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The origin of morphological and ecological novelties is a long-standing problem in evolutionary biology.Understanding these processes requires investigation from both the development and evolution standpoints,which promotes a new research field called evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo).The fundamental mechanism for the origin of a novel structure may involve heterotopy,heterochrony,ectopic expression,or loss of an existing regulatory factor.Accordingly,the morphological and ecological traits cont...  相似文献   

Abstract The origin of morphological and ecological novelties is a long‐standing problem in evolutionary biology. Understanding these processes requires investigation from both the development and evolution standpoints, which promotes a new research field called “evolutionary developmental biology” (evo‐devo). The fundamental mechanism for the origin of a novel structure may involve heterotopy, heterochrony, ectopic expression, or loss of an existing regulatory factor. Accordingly, the morphological and ecological traits controlled by the regulatory genes may be gained, lost, or regained during evolution. Floral morphological novelties, for example, include homeotic alterations (related to organ identity), symmetric diversity, and changes in the size and morphology of the floral organs. These gains and losses can potentially arise through modification of the existing regulatory networks. Here, we review current knowledge concerning the origin of novel floral structures, such as “evolutionary homeotic mutated flowers”, floral symmetry in various plant species, and inflated calyx syndrome (ICS) within Solanaceae. Functional evo‐devo of the morphological novelties is a central theme of plant evolutionary biology. In addition, the discussion is extended to consider agronomic or domestication‐related traits, including the type, size, and morphology of fruits (berries), within Solanaceae.  相似文献   

Heterochronic studies compare ontogenetic trajectories of an organ in different species: here, the skulls of common chimpanzees and modern humans. A growth trajectory requires three parameters: size, shape, and ontogenetic age. One of the great advantages of the Procrustes method is the precise definition of size and shape for whole organs such as the skull. The estimated ontogenetic age (dental stages) is added to the plot to give a graphical representation to compare growth trajectories. We used the skulls of 41 Homo sapiens and 50 Pan troglodytes at various stages of growth. The Procrustes superimposition of all specimens was completed by statistical procedures (principal component analysis, multivariate regression, and discriminant function) to calculate separately size-related shape changes (allometry common to chimpanzees and humans), and interspecific shape differences (discriminant function). The results confirm the neotenic theory of the human skull (sensu Gould [1977] Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Cambridge: Harvard University Press; Alberch et al. [1979] Paleobiology 5:296-317), but modify it slightly. Human growth is clearly retarded in terms of both the magnitude of changes (size-shape covariation) and shape alone (size-shape dissociation) with respect to the chimpanzees. At the end of growth, the adult skull in humans reaches an allometric shape (size-related shape) which is equivalent to that of juvenile chimpanzees with no permanent teeth, and a size which is equivalent to that of adult chimpanzees. Our results show that human neoteny involves not only shape retardation (paedomorphosis), but also changes in relative growth velocity. Before the eruption of the first molar, human growth is accelerated, and then strongly decelerated, relative to the growth of the chimpanzee as a reference. This entails a complex process, which explains why these species reach the same overall (i.e., brain + face) size in adult stage. The neotenic traits seem to concern primarily the function of encephalization, but less so other parts of the skull. Our results, based on the discriminant function, reveal that additional structural traits (corresponding to the nonallometric part of the shape which is specific to humans) are rather situated in the other part of the skull. They mainly concern the equilibrium of the head related to bipedalism, and the respiratory and masticatory functions. Thus, the reduced prognathism, the flexed cranial base (forward position of the foramen magnum which is brought closer to the palate), the reduced anterior portion of the face, the reduced glabella, and the prominent nose mainly correspond to functional innovations which have nothing to do with a neotenic process in human evolution. The statistical analysis used here gives us the possibility to point out that some traits, which have been classically described as paedomorphic because they superficially resemble juvenile traits, are in reality independent of growth.  相似文献   

Jørgensen S  Mauricio R 《Genetica》2005,123(1-2):171-179
Hybridization is increasingly recognized as a significant creative force in evolution. Interbreeding among species can lead to the creation of novel genotypes and morphologies that lead to adaptation. On the Hawaiian island of Oahu, populations of two species of plants in the endemic genus Lipochaeta grow at similar elevations in the northern Waianae Mountains. These two species represent extremes of the phenotypic distribution of leaf shape: the leaves of Lipochaeta tenuifolia individuals are compound and highly dissected while leaves of L. tenuis are simple. Based primarily on leaf shape morphology, a putative hybrid population of Lipochaeta located at Puu Kawiwi was identified. Individuals in this population exhibit a range of leaf shapes intermediate in varying degrees between the leaf shapes of the putative parental species. We analyzed individuals from pure populations of L. tenuifolia, L. tenuis and the putative hybrids using 133 AFLP markers. Genetic analysis of these neutral markers provided support for the hybrid origin of this population. The correlation between genetic background and leaf morphology in the hybrids suggested that the genome of the parental species with simple leaves might have significantly contributed to the evolution of a novel, compound leaf morphology.  相似文献   

Relative timing of ontogenetic events in primates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The evolution of body size, the paired phenomena of giantism and dwarfism, has long been studied by biologists and paleontologists. However, detailed investigations devoted to the study of the evolution of ontogenetic patterns shaping giant species are scarce. The damselfishes of the genus Dascyllus appear as an excellent model for such a study. Their well understood phylogeny reveals that large‐bodied species have evolved in two different clades. Geometric morphometric methods were used to compare the ontogenetic trajectories of the neurocranium and the mandible in both small‐bodied (Dascyllus aruanus and Dascyllus carneus; maximum size: 50–65 mm standard length) and giant (Dascyllus trimaculatus and Dascyllus flavicaudus; maximum size: 90–110 mm standard length) Dascyllus species. At their respective maximum body size, the neurocranium of the giant species is significantly shorter and have a higher supraoccipital crest relative to the small‐bodied species, whereas mandible shape variation is more limited and is not related to the ‘giant’ trait. The hypothesis of ontogenetic scaling whereby the giant species evolved by extending the allometric trajectory of the small‐bodied ones (i.e. hypermorphosis) is rejected. Instead, the allometric trajectories vary among species by lateral transpositions. The rate of shape changes and the type of lateral transposition also differ according to the skeletal unit among Dascyllus species. Differences seen between the two giant species in the present study demonstrate that giant species may appear by varied alterations of the ancestor allometric pattern. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 99–117.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that evolution can occur on a contemporary time scale. However, the precise timing and patterns of phenotypic change are not well known. Reservoir construction severely alters selective regimes in aquatic habitats due to abrupt cessation of water flow. We examined the spatial and temporal patterns of evolution of a widespread North American stream fish (Pimephales vigilax) in response to stream impoundment. Gross morphological changes occurred in P. vigilax populations following dam construction in each of seven different rivers. Significant changes in body depth, head shape and fin placement were observed relative to fish populations that occupied the rivers prior to dam construction. These changes occurred over a very small number of generations and independent populations exhibited common responses to similar selective pressures. The magnitude of change was observed to be greatest in the first 15 generations post-impoundment, followed by continued but more gradual change thereafter. This pattern suggests early directional selection facilitated by phenotypic plasticity in the first 10–20 years, followed by potential stabilizing selection as populations reached a new adaptive peak (or variation became exhausted). This study provides evidence for rapid, apparently adaptive, phenotypic divergence of natural populations due to major environmental perturbations in a changing world.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic allometry, how species change with size through their lives, and heterochony, a decoupling between shape, size, and age, are major contributors to biological diversity. However, macroevolutionary allometric and heterochronic trends remain poorly understood because previous studies have focused on small groups of closely related species. Here, we focus on testing hypotheses about the evolution of allometry and how allometry and heterochrony drive morphological diversification at the level of an entire species‐rich and diverse clade. Pythons are a useful system due to their remarkably diverse and well‐adapted phenotypes and extreme size disparity. We collected detailed phenotype data on 40 of the 44 species of python from 1191 specimens. We used a suite of analyses to test for shifts in allometric trajectories that modify morphological diversity. Heterochrony is the main driver of initial divergence within python clades, and shifts in the slopes of allometric trajectories make exploration of novel phenotypes possible later in divergence history. We found that allometric coefficients are highly evolvable and there is an association between ontogenetic allometry and ecology, suggesting that allometry is both labile and adaptive rather than a constraint on possible phenotypes.  相似文献   

Changes in pelvic shape in human ontogeny and hominid phylogeny suggest that the heterochronic processes involved differ greatly from the neotenic process traditionally described in the evolution of the skull. The morphology of 150 juvenile and adult pelves of African apes, 60 juvenile and adult pelves of modern humans, two adult pelves and a juvenile hip bone of australopithecines (Sts 14, AL 288, MLD 7) was studied. Multivariate results, ontogenetic allometries, and growth curves confirm that the pelvic growth pattern in humans differs markedly from those of the African apes. The results permit the following conclusions. First, the appearance of a new feature (acetabulo-cristal buttress and cristal tubercle) at the time of human birth allows the addition of traits, such as the attainment of a proportionally narrower pelvis, with more sagittally positioned iliac blades. Pelvic proportions and orientation change progressively in early childhood as bipedalism is practiced. Other changes in pelvic proportions occur later with the adolescent growth spurt. Second, comparison of juvenile and adult australopithecines to modern humans indicates that 1) some pelvic traits of adult Australopithecus resemble those of neonate Homo; 2) the pelvic growth of Australopithecus was probably closer to that of apes, than to that of humans; and 3) prolonged growth in length of hindlimb and pelvis after sexual maturity seems to be a unique feature of Homo. The position of the acetabulo-cristal buttress and of the cristal tubercle on the ilium are similar in adult Australopithecus and neonate Homo suggesting that this feature may have been displaced later during hominid evolution. Progressive displacement of the acetabulo-cristal buttress on the ilium occurs both during hominid evolution (from Australopithecus to Homo sapiens) and human growth (from neonate to adult). This suggests peramorphic evolution of the pelvic morphology of hominids combining three processes of recapitulation (pre-displacement, acceleration and time hypermorphosis). The results lend credence to the hypothesis that no single heterochronic process accounts for all human evolutionary change; rather this reflects a combination of relative changes in growth rhythm and duration, including other perturbations, such as the appearance of new morphological features. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:441–459, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Heterochrony and allometry: the analysis of evolutionary change in ontogeny   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The connection between development and evolution has become the focus of an increasing amount of research in recent years, and heterochrony has long been a key concept in this relation. Heterochrony is defined as evolutionary change in rates and timing of developmental processes; the dimension of time is therefore an essential part in studies of heterochrony. Over the past two decades, evolutionary biologists have used several methodological frameworks to analyse heterochrony, which differ substantially in the way they characterize evolutionary changes in ontogenies and in the resulting classification, although they mostly use the same terms. This review examines how these methods compare ancestral and descendant ontogenies, emphasizing their differences and the potential for contradictory results from analyses using different frameworks. One of the two principal methods uses a clock as a graphical display for comparisons of size, shape and age at a particular ontogenic stage, whereas the other characterizes a developmental process by its time of onset, rate, and time of cessation. The literature on human heterochrony provides particularly clear examples of how these differences produce apparent contradictions when applied to the same problem. Developmental biologists recently have extended the concept of heterochrony to the earliest stages of development and have applied it at the cellular and molecular scale. This extension brought considerations of developmental mechanisms and genetics into the study of heterochrony, which previously was based primarily on phenomenological characterizations of morphological change in ontogeny. Allometry is the pattern of covariation among several morphological traits or between measures of size and shape; unlike heterochrony, allometry does not deal with time explicitly. Two main approaches to the study of allometry are distinguished, which differ in the way they characterize organismal form. One approach defines shape as proportions among measurements, based on considerations of geometric similarity, whereas the other focuses on the covariation among measurements in ontogeny and evolution. Both are related conceptually and through the use of similar algebra. In addition, there are close connections between heterochrony and changes in allometric growth trajectories, although there is no one-to-one correspondence. These relationships and outline links between different analytical frameworks are discussed.  相似文献   

Congenital morphological differences between injured and intact individuals in a population may reflect adaptations to avoid injury, to survive injury, or both. We explore the possible occurrence of such adaptations, analysing the relationship between tail state (original, O; regenerated, R) and morphology (20 scale characters) in 23 taxa of Lacertidae. In some taxa, such as Acanthodactylus opheodurus , morphologies of O and R lizards differed significantly. In these, usually O individuals were morphologically typical (modal), while R individuals were extreme; in others, the contrary occurred. Indices of pattern similarity detected fewer differences between O and R lizards than those based on absolute values. We developed unbiased estimates of classification rates of discriminant analysis. The order of inclusion of characters in the discriminant functions of males and females of the same species differed more than the order for the same sex in other species. Some morphological differences between O and R lizards seem adaptive or linked by pleiotropy to adaptive traits. Congenital morphological differences between O and R lizards are probably more frequent than detected because we show that age and geographical heterogeneity of our samples are confounding factors to O–R differences. R-morphologies might reflect microevolution in favour of paedotypic forms, possibly possessing greater regenerating capacities than relatively more peratypic forms.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 307–324.  相似文献   

In vertebrates with complex, biphasic, life cycles, larvae have a distinct morphology and ecological preferences compared to metamorphosed juveniles and adults. In amphibians, abrupt and rapid metamorphic changes transform aquatic larvae to terrestrial juveniles. The main aim of this study is to test whether, relative to larval stages, metamorphosis (1) resets the pattern of variation between ontogenetic stages and species, (2) constrains intraspecific morphological variability, and (3) similar to the “hour‐glass” model reduces morphological disparity. We explore postembryonic ontogenetic trajectories of head shape (from hatching to completed metamorphosis) of two well‐defined, morphologically distinct Triturus newts species and their F1 hybrids. Variation in head shape is quantified and compared on two levels: dynamic (across ontogenetic stages) and static (at a particular stage). Our results show that the ontogenetic trajectories diverge early during development and continue to diverge throughout larval stages and metamorphosis. The high within‐group variance and the largest disparity level (between‐group variance) characterize the metamorphosed stage. Hence, our results indicate that metamorphosis does not canalize head shape variation generated during larval development and that metamorphosed phenotype is not more constrained relative to larval ones. Therefore, metamorphosis cannot be regarded as a developmental constraint, at least not for salamander head shape.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 1996, barbel in the River Ourthe started spawning under variable environmental conditions, except for water temperature. Each year, spawning was initiated when water daily minimum temperature reached or exceeded 13·5° C. Any decrease of temperature below this value later in the spawning period caused spawning to be suspended. Analyses of offspring growth provided evidence that 13·5° C was the value below which 0+ barbel stop growing. It was hypothesized that barbel trade off the lower initial probability of survival against a larger size at the onset of winter. To test empirically for this hypothesis, the adequacy of alternative—theoretical—strategies associated with other thermal thresholds (12, 15·0, 17·1 and 20·2° C) was modelled with respect to: (1) the feasibility of spawning (inhibition of sexual maturation by a decreasing photoperiod); (2) the impact of the temperature on embryonic development; (3) the effect of water level variations on the integrity of spawning grounds until the emergence of larvae; (4) the size of the offspring at the onset of winter. On an 8-year (1989–1996) average, the present spawning strategy would have produced a higher recruitment than alternative strategies (relative adequacy of 33·23, 85·64, 93·17 and 17·62%, respectively). However, alternative strategies would have produced better annual scores on five of eight occasions in the River Ourthe environment, and a better overall score in environments 1·5 or 3·5° C warmer than now. The consistency of the thermal threshold over years, despite a low selection pressure by the environment, was interpreted as the expression of a phenotypic mechanism (thermal homing) promoting the selection of the lowest efficient thermal threshold, and enabling breeders to relay to the next generation some form of thermal stability in a variable environment.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The development of plant secondary metabolites during early life stages can have significant ecological and evolutionary implications for plant–herbivore interactions. Foliar terpenes influence a broad range of ecological interactions, including plant defence, and their expression may be influenced by ontogenetic and genetic factors. This study investigates the role of these factors in the expression of foliar terpene compounds in Eucalyptus globulus seedlings.Methods Seedlings were sourced from ten families each from three genetically distinct populations, representing relatively high and low chemical resistance to mammalian herbivory. Cotyledon-stage seedlings and consecutive leaf pairs of true leaves were harvested separately across an 8-month period, and analysed for eight monoterpene compounds and six sesquiterpene compounds.Key Results Foliar terpenes showed a series of dynamic changes with ontogenetic trajectories differing between populations and families, as well as between and within the two major terpene classes. Sesquiterpenes changed rapidly through ontogeny and expressed opposing trajectories between compounds, but showed consistency in pattern between populations. Conversely, changed expression in monoterpene trajectories was population- and compound-specific.Conclusions The results suggest that adaptive opportunities exist for changing levels of terpene content through ontogeny, and evolution may exploit the ontogenetic patterns of change in these compounds to create a diverse ontogenetic chemical mosaic with which to defend the plant. It is hypothesized that the observed genetically based patterns in terpene ontogenetic trajectories reflect multiple changes in the regulation of genes throughout different terpene biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

The field of morphometrics is developing quickly and recent advances allow for geometric techniques to be applied easily to many zoological problems. This paper briefly introduces geometric morphometric techniques and then reviews selected areas where those techniques have been applied to questions of general interest. This paper is relevant to non-specialists looking for an entry into geometric morphometric methods and for ideas of how to incorporate them into the study of variation within and between species, the measurement of developmental stability, the role of development in shaping evolution and the special problem of measuring the shape of fossil specimens that are deformed from their original shape.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Morphometric studies often consider parts with internal left-right symmetry, for instance, the vertebrate skull. This type of symmetry is called object symmetry and is distinguished from matching symmetry, in which two separate structures exist as mirror images of each other, one on each body side. We explain a method for partitioning the total shape variation of landmark configurations with object symmetry into components of symmetric variation among individuals and asymmetry. This method is based on the Procrustes superimposition of the original and a reflected copy of each landmark configuration and is compatible with the two-factor ANOVA model customary in studies of fluctuating asymmetry. We show a fully multivariate framework for testing the effects in the two-factor model with MANOVA statistics, which also applies to shapes with matching symmetry. We apply the new methods in a small case study of pharyngeal jaws of the Neotropical cichlid fish Amphilophus citrinellus . The analysis revealed that the symmetric component of variation in the pharyngeal jaws is dominated by the contrast between two alternative trophic morphs in this species and that there is subtle but statistically significant directional asymmetry. Finally, we provide some general recommendations for morphometric studies of symmetric shapes.  相似文献   

The evolutionary role of modularity and integration in the hominoid cranium   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Patterns of morphological integration and modularity among shape features emerge from genetic and developmental factors with varying pleiotropic effects. Factors or processes affecting morphology only locally may respond to selection more easily than common factors that may lead to deleterious side effects and hence are expected to be more conserved. We briefly review evidence for such global factors in primate cranial development as well as for local factors constrained to either the face or the neurocranium. In a sample comprising 157 crania of Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, and Gorilla gorilla, we statistically estimated common and local factors of shape variation from Procrustes coordinates of 347 landmarks and semilandmarks. Common factors with pleiotropic effects on both the face and the neurocranium account for a large amount of shape variation, but mainly by extension or truncation of otherwise conserved developmental pathways. Local factors (modular shape characteristics) have more degrees of freedom for evolutionary change than mere ontogenetic scaling. Cranial shape is similarly integrated during development in all three species, but human evolution involves dissociation among several characteristics. The dissociation has probably been achieved by evolutionary alterations and by the novel emergence of local factors affecting characteristics that are controlled at the same time by the common factors.  相似文献   

Identifying and estimating individual and/or population admixture is a very common objective in evolution and conservation biology. There are many situations where samples from one or many of the putatively hybridizing entities are not available or easily identified. Here we describe FLOCK, a new method especially designed to provide spatial and/or temporal admixture maps in the absence of one or several source samples. FLOCK is a non-Bayesian method and therefore differs substantially from previous clustering algorithms. Its working principle is repeated re-allocation of all collected specimens (total sample) to the k subsamples, each re-allocation being more effective than the previous one in attracting genetically similar individuals. This snowball effect, more formally referred to as a positive feedback mechanism, makes FLOCK an efficient and quick sorting process. The usage of FLOCK is illustrated with two empirical situations which have been thoroughly analysed previously with other approaches. A number of simulations were run to better assess the power of the FLOCK algorithm. Performance comparisons were made between the FLOCK and Structure algorithms. When non-negligible numbers of pure genotypes were present, the two performed equally well. However, FLOCK proved significantly more powerful in the absence of pure genotypes. Moreover, FLOCK showed more potential for fast processing. Run times were shown to increase linearly with size of total sample and with size of k, the number of reference samples from which admixture mapping is performed.  相似文献   

Understanding variations in individual trajectories is a crucial evolutionary issue. Terrestrial ectotherms from temperate regions typically face thermal constraints and limited activity periods. Developmental conditions (i.e. embryonic life) and reproductive timing (laying date) should induce phenotypic variations and influence subsequent ontogenetic trajectories (growth and survival). We studied these combined influences in an oviparous squamate, the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), comprising a multiple clutch species with natural variations in laying date for the first clutch. We experimentally manipulated maternal basking opportunities during gravidity (3, 6 or 9 h per day) and incubation temperature (23 or 29 °C). Early laying date positively influenced winter survival in both incubation treatments. Survival was significantly lower in cool than warm‐incubated individuals (14.8% and 73.6%, respectively) because of delayed hatching date and reduced activity period before winter. Individuals from cool incubation temperature were slightly smaller but had a higher body condition and grew faster during the first month of life. Offspring behaviour was driven by complex interactions between gravidity and incubation treatments. Under cool incubation temperature, defensive behaviour was high, independently of gravidity treatment. Warm incubated individuals showed low defensive response except when maternal basking opportunities were restricted to 3 h. Defensive behaviour at birth had a positive influence on survival in cool‐incubated individuals. The results of the present study highlight the long‐term influence of hatching date that integrates female reproductive timing and incubation conditions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 00, 000–000.  相似文献   

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