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Deux nouveaux genres et six espèces nouvelles sont décrits de Guyane française, à savoir: Diplozona emboíiata n. sp., Guianocoris unicolor n. g., n. sp., Lundioides couturíerin. gen, n. sp., Neella guiana n. sp., Phytocorís guianus n. sp. et Phytocorís jugatus n. sp. La nouvelle combinaison Guianocoris ruber (Carvalho & Carpintero 1991a) n. comb, est proposée. Deux espèces sont redécrites et illustrées: Sthenaridea carvalhoi Schuh & Schwartz 1988 et Proboscidotyius nigrosquamis (Maldonado 1969). Les genitalias femelles d’lridopeplus pellucidipennis Bergroth 1910 sont décrits pour la premiere fois, ainsi que le mâle d’Henicocnemis luctuosa (Stål 1860). La variabilité de Monalonion annulipes Signoret 1858 est mise en évidence. Quatorze espèces sont signalées comme nouvelles pour la faune de Guyane: Fuivius bisbistiilatus (Stål 1860), F. satipoensis Carvalho & Costa 1994 Henicocnemis Iuctuosa (Stål 1860), Horcisoides punctatus (Carvalho 1976), Maxacalinus cuiabanus Carvalho 1976, Notholopus coreoides Carvalho 1975, N. cuiabanus Carvalho 1975, Proboscidotyius nigrosquamis (Maldonado 1969), Sthenaridea carvalhoi Schuh & Schwartz 1988, Taedia bananaiensis Carvalho & Costa 1994, T. cajabiana Carvalho 1976, T. coimbrai Carvalho 1975, T. compactoides Carvalho 1975 et T. xinguana Carvalho 1975, ce qui porte la liste provisoire des Miridae du Dèpartement à 46 espèces.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of the tribe Bryocorini based on 68 morphological characters is conducted. Bryocorini are supported as a monophyletic group with Eccritotarsini as their sister taxon. Based on the phylogenetic analysis, we redefine the tribe Bryocorini to contain the following seven genera: Bryocorella Carvalho, 1956, Bryocoris Fallén, 1829, Bryophilocapsus Yasunaga, 2000, Cobalorrhynchus Reuter, 1906 gen. dist., D iplazicoris gen. nov. , Hekista Kirkaldy, 1902, and Monalocoris Dahlbom, 1851. The genus Bryocorella is transferred to Bryocorini from the tribe Eccritotarsini. The subgenus Cobalorrhynchus is treated as a separate genus. Diplazicoris is described as monotypic to accommodate D iplazicoris lombokianus sp. nov. An updated diagnosis of the tribe, a key to genera, and a diagnosis of each recognized genus are presented. Selected photomicrographs, scanning micrographs, and illustrations of the pretarsus, metepisternal scent efferent system, metafemoral trichobothria, and morphology of head, pronotum, and male and female genitalia are provided. Mapping of the host data on the revealed tree shows that Bryocorini represent one of the very few currently known examples of the adaptive radiation of a fairly large insect group on ferns. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

An account is given of several aspects of the morphology of the genera Prionotylus Fieber and Centroplax Horváth. The systematic position of these genera within the family Coreidae and the generic assignment of Prionotylus meridianus Villiers are considered.  相似文献   

Abstract A cladistic analysis is performed for 114 species of Pilophorini, using 73 characters with 190 states. Illustrations or figure references to the literature are provided for most characters. The resultant Nelson (strict) consensus cladogram is used as a justification for the recognition of the following genera: Alepidiella Poppius, Aloea Linnavuori, Druthmarus Distant, Hypseloecus Reuter, Neoambonea Schuh, Parambonea Schuh, Parasthenaridea Miller, Pherolepis Kulik (paraphyletic), Pilophorus Hahn, and Sthenaridea Reuter (paraphylectic). Pilophorus indonesicus is proposed as a replacement name for Bilirania sumatrana Schuh (= Pilophorus ), a secondary homonym of Pilophorus sumatranus Poppius. A list of currently recognized genera and species with summary distributions and host plant associations, and a key to genera are included.
Host associations are plotted on the cladogram to reveal the pattern of host shifts. At the generic level and above, a pattern of colonization, rather than co-evolution, is strongly indicated; at the species level, genera of Pilophorini often show restricted plant-group associations, but no clear pattern of coevolution emerges. Major distributional patterns in the Philophorini are mapped, discussed and compared with historical biogeographic schemes for some other groups. The Pilophorini appear to be of tropical Gondwanan origin with subsequent spread into, and differentiation in, the temperate Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Les vingt-deux espèces actuellement répertoriées dans le genre paléarctique Amblytylus Fieber ont été examinées. Le genre est redéfini principalement d’après les caractères des genitalia mâles. Dix espèces sont maintenues dans le genre: A. albidus (Hahn 1834), A. amoenus Wagner 1958, A. arnoldiorum Kerzhner 1977, A. brevicollis Fieber 1858, A. concolor Jakovlev 1877, A. crassicornis Wagner 1964, A. jani Fieber 1858, A. montanus Wagner 1974, A. nasutus (Kirschbaum 1856), A. peitho Linnavuori 1997; toutefois, A. amoenus est considérée comme incertae sedis et A. jani comme nomen dubium. Deux espèces sont transférées dans le genre Megalocoleus Reuter: Megalocoleus delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb., Megalocoleus tarsalis (Reuter 1894) n. comb. Dix espèces sont mises en synonymie; soit avec une espèce d’Amblytylus: A. similis Wagner 1971 n. syn. de A. albidus (Hahn 1834); A. gregarius Linnavuori 1961 n. syn. de A. brevicollis Fieber 1868; A. vittiger Reuter 1899 n. syn., A. longicornis Wagner 1953 n. syn. et A. eckerleini Wagner 1964 n. syn. de A. concolor Jakovlev 1877; soit avec une espèce de Megalocoleus: A. erectus Wagner 1971 n. syn. de M. longirostris (Fieber 1861); A. glaucicollis Kerzhner 1977 n. syn. de M. exanguis (Herrich-Schaeffer 1835); A. macedonicus Wagner 1956 n. syn. de M. naso (Reuter 1879) n. comb.; A. luridus Hoberlandt 1961 n. syn. et A. scutellaris Horvath 1905 n. syn. de M. delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb. Un lectotype est désigné pour quatre espèces (Lopus nasutus Kirshbaum, Amblytylus vanduzeei Blatchey, Amblytylus scutellaris Horváth, Capsus delicatus Perris). Une clé d’identification pratique bilingue (français et anglais) basée surtout sur des caractères externes tente de séparer les espèces d’Amblytylus. Une clé révisée des espèces de Megalocoleus est également fournie. Les deux genres Amblytylus et Megalocoleus, très semblables par l’habitus, restent difficiles à définir. Seules les plantes-hôtes - des Poaceae chez les Amblytylus, des Asteraceae chez les Megalocoleus - et dans une moindre mesure la vesica pourvue de deux processus apicaux (Amblytylus) ou d’un seul (Megalocoleus) semble indiquer l’existence de deux groupes d’espèces distincts.  相似文献   

Cano merinus gen. et sp. n., belonging to the tribe Augilini Baker, is described from Madagascar. Tubilustrium typicum Distant, 1916 is transferred from the tribe Ommatidiotini Fieber to the tribe Augilini. Lasonia kirkaldyi Melichar, 1903 is transferred from the family Issidae to the family Caliscelidae, tribe Adenissini Dlabola. A key to the tribes of the subfamily Ommatidiotinae is provided.  相似文献   

The genus, Cladispa Baly 1858, is transferred from the tribe Imatidiini (= Cephaloleiini Chapuis, 1875) to Spilophorini Chapuis, 1875 based on the review of type material, newly collected specimens and molecular phylogenetic analysis. The type species, C. quadrimaculata Baly, 1858, is redescribed, and two new species, C. amboroensis sp.n. from Bolivia (Santa Cruz Department) and C. ecuadorica sp.n. from Ecuador (Pastaza Province), are described and figured. The morphology of C. amboroensis sp.n. immature stages is broadly consistent with other Spilophorini. Field observations document that both C. quadrimaculata and C. amboroensis sp.n. are trophic specialists on Orchideaceae. Keys to Cladispa species and Spilophorini genera are provided. Trophic associations of other Cassidinae and Orchideaceae are discussed. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:42A1ECF3‐2030‐4938‐8F3D‐FE7EC36F303A  相似文献   

报道奥盲蝽属Orthops Fieber共4种,对锈褐奥盲蝽O.ferrugineus(Reuter)和纹头奥盲蝽O.viticeps(Reuter)提供了补充鉴别特征,为黑唇厘盲蝽Liistonotus melatostoma(Reuter)首次提供雄性外生殖器特征。记述2新种:香榧硕丽盲蝽Macrolygus torreyae Zheng,sp.nov.,模式产地为浙江建德,吸食香榧幼果,造成危害,双纹猥盲蝽Tinginotum bilineatum Zheng,Sp.nov。模式产地为海南吊罗山,记载中国新纪录5种:点缘拟猥盲蝽Argenis incisuratus(Walker,1873),带胸猥盲蝽Tinginotum perlatum linnavuori,1961,马来皱斑盲蝽Hyqlopeplinus malayensis Carvalho et Gross,1979,尖角透翅盲蝽Hyalopeplus(Hyalopeplus)clavatus Distant,1909,班楔透翅盲蝽Hyalopeplus(Adhyalopeplus)similis(Poppius,1912),模式标本除注明者外,均存南开大学生物系标本室。  相似文献   

Taxonomic schemes for the Heteroderinae Filip'ev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941, sensu Luc et al., (1988) have been unstable due to the large number of genera and the paucity of known reliable characters. Reliable characters are essential when using phylogenetic inference in developing a natural classification. Morphological and developmental studies using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy have revealed the new characters of host response, en face patterns, phasmid structure and female cuticular layers. These techniques also gave us insight into the homoplasy and polarity of many characters, revealed previously undetected character states and clarified misinterpreted character states. A matrix with the 19 most reliable characters is proposed for 20 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and we employ this matrix for comparing computer generated phylogenetic analyses of the PHYLIP and PAUP packages. PAUP was deemed the more reliable parsimony algorithm for phylogenetic analysis of the Heteroderinae (Fink, 1986; Platnick, 1987). Monophyly of Atalodera + Sherodera + Thecavermiculatus (tribe Ataloderini), and Cactodera + Heterodera + Afenestrata, as well as Punctodera + Globodera + Dolichodera is supported by both programs. Most importantly, analyses strongly support monophyly of all cyst-forming genera (tribe Heteroderini) contrary to previous hypotheses of repeated evolution of the cyst (Wouts, 1985). In addition, monophyly of the Heteroderini with the Ataloderini is demonstrated. PAUP indicates monophyly of Sarisodera + Rhizonema + Bellodera + Hylonema and Ekphymatodera (tribe Sarisoderini new rank). Monophyly of the Sarisoderini was at first only weakly supported, but, subsequently, the reduced width of the submedial lips of second stage juveniles and males was recognized as a synapomorphy which strengthened subsequent PAUP trees and monophyly of the tribe. The present study rejects as paraphyletic or polyphyletic several previously proposed combinations, including Thecavermiculatus sequoiae (versus Rhizonema sequoiae), Sarisodera africana (versus Afenestrata africana), Dolichodera andinus (versus Thecavermiculatus andinus). The question whether T. andinus is a distinct genus, was not resolved due to insufficient data. PAUP supports our previous observations that Cactodera betulae is intermediate in a transformation series between other Cactodera and Heterodera: it also indicates these species as bring monophyletic with Heterodera + Afenestrata, but not with other Cactodera. Although these phylogenetic analyses strongly support some relationships, they indicate unresolved alternative hypotheses for others. Meloidodera (tribe Meloidoderini) and Cryphodera (tribe Cryphoderini) must be investigated for consideration of a possible synapomorphy not included in the present data matrix. Future studies are proposed to more clearly define the monophyly of the Heteroderini, as well as the Sarisoderini. Tests are also proposed to clarify questions of the monophyly of Verutus (tribe Verutini new rank) with the Heteroderinae versus other Tylenchida.  相似文献   

The Korean planthopper tribe Zoraidini is revised taxonomically. Five genera are recognized in the Korean fauna: Diostrombus Uhler, 1896, Losbanosia Muir, 1917, Pamendanga Distant, 1906, Shirakiana Metcalf, 1945, Zoraida Kirkaldy, 1900. Among them, the genus Shirakiana is recorded for the first time in Korea. Nine species, four of which are recognized new to Korea: S. infumata (Matsumura), Z. koannania Matsumura, Z. hubeiensis Chou et Huang, and Z. kuwayamae (Matsumura). Previous record of one species, Z. pterophoroides (Westwood, 1851), is removed from the list of Korean fauna because it was erroneously reported, based on a misidentification. All species are described and illustrated, and identification keys to genera and species are provided.  相似文献   

A remarkable new genus of tribe Opsiini (Deltocephalinae), Yinformibus gen. nov. including Yinformibus menglaensis sp. nov. is described from Yunnan of China. The new genus is placed in the tribe Opsiini based on male adults having a pair of aedeagal shafts, each with its own gonopore. Partial 28S rDNA and Histone H3 sequences are provided for the new species, and a phylogenetic analysis based on these markers for Deltocephalinae retrieved from GenBank suggests Opsiini is monophyletic and supports the placement of Yinformibus gen. nov. in Opsiini. The molecular results placed the new genus in a clade comprising Hishimonus Ishihara, Opsius Fieber, and an undescribed genus from Zambia. Additionally, we also analysed the relationships of Yinformibus gen. nov. with other genera based on morphology.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:85C23AC3-8B19-4F29-9F55-BFC392242B51  相似文献   

The classification of the hyperdiverse true bug family Miridae is far from settled, and is particularly contentious for the cosmopolitan subfamily Bryocorinae. The morphological diversity within the subfamily is pronounced, and a lack of explicit character formulation hampers stability in the classification. Molecular partitions are few and only a handful of taxa have been sequenced. In this study the phylogeny of the subfamily Bryocorinae has been analysed based on morphological data alone, with an emphasis on evaluating the tribe Dicyphina sensu Schuh, 1976, within which distinct groups of taxa exist. A broad sample of taxa was examined from each of the bryocorine tribes. A broad range of outgroup taxa from most of the other mirid subfamilies was also examined to test for bryocorine monophyly, ingroup relationships and to determine character polarity. In total a matrix comprising 44 ingroup, 15 outgroup taxa and 111 morphological characters was constructed. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in a monophyletic subfamily Bryocorinae sensu Schuh (1976, 1995), except for the genus Palaucoris, which is nested within Cylapinae. The tribe Dicyphini sensu Schuh (1976, 1995) has been rejected. The subtribe Odoniellina is synonymized with the subtribe Monaloniina and the subtribes Dicyphina, Monaloniina and Eccritotarsina are now elevated to tribal level, with the Dicyphini now restricted in composition and definition. The genus Felisacus is highly autapomorphic and a new tribe – the Felisacini – is erected for the included taxa. This phylogeny of the tribes of the Bryocorinae comprises the following sister‐group relationships: Dicyphini ((Bryocorini + Eccritotarsini)(Felisicini + Monaloniini)).  相似文献   

The tribe Colpopterini Gnezdilov, 2003 is revised, upgraded to the subfamily Colpopterinae, stat. n., and transferred from the family Issidae Spinola to Nogodinidae Melichar. The tribe Colpopterini is recorded from the Afrotropical Region for the first time—Bumerangum deckerti gen. et sp. n. is described from Southern Africa. The tribe Colpopterini s. str. comprises 6 genera: Bumerangum gen. n., Caudibeccus Gnezdilov et O’Brien, 2008, Colpoptera Burmeister, 1835, Jamaha Gnezdilov et O’Brien, 2008, Neocolpoptera Dozier, 1931, and Ugoa Fennah, 1945. The genera Cheiloceps Uhler, 1895, Tempsa Stål, 1866, Eupilis Walker, 1857, and Gabaloeca Walker, 1870 are transferred to the tribe Issini Spinola of the family Issidae. Issus longulus Lethierry, 1890 is transferred to the genus Colpoptera Burmeister. A key to the genera and a list of the species of the tribe Colpopterini are given. Morphological data confirming independent evolution of similar ovipositor types in the families Issidae and Nogodinidae are provided. The term “styletization” is suggested for describing the transformation of the ovipositor from a rounded to an elongate type.  相似文献   

A new subtribe, Xenopsina subtr. n., comprising the Oriental genera Xenopsis Saunders, 1867, Sommaia Toyama, 1985, Kurosawaxia Descarpentries, 1986 (all genera transferred from Polyctesini), and Theryola Nelson, 1997, stat. n. (transferred from subtribe Polycestina), is established in the tribe Polycestini Lacordaire, 1857. Analysis of morphological characters has not supported the separation of the Polyctesioid lineage which was established on the ground of antennal sensory organ arrangement (Volkovitsh, 2001), and the tribes Thrincopygini, Polyctesini, and the Chrysophana group are transferred to the Polycestioid lineage. Polycesta (Theryola) Nelson, 1997 is upgraded to the generic level; the generic name Paraxenopsis Cobos, 1980 is synonymized with Xenopsis Saunders, 1867. Xenopsis woodleyi (Malaysia), X. violaceocyanea (Malaysia), X. kubani (Laos), X. pacholatkoi (Thailand, Laos), and Sommaia kalabi (Myanmar) spp. n. are described, compared, and illustrated. Keys to the genera of Xenopsina subtr. n. and to the species of Xenopsis and Sommaia are presented. Diagnostic characters of Xenopsina, Polyctesini, and Polycestini are discussed. Original Russian Text ? M.G. Volkovitsh, 2008, published in Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 2008, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 627–649.  相似文献   

The systematic position and hierarchical level of the moth taxon Diptychini Janse (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), the cycad moths, has remained controversial. This is partly due to their unique morphological and biological characteristics. To study the systematics, comprehensive molecular analyses of eight genes, in total 6157 bp, were carried out. We used Bayesian inference to construct phylogenetic trees. The first analysis (46 Geometridae and 7 non‐Geometridae taxa, representing all recently recognised Geometridae subfamilies) demonstrated that the Diptychini belong to the Geometridae subfamily Ennominae. The second analysis, focused on the Ennominae (70 taxa, representing 28 of 30 recently recognised Ennominae tribes worldwide), found that the Diptychini are nested well within the Ennominae; it is monophyletic and associated with the complex of southern Hemisphere Nacophorini, refuting many of the earlier hypotheses about Diptychini relationships. The Diptychini are considered tentatively valid at the tribe level, but relationships with the Nacophorini and the Lithinini need further research. The molecular findings were evaluated from a morphological point of view, which are mostly in agreement with the molecular results. The Diptychini genera are illustrated and characterised using morphological and life‐history traits. Within the Diptychini, three genera are considered valid. Durbana Warren (described in 1904) is proposed as a junior synonym of Veniliodes Warren (described in 1894) ( n.syn. ). Monotypic Larentioides Prout is combined with the tribe Lithinini ( n.comb .). Homonymy of Diptychini Mirza (described in 1991) (Pisces: Cyprinidae, Schizothoracinae) with Diptychini Janse (described in 1933) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae) is noted, the former requiring a replacement name.  相似文献   

In this study, we revise the lace bugs (family Tingidae) from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan (also known as the “Oriental Galapagos”). Three species belonging to two endemic genera are recognized: Acanthomoplax tomokunii gen. et sp. nov. , Omoplax desecta (Horváth, 1912), and O. majorcarinae Guilbert, 2001. A key to species is provided to facilitate the identification of Ogasawaran lace bugs.  相似文献   

A total of 56 morphological characters were analyzed for 53 cirrospiline species that represent all of the 17 described genera of the tribe. The other taxa of the Eulophinae included in the analysis were six species of six representative genera in the tribe Eulophini, a species of Elasmus (the only genus comprising the tribe Elasmini), and a species of Trichospilus (unplaced). Trichospilus and two of the six genera of Eulophini examined were placed within Cirrospilini. Monophyly of Cirrospilini (when these two genera of Eulophini and Trichospilus are included) and of the cirrospiline genera for which more than one species were examined was supported, but the relationships between the genera were poorly resolved. An exception was Cirrospilus, the largest genus in the Cirrospilini, monophyly of which was not supported to any extent.  相似文献   

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