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The possibility of venous air embolism exists whenever the craniofacial operative field is above the level of the heart. Craniotomy with the high-torque craniotome is hypothesized to have produced venous air embolism in the patient described in this report. The diagnosis of venous air embolism is determined by transesophageal Doppler probe, transesophageal echocardiogram or external echocardiogram, and end-tidal N2 and CO2 determinations. Treatment includes control of the air entry sites, aspiration of air from the right atrium via a catheter placed prior to operation, and discontinuing nitrous oxide. If these measures are unsuccessful, the operative field should be transposed below heart level and the procedure terminated. In the event of significant hemodynamic compromise, closed cardiac massage should be tried; if that fails, open cardiac massage and direct aspiration are necessary. The true incidence of venous air embolism in craniofacial operations may be much higher than previously suspected. We therefore recommend placement of appropriate monitoring equipment to detect intracardiac air in those major craniofacial procedures in which there is a potential for intravascular air ingress.  相似文献   

The clinical evaluation of the Sarns Air-Bubble Detector System in over 4,000 assorted operative procedures using cardiopulmonary bypass is described in this report. The system is designed to produce an alarm when a bolus of air enters the circuit. False alarms caused by electrical static within the operating room can be eliminated with a filter incorporated into the electrical circuit.  相似文献   

A new method is presented that enables the induction of embolisms in a fraction of all xylem vessels, based on diameter, at one cut end of a stem segment. The method is based on the different capillary characteristic of xylem vessels of different cross-sectional size. To verify the method, air embolisms were induced in cut xylem vessels of chrysanthemum (Dendranthemaxgrandiflorum Tzvelev cv. Cassa) stem segments at different xylem tensions and compared with the distribution of gas-filled vessels as visualized by cryo-scanning electron microscopy (Cryo-SEM). At -6 kPa xylem pressure, air-entrance was only induced in large diameter vessels (>30 microm), while at -24 kPa embolisms were induced in almost all xylem vessels (>10 microm). Although the principle of the embolization method worked well, smaller diameter vessels were observed to be embolized than was expected according to the calculations. The role of cross-sectional shape and contact angle between xylem sap and vessel wall at the menisci are discussed. After correction for the observed (diameter independent) deviation from circularity of the cross-sectional vessel shape the contact angle was calculated to be approximately 55 degrees. Hydraulic resistance (Rh) measurements before and after embolization showed that the effect of embolizing only large diameter cut xylem vessels had only a small influence on overall Rh of a stem segment. Embolizing all cut xylem vessels at one cut end almost trebled overall Rh. The difference was discussed in the light of the networking capacity of the xylem system.  相似文献   

The effect of an intravenous injection of air in a dose of 1 ml/kg body weight was determined in 15 healthy mongrel dogs. In 4 control dogs the mean pulmonary artery pressure rose to 2-3 times the resting values at 30 seconds, and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity and pulmonary capillary blood volume decreased by half. In the animals pretreated either with heparin or with methysergide (antiserotonin group) the results were the same as in the control animals. In the vagotomized dogs, the rise in pulmonary artery pressure was not significant, and the decrease in pulmonary capillary blood volume was of lesser magnitude and shorter duration than in the control and the antiserotonin dogs. It is concluded that the intravenous injection of air in supine dogs causes a transient obstruction of small pulmonary arteries. Evidence is presented to implicate a vagal mechanism in both main aspects of the response, namely the pulmonary artery pressure rise, and the partial obstruction of the pulmonary capillary bed. These studies offer additional explanation of the symptoms of respiratory distress observed in rapid decompression.  相似文献   

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