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Conservation management of endangered African wild dogs (AWD; Lycaon pictus) can benefit greatly from development of sperm freezing and artificial insemination. Previous freezing attempts yielded nearly 0% motile sperm within 2 h of thawing. In this study, two canine freezing protocols were tested: Protocol 1: a one-step dilution in TRIS-20% egg yolk containing 8% glycerol; and Protocol 2: a two-step dilution in TRIS-20% egg yolk containing a final extender concentration of 5% glycerol and 0.5% Equex STM, coupled with a TRIS-citrate-fructose thawing solution. Semen was collected by electroejaculation from n = 24 AWDs, of which eight ejaculates of sufficient quality (four good quality with initial sperm motility of 75.0 ± 4.4% and four poor quality; showing rapid decrease in sperm motility to 3.3 ± 3.3% prior to freezing) were frozen. For good quality samples, motility and sperm motility index persisted for up to 8 h for Protocol 2, and was higher between 2 and 6 h after thawing with a decrease from 4 h of incubation. Motility dropped to nearly 0% after 2 h incubation for Protocol 1. Viability was higher for Protocol 2 throughout the 8 h of incubation, with a decrease after 6 h, compared to 4 h for Protocol 1. Acrosome integrity was higher for Protocol 2 throughout post-thaw incubation, with a decrease after 2 h for both protocols. Protocols did not differ in normal sperm morphology or DNA integrity. Poor quality samples yielded similar results, except for acrosome integrity, which declined for Protocol 2. In conclusion, a two-step dilution in TRIS-egg yolk-glycerol extender containing Equex STM yields significantly improved post-thaw quality and longevity of AWD spermatozoa, making it suitable for sperm banking and artificial insemination initiatives.  相似文献   

Rat epididymal glycoprotein DE (37 kDa) associates with the sperm surface during maturation and is localized over the dorsal region of the acrosome. In the present study we examine, by indirect immunofluorescence, the localization of DE after in vitro and in vivo capacitation. While 49% of sperm capacitated in vitro for 5 hr still presented fluorescence over the dorsal region, 51% showed labeling distributed over a domain that corresponds to the equatorial segment of the sperm head. This change in the localization of fluorescence was not associated with sperm deterioration or death and increased gradually as a function of capacitation time, reaching the maximum at 5 hr. The presence of labeling over the equatorial segment results from protein migration and cannot be induced by permeabilization, proteinase, or high ionic strength treatments. The omission of Ca2+ from the standard capacitation medium inhibited the relocalization of DE, and incubation with Ca2+ ionophore A23187 for induction of the acrosome reaction (AR) significantly raised the percentage of cells with DE localized over the equatorial region. Finally, while free and cumulus-associated spermatozoa recovered from the oviducts of in vivo inseminated females presented 15% and 21% of cells with redistribution respectively, all perivitelline (acrosome reacted) spermatozoa showed DE over the equatorial segment. These results indicate that epididymal protein DE migrates to the equatorial segment under in vitro and in vivo capacitating conditions and suggest a possible association between the redistribution of DE and the occurrence of the AR.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the suitability of an animal protein-free semen extender for cryopreservation of epididymal sperm from the two subspecies of North American bison: plains (Bison bison bison) and wood (Bison bison athabascae) bison. Both cauda epididymides (from six plains and five wood bison) were minced and incubated in Sp-TALPH buffer for approximately 2 h at 37 °C to release actively motile sperm. Sperm suspensions were filtered, centrifuged and the sperm pellet from each bull was divided into two fractions and diluted either in egg yolk containing extender, Triladyl, or in an animal protein-free extender, Andromed, and equilibrated for 20 min at 37 °C. Thereafter, samples were chilled and cryopreserved. Frozen-thawed sperm were evaluated for motility (computer assisted sperm analysis), viability (SYBR 14 and propidium iodide), acrosome integrity (FITC conjugated PSA), cryocapacitation (tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins as a biomarker), and fertilizing ability (in a heterologous IVF system). There was no significant difference for progressive motility, viability, and acrosome integrity between the two extenders for plains bison (36.8 ± 9.0, 60.5 ± 17.4, and 77.3 ± 4.6%; overall mean ± SD) as well as for wood bison (11.7 ± 8.1, 13.7 ± 5.6, and 73.4 ± 4.2%). Levels of tyrosine phosphorylation did not differ for sperm preserved in the two extenders for both subspecies, although an inter-bull variability in the response to tyrosine phosphorylation between extenders was suggested for plains bison. Fertilization percent did not differ significantly between extenders for plains bison (84.16 ± 9.92%, overall mean ± SD) and for wood bison (59.53 ± 19.99%). In conclusion, in the absence of significant difference between extenders in post-thaw sperm characteristics, we inferred that Andromed (animal protein-free) was suitable for cryopreservation of epididymal sperm from North American bison.  相似文献   

The objective was to establish a protocol for the collection and evaluation of epididymal sperm in agoutis. Eight males (1-2 y old) underwent left orchidectomy and epididymal sperma were collected by retrograde flush. Average values were flush volume 32 μL, pH 6.9, sperm concentration 748 x 106 sperm/mL, with motility 86.5% and vigor 4.6. Viable sperm were present in all flush samples; 66% of sperm were alive, and 41.9% of sperm responded positively to the hypoosmotic test (using distilled water). There were 21.1% morphologically abnormal sperm, of which 2.0 and 19.1% were primary and secondary defects, respectively. The acrosome was intact in 99.5% of sperm. The sperm head was 4.89 ± 0.41 μm long and 3.13 ± 0.35 μm wide, with an area of 13.01 ± 2.01 μm2. Midpieces were 5.33 ±0.44 μm long and 0.98 ± 0.13 wide, sperm tails were 29.91 ± 2.29 μm, and overall sperm length was 40.12 ± 2.44 μm. In conclusion, epididymal sperm collection from agoutis was satisfactory; the collected sperm has the potential to be stored, facilitating development of other reproductive biotechnologies for this species.  相似文献   

In mammals, sperm need to mature in the epididymis to gain fertilization competency. However, the molecular mechanism underlying buffalo sperm maturation remains elusive. Exploring sperm physiology at the posttranslational modification (PTM) level could help to develop our understanding of these mechanisms. Protein phosphorylation and ubiquitination are major PTMs in the regulation of many biological processes. In the present study, to our knowledge, we report the first phosphoproteome and ubiquitylome of sperm collected from the caput, corpus, and cauda segments of the epididymis using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry combined with affinity purification. In total, 647 phosphorylation sites in 294 proteins and 1063 ubiquitination sites in 446 proteins were characterized. Some of these proteins were associated with cellular developmental processes and energy metabolic pathways. Interestingly, 84 proteins were both phosphorylated and ubiquitinated, simultaneously. Some of these proteins were involved in, for example, spermatogenesis, reproduction, and spermatid development. Taken together, these data provide a theoretical basis for further functional analysis of phosphorylation and ubiquitination in epididymal sperm of buffalo and other mammals, and serve as an important resource for exploring the physiological mechanism underlying sperm maturation.  相似文献   

We verify the effects of different cryoprotectants on the cryopreservation of agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) epididymal sperm. We used 16 pairs of testes–epididymis complexes of sexually mature animals. We immediately evaluated epididymal sperm obtained by retrograde flushing for concentration, motility, vigor, viability, osmotic response, and morphology. Samples were extended in a coconut water extender plus 20% egg yolk, containing glycerol, ethylene glycol, dimethylsulfoxide – DMSO, or dimethylformamide. Finally, samples were stored in 0.25 mL straws, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and thawed after one week, being reevaluated and assessed for membrane integrity using fluorescent probes. The higher values for postthawing sperm motility, vigor, and membrane integrity were achieved by the usage of glycerol, when compared to ethylene glycol and dimethylformamide (P < 0.05); however, no differences were found between glycerol and DMSO (P > 0.05). All cryoprotectants provided a similar effect on the preservation of sperm morphology, osmotic response, and viability (P > 0.05). Therefore, here onwards, there was testing of glycerol and DMSO at 3 and 6% concentrations using the same freezing–thawing protocol reported previously. As the main result, DMSO at 6% concentration provided a decrease in sperm parameters, as well as in the chromatin integrity and in the binding capability of sperm. In conclusion, glycerol 3 or 6% and DMSO 3% can be used as alternative cryoprotectants for agouti epididymal sperm cryopreservation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT An account of the structure of the secondary genitalia of male Orthetrum coerulescens (Fabricius) is given together with an outline of the internal genitalia of the female. Observations on the experimental inflation of the penis are described. No sperm was released during fast inflations and deflations of the penis, but sustained inflation of the penis led to the release of a clear fluid followed by the slow discharge of sperm. Examination of natural copulations in the field has shown that rapid rhythmic movements at up to 5 Hz take place in the male's third abdominal segment throughout most of copulation, but towards the end they cease though inflation is maintained. It is suggested that the rapid movements coincide with the removal of rival sperm from the female and that sperm is transferred to the female only during the maintained inflation. Possible mechanisms of sperm translocation, sperm removal and sperm transfer are discussed with reference to male and female genital structures and the action of relevant muscles.  相似文献   

Acrosomal development in the early spermatid of the rufous hare wallaby shows evidence of formation of an acrosomal granule, similar to that found in eutherian mammals, the Phascolarctidae and Vombatidae. Unlike the other members of the Macropodidae so far examined, the acrosome of this species appears to be fully compacted at spermiation and extends evenly over 90% of the dorsal aspect of the nucleus. During spermiogenesis, the nucleus of the rufous hare wallaby spermatid showed evidence of uneven condensation of chromatin; this may also be related to the appearance of unusual nucleoplasm evaginations from the surface of the fully condensed spermatid. This study was unable to find evidence of the presence of Sertoli cell spurs or nuclear rotation during spermiogenesis in the rufous hare wallaby. The majority of spermatozoa immediately before spermiation had a nucleus that was essentially perpendicular to the long axis of the sperm tail. Nuclei of spermatozoa found in the process of being released or isolated in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule were rotated almost parallel to the long axis of the flagellum; complete parallel alignment occurred during epididymal maturation. At spermiation spermatozoa have characteristically small cytoplasmic remnants compared to those of other macropods. Unlike the majority of macropodid spermatozoa so far described, the spermatozoa of the rufous hare wallaby showed little evidence of morphological change during epididymal transit. There was no formation of a fibre network around the midpiece or of plasma membrane specializations in this region; the only notable change was a distinctive flattening of midpiece mitochondria and scalloping of the anterior mitochondrial sheath to accommodate the sperm head. Preliminary evidence from spermiogenesis and epididymal sperm maturation supports the classification of the rufous hare wallaby as a separate genus but also indicates that its higher taxonomic position may need to be re‐evaluated.  相似文献   

Sperm of the dictyopteran key taxon Cryptocercus punctulatus was examined. It has largely maintained a blattodean groundplan condition, with a three‐layered acrosome, an elongate nucleus, a single centriole, a conspicuous centriole adjunct material, two connecting bands (=accessory bodies), and a long functional flagellum with a 9+9+2 axoneme provided with accessory tubules with 16 protofilaments and intertubular material. These sperm characters are shared with several other polyneopterans. The sperm of C. punctulatus is very similar to what is found in Periplaneta americana and species of other groups of roaches, including the sperm of Loboptera decipiens described here for the first time. The general sperm organization here described can be assumed for the groundplan of Insecta and Pterygota. The following evolutionary path can be suggested: after the split between Cryptocercidae and the common ancestor of Isoptera, the typical pattern of sperm formation was altered very distinctly, resulting in a duplication or multiplication (Mastotermitidae) of the centrioles. Mastotermes has maintained a certain sperm motility, but with a very unusual apparatus of multiple flagella with a 9+0 axoneme pattern. After the split into Mastotermitidae and the remaining Isoptera, sperm motility was completely abandoned, and different modifications of sperm components occurred, and even the loss of the sperm flagellum. J. Morphol. 276:361–369, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Deleterious mutations can accumulate in the germline with age, decreasing the genetic quality of sperm and imposing a cost on female fitness. If these mutations also affect sperm competition ability or sperm production, then females will benefit from polyandry as it incites sperm competition and, consequently, minimizes the mutational load in the offspring. We tested this hypothesis in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a species characterized by polyandry and intense sperm competition, by investigating whether age affects post‐copulatory male traits and sperm competition success. Females did not discriminate between old and young males in a mate choice experiment. While old males produced longer and slower sperm with larger reserves of strippable sperm, compared to young males, artificial insemination did not reveal any effect of age on sperm competition success. Altogether, these results do not support the hypothesis that polyandry evolved in response to costs associated with mating with old males in the guppy.  相似文献   

Epididymis provides a safe environment in which stored-spermatozoa could survive for days before ejaculation. In vitro studies suggested that epididymal proteins seem to be implicated in sperm survival during coincubation with cultured epididymal cells. This study was basically designed to confirm if secretory proteins from bovine epididymal cell cultures provide sperm protection against rapid loss of sperm motility in vitro. Bovine spermatozoa were incubated in conditioned media (CM), which were prepared from cultured cauda epididymal cell (CEC). Motion parameters were recorded using a computer-assisted sperm analyzer. Sperm-free protein extracts from CM were fractionated by ultrafiltration through a 10-kDa cut off membrane. A significantly positive effect on sperm motility was observed when spermatozoa were incubated in CM (54 +/- 4%) and CM > 10 kDa (57 +/- 4%) compared to CM < 10-kDa fraction (30 +/- 3%) or fresh media (34 +/- 3%), after a 6-hr incubation period. This beneficial effect on sperm motility was abolished when the CM > 10-kDa fraction was heat-treated at 100 degrees C for 10 min. The CM > 10 kDa fraction provides factors that remained active even though spermatozoa were washed twice after a 2-hr preincubation period. To identify potential beneficial factors, bovine spermatozoa were incubated with radiolabeled proteins obtained using (35)S-methionine in culture medium. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins extracted from CM-preincubated spermatozoa revealed the presence of a 42-kDa protein strongly associated to the sperm surface. This 42-kDa spot was trypsin-digested and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) as a protein homologue to a 35-kDa bovine estrogen-sulfotransferase. This protein can play a role in epididymal biology and sperm function. Taken together, these results suggest that specific epididymal proteins can be implicated in the sperm protection in vitro, and can be characterized in our cell culture system.  相似文献   

After leaving the testis, spermatozoa undergo several important steps of biochemical maturation during the passage through the epididymis, increasing their motility and fertilizing ability. These changes comprise (among others) the modification of the phospholipid composition of the sperm membrane. This process is thought to be important for the achievement of motility and fertilizing capacity. The lipids of the sperm membrane are characterized by a significant content of unsaturated fatty acyl residues, resulting in a high sensitivity against oxidative stress. This is evidenced by the appearance of lysolipids, for example, lysophosphatidylcholine, which acts like a detergent and is normally present in only very small amounts in biological membranes. The epididymis represents a tubular system comprising three main parts (caput, corpus, and cauda), through which the spermatozoa are consecutively transported undergoing distinct maturation stages. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, we established three striking differences in the lipid composition of murine spermatozoa from the different epididymal regions: in comparison to the caput sperm, sperm from the cauda are characterized by (1) a higher degree of unsaturation (PC 18:0/22:5 and 18:0/22:6 vs. 18:0/20:4 and 18:0/18:1), (2) an enhanced plasmalogen content, and (3) an enhanced content of lysolipids. These changes are likely to be of physiological relevance and potentially useful as diagnostic markers of sperm maturation and acquisition of motility.  相似文献   

Epididymal cat sperm is commonly used for in vitro fertilization. Because of the high variability in preparation protocols and methods of evaluation, sperm quality may vary considerably between experiments and laboratories. The aims of the present study were (1) to describe an epididymal sperm preparation protocol to produce clean, highly motile samples using density gradient centrifugation, (2) to provide reference values of computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) parameters of fresh epididymal cat sperm after density gradient centrifugation and (3) to investigate the effect of cool storage on various spermatozoa characteristics. After slicing the epididymides, viable and motile sperm cells were isolated using Percoll® centrifugation. Sperm motility parameters were subsequently assessed using CASA in experiment 1. In experiment 2, fresh (day 0) sperm samples were evaluated for motility parameters (HTR) and stained for assessment of acrosomal status (FITC-PSA), morphology (eosin/nigrosin (E/N)), membrane integrity (E/N and SYBR®14-PI) and DNA fragmentation (TUNEL). After addition of a Tris–glucose-citrate diluent containing 20% egg yolk, samples were cooled to 4 °C and reassessed on d1, d3, d5, d7 and d10. Cool storage impaired most motility and velocity parameters: MOT, PMOT, VAP, VSL, VCL, BCF, RAPID and the percentage of normal spermatozoa showed a decrease over time (P < 0.05) as compared to fresh samples. In contrast, STR, ALH, membrane integrity, DNA fragmentation and the percentage of acrosome intact spermatozoa were not affected by cool storage. However, the influence of cool storage of cat spermatozoa on subsequent in vitro embryo development and quality after IVF requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the effects of vitamin D3 in the epididymal sperm cells of D ‐gal‐induced aged rats. It is well known that during aging sperm quality and quantity declines and leads to age‐related infertility problems in males. The results of the present study showed that there were elevated levels of oxidative stress and poor DNA integrity of sperm of aged rats. The expression of BCL2 also showed a significant decline in the sperm of aged rats, however, the expression of BAX and active caspase‐3 did not show significant change compared with the control group. The treatment of vitamin D3 at lower doses to aged rats showed increased expression of BAX and active caspase‐3 in the sperm, this finding suggests that increased apoptosis may be responsible for removal of poor quality sperm during aging. Vitamin D3 treatment at both doses showed improvement in the oxidative stress and DNA integrity in the sperm of aged rats. We also investigated the expression of AGER, visfatin, and HSPA1A in the epididymal sperm. It has been found that expression of AGER, visfatin, and HSPA1A increased in the sperm aged rats and vitamin D3 treatments at both doses decreased its expression. Thus, it might be suggested that during aging vitamin D3 treatment would be important for managing the sperm quality by regulating the apoptosis, antioxidant system and DNA integrity via modulation of visfatin and HSPA1A.  相似文献   

Various fixation protocols were used in an attempt to improve preservation of rat epididymal sperm for high-resolution low-voltage scanning electron microscopy (HR-LVSEM). Wash solutions and fixatives of different composition and osmolarity were tested. Paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde concentrations were varied between 0.5% and 3%. Ruthenium red was tested as an additive in both primary fixation and postfixation, or in postfixation alone. HR-LVSEM revealed various degrees of ruffing, folding, blebbing, and peeling off of the plasma membrane, as well as holes of different sizes. The plasma membrane overlying the acrosome and the connecting piece proved to be particularly sensitive to varying fixation conditions. Consistent topographical differences were revealed among the different domains over the sperm head. Most of the differences were considered to be artifacts. Their consistency, however, suggests that structural and biochemical differences exist either within the membrane or in the structures subjacent to the membrane. Primary fixation turned out to be less critical than postfixation. Preservation of a smooth plasma membrane without holes could only be achieved when primary fixation in low aldehyde concentrations, with or without ruthenium red, was followed by postfixation with OsO4 and 1,000 ppm ruthenium red. Examination of thin sections of the same material confirmed that even a considerable number of small holes are difficult to detect in transmission electron microscopy. These results show that with the recent increase in resolution of LVSEM there is need for further effort to improve sample processing. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of exposure in utero to a 900 megahertz (MHz) electromagnetic field (EMF) on 60-day-old rat testis and epididymis. Pregnant rats were divided into control (CG; no treatment) and EMF (EMFG) groups. The EMFG was exposed to 900 MHz EMF for 1 h each day during days 13 ? 21 of pregnancy. Newborn rats were either newborn CG (NCG) or newborn EMF groups (NEMFG). On postnatal day 60, a testis and epididymis were removed from each animal. Epididymal semen quality, and lipid and DNA oxidation levels, apoptotic index and histopathological damage to the testis were compared. We found a higher apoptotic index, greater DNA oxidation levels and lower sperm motility and vitality in the NEMFG compared to controls. Immature germ cells in the seminiferous tubule lumen, and altered seminiferous tubule epithelium and seminiferous tubule structure also were observed in hematoxylin and eosin stained sections of NEMFG testis. Nuclear changes that indicated apoptosis were identified in TUNEL stained sections and large numbers of apoptotic cells were observed in most of the seminiferous tubule epithelium in the NEMFG. Sixty-day-old rat testes exposed to 900 MHz EMF exhibited altered sperm quality and biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Studies using classic genetics as well as restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis have demonstrated that rye, unlike most flowering plants, has biparental inheritance of both plastids and mitochondria. Yet, a previous in-depth ultrastructural study found no plastids in rye sperm cells, and DNA-specific staining revealed no cytoplasmic DNA in the male gametes of this plant. In the present study, we examined serial ultrathin sections of eight rye sperm cells (four pairs) and found unambiguous examples of plastids in all cases. The number of plastids per sperm cell varies from two to 12. The sperm of a pair may vary with regard to plastid number; however, these differences are not consistent among the sperm pairs examined.  相似文献   

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