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Maternal Effects on Offspring Quality in Poeciliid Fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. We evaluated the effects of maternal environment onoffspring size and composition in three species of poeciliidfishes. We chose food availability as the environmental factorfor study. Mature females were assigned to either high or lowfood for an interval of time, then randomly reassigned to highor low food, with the restriction that there be equal numbersin each of four treatments: high-high, high-low, lowhigh, andlow-low food availability. The three species chosen for studydiffer in the pattern of maternal provisioning. Poecilia reticulataand Priapichthys festae mothers provide all resources necessaryfor development as yolk, prior to fertilization. In contrast,Heterandria formosa mothers continue to provision the youngthroughout development. These species also differ in whetheror not they have superfetation, or the ability to carry multiplebroods of young in different stages of development. P. reticulatadoes not have superfetation while the other two species do.We were interested in whether the pattern of maternal provisioningor superfetation influenced the maternal effect. The two lecithotrophicspecies responded to low food by producing larger young withgreater fat reserves. H. formosa, the matrotrophic species,responded to low food by producing smaller young. We proposethat the production of large young in the face of low food availabilitymight represent adaptive plasticity; matrotrophy might representa constraint that prevents such an adaptive response. Superfetationhad no impact on this maternal effect.  相似文献   

The following work provides basic information about the life history of 10 Cuban species of the family Poeciliidae. Adult fish stocks were captured in their natural habitat, and litters obtained from them were raised and maintained in captivity for 19 weeks. For each species, we present the mean value of newborn length (TLo), age at sexual maturity (AM), total length at sexual maturity (TLM), as well as the patterns of postnatal growth in aquarium conditions, which were described using size–age curves and nonlinear regression equations (Richards model). There are differences in growth dynamics among species. In general, growth rates differ for both sexes in all poeciliids studied, males maturing earlier than females, who reach higher values of total length at the 19th week (TLf). Sexual size dimorphism could be explained by the specific roles of each sex (fecundity in females and early maturity in males) while differences in growth among species could be related to their distribution patterns in the wild. The data summarized in this contribution can be useful for the conservation of these fish species. Zoo Biol 32:251–256, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A synthesis of ecological data available for subterranean fishes throughout the world is presented, and comparatively analyzed in an evolutionary context. Methods of ecological research are described, and their potential and limitations for the study of hypogean fishes are discussed. Ecology of troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) fishes is discussed with focus on distribution areas, population densities and sizes, use of habitat and movements, life cycle and feeding. When data are available, these species are compared with their epigean relatives. Putative ecological autapomorphies of troglobitic fishes, including habitat change, adaptations to cope with food scarcity, and precocial lifestyles, are interpreted in ecological and evolutionary contexts. Species interactions among subterranean species, including cases of syntopy and predation are briefly analyzed. Non-troglobitic hypogean fishes, with their ecological importance and evolutionary role, are also addressed. Problems of classification of subterranean fishes according to the Schiner-Racovitza system (troglobites, troglophiles and trogloxenes) are discussed, and a scenario of evolution of subterranean populations is presented.  相似文献   

We investigated replicated differentiation in four lineages of livebearing fishes (two with the genus Poecilia and two within Gambusia), which inhabit freshwater habitats and have also colonized sulfide springs in Oklahoma, Mexico, and Venezuela. Sulfide springs are characterized by extreme hypoxia and high concentrations of toxic hydrogen sulfide, which provide a strong source of divergent selection compared to adjacent non-sulfidic habitats. Using geometric morphometric analysis of body shape, we found that sulfide spring populations significantly differ from relatives from regular freshwater habitats in all four lineages investigated. Differentiation is characterized by strong patterns of convergent evolution, with sulfide spring populations consistently exhibiting an increase in head size, even though the magnitude and nature differences varied across lineages. Head size is strongly correlated with an increase in gill size in sulfide spring populations of the genus Poecilia, which facilitates efficient oxygen acquisition in the hypoxic H2S-environment and directly affects survival. The convergent patterns of differentiation support previous findings about the effects of sulfide on trait evolution.  相似文献   

Evolution and Diversification of Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Antarctica supported fossil ichthyofaunas during the Devonian,Jurassic, Cretaceous and Eocene/Oligocene. These faunas arenot ancestral to each other, nor are they related to any componentof the modern fauna. About one hundred species of notothenioidsdominate a modern fauna of over 200 species of bottom fishes.This highly endemic perciform suborder is not representedinthe fossil record of Antarctica. Notothenioids may have evolvedin situ on the margins of the Antarctic continent while graduallyadapting to cooling conditions during the Tertiary. Cladisticstudies indicate that notothenioids are a monophyletic group,but a sister group has not been identified among perciform fishes.With relatively few non-notothenioid fishes in Antarctic waters,notothenioids fill ecological roles normally occupied by taxonomicallydiverse fishes in temperate waters. There are six notothenioidfamilies: Bovichtidae, Nototheniidae, Harpagiferidae, Artedidraconidae,Bathydraconidae and Channichthyidae. Aspects of theirbiologyare briefly considered with emphasis on the Nototheniidae, themost speciose family. Evolutionary diversification within thisfamily allows recognition of species which are pelagic, cryopelagic,benthopelagic and benthic.  相似文献   

The process of ecological speciation drives the evolution of locally adapted and reproductively isolated populations in response to divergent natural selection. In Southern Mexico, several lineages of the freshwater fish species of the genus Poecilia have independently colonized toxic, hydrogen sulfide-rich springs. Even though ecological speciation processes are increasingly well understood in this system, aligning the taxonomy of these fish with evolutionary processes has lagged behind. While some sulfide spring populations are classified as ecotypes of Poecilia mexicana, others, like P. sulphuraria, have been described as highly endemic species. Our study particularly focused on elucidating the taxonomy of the long described sulfide spring endemic, Poecilia thermalis Steindachner 1863, and investigates if similar evolutionary patterns of phenotypic trait divergence and reproductive isolation are present as observed in other sulfidic species of Poecilia. We applied a geometric morphometric approach to assess body shape similarity to other sulfidic and non-sulfidic fish of the genus Poecilia. We also conducted phylogenetic and population genetic analyses to establish the phylogenetic relationships of P. thermalis and used a population genetic approach to determine levels of gene flow among Poecilia from sulfidic and non-sulfidic sites. Our results indicate that P. thermalis'' body shape has evolved in convergence with other sulfide spring populations in the genus. Phylogenetic analyses placed P. thermalis as most closely related to one population of P. sulphuraria, and population genetic analyses demonstrated that P. thermalis is genetically isolated from both P. mexicana ecotypes and P. sulphuraria. Based on these findings, we make taxonomic recommendations for P. thermalis. Overall, our study verifies the role of hydrogen sulfide as a main factor shaping convergent, phenotypic evolution and the emergence of reproductive isolation between Poecilia populations residing in adjacent sulfidic and non-sulfidic environments.  相似文献   

The diversity of body sizes observed among species of a clade is a combined result of microevolutionary processes (i.e. natural selection and genetic drift) that cause size changes within phylogenetic lineages, and macroevolutionary processes (i.e. speciation and extinction) that affect net rates of diversification among lineages. Here we assess trends of size diversity and evolution in fishes (non-tetrapod craniates), employing paleontological, macroecological, and phylogenetic information. Fishes are well suited to studies of size diversity and evolution, as they are highly diverse, representing more than 50% of all living vertebrate species, and many fish taxa are well represented in the fossil record from throughout the Phanerozoic. Further, the frequency distributions of sizes among fish lineages resemble those of most other animal taxa, in being right-skewed, even on a log scale. Using an approach that measures rates of size evolution (in darwins) within a formal phylogenetic framework, we interpret the shape of size distributions as a balance between the competing forces of diversification, pushing taxa away from ancestral values, and of conservation, drawing taxa closer to a central tendency. Within this context we show how non-directional mechanisms of evolution (i.e. passive diffusion processes) can produce an hitherto unperceived bias to larger size, when size is measured on the conventional log scale. These results demonstrate how the interpretation of macroecological datasets can be enriched from an historical perspective, and document the ways in which macroevolutionary and microevolutionary processes may be decoupled in the production of size diversity.  相似文献   

In spite of an early history of interaction, progress in thefields of ecology and evolutionary biology during most of thiscentury has been made largely in parallel, with little creativeexchange until the past two decades. In contrast, recent historyin the two fields shows an exciting and productive trend towarda unified effort in understanding the ecological and evolutionaryforces and constraints that together produce the phenomenonof adaptation. Common themes that have drawn the two fieldstogether in the past decade include an intensified appreciationof discontinuities in time and space, an increased awarenessof the interaction of history and mechanism, a greater concernfor tradeoffs and constraints, and a renewed exploration ofthe role of hierarchy in producing pattern.  相似文献   

The Evolution of Thyroidal Function in Fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the thyroid gland evolved from the gut, there is noevidence that thyroxine functions as part of the gastro-intestinalendocrine system nor does it have any major function analogousto the control of glucose by the pancreatic islets. The controlof the thyroid evolved from the pituitary control of the gonadsuggesting that an early role of thyroxine was in reproduction.This idea is supported by the presence of cycles of thyroidactivity associated with reproduction in both elasmobranchsand teleosts. In teleosts thyroxine is necessary for gonadalmaturation. The numerous other effects of thyroxine in teleostsmay have evolved from this maturational effect or have beenadded to it during the course of teleost evolution.  相似文献   

The belief in the Darwinian theory of evolution appeared to be shaken when one tried to interpret statements of molecular biology in it. As a consequence there arose a theory of non-Darwinian neutral evolution. The supporters of this theory believe that under natural conditions no factors exist which can distinguish and select organisms on their internal (molecular) structure. In the opinion of these neutralists natural selection cannot in principle control the molecular constitution of organisms. Contrary to the viewpoint of the critics of neutralism it is impossible to admit that nucleic acids, proteins and other biomolecules can evolve without the participation of natural selection. This controversy in contemporary theoretical biology can be solved by integrating the conceptions of molecular ecology with Darwinian theory. Molecular ecology acknowledges the interactions of organisms by means of chemical substances synthesized by them. Such chemical ecological factors play a leading part in the selective stages of biomolecular evolution. These diverse chemical ecological interrelations take place intensively when living beings interact with parasitic microbes.  相似文献   

This review summarizes what is currently known about urea transporters in fishes in the context of their physiology and evolution within the vertebrates. The existence of urea transporters has been investigated in red blood cells and hepatocytes of fish as well as in renal and branchial cells. Little is known about urea transport in red blood cells and hepatocytes, in fact, urea transporters are not believed to be present in the erythrocytes of elasmobranchs nor in teleost fish. What little physiological evidence there is for urea transport across fish hepatocytes is not supported by molecular evidence and could be explained by other transporters. In contrast, early findings on elasmobranch renal urea transporters were the impetus for research in other organisms. Urea transport in both the elasmobranch kidney and gill functions to retain urea within the animal against a massive concentration gradient with the environment. Information on branchial and renal urea transporters in teleost fish is recent in comparison but in teleosts urea transporters appear to function for excretion and not retention as in elasmobranchs. The presence of urea transporters in fish that produce a copious amount of urea, such as elasmobranchs and ureotelic teleosts, is reasonable. However, the existence of urea transporters in ammoniotelic fish is curious and could likely be due to their ability to manufacture urea early in life as a means to avoid ammonia toxicity. It is believed that the facilitated diffusion urea transporter (UT) gene family has undergone major evolutionary changes, likely in association with the role of urea transport in the evolution of terrestriality in the vertebrates.  相似文献   

Hybridization has been identified as a significant factor in the evolution of plants as groups of interbreeding species retain their phenotypic integrity despite gene exchange among forms. Recent studies have identified similar interactions in animals; however, the role of hybridization in the evolution of animals has been contested. Here we examine patterns of gene flow among four species of catostomid fishes from the Klamath and Rogue rivers using molecular and morphological traits. Catostomus rimiculus from the Rogue and Klamath basins represent a monophyletic group for nuclear and morphological traits; however, the Klamath form shares mtDNA lineages with other Klamath Basin species (C. snyderi, Chasmistes brevirostris, Deltistes luxatus). Within other Klamath Basin taxa, D. luxatus was largely fixed for alternate nuclear alleles relative to C. rimiculus, while Ch. brevirostris and C. snyderi exhibited a mixture of these alleles. Deltistes luxatus was the only Klamath Basin species that exhibited consistent covariation of nuclear and mitochondrial traits and was the primary source of mismatched mtDNA in Ch. brevirostris and C. snyderi, suggesting asymmetrical introgression into the latter species. In Upper Klamath Lake, D. luxatus spawning was more likely to overlap spatially and temporally with C. snyderi and Ch. brevirostris than either of those two with each other. The latter two species could not be distinguished with any molecular markers but were morphologically diagnosable in Upper Klamath Lake, where they were largely spatially and temporally segregated during spawning. We examine parallel evolution and syngameon hypotheses and conclude that observed patterns are most easily explained by introgressive hybridization among Klamath Basin catostomids.  相似文献   

Species recovery efforts generally focus on in situ actions such as habitat protection. However, captive breeding can also provide critical life history information, as well as helping supplement existing or restoring extirpated populations. We have successfully propagated nine species in captivity, including blackside dace, spotfin chubs, bloodfin darters, and boulder darters. Threatened blackside dace, Phoxinus cumberlandensis, were induced to spawn in laboratory aquaria by exposing them to milt from a reproductively mature male stoneroller, Campostoma anomalum or river chub, Nocomis micropogon. The latter are nest-building minnows, with which Phoxinus may spawn in nature. Eggs are broadcast among gravel and pebbles. Blackside dace individuals reared in captivity were used for translocation. Threatened spotfin chubs, Cyprinella monacha, fractional crevice spawners, deposited eggs in laboratory aquaria in the spaces created between stacks of ceramic tiles. Captively produced spotfin chubs were used as part of a larger stream restoration and fish reintroduction project in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The bloodfin darter, Etheostoma sanguifluum, was first used as a surrogate to develop techniques for spawning a closely related species, the endangered boulder darter, E. wapiti. Both darter species mated in a wedge created between two ceramic tiles. Our efforts have had variable but generally high success, with survival rates of 50–90% of eggs deposited. Captive production of nongame fishes can aid recovery of rare species or populations, aid in watershed restoration, and can help to refine water quality standards. In addition, captive breeding allows discovery of important behavioral or life history characteristics that may constrain reproduction of rare species in altered natural habitats.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Sexual selection theory predicts a coevolution betweenmale sexual ornamentation and female preference. The implicationof this prediction for sensory ecology is that there shouldbe a tight coupling between the physiology of male signal productionand the physiology of female signal reception. Indicator modelsof sexual selection predict that male ornamentation is correlatedwith male condition, and that female preference is correlatedwith male ornamentation. Indicator models of sexual selectionhave a conceptual overlap with resource acquisition and investmentmodels of behavioral ecology. Empirical studies with fishes,particularlywith guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and threespinesticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), suggest a strong connectionbetween acquired resources, male condition, male ornamentation,male courtship, and female preference.  相似文献   

Locomotor Patterns in the Evolution of Actinopterygian Fishes   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
SYNOPSIS. Locomotor adaptations in actinopterygian fishes aredescribed for (a) caudal propulsion, used in cruising and sprintswimming, acceleration, and fast turns and (b) median and pairedfin propulsion used for slow swimming and in precise maneuver.Caudal swimming is subdivided into steady (time independent)and unsteady (time dependent acceleration and turning) locomotion. High power caudal propulsion is the major theme in actinopterygianswimming morphology because of its role in predator evasionand food capture. Non-caudal slow swimming appears to be secondaryand is not exploited before the Acanthopterygii. Optimal morphological requirements for unsteady swimming are(a) large caudal fin and general body area, (b) deep caudalpeduncle, often enhanced by posterior dorsal and anal fins,(c) an anterior stabilizing body mass and\or added mass, (d)flexible body and (e) large ratio of muscle mass to body mass.Optimal morphological requirements for steady swimming are (a)high aspect ratio caudal fin, (b) narrow caudal peduncle, (c)small total caudal area, (d) anterior stabilizing body massand added mass, and (e) a stiff body. Small changes in morphologycan have large effects on performance. Exclusive morphological requirements for steady versus unsteadyswimming are partially overcome using collapsible fins, butcompromises remain necessary. Morphologies favoring unsteadyperformance are a recurring theme in actinopterygian evolution.Successive radiations at chondrostean, halecostome and teleosteanlevels are associated with modifications in the axial and caudalskeleton. Strength of ossified structures probably limited maximum propulsionforces early in actinopterygian evolution, so that specializationsfor fast cruising (carangiform and thunmform modes) followedstructural advances especially in the caudal skeleton. No suchlimits apply to eel-like forms which consequently recur in successiveactinopterygian radiations. Slow swimming using mainly non-caudal propulsion probably firstoccurred among neopterygians in association with reduced andneutral buoyancy. Slow swimming adaptations can add to and extendthe scope of caudal swimming, but specialization is associatedwith reduced caudal swimming performance. Marked exploitationof slow swimming opportunities does not occur prior to the anterodorsallocation of pectoral and pelvic girdles and the vertical rotationof the base of the pectoral fin, as found in the Acanthopterygii.  相似文献   

This special issue is a collection of papers dedicated to GretaA. Fryxell by her students, colleagues and children, in honourof her long and distinguished career in the field of phytoplanktontaxonomy and ecology, especially the diatoms. The 21 papersin the book cover several different aspects ranging from taxonomy,ecology, morphology, physiology, toxin production, trophic modes,paleoecology and phylogeny. As expected from the focus of GAF'scareer, diatoms are the focus of most of these papers, whichprovide a wide picture of the state of the art in several  相似文献   

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