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A new species of Placobdelloides is described from crocodiles and river turtles in the Singapore Zoological Gardens. Placobdelloides stellapapillosa is three annulate, has one pair of eyes on somite I or II, six pairs of testisacs, two annuli between the gonopores, one post anal annulus, seven pairs of lobed crop caeca and 12–14 unique star-shaped papillae on the dorsal surface of each annulus. Star-shaped papillae on annulus a2 are typically larger and more pronounced than on annuli a1 and a3. Additional minute cone-shaped papillae may occur between the larger star-shaped papillae or may replace these papillae on annuli a1 and a3. Eggs and young (100–200) are attached by their posterior suckers directly to the ventral surface of the parent.  相似文献   

Individuals of five nominal species of Grania (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) were collected from locations in Sweden, Norway and France, for studies on the intraspecific variation at the Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) locus of mitochondrial DNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear DNA. It was found that the previously described morphospecies in general contain low variation compared to the between‐species variation in both loci. In one instance, however, an individual morphologically indistinguishable from G. ovitheca was found to be deviant and instead cluster with G. postclitellochaeta both by COI and ITS. We describe this individual as a new species: G. occulta sp.n. Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses were conducted, showing a close relationship between G. variochaeta, G. occulta, G. ovitheca and G. postclitellochaeta, as well as between G. pusilla and G. maricola. Using the results from the phylogenetic analyses, we discuss the evolution of morphological characters in Scandinavian species of Grania.  相似文献   

Macquaridrilus mcmurtrieae n. sp. is described from Campbell Island. This resembles the only other species in the genus, Macquaridrilus bennettae Jamieson, 1968, in most aspects, but shows significant differences in the anatomy of its genitalia. In particular, the spermathecal pores are dorsal rather than lateral, the spermathecae lack diverticulae, the ejaculatory duct is more stout and muscular, the vas deferens is shorter relative to other organs and the anterior prostate is compact rather than elongate. The presence of a cuticular sperm canal appears to be an apomorphy for the genus. The new species was collected from streams and tarns across the island.


http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:984F2456-768D-48A1-87AD-4453768BAB8A  相似文献   

D. Bunke 《Zoomorphology》2000,120(1):39-46
The composition and arrangement of cells in the preseptal region of metanephridia have been examined by ultrastructural methods in two naidid species, Nais variabilis and Dero digitata. Within this region special attention has been paid to the portion around the orifice and the region where the metanephridium penetrates the septum. In N. variabilis, the preseptal region is composed of four cells and, in D. digitata, three cells are present. In both species three cells correspond in position and ultrastructural details and, hence, are interpreted as homologous. These are the mantle cell, the flame cell, and the canal cell. The mantle cell covers the preseptal region and surrounds the opening. The margin around the orifice is endowed with cilia, which extend into the coelomic space and beat irregularly. They do not enter the orifice and, thus, are not part of the internal ciliary flame. Posteriorly, in D. digitata, the mantle cell originates from the septal wall, i.e., its extensions spread in the plane of the frontal coelothelium of the septum. In N. variabilis, the mantle cell is continued by a further cell, enwrapping the posterior region of the preseptal part. This cell, called the septal cell, is anchored in the septal wall like the mantle cell in D. digitata. Both cells are interpreted as mesodermal components of the metanephridium. The flame cell lies beneath the mantle cell. In front, on its dorsal wall, many cilia are inserted which extend posteriorly into the nephridial canal forming a flame. In D. digitata, the caudal extension of this cell was examined in more detail; it originates from an intraseptal position. The canal cell lines the anterior lumen of the nephridial duct. While the mantle cell and flame cell enclose the organ from a dorsal position, the canal cell lies opposite embracing the lumen from a ventromedial position. Behind, it extends into the postseptal region for a certain distance. It is concluded that metanephridia in the Clitellata have a coelothelial component and, probably, are not just descendants of a single cell, the nephridioblast. The results further indicate that a flame cell and a mantle cell or some corresponding coelothelial cells may be constitutive elements of the ground plan of the clitellate metanephridium. Phylogenetic consequences for non-clitellate Annelida are discussed. Accepted: 21 December 1999  相似文献   

Heterodrilus is a group of marine Naididae, common worldwide in subtropical and tropical areas, and unique among the oligochaetes by their tridentate chaetae. The phylogenetic relationships within the group are assessed from the nuclear 18S rDNA gene, and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S rDNA genes. Sequence data were obtained from 16 Heterodrilus species and 13 out‐group taxa; 48 sequences are new for this study. The data were analysed by Bayesian inference. Monophyly of the genus is corroborated by the resulting tree, with Heterodrilus ersei (a taxon representing a small group of species with aberrant male genitalia) proposed to be outside all other sampled species. Although earlier regarded as a member of the subfamily Rhyacodrilinae, both molecular and morphological data seem to support that Heterodrilus is closely related to Phallodrilinae. However, the results are not conclusive as to whether the genus is the sister group of, or a group nested inside, or separate from this latter subfamily. The studied sample of species suggests at least two major clades in Heterodrilus with different geographical distributions, in one of the clades, most species are from the Indo‐West Pacific Ocean, while in the other, the majority are from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Morphological characters traditionally used in Heterodrilus taxonomy are optimized on the phylogenetic tree, revealing a high degree of homoplasy.  相似文献   

This study investigates the diversity and taxonomy of a mainly marine group of species lacking chaetae currently assigned to the genus Marionina. This achaetous group includes four nominal species: M. achaeta (Hagen, 1954 Hagen, G. 1954. Michaelsena achaeta nov. sp., ein neuer mariner Oligochaet aus der Kieler Bucht. Faunistische Mitteilungen aus Norddeutschland, 1: 1213.  [Google Scholar]), M. achaeta sensu Lasserre, 1964 Lasserre, P. 1964. Notes sur quelques oligochètes Enchytraeidae présents dans les plages du Bassin d’Arcachon. Procés-Verbaux des Séances de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 101: 8791.  [Google Scholar], M. nevisensis Righi & Kanner, 1979 Righi, G. and Kanner, E. 1979. Marine Oligochaeta (Tubificidae and Enchytraeidae) from the Caribbean Sea. Studies of the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands, 58: 4468.  [Google Scholar] and M. arenaria Healy, 1979 Healy, B. 1979a. Marine fauna of County Wexford. 1 – Littoral and brackishwater Oligochaeta. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, 19: 418422.  [Google Scholar]. As Lasserre's (1964 Lasserre, P. 1964. Notes sur quelques oligochètes Enchytraeidae présents dans les plages du Bassin d’Arcachon. Procés-Verbaux des Séances de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 101: 8791.  [Google Scholar]) M. achaeta appears to be morphologically different from its (then) senior homonym M. achaeta (Hagen, 1954 Hagen, G. 1954. Michaelsena achaeta nov. sp., ein neuer mariner Oligochaet aus der Kieler Bucht. Faunistische Mitteilungen aus Norddeutschland, 1: 1213.  [Google Scholar]), the replacement name M. nothachaeta nom. nov. is proposed for it. We studied the genetic and morphological diversity of achaetous specimens of Marionina collected in Florida, the Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia, Sweden, England and the Bahamas. The collection localities are almost all supralittoral and often brackish-water habitats. Parts of the mitochondrial genes 12S, 16S, COI and the nuclear genes 18S, 28S and ITS were analysed to assess the genetic variation and phylogeny of the achaetous Marionina species. The molecular data reveal one monophyletic group of 11 separately evolving lineages, and between these lineages, K2P distances in the barcoding gene COI vary between 5.4 and 25.0%. On a morphological basis, the lineages could be assigned to seven different groups (morphotypes), of which only two could be identified as described nominal taxa: M. nevisensis s. lat. (several lineages) and M. nothachaeta. Since the former taxon appears to be a complex of cryptic species around the world and the original type material no longer exists, a neotype from the Caribbean was designated for M. nevisensis s. str. The remaining achaetous lineages represent five morphologically distinct species that are left unnamed, awaiting finer morphological scrutiny and detailed comparisons with new collections of M. achaeta and M. arenaria. Summing up, the group of achaetous Marionina now seems to contain up to 13 different species, seven of which are yet to be formally described and named.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the ovaries and oogenesis was studied in three species of three genera of Tubificinae. The paired ovaries are small, conically shaped structures, connected to the intersegmental septum between segments X and XI by their narrow end. The ovaries are composed of syncytial cysts of germ cells interconnected by stable cytoplasmic bridges (ring canals) and surrounded by follicular cells. The architecture of the germ-line cysts is exactly the same as in all clitellate annelids studied to date, i.e. each cell in a cyst has only one ring canal connecting it to the central, anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. The ovaries found in all of the species studied seem to be meroistic, i.e. the ultimate fate of germ cells within a cyst is different, and the majority of cells withdraw from meiosis and become nurse cells; the rest continue meiosis, gather macromolecules, cell organelles and storage material, and become oocytes. The ovaries are polarized; their narrow end contains mitotically dividing oogonia and germ cells entering the meiosis prophase; whereas within the middle and basal parts, nurse cells, a prominent cytophore and growing oocytes occur. During late previtellogenesis/early vitellogenesis, the oocytes detach from the cytophore and float in the coelom; they are usually enveloped by the peritoneal epithelium and associated with blood vessels. Generally, the organization of ovaries in all of the Tubificinae species studied resembles the polarized ovary cords found within the ovisacs of some Euhirudinea. The organization of ovaries and the course of oogenesis between the genera studied and other clitellate annelids are compared. Finally, it is suggested that germ-line cysts formation and the meroistic mode of oogenesis may be a primary character for all Clitellata.  相似文献   

Three jars from the Hamburg Museum contained specimens of Branchiobdella minuta, presumably from the original Pierantoni (1912) material, and Cirrodrilus cirratus and C. uchidai from Yamaguchi's (1932a) collection. The head of a syntype of B. minuta was described and B. cheni becomes its junior subjective synonym. One specimen each of C. cirratus and C. uchidai was sectioned and described, particularly the male genitalia. The diet of all three branchiobdellids consists of microorganisms. In Cirrodrilus sp. basic protein granules were demonstrated in the gland cells of the intestine and its chloragogen cells. The peristomial and lateral epidermal gland cell secretions were characterized histochemically.  相似文献   

Various types of free‐floating cells are found in the coelomic fluid of representatives of several annelid groups. The ultrastructure of these “coelomocytes,” however, has been studied to a limited degree. In this study, we used a transmission electron microscope to investigate the coelomocytes in specimens of five species of Naidinae and three species of Rhyacodrilinae (all oligochaetous clitellates within the family Tubificidae). These were compared with each other and with previously described coelomocytes of representatives of other oligochaete taxa. Only one distinguishable coelomocyte type was found in the studied specimens: a round to oblong cell without pseudopodia or other appendages, primarily containing membrane‐bound granules of varying electron density, a prominent network of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and free ribosomes. This type differs to a great extent from most of the previously described coelomocytes, but shows similarities to certain types found in members of Enchytraeidae and Megascolecidae. Although we noticed some variation, we did not find any ultrastructural characters in these cells obviously useful for phylogenetic studies within Tubificidae. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

New alluroidids (Annelida,Clitellata) from Guyana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Omodeo  Pietro  Coates  Kathryn A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):39-47
A total of 30 microbialites at two sites in Lake Clifton, Yalgorup National Park, Western Australia, were sampled by coring to quantify the associated fauna with these organo-sedimentary structures. Twenty five species of aquatic fauna were recorded from the cores, comprising 20 species of metazoan, predominantly Crustacea (including Melita kauerti (Amphipoda), Exosphaeroma cf. serventii (Isopoda); and Cyprideis australiensis(Ostracoda); Polychaeta (Capitella cf. capitata); nematodes; and five species of Foraminifera (Protista). Multivariate analysis of the five numerically most abundant taxa (amphipods, isopods, ostracods, polychaetes, nematodes) separated microbialites by season and submergence. Numbers of all taxa, particularly polychaetes and amphipods, were much higher in spring than in autumn, and in permanently-inundated than in seasonally-inundated microbialites. The exception was higher numbers of juvenile polychaetes in seasonally-inundated microbialites at the northern site in spring. This study showed that modern thrombolitic microbialites can co-exist with a diverse invertebrate fauna and serves as a baseline for future studies of interactions between microbialites and fauna.  相似文献   

In the past 20?years, the number of subterranean taxa discovered in Australia, especially in the Pilbara bioregion, has considerably increased due to incidental environmental surveys often associated with mining development. Bathynellidae are an important component of stygofauna and they occur in most Australian aquifers, but their collection and identification are difficult due to their habitat, and small and fragile bodies with conservative morphology. The study of Pilbaranella ethelensis in the upper Fortescue catchment contributed to a better understanding of the group at local scale, but knowledge at larger catchment scale is still limited. Abundant material collected by different environmental consultant companies on behalf of mining companies allowed an accurate analysis of the populations of Central Hamersley Range bathynellids. A new genus and one new species from the lower Fortescue catchment, Fortescuenella serenitatis gen. et sp. nov., is described using an approach that integrates morphological and molecular data. Three additional lineages are defined through morphology and DNA sequencing, using Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery and Poisson Tree Processes species delimitation methods. Based on previous knowledge on bathynellids and other stygofauna we expected to find multiple taxa, geographically restricted, possibly related to each other and to Pilbaranella genus described upstream of the Fortescue catchment. The phylogenetic reconstruction of the relationships among known lineages of the family in the Pilbara highlights a pattern of distribution characterized by a complex evolutionary history that does not reflect contemporary surface water catchments, suggesting a diversification that preceded the aridification processes started in the north of Western Australia during the Miocene. This study also clarifies the status of the 'cosmopolitan' Bathynella by excluding the Australian bathynellids from this genus.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E30796F4-1026-4278-BC13-45091DCB44CC  相似文献   

Nais pseudobtusa Piquet, 1906 is reported for the first time from Australia.  相似文献   

Freshwater oligochaetes have at least two kinds of external sense organs: multiciliate organs of short cilia (also present in earthworms) and sense organs with one to three long cilia (unknown in earthworms and possibly acting as rheoreceptors). Ciliate sense organs of freshwater oligochaetes are distributed over their entire body surface, including the clitellum. They are scattered on the prostomium and pigidium and are arranged into a transversal chaetal row and dispersed or forming a few other discrete transversal rows on chaetal segments. Three species display very prominent sense organs (sensory buds in Protuberodrilus tourenqui and papillae in Ophidonais serpentina and Spirosperma velutinus). The number of cilia per organ at the prostomium of freshwater families appears to be fewer than that of terrestrial ones. It is suggested that the total number of cilia at the prostomium of the freshwater species could be related to their habitat, evolving from an epibenthic to an endobenthic way of life.  相似文献   

Two‐wing flyingfish (Exocoetus spp.) are widely distributed, epipelagic, mid‐trophic organisms that feed on zooplankton and are preyed upon by numerous predators (e.g., tunas, dolphinfish, tropical seabirds), yet an understanding of their speciation and systematics is lacking. As a model of epipelagic fish speciation and to investigate mechanisms that increase biodiversity, we studied the phylogeny and biogeography of Exocoetus, a highly abundant holoepipelagic fish taxon of the tropical open ocean. Morphological and molecular data were used to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships, species boundaries, and biogeographic patterns of the five putative Exocoetus species. We show that the most widespread species (E. volitans) is sister to all other species, and we find no evidence for cryptic species in this taxon. Sister relationship between E. monocirrhus (Indo‐Pacific) and E. obtusirostris (Atlantic) indicates the Isthmus of Panama and/or Benguela Barrier may have played a role in their divergence via allopatric speciation. The sister species E. peruvianus and E. gibbosus are found in different regions of the Pacific Ocean; however, our molecular results do not show a clear distinction between these species, indicating recent divergence or ongoing gene flow. Overall, our phylogeny reveals that the most spatially restricted species are more recently derived, suggesting that allopatric barriers may drive speciation, but subsequent dispersal and range expansion may affect the distributions of species.  相似文献   

Clitellata (earthworms, leeches, and allies) is a clade of segmented annelid worms that comprise more than 5000 species found worldwide in many aquatic and terrestrial habitats. According to current views, the first clitellates were either aquatic (marine or freshwater) or terrestrial. To address this question further, we assessed the phylogenetic relationships among clitellates using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of 175 annelid 18S ribosomal DNA sequences. We then defined two ecological characters (Habitat and Aquatic‐environment preferences) and mapped those characters on the trees from the three analyses, using parsimony character‐state reconstruction (i.e. Fitch optimization). We accommodated phylogenetic uncertainty in the character mapping by reconstructing character evolution on all the trees resulting from parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap analyses and, in the Bayesian inference, on the trees sampled using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Our analyses revealed that an ‘aquatic’ ancestral state for clitellates is a robust result. By using alterations of coding characters and constrained analyses, we also demonstrated that the hypothesis for a terrestrial origin of clitellates is not supported. Our analyses also suggest that the most recent ancestor of clitellates originated from a freshwater environment. However, we stress the importance of adding sequences of some rare marine taxa to more rigorously assess the freshwater origin of Clitellata. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 447–464.  相似文献   

Leptodactylus fuscus is a neotropical frog ranging from Panamá to Argentina, to the east of the Andes mountains, and also inhabiting Margarita, Trinidad, and the Tobago islands. We performed phylogenetic analyses of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, tRNA-Leu, and ND1 mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences from specimens collected across the geographic distribution of L. fuscus to examine two alternative hypotheses: (i) L. fuscus is a single, widely distributed species, or (ii) L. fuscus is a species complex. We tested statistically for geographic association and partitioning of genetic variation among mtDNA clades. The mtDNA data supported the hypothesis of several cryptic species within L. fuscus. Unlinked mtDNA and nuclear markers supported independently the distinctness of a 'northern' phylogenetic unit. In addition, the mtDNA data divided the southern populations into two clades that showed no sister relationship to each other, consistent with high differentiation and lack of gene flow among southern populations as suggested by allozyme data. Concordance between mtDNA and allozyme patterns suggests that cryptic speciation has occurred in L. fuscus without morphological or call differentiation. This study illustrates a case in which lineage splitting during the speciation process took place without divergence in reproductive isolation mechanisms (e.g. advertisement call in frogs), contrary to expectations predicted using a biological species framework.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 325–341. No claim to original US government works.  相似文献   

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