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从海南产见血封喉(Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch.)种子的乙醇提取物中分离得到7个强心苷类化合物,通过波谱分析(NMR, MS, IR等),鉴定其结构分别为:杠柳苷元(1)、见血封喉阿洛糖苷(2)、见血封喉去氧阿洛糖苷(3)、毒毛旋花子苷元(4)、毒毛旋花子阿洛糖苷(5)、毒毛旋花子爪哇糖苷(6)和去葡萄糖桂竹香毒苷(7)。化合物7为首次从见血封喉种子中分离得到。细胞毒活性测试结果表明,化合物1~7均对慢性髓原白血病细胞(K562)、人胃癌细胞(SGC-7901)和人肝癌细胞(SMMC-7721)的增殖有较强的生长抑制活性。  相似文献   

从见血封喉的分布看广东省热带与亚热带的界线划分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广东省的热带与亚热带的分界线按不同的划分标准,大致已有4条分界线。见血封喉(Antiaris toxicaria)是一个典型的热带种类,它在广东的分布北限,一直被认为是广东热带的最北界限。根据最近在广东发现的见血封喉4个新分布点,通过分析见血封喉的生态学特性和地理分布特征,同时参考热带界线划分的标准与原则,讨论并尝试重新界定广东省的热带与亚热带分界线。  相似文献   

箭毒木种子蛋白质样品制备及双向电泳改良方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立箭毒木(Antiaris toxicaria)种子总蛋白的提取方法,以及可以对其蛋白质组进行分析的双向电泳条件。通过各种条件的优化与组合,建立了以TCA-丙酮为基础的Tris—HCl提取法提取总蛋白,第1向电泳为固相pH梯度等电聚焦,第2向电泳为垂直平板SDS-PAGE的双向电泳体系。通过对样品制备、样品溶解、等电聚焦电泳、SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳以及染色方法等关键步骤进行分析,获得了满意的双向电泳图谱。在探索适合箭毒木种子蛋白质组学研究双向电泳方法中,比较了三氯乙酸-丙酮沉淀法、和Tris—HCl法,以及对双向电泳过程中的关键步骤的改良,认为Tris—HCl法为最适方法,所得图谱背景清晰,蛋白质信息量最大,为箭毒木属植物的差异蛋白质组学的后续研究打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Abstract: For eleven tree species, differing in seed mass, germination success (emergence success for two small-seeded species) and the causes of failure to germinate were studied in the forest understorey and in logging gaps in the tropical rain forests of Guyana. In the forest understorey, germination success increased with seed mass. However, as gap size increased the difference between smaller and larger seeded species diminished because germination success of smaller-seeded species increased slightly, while that of larger-seeded species decreased dramatically. The negative effect of gap size on germination success of larger-seeded species was caused by an increased risk of desiccation with gap size, which was a far more important seed mortality agent for larger than for smaller-seeded species. Generally, seeds of smaller-seeded species suffered more from insect predation and were removed at higher rates than larger-seeded species. On the other hand, larger-seeded species were eaten more by mammals than smaller-seeded species. It is concluded that logging can result in shifts in the species composition in the tropical rain forests of Guyana which are dominated by species with large seeds, since germination success of larger-seeded species is dramatically reduced in large logging gaps.  相似文献   

The relationships among desiccation sensitivities of Antiaris toxicaria seeds and axes, changes in activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and dehydroascorbate reductase, (TBA)-reactive substance were studied. Desiccation tolerance of seeds and axes decreased with dehydration. Desiccation tolerance of axes was higher than that of seeds, and that of epicotyls was higher than radicles. Activities of SOD, CAT and DHAR of seeds increased during the initial phase of dehydration, and then decreased with further dehydration, whereas activities of APX and GR decreased with dehydration. These five enzyme activities of axes, however, increased during the initial phase of dehydration, and then decreased with further dehydration. The rate of superoxide radical production, and the contents of H2O2 and TBA-reactive products of seeds and axes gradually increased with dehydration. These results show that the A. toxicaria seed is a typical recalcitrant seed. Loss of desiccation tolerance in seeds and axes was correlated with activities of seeds and axes.  相似文献   

研究了四川大头萘6个分布地,7个地理种群种子大小变异特征、种子萌发及幼苗发育特征。结果表明,种子大小地理变异,南方种群种子变异较大,北方种上对较小,云南文山的种子最大最重,广西阳塑最轻最小,且最重约为最轻的2~3倍,不同种群种子萌发率也存在差异。南方种子差异较大,北方种子差异较小,大种子普遍有较高萌发率。种子太小小对苗生长速率、苗高、生物量(鲜重)有明显影响。  相似文献   

Although forest and savanna biomes predominate in tropics regions, the factors that control their distribution remain unclear. South American savannas occur in regions that are considered warm and humid enough to support forests, indicating that agents other than climate determine the occurrence of one or the other physiognomy. Herbivory, fire and water deficit have been considered environmental filters that limit the forest species encroachment in savanna physiognomies, but the effects of these filters on the capability of these species to recruit from seeds remain poorly understood. In this study we investigated how stress factors characteristic of savanna environments, such as soil desiccation, heat shocks and high temperatures affect the survival and germination of seeds from savanna and forest tree species. We found that desiccation (to 5%) reduced the germination percentage of forest seeds, but had no effect on the germination of savanna seeds. Forest seeds were less tolerant to heat shocks of 140°C and 200°C, and showed lower germination percentage at temperatures of 35 and 40°C, when compared with savanna seeds. Savanna seeds presented longer germination times and higher germination variance than forest seeds, indicating a risk‐spreading germination strategy among savanna species. The low tolerance of forest seeds to desiccation, heat shock and high temperatures may explain the low recruitment of forest trees into savanna physiognomies. Climate change models predict lower soil moisture, higher temperatures and higher fires frequency for South America biomes. Our results suggest that savanna species are likely to be more capable of withstanding the effects of these changes than forest species.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid bioassay using seeds of Lactuca sativa L. Grand Rapids has been developed for the detection of germination-enhancing compound(s) in plant-derived smoke extracts. This light-sensitive species germinates within 24 h in the dark at 20 or 25°C and shows responsiveness to smoke-derived extracts over a wide concentration range. For some seed lots where the P fr level is high and germination in the dark is unacceptably high, a brief (10 min) exposure to far-red light, one hour after the start of imbibition in the dark, is necessary to clearly demonstrate biological activity in the smoke extracts.  相似文献   

生长素调控种子的休眠与萌发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帅海威  孟永杰  罗晓峰  陈锋  戚颖  杨文钰  舒凯 《遗传》2016,38(4):314-322
植物种子的休眠与萌发,是植物生长发育过程中的关键阶段,也是生命科学领域的研究热点。种子从休眠向萌发的转换是极为复杂的生物学过程,由外界环境因子、体内激素含量及信号传导和若干关键基因协同调控。大量研究表明,植物激素脱落酸(Abscisic acid, ABA)和赤霉素(Gibberellin acid, GA)是调控种子休眠水平,决定种子从休眠转向萌发的主要内源因子。ABA与GA在含量和信号传导两个层次上的精确平衡,确保了植物种子能以休眠状态在逆境中存活,并在适宜的时间启动萌发程序。生长素(Auxin)是经典植物激素之一,其对向性生长和组织分化等生物学过程的调控已有大量研究。但最近有研究证实,生长素对种子休眠有正向调控作用,这表明生长素是继ABA之后的第二个促进种子休眠的植物激素。本文在回顾生长素的发现历程、阐释生长素体内合成途径及信号传导通路的基础上,重点综述了生长素通过与ABA的协同作用调控种子休眠的分子机制,并对未来的研究热点进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰化感作用对9种草本植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】紫茎泽兰是一种入侵我国的世界性恶性杂草,给当地的农、林、畜牧业生产造成严重的经济损失,使生态环境面临"绿色灾难"。紫茎泽兰的化感作用是其成功入侵的重要原因,其化感物质对当地植物的生长具有明显的抑制作用。【方法】利用培养皿滤纸法研究了紫茎泽兰叶片水提液对9种草本植物种子萌发的影响,这些植物包括紫茎泽兰入侵早期直接与之竞争的云南草本植物:鲁梅克斯、高丹红、鸭茅(安巴)、苕子、胡枝子,以及为替代控制紫茎泽兰而引进的外来优良牧草:紫花苜蓿(敖汉)、白三叶(海发)、红三叶、黑麦草(速达)。【结果】紫茎泽兰叶片提取液对9种受体植物种子萌发均具有化感作用。低浓度提取液对受体植物的化感作用较弱(对部分植物种子萌发有促进作用);高浓度提取液对受体植物的化感作用较强,且能降低种子发芽率及发芽速率,其中,发芽速率对化感作用更敏感。不同植物对紫茎泽兰化感作用的敏感程度不同,鲁梅克斯、鸭茅和苕子对紫茎泽兰的化感作用较敏感;黑麦草、胡枝子和高丹红最不敏感;紫花苜蓿、红三叶和白三叶对低浓度紫茎泽兰叶片水提液不敏感,对高浓度提取液较敏感。【结论与意义】不同植物种子对紫茎泽兰化感作用的敏感性存在差异,研究结果有利于了解紫茎泽兰成功入侵的机制,并可为筛选具有替代控制潜力的优良牧草奠定基础。  相似文献   

王宁  刘俊娥  周正朝 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7464-7474
生物土壤结皮(BSC)在陆地生态系统中具有重要的生态地位,尤其是旱地生态系统中,BSC占据了种子植物之间的广阔地面。因此,BSC的发展必然影响种子植物更新过程与植被空间格局;但其作用方式、影响程度等因相关研究涉及多气候要素、土壤类型、BSC组成物种和种子植物物种的差异及其不同组合,导致目前的研究结论存在广泛争议。研究综合论述了BSC改变地表微形态对种子传播过程的影响;BSC改变土壤特性(物理、化学、生物学)对种子萌发和幼苗存活与建植等关键环节的影响;并结合种子形态特征及种子萌发、幼苗建植的性状等,综合分析了BSC对种子传播、种子萌发与幼苗建植等更新过程的潜在影响机理;探讨了目前研究矛盾性结论产生的原因。总体来说,深入研究并全面揭示BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,应加强学科交叉,将分子生物学、植物生理学、生物化学等微观研究,与遥感、野外生态因子过程监测、控制实验等宏观、中观研究结合,从机理到过程方面动态研究BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,并引入水文模型、气候模型、种群动态模型等模型预测方法,研究气候变化、各类干扰频发的情景下,BSC对种子传播、萌发及幼苗建植过程的潜在影响,以期促进对BSC与种子植物间相互关系的研究,加深对干旱脆弱生态系统植被发展规律的认识。  相似文献   

Smaller seeds might encounter more severe selective pressure than larger ones because they have fewer food reserves and are more easily buried; thus, seed mass can be considered to be directly related to the effect of light on germination. To investigate the effect of light on seed germination and associated seed mass variation within a whole plant community, we compiled germination data for common herbaceous species from an alpine meadow on the eastern Qinghai‐Tibet plateau. The results showed the following. (i) Light had a general positive effect on seed germination. Under light, the proportion of species with lower germinability was decreased, mean germination percentage was increased by 20% and the speed of germination was doubled. (ii) Irrespective of light environment, species with medium‐sized seeds (seed mass ranging from 0.11 to 0.5 mg) had higher germination percentage and speed when compared with species within the largest seed mass group. (iii) The germination of smaller‐seeded species was more dependent on light stimulation than larger‐seeded ones. In darkness, the species within the smallest seed mass group had the lowest percentage and speed of germination; however, under light, the species within the largest seed mass group had the lowest percentage and speed of germination. Our results suggested that the germination characteristics and especially seeds’ response to light among species in the alpine meadow might be an adaptation to natural selective pressure.  相似文献   

Abstract. A mathematical model which describes the germination percentage dependency on time and temperature of a seed population was derived from the experimental results with a seed population of Amaranthus patulus Bertol. under sub-optimal temperature conditions (Washitani & Takenaka, 1984). The equation of the model which is a modified thermal time model is where G is germination percentage at a certain time after the start of imbibition ( t ) at a certain temperature ( T ), μ T 1 and σ T 1 are the mean and standard deviation of lower limit temperature among the seeds belonging to the seed population, and Tb, m , and A are the parameters characterizing the linear relationship between the rate and temperature, namely, Tb is the base temperature, m , the median of the required thermal time and A , a parameter determining the pattern of the variation of the required thermal time within seed population, respectively. The equation yields time courses for germination which are very similar to those observed by experiment.  相似文献   

Seed was obtained from two adjacent trials of wheat (cv. Avalon) and triticale (cv. Lasko) harvested in 1990. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of five levels of spring nitrogen (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg N ha-1) with fungicide treatments designed to control foliar diseases. Seed was graded by size into different fractions. Application of foliar fungicides to the parent plant increased the proportion of large seed in wheat but not in triticale. Fungicide application had no effect on seed vigour (quantified as the value of K; after controlled deterioration), final germination, median germination time (t50) or rate of germination. Parent plant nutrition altered the proportions of seed in different size categories in triticale and wheat. In laboratory germination tests, final germination of wheat increased with seed size. Large (> 3.0 mm diameter) wheat seed from plots receiving 50 kg N ha“1 had a lower final germination than large seed from plots which had received greater amounts of nitrogen, but t50 and K; were similar for all nitrogen levels. In triticale, the higher the seed weight, the higher the final germination, the faster the rate and the higher the Ki. Final germination, t50 and K;, were all positively correlated with the amount of nitrogen received by the parent plants. Parent plant nutrition had no effect on the response to temperature of final germination, t50, or rate of germination for large or small seeds of both wheat and triticale.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is an adaptive trait in plants. Breaking seed dormancy determines the timing of germination and is, thereby essential for ensuring plant survival and agricultural production. Seed dormancy and the subsequent germination are controlled by both internal cues (mainly hormones) and environmental signals. In the past few years, the roles of plant hormones in regulating seed dormancy and germination have been uncovered. However, we are only beginning to understand how light signaling pathways modulate seed dormancy and interaction with endogenous hormones. In this review, we summarize current views of the molecular mechanisms by which light controls the induction, maintenance and release of seed dormancy, as well as seed germination, by regulating hormone metabolism and signaling pathways.  相似文献   

研究了盐度(0、0.02、0.04和0.08 mol·L~(-1))和黑松母树大小对山东半岛北部海防林的主要造林树种黑松种子萌发和幼苗早期生长的影响.结果表明:盐度对黑松种子的发芽率有显著影响,随着NaCl浓度的升高,种子萌发率逐渐下降;盐分抑制黑松幼苗的早期生长,随着盐浓度升高,黑松幼苗的根长、芽长及根干质量均显著降低;母树大小在总体上对种子萌发率没有影响,但显著影响黑松幼苗的根长、芽长和芽干质量;盐度和母树大小的相互作用显著影响黑松幼苗的根长和芽长.而对黑松种子萌发率、幼苗根干质量和芽干质量的影响不显著.
Pinus thunbergii is the main forestation tree species of coastal protection forests in northern Shandong Peninsula of China. Its seed germination and seedling early growth were stud-ied under the conditions of different water salinity (0, 0. 02, 0. 04, and 0. 08 mol·L~(-1)) and mother tree sizes. With increasing sea water salinity, the seed germination rate, root-and plu-mule length, and the dry weights of root and plumule decreased significantly. Mother tree size had little effects on the seed germination rate, but affected the root-and plumule length and the plumule dry weight significantly. The interaction of sea water salinity and mother tree size affect-ed the root-and plumule length significantly, but less affected the germination rate and the dry weights of root and plumule.  相似文献   

Abstract. The cardinal temperatures, rate of germination and final percentage germination of pearl millet seeds were measured for seeds raised in greenhouses maintained at mean air temperatures of 19, 22, 25, 28 and 31°C. The results showed that cardinal temperatures for germination are unaffected by the temperature during seed development and growth. However, the conditions during seed growth did affect seed size and, subsequently, germination rate and seed viability.  相似文献   

城市绿化树种的滞尘效应——以哈尔滨市为例   总被引:115,自引:10,他引:115  
提出以植物材料的滞尘功能作为城市绿地设计中重要依据 ,对哈尔滨市 2 8个树种进行滞尘测定和叶表电镜扫描 ,结果表明 ,不同的树种滞尘量差异显著 ,树种之间的滞尘能力可相差 2~ 3倍以上 .常绿针叶树种中 ,红皮云杉、杜松是优良的滞尘树种 ,4周后滞尘分别达到 5 .7和 4.4g·m-2 .落叶阔叶树种中 ,银中杨、金银忍冬、山桃稠李是优良的阔叶滞尘树种 ,两周后滞尘分别达到 1.9、2 .0和 2 .45 g·m-2 .电镜观察发现 ,叶表皮具沟状组织、密集纤毛的树种滞尘能力强 ,叶表皮具瘤状或疣状突起的树种滞尘能力差 ,并结合滞尘测定对滞尘方式进行了讨论 .  相似文献   

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