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In order to examine the role of target cells in the development of spinal motoneurons, the neural tube from thoracic segments was transplanted to the lumbar region on embryonic day (E) 2, and allowed to innervate hindlimb muscles in the chick embryo. When examined at later stages of development, the proportion of white and gray matter in the thoracic transplant was altered to resemble normal lumbar cord. Many thoracic motoneurons were able to survive up to posthatching stages following transplantation. The branching and arborization of dendrites of thoracic motoneurons innervating hindlimb muscles, as well as motoneuron (soma) size, were also increased to an extent approximating that seen in normal lumbar motoneurons. In support of previous studies using a similar transplant model, we have also found that the peripheral (intramuscular) branching pattern of thoracic motoneuron axons innervating hindlimb muscles was similar to that of normal lumbar motoneurons. Axon size and the degree of myelination of transplanted thoracic motoneuron axons were also increased so that these parameters more closely resembled axons of normal lumbar than normal thoracic spinal motoneurons. Virtually all of the changes in motoneuron properties noted above were observed irrespective of whether or not the transplanted spinal cord had developed in anatomical continuity with the host rostral cord. Accordingly, it is unlikely that the changes in the development of transplanted thoracic motoneurons reported here are induced either entirely, or in part, by signals derived from the host central nervous system. Rather, these changes appear to be mediated by interactions between the transplanted motoneurons and the hindlimb. We favor the notion that retrograde trophic signals derived from the hindlimb act to modulate the development of innervating motoneurons. Whether this signal involves a diffusible trophic agent released from target cells, or acts by some other mechanism is presently unknown. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Thoracic spinal cord transplanted to the lumbar region at the time of neural tube closure in the chick embryo survives and initially differentiates normally similar to in situ thoracic cord. Normal numbers of motoneurons are produced that innervate the host hindlimb musculature. In control thoracic cord approximately 70% of the motoneurons are lost by normal cell death between embryonic day (E) 6 and E11-E12. By contrast, the transplanted thoracic cord loses only about 30% of the motoneurons during this period. Transplantation of one hindlimb to the thoracic region also reduces the normal loss of in situ thoracic motoneurons. We conclude that some factor(s) associated with the increased target size provided by the hindlimbs promotes the survival of thoracic motoneurons. In contrast, by E16-E18 motoneuron numbers in the thoracic transplants decrease to below control levels. Dorsal root ganglion cells in the transplant were also initially increased (on E8) but later decreased to below control values. Hindlimb muscles innervated by thoracic motoneurons in the transplant also differentiated normally up to E10 to E12. Myotube size and numbers, muscle size and myotube types (fast versus slow) all developed normally in several thoracically-innervated hindlimb muscles. However, beginning on E14 myotube numbers and muscle size were markedly decreased resulting in muscle atrophy. Injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the thoracic transplants labelled neurons in the host spinal cord and brainstem rostral to the transplant thereby indicating an anatomical continuity between host and transplant neural tube. Injections of HRP into specific thoracically innervated hindlimb muscles on E8 labelled distinct pools of motoneurons in the transplants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Following heterotopic transplantation of the thoracic neural tube to the lumbar region on embryonic day (E) 2, the transplanted cord differentiates normally and establishes neuroanatomical connections with the host central nervous system and hindlimb muscles. Beginning on about E12, however, the neuromuscular system begins to undergo regressive changes resulting in motoneuron degeneration and muscle atrophy (O'Brien and Oppenheim, 1990). In the present paper, we have examined the development of neuromuscular function in thoracic transplant embryos from E6 to the time of hatching on E20-21. The onset of hindlimb movements and reflexes occurred at the same time (E6-E8) in both control and thoracic transplant embryos. Further, both the nature (pattern) and frequency of these movements appeared normal in the thoracic transplants up to E10-E12, after which there was a gradual and marked reduction in the frequency, and an alteration in the pattern, of both spontaneous and reflex-evoked hindlimb movements. After E16 normal movements were virtually absent in many of the thoracic transplant cases. By contrast, movements of the head, trunk and wings were normal in these embryos throughout the observation period. Hindlimbs innervated partly by the thoracic transplant and partly by remaining host lumbar cord did not exhibit the regressive changes in function after E10 that occurred in hindlimbs innervated exclusively by the thoracic transplant. EMG recordings from specific hindlimb muscles innervated solely by thoracic motoneurons demonstrated that the activation pattern of both flexors and extensors was similar to the repetitive pattern observed in normal thoracically innervated intercostal muscles (i.e., extensor-like). Muscles did not show distinguishable EMG burst patterns with inhibitory periods as do control lumbar innervated muscles. We conclude that the development of the pattern generating circuitry in the transplanted thoracic cord was similar to normal thoracic cord and thus appeared to be uninfluenced by having contacted the foreign hindlimb muscle targets early in development. Activity blockade with curare from E6 to E14 suppressed the loss of motoneurons that occurs in the thoracic transplant after E10. Thus, the abnormal thoracic-like activation pattern of thoracically innervated hindlimbs may be a critical signal in the initiation of the neuromuscular regression that occurs after E10 in these preparations. Finally, although the innervation and formation of neuromuscular endplates in thoracic transplants appeared normal up to E12, by E14 both the intramuscular nerves and the endplates exhibited signs of degeneration and regression. Thoracic motoneurons are initially able to innervate and functionally activate hindlimb muscles in a manner similar to that of thoracically innervated intercostal muscles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The functional status of brachially innervated hindlimbs, produced by transplanting hindlimb buds of chick embryos in place of forelimb buds, was quantified by analyzing the number and temporal distribution of spontaneous limb movements. Brachially innervated hindlimbs exhibited normal motility until E10 but thereafter became significantly less active than normal limbs and the limb movements were more randomly distributed. Contrary to the findings with axolotls and frogs, functional interaction between brachial motoneurons and hindlimb muscles cannot be sustained in the chick embryo. Dysfunction is first detectable at E10 and progresses to near total immobility by E20 and is associated with joint ankylosis and muscular atrophy. Although brachially innervated hindlimbs were virtually immobile by the time of hatching (E21), they produced strong movements in response to electrical stimulation of their spinal nerves, suggesting a central rather than peripheral defect in the motor system. The extent of motoneuron death in the brachial spinal cord was not significantly altered by the substitution of the forelimb bud with the hindlimb bud, but the timing of motoneuron loss was appropriate for the lumbar rather than brachial spinal cord, indicating that the rate of motoneuron death was dictated by the limb. Measurements of nuclear area indicated that motoneuron size was normal during the motoneuron death period (E6-E10) but the nuclei of motoneurons innervating grafted hindlimbs subsequently became significantly larger than those of normal brachial motoneurons. Although the muscle mass of the grafted hindlimb at E18 was significantly less than that of the normal hindlimb (and similar to that of a normal forelimb), electronmicroscopic examination of the grafted hindlimbs and brachial spinal cords of E20 embryos revealed normal myofiber and neuromuscular junction ultrastructure and a small increase in the number of axosomatic synapses on cross-sections of motoneurons innervating grafted hindlimbs compared to motoneurons innervating normal forelimbs. The anatomical data indicate that, rather than being associated with degenerative changes, the motor system of the brachial hindlimb of late-stage embryos is intact, but inactive. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Muscle sensory neurons, called Ia afferents, make monosynaptic connections with functionally related sets of motoneurons in the spinal cord. Previous work has suggested that peripheral target muscles play a major role in determining the central connections of Ia afferents with motoneurons. Here, we ask whether motoneurons can also be influenced by their target muscles in terms of the monosynaptic input they receive from Ia afferents, by transplanting thoracic motoneurons into the lumbosacral spinal cord so that they innervate foreign muscles. Three or four segments of thoracic neural tube from stage 14-15 chicken embryos were transplanted to the lumbosacral region of stage 16-17 embryos, and electrophysiological recordings were made from transplanted motoneurons after the embryos had reached stage 38-40. Transplanted thoracic motoneurons innervated limb muscles and received monosynaptic inputs from Ia afferents. These connections were not random: Most of the connections were formed between Ia afferents and motoneurons projecting to the same muscle (homonymous connections). Few aberrant connections were found although the anatomical distribution of afferents in the transplant indicated that they had ample opportunity to contact inappropriate motoneurons. We conclude that although peripheral target cues are not sufficient to respecify an already committed motoneuron (turn a thoracic motoneuron into a lumbosacral motoneuron), they do provide sufficient information for Ia afferent input to be functionally correct.  相似文献   

A central question in neural development is how the broad diversity of neurons is generated in the vertebrate CNS. We have investigated the function of Hoxc10 and Hoxd10 in mouse lumbar motoneuron development. We show that Hoxc10 and Hoxd10 are initially expressed in most newly generated lumbar motoneurons, but subsequently become restricted to the lateral division of the lateral motor column (lLMC). Disruption of Hoxc10 and Hoxd10 caused severe hindlimb locomotor defects. Motoneurons in rostral lumbar segments were found to adopt the phenotype of thoracic motoneurons. More caudally the lLMC and dorsal-projecting axons were missing, yet most hindlimb muscles were innervated. The loss of the lLMC was not due to decreased production of motoneuron precursors or increased apoptosis. Instead, presumptive lLMC neurons failed to migrate to their normal position, and did not differentiate into other motoneurons or interneurons. Together, these results show that Hoxc10 and Hoxd10 play key roles in establishing lumbar motoneuron columnar, divisional and motor pool identity.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, approximately 50% of the lumbosacral motoneurons die during a short period of development that coincides with synaptogenesis in the limb. Although it has been postulated that these motoneurons die because they fail to obtain adequate trophic support from the muscles, it is not clear how this factor is supplied. The mechanism by which activity blockade prevents motoneurons cell death is also unknown. In order to begin to understand the nature of these proposed trophic interactions, we have examined the temporal sequence of axonal invasion and ramification within two muscles of the chick hindlimb, the predominantly slow iliofibularis and the fast posterior iliotibialis, during the cell death period. We found striking differences in intramuscular nerve ingrowth and branching between fast and slow muscle. We also observed differences in the molecular composition of fast and slow myotubes that may contribute to the nerve pattern differences. In addition, we observed a progressive increase in the degree of intramuscular nerve fasciculation as well as a precise temporal sequence of nerve branching. The earliest detectable response to chronic curarization was a dramatic decrease in the degree of intramuscular nerve fasciculation. Activity blockade also greatly enhanced nerve branching within the muscles from the time that nerve branches normally formed, and, additionally, interfered with the normal cessation of axon growth. Our results support the idea that nerve endings are the sites of trophic uptake. Furthermore, although our results do not allow us to exclude other activity-dependent influences on motoneuron survival, they suggest the following testable hypotheses: (1) the normal regulation of motoneuron survival may result from the precise control of intramuscular nerve branching, (2) activity blockade may increase motoneuron survival by enhancing intramuscular nerve branching, and (3) anything which affects this complex process of nerve branching may also alter motoneuron survival.  相似文献   

Chick sensory neurons grow to their correct targets in the hindlimb from the outset during normal development and following various experimental manipulations. This may result not because sensory neurons respond to specific limb-derived cues, but because they interact in some way with motoneurons which are responsive to such cues. To test this possibility, we removed the ventral part of the neural tube, which contains motoneurons and their precursors, at stages 16 1/2-20 1/2 and later examined the pathways sensory neurons had taken within the limb. Muscle nerves generally were missing or were reduced in diameter beyond the extent expected simply from the absence of motoneuron axons. In many cases, cutaneous nerves were enlarged, presumably due to the addition of other sensory axons. This result suggests that, in the absence of motoneurons, sensory neurons that normally project to muscles are unable to do so and may instead project along cutaneous pathways. Sensory axons from different segments also crossed less extensively in the plexus region than they did in control embryos, suggesting that alterations in their trajectories may normally be facilitated by similar changes in motoneuron pathways. Thus, motoneurons greatly enhance sensory neuron growth to muscles and contribute significantly toward the achievement of the normal sensory projection pattern. Sensory axons may fasciculate with motoneuron axons, or motoneuron axons may provide an aligned substrate for sensory neurons to grow along. Alternatively, motoneuron axons may alter the environment, thereby making certain pathways in the limb permissive for sensory neuron growth.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with a variety of pathologies, including motor dysfunctions and reductions in sexual behavior. In male rats, declines in sexual behavior during the aging process may be caused in part by the loss of the lumbar spinal cord motoneurons that innervate the penile musculature. Alternatively, declining sexual behavior may be caused by the precipitous reductions in circulating testosterone that occur during aging. In this paper, we report two experiments examining these issues. In Experiment 1, we counted motoneurons in the lumbar motor nuclei and measured several androgen-sensitive morphological properties of the penile muscles and their innervating motoneurons at several time points during the aging process. Motoneuron number in the lumbar nuclei did not change over time, even with very advanced age. In contrast, the penile muscles and their innervating motoneurons underwent profound atrophy, with muscle weight and motoneuron dendritic length declining to less than 50% of young adult levels. In Experiment 2, we treated aged animals with exogenous testosterone, and then examined their penile neuromuscular systems for morphological changes. Testosterone treatment, both acute and chronic, completely reversed age-related declines in the weight of the penile muscles and in the soma size and dendritic length of their innervating motoneurons. Together, these data suggest that reductions in male sexual behavior during the aging process are caused primarily by declines in testosterone levels rather than motoneuron loss. Furthermore, they raise the possibility that testosterone treatment could play an important role in maintaining neuronal connectivity in the aging body.  相似文献   

The presynaptic neurotoxin, beta-bungarotoxin, was injected into rat fetuses in utero to destroy the innervation of their hindlimb muscles. These injections were made prior to the invasion of motor axons into the muscles and, in some cases, prior to the cleavage of individual muscles. Examination of the lateral motor column of the spinal cord showed a dramatic reduction (greater than 95%) in the number of motoneuron cell bodies. Staining of sections of the hindlimb with silver and with antibodies to neurofilament proteins and to a synaptic vesicle protein indicated that the muscles were aneural. Anti-myosin antibodies applied to sections of the hindlimb revealed that these aneural muscles by the 20th day of gestation had the same types of fibers as were present in normal muscles of the same age. Moreover, fiber types in most muscles showed their characteristic intramuscular distributions. These findings suggest that fiber types can differentiate in the absence of the nervous system. However, some fibers achieved their ultimate fiber type fate without passing through the normal sequence of myosin expressions. Moreover, some slow fibers lost their slow expression, suggesting that the maintenance of the slow differentiation may require innervation. Muscle growth was dramatically affected by the absence of motoneurons; some muscles were decreased in size and others disappeared completely. In muscles which had not degenerated by the time secondary myogenesis normally begins, secondary muscle fibers were generated indicating that the genesis of these fibers is not strictly nerve dependent. Because fiber types differentiate independently of the nervous system, this study suggests that motoneurons selectively innervate fiber types during normal development.  相似文献   

Chick embryonic motoneurons selectively grow out from the spinal cord as the first step of their selective axonal growth. In order to detect the molecules responsible for motoneuron outgrowth from the cord, we produced and immunohistochemically screened many monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against cord and somite. We found that two of them, called M7412 and M7902, selectively bound to the cell surface of the anterior half of the sclerotome, where motoneurons selectively extend their axons. Immunohistochemistry and immunoblot results were identical for these antibodies and the antigen was called M7412 antigen. Although neural crest cells also migrate into the anterior half of the sclerotome, the expression of M7412 antigen by sclerotome cells was independent of the neural crest, because neural crest removal did not affect the appearance of the antigen. Furthermore, MAb M7412 bound to the mesenchymal cells along presumptive major nerve trunks in the limb and to the structures surrounding myotubes in muscles during the formation of intramuscular nerve branches. These results suggest that M7412 antigen might be a substrate for general, but not specific, growth of motoneuron axons. If this is the case, we must also infer that some molecule inhibitory for motoneuron growth is localized in the posterior half of sclerotome, because at upper cervical levels the M7412 antigen was also expressed intensely in the posterior sclerotome, whereas motoneurons still grew only into the anterior half. The M7412 antigen was transiently expressed in such various tissues as somite; muscles; blood vessels; spinal cord cells, especially motoneurons innervating the limb; and dorsal root and other peripheral ganglion cells. The M7412 antigenic molecule was extractable with NP40 from a membrane fraction of whole chick embryos and its molecular weight was estimated to be 70 kDa from immunoblot analysis. Thus, our monoclonal antibodies have revealed a new membrane-associated molecule which is likely to play a role in cell-cell interactions during development of motoneurons.  相似文献   

Retrograde neuronal tracing with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to determine the position in the spinal cord of motor neurone pools innervating muscles in the regenerated axolotl hindlimb. This method allows a detailed analysis of the accuracy of reformation of neuromuscular connections. The results show that regenerated distal limb muscles are reinnervated by motor neurones in the same region of the cord as those that innervate normal control distal limb muscles but that proximal muscles are innervated by a mixture of motor neurones in a normal position and motor neurones in a region of the spinal cord that normally supplies innervation to distal limb muscles. This difference between the reinnervation of proximal and distal limb muscles suggests that axons destined for proximal muscles may not enter distal limb territory during reinnervation of the regenerated limb.  相似文献   

The primary divisions of the spinal nerve in the brown caiman characteristically show the following features: (1) the medial ramus was lies in the thoraco-lumbar and caudal regions, and (2) the first cervical and hypoglossal nerves form a single nerve complex from which the ventral and dorsal rami extend. Intramuscular injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) established the positions of motoneurons whose axons followed the primary rami. In the ventral horn of the thoracic and caudal spinal cord, the motoneurons of the medial ramus lie ventrally. These motoneurons lie between the epaxial and hypaxial motoneurons. At the spinomedullary junction, the pools of motoneurons innervating the infrahyoid, lingual, and dorsal muscles have a somatotopic organization similar to that observed in the thoraco-lumbar and caudal regions. Thus clear somatotopic organization of the motoneurons that innervate the axial musculature exists at all spinal levels. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of motoneurons in the lumbar spinal cord (spinal segments 8-10) of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, was studied with the horseradish peroxidase technique. In a total of 13 different hind limb muscles this tracer was applied in a slow-release gel. Motoneurons innervating a particular hind limb muscle were clustered in longitudinally arranged motor pools. Motor pools of different muscles did show considerable overlap both in the rostrocaudal and transverse plane. But, the various motor pools clearly show a somatotopic organization of motoneurons even in such a condensed lumbar spinal cord as in Xenopus laevis. Motoneurons innervating more distally positioned muscles are generally found in more caudal segments, while proximal muscles (with the exception of the m. adductor magnus) are supplied by motoneurons more or less throughout the lumbar enlargement. Flexor muscles usually are innervated by motoneurons situated ventrolaterally in the ventral horn, extensor muscles by dorsomedially found motoneurons. This pattern is particularly apparent for proximal (thigh) muscles, less so for more distal (shank and foot) muscles. The present data are in keeping with those obtained with the retrograde cell degeneration technique in ranid frogs and are consistent with observations in other tetrapods, although a more clear separation of motor pools is evident in "higher" vertebrates such as birds and mammals.  相似文献   

In lower vertebrates, locomotor burst generators for axial muscles generally produce unitary bursts that alternate between the two sides of the body. In lamprey, a lower vertebrate, locomotor activity in the axial ventral roots of the isolated spinal cord can exhibit flexibility in the timings of bursts to dorsally-located myotomal muscle fibers versus ventrally-located myotomal muscle fibers. These episodes of decreased synchrony can occur spontaneously, especially in the rostral spinal cord where the propagating body waves of swimming originate. Application of serotonin, an endogenous spinal neurotransmitter known to presynaptically inhibit excitatory synapses in lamprey, can promote decreased synchrony of dorsal-ventral bursting. These observations suggest the possible existence of dorsal and ventral locomotor networks with modifiable coupling strength between them. Intracellular recordings of motoneurons during locomotor activity provide some support for this model. Pairs of motoneurons innervating myotomal muscle fibers of similar ipsilateral dorsoventral location tend to have higher correlations of fast synaptic activity during fictive locomotion than do pairs of motoneurons innervating myotomes of different ipsilateral dorsoventral locations, suggesting their control by different populations of premotor interneurons. Further, these different motoneuron pools receive different patterns of excitatory and inhibitory inputs from individual reticulospinal neurons, conveyed in part by different sets of premotor interneurons. Perhaps, then, the locomotor network of the lamprey is not simply a unitary burst generator on each side of the spinal cord that activates all ipsilateral body muscles simultaneously. Instead, the burst generator on each side may comprise at least two coupled burst generators, one controlling motoneurons innervating dorsal body muscles and one controlling motoneurons innervating ventral body muscles. The coupling strength between these two ipsilateral burst generators may be modifiable and weakening when greater swimming maneuverability is required. Variable coupling of intrasegmental burst generators in the lamprey may be a precursor to the variable coupling of burst generators observed in the control of locomotion in the joints of limbed vertebrates.  相似文献   

Developmental motoneuron cell death and neurotrophic factors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During the development of higher vertebrates, motoneurons are generated in excess. In the lumbar spinal cord of the developing rat, about 6000 motoneurons are present at embryonic day 14. These neurons grow out axons which make contact with their target tissue, the skeletal muscle, and about 50% of the motoneurons are lost during a critical period from embryonic day 14 until postnatal day 3. This process, which is called physiological motoneuron cell death, has been the focus of research aiming to identify neurotrophic factors which regulate motoneuron survival during this developmental period. Motoneuron cell death can also be observed in vitro when the motoneurons are isolated from the embryonic avian or rodent spinal cord. These isolated motoneurons and other types of primary neurons have been a useful tool for studying basic mechanisms underlying neuronal degeneration during development and under pathophysiological conditions in neurodegenerative disorders. Accumulating evidence from such studies suggests that some specific requirements of motoneurons for survival and proper function may change during development. The focus of this review is a synopsis of recent data on such specific mechanisms.  相似文献   

The somitic level of origin of embryonic chick hindlimb muscles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of avian chimeras made by transplanting groups of quail somites into chick embryos have consistently shown that the muscle cells of the hindlimb are derived from the adjacent somites, however, the pattern of cell distribution from individual somites to individual hindlimb muscles has not been characterized. I have mapped quail cell distribution in the chick hindlimb after single somite transplantation to determine if cells from an individual somite populate discrete limb muscle regions and if there is a spatial correspondence between a muscle's somitic level of origin and the known spinal cord position of its motoneuron pool. At stages 15-18 single chick somites or equivalent lengths of unsegmented somitic mesoderm adjacent to the prospective hindlimb region were replaced with the corresponding tissue from quail embryos. At stages 28-34, quail cell distribution was mapped within individual thigh muscles and shank muscle regions. A quail-specific antiserum and Feulgen staining were used to identify quail cells. Transplants from somite levels 26-33 each gave rise to consistent quail cell labeling in a unique subset of limb muscles. The anteroposterior positions of these subsets corresponded to that of the transplanted somitic tissue. For example, more anterior or anteromedial thigh muscles contained quail cells when more anterior somitic tissue had been transplanted. For the majority of thigh muscles studied and for shank muscle groups, there was also a clear correlation between somitic level of origin and motoneuron pool position. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that motoneurons and the muscle cells of their targets share axial position labels. The question of whether motoneurons from a specific spinal cord segment recognize and consequently innervate muscle cells derived from the same axial level during early axon outgrowth is addressed in the accompanying paper (C. Lance-Jones, 1988, Dev. Biol. 126, 408-419). Quail cell distribution was also mapped in chick embryos in which quail somites or unsegmented mesoderm had been placed 2-3 somites away from their position of origin. In all cases donor somitic tissues contributed to muscles in accord with their host position. These results indicate that muscle cell precursors within the somites are not specified to migrate to a predetermined target region.  相似文献   

The effect of heavy ion radiation exposure of the spinal cord on the properties of the motoneurons innervating the slow soleus and fast plantaris muscles was investigated. A 15-, 20-, 40-, 50-, or 70-Gy dose of carbon ions (5 Gy/min) was applied to the 2nd to the 6th lumbar segments of the spinal cord in rats. After a 1-month recovery period, the number and cell body size of the irradiated motoneurons innervating the soleus and plantaris muscles did not differ from that of the non-irradiated controls, irrespective of the dose received. However, the oxidative enzyme activity of these motoneurons was decreased by heavy ion radiation at doses of 40, 50, and 70 Gy compared to that of the non-irradiated controls. This decrease in oxidative enzyme activity levels in the motoneurons returned to that of the non-irradiated controls after a 6-month recovery period. We conclude that heavy ion radiation at doses of 40–70 Gy reversibly decreases the oxidative enzyme activity of motoneurons in the spinal cord of rats.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional areas and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities of soleus muscle fibers and their spinal motoneurons in male Wistar Hannover rats were determined after 16 days of hindlimb suspension. A decreased percentage of type I fibers and an increased percentage of type I+II fibers were observed after hindlimb suspension. Cross-sectional areas of all types of fibers were smaller in the hindlimb suspended than control rats. SDH activities of all types of fibers did not change after hindlimb suspension. Numbers, cross-sectional areas, or SDH activities of spinal motoneurons did not change after hindlimb suspension. It is suggested that spinal motoneurons innervating the rat soleus muscle are not affected by decreased neuromuscular activity on Earth and that gravity itself is important for maintaining of spinal motoneuron metabolic properties.  相似文献   

The effects of group II muscle (PBSt, GS) and cutaneous afferent (Sur, SPc, Tib) inputs from the hindlimb on the monosynaptic reflexes of motoneurons innervating tail muscles were studied in lower spinalized cats. Stimulation of the cutaneous nerves at the conditioning-test stimulus interval of about 10-20 ms facilitated and inhibited the monosynaptic reflexes of ipsilateral and contralateral tail muscles, respectively. The effects of the muscle nerve stimulation were not so prominent as those elicited by cutaneous nerve stimulation. The monosynaptic reflex was also inhibited by muscle nerve stimulation at 10-50 ms intervals. The effects of conditioning stimulation of the hindlimb peripheral nerves at short intervals were depressed or blocked by section of the ipsilateral lateral funiculus at S1 spinal segment. These findings show that the neuronal pathway from hindlimb afferents to tail muscle motoneurons passed the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord and modulates the motoneuronal activity of tail muscles.  相似文献   

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