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Demographic parameters were estimated for snow petrels Pagodroma nivea nesting at the study colony of Reeve Hill near Casey station, Antarctica between 1984 and 2003. Average breeding success for the colony varied from 18.2% to 76.5%. Breeding effort, hatching and fledging success were subject to a high interannual variability. We examined the influence of regional sea-ice extent on the breeding performance of snow petrels at Reeve Hill. Fewer birds were breeding when sea-ice had been extensive during April–May. Overall breeding success and fledging success were improved during years with extensive sea-ice cover in winter. Successful breeding effort and breeding success were depressed when there was extensive sea-ice cover during January–February. Sea surface temperatures also correlated to snow petrel breeding performance parameters. Previous work showed that large-scale climatic events (ENSO, Antarctic circumpolar wave) and the related sea-ice cover around the Antarctic might affect the lower trophic levels of the marine environment and consequently food availability for snow petrels. A comparison with the long-term study conducted at Ile des Pétrels (Terre Adélie) suggests that despite similarities in the underlying biological processes that control snow petrel breeding performance, the nature of the correlation of large-scale environmental factors with breeding performance differs substantially between the two colonies, probably because of the confounding effects of other environmental factors acting at a local scale (local weather, nest quality), which also affect bird body condition.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of elevated CO2 (eCO2; 800 ppm) on terrestrial ecosystems is a central theme in global change biology, but relatively little is known about how altered plant C and N metabolism influences higher levels of biological organization. Here, we investigate the consequences of C and N interactions by genetically modifying the N-assimilation pathway in Arabidopsis and initiating growth chamber and mesocosm competition studies at current CO2 (cCO2; 400 ppm) and eCO2 over multiple generations. Using a suite of ecological, physiological, and molecular genomic tools, we show that a single-gene mutant of a key enzyme (nia2) elicited a highly orchestrated buffering response starting with a fivefold increase in the expression of a gene paralog (nia1) and a 63% increase in the expression of gene network module enriched for N-assimilation genes. The genetic perturbation reduced amino acids, protein, and TCA-cycle intermediate concentrations in the nia2 mutant compared to the wild-type, while eCO2 mainly increased carbohydrate concentrations. The mutant had reduced net photosynthetic rates due to a 27% decrease in carboxylation capacity and an 18% decrease in electron transport rates. The expression of these buffering mechanisms resulted in a penalty that negatively correlated with fitness and population dynamics yet showed only minor alterations in our estimates of population function, including total per unit area biomass, ground cover, and leaf area index. This study provides insight into the consequences of buffering mechanisms that occur post-genetic perturbations in the N pathway and the associated outcomes these buffering systems have on plant populations relative to eCO2.  相似文献   

For almost a decade, in vitro selection experiments have been used to isolate novel nucleic acids, peptides and proteins according to their function. Selection experiments have altered our perception of molecular mimicry and catalysis, and they appear to be more facile than rational design at generating biopolymers with desired properties. New methods that have been developed improve the power of functional strategies in ways that nature has already discovered - by expanding library size and facilitating the recombination of positive mutations. Recent structural information on a number of selected and evolved molecules highlights future challenges for design via rational approaches.  相似文献   

Similarities and differences in foraging behaviour between first and third instar Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek (Fabaceae) (mung bean) were determined by frequent, repeated observation of insects on whole plants. The time apportioned to feeding, resting and searching by these two larval instars differed. Third instars were often found feeding on exposed areas of the plant and, if in the terminal parts, would leave these areas more frequently than first instars. Third instars fed at fewer sites and spent less time searching and resting, fed in longer bouts and spent 20% more time feeding than first instars. Although both instars tended to move upwards to the top of the plant, this applied to approximately half of the third instars observed compared to all of the first instars. First instars were found to have a higher relative growth rate than third instars. The results show that it cannot be assumed that first instars are just smaller versions of late instars.  相似文献   

Long-lived birds often face a dilemma between self-maintenance and reproduction. In order to maximize fitness, some seabird parents alternate short trips to collect food for offspring with long trips for self-feeding (bimodal foraging strategy). In this study, we examined whether temporal and spatial variation in the quality of foraging grounds affect provisioning and fledging success of a long-lived, bimodal forager, the little auk (Alle alle), the most abundant seabird species in the Arctic ecosystem. We predicted that an increase in sea surface temperature (SST), with an associated decrease in the preferred Arctic zooplankton prey, would increase foraging trip durations, decrease chick provisioning rates and decrease chick fledging success. Chick provisioning and survival were observed during three consecutive years (2008–2010) at two colonies with variable foraging conditions in Spitsbergen: Isfjorden and Magdalenefjorden. We found that a change in SST (range 1.6–5.4 °C) did not influence trip durations or provisioning rates. SST was, however, negatively correlated with the number of prey items delivered to a chick. Furthermore, provisioning rates did not influence chick’s probability to fledge; instead, SST was also negatively correlated with fledging probability. This was likely related to the prey availability and quality in the little auk’s foraging grounds. Our findings suggest that predicted warmer climate in the Arctic will negatively influence the ability of parents to provide their chicks, and consequently, the fledging prospects of little auk chicks.  相似文献   

Astrocytic energetics of excitatory neurotransmission is controversial due to discrepant findings in different experimental systems in vitro and in vivo. The energy requirements of glutamate uptake are believed by some researchers to be satisfied by glycolysis coupled with shuttling of lactate to neurons for oxidation. However, astrocytes increase glycogenolysis and oxidative metabolism during sensory stimulation in vivo, indicating that other sources of energy are used by astrocytes during brain activation. Furthermore, glutamate uptake into cultured astrocytes stimulates glutamate oxidation and oxygen consumption, and glutamate maintains respiration as well as glucose. The neurotransmitter pool of glutamate is associated with the faster component of total glutamate turnover in vivo, and use of neurotransmitter glutamate to fuel its own uptake by oxidation-competent perisynaptic processes has two advantages, substrate is supplied concomitant with demand, and glutamate spares glucose for use by neurons and astrocytes. Some, but not all, perisynaptic processes of astrocytes in adult rodent brain contain mitochondria, and oxidation of only a small fraction of the neurotransmitter glutamate taken up into these structures would be sufficient to supply the ATP required for sodium extrusion and conversion of glutamate to glutamine. Glycolysis would, however, be required in perisynaptic processes lacking oxidative capacity. Three lines of evidence indicate that critical cornerstones of the astrocyte-to-neuron lactate shuttle model are not established and normal brain does not need lactate as supplemental fuel: (i) rapid onset of hemodynamic responses to activation delivers oxygen and glucose in excess of demand, (ii) total glucose utilization greatly exceeds glucose oxidation in awake rodents during activation, indicating that the lactate generated is released, not locally oxidized, and (iii) glutamate-induced glycolysis is not a robust phenotype of all astrocyte cultures. Various metabolic pathways, including glutamate oxidation and glycolysis with lactate release, contribute to cellular energy demands of excitatory neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Understanding the behavioural mechanisms that underlie prey size preference of predators is an essential component of unravelling the processes that govern predator-prey dynamics. In marine systems, despite being able to consume larger and more profitable prey, many molluscivorous predators show a preference for smaller, less profitable prey, most likely to minimize the risk of damaging feeding extremities. Here we assessed the flexibility of this prey size preference. We observed that shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) that were food deprived, and which were offered mussels (Mytilus edulis) of different sizes in dichotomous preference tests, preferred smaller, less profitable mussels. The same result was observed for crabs foraging with a conspecific competitor. Only crabs that were conditioned to feed on the larger, most profitable mussels shifted their prey size preference and ranked the most profitable mussels as highest. Although shore crabs showed flexibility in prey size preference, through which they would be able to cope with environmental variability, our results in general emphasize preference for smaller prey. We discuss the possibility that crabs maximize their long-term feeding rate, in which case it can be optimal to select these smaller mussels.  相似文献   

We examined whether feeding pregnant and lactating rats with hydrogenated vegetable fats rich in trans fatty acids led to an increase in serum endotoxin levels and inflammation and to impaired satiety-sensing pathways in the hypothalamus of 90-day-old offspring. Pregnant and lactating Wistar rats were fed either a standard chow (Control) or one enriched with hydrogenated vegetable fat (Trans). Upon weaning, the male offspring were divided in two groups: Control-Control (CC), mothers and offspring fed the control diet; and Trans-Control (TC), mothers fed the trans diet, and offspring fed the control diet. The offspring's food intake and body weight were quantified weekly and the offspring were killed on the 90th day of life by decapitation. The blood and hypothalamus were collected from the offspring. Food intake and body weight were higher in the TC rats than in the CC rats. TC rats had increased serum endotoxin levels and increased hypothalamic cytokines, IL-6, TNF-α and IL1-β, concentrations (P<.05). TLR4, NFκBp65 and MyD88 were higher (P<.05) in the TC rats than in the CC rats. AdipoR1 was lower in the TC rats than in the CC rats. Thus, the present study shows that the mothers' hydrogenated vegetable fat intake during pregnancy and lactation led to hypothalamic inflammation and impaired satiety-sensing, which promotes deleterious metabolic consequences such as obesity, even after the withdrawal of the causal factor. In other words, the effect remains after the consumption of the standard chow by offspring.  相似文献   

The cyclic nature of walking can lead to repetitive stress and associated complications due to the rate of loading (ROL) experienced by the body at the initial contact of the foot with the ground. An individual's gait kinematics at initial contact has been suggested to give rise to the ROL, and a repetitive, high ROL may lead to several disorders, including osteoarthritis. Additionally, proprioception, the feedback signaling of limb position and movement, may play a role in how the foot strikes the ground and thus, the ROL. Our goal was to explore the relationship between proprioception, gait kinematics and ROL. Thirty-eight women were recruited for gait analysis, and the gait characteristics 50 ms prior to and at initial contact were examined. Two proprioception tests, joint angle reproduction and threshold to detect passive motion were used to examine the subject's proprioceptive acuity. Our results indicate that individuals with a larger knee angle (i.e., greater extension) 50 ms prior to initial contact (IC) experience a higher ROL during gait and have poorer proprioceptive scores. However, it remains unclear whether poor proprioception causes a high ROL or if a high ROL damages the mechanoreceptors involved in proprioception, but the apparent relationship is significant and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Various reports have described that amino acid substitutions can alter substrate, positional, inhibitory, and target gene specificities of proteins. By using the method of Chou and Fasman, the present work predicts that critical amino acids for converting these specificities are located around β-turns. Residues responsible for the alterations of substrate specificities of trypsin,l-lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, β-lactamase, and cytochrome P-450 are found to exist within regions predicted as β-turns. The ratios of hydroxylation and oxygenation positions of substrates by cytochrome P-450 and lipoxygenase, respectively, are varied by changes of the protein structures, probably around turn conformations. Inhibitory specificities of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and α1-antitrypsin and target gene specificity of glucocorticoid receptor are converted by changing turn structures. Occurrence of β-turn probabilities can be predicted around the amino acid alteration positions of an evolutionally antecedent protein of a nylon degradation enzyme. These findings will have relevance to work on protein engineering and enzyme evolution.  相似文献   

1. Many studies investigating fitness correlates of dispersal in vertebrates report dispersers to have lower fitness than philopatric individuals. However, if dispersers are more likely to produce dispersing young or are more likely to disperse again in the next year(s) than philopatric individuals, there is a risk that fitness estimates based on local adult survival and local recruitment will be underestimated for dispersers. 2. We review the available empirical evidence on parent-offspring resemblance and individual lifelong consistency in dispersal behaviour, and relate these studies to recent studies of fitness correlates of dispersal in vertebrates. 3. Of the 12 studies testing directly for parent-offspring resemblance in dispersal propensity, five report a significant resemblance. The average effect size (r) of parent-offspring resemblance in dispersal was 0.15 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.07-0.22], with no difference between the sexes (average weighted effect size of 0.12 (0.08-0.16) and 0.16 (0.11-0.20) for females and males, respectively). Only three studies report data on within-individual consistency in dispersal propensity, of which two suggest dispersers to be more likely to disperse again. 4. To assess the magnitude of fitness underestimation expected for dispersing individuals depending on the heritability of dispersal distance and study area size, we used a simulation approach. Even when study area size is 10 times the mean dispersal distance, local recruitment per breeding event may be underestimated by 4-10%, generating a potential difference of 4-60% in average lifetime production of recruits between dispersing and philopatric individuals, with larger differences in long-lived species. 5. Estimates of both fitness correlates of dispersal and parent-offspring resemblance or within-individual consistency in dispersal behaviour have been reported for 11 species. Although some comparisons suggest genuine differences in fitness components between philopatric and dispersing individuals, others, based on adult and juvenile survival, are open to the alternative explanation of biased fitness estimates. 6. We list three potential ways of reducing the risk of making wrong inferences on biased fitness estimates due to such non-random dispersal behaviour between dispersing and philopatric individuals: (a) diagnosing effects of non-random dispersal, (b) reducing the effects of spatially limited study area and (c) performing controlled experiments.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. When Mytilus galloprovincialis were transferred from 38 to 19%. sea water (S), the metabolism became anaerobic for at least 8 hr. After 24 hr the animals were entirely aerobic again.
  • 2.2. Upon transfer to 19%. S, the total free amino acid concentration in haemolymph doubled within 4 hr, remaining nearly constant thereafter, up to 48 hr.
  • 3.3. In the posterior adductor muscle a strong decrease of alanine and glycine occurred at 48 hr exposure to 19%. S, and a smaller decrease of glutamate; taurine remained relatively constant. When transferred again to 38%. S after 14 days, a strong overcompensation occurred in the concentrations of alanine and proline, and a smaller overcompensation in those of threonine and serine.
  • 4.4. In the gill no distinct change in the amino acid pool occurred during 14 days of exposure, with the exception of a decrease in serine. When transferred again to 38%. S, a strong overcompensation occurred in alanine, proline, glycine and serine, and a smaller in glutamate and threonine.
  • 5.5. No evidence for anaerobic metabolism in the decrease of the amino acid pool was found.
  • 6.6. M. galloprovincialis is less able to adapt to low salinities than the more euryhaline M. edulis.

Burying beetles, Nicrophorus orbicollis, depend on the location of an unpredictable resource, a small vertebrate carcass, for reproduction. When they discover a carcass, they undergo a correlated rapid rise in titers of juvenile hormone (JH) in the hemolymph and ovarian development. This study investigates the regulation of the changes in JH during breeding in both male and female burying beetles and the role of JH in ovarian development. JH biosynthesis by the corpora allata (CA), measured in vitro, increased in females within an hour of their discovery of a carcass and increased later in males. After returning to low rates as oviposition began, JH biosynthesis rose again 3 days later in females but not in males. Neither the ovaries nor testes synthesized JH. There was a concomitant fall in JH esterase activity within 12 h of discovery of the carcass in both males and females. Although the rise in JH titers and biosynthesis and the fall in JH esterase is correlated with ovarian development, application of methoprene or JH III in the absence of a carcass did not result in vitellogenin uptake by the oocytes. Therefore, we conclude that, in spite of the rapid rise in JH before oviposition, it is not sufficient to regulate vitellogenin synthesis and/or its uptake by the ovaries. We suggest that its role has been preempted to organize social behavior and coordinate parental behavior between mates.  相似文献   

As a result of pioneering work of Hofmann (1973, 1989), nutritional ecologists classify ruminants into three feeding-type categories: browsers (concentrate feeders), grazers, and intermediate or mixed feeders. Hofmann proposed that these feeding types result from evolutionary adaptations in the anatomy of the digestive system and that one consequence is shorter retention of the digesta in the rumen of browsers, and thus a decreased efficiency of fiber digestion relative to that of grazers. We examined the hypotheses that (1) fiber digestion of browsers is lower than that of grazers, (2) salivary gland size is larger in all browsers than in grazers, (3) the browser's larger salivary glands produce larger volumes of thin serous saliva than those of grazers, and (4) thus, browsers have higher liquid passage rates than do grazers. We found that the extent of fiber digestion is not significantly different between browsers and grazers, although fiber digestion is positively related to herbivore size. In general, salivary gland size is approximately 4 times larger in browsers than grazers, but some browsers (e.g., greater kudu) have small, grazer-sized salivary glands. Resting (non-feeding or ruminating) saliva flow rates of mule deer (browser) and domestic sheep and cattle (grazers) were not significantly different from each other. Finally, ruminal liquid flow rates were not different between feeding types. We conclude that many of Hofmann's nutritional and physiological interpretations of anatomical differences amongst ruminants are not supportable.  相似文献   

We used a reproductive skew framework to consider the evolutionof parental and alloparental effort in cooperatively breedinggroups. The model provides the first theoretical treatmentof rent payment (the "pay-to-stay" hypothesis) for the evolutionof helping behavior of subordinates. According to this hypothesis,not all helping behavior is kin selected, but group membershelp in order to be allowed to stay in the group and potentiallygain breeding positions later in life. We show that reproductiveconcessions may be replaced by complete skew and voluntary,costly alloparental effort by subordinates once future prospectsare included in fitness calculations. This suggests that incompleteskew observed in long-lived species is not due to dominantcontrol over reproduction. Rent payment is predicted to occurwhen relatedness between subordinate and dominant is low, survivalis high, ecological constraints are at least moderately tight,and retaining nonhelping subordinates harms the dominant'sfitness. Rent may also be required from related subordinatesif helping is very costly (leading to low voluntary helpingeffort) and ecological constraints are moderately tight. However, related subordinates do not need to have a positive net effecton the dominant's direct fitness to be accepted as group members.We also consider compensatory responses of dominant group membersas a potential threat to the stability of renting behavior.If dominants trade off parental effort against their own survival,they may selfishly reduce their own parental effort as a responseto increased help. As this improves their own survival, theprospects of territorial inheritance diminish for the subordinate,and subordinates should hence be less willing to accept therent agreement. However, we show that compensatory responsesby "lazy" parents prevent group formation only in borderlinecases.  相似文献   

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