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The evolutionary trajectories of reproductive systems, including both male and female multiple mating and hence polygyny and polyandry, are expected to depend on the additive genetic variances and covariances in and among components of male reproductive success achieved through different reproductive tactics. However, genetic covariances among key components of male reproductive success have not been estimated in wild populations. We used comprehensive paternity data from socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to estimate additive genetic variance and covariance in the total number of offspring a male sired per year outside his social pairings (i.e. his total extra‐pair reproductive success achieved through multiple mating) and his liability to sire offspring produced by his socially paired female (i.e. his success in defending within‐pair paternity). Both components of male fitness showed nonzero additive genetic variance, and the estimated genetic covariance was positive, implying that males with high additive genetic value for extra‐pair reproduction also have high additive genetic propensity to sire their socially paired female's offspring. There was consequently no evidence of a genetic or phenotypic trade‐off between male within‐pair paternity success and extra‐pair reproductive success. Such positive genetic covariance might be expected to facilitate ongoing evolution of polygyny and could also shape the ongoing evolution of polyandry through indirect selection.  相似文献   

A method that was based on non‐invasive sampling of genetic material was used to determine the rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) and conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) in mallards. Maternal and offspring DNA were extracted from feathers in nest material and hatched eggshell membranes. Using 8 microsatelite loci, extra‐pair offspring were detected in 48% of nests and accounted for 9.3% of all offspring. In addition, 10.1% of the offspring were confirmed to result from CBP, and 24% of all nests contained at least 1 offspring from CBP. Rates of conspecific nest parasitism were higher than those of related species, which might have been due to higher breeding densities at our study site. The incidence of EPP was distributed randomly (i.e. did not deviate from bionomial distribution) throughout the population, indicating that variations in pre‐copulatory (e.g. female choice, mate guarding) or post‐copulatory processes (e.g. sperm competition, cryptic female choice) do not affect the distribution of EPP among breeding pairs markedly. Yet, our data provide evidence of variation in the risk of being parasitized among breeding females. The occurrence of CBP and EPP was unaffected by the timing of the breeding attempt or breeding synchrony.  相似文献   

Fruiting bodies of fungi constitute an important resource for thousands of other taxa. The structure of these diverse assemblages has traditionally been studied with labour‐intensive methods involving cultivation and morphology‐based species identification, to which molecular information might offer convenient complements. To overcome challenges in DNA extraction and PCR associated with the complex chemical properties of fruiting bodies, we developed a pipeline applicable for extracting amplifiable total DNA from soft fungal samples of any size. Our protocol purifies DNA in two sequential steps: (a) initial salt–isopropanol extraction of all nucleic acids in the sample is followed by (b) an extra clean‐up step using solid‐phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) magnetic beads. The protocol proved highly efficient, with practically all of our samples—regardless of biomass or other properties—being successfully PCR‐amplified using metabarcoding primers and subsequently sequenced. As a proof of concept, we apply our methods to address a topical ecological question: is host specificity a major characteristic of fungus‐associated communities, that is, do different fungus species harbour different communities of associated organisms? Based on an analysis of 312 fungal fruiting bodies representing 10 species in five genera from three orders, we show that molecular methods are suitable for studying this rich natural microcosm. Comparing to previous knowledge based on rearing and morphology‐based identifications, we find a species‐rich assemblage characterized by a low degree of host specialization. Our method opens up new horizons for molecular analyses of fungus‐associated interaction webs and communities. Fruiting bodies of fungi constitute an important resource for thousands of other taxa. The structure of these diverse assemblages has traditionally been studied with labour‐intensive methods involving cultivation and morphology‐based species identification, to which molecular information might offer convenient complements. To overcome challenges in DNA extraction and PCR associated with the complex chemical properties of fruiting bodies, we developed a pipeline applicable for extracting amplifiable total DNA from soft fungal samples of any size. Our protocol purifies DNA in two sequential steps: (a) initial salt–isopropanol extraction of all nucleic acids in the sample is followed by (b) an extra clean‐up step using solid‐phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) magnetic beads. The protocol proved highly efficient, with practically all of our samples—regardless of biomass or other properties—being successfully PCR‐amplified using metabarcoding primers and subsequently sequenced. As a proof of concept, we apply our methods to address a topical ecological question: is host specificity a major characteristic of fungus‐associated communities, that is, do different fungus species harbour different communities of associated organisms? Based on an analysis of 312 fungal fruiting bodies representing 10 species in five genera from three orders, we show that molecular methods are suitable for studying this rich natural microcosm. Comparing to previous knowledge based on rearing and morphology‐based identifications, we find a species‐rich assemblage characterized by a low degree of host specialization. Our method opens up new horizons for molecular analyses of fungus‐associated interaction webs and communities.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent mortality (DDM) is major driver of species coexistence in tropical forests. We assessed the occurrence and strength of this mechanism among saplings (i.e. trees with a diameter of 1–4 cm) in the moist tropical forest of Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, over six inter‐census periods (26 years), by using spatial point pattern analysis. We considered conspecific density‐dependent mortality, but also total DDM (i.e. the effects of conspecific and heterospecific neighbours all together) upon saplings of all species (i.e. at the community level), and on saplings of light‐demanding and shade‐tolerant ones, separately (i.e. at the light‐guild level). We also analysed the effects of conspecific DDM at the community and light‐guild levels. Conspecific density‐dependent mortality affected a lower proportion of species than was to be expected. Its strength was not significantly related with species abundance, and it had relatively weak effects at the community and light guild levels. Conversely, we detected a significant spatial signature of total DDM among all saplings, and among saplings of the light‐demanding and shade‐tolerant species, but its strength showed pronounced temporal variation. Total DDM among light‐demanding saplings was stronger than among shade‐tolerant ones and its effects were particularly marked 10–15 years after the occurrence of unusually severe droughts associated with El Niño events. Our study indicates that conspecific DDM is relatively unimportant among saplings in comparison with total DDM at community and light‐guild levels. This finding contrasts strongly with the results for seedlings, where conspecific DDM was constituted the dominant process. The pronounced temporal variations observed in the occurrence and strength of total DDM among saplings indicate that time‐varying events associated with climatic disturbances such as canopy openings or episodes of high recruit emergence might be important drivers of this process. They also emphasize the importance of considering time frames longer than one decade to study density‐dependent effects among saplings in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Raptors exhibit some of the highest rates of intra‐pair copulations among birds, perhaps in an attempt by males to reduce the risk of being cuckolded. Indeed, the frequency of extra‐pair fertilizations reported in studies of raptors to date is relatively low (0–11.2%). Socially monogamous Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) exhibit one of the highest copulation rates among birds, yet there are no published accounts of extra‐pair copulations (or paternity). We studied a population of Cooper's Hawks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during three breeding seasons (2003, 2004, and 2007), examining the possible effects of age (1 yr old vs. ≥ 2 yr old), adult mass, and brood size on the frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP). We found that 19.3% of nestlings (N = 27/140) were extra‐pair young (EPY), and 34% of all broods (N = 15/44) had at least one EPY. The sires of the EPY in our study were identified for only two broods, suggesting that floater males may have engaged in extra‐pair copulations with territorial females. We found that brood size was a good predictor of the occurrence of EPP (EPP) in nests, but adult mass and female age were not. To our knowledge, these possible correlates of the occurrence of EPP in raptors had not previously been investigated. Male Cooper's Hawks provide food for females during the pre‐nesting period, and delivery of food is, in contrast to other raptor species, typically followed by copulation. Thus, one possible explanation of the relatively high rates of EPP in our study is that females might accept or even solicit extra‐pair copulations from males other than their mates as a means of maximizing energy intake for egg production. Such behavior might be particularly likely in our study area, i.e., a food‐rich urban setting with a high breeding density of Cooper's Hawks.  相似文献   

Alloparental care – care for unrelated young – is rare in animals, and its ecological or evolutionary advantages or, alternative maladaptive nature, remain unclear. We investigate alloparental care in the socially monogamous cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis from Lake Tanganyika that exhibits bi‐parental care. In a genetic parentage analysis, we discovered a surprisingly high percentage of alloparental care represented by brood mixing, extra‐pair paternity and extra‐pair maternity in all broods that we investigated. The percentage of nondescendant juveniles of other parents, i.e., brood mixing, ranged from 5% to 57% (mean = 28%). The distribution of genetic parentage also suggests that this socially monogamous species has, in fact, polygamous mating system. The prevalence of genetically mixed broods can be best explained by two, not mutually exclusive hypotheses on farming‐out and fostering behaviors. In the majority of broods, the sizes of the parents’ own (descendant) offspring were significantly larger than those of the adopted (nondescendant) juveniles, supporting the ‘selfish shepherd effect’ hypothesis, i.e., that foster parents preferentially accept unrelated “smaller or not larger” young since this would tend to lower the predation risks for their own larger offspring. There was also a tendency for larger parents particularly mothers, more so than smaller parents, to care predominantly for their own offspring. Larger parents might be better at defending against cuckoldry and having foreign young dumped into their broods through farming‐out behavior. This result might argue for maladaptive effects of allopatric care for the foster parents that only larger and possibly more experienced pairs can guard against. It needs to be determined why, apparently, the ability to recognize one's own young has not evolved in this species.  相似文献   

It is shown that in addition to the active site, each subunit of Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase (E-PPase) contains an extra binding site for the substrate magnesium pyrophosphate or its non-hydrolyzable analog magnesium methylenediphosphonate. The occupancy of the extra site stimulates the substrate conversion. Binding affinity of this site decreased or disappeared upon the conversion of E-PPase into a trimeric form or introduction of point mutations. However, when the slowly hydrolyzed substrate, lanthanum pyrophosphate (LaPP(i)), is used, the extra site was revealed in all enzyme forms of E-PPase and of Y-PPase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae PPase), resulting in about 100-fold activation of hydrolysis. A hypothesis on the localization of the extra site and the mechanism of its effect in E-PPase is presented.  相似文献   

The New Zealand stitchbird or hihi Notiomystis cincta is unique in that it has two distinct mating positions, in addition to the male standing on the female's back, as is seen in all other birds, it also copulates face‐to‐face. In this study, 43 male stitchbirds first attracted a female to their territory and supplemented their within‐pair matings by intruding into other territories and attempting forced copulations – often resulting in high levels of female harassment. I recorded the temporal variation of both attempted and successful copulations relative to the female's fertile period in order to understand the function of copulation variation in this species. Each of 105 observed copulations were classified according to whether they were: (1) within‐pair or extra‐pair, (2) forced or unforced, and (3) face‐to‐face or standing. Two copulation categories ‘within‐pair unforced standing’ (50%) and ‘extra‐pair forced face‐to‐face’ (27%) accounted for the majority of all observed copulations, and this supported the previous categorisation of face‐to‐face copulation being forced by extra‐pair males in this species. However, in 10% of copulations the female conceded to copulate with an extra‐pair male in a standing position while displaying only subtle signs of resistance, thus, female stitchbirds may show convenience polyandry when the costs of resistance are high. The peak in copulation frequency centred on two days prior to the laying of the first egg and occurred within a period of six days before and seven days after the first egg was laid. Unsuccessful extra‐pair forced copulation attempts closely followed the distribution of all copulations. Male age and morphometrics did not predict whether a female would resist or accept extra‐pair copulation attempts, and female resistance did not appear to depend on male quality. Despite the current trend focussing on female fitness benefits associated with EPCs, it appears that male stitchbirds gain EPCs through forced copulation and females gain no apparent benefit.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of entropy–enthalpy (S‐H) compensation is widely invoked as an explanatory principle in thermodynamic analyses of proteins, ligands, and nucleic acids. It has been suggested that this compensation is an intrinsic property of either complex, fluctuating, or aqueous systems. The questions examined here are whether the observed compensation is extra‐thermodynamic (i.e., reflects anything more than the well‐known laws of statistical thermodynamics) and if so, what does it reveal about the system? Compensation is rather variably defined in the literature and different usages are discussed. The most precise and interesting one, which is considered here, is a linear relationship between ΔH and ΔS for some series of perturbations or changes in experimental variable. Some recent thermodynamic data on proteins purporting to show compensation is analyzed and shown to be better explained by other causes. A general statistical mechanical model of a complex system is analyzed to explore whether and under what conditions extra‐thermodynamic compensation can occur and what it reveals about the system. This model shows that the most likely behavior to be seen is linear S‐H compensation over a rather limited range of perturbations with a compensation temperature Tc = dΔH/dΔS within 20% of the experimental temperature. This behavior is insensitive to the details of the model, thus revealing little extra‐thermodynamic or causal information about the system. In addition, it will likely be difficult to distinguish this from more trivial forms of compensation in real experimental systems.  相似文献   

Female extra‐pair reproduction in socially monogamous systems is predicted to cause cuckolded socially‐paired males to conditionally reduce paternal care, causing selection against extra‐pair reproduction and underlying polyandry. However, existing models and empirical studies have not explicitly considered that cuckolded males might be related to their socially‐paired female and/or to her extra‐pair mate, and therefore be related to extra‐pair offspring that they did not sire but could rear. Selection against paternal care, and hence against extra‐pair reproduction, might then be weakened. We derive metrics that quantify allele‐sharing between within‐pair and extra‐pair offspring and their mother and her socially‐paired male in terms of coefficients of kinship and inbreeding. We use song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) paternity and pedigree data to quantify these metrics, and thereby quantify the joint effects of extra‐pair reproduction and inbreeding on a brood's total allelic value to its socially‐paired parents. Cuckolded male song sparrows were almost always detectably related to extra‐pair offspring they reared. Consequently, although brood allelic value decreased substantially following female extra‐pair reproduction, this decrease was reduced by within‐pair and extra‐pair reproduction among relatives. Such complex variation in kinship within nuclear families should be incorporated into models considering coevolutionary dynamics of extra‐pair reproduction, parental care, and inbreeding.  相似文献   

Precise timing of life‐history transitions in predictably changing environments is hypothesized to aid in individual survival and reproductive success, by appropriately matching an animal's physiology and behavior with prevailing environmental conditions. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals to time energetically costly life‐history stages (i.e. reproduction) so they overlap with seasonal peaks in food abundance and quality. Female lifetime reproductive fitness is affected by several factors that influence energy balance, including arrival date, timing of egg production, and energetic condition. Therefore, any extra energetic costs during reproduction may negatively affect timing of egg production, and ultimately a female's fitness. For example, mounting an immunological response elicits a high energetic cost, and this transfer of resources towards cell and immune system maintenance could have direct negative effects on reproductive timing. In order to determine whether an immune challenge delays onset of breeding (i.e. egg production), we administered either a humoral immune challenge (keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)) (treatment) or physiological saline (control) to free‐living female dark‐eyed juncos Junco hyemalis in the period immediately prior to egg‐laying (~4 weeks). We found that KLH‐injected females artificially delayed clutch initiation when compared to control females. These data help to refine our understanding of how free‐living birds allocate resources between reproduction and self‐maintenance processes during the critical pre‐laying period of the annual cycle.  相似文献   

Ecological and physiological factors such as breeding density, breeding synchrony, and adult body condition can all affect extra‐pair mating behavior, but the relative importance of these factors may vary among species. White‐rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa) nesting in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, exhibit high rates of extra‐pair paternity, with 77% of nests having extra‐pair young. Our objective was to determine the extent to which extra‐pair paternity in this species is explained by breeding synchrony, breeding density, and adult body condition. Our study of a population of White‐rumped Swallows breeding in nest boxes was conducted during two consecutive breeding seasons (September – early January 2006–2008). We found that neither breeding synchrony nor density of neighbors predicted levels of extra‐pair paternity in our study population. Leaner females were more likely to engage in extra‐pair behavior and fledged more nestlings, but did not differ in structural size from females that did not engage in extra‐pair behavior, suggesting that female mass is an important predictor of mating decisions and fitness for these aerial insectivores. Male body condition was not related to male extra‐pair behavior. The mass of female White‐rumped Swallows may affect their flying ability such that, during their fertile period, they are exposed to more potential extra‐pair mates during longer foraging flights. Being lighter may also improve the ability of females to provision nestlings later in the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment is a major land management issue. Woody removal often aims to restore the original grassy ecosystem, but few studies have assessed the role of woody removal on ecosystem functions and biodiversity at global scales. We collected data from 140 global studies and evaluated how different woody plant removal methods affected biodiversity (plant and animal diversity) and ecosystem functions (plant production, hydrological function, soil carbon) across global rangelands. Our results indicate that the impact of removal is strongly context dependent, varying with the specific response variable, removal method, and traits of the target species. Over all treatments, woody plant removal increased grass biomass and total groundstorey diversity. Physical and chemical removal methods increased grass biomass and total groundstorey biomass (i.e., non‐woody plants, including grass biomass), but burning reduced animal diversity. The impact of different treatment methods declined with time since removal, particularly for total groundstorey biomass. Removing pyramid‐shaped woody plants increased total groundstorey biomass and hydrological function but reduced total groundstorey diversity. Environmental context (e.g., aridity and soil texture) indirectly controlled the effect of removal on biomass and biodiversity by influencing plant traits such as plant shape, allelopathic, or roots types. Our study demonstrates that a one‐size‐fits‐all approach to woody plant removal is not appropriate, and that consideration of woody plant identity, removal method, and environmental context is critical for optimizing removal outcomes. Applying this knowledge is fundamental for maintaining diverse and functional rangeland ecosystems as we move toward a drier and more variable climate.  相似文献   

Removing agricultural cellulosic residues from fields for the production of ‘second generation biofuels'has the potential to profoundly alter C and N cycling in soil, increasing the risk of soil organic matter depletion and favoring soil–atmosphere gaseous exchanges. However, these negative impacts could potentially be offset by amending the soil with the solid by‐product which is generated during bioethanol production. In a 100 days laboratory study, we investigated the fate of C and N after soil amendment with doubly labeled (13C, 15N) wheat residue (WR) and the corresponding bioethanol by‐product (i.e. nonfermentable wheat residue NFWR) with and without extra N addition. Substituting WR with the corresponding amount of recovered bioethanol by‐product partially compensated the C losses of full crop residue removal. When the equivalent amount of C was added as WR and NFWR, NFWR‐derived C was found in significantly higher proportion in macroaggregates in soil (17.0 vs. 8.9%) after 100 days. Addition of both WR and NFWR reduced soil organic C (SOC) mineralization, i.e. it caused a negative priming effect in soil. However, this pattern was reversed when extra N was added. Both WR and NFWR increased the proportion of soil water‐stable macroaggregates from 16% (in control) to 20–24% (in the different treatments). The results suggest that the more recalcitrant compounds derived from bioethanol production may stabilize more strongly and persist within the protected fractions of SOM pools. Our study demonstrates that NFWR, compared with WR application, neither increased N2O emissions nor had a negative impact on aggregate formation in the midterm. This demonstrates that NFWR has potential for replenishing SOC stocks.  相似文献   

The frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) in socially monogamous birds varies substantially between and within species, but ecological drivers of this variation remain poorly understood. Habitat configuration could influence EPP by moderating access to extra‐pair mates, because species occupying territories in a clustered ‘honeycomb’ configuration have a larger pool of potential extra‐group mates in their immediate neighbourhood than those living in linearly arranged territories (e.g. along narrow strips of riparian or fragmented habitat). We exploited variation in the spatial arrangement of territories due to anthropogenic modification of habitat of the cooperatively breeding superb fairy‐wren Malurus cyaneus to test whether habitat configuration influenced the frequency of EPP. In this species, most paternity is obtained by males outside the social group [extra‐group paternity (EGP)]. We found that the frequency of EGP among groups living in linear strips of roadside vegetation (41% of 44 offspring) was lower than it was for groups living in clustered territories within continuous habitat (59% of 70 offspring). Differences in group size and pair relatedness did not explain differences in EGP associated with territory configuration, although the frequency of EGP was negatively correlated with pair relatedness. Our finding suggests that territory configuration can influence rates of EGP and that anthropogenic habitat fragmentation has the potential to limit access to extra‐pair mates, affecting mating systems and ultimately fitness.  相似文献   

The Clusterin (CLU) gene produces different forms of protein products, which vary in their biological properties and distribution within the cell. Both the extra‐ and intracellular CLU forms regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis. Dis‐regulation of CLU expression occurs in many cancer types, including prostate cancer. The role that CLU plays in tumorigenesis is still unclear. We found that CLU over‐expression inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Here we show that depletion of CLU affects the growth of PC‐3 prostate cancer cells. Following siRNA targeting all CLU mRNA variants, all protein products quickly disappeared, inducing cell cycle progression and higher expression of specific proliferation markers (i.e., H3 mRNA, PCNA, and cyclins A, B1, and D) as detected by RT‐qPCR and Western blot. Quite surprisingly, we also found that the turnover of CLU protein is very rapid and tightly regulated by ubiquitin–proteasome mediated degradation. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide showed that CLU half‐life is less than 2 h. CLU protein products were found poly‐ubiquitinated by co‐immuniprecipitation. Proteasome inhibition by MG132 caused stabilization and accumulation of all CLU protein products, including the nuclear form of CLU (nCLU), and committing cells to caspase‐dependent death. In conclusion, proteasome inhibition may induce prostate cancer cell death through accumulation of nCLU, a potential tumor suppressor factor. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 314–323, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Nest construction and paternity assurance are predicted to favour biparental care in insects. The horned passalus (Odontotaenius disjunctus) is a socially monogamous beetle with biparental care that breeds in decaying logs. The genetic mating system of the horned passalus was investigated to determine if paternity assurance is likely to drive the evolution or maintenance of paternal care in this system. Parental time budgets were also examined to better understand the types and frequencies of behaviours performed by parents. 2. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing revealed high levels of extra‐pair paternity, with 54.8% of offspring sired by extra‐pair males and 70% of nests containing extra‐pair young. 3. More heterozygous social males were cuckolded less than more homozygous social males. Extra‐pair mating, however, seems unlikely to increase offspring genetic diversity as extra‐pair offspring were not more heterozygous than within‐pair offspring, and average brood heterozygosity did not increase with higher rates of extra‐pair paternity. 4. Behavioural observations demonstrated that parents spent on average 46.5% of their time processing the decaying wood resource for larval offspring. Because resource processing is a by‐product of feeding and provides shareable benefits for all larvae in the brood, this form of paternal care could be favoured despite low paternity.  相似文献   

1. Degradation of highly purified kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) networks with restriction endonucleases yields "extra" bands in agarose gels that are absent from digests of mini-circles. Each of the five endonucleases tested, i.e. AluI, HapII, EcoRI, Hsu and HindII + III, yields a unique set of "extra" bands. The "extra" bands consist of linear DNA; they are not mini-circle oligomers and their added molecular weight, calculated from mobility in gels, are around 2 X 10(7). Double digests with two restriction endonucleases yield a new set of "extra" bands, showing that the "extra" bands obtained with different enzymes are all derived from the same complex component of kDNA. In digests of 32P-labelled kDNA an average of 2.3% of the radioactivity is recovered in the "extra" bands. 2. Treatment of kDNA networks with the single-strand-specific S1 nuclease of Aspergillus oryzae preferentially releases a linear DNA with a molecular weight of 26 X 10(6), calculated from mobility in gels. We present evidence that the 'extra' bands obtained with restriction endonucleases are derived from this component. 3. DNA-DNA renaturation analysis of fragmented kDNA shows the presence of a minor complex component with a complexity of about 3 X 10(7), making up less than 10% of the total kDNA. 4. From these results we conclude that 3--5% of the kDNA consists of a homogeneous class of maxi-circles catenated in the mini-circle network. The molecular weight of these maxi-circles is about 26 X 10(6) and they contain a unique, non-repetitive, non-mini-circle nucleotide sequence. This component is a prime candidate for the true mitochondrial DNA of trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Despite years of study, it remains unclear if and to what extent the effects of extra‐floral nectaries (EFNs) on arboreal ants observed on individual trees scale up to larger spatial scales. Here, we address this issue in Brazilian savanna and tested three predictions: (i) Trees with EFN have higher richness of arboreal ant species than trees without; (ii) Arboreal ant species richness increases with the proportion of total EFN‐bearing trees at the site scale, due to a higher occurrence of non‐core ant species; (iii) Ant species composition changes with the proportion of EFN‐bearing trees at the site scale. We sampled arboreal ants in 32 plots with EFN‐bearing trees ranging from 0% to 60% of all trees. We sampled 72 ant species, from which 17 (mostly belonging to Camponotus, Cephalotes and Crematogaster) were identified as core species in at least one of the ant‐EFN networks in the 32 plots. Ant species richness was significantly higher on EFN‐bearing trees. We identified 11 ant species that preferentially occurred on EFN‐bearing trees, all of which were core partners in networks. Species richness at the site scales increased with the proportion of EFN‐bearing trees, regardless of tree density and richness; this pattern was due to a higher occurrence of non‐core ant species. Finally, species composition also varied with the proportion of EFN‐bearing trees. Therefore, we found that the presence of EFNs not only influences arboreal ants on individual trees but also has a substantial effect on the ant‐EFN network on a broader community scale. The increase in non‐core species site scale reveals that this interaction is unlikely to result in substantially enhanced protection services for EFN‐bearing plants.  相似文献   

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