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Cre/Loxp和四环素系统在基因可控表达中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了目前最常见的四环素调控系统和Cre/LoxP系统的基本原理、应用情况、近年来的研究进展总结,比较了两种系统的优缺点,介绍了两种系统联合应用的成果,并且提出了Cre/Loxp系统在HPV11全基因组定向表达中的应用,并由此提出利用Cre/Loxp系统解决多个基因定向表达问题的设想。  相似文献   



Genetic mosaic techniques have been used to visualize and/or genetically modify a neuronal subpopulation within complex neural circuits in various animals. Neural populations available for mosaic analysis, however, are limited in the vertebrate brain.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To establish methodology to genetically manipulate neural circuits in medaka, we first created two transgenic (Tg) medaka lines, Tg (HSP:Cre) and Tg (HuC:loxP-DsRed-loxP-GFP). We confirmed medaka HuC promoter-derived expression of the reporter gene in juvenile medaka whole brain, and in neuronal precursor cells in the adult brain. We then demonstrated that stochastic recombination can be induced by micro-injection of Cre mRNA into Tg (HuC:loxP-DsRed-loxP-GFP) embryos at the 1-cell stage, which allowed us to visualize some subpopulations of GFP-positive cells in compartmentalized regions of the telencephalon in the adult medaka brain. This finding suggested that the distribution of clonally-related cells derived from single or a few progenitor cells was restricted to a compartmentalized region. Heat treatment of Tg(HSP:Cre x HuC:loxP-DsRed-loxP-GFP) embryos (0–1 day post fertilization [dpf]) in a thermalcycler (39°C) led to Cre/loxP recombination in the whole brain. The recombination efficiency was notably low when using 2–3 dpf embyos compared with 0–1 dpf embryos, indicating the possibility of stage-dependent sensitivity of heat-inducible recombination. Finally, using an infrared laser-evoked gene operator (IR-LEGO) system, heat shock induced in a micro area in the developing brains led to visualization of clonally-related cells in both juvenile and adult medaka fish.


We established a noninvasive method to control Cre/loxP site-specific recombination in the developing nervous system in medaka fish. This method will broaden the neural population available for mosaic analyses and allow for lineage tracing of the vertebrate nervous system in both juvenile and adult stages.  相似文献   

We are extending the Cre/loxP site-specific recombination system to pigs, focussing on conditional and tissue-specific expression of oncogenic mutations to model human cancers. Identifying the location, pattern and extent of Cre recombination in vivo is an important aspect of this technology. Here we report pigs with a dual fluorochrome cassette under the control of the strong CAG promoter that switches expression after Cre-recombination, from membrane-targeted tandem dimer Tomato to membrane-targeted green fluorescent protein. The reporter cassette was placed at the porcine ROSA26 locus by conventional gene targeting using primary mesenchymal stem cells, and animals generated by nuclear transfer. Gene targeting efficiency was high, and analysis of foetal organs and primary cells indicated that the reporter is highly expressed and functional. Cre reporter pigs will provide a multipurpose indicator of Cre recombinase activity, an important new tool for the rapidly expanding field of porcine genetic modification.  相似文献   

Cre/lox位点特异重组系统是植物基因工程中的重要工具,利用其可以在转基因植物中对目的基因实现精确删除和定点整合。概述Cre/lox系统的基本结构及作用方式,并以基因删除和定点整合为重点,详细介绍该系统在这两方面的应用。  相似文献   

Cre recombinase has become a ubiquitous tool in transgenic strategies for regulation of transgene expression in a tissue-specific manner. We report analysis of two SM22αCre lines and their ability to mediate genomic recombination in five independent Cre-responsive transgenic lines. One of the SM22αCre lines developed was a tet-on system based on the reverse tetracycline transactivator. Our goal was to use this strategy to inhibit the Notch signaling pathway specifically in smooth muscle cells. Our responder transgenes contained a constitutively expressed marker gene (chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, CAT), flanked by loxP sites in direct orientation, upstream of Notch-related transgenes. We developed two dominant negative Notch transgenic responder lines activated by Cre-mediated DNA recombination. The first is the extracellular domain of human Jagged1, and the second is the extracellular domain of the human Notch2 receptor. Despite high expression of the marker gene in all responder lines, we found that Cre-mediated genomic recombination between these five lines was highly variable, ranging from 46 to 93% of individuals using an SM22αCre activating strain, or 8–58% of individuals using an inducible SM22αrtTACre. In all cases examined, detection of recombination by PCR correlated with expression of the transgene as determined by Western blot analysis. Our studies reflect the variability in recombination success based on the responder strain, presumably due to inaccessibility of the locus of integration of the responder allele.  相似文献   

Cre/lox系统介导的位点特异性重组技术及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cre/lox系统是源于P1噬菌体的一个DNA重组体系,它能导致在特定的DNA序列(loxP位点)处发生定点重组。该系统以将外源基因定点整合到染色体上或将特定DNA片段删除;这种定位重组系统在遗传操作中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

K. G. Golic 《Genetics》1994,137(2):551-563
The transposase source Δ2-3(99B) was used to mobilize a P element located at sites on chromosomes X, 2 and 3. The transposition event most frequently recovered was a chromosome with two copies of the P element at or near the original site of insertion. These were easily recognized because the P element carried a hypomorphic while gene with a dosage dependent phenotype; flies with two copies of the gene have darker eyes than flies with one copy. The P element also carried direct repeats of the recombination target (FRT) for the FLP site-specific recombinase. The synthesis of FLP in these flies caused excision of the FRT-flanked white gene. Because the two white copies excised independently, patches of eye tissue with different levels of pigmentation were produced. Thus, the presence of two copies of the FRT-flanked white gene could be verified. When the P elements lay in the same orientation, FLP-mediated recombination between the FRTs on separated elements produced deficiencies and duplications of the flanked region. When P elements were inverted, the predominant consequence of FLP-catalyzed recombination between the inverted elements was the formation of dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments as a result of unequal sister chromatid exchange.  相似文献   

The clustered regulatory interspersed short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein (Cas) system has been widely used for gene knock-out. Lentiviral vectors have been commonly used as a delivery method for this system, however, prolonged Cas9/sgRNA expression due to lentiviral integration can lead to accumulating off-target mutations. To solve this issue in engineering a gene knock-out cell line, this study established a novel system, which was composed of two lentiviral vectors. One lentiviral vector carried simultaneously sgRNAs and CRISPR/Cas9 expression cassettes targeting single or multiple gene(s); the other lentiviral vector carried Cre that could remove excess sgRNAs and Cas9 expression cassettes in the genome after gene targeting was achieved. To prove the principle, two candidate genes, extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) and progranulin (PGRN), both highly expressed in MDA-MB-231 cells, were selected for testing the novel system. A dual knock-out of ECM1 and PGRN was successfully achieved in MDA-MB-231 cell line, with the sgRNAs and Cas9 expression cassettes being removed by Cre. This system should have great potential in applications for multiple genes knock-out in vitro.  相似文献   

For regulatory issues and research purposes it would be desirable to have the ability to segregate transgenes in co-transformed maize. We have developed a highly efficient system to segregate transgenes in maize that was co-transformed using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens 2 T-DNA binary system. Three vector treatments were compared in this study; (1) a 2 T-DNA vector, where the selectable marker gene bar (confers resistance to bialaphos) and the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene are on two separate T-DNA's contained on a single binary vector; (2) a mixed strain treatment, where bar and GUS are contained on single T-DNA vectors in two separate Agrobacterium strains; (3) and a single T-DNA binary vector containing both bar and GUS as control treatment. Bialaphos resistant calli were generated from 52 to 59% of inoculated immature embryos depending on treatment. A total of 93.4% of the bialaphos selected calli from the 2 T-DNA vector treatment exhibited GUS activity compared to 11.7% for the mixed strain treatment and 98.2% for the cis control vector treatment. For the 2 T-DNA vector treatment, 86.7% of the bialaphos resistant/GUS active calli produced R0 plants exhibiting both transgenic phenotypes compared to 10% for the mixed strain treatment and 99% for the single T-DNA control vector treatment. A total of 87 Liberty herbicide (contains bialaphos as the active ingredient) resistant/GUS active R0 events from the 2 T-DNA binary vector treatment were evaluated for phenotypic segregation of these traits in the R1 generation. Of these R0 events, 71.4% exhibited segregation of Liberty resistance and GUS activity in the R1 generation. A total of 64.4% of the R0 2 T-DNA vector events produced Liberty sensitive/GUS active (indicating selectable-marker-free) R1 progeny. A high frequency of phenotypic segregation was also observed using the mixed strain approach, but a low frequency of calli producing R0 plants displaying both transgenic phenotypes makes this method less efficient. Molecular analyses were then used to confirm that the observed segregation of R1 phenotypes were highly correlated to genetic segregation of the bar and GUS genes. A high efficiency system to segregate transgenes in co-transformed maize plants has now been demonstrated.  相似文献   

利用Cre/lox重组系统中的Cre重组酶能特异性识别并介导两个同向lox位点之间DNA序列发生重组删除的特点,将TA29驱动下的反义豌豆卷须肌动蛋白基因置于两个同向lox位点之间并与Bar基因连锁,转化烟草Wisconsin 38后获得抗除草剂Basta的转基因植株.将Cre基因导入烟草Wisconsin 38建立雄性不育工程恢复系.反义Actin转基因植株与Cre转基因植株杂交获得F1,通过Cre重组酶将F1中的反义肌动蛋白基因表达盒删除实现育性的恢复.结果显示:来自豌豆卷须的肌动蛋白基因在Wisconsin 38烟草绒毡层中反义表达但未能导致明显的雄性不育,转基因植株在花器官形态、花粉形状、活力、结实、结籽等方面与野生型植株间无明显的差异.而获得的烟草Cre转基因工程恢复系除少量植株出现叶片褪绿、结果少等异常外,绝大多数植株形态结构及开花结果习性与野生型一致;其中3个Cre转基因工程恢复系与Actin反义肌动蛋白转基因植株TAA-3杂交后,杂交后代中的绝大多数反义肌动蛋白基因表达盒均被精确删除,表明将Cre/lox重组系统用于建立基于反义基因工程雄性不育的恢复系是可行的.  相似文献   

Most "tests of neutrality" assess whether particular data sets depart from the predictions of a standard neutral model with no recombination. For Drosophila, where nuclear polymorphism data routinely show evidence of genetic exchange, the assumption of no recombination is often unrealistic. In addition, while conservative, this assumption is made at the cost of a great loss in power. Perhaps as a result, tests of the frequency spectrum based on zero recombination suggest an adequate fit of Drosophila polymorphism data to the predictions of the standard neutral model. Here, we analyze the frequency spectrum of a large number of loci in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans using two summary statistics. We use an estimate of the population recombination rate based on a laboratory estimate of the rate of crossing over per physical length and an estimate of the species' effective population size. In contrast to previous studies, we find that roughly half of the loci depart from the predictions of the standard neutral model. The extent of the departure depends on the exact recombination rate, but the global pattern that emerges is robust. Interestingly, these departures from neutral expectations are not unidirectional. The large variance in outcomes may be due to a complex demographic history and inconsistent sampling, or to the pervasive action of natural selection.  相似文献   

Conditional knockout (cKO) based on site-specific recombination (SSR) technology is a powerful approach for estimating gene functions in a spatially and temporally specific manner in many model animals. In Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), spatial- and temporal-specific gene functions have been largely determined by mosaic analyses, rescue experiments and feeding RNAi methods. To develop a systematic and stable cKO system in C. elegans, we generated Cre recombinase expression vectors that are driven by various tissue-specific or heat-shock promoters. Validation using Cre-mediated fluorescence protein inactivation or activation systems demonstrated successful Cre-dependent loxP excision. We established a collection of multi-copy Cre transgenic strains for each evaluated vector. To evaluate our Cre/loxP-based cKO system, we generated sid-1 deletion mutants harboring floxed sid-1 single-copy integration (SCI) using ultraviolet trimethylpsoralen (UV/TMP) methods. sid-1 mutants that were rescued by the floxed sid-1 SCI were then crossed with the Pdpy-7::Cre strain for cKO in the hypodermis. The sid-1 cKO animals were resistant to bli-3 RNAi, which causes the Bli-phenotyple in the hypodermis, but they were sensitive to unc-22 RNAi, which leads to twitching of the body wall muscle. Our system, which is based on the combination of a transgenic Cre collection, pre-existing deletion mutants, and UV/TMP SCI methods, provided a systematic approach for cKO in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Cre/LoxP系统在转基因小鼠上的应用策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cre/LoxP位点特异重组酶系统已发展为在体内外进行遗传操作的一个新的有力工具.该系统在转基因小鼠上的应用,可使转基因的表达或靶基因的缺失/突变的位点特异DNA重组不仅发生在小鼠发育的某一阶段或特定的组织器官,而且,若与控制Cre表达或功能的诱导系统结合,则可以时空方式体现.这些基于重组的策略可能对基因功能的研究和人类疾病的动物模型的建立产生深刻影响.  相似文献   

C. R. Preston  J. A. Sved    W. R. Engels 《Genetics》1996,144(4):1623-1638
We studied P element-induced recombination in germline mitotic cells by examining the structure of the recombinant chromosomes. We found that most recombinants retain a mobile P element at the site of the recombination, usually with either a deletion or a duplication immediately adjacent to the P end at which the crossover occurred. The sizes of these deletions and duplications ranged from a few base pairs to well over 100 kb. These structures fit the ``hybrid element insertion' (HEI) model of male recombination in which the two P-element copies on sister chromatids combine to form a ``hybrid element' whose termini insert into a nearby position on the homologue. The data suggest that P-induced recombination can be used as an efficient means of generating flanking deletions in the vicinity of existing P elements. These deletions are easily screened using distant flanking markers, and they can be chosen to extend in a given direction depending on which reciprocal recombinant type is selected. Furthermore, the retention of a mobile P element allows one to extend the deletion or generate additional variability at the site by subsequent rounds of recombination.  相似文献   

C. R. Preston  W. R. Engels 《Genetics》1996,144(4):1611-1622
A P-element insertion flanked by 13 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker sites was used to examine male recombination and gene conversion at an autosomal site. The great majority of crossovers on chromosome arm 2R occurred within the 4-kb region containing the P element and RFLP sites. Of the 128 recombinants analyzed, approximately two-thirds carried duplications or deletions flanking the P element. These rearrangements are described in more detail in the accompanying report. In a parallel experiment, we examined 91 gene conversion tracts resulting from excision of the same autosomal P element. We found the average tract length was 1463 bp, which is essentially the same as found previously at the white locus. The distribution of conversion tract endpoints was indistinguishable from the distribution of crossover points among the nonrearranged male recombinants. Most recombination events can be explained by the ``hybrid element insertion' model, but, for those lacking a duplication or deletion, a second step involving double-strand gap repair must be postulated to explain the distribution of crossover points.  相似文献   

Bimolecular recombination in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells is the process by which nongeminate photogenerated free carriers encounter each other, and combine to form a charge transfer (CT) state which subsequently relaxes to the ground state. It is governed by the diffusion of the slower and faster carriers toward the electron donor–acceptor interface. In an increasing number of systems, the recombination rate constant is measured to be lower than that predicted by Langevin's model for relative Brownian motion and the capture of opposite charges. This study investigates the dynamics of charge generation, transport, and recombination in a nematic liquid crystalline donor:fullerene acceptor system that gives solar cells with initial power conversion efficiencies of >9.5%. Unusually, and advantageously from a manufacturing perspective, these efficiencies are maintained in junctions thicker than 300 nm. Despite finding imbalanced and moderate carrier mobilities in this blend, strongly suppressed bimolecular recombination is observed, which is ≈150 times less than predicted by Langevin theory, or indeed, more recent and advanced models that take into account the domain size and the spatial separation of electrons and holes. The suppressed bimolecular recombination arises from the fact that ground‐state decay of the CT state is significantly slower than dissociation.  相似文献   

Phage 16-3 is a temperate phage of Rhizobium meliloti 41 which integrates its genome with high efficiency into the host chromosome by site-specific recombination through DNA sequences of attB and attP. Here we report the identification of two phage-encoded genes required for recombinations at these sites: int (phage integration) and xis (prophage excision). We concluded that Int protein of phage 16-3 belongs to the integrase family of tyrosine recombinases. Despite similarities to the cognate systems of the lambdoid phages, the 16-3 int xis att system is not active in Escherichia coli, probably due to requirements for host factors that differ in Rhizobium meliloti and E. coli. The application of the 16-3 site-specific recombination system in biotechnology is discussed.  相似文献   

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