parsimonious ways, apparently because of extensive homoplasy. Our results support Rothwell’s idea that coniferopsids are derived fromCallistophyton- like platyspermic seed ferns with saccate pollen, but the hypothesis that they evolved fromArchaeopteris- like progymnosperms and the seed arose twice is nearly as parsimonious. Meyen’s division of seed plants into radiospermic and primarily and secondarily platyspermic lines is highly unparsimonious, but his suggestion that ginkgos are related to peltasperms deserves attention. Angiosperms belong among the platyspermic groups, as the sister group of Bennettitales,Pentoxylon, and Gnetales, and this “anthophyte” clade is best related toCaytonia and glossopterids, although relationships with other combinations of Mesozoic seed fern taxa are nearly as parsimonious. These results imply that the angiosperm carpel can be interpreted as a modified pinnate sporophyll bearing anatropous cupules (=bitegmic ovules), while gnetalian strobili are best interpreted as aggregations of highly reduced bennettitalian flowers, as anticipated by Arber and Parkin and Crane. Our most parsimonious trees imply that the angiosperm line (though not necessarily all its modern features) extended back to the Triassic, but a later derivation of angiosperms from some species ofCaytonia or Bennettitales, which would be nearly as parsimonious, should also be considered. These results raise the possibility that many features considered key adaptations in the origin and rise of angiosperms (insectpollinated flowers, rapid reproduction, drought tolerance) were actually inherited from their gymnospermous precursors. The explosive diversification of angiosperms may instead have been a consequence of carpel closure, resulting in increased speciation rates due to potential for stigmatic isolating mechanisms and/or new means of dispersal. DNA sequencing of extant plants and better information on anatomy, chemistry, sporophyll morphology, and embryology of Bennettitales and Caytoniales and the morphological diversity of Mesozoic anthophytes could provide critical tests of relationships.  相似文献   

Yangying Gan  Fengxia Xu 《Grana》2019,58(2):129-132
Pollen of angiosperms may be either binucleate or trinucleate at maturity. According to Schürhoff–Brewbaker law, the binucleate state is pleisomorphic occuring in about 70% of all angiosperms, while the trinucleate state is advanced occurring in about 30% of the angiosperms. The derivation of trinucleate pollen from binucleate pollen is irreversible, thus trinucleate or mixed pollen was considered uncommon in early lineage. In the present work, using conventional paraffin section method, the coexistence of both binucleate and trinucleate pollen in the same intact anther were observed in Mitrephora macclurei, a species belonging to the eumagnoliid family Annonaceae. The increasing number of plants with trinucleate or mixed pollen discovered in early lineages, as well as climatic introduced changes in nuclear number challenge analyses of ancestral state and evolution of pollen nuclear number in angiosperms.  相似文献   


Non-native organisms have invaded novel ecosystems for centuries, yet we have only a limited understanding of why their impacts vary widely from minor to severe. Predicting the impact of non-established or newly detected species could help focus biosecurity measures on species with the highest potential to cause widespread damage. However, predictive models require an understanding of potential drivers of impact and the appropriate level at which these drivers should be evaluated. Here, we used non-native, specialist herbivorous insects of forest ecosystems to test which factors drive impact and if there were differences based on whether they used woody angiosperms or conifers as hosts. We identified convergent and divergent patterns between the two host types indicating fundamental similarities and differences in their interactions with non-native insects. Evolutionary divergence time between native and novel hosts was a significant driver of insect impact for both host types but was modulated by different factors in the two systems. Beetles in the subfamily Scolytinae posed the highest risk to woody angiosperms, and different host traits influenced impact of specialists on conifers and woody angiosperms. Tree wood density was a significant predictor of host impact for woody angiosperms with intermediate densities (0.5–0.6 mg/mm3) associated with highest risk, whereas risk of impact was highest for conifers that coupled shade tolerance with drought intolerance. These results underscore the importance of identifying the relevant levels of biological organization and ecological interactions needed to develop accurate risk models for species that may arrive in novel ecosystems.


To examine the factors favoring large megagametophytes of gymnosperms and tiny ones of angiosperms, a game model for seed production was developed in which megagametophytes growing in the same female parent compete for resources provided by the parent. In the model, megagametophytes may continue to grow until seed completion or may cease to grow at a certain time and regrow at pollination or fertilization. Autonomous abortion of unpollinated or unfertilized megagametophytes may occur either at pollination or fertilization. Those megagametophytes absorb a certain amount of resources before abortion, due to constraints in the signal process, in addition to the resources absorbed before pollination or fertilization. It was found that both growth habits can be the ESS: megagametophytes continue to grow without cessation and monopolize resources, such as gymnosperms, or cease to grow until fertilization to reduce the loss of resources due to autonomous abortion, such as angiosperms. The former and the latter are the ESS if the time interval between pollination and fertilization is long and short, respectively. Thus, the fertilization interval may be a critical factor selecting for large megagametophytes of gymnosperms or tiny ones of angiosperms.  相似文献   

The ecophysiology of early angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Angiosperms first appeared during the Early Cretaceous, and within 30 million years they reigned over many floras worldwide. Associated with this rise to prominence, angiosperms produced a spectrum of reproductive and vegetative innovations, which produced a cascade of ecological consequences that altered the ecology and biogeochemistry of the planet. The pace, pattern and phylogenetic systematics of the Cretaceous angiosperm diversification are broadly sketched out. However, the ecophysiology and environmental interactions that energized the early angiosperm radiation remain unresolved. This constrains our ability to diagnose the selective pressures and habitat contexts responsible for the evolution of fundamental angiosperm features, such as flowers, rapid growth, xylem vessels and net-veined leaves, which in association with environmental opportunities, drove waves of phylogenetic and ecological diversification. Here, we consider our current understanding of early angiosperm ecophysiology. We focus on comparative patterns of ecophysiological evolution, emphasizing carbon- and water-use traits, by merging recent molecular phylogenetic studies with physiological studies focused on extant basal angiosperms. In doing so, we discuss how early angiosperms established a roothold in pre-existing Mesozoic plant communities, and how these events canalized subsequent bursts of angiosperm diversification during the Aptian-Albian.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic color changes in fully turgid flowers are widespread throughout the angiosperms, and in many cases are known to provide signals for pollinators. A broad survey of flowering plants demonstrates that such color changes appear in at least 77 diverse families. Color-changing taxa occur commonly within what are considered derived lineages, and only rarely in early or primitive groups. The pattern of distribution of floral color change across orders, families, genera, and species demonstrates that the occurrence of the phenomenon within a group is not simply a result of phylogenetic history. Color changes can affect the whole flower or they can be localized, affecting at least nine floral parts or regions. The scale of color change (localized or whole-flower) is broadly correlated with the type of pollinator that characteristically visits the plant. Color changes can come about through seven distinct physiological mechanisms, involving anthocyanins, carotenoids, and betalains. Color changes due to appearance of anthocyanin are the most common, occurring in 68 families. Floral color change has clearly evolved independently many times, most likely in response to selection by visually oriented pollinators, and reflects a widespread functional convergence within the angiosperms.  相似文献   

Coiffard, C. & Gomez, B. 2009: The rise to dominance of the angiosperm kingdom: dispersal, habitat widening and evolution during the Late Cretaceous of Europe. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 164–169. The earliest fossil records of angiosperms in Europe occur in the Barremian and consist of freshwater wetland plants. From the Barremian onwards, angiosperms show a stepwise widening of their ecological range with the result that they inhabited most environments by the Cenomanian. Nevertheless, most angiosperms had still restricted habitats, while a few angiosperm trees were confined to disturbed environments, such as channel margins. A Wagner’s Parsimony Method analysis performed on a fossil plant and locality database from the Turonian to the Campanian of Europe indicates continued decrease in richness of ferns and gymnosperms compared with angiosperms, turnover between conifer and palm trees in freshwater‐related swamps at about the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, and spreading of angiosperm trees through the floodplains. The ecological range of angiosperm trees was increased, being recorded in channel margins from the Cenomanian and spreading over floodplains (e.g. Platanaceae) and swamps (e.g. Arecaceae) by the Campanian. These new ecological ranges and successions went with innovative architectures, such as dicot trees and palm trees. Most living core angiosperm families had their earliest representatives in the Late Cretaceous, which should be considered as the dawn of modern angiosperm forests. □Core angiosperms, Europe, Late Cretaceous, palms, Wagner’s Parsimony Method.  相似文献   

Data on the distribution of flavonoids in the angiosperms are summarized and patterns of occurence are shown to be related to plant evolution. Different flavonoid types are regarded as primitive or advanced characters on the basis of biosynthetic complexity and on correlated frequencies of occurrence with morphological and anatomical features. The evolutionary significance of distribution patterns of proanthocyanidins, glycosylflavones, biflavonoids, 6- and 8-hydroxyflavonoids and anthocyanins is discussed in turn. The importance of these various distribution patterns is considered in relation to an ecological function for these flavonoids.  相似文献   

Allelopathy in aquatic environments may provide a competitive advantage to angiosperms, algae, or cyanobacteria in their interaction with other primary producers. Allelopathy can influence the competition between different photoautotrophs for resources and change the succession of species, for example, in phytoplankton communities. Field evidence and laboratory studies indicate that allelopathy occurs in all aquatic habitats (marine and freshwater), and that all primary producing organisms (cyanobacteria, micro- and macroalgae as well as angiosperms) are capable of producing and releasing allelopathically active compounds. Although allelopathy also includes positive (stimulating) interactions, the majority of studies describe the inhibitory activity of allelopathically active compounds. Different mechanisms operate depending on whether allelopathy takes place in the open water (pelagic zone) or is substrate associated (benthic habitats). Allelopathical interactions are especially common in fully aquatic species, such as submersed macrophytes or benthic algae and cyanobacteria. The prevention of shading by epiphytic and planktonic primary producers and the competition for space may be the ultimate cause for allelopathical interactions. Aquatic allelochemicals often target multiple physiological processes. The inhibition of photosynthesis of competing primary producers seems to be a frequent mode of action. Multiple biotic and abiotic factors determine the strength of allelopathic interactions. Bacteria associated with the donor or target organism can metabolize excreted allelochemicals. Frequently, the impact of surplus or limiting nutrients has been shown to affect the overall production of allelochemicals and their effect on target species. Similarities and differences of allelopathic interactions in marine and freshwater habitats as well as between the different types of producing organisms are discussed. Referee: Dr. Friedrich Jüttner, Universität Zürich-Limnologische Station, Institut für Pflanzen biologie, Universität Zürich, Seestrasse 187, Ch-8802 Klichberg ZH, Switzerland  相似文献   

The B class genes, including homologs of the Arabidopsis loci APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI ), appear to play a conserved role in the determination of petal and stamen identity across core eudicot angiosperms. Understanding how and when these functions evolved is a critical component of elucidating the evolution of flowers, particularly the appearance of petaloid perianth organs. Before comparisons of gene expression patterns or functions can be made, however, it is necessary to establish the orthology of AP3 and PI homologs from basal angiosperms. Here, we report the identification and analysis of 29 new representatives of the B gene lineage from basal ANITA and magnoliid dicot angiosperms. These studies indicate that gene duplications have occurred at every phylogenetic level, both before and after the duplication that produced the separate AP3 and PI lineages. Comparison of genomic structure among PI homologs indicates that a 12-nucleotide deletion that had been considered synapomorphic for the whole PI lineage actually arose within the ANITA grade, after the split of the Nymphaeales but before the separation of the Austrobaileyales. Evidence for alternative splicing of the Nymphaea AP3 homolog is also presented. The implications of these findings for angiosperm systematics, the conservation of AP3 and PI gene function, and the evolution of the ABC program are discussed.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by vertebrates is fundamental for the persistence of plant species, forming networks of interactions that are often nested and modular. Networks involving angiosperms and frugivorous birds are relatively well-studied in the Neotropical region, but there are no previous studies of networks involving waterbirds. Here, we describe the structure of a Neotropical waterfowl seed-dispersal network and identify the species that have an important role for the network structure. We used information on 40 plant taxa found in fecal samples of five common waterfowl species to calculate the nestedness (NODF), weighted nestedness (WNODF), modularity, and weighted modularity of the network. We found that the network was nested, with yellow-billed teal showing the highest contribution both to nestedness and weighted nestedness. Twenty-four plant species contributed positively to weighted nestedness, with Salzmann's mille graines presenting the highest influence both to nestedness and weighted nestedness. The network was modular, but the weighted modularity was not significant. These results need to be considered with caution due to incomplete interaction sampling for two species. Ringed teal, Brazilian teal, and yellow-billed teal were considered hub modular species. Among plants, beak sedges and water snowflake were considered modular hub species, while Salzmann's mille graines and spikerush were network connectors. The structure of this Neotropical waterbird seed-dispersal network differed from the only previous waterfowl network study, from Europe, which found similar level of nestedness but no significant modularity. We include several possible explanations for this discrepancy and identified priorities for future research into waterbird–plant interaction networks. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

The ecology and evolution of visual pollen signals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
By offering pollen and/or nectar as a food resource, angiosperms exploit flower visitors for pollen transport. Pollen thus acts not only as a means for transportation of male gametes, but also as a food reward for potential pollinators. Many findings provide compelling evidence that pollen acts, in addition, as a visual signal. The present contribution reviews several strategies that angiosperms have evolved to attract potential pollinators to the site of reward. We here consider evolutionary, ecological, sensory-physiological, and behavioural aspects of flower-pollinator interactions that are correlated with visual signals provided by pollen and pollen-producing organs, or imitations thereof.  相似文献   

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