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The structure of a peptide corresponding to residues 182-202 of the acetylcholine receptor alpha1 subunit in complex with alpha-bungarotoxin was solved using NMR spectroscopy. The peptide contains the complete sequence of the major determinant of AChR involved in alpha-bungarotoxin binding. One face of the long beta hairpin formed by the AChR peptide consists of exposed nonconserved residues, which interact extensively with the toxin. Mutations of these receptor residues confer resistance to the toxin. Conserved AChR residues form the opposite face of the beta hairpin, which creates the inner and partially hidden pocket for acetylcholine. An NMR-derived model for the receptor complex with two alpha-bungarotoxin molecules shows that this pocket is occupied by the conserved alpha-neurotoxin residue R36, which forms cation-pi interactions with both alphaW149 and gammaW55/deltaW57 of the receptor and mimics acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Nucleosome packing in chromatin as revealed by nuclease digestion.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Chromatin DNA of rat thymus nuclei was cleaved by Serratia marcescens endonculease. The fragments have been examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. The results obtained are interpreted to mean that the internucleosomal DNA is cleaved by the endonuclease into fragments which are multiples of 10 nucleotides. The 10 nucleotide periodicity in fragmentation of internucleosomal DNA is independent of the presence of histone H1 and is likely to be determined by the interaction of this DNA stretch with the histone core of nucleosomes. Such interaction implies a close association between the nucleosomes in the chromatin thread. Quasi-limit chromatin digest (50--55% of DNA hydrolysis) contains undegraded DNA fragments with length of up to 1000 nucleotides or more. A part of this resistant DNA consists of single-stranded fragments or contains single stranded regions. These data may be accounted for by a very compact nucleosome packing in the resistant chromatin in which one of the DNA stands is more accessible to the endonuclease action.  相似文献   

Different kinds of nucleotide binding enzymes are sensitive to fluoroberyllate complexes (BeF.) and fluoroaluminate complexes (AlFy). It has been hypothesized that the effects of these fluorometals are related to the generation at a nucleotide binding site of a pseudo nucleoside triphosphate, consisting of a fluorometal moiety bound to the phosphate group of a molecule of nucleoside diphosphate (Bigay et al. 1985; Lunardi et al. 1985). In order to establish whether ternary complexes comprising ADP, beryllium and fluoride can exist in slightly alkaline solution in the absence of enzyme, we have carried out a multinuclear (31P, 9Be and t9F) NMR study. In preliminary experiments, pyrophosphate (PPi) was substituted for ADP and taken as a simpler analog of nucleoside diphosphate. In the absence of fluoride, three types of PPi-Be complexes were generated: two of these were bidentate chelates with either one or two pyrophosphate molecules bound per beryllium; the third one was a monodentate complex. It is probable that the same types of combination exist between the polyphosphate chain of ADP and Be. In the presence of fluoride, both ADP and PPi combined with beryllium to form ternary complexes. These complexes consisted of monofluoroberyllate(-BeF) or difluoroberyllate (-BeF,) bound to the two phosphates of one molecule of ADP or PPi as a bidentate chelate. We failed to observe the formation of complexes between ADP and trifluoroberyllate (-BeF3). The relevance of this study to the biological effects of fluoride and beryllium on various enzymic reactions is discussed.Abbreviations PPi pyrophosphate - AMP adenosine -5-monophos-phate - ADP adenosine- 5-diphosphate - ADPS adenosine-5-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) - Ap2A P1,p2-di(adenosine-5)pyrophosphate - F1-ATPase catalytic sector (soluble) of the beef heart mitochondrial ATPase complex - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane Offprint requests to: J.-L. Girardet  相似文献   

Hu K  Galius V  Pervushin K 《Biochemistry》2006,45(39):11983-11991
Intramolecular dynamics of periplasmic chaperone FkpA-deltaCT (sFkpA) and its complexes with partially structured substrates are studied by NMR in solution. The backbone amide 15N relaxation of sFkpA reveals flexibility in the relative orientation between the dimerization domain and two juxtaposed catalytic domains identified in the X-ray structure of sFkpA. This flexibility is attributed to the structural plasticity within the long alpha-helical arm (helix III) consisting of residues 84 and 91. Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) indicate an absence of fixed orientation between the sFkpA domains. The substrate binding surface of sFkpA is defined on the X-ray structure by mapping of chemical shift perturbations introduced by complexation of sFkpA with its corresponding protein substrates: partially folded RNase A S-protein and reduced carboxymethylated bovine alpha-lactalbumin (RCM-la). A comparison of 15N relaxation of apo-sFkpA and its complex with RNase A S-protein indicates an increased rigidity within the long alpha-helix III and decreased interdomain mobility of the complex. We speculate that these dynamic properties may play a key role in the chaperone activity of sFkpA, since ability to bind different substrates potentially requires structural adaptations of the chaperone protein. We show that binding of sFkpA to RNase A S-protein greatly reduces the population of aggregated oligomeric species of RNase A S-protein. Finally, a molecular model, the so-called "mother's arms" model, is proposed to illustrate the mechanism of chaperone activity by FkpA.  相似文献   

Subunit a in the membrane traversing F0 sector of Escherichia coli ATP synthase is known to fold with five transmembrane helices (TMHs) with residue 218 in TMH IV packing close to residue 248 in TMH V. In this study, we have introduced a spin label probe at Cys residues substituted at positions 222 or 223 and measured the effects on the Trp epsilon NH indole NMR signals of the seven Trp residues in the protein. The protein was purified and NMR experiments were carried out in a chloroform-methanol-H2O (4:4:1) solvent mixture. The spin label at positions 222 or 223 proved to broaden the signals of W231, W232, W235 and W241 located at the periplasmic ends of TMH IV and TMH V and the connecting loop between these helices. The broadening of W241 would require that the loop residues fold back on themselves in a hairpin-like structure much like it is predicted to fold in the native membrane. Placement of the spin label probe at several other positions also proved to have broadening effects on some of these Trp residues and provided additional constraints on folding of TMH IV and TMH V. The effects of the 223 probes on backbone amide resonances of subunit a were also measured by an HNCO experiment and the results are consistent with the two helices folding back on themselves in this solvent mixture. When Cys and Trp were substituted at residues 206 and 254 at the cytoplasmic ends of TMHs IV and V respectively, the W254 resonance was not broadened by the spin label at position 206. We conclude that the helices fold back on themselves in this solvent system and then pack at an angle such that the cytoplasmic ends of the polypeptide backbone are significantly displaced from each other.  相似文献   

Digestion of chromatin in nuclei by micrococcal nuclease, measured as the change in the concentration of monomer-length DNA with time, displays Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Redigestion of soluble chromatin prepared from nuclei by micrococcal nuclease treatment, however, is apparently first order in enzyme and independent of chromatin concentration. This qualitative difference results from an increase in the apparent second order rate constant, kcat/Km, for liberation of monomer DNA: the apparent Km for soluble chromatin is lower by close to 3 orders of magnitude than that for chromatin in nuclei, whereas kcat decreases by less than 1 order of magnitude. Neither the integrity of the nuclear membrane nor the presence of histone H1 contributes to the high Michaelis constant characteristic of chromatin in nuclei. Moreover, differences due to the buffers used for digestion and redigestion are minimal. Low catalytic efficiency is, however, correlated with the presence of higher order chromatin superstructure. Micrococcal nuclease added to soluble chromatin under nondigesting conditions at low ionic strength (I = 0.002) co-sediments with chromatin in sucrose gradients. In 0.15 M NaCl, added nuclease no longer sediments with chromatin and redigestion kinetics become first order in both enzyme and substrate. Kinetic analysis of this type may afford an assay for native, higher order structures in chromatin. Our results suggest that micrococcal nuclease binds to soluble chromatin through additional interactions not present in nuclei, which may be partly ionic in nature.  相似文献   

We have incorporated 5-fluorouridine into several sites within a 19-mer RNA modelled on the translational operator of the MS2 bacteriophage. The 19F NMR spectra demonstrate the different chemical shifts of helical and loop fluorouridines of the hairpin secondary structure. Addition of salt gives rise to a species in which the loop fluorouridine gains the chemical shift of its helical counterparts, due to the formation of the alternative bi-molecular duplex form. This is supported by UV thermal melting behaviour which becomes highly dependent on the RNA concentration. Distinct 19F NMR signals for duplex and hairpin forms allow the duplex-hairpin equilibrium constant to be determined under a range of conditions, enabling thermodynamic characterisation and its salt dependence to be determined. Mg2+ also promotes duplex formation, but more strongly than Na+, such that at 25 degrees C, 10 mM MgCl2 has a comparable duplex-promoting effect to 300 mM NaCl. A similar effect is observed with Sr2+, but not Ca2+ or Ba2+. Additional hairpin species are observed in the presence of Na+ as well as Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ ions. The overall, ensemble average, hairpin conformation is therefore salt-dependent. Electrostatic considerations are thus involved in the balance between different hairpin conformers as well as the duplex-hairpin equilibrium. The data presented here demonstrate that 19F NMR is a powerful tool for the study of conformational heterogeneity in RNA, which is particularly important for probing the effects of metal ions on RNA structure. The thermodynamic characterisation of duplex-hairpin equilibria will also be valuable in the development of theoretical models of nucleic acid structure.  相似文献   

Nisin is an example of type-A lantibiotics that contain cyclic lanthionine rings and unusual dehydrated amino acids. Among the numerous pore-forming antimicrobial peptides, type-A lantibiotics form an unique family of post-translationally modified peptides. Via the recognition of cell wall precursor lipid II, nisin has the capacity to form pores against Gram-positive bacteria with an extremely high activity in the nanomolar (nM) range. Here we report a high-resolution NMR spectroscopy study of nisin/lipid II interactions in SDS micelles as a model membrane system in order to elucidate the mechanism of molecular recognition at residue level. The binding to lipid II was studied through (15)N-(1)H HSQC titration, backbone amide proton temperature coefficient analysis, and heteronuclear (15)N[(1)H]-NOE relaxation dynamics experiments. Upon the addition of lipid II, significant changes were monitored in the N-terminal part of nisin. An extremely low amide proton temperature coefficient (Delta delta/Delta T) was found for the amide proton of Ala3 (> -0.1 ppb/K) in the complex form. This suggests tight hydrogen bonding and/or isolation from the bulk solvent for this residue. Large chemical shift perturbations were also observed in the first two rings. In contrast, the C-terminal part of nisin was almost unaffected. This part of the molecule remains flexible and solvent-exposed. On the basis of our results, a multistep pore-forming mechanism is proposed. The N-terminal part of nisin first binds to lipid II, and a subsequent structural rearrangement takes place. The C-terminal part of nisin is possibly responsible for the activation of the pore formation. In light of the emerging antibiotic resistance problems, an understanding of the specific recognition mechanism of nisin with lipid II at the residue specific level may therefore aid in the development of novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

We have used in vitro selection techniques to characterize DNA sequences that are ligated efficiently by T4 DNA ligase. We find that the ensemble of selected sequences ligates about 50 times as efficiently as the random mixture of sequences used as the input for selection. Surprisingly many of the selected sequences failed to produce a match at or close to the ligation junction. None of the 20 selected oligomers that we sequenced produced a match two bases upstream from the ligation junction.  相似文献   

D J Weber  G P Mullen  A S Mildvan 《Biochemistry》1991,30(30):7425-7437
The dinucleoside phosphodiester dTdA is a slow substrate of staphylococcal nuclease (kcat = 3.8 X 10(-3) s-1) that forms binary E-S and ternary E-M-S complexes with Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and La3+. The enzyme enhances the paramagnetic effects of Co2+ on 1/T1 and 1/T2 of the phosphorus and on 1/T1 of six proton resonances of dTdA, and these effects are abolished by binding of the competitive inhibitor 3',5'-pdTp. From paramagnetic effects of Co2+ on 1/T2 of phosphorus, koff of dTdA from the ternary E-Co(2+)-dTdA complex is greater than or equal to 4.8 X 10(4) s-1 and kon greater than or equal to 1.4 X 10(6) M-1 s-1, indicating the 1/T1 values to be in fast exchange. From paramagnetic effects of enzyme-bound Co2+ on 1/T1 of phosphorus and protons, with use of a correlation time of 1.6 ps on the basis of 1/T1 values at 250 and 600 MHz, 7 metal-nucleus distances and 9 lower-limit metal-nucleus distances are calculated. The long Co2+ to 31P distance of 4.1 +/- 0.9 A, which is intermediate between that expected for direct phosphoryl coordination (3.31 +/- 0.02 A) and a second sphere complex with an intervening water ligand (4.75 +/- 0.02 A), suggests either a distorted inner sphere complex or the rapid averaging of 18% inner sphere and 82% second sphere complexes and may explain the reduced catalytic activity with small dinucleotide substrates. Seventeen interproton distances and 108 lower limit interproton distances in dTdA in the ternary E-La(3+)-dTdA complex were determined by NOESY spectra at 50-, 100-, and 200-ms mixing times. While metal-substrate and interproton distances alone did not yield a unique structure, the combination of both sets of distances yielded a very narrow range of conformations for enzyme-bound dTdA, which was highly extended, with no base stacking, with high-anti glycosidic torsional angles for dT (64 degrees less than or equal to chi less than or equal to 73 degrees) and dA (66 degrees less than or equal to chi less than or equal to 68 degrees) and predominantly C-2'-endo sugar puckers for both nucleosides. Although the individual nucleosides are like those of B-DNA, their unstacked conformation, which is inappropriate for base pairing, as well as the conformational angles alpha and gamma of dA and zeta of dT, rule out B-DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Embryogenesis relies on instructions provided by spatially organized signaling molecules known as morphogens. Understanding the principles behind morphogen distribution and how cells interpret locally this information remains a major challenge in developmental biology. Here, we introduce morphogen‐age measurements as a novel approach to test models of morphogen gradient formation. Using a tandem fluorescent timer as a protein age sensor, we find a gradient of increasing age of Bicoid along the anterior–posterior axis in the early Drosophila embryo. Quantitative analysis of the protein age distribution across the embryo reveals that the synthesis–diffusion–degradation model is the most likely model underlying Bicoid gradient formation, and rules out other hypotheses for gradient formation. Moreover, we show that the timer can detect transitions in the dynamics associated with syncytial cellularization. Our results provide new insight into Bicoid gradient formation and demonstrate how morphogen‐age information can complement knowledge about movement, abundance, and distribution, which should be widely applicable to other systems.  相似文献   

The N-terminal large fragments of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase), SNase110 (1-110 residues), SNase121 (1-121 residues), and SNase135 (1-135 residues), and the fragment mutants G88W110, G88W121, V66W110 and V66W121 were studied by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Ensembles of co-existent native-like partially folded and unfolded states were observed for fragments. The persistent native-like tertiary interaction drives fragments to be in partially folded states, which reveal native-like beta-barrel conformations. G88W and V66W mutations modulate the extent of inherent native-like tertiary interaction in fragment molecules, and in consequence, fragment mutants fold into native-like beta-subdomain conformations. In cooperation with the inherent tertiary interaction, 2 M TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) can promote the folding reaction of fragments through the changes of unfolding free energy, and a native-like beta-subdomain conformation is observed when the chain length contains 135 residues. Heterogeneous partially folded conformations of 1-121 and 1-135 fragments due to cis and trans X-prolyl bond of Lys116-Pro117 make a non-unique folding pathway of fragments. The folding reaction of fragments can be characterized as a hierarchical process.  相似文献   

Oleg Y. Dmitriev 《BBA》2008,1777(2):227-237
Subunit a in the membrane traversing F0 sector of Escherichia coli ATP synthase is known to fold with five transmembrane helices (TMHs) with residue 218 in TMH IV packing close to residue 248 in TMH V. In this study, we have introduced a spin label probe at Cys residues substituted at positions 222 or 223 and measured the effects on the Trp ?NH indole NMR signals of the seven Trp residues in the protein. The protein was purified and NMR experiments were carried out in a chloroform-methanol-H2O (4:4:1) solvent mixture. The spin label at positions 222 or 223 proved to broaden the signals of W231, W232, W235 and W241 located at the periplasmic ends of TMH IV and TMH V and the connecting loop between these helices. The broadening of W241 would require that the loop residues fold back on themselves in a hairpin-like structure much like it is predicted to fold in the native membrane. Placement of the spin label probe at several other positions also proved to have broadening effects on some of these Trp residues and provided additional constraints on folding of TMH IV and TMH V. The effects of the 223 probes on backbone amide resonances of subunit a were also measured by an HNCO experiment and the results are consistent with the two helices folding back on themselves in this solvent mixture. When Cys and Trp were substituted at residues 206 and 254 at the cytoplasmic ends of TMHs IV and V respectively, the W254 resonance was not broadened by the spin label at position 206. We conclude that the helices fold back on themselves in this solvent system and then pack at an angle such that the cytoplasmic ends of the polypeptide backbone are significantly displaced from each other.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy was used to study the effect of guanidinium chloride on the unfolding of horse heart and yeast iso-1 cytochrome c under mild alkaline conditions. The structural changes on the horse heart protein were detected through NOESY (Nuclear Overhauser Effect SpectroscopY) experiments whereas (15)N-(1)H heteronuclear NMR was used to monitor the behavior of the yeast protein. The latter represents the first characterization through (15)N-(1)H heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy of the guanidinium chloride induced unfolding of mitochondrial cytochrome c. The presence of denaturants decreases the temperature at which the native Met80 axial ligand is displaced from the iron center under the present mild alkaline conditions. The process can be described in terms of protein fragments behaving as unfolding units of different stability. The comparison between the two proteins indicates that the loop+helix connecting the proximal and distal sites, as well as the long Met80-containing loop immediately after a short helix, are structural characteristics of mitochondrial cytochrome c that appear to be responsible for the Met80-iron(III) bond fragility.  相似文献   

Circular dichroic spectra of A-DNA in 78% ethanol and of tRNA in water and ethanol solutions have been studied at different concentrations of NaCl. An increase in the Na+ concentration from 0.5.10(-4) M to 5.10(-4) M results in a shift of the positive CD band at 264 nm of the A-DNA to a longer wavelength, 272 nm. Simultaneously, the magnitude of the 210 nm band decreases. By contrast in the case of tRNA in water solution an increase in NaCl content results in straight opposite shifts of the CD spectra. This opposite behaviour is shown to the due to a difference in ions effects in water and water-ethanol solutions, since tRNA in the ethanol solution behaves in the same way as A-DNA does in 78% ethanol. We suppose that in aqueous solution in increase in the cation concentration would stabilize the helical conformations with progressively decreasing narrow groove, i. e. more wound. At a high concentration of ethanol (60--80%) the formation of specific complex between the hydrated cations and the double-stranded regions should be taken into consideration. Thus, the hydrated cations may insert into the deep groove exerting the opposite effect of unwinding.  相似文献   

Of several methanogenic bacteria examined only Methanococcus voltae readily incorporated exogenous amino acids into cell protein. This was easily shown, since growth in the presence of exogenous amino acids resulted in a loss of signal intensities from those carbon atoms normally labelled by [13C]acetate during biosynthesis. From 80% to 95% of the Ser, Lys, Pro or Val incorporated into protein could be supplied directly from the growth medium. In contrast, Asp and Glu, if supplied to the medium, accounted for only a small percentage of the total acidic amino acid used in protein synthesis. Constitutive transport systems took up a wide range of amino acids at rates of 0.1-4.1 nmol min-1 mg-1. The transport systems required Na+, with the possible exception of the basic amino acid lysine, and were inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide or 3,3',4',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide. No interconversion of Ile to other amino acids was detected when cells were given [13C]Ile during growth, whereas the expected labelling of the Asp and Glu families of amino acids resulted when [13C]Asp was provided to the culture. Mc. voltae synthesized its amino acids from acetate via routes fully consistent with those found in Methanospirillum hungatei [Ekiel, I., Smith, I.C.P. & Sprott, G.D. (1983) J. Bacteriol. 156, 316-326]. Propionate could substitute for an auxotrophic requirement for Ile, resulting in the synthesis of Ile with the beta-carbon originating from the carboxyl of acetate and the alpha-carbon from the carboxyl of propionate. No labelling of Ile from [13C]acetate could occur without the fatty acid. These results provide strong evidence for the carboxylation of propionate to form 2-oxobutyrate as intermediate in Ile biosynthesis, and show that the metabolic defect in Ile biosynthesis occurs prior to 2-oxobutyrate synthesis. The presence of constitutive amino acid transport systems and multiple routes for ile biosynthesis make Methanococcus voltae an attractive methanogen for genetic studies.  相似文献   

Tonan K  Xu P  Jenkins JL  Russo A  Shapiro R  Ni F 《Biochemistry》2003,42(38):11137-11149
Human angiogenin (Ang) is a tumor-promoting RNase in the pancreatic RNase superfamily. Efforts to develop nucleotide-based inhibitors of Ang as potential anticancer drugs have been hampered by the lack of direct structural information on Ang-nucleotide complexes. Here, we have used heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy with (15)N- and (15)N/(13)C-labeled Ang to map the interactions of Ang with the phosphate ion, seven adenosine mononucleotides (the 2'-, 3'-, and 5'-monophosphates, the 2',5'- and 3',5'-diphosphates, the 5'-diphosphate, and the 2'-monophospho-5'-diphosphate), and the dinucleotide 2'-deoxyuridine 3'-pyrophosphate (P' --> 5') adenosine-2'-phosphate (dUppA-2'-p). The 2'-phosphate based derivatives, which bind more tightly than the corresponding 3'-phosphate isomers, induced characteristic large resonance perturbations of the backbone amide proton of Leu(115), the backbone (15)N of His(114), and the Gln(12) side-chain NH(2) group in the Ang active site. In contrast, adenosine derivatives with only 3'- or 5'-phosphates produced much less dramatic perturbations of Leu(115) and His(114) resonances, along with modest perturbations of additional residues both within and beyond the active site. Measurements of NOEs together with molecular docking analyses revealed the three-dimensional structures of the complexes of Ang with adenosine 2',5'-diphosphate and dUppA-2'-p; the binding modes of these inhibitors differ substantially from those predicted in earlier studies. Most notably, the 2'-phosphate rather than the 5'-phosphate occupies the P(1) catalytic subsite of Ang, and the side chain of His(114) has undergone a conformational transition that positions it outside P(1) and allows it to form stacking interactions with the adenine ring of the inhibitor. Strikingly, the 2'-deoxyuridine moiety of dUppA-2'-p makes only a few contacts with Ang, and these involve residues outside the B(1) subsite where the pyrimidine ring of substrates normally binds.  相似文献   

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