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1. Leaf‐cutting ants (LCAs) are considered as one of the most important agents of soil disturbances that affect vegetation patterns, but these assertions are based on isolated studies or anecdotal data. In this study, meta‐analysis techniques were used to quantitatively analyse the generality of these effects and determine some of their sources of variation. 2. The results reveal the following: (i) LCA nest sites showed higher levels of soil fertility than control sites, but the key source of these nutrients is the refuse material rather than the nest soil itself; (ii) refuse material from external piles tended to be richer in nutrient content than refuse material from internal refuse chambers; (iii) nest sites from temperate habitats showed higher cation content than those located in tropical/subtropical habitats; and (iv) nest sites showed higher plant growth than adjacent non‐nest sites (especially if plants have access to the refuse) but similar plant density and plant richness. 3. As LCAs improve nutrient availability in nest sites through the accumulation of refuse material, the location of the refuse will have a relevant role affecting vegetation. LCA species with external refuse dumps could benefit herbs, early vegetation stages and short‐living plants, whereas those with internal refuse chambers could benefit long‐living, large trees. However, the positive effect on individual plants does not extend to population and community levels. The foraging preferences of ants and the changes in microclimatic conditions around nests could act as selective ecological filters. 4. As refuse material from external piles and nest sites in temperate habitats tend to show higher fertility than refuse material from internal nest chambers and nest sites in tropical/subtropical habitats, LCA species with external refuse dumps in temperate regions could be of particular relevance for nutrient cycling and vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

Tree cavities provide important habitat for wildlife. Effective landscape‐scale management of cavity‐dependent wildlife requires an understanding of where cavities occur, but tree cavities can be cryptic and difficult to survey. We assessed whether a landscape‐scale map of mature forest habitat availability, derived from aerial photographs, reflected the relative availability of mature trees and tree cavities. We assessed cavities for their suitability for use by wildlife, and whether the map reflected the availability of such cavities. There were significant differences between map categories in several characteristics of mature trees that can be used to predict cavity abundance (i.e. tree form and diameter at breast height). There were significant differences between map categories in the number of potential cavity bearing trees and potential cavities per tree. However, the index of cavity abundance based on observations made from the ground provided an overestimate of true cavity availability. By climbing a sample of mature trees we showed that only 5.1% of potential tree cavities detected from the ground were suitable for wildlife, and these were found in only 12.5% of the trees sampled. We conclude that management tools developed from remotely sensed data can be useful to guide decision‐making in the conservation management of tree cavities but stress that the errors inherent in these data limit the scale at which such tools can be applied. The rarity of tree cavities suitable for wildlife in our study highlights the need to conserve the tree cavity resource across the landscape, but also the importance of increasing the accuracy of management tools for decision‐making at different scales. Mapping mature forest habitat availability at the landscape scale is a useful first step in managing habitat for cavity‐dependent wildlife, but the potential for overestimating actual cavity abundance in a particular area highlights the need for complementary on‐ground surveys.  相似文献   

In network ecology, landscape‐scale processes are often overlooked, yet there is increasing evidence that species and interactions spill over between habitats, calling for further study of interhabitat dependencies. Here, we investigate how species connect a mosaic of habitats based on the spatial variation of their mutualistic and antagonistic interactions using two multilayer networks, combining pollination, herbivory and parasitism in the UK and New Zealand. Developing novel methods of network analysis for landscape‐scale ecological networks, we discovered that few plant and pollinator species acted as connectors or hubs, both within and among habitats, whereas herbivores and parasitoids typically have more peripheral network roles. Insect species’ roles depend on factors other than just the abundance of taxa in the lower trophic level, exemplified by larger Hymenoptera connecting networks of different habitats and insects relying on different resources across different habitats. Our findings provide a broader perspective for landscape‐scale management and ecological community conservation.  相似文献   

Several factors may restrict the acquisition of food to below the levels predicted by the optimization theory. However, how the design of structures that animals build for foraging restricts the entry of food is less known. Using scaling relationships, we determined whether the design of the entrances of leaf‐cutting ant nests restricts resource input into the colony. We measured nests and foraging parameters in 25 nests of Atta cephalotes in a tropical rain forest. Ant flux was reduced to up to 60% at nest entrances. The width of all entrances per nest increased at similar rates as nest size, but the width of nest entrances increased with the width of its associated trail at rates below those expected by isometry. The fact that entrance widths grow slower than trail widths suggests that the enlargement of entrance holes does not reach the dimensions needed to avoid delays when foraging rates are high and loads are big. The enlargement of nest entrances appears to be restricted by the digging effort required to enlarge nest tunnels and by increments in the risk of inundation, predator/parasitoid attacks and microclimate imbalances inside the nest. The design of the extended phenotypes can also restrict the ingress of food into the organisms, offering additional evidence to better understand eventual controversies between empirical data and the foraging theory. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Mature trees and forests contain structural features such as tree hollows, large coarse woody debris and large spreading crowns that provide critical habitat for a wide range of species. These features can take hundreds of years to develop and require careful management to ensure their continued availability. Managing these features requires spatial mapping layers to facilitate landscape‐scale management. This paper outlines how a map of mature forest habitat was developed for Tasmania, Australia. The map was produced using spatial data on vegetation type, mature crown density and senescence, a global layer of forest loss data derived from satellite imagery, a database on timber harvest plans and a spatial layer on the extent of fire. The relationship between mapped mature habitat availability (high, medium, low or negligible) and tree hollow availability in wet forest areas was explored, complementing a similar published study in dry forests. The number of large trees likely to have hollows significantly increased with mapped mature habitat availability, although there was considerable variation and overlap between map categories. Data from a fauna locality database and two radio‐tracking studies showed that three of the vertebrate hollow‐using species examined (Swift Parrot, Common Brushtail Possum and the Tasmanian Long‐eared Bat) and nest records of a species reliant on large tree crowns (the Wedge‐tailed Eagle) were all more likely to occur in areas of higher mapped mature habitat availability. It is concluded that this map reflects the relative availability of tree hollows, is ecologically meaningful and will be useful when managing mature forest habitat at large spatial scales, but the variable accuracy of the map at fine scales needs to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Within the framework of landscape genetics, resistance surface modelling is particularly relevant to explicitly test competing hypotheses about landscape effects on gene flow. To investigate how fragmentation of tropical forest affects population connectivity in a forest specialist bird species, we optimized resistance surfaces without a priori specification, using least‐cost (LCP) or resistance (IBR) distances. We implemented a two‐step procedure in order (i) to objectively define the landscape thematic resolution (level of detail in classification scheme to describe landscape variables) and spatial extent (area within the landscape boundaries) and then (ii) to test the relative role of several landscape features (elevation, roads, land cover) in genetic differentiation in the Plumbeous Warbler (Setophaga plumbea). We detected a small‐scale reduction of gene flow mainly driven by land cover, with a negative impact of the nonforest matrix on landscape functional connectivity. However, matrix components did not equally constrain gene flow, as their conductivity increased with increasing structural similarity with forest habitat: urban areas and meadows had the highest resistance values whereas agricultural areas had intermediate resistance values. Our results revealed a higher performance of IBR compared to LCP in explaining gene flow, reflecting suboptimal movements across this human‐modified landscape, challenging the common use of LCP to design habitat corridors and advocating for a broader use of circuit theory modelling. Finally, our results emphasize the need for an objective definition of landscape scales (landscape extent and thematic resolution) and highlight potential pitfalls associated with parameterization of resistance surfaces.  相似文献   

Apex predators such as large carnivores can have cascading, landscape‐scale impacts across wildlife communities, which could result largely from the fear they inspire, although this has yet to be experimentally demonstrated. Humans have supplanted large carnivores as apex predators in many systems, and similarly pervasive impacts may now result from fear of the human ‘super predator’. We conducted a landscape‐scale playback experiment demonstrating that the sound of humans speaking generates a landscape of fear with pervasive effects across wildlife communities. Large carnivores avoided human voices and moved more cautiously when hearing humans, while medium‐sized carnivores became more elusive and reduced foraging. Small mammals evidently benefited, increasing habitat use and foraging. Thus, just the sound of a predator can have landscape‐scale effects at multiple trophic levels. Our results indicate that many of the globally observed impacts on wildlife attributed to anthropogenic activity may be explained by fear of humans.  相似文献   

Genetic responses to environmental changes take place at different spatial scales. While the effect of environment on the distribution of species' genetic diversity at large geographical scales has been the focus of several recent studies, its potential effects on genetic structure at local scales are understudied. Environmental effects on fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS) were investigated in four Alpine conifer species (five to eight populations per species) from the eastern Italian Alps. Significant FSGS was found for 11 of 25 populations. Interestingly, we found no significant differences in FSGS across species but great variation among populations within species, highlighting the importance of local environmental factors. Interannual variability in spring temperature had a small but significant effect on FSGS of Larix decidua, probably related to species‐specific life history traits. For Abies alba, Picea abies and Pinus cembra, linear models identified spring precipitation as a potentially relevant climate factor associated with differences in FSGS across populations; however, models had low explanatory power and were strongly influenced by a P. cembra outlier population from a very dry site. Overall, the direction of the identified effects is according to expectations, with drier and more variable environments increasing FSGS. Underlying mechanisms may include climate‐related changes in the variance of reproductive success and/or environmental selection of specific families. This study provides new insights on potential changes in local genetic structure of four Alpine conifers in the face of environmental changes, suggesting that new climates, through altering FSGS, may also have relevant impacts on plant microevolution.  相似文献   

To implement Area‐Wide Pest Management protocols at a regional scale (Liguria, northern Italy), egg deposition and adult flight of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae, were monitored during 2009, 2010 and 2011. The consequence of complete generation in late winter – early spring was also examined. The reliability of a degree‐day model was tested to simulate the insect cycle, starting from October oviposition and considering a 379.01°C cumulative degree‐day (CDD) needed to complete development. The model was validated and then used to simulate olive fruit fly phenology in the region of Liguria, using a GIS approach and the agrometeorological network in the region. The output of the CDD model was mapped with two different spatialization modelling techniques, geostatistical autocorrelation and regression correlation, and altitude, aspect and distance from the sea were assessed as elements of variability. The regression correlation model provided a more accurate indication of B. oleae diversity at the local scale than the geostatistical autocorrelation model and identified the high spatial climatic variability of Liguria. The potential application of the distribution of days after oviposition and prediction error maps in support of pest management planning is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Understanding complex ecological phenomena, such as the determinants of species richness, is best achieved by investigating their properties at different spatial scales. Factors significantly affecting the number of species occurring at one scale may not impact on richness at other scales. While this scale dependence has become increasingly recognized, there still remains a need to elucidate exactly how richness is structured across scales, and which mechanisms are influential for determining this important community property. This study explores how woody plant species richness varies in a fragmented system at multiple scales, and which factors are primarily responsible for these patterns. Location The study area is located in the Sonoran Desert within the bounds of metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, which is the locus of the Central Arizona–Phoenix Long‐Term Ecological Research (CAP‐LTER) site. Methods Estimates of local and fragment plant species richness were generated from field data collected from 22 sites. Independent variables describing fragment sites were also calculated, including area, habitat heterogeneity, density of individuals, mean elevation, and extent of isolation. Structural equation modelling, multiple regression, and analysis of covariance were used to assess the contribution of independent variables to richness at the fragment and local scales. Results Fragment species richness was significantly influenced by area, though not isolation, habitat heterogeneity, mean elevation, or density of individuals. Local richness was not significantly related to fragment area, but was positively related to fragment richness, plant density, and elevation. Main conclusions The fragment species–area effect resulted from larger remnants supporting higher numbers of individuals at comparable densities, increasing richness through either passive sampling of progressively less common species and/or lower extinction rates among larger populations. Without using multi‐temporal data it is not possible to disentangle these mechanisms. We found that patterns evident at one scale are not necessarily apparent at other scales, as elevation and density of individuals significantly affected richness at the local scale but not at the fragment scale. These results lend support to the concept that mechanisms influencing the species richness of natural communities may be operable only within certain domains and that relevant scales should be specified.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances are known to modify plant–animal interactions such as those involving the leaf‐cutting ants, the most voracious and proliferating herbivore across human‐modified landscapes in the Neotropics. Here, we evaluate the effect of chronic anthropogenic disturbance (e.g., firewood collection, livestock grazing) and vegetation seasonality on foraging area, foliage availability in the foraging area, leaf consumption and herbivory rate of the leaf‐cutting ant Atta opaciceps in the semiarid Caatinga, a mosaic of dry forest and scrub vegetation in northeast Brazil. Contrary to our initial expectation, the foraging area was not affected by either disturbance intensity or the interaction between season and disturbance intensity. However, leaf consumption and herbivory rate were higher in more disturbed areas. We also found a strong effect of seasonality, with higher leaf consumption and herbivory rate in the dry season. Our results suggest that the foraging ecology of leaf‐cutting ants is modulated by human disturbance and seasonality as these two drivers affect the spectrum and the amount of resources available for these ants in the Caatinga. Despite the low productivity of Caatinga vegetation, the annual rates of biomass consumption by A. opaciceps are similar to those reported from other leaf‐cutting ants in rain forests and savannas. This is made possible by maintaining high foraging activity even in the peak of the dry season and taking benefit from any resource available, including low‐quality items. Such compensation highlights the adaptive capacity of LCA to persist or even proliferate in human‐modified landscapes from dry to rain forests.  相似文献   

The introduced tramp ant, Pheidole megacephala, is a well‐known pest of urban areas and coastal dune ecosystems in eastern Australia. Until recently, establishment and spread of P. megacephala colonies has been regarded as likely only in disturbed areas. Here we describe the extent of an established colony of P. megacephala in a long undisturbed open forest near Maryborough in southeast Queensland and compare ant community structure with those of nearby uninfested sites. Tuna baiting revealed three distinct zones: (i) a zone totally dominated by P. megacephala (at least 10 ha) where few other ant ant species were detected; (ii) a zone where P. megacephala was absent and many other ant species were found; and (iii) a zone where opportunists (species of Ochetellus and Paratrechina) competed with P. megacephala at baits. Pitfall trapping over a 9‐month period resulted in 12 species being recorded at the infested site, compared with a mean of 25 species recorded at adjoining uninfested forest. Over 94% of ants recorded in pitfalls at the infested site were P. megacephala. Most notably, P. megacephala had completely displaced dominant Dolichoderines (species of Iridomyrmex), subordinate Camponotini (species of Camponotus, Opisthopsis and Polyrhachis) and other species of Pheidole which are common at forest sites.  相似文献   

Forest plantations support several ecosystem services including biodiversity conservation. Establishment of a forest biomass‐based industry could significantly change the age structure of forest plantations located in its vicinity and thus, could lead to a possible loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this study assesses spatiotemporal impacts of a forest biomass‐based power plant on the age structure of surrounding forest plantations at landscape level. A cellular automata approach was adopted and interactions between economic objectives of forest landowners and a power plant owner punctuated by forest growth and management characteristics were considered. These spatiotemporal impacts were jointly assessed for four separate scenarios and four different power plant capacities using appropriate landscape‐level indices. Slash pine (Pinus elliotti L.) was selected as a representative species. Results indicate that the age structure of surrounding forest plantations continuously fluctuates with respect to each year of power plant operation. However, the age structure, once disturbed, never becomes comparable to the original age structure. We also found that the mature plantations were harvested during early years of power plant operation and were never observed again for the remaining years of power plant operation. This was particularly true for high capacity power plants. Similarly, high value of selected spatial index at the end of power plant life for a high capacity power plant relative to the original low value of the same index indicates aggregation of remaining plantation ages at landscape level. Establishment of low capacity forest biomass‐based power plants and adoption of an integrated regional level planning approach could help in maintaining original age structure characteristics of surrounding forest plantations to a large extent. This might help in sustaining various ecosystem services including biodiversity conservation obtained from forest plantations in a long run.  相似文献   

Question: Abrupt increments in tree radial growth chronology are associated with gap formations derived from disturbances. If a forest has been primarily controlled by fine‐scale disturbances such as single tree‐fall, do these release events spatio‐temporally synchronize at a fine scale such as 10 m and 5 years? Is it possible to quantify spatio‐temporal patterns of synchronicity from tree rings and long‐term inventories, and associate them with spatial forest patch dynamics? How and to what extent can we reconstruct the fine‐scale synchronized growth and spatio‐temporal forest patch dynamics from currently available information? Location: Cores were taken from Abies sachalinensis trees in a coniferous/deciduous mixed forest in the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Methods: We first eliminated short‐term fluctuations and highlighted growth trends over the mid‐term using a time‐series smoothing technique. This helped identify release events, we then conducted fine‐scale spatial analyses on released A. sachalinensis primarily with cluster analysis. Results: We specified the unit scale of synchronicity at 10 m, and classified released A. sachalinensis trees into spatially separated regions. Only once during the recent 50 years was extensive synchronicity over 40 m found. Most of the released A. sachalinensis were isolated, with non‐released A. sachalinensis present in nearby, implying imperfect synchronization. The ambiguous 20–30 m A. sachalinensis patches present in the current forest were the result of connected and overlapping patches smaller than 10 m associated with different disturbances and different responses of understorey trees. Conclusion: Tree‐ring series, long‐term census and fine‐scale spatio‐temporal analyses revealed that this forest community has been controlled by two types of disturbance: frequent small disturbances such as single tree‐fall and less frequent multiple tree‐falls.  相似文献   

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