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The lizards of the Egernia group of Australia and Melanesia include some of the most distinctive members of the family Scincidae in morphology (including giant size, spinose scalation), ecology and behaviour. Social behaviour, including long‐term recognition of individuals and kin, mate fidelity and home site fidelity, is amongst the most complex known in squamate reptiles and is the subject of an expanding number of studies. Lack of a sound phylogeny for the Egernia group has limited our ability to understand the evolution and patterns of variation in social behaviour within this group, and evidence for the monophyly of the largest genus, Egernia (64% of the species), has been lacking. We present data derived from nucleotide sequences that establish a phylogenetic framework for the Egernia group. We used two mitochondrial sequences, the protein‐encoding ND4 gene and a ribosomal gene, 12s rRNA, and two nuclear sequences, the protein‐encoding c‐mos, and non‐encoding intron 7 of β‐fibrinogen. Our phylogenetic analyses show that Corucia of the Solomon Islands is the sister group of the rest of the Egernia group. The genus Egernia is paraphyletic, including four well‐supported monophyletic units, one of which is the sister lineage of the Tiliqua lineage (Tiliqua plus Cyclodomorphus). We suggest a revised taxonomic scheme that recognizes the major monophyletic lineages in Egernia (s.l.) as distinct genera. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 781–794.  相似文献   

Skinks of the genus Sphenomorphus are the most diverse clade of squamates in the Philippine Archipelago. Morphological examination of these species has defined six phenotypic groups that are commonly used in characterizations of taxonomic hypotheses. We used a molecular phylogeny based on four mitochondrial and two nuclear genes to assess the group's biogeographical history in the archipelago and examine the phylogenetic validity of the currently recognized Philippine species groups. We re‐examined traditional characters used to define species groups and used multivariate statistics to quantitatively evaluate group structure in morphometric space. Clustering analyses of phenotypic similarity indicate that some (but not all) members of previously defined species groups are phenotypically most similar to other members of the same group. However, when species group membership was mapped on our partitioned Bayesian phylogenetic hypothesis, only one species group corresponds to a clade; all other species group arrangements are strongly rejected by our phylogeny. Our results demonstrate that (1) previously recognized species group relationships were misled by phenotypic convergence; (2) Sphenomorphus is widely paraphyletic; and (3) multiple lineages have independently invaded the Philippines. Based on this new perspective on the phylogenetic relationships of Philippine Sphenomorphus, we revise the archipelago's diverse assemblage of species at the generic level, and resurrect and/or expand four previously recognized genera, and describe two new genera to accommodate the diversity of Philippine skinks of the Sphenomorphus group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1217–1243.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Lesser/Asian Short-toed Lark Alaudala rufescenscheleensis complex has been debated for decades, mainly because of minor morphological differentiation among the taxa within the complex, and different interpretations of the geographical pattern of morphological characters among different authors. In addition, there have been few studies based on non-morphological traits. It has recently been suggested based on a molecular study of the lark family Alaudidae that the Sand Lark A. raytal is nested within this complex. We here analysed mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) from 130 individuals across the range of this complex (hereafter called Alaudala rufescens–raytal complex), representing all except two of the 18 currently recognized subspecies. We also analysed 11 nuclear markers from a subsample of these individuals, representing all of the clades found in the cyt b tree. Five primary clades were recovered, which confirmed that A. raytal is nested within this complex. Divergence time estimates among these five clades ranged from 1.76 to 3.16 million years (my; 95% highest posterior density [HPD] 1.0–4.51 my) or 1.99–2.53 my (95% HPD 0.96–4.3 my) in different analyses. Only four of the currently recognized subspecies were recovered as monophyletic in the cyt b tree. Our results call for a taxonomic revision, and we tentatively suggest that at least four species should be recognized, although we stress the need for an approach integrating molecular, morphological and other data that are not yet available.  相似文献   

Because of the poor state of knowledge of many of the gymnophthalmid genera, systematic revision is necessary to render the classification consistent with evolutionary history. To that end, I conducted a review of the species of three genera of the Cercosaurinae which appear to form a monophyletic group: Cercosaura , Pantodactylus , and Prionodactylus . Phylogenetic analysis of 61 morphological characters was conducted after specimens of all species were examined to evaluate the composition of each taxon. The phylogenetic reconstruction suggested that the genus Prionodactylus was paraphyletic. A new phylogenetic classification is proposed that synonymizes Pantodactylus and Prionodactylus with Cercosaura. Cercosaura is redefined to include 11 species and seven subspecies. A key is provided to distinguish among species.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137 , 101−115.  相似文献   

对棒束孢属Isaria及近缘属物种开展5基因(nrSSU、nrLSUtef-1αrpb1 rpb2)测序并联合分析,结合GenBank相关类群序列,探讨棒束孢属系统发育关系,最终获得95个菌株、58个明确分类群的2-5基因序列。利用MEGA和MrBayes软件进行多基因聚类分析,结果表明棒束孢属多系起源于虫草菌科中,分3个不同分支。A支主要由Isaria cicadaeI. teniupesI. coleopterorumI. fumosoroseaI. cateniannulata等组成;B支包括I. poprawkiiI. locusticaI. javanicaI. amoeneroseaI. cateniobliqua;C支仅有I. farinosa。分支间被Cordyceps militarisC. ninchukisporaC. pruinosa等隔开。棒束孢在形态上,主要以瓶梗基部膨大、尖端变细及孢子呈链状等特征与其他类群分开,但同时也发现有棒状分生孢子梗和单孢子类型。基于节点的分歧时间预测分析,推测棒束孢属首次分化于70Mya,但棒束孢属主要物种形成却在60-55Mya,且3个分支的棒束孢物种为快速同时形成,而后大多数类群表现遗传稳定。同时发现,与Isaria Clade A较近一支有粉被玛利亚霉Mariannaea pruinosaC. pruinosa无性型)和蛹草蚧霉Lecanicillium militarisC. militaris无性型);与粉棒束孢距离最近一支有Akanthomyces aculeatusC. tuberculata无性型)和L. attenuatumC. confragosa无性型),是两个不同的属征分类群,且相互间遗传距离较近。根据棒束孢属及其近缘种属形态特征的复杂性推测,棒束孢属在快速物种形成中,其近缘类群存在一定程度的丢失和选择性演化。  相似文献   

The subfamily Uromastycinae within the Agamidae is comprised of 18 species: three within the genus Saara and 15 within Uromastyx. Uromastyx is distributed in the desert areas of North Africa and across the Arabian Peninsula towards Iran. The systematics of this genus has been previously revised, although incomplete taxonomic sampling or weakly supported topologies resulted in inconclusive relationships. Biogeographic assessments of Uromastycinae mostly agree on the direction of dispersal from Asia to Africa, although the timeframe of the cladogenesis events has never been fully explored. In this study, we analysed 129 Uromastyx specimens from across the entire distribution range of the genus. We included all but one of the recognized taxa of the genus and sequenced them for three mitochondrial and three nuclear markers. This enabled us to obtain a comprehensive multilocus time‐calibrated phylogeny of the genus, using the concatenated data and species trees. We also applied coalescent‐based species delimitation methods, phylogenetic network analyses and model‐testing approaches to biogeographic inferences. Our results revealed Uromastyx as a monophyletic genus comprised of five groups and 14 independently evolving lineages, corresponding to the 14 currently recognized species sampled. The onset of Uromastyx diversification is estimated to have occurred in south‐west Asia during the Middle Miocene with a later radiation in North Africa. During its Saharo‐Arabian colonization, Uromastyx underwent multiple vicariance and dispersal events, hypothesized to be derived from tectonic movements and habitat fragmentation due to the active continental separation of Arabia from Africa and the expansion and contraction of arid areas in the region.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 108 oak species (genus Quercus L.) were inferred using DNA sequences of six nuclear genes selected from the existing genomic resources of the genus. Previous phylogenetic reconstructions based on traditional molecular markers are inconclusive at the deeper nodes. Overall, weak phylogenetic signals were obtained for each individual gene analysis, but stronger signals were obtained when gene sequences were concatenated. Our data support the recognition of six major intrageneric groups Cyclobalanopsis, Cerris, Ilex, Quercus, Lobatae and Protobalanus. Our analyses provide resolution at deeper nodes but with moderate support and a more robust infrageneric classification within the two major clades, the ‘Old World Oaks’ (Cyclobalanopsis, Cerris, Ilex) and ‘New World Oaks’ (Quercus, Lobatae, Protobalanus). However, depending on outgroup choice, our analysis yielded two alternative placements of the Cyclobalanopsis clade within the genus Quercus. When Castanea Mill. was chosen as outgroup, our data suggested that the genus Quercus comprised two clades corresponding to two subgenera as traditionally recognized by Camus: subgenus Euquercus Hickel and Camus and subgenus Cyclobalanopsis Øersted (Schneider). However, when Notholithocarpus Manos, Cannon and S. Oh was chosen as an outgroup subgenus Cyclobalanopsis clustered with Cerris and Ilex groups to form the Old World clade. To assess the placement of the root, we complemented our dataset with published data of ITS and CRC sequences. Based on the concatenated eight gene sequences, the most likely root position is at the split between the ‘Old World Oaks’ and the ‘New World Oaks’, which is one of the alternative positions suggested by our six gene analysis. Using a dating approach, we inferred an Eocene age for the primary divergences in Quercus and a root age of about 50–55 Ma, which agrees with palaeobotanical evidence. Finally, irrespective of the outgroup choice, our data boost the topology within the New World clade, where (Protobalanus + Quercus) is a sister clade of Lobatae. Inferred divergence ages within this clade and the Cerris–Ilex clade are generally younger than could be expected from the fossil record, indicating that morphological differentiation pre-dates genetic isolation in this clade.  相似文献   

Twelve morphologically similar species of Acrapex Hampson 1894, (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini, Sesamiina), from Western, Central and Eastern Africa are reviewed. Eight of these species are new to science and are described: Acrapex akunamatata n. sp. and A. incrassata n. sp. from Kenya; A. gracilis n. sp., A. iringa n. sp., A. lukumbura n. sp. and A. rungwe n. sp. from Tanzania; A. soyema n. sp. from Ethiopia; and A. zoutoi n. sp. from Benin. All 12 species belong to a species complex that we hereby define as the Acrapex apicestriata group. Host-plants for three of the new species are recorded: Setaria incrassata (Hochst.) Hack. for Acrapex incrassata; Cymbopogon pospishilii (K. Schum.) C.E. Hubb. for A. rungwe; and Andropogon perligulatus Stapf. for A. zoutoi. We also conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses (using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) on a six gene multimarker molecular dataset (four mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments; 4581 nucleotides in length) consisting of 15 Acrapex species (including seven species from the apicestriata group) and four outgroups species from the subtribe Sesamiina (from genera Busseola Thurau 1904, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden 1953, Pirateolea Moyal, Le Ru, Conlong, Cugala, Defabachew, Matama-Kauma, Pallangyo & Van den Berg 2010 and Sesamia Boisduval & Guenée 1852). Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses yield a similar and well-supported topology, which supports the monophyly of the apicestriata group.  相似文献   

Studies of the seasonal acclimatisation of behavioural and physiological processes usually focus on aquatic or semi-aquatic ectotherms and focus less effort on terrestrial ectotherms that experience more thermally heterogeneous environments. We conducted comparative studies and thermal acclimation experiments on the locomotion of the Chinese skink (Plestiodon chinensis) to test whether seasonal acclimatisation in locomotion exists in these terrestrial ectothermic vertebrates, and whether seasonal acclimatisation is predominantly induced by thermal environments. In natural populations, skinks ran faster during the summer season than during the spring season at high-test temperatures ranging from 27℃ to 36℃ but not at low-test temperatures ranging from 18℃ to 24℃. In contrast, the thermal acclimation experiments showed that the cold-acclimated skinks ran faster than the warm-acclimated skinks at the low- test temperatures but not at high-test temperatures. Therefore, the seasonal acclimatisation occurs to P chinensis, and may be induced by temperature as well as other factors like food availability, as indicated by the seasonal variation in the thermal dependence of locomotion, and the discrepancy between seasonal acclimatisation and thermal acclimation on locomotion.  相似文献   

It has been an enduring belief that increasing aridity combined with Pliocene‐Pleistocene glacial cycles resulted in the formation of distinct arid zone and temperate zone faunas within Australia. We assembled a molecular phylogeny for the Egernia whitii species group, an endemic group of skinks that comprises representatives from arid and temperate Australia, in order to test several biogeographical hypotheses regarding the origin of the Australian arid zone fauna. Sequence data were obtained from ten of the 11 species within the species group, plus three other Egernia species and an outgroup (Eulamprus heatwolei). We targeted portions of the ND4 (696 base pairs) and 16S rRNA (500 bp) mitochondrial genes and the β‐Fibrinogen 7th Intron nuclear gene (648 bp). The edited alignment comprised 1844 characters, of which 551 (30%) were variable and 382 (69%) were parsimony informative. We analysed the data using maximum likelihood and Bayesian techniques and produced a single optimal tree. Our phylogeny strongly supports two major clades within the species group, corresponding to temperate‐adapted rock‐dwelling species and arid‐adapted obligate burrowing species. However, the phylogenetic affinities of E. pulchra were not resolved. Our topology indicates that the New South Wales population of E. margaretae is actually E. whitii and reveals that E. margaretae margaretae and E. m. personata are distinct species. There also appears to be a major phylogeographical break within E. whitii occurring in eastern Victoria. Although our data supported several previously proposed phylogenetic relationships, Shimodaira–Hasegawa tests soundly rejected several suggested affinities between certain species. The arid zone members of the E. whitii species group had been suggested to have originated as a result of multiple periods of colonization during the Pleistocene glaciation cycles. However, our genetic data suggest a single origin (presumably from a semiarid E. multiscutata‐like ancestor) for the arid zone members of the group prior to the Plio‐Pleistocene, probably during the late Miocene to early Pliocene. Our topology displays substantial sequence divergence between species with short internodes and long terminal branches, indicating rapid adaptive radiations within the arid and temperate zones. The presence of temperate‐adapted species within more mesic refugia of the arid zone suggests that the necessary adaptations to aridity for colonizing the dry interior of the continent have not evolved since the initial period of adaptive radiation, despite the long evolutionary history of the species group. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 83 , 157–173.  相似文献   

The hydrozoan family Aglaopheniidae (Cnidaria) is widespread worldwide and contains some of the most easily recognizable hydroids because of their large colony size and characteristic microscopic structure. The systematics of the group has, however, been controversial and dedicated molecular analyses are lacking. We therefore analysed existing and new 16S rRNA sequences of Aglaopheniidae, in a total of 98 16S sequences corresponding to 25 putative species (25 nominal and three undescribed) from seven genera. The monophyly of the subfamilies Gymnangiinae and Aglaopheniinae, and tribes Aglaopheniini and Cladocarpini were not verified with 16S sequence data. The genera Gymnangium and Aglaophenia can only be considered valid if both Gymnangium gracicaule and Aglaophenia latecarinata are removed from their respective genera. The phenotypically similar Cladocarpus and Streptocaulus are probably monophyletic and clearly distinct genetically. The genus Lytocarpia may be polyphyletic. The nominal species Aglaophenia pluma, Aglaophenia tubiformis, and Aglaophenia octodonta are probably conspecific, as are also the species Aglaophenia acacia and Aglaophenia elongata. The 16S data revealed the existence of two potentially unnamed species of Aglaophenia respectively from the Azores and Madeira. The phylogeographical structure of the taxa with the greatest representation of haplotypes from the north‐east Atlantic and Mediterranean, revealed the influence of Mediterranean waters in Madeira and the Azores, and gene flow between deep waters of the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The last glaciations in Europe may have caused genetic bottlenecks but also high intraspecific haplotype diversity. Finally, Macrorhynchia philippina was detected in samples from Madeira and possibly represents an invasive species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 717–727.  相似文献   

The Caribbean region includes a geologically complex mix of islands, which have served as a backdrop for some significant studies of biogeography, mostly with vertebrates. Here, we use the tropical/subtropical spider genus Selenops (Selenopidae) to obtain a finer resolution of the role of geology in shaping patterns of species diversity. We obtained a broad geographic sample from over 200 localities from both the islands and American mainland. DNA sequence data were generated for three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear gene for eleven outgroup taxa and nearly 60 selenopid species. Phylogenetic analysis of the data revealed several biogeographic patterns common to other lineages that have diversified in the region, the most significant being: (1) a distinct biogeographic break between Northern and Southern Lesser Antilles, although with a slight shift in the location of the disjunction; (2) diversification within the islands of Jamaica and Hispaniola; (3) higher diversity of species in the Greater Antilles relative to the Lesser Antilles. However, a strikingly unique pattern in Caribbean Selenops is that Cuban species are not basal in the Caribbean clade. Analyses to test competing hypotheses of vicariance and dispersal support colonization through GAARlandia, an Eocene–Oligocene land span extending from South America to the Greater Antilles, rather than over‐water dispersal. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 288–322.  相似文献   

Eight species of Myxobolus were collected from four species of cyprinids in Algonquin Park, Ontario. On the basis of spore morphology, five of these species are described as new and two are redescribed. The evolutionary relationships among these eight species were studied using partial small subunit ribosomal DNA (ssu-rDNA) sequence data. The resulting cladograms, which were highly resolved and with strongly supported relationships, allowed for the evaluation of spore morphology, host specificity, and tissue tropism, criteria traditionally used in species identification. These criteria, recently criticized for creating artificial rather than natural taxonomic groupings, were evaluated for their reliability in the systematics of the species examined. The data showed that distantly related species often infect the same host and tissue, and that closely related species often occur in different hosts. Morphologically similar species are more closely related to each other and the taxonomy based on spore morphology is consistent with the relationships depicted in the phylogenies. These results suggest that spore morphology is better than host specificity and tissue tropism as a species character, as well as for determining evolutionary relationships among the species of Myxobolus examined.  相似文献   

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