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Communication and behaviour of animals living ex situ has been one of the major sources of knowledge about wild animals. Nevertheless, it is also acknowledged that depending on the environment that the animals inhabit (or are kept in), there are differences in their communication and behaviour. With some species (especially large mammals) it is difficult to reproduce their natural environment to an extent that excludes deviations from the behaviour and communication exhibited by animals living in situ. In zoological gardens, welfare measures are introduced in order to counteract the effects of the captive environment and to grant an individual’s good physical and psychological well-being. The relation between good welfare and species-specific communication and behaviour is discussed, and as a result, a general model of ex situ animal communication and behaviour is proposed. The suggested model is inclusive of differences between captive animals and free-ranging animals and serves to explain the welfare-related reasons underlying individual animal’s deviations from species-specific behaviour and communication.  相似文献   

Theory predicts a close structural relation of formal languages with natural languages. Both share the aspect of an underlying grammar which either generates (hierarchically) structured expressions or allows us to decide whether a sentence is syntactically correct or not. The advantage of rule-based communication is commonly believed to be its efficiency and effectiveness. A particularly important class of formal languages are those underlying the mathematical syntax. Here we provide brain-imaging evidence that the syntactic processing of abstract mathematical formulae, written in a first order language, is, indeed efficient and effective as a rule-based generation and decision process. However, it is remarkable, that the neural network involved, consisting of intraparietal and prefrontal regions, only involves Broca''s area in a surprisingly selective way. This seems to imply that despite structural analogies of common and current formal languages, at the neural level, mathematics and natural language are processed differently, in principal.  相似文献   

Contention-Aware Communication Schedule for High-Speed Communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A lot of efforts have been devoted to address the software overhead problem in the past decade, which is known as the major hindrance on high-speed communication. However, this paper shows that having a low-latency communication system does not guarantee to achieve high performance, as there are other communication issues that have not been fully addressed by the use of low-latency communication, such as contention and scheduling of communication events. In this paper, we use the complete exchange operation as a case study to show that with careful design of communication schedules, we can achieve efficient communication as well as prevent congestion. We have developed a complete exchange algorithm, the Synchronous Shuffle Exchange, which is an optimal algorithm on the non-blocking network. To avoid congestion loss caused by the non-deterministic delays in communication events, a global congestion control scheme is introduced. This scheme coordinates all participating nodes to monitor and regulate the traffic load, which effectively avoids congestion loss and maintains sufficient throughput to maximize the performance. To improve the effectiveness of the congestion control scheme when working on the hierarchical network, we incorporate information on the network topology to devise a contention-aware permutation. This permutation scheme generates a communication schedule, which is both node and switch contention-free as well as distributing the network loads more evenly across the hierarchy. This relieves the congestion build-up at the uplink ports and improves the synchronism of the traffic information exchange between cluster nodes. Performance results of our implementation on a 32-node cluster with various network configurations are examined and reported in this paper.  相似文献   

陈丽  刘红  叶丽梅  郭晓东 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4767-4769
摘要目的:探讨并分析“沟通”文化在特需病房护理中的作用。方法:选取自2010年11月至2012年11月在我院接受过特需病房护理的相关病症患者100例作为本研究的观察组;另选取同时期在普通病房接受护理的患者100例作为对照组。对照组则采用常规的护理方法进行护理;观察组中,护理人员采用“一切以病人为中心”的护理观念和人性化护理方式与患者进行相应的沟通,最大程度的满足患者的需求。采用回顾分析的方法对两组患者的临床资料及其对护理方式的满意度评价等进行分析回顾。结果:与对照组相比,患者及患者家属对医护人员采用与患者进行沟通的方法进行护理的评价及满意度普遍较高,其中99位(99.00%)患者表示非常愿意接受该种护理方法;有98住(98.00%)患者的家属也十分赞同该护理方法。结论:在对特需病房患者进行相应的护理时,与患者以及患者的家属进行相应的沟通,根据患者的所需进行人性化的护理十分重要。采用沟通的方法对特需病房患者进行人性化护理能够提高相应的护理质量,充分的提高护理人员的主观能动性。而且,适时的与患者进行相应的沟通,令其感受到温暖、尊重以及关爱,对患者的康复具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

How communication systems emerge is a topic of relevance to several academic disciplines. Numerous existing models, both mathematical and computational, study this emergence. However, with few exceptions, these models all build some form of communication into their initial specification. Consequently, what these models study is how communication systems transition from one form to another, and not how communication itself emerges in the first place. Here we present a new computational model of the emergence of communication which, unlike previous models, does not pre-specify the existence of communication. We conduct two experiments using this model, in order to derive general statements about how communication systems emerge. The two main routes to communication that we identify correspond with findings from the empirical literature on the evolution of animal signals. We use this finding to explain when and why we should expect communication to emerge in nature. We also compare our model to experimental research on the origins of human communication systems, and hence show that humans are an important exception to the general trends we observe. We argue that this is because humans, and probably only humans, are able to ‘signal signalhood’, i.e. to express communicative intentions.  相似文献   

Many published research results are false (Ioannidis, 2005), and controversy continues over the roles of replication and publication policy in improving the reliability of research. Addressing these problems is frustrated by the lack of a formal framework that jointly represents hypothesis formation, replication, publication bias, and variation in research quality. We develop a mathematical model of scientific discovery that combines all of these elements. This model provides both a dynamic model of research as well as a formal framework for reasoning about the normative structure of science. We show that replication may serve as a ratchet that gradually separates true hypotheses from false, but the same factors that make initial findings unreliable also make replications unreliable. The most important factors in improving the reliability of research are the rate of false positives and the base rate of true hypotheses, and we offer suggestions for addressing each. Our results also bring clarity to verbal debates about the communication of research. Surprisingly, publication bias is not always an obstacle, but instead may have positive impacts—suppression of negative novel findings is often beneficial. We also find that communication of negative replications may aid true discovery even when attempts to replicate have diminished power. The model speaks constructively to ongoing debates about the design and conduct of science, focusing analysis and discussion on precise, internally consistent models, as well as highlighting the importance of population dynamics.  相似文献   

This article serves as a demonstration of how certain models of literary analysis, used to theorize and analyze fiction and narrative, can also be applied to scientific communication in such a manner as to promote the accessibility of science to the general public and a greater awareness of the methodology used in making scientific discovery. The approach of this article is based on the assumption that the principles of structuralism and semiotics can provide plausible explanations for the divide between the reception of science and literature. We provide a semiotic analysis of a scientific article that has had significant impact in the field of molecular biology with profound medical implications. Furthermore, we show how the structural and semiotic characteristics of literary texts are also evident in the scientific papers, and we address how these characteristics can be applied to scientific prose in order to propose a model of scientific communication that reaches the public. By applying this theoretical framework to the analysis of both scientific and literary communication, we establish parallels between primary scientific texts and literary prose.  相似文献   

Large-scale online collaborative production activities in open-source communities must be accompanied by large-scale communication activities. Nowadays, the production activities of open-source communities, especially their communication activities, have been more and more concerned. Take CodePlex C # community for example, this paper constructs the complex network models of 12 periods of communication structures of the community based on real data; then discusses the basic concepts of quantum mapping of complex networks, and points out that the purpose of the mapping is to study the structures of complex networks according to the idea of quantum mechanism in studying the structures of large molecules; finally, according to this idea, analyzes and compares the fractal features of the spectra in different quantum mappings of the networks, and concludes that there are multiple self-similarity and criticality in the communication structures of the community. In addition, this paper discusses the insights and application conditions of different quantum mappings in revealing the characteristics of the structures. The proposed quantum mapping method can also be applied to the structural studies of other large-scale organizations.  相似文献   

Although the importance of communication is recognized in several disciplines, it is rarely studied in the context of online social interactions and joint actions. During online joint actions, language and gesture are often insufficient and humans typically use non-verbal, sensorimotor forms of communication to send coordination signals. For example, when playing volleyball, an athlete can exaggerate her movements to signal her intentions to her teammates (say, a pass to the right) or to feint an adversary. Similarly, a person who is transporting a table together with a co-actor can push the table in a certain direction to signal where and when he intends to place it. Other examples of “signaling” are over-articulating in noisy environments and over-emphasizing vowels in child-directed speech. In all these examples, humans intentionally modify their action kinematics to make their goals easier to disambiguate. At the moment no formal theory exists of these forms of sensorimotor communication and signaling. We present one such theory that describes signaling as a combination of a pragmatic and a communicative action, and explains how it simplifies coordination in online social interactions. We cast signaling within a “joint action optimization” framework in which co-actors optimize the success of their interaction and joint goals rather than only their part of the joint action. The decision of whether and how much to signal requires solving a trade-off between the costs of modifying one’s behavior and the benefits in terms of interaction success. Signaling is thus an intentional strategy that supports social interactions; it acts in concert with automatic mechanisms of resonance, prediction, and imitation, especially when the context makes actions and intentions ambiguous and difficult to read. Our theory suggests that communication dynamics should be studied within theories of coordination and interaction rather than only in terms of the maximization of information transmission.  相似文献   

A fundamental goal in cellular signaling is to understand allosteric communication, the process by which signals originated at one site in a protein propagate dependably to affect remote functional sites. Here, we describe the allosteric regulation of the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT. Our analysis evidenced that communication routes established between the activation loop (A-loop) and the distant juxtamembrane region (JMR) in the native protein were disrupted by the oncogenic mutation D816V positioned in the A-loop. In silico mutagenesis provided a plausible way of restoring the protein communication detected in the native KIT by introducing a counter-balancing second mutation D792E. The communication patterns observed in the native and mutated KIT correlate perfectly with the structural and dynamical features of these proteins. Particularly, a long-distance effect of the D816V mutation manifested as an important structural re-organization of the JMR in the oncogenic mutant was completely vanished in the double mutant D816V/D792E. This detailed characterization of the allosteric communication in the different forms of KIT, native and mutants, was performed by using a modular network representation composed of communication pathways and independent dynamic segments. Such representation permits to enrich a purely mechanistic interaction-based model of protein communication by the introduction of concerted local atomic fluctuations. This method, validated on KIT receptor, may guide a rational modulation of the physiopathological activities of other receptor tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Cell communication plays a key role in multicellular organisms. In developing embryos as in adult organisms, cells communicate by coordinating their differentiation through the establishment and/or renewal of a variety of cell communication channels. Under both these conditions, cells interact by either receptor signalling, surface recognition of specific cell adhesion molecules or transfer of cytoplasmic components through junctional coupling. In recent years, it has become apparent that cells may also communicate through the extracellular release of microvesicles. They may originate as either exosomes from the endosomal compartment upon fusion of multivesicular bodies with the plasma membrane or be shed directly from the plasma membrane via extensions of the cell surface. Microvesicles may disperse over long distances through body fluids and deliver their molecular cargo onto a variety of target cells. As a general rule, the metabolic fate of these cells is determined by the molecular nature of the vesicular cargo, while targeting itself depends on the affinity of the molecules expressed on the enclosing membrane. In this paper, we will be arguing that intercellular vesicular transfer is substantially different from other types of cell communication, allowing cells and molecules to interact on varying levels. Cells interacting via ligand signalling owe their specificity to the steric coupling with cognate receptor molecules. As such, it is a pure molecular process that affects target cells only upon integration into their responding repertoire. In this relationship, coupled cells are reciprocally adapted to each other through the selection of their respective signalling capacities, following exploration of their receptor specificity. Interaction by intercellular vesicles realizes a substantially different type of cell communication. Vesicular traffic allows donor cells to carry out a horizontal type of gene transfer and target this information over long distances via independently controlled mechanisms. Because of this independence, cells interacting via vesicular traffic are not expected to adapt their signalling correspondences, but to control instead the efficiency of their cargo delivery irrespective of the receptor repertoire expressed by the target tissue. In this paper, the multifaceted functions of the intercellular vesicular traffic will be discussed in a multilevel biosemiotic perspective with the aim of unravelling the cellular mechanisms devised by nature to accomplish communication.  相似文献   

Auditory feedback from the animal''s own voice is essential during bat echolocation: to optimize signal detection, bats continuously adjust various call parameters in response to changing echo signals. Auditory feedback seems also necessary for controlling many bat communication calls, although it remains unclear how auditory feedback control differs in echolocation and communication. We tackled this question by analyzing echolocation and communication in greater horseshoe bats, whose echolocation pulses are dominated by a constant frequency component that matches the frequency range they hear best. To maintain echoes within this “auditory fovea”, horseshoe bats constantly adjust their echolocation call frequency depending on the frequency of the returning echo signal. This Doppler-shift compensation (DSC) behavior represents one of the most precise forms of sensory-motor feedback known. We examined the variability of echolocation pulses emitted at rest (resting frequencies, RFs) and one type of communication signal which resembles an echolocation pulse but is much shorter (short constant frequency communication calls, SCFs) and produced only during social interactions. We found that while RFs varied from day to day, corroborating earlier studies in other constant frequency bats, SCF-frequencies remained unchanged. In addition, RFs overlapped for some bats whereas SCF-frequencies were always distinctly different. This indicates that auditory feedback during echolocation changed with varying RFs but remained constant or may have been absent during emission of SCF calls for communication. This fundamentally different feedback mechanism for echolocation and communication may have enabled these bats to use SCF calls for individual recognition whereas they adjusted RF calls to accommodate the daily shifts of their auditory fovea.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of generating alarm calls of different bird species, species-specific calls of closely related species, and intraspecific differences in calls were analyzed. These mechanisms proved to be basically the same: variation of temporal parameters within the frequency range limited by morphological structures of the vocal apparatus. This principle is used for constructing acoustic synthesizers allowing communication with birds and control over their behavior. The results of this work are discussed in terms of the possibility of generated signal processing by the auditory system of birds.  相似文献   

Communication among Oral Bacteria   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Human oral bacteria interact with their environment by attaching to surfaces and establishing mixed-species communities. As each bacterial cell attaches, it forms a new surface to which other cells can adhere. Adherence and community development are spatiotemporal; such order requires communication. The discovery of soluble signals, such as autoinducer-2, that may be exchanged within multispecies communities to convey information between organisms has emerged as a new research direction. Direct-contact signals, such as adhesins and receptors, that elicit changes in gene expression after cell-cell contact and biofilm growth are also an active research area. Considering that the majority of oral bacteria are organized in dense three-dimensional biofilms on teeth, confocal microscopy and fluorescently labeled probes provide valuable approaches for investigating the architecture of these organized communities in situ. Oral biofilms are readily accessible to microbiologists and are excellent model systems for studies of microbial communication. One attractive model system is a saliva-coated flowcell with oral bacterial biofilms growing on saliva as the sole nutrient source; an intergeneric mutualism is discussed. Several oral bacterial species are amenable to genetic manipulation for molecular characterization of communication both among bacteria and between bacteria and the host. A successful search for genes critical for mixed-species community organization will be accomplished only when it is conducted with mixed-species communities.  相似文献   

The operation of regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) may transform the high seas into mare clausum, by threatening the premise of the freedom of the high seas―equal access of all states to the high seas. This arises since the procedure to become a party to RFMOs prevents states from enjoying the freedom of fishing. Moreover, formal and substantive equality is not ensured in the decision-making process of RFMOs. However, in order to avoid this threat to mare liberum, RFMOs are making some efforts toward more rational and equitable management.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of gap junctional communication in the ectoderm of embryos of Patella vulgata have been studied by intracellular injection of the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow, and by analysis of its subsequent spread to adjacent cells (dye-coupling). We found that dye-coupling became progressively restricted to different domains of the ectoderm, forming communication compartments. These communication compartments are characterized by their high coupling abilities within the compartment, and reduction of coupling across their boundaries. During development, the pretrochal (anterior) ectoderm becomes subdivided into two communication compartments, the apical organ and the anlage of the head ectoderm. The posttrochal (posterior) ectoderm becomes subdivided into different communication compartments in two successive phases. Firstly, in the 15-h embryo the dorsal and ventral domains of the ectoderm form separate communication compartments. A dorso-ventral communication boundary restricts the passage of dye between the two domains. Secondly, in the 24-h embryo dye-coupling becomes further compartmentalized in both the dorsal and ventral domains. These compartments correspond to the anlagen of different ectodermal structures. In order to study whether any level of coupling persists between the ectodermal compartments we injected currents through a microelectrode inserted into one cell of one compartment and monitored its spread by means of a second microelectrode inserted into one cell of another compartment (electrical coupling). Despite the absence of dye-coupling, electrical coupling between the ectodermal dye-coupling compartments was detected, which suggests that some level of communication is maintained between compartments. Our results demonstrate that within the ectoderm layer of Patella vulgata the transfer of dyes becomes progressively restricted to communication compartments and, concomitantly with the specification of the different ectodermal anlagen, these compartments become subdivided into smaller communication compartments.  相似文献   

Communication among oral bacteria.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Human oral bacteria interact with their environment by attaching to surfaces and establishing mixed-species communities. As each bacterial cell attaches, it forms a new surface to which other cells can adhere. Adherence and community development are spatiotemporal; such order requires communication. The discovery of soluble signals, such as autoinducer-2, that may be exchanged within multispecies communities to convey information between organisms has emerged as a new research direction. Direct-contact signals, such as adhesins and receptors, that elicit changes in gene expression after cell-cell contact and biofilm growth are also an active research area. Considering that the majority of oral bacteria are organized in dense three-dimensional biofilms on teeth, confocal microscopy and fluorescently labeled probes provide valuable approaches for investigating the architecture of these organized communities in situ. Oral biofilms are readily accessible to microbiologists and are excellent model systems for studies of microbial communication. One attractive model system is a saliva-coated flowcell with oral bacterial biofilms growing on saliva as the sole nutrient source; an intergeneric mutualism is discussed. Several oral bacterial species are amenable to genetic manipulation for molecular characterization of communication both among bacteria and between bacteria and the host. A successful search for genes critical for mixed-species community organization will be accomplished only when it is conducted with mixed-species communities.  相似文献   

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