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BACKGROUND: Proteomic analysis of cultured postimplantation rat embryos is expected to be useful for investigation into embryonic development. Here we analyzed protein expression in cultured postimplantation rat embryos by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass-spectrometric protein identification. METHODS: Rat embryos were cultured from day 9.5 for 48 h or from day 10.5 for 24 h. Proteins of the embryo proper and yolk sac membrane were isolated by 2-DE and differentially analyzed with a 2-D analysis software. Selected protein spots in the 2-DE gels were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight tandem mass spectrometric analysis and protein database search. RESULTS: About 800 and 1,000 protein spots were matched through the replicate 2-DE gels each from one embryo in the embryo proper and yolk sac membrane, respectively, and virtually the same protein spots were observed irrespective to the length of culture period. From protein spots specific to the embryo proper (126 spots) and yolk sac membrane (304 spots), proteins involved in tissue-characteristic functions, such as morphogenesis and nutritional transfer, were identified: calponin, cellular retinoic acid binding protein, cofilin, myosin, and stathmin in the embryo proper, and Ash-m, dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor, ERM-binding phosphoprotein, cathepsin, and legumain in the yolk sac membrane. CONCLUSION: Proteomic analysis of cultured postimplantation rat embryos will be a new approach in developmental biology and toxicology at the protein level.  相似文献   

Using the immunoblotting method, the synthesis of two copper-transporting P1-type ATPases, ATP7A (a candidate for the product of the Menkes disease gene) and ATP7B (presumed product of the Wilson disease gene), in the yolk sac cells of rat embryos at days 11 and 20 of embryogenesis was demonstrated. Concomitantly, yolk sac cells produce ceruloplasmin, a soluble copper-transporting glycoprotein, a proportion of which in secreted proteins progressively diminishes, attaining 5.2% at day 11 and 3.1% at day 20 of development. At different stages of embryogenesis, yolk sac cells synthesize two molecular forms of [14]C-ceruloplasmin, one of which is secreted towards the embryo, whereas the other, towards the decidual membrane. Two forms of ceruloplasmin secreted in polar directions differ in the rate of secretion. The role of the yolk sac as a key organ controlling the delivery and secretion of copper in the embryo during the postimplantation period is discussed.  相似文献   

E S Hunter  T W Sadler 《Teratology》1992,45(2):195-203
The adverse developmental effects of hyperglycemia to rodent embryos have been shown using whole embryo culture. Although, a mechanism by which hyperglycemia-induced effects occur is unknown, recent work has focused on the visceral yolk sac as a potential target tissue. Therefore, we have evaluated the developmental effects of hyperglycemia in early head fold stage mouse embryos in vitro and assessed the histiotrophic function of the visceral yolk sac. As has been previously shown in rodents, hyperglycemia produced neural tube closure defects in a concentration dependent manner at 33, 50, and 67 mM glucose using a 44 h exposure period. However, exposure times between 6 and 12 h were sufficient to alter embryonic development when the glucose concentration was 50 or 67 mM. In contrast, early somite stage embryos (4-6 somite stage) appear to be less sensitive to dysmorphogenesis and a 48 h exposure to 67 mM glucose but not 33 or 50 mM also produced neural tube defects. Hyperglycemia (67 mM) did not alter the uptake of 35S-methionine and 35S-cysteine-labeled hemoglobin (35S-Hb) in the visceral yolk sac (VYS) in early headfold staged embryos. However, the accumulation of 35S in the embryo was reduced by 16-18% at glucose concentrations of 50 or 67 mM during the last 12 h of a 44 h exposure period. No effect on VYS uptake or embryonic accumulation of 35S-labeled products was observed at shorter exposure periods (12-24 and 24-36 h).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

H Franke 《Acta anatomica》1979,103(2):200-211
The effect of an interruption of the yolk sac circulation on the rat visceral yolk sac and the development of the fetoplacental unit was examined in the last third of pregnancy. The yolk sac ischaemia was induced by ligating the blood vessels of the yolk sac stalk which connect the vitelline circulation with that of the fetus. A 3-hour ligature caused an extensive swelling of most cell organelles in the epithelial cells and in the capillary endothelia of the yolk sac. Other structural changes were indicative of a cessation of pinocytosis. A 6-hour ligature resulted in a common increase of cell swelling and in a beginning disintegration of the endothelial cells lining the vitelline capillaries. A 15-hour ligature caused severe ultrastructural cell lesions and macroscopical alterations suggestive of a progressive necrolar finding of a nearly complete loss of the amniotic fluid and the death of the fetus, although the maternal blood flow appeared to be still intact in the placenta.  相似文献   

Through direct manipulation of yolk sac volume ( V y), in the zebrafish Danio rerio , V y and offspring size was positively correlated and the relationship was independent of geographical location, parental size or age and, most importantly, parental genetic factors. Larval survivorship, under a non-feeding regime and up until hatch, was not significantly affected by the manipulation. Decreased V y significantly decreased maximum standard length ( L S), maximum body surface area ( A B), time to yolk sac absorption, L S and A B at yolk sac absorption, and the L S and A B at starvation. The methodology of V y adjustment will be useful for the studies of the interaction between early life-history traits and offspring size, egg quality variables and early vertebrate development.  相似文献   

K P Chepnik  B M Waite 《Teratology》1975,11(3):247-255
Pregnant Long-Evans rats were subjected to a teratogenic regimen, i.e., were fed a synthetic diet lacking folic acid and containing 9-methylpteroylglutamic acid on the 11th to 14th days of gestation. Experimental and control pregnant rats injected with 10 muCi of [2-14C] ethanolamine on the 14th day were killed 1 or 2 days later. The total radioactivity and radioactivities of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylcholine (PC), and lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) were determined in chloroform extracts of homogenates and subcellular fractions prepared from hemochorionic and yolk sac placentas and maternal liver. The distribution of radioisotope into PC and PE of control and experimental yolk sac placentas was similar, and paralleled the distribution in maternal liver. However, the distribution of radioisotope into PC and PE of the hemochorionic placentas did not parallel that of the maternal liver, and radiolabeled PC accumulated faster in experimental placentas than in controls. We suggest that the ability of the hemochorionic placenta to synthesize PC from PE was impaired by the teratogenic regimen, and that the organ took up relatively more PC from the maternal plasma. We propose that this teratogen-induced shift from placental lecithin synthesis to selective lecithin uptake underlies the previous finding of an increased accumulation of radio-labeled PC in embryos from pregnant females subjected to this teratogenic regimen (Chepenik and Waite, '73).  相似文献   

R Marlow  S J Freeman 《Life sciences》1987,40(17):1717-1723
Pinocytosis as measured by the uptake of 125I labelled PVP by the isolated cultured day 12 rat yolk sac was observed to be linear over a 4 h incubation period and to proceed at a rate of approximately 2.5 microliters/mg protein/h. Cadmium, anti-visceral yolk sac antibody (AVYS) and trypan blue all inhibited pinocytosis in a concentration-dependent fashion when added to the culture medium, although at low concentrations trypan blue was slightly stimulatory. The effect of zinc on the inhibition of pinocytosis by these three teratogens was studied. It was observed that zinc ameliorated the inhibitory effects of cadmium and AVYS, but had no effect on inhibition by trypan blue. These results indicate that the previously demonstrated protective action of zinc against cadmium-induced yolk sac dysfunction is not specific to that agent but extends to inhibition of pinocytosis by AVYS, and further suggest that, because of its refractoriness to zinc, trypan blue-induced inhibition of pinocytosis by yolk sac occurs by a mechanism different from that effected by cadmium and AVYS.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the teratogenic effects of L-asparaginase on 10.5- and 11.5-day rat embryos after 24 and 48 hours of exposure in vitro, respectively, were performed. Several medium concentrations of L-asparaginase (0.05, 0.25, and 1.5 IU/ml) were tested in both embryo series. Resulting embryos were submitted to morphological studies in a search for a specific route of pathogenesis. Morphological alterations of the visceral yolk sac were also studied to investigate its contribution to L-asparaginase teratogenicity in rats. Main embryonic malformations (open truncal neural tube, open encephalic vesicles, anophthalmia, lack of inversion, abnormal frontolateral protrusions, great vascular dilations at the cephalic level) and developmental retardation were already generated after the first 24 hours of culture (embryos of 10.5 days) and presented a dose-response relationship. Vascular dilations and neurulation disturbances seemed to be related to an early mesenchyme deficiency. Reduced number of mesenchymal cells was more evident in embryos of 10.5 days than those of 11.5 days, suggesting the existence of a later compensatory mechanism of cellular proliferation in the older embryo. Visceral yolk-sac endodermal cells at both embryonic stages were greatly deformed and enlarged by an increase of the high electron-dense vacuolar system. Therefore, both a blockage of the processes of lysosomal digestion and derived trophic deficiencies probably existed. A double teratogenic mechanism for L-asparaginase is postulated: a direct action mainly in younger embryos (before invagination of the embryo into the yolk sac) and a yolk sac-mediated one.  相似文献   

To study the mammalian craniofacial development, the culture conditions of rat whole embryo during the period of major craniofacial morphogenesis were examined. The improved rotating apparatus which is gassed continuously was used. Rat embryos explanted at 11.5 days (plug day 0) developed in vitro for up to 72 hr, that is, throughout the period of major craniofacial morphogenesis, and cultured embryos showed normal facial formation. The medium was equilibrated with a gas mixture of 95% 02, 5% CO2. The 100% rat serum improved the protein content of embryos cultured for 48 hr compared with the medium consisting of 50% rat serum and 50% Tyrode solution, although somite number was not altered. Furthermore, 100% rat serum containing 2 mg/ml glucose was the best medium for supporting growth of embryos when it was measured by protein content. Thus, the best culture medium was pure rat serum containing 50 units/ml penicillin, 50 micrograms/ml streptomycin, and 2 mg/ml glucose. Protein content, body weight, craniofacial formation, and somite number of embryos cultured for 48 hr with continuous gassing were much better than those cultured with noncontinuous gassing.  相似文献   

Yolk sac-derived teratomas are composed of various well-differentiated tissues. These tissues must be derived from multipotent cells. To exclude a germ cell origin for these teratomas we used Steel-Sl+ females copulated with Sl+ males. The embryos generated from such mating comprise 25% SlSl sterile embryos, deficient in primordial germ cells, 25% normal embryos (+/+), and 50% heterozygotes (Sl+). The results indicate that the genotype of the embryos does not influence the development of teratomas. Displaced yolks sacs belonging to genetically sterile embryos developed into teratomas as frequently as those from heterozygotes and from genetically normal embryos.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diabetic teratogenicity relates, partly, to embryonic oxidative stress and the extent of the embryonic damage can apparently be reduced by antioxidants. We investigated the effects of superoxide dismutase-mimics nitroxides, 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl piperidine-N-oxyl (TPL) as an effective antioxidant, on diabetes-induced embryopathy. METHODS: Embryos (10.5 day old) and their yolk sacs from Sabra female rats were cultured for 28 h in the absence or in the presence of nitroxides at 0.05-0.4 mM in control, diabetic subteratogenic, or diabetic teratogenic media, and monitored for growth retardation and congenital anomalies. The oxidant/antioxidant status was examined by oxygen radical absorbance capacity and lipid peroxidation assays, whereas the yolk sac function was evaluated by endocytosis assay. RESULTS: Diabetic culture medium inhibited embryonic and yolk sac growth, induced a high rate of NTDs, reduced yolk sac endocytosis and embryonic antioxidant capacity, and increased lipid peroxidation. These effects were more prominent in the embryos with NTD compared to those without NTD. TPL added to diabetic teratogenic medium improved embryonic and yolk sac growth, reduced the rate of NTDs, and improved yolk sac function. The oxidant/antioxidant status of embryos was also improved. TPL at 1 mM did not damage the embryos cultured in control medium. CONCLUSIONS: In diabetic culture medium, oxidative damage is higher in the malformed rat embryos compared to those without anomalies; the nitroxide provides protection against diabetes-induced teratogenicity in a dose-dependent manner. The yolk sac damage, apparently caused by the same mechanism, might be an additional contributor to the embryonic damage observed in diabetes.  相似文献   

Summary The transepithelial electrical characteristics of the isolated yolk sac membrane of normal in ovo or shell-less cultured chick embryos were investigated. In normal chicks the potential difference (blood side positive relative to yolk side) and short-circuit current of the membrane increased during development. Ouabain (10-4 M) on the blood side (basolateral side, serosal side) significantly decreased potential difference and short-circuit current but was without effect on the yolk side (brush border side, mucosal side). Substitution of choline for Na+ in the bathing solutions abolished the potential difference and the short-circuit current; when Na+ replaced choline this effect was reversed. Amiloride added to both sides of the yolk sac membrane had no effect on potential difference or short-circuit current. Injection of aldosterone (50 g) and T3 (10 M) into yolk did not induce amiloride sensitivity. The short-circuit current was not altered by addition of either glucose or alanine to the bath. The short-circuit current of the yolk sac membrane of shell-less cultured embryos was significantly lower than that of normal controls. Addition of Ca2+ to the serosal bathing medium did not reverse the foregoing condition, but decreased the short-circuit current. It is concluded that the yolk sac short-circuit current is Na+ dependent and increases with developmental age in the chick embryo.Abbreviations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethaneoulphonic acid - PD potential difference - R resistance - SCC short-circuit current - TRIS tris-hydroxymethyl aminomethane - T3 3,3-5-triiodo-l-thyronine  相似文献   

Summary Since previous morphological studies have revealed abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum in the yolk sac endoderm, pig yolk sac explants from 30 day old embryos were incubated for 3–12 h with [3H]-l-leucine in order to study their protein biosynthesis. They were fractionated into a 12,000×g-pellet, 105,000×g-pellet, and supernatant. Newly synthesized proteins in these tissue fractions, and proteins discharged into the culture medium, were analysed with the aid of scintillation technique and identified by column chromatography, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with urea, isoelectrofocusing, and 2D-electrophoresis. Most of the radioactivity incorporated into the tissue fractions was regained from the coarse pellet and was located in the molecular weight region between 70,000 and 45,000 daltons, indicating that most of the newly synthesized proteins are membrane bound and include albumin. Albumin, an acid protein of a MW around 80,000 daltons, and many neutral and basic peptides were present in the culture medium. The yolk sac endodermal cells of the pig synthesize less proteins than those of the cat, although the pig cells display much larger amounts of endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Summary Specimens of human foetal yolk sac from conceptuses of 8 and 10 weeks menstrual age were studied with the electron microscope. At 8 weeks columns of endodermal cells projected into the underlying mesenchyme. Several types of endodermal cell were identified; some contained much granular endoplasmic reticulum and abundant glycogen; others resembled the haemocytoblasts present in the mesenchyme and yet others contained membrane-bounded channels similar to those seen in megakaryocytes. It was suggested that the endoderm is the site of origin of the blood cells but that, while the platelets may be formed within the endoderm, the normal development of the red cells is conditional upon their early release into the mesenchyme and possibly the attainment of an intravascular position. Intravascular macrophages were identified and their role in determining the nature of the blood picture during the period of functional acitvity of the sac discussed. The morphology of the epithelium on the external surface of the sac was discussed in relation to the possibility of its playing a part in the exchange of materials between the yolk sac and the chorionic cavity.Supported in part by grant no. 5-T01-GM-00582-08 from the U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

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