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In this issue of Developmental Cell, Odajima, Wills, and colleagues (2011) demonstrate that the cell-cycle regulator, cyclin E, sequesters Cdk5, a key regulator of neuronal development and synaptic plasticity. This cell-cycle-independent function of cyclin E reveals an exciting mode of Cdk5 regulation in postmitotic neurons and offers a window into evolutionary parsimony.  相似文献   

Although the dynamic self-assembly behavior of microtubule ends has been well characterized at the spatial resolution of light microscopy (~200 nm), the single-molecule events that lead to these dynamics are less clear. Recently, a number of in vitro studies used novel approaches combining laser tweezers, microfabricated chambers, and high-resolution tracking of microtubule-bound beads to characterize mechanochemical aspects of MT dynamics at nanometer scale resolution. In addition, computational modeling is providing a framework for integrating these experimental results into physically plausible models of molecular scale microtubule dynamics. These nanoscale studies are providing new fundamental insights about microtubule assembly, and will be important for advancing our understanding of how microtubule dynamic instability is regulated in vivo via microtubule-associated proteins, therapeutic agents, and mechanical forces.  相似文献   

Information transfer at the immunological synapse   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Antigen-specific activation of T lymphocytes requires the interaction of their clonally distributed T-cell receptors with plasma membrane ligands composed of foreign peptide antigens bound to major histocompatibility complex molecules. For proliferation and differentiation to ensue, a variety of other adhesive and accessory proteins must also interact with their counter-receptors on the antigen-presenting cell to facilitate and complement the T-cell receptor-antigen recognition event. Recent studies have revealed that these various proteins show an unexpected degree of spatial organization in the zone of cell-cell contact. This region of membrane approximation is now referred to as the "immunological synapse" because of its functional analogy to the site of intercellular information transfer between neurons. Here, we review the evidence for signaling-dependent control of the dynamic changes in protein distribution that gives rise to the synapse and try to relate the emerging spatio-temporal information on synapse formation to T-cell biology.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are crucial for the priming of naive T cells and the initiation of adaptive immunity. Priming is initiated at a heterologous cell–cell contact, the immunological synapse (IS). While it is established that F-actin dynamics regulates signaling at the T cell side of the contact, little is known about the cytoskeletal contribution on the DC side. Here, we show that the DC actin cytoskeleton is decisive for the formation of a multifocal synaptic structure, which correlates with T cell priming efficiency. DC actin at the IS appears in transient foci that are dynamized by the WAVE regulatory complex (WRC). The absence of the WRC in DCs leads to stabilized contacts with T cells, caused by an increase in ICAM1-integrin–mediated cell–cell adhesion. This results in lower numbers of activated and proliferating T cells, demonstrating an important role for DC actin in the regulation of immune synapse functionality.  相似文献   

Steven AC 《Cell》2004,118(4):403-404
Contraction of the bacteriophage T4 tail in the act of host cell penetration represents a massive structural change powered by conformational free energy. A paper in this issue of Cell by compares cryo-electron microscopic reconstructions of the initial and final states and reveals that the basic underlying mechanism is concerted rigid-body movements of the constituent protein subunits, akin to the tumbling of gears in a lock.  相似文献   

Microtubule assembly dynamics at the nanoscale   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: The labile nature of microtubules is critical for establishing cellular morphology and motility, yet the molecular basis of assembly remains unclear. Here we use optical tweezers to track microtubule polymerization against microfabricated barriers, permitting unprecedented spatial resolution. RESULTS: We find that microtubules exhibit extensive nanometer-scale variability in growth rate and often undergo shortening excursions, in some cases exceeding five tubulin layers, during periods of overall net growth. This result indicates that the guanosine triphosphate (GTP) cap does not exist as a single layer as previously proposed. We also find that length increments (over 100 ms time intervals, n = 16,762) are small, 0.81 +/- 6.60 nm (mean +/- standard deviation), and very rarely exceed 16 nm (about two dimer lengths), indicating that assembly occurs almost exclusively via single-subunit addition rather than via oligomers as was recently suggested. Finally, the assembly rate depends only weakly on load, with the average growth rate decreasing only 2-fold as the force increases 7-fold from 0.4 pN to 2.8 pN. CONCLUSIONS: The data are consistent with a mechanochemical model in which a spatially extended GTP cap allows substantial shortening on the nanoscale, while still preventing complete catastrophe in most cases.  相似文献   

Using transfected fibroblasts expressing both wild-type I-E(k) and green fluorescent protein-tagged I-E(k) with covalently attached antigenic peptide, we have monitored movement of specific MHC:peptide complexes during CD4(+) T cell-APC interactions by live-cell video microscopy. Ag recognition occurs within 30 s of T cell-APC contact, as shown by a sharp increase in cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration. Within 1 min, small MHC:peptide clusters form in the contact zone that coalesce into an immunological synapse over 3-20 min. When T cells conjugated to APC move across the APC surface, they appear to drag the synapse with them. This system was used to examine the role of costimulation in the formation of the immunological synapse. Blocking CD80/CD28 or ICAM-1/LFA-1 interactions alters synapse morphology and reduces the area and density of accumulated complexes. These reductions correlate with reduced T cell proliferation, while CD69 and CD25 expression and TCR down-modulation remain unaffected. Thus, costimulation is essential for normal mature immunological synapse formation.  相似文献   

Cell-cell transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is considered the most effective mode of viral spread in T-lymphocyte cultures. Evidence has accumulated that HIV-1 assembles polarized synaptic-like structures, referred to as virological synapses, as specialized sites of viral transfer. Interestingly, it was recently also discovered that HIV-1 impairs the formation of the structurally similar immunological synapse, thereby modulating exogenous T-lymphocyte stimulation to yield an optimal activation state for productive HIV-1 infection. The careful dissection of these opposing effects will contribute to our understanding of retroviral spread and cellular signal transduction machineries.  相似文献   

Immune cells establish dynamic adhesive cell-cell interactions at a specific contact region, termed the immunological synapse (IS). Intriguing features of the IS are the formation of regions of plasma membrane fusion and the intercellular exchange of membrane fragments between the conjugated cells. It is not known whether upon IS formation, intact intracellular proteins can transfer from target cells to lymphocytes to allow the transmission of signals across cell boundaries. Here we show by both FACS and confocal microscopy that human lymphocytes acquire from the cells they scan the inner-membrane protein H-Ras, a G-protein vital for common lymphocyte functions and a prominent participant in human cancer. The transfer was cell contact-dependent and occurred in the context of cell-conjugate formation. Moreover, the acquisition of oncogenic H-RasG12V by natural killer (NK) and T lymphocytes had important biological functions in the adopting lymphocytes: the transferred H-RasG12V induced ERK phosphorylation, increased interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha secretion, enhanced lymphocyte proliferation, and augmented NK-mediated target cell killing. Our findings reveal a novel mode of cell-to-cell communication-allowing lymphocytes to extend the confines of their own proteome-which may moreover play an important role in natural tumor immunity.  相似文献   

Receptor-ligand couples in the cell-cell contact interface between a T cell and an antigen-presenting cell form distinct geometric patterns and undergo spatial rearrangement within the contact interface. Spatial segregation of the antigen and adhesion receptors occurs within seconds of contact, central aggregation of the antigen receptor then occurring over 1-5 min. This structure, called the immunological synapse, is becoming a paradigm for localized signaling. However, the mechanisms driving its formation, in particular spatial segregation, are currently not understood. With a reaction diffusion model incorporating thermodynamics, elasticity, and reaction kinetics, we examine the hypothesis that differing bond lengths (extracellular domain size) is the driving force behind molecular segregation. We derive two key conditions necessary for segregation: a thermodynamic criterion on the effective bond elasticity and a requirement for the seeding/nucleation of domains. Domains have a minimum length scale and will only spontaneously coalesce/aggregate if the contact area is small or the membrane relaxation distance large. Otherwise, differential attachment of receptors to the cytoskeleton is required for central aggregation. Our analysis indicates that differential bond lengths have a significant effect on synapse dynamics, i.e., there is a significant contribution to the free energy of the interaction, suggesting that segregation by differential bond length is important in cell-cell contact interfaces and the immunological synapse.  相似文献   

Reorganization of actin cytoskeletal dynamics plays a critical role in controlling T-lymphocyte activation and effector functions. Interaction of T-cell receptors (TCR) with appropriate major histocompatibility complex-peptide complexes on antigen-presenting cells results in the activation of signaling cascades, leading to the accumulation of F-actin at the cell-cell contact site. This event is required for the formation and stabilization of the immune synapse (IS), a cellular structure essential for the modulation of T-cell responses. Analysis of actin cytoskeletal dynamics following engagement of the TCR has largely focused on the Arp2/3 regulator, WASp, because of its early identification and its association with human disease. However, recent studies have shown equally important roles for several additional actin regulatory proteins. In this review, we turn the spotlight on the expanding cast of actin regulatory proteins, which co-ordinate actin dynamics at the IS.  相似文献   

McNally F 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(15):R597-R599
Dis1/XMAP215 family microtubule-binding proteins are essential for cell division in animals, plants and fungi, suggesting a conserved cell-division mechanism used by all eukaryotes. Two new studies, however, reveal that different family members can have very different effects on microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   

We analyse computational modules of a frequency decoding signal transduction network. The gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) signal transduction network mediates the biosynthesis and release of the gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The pulsatile pattern of GnRH production by the hypothalamus has a critical influence on the release and synthesis of gonadotropins in the pituitary. In humans, slower pulses lead to the expression of the beta-subunit of the LH protein and cause anovulation and amenorrhea. Higher frequency pulses lead to expression of the alpha subunit and a hypogonadal state. The frequency sensitivity is a consequence of the structure of the GnRH signal transduction network. We analyse individual components of this network, organized into three network architectures, and describe the frequency-decoding capabilities of each of these modules. We find that these modules are comparable to simple circuit elements, some of which integrate and others which perform as frequency sensitive filters. We propose that the cell computes by exploiting variation in the time scales of protein activation (phosphorylation) and gene expression.  相似文献   

The anatomical and functional organization of neurons and astrocytes at ‘tripartite synapses’ is essential for reliable neurotransmission, which critically depends on ATP. In low energy conditions, synaptic transmission fails, accompanied by a breakdown of ion gradients, changes in membrane potentials and cell swelling. The resulting cellular damage and cell death are causal to the often devastating consequences of an ischemic stroke. The severity of ischemic damage depends on the age and the brain region in which a stroke occurs, but the reasons for this differential vulnerability are far from understood. In the present study, we address this question by developing a comprehensive biophysical model of a glutamatergic synapse to identify key determinants of synaptic failure during energy deprivation. Our model is based on fundamental biophysical principles, includes dynamics of the most relevant ions, i.e., Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl and glutamate, and is calibrated with experimental data. It confirms the critical role of the Na+/K+-ATPase in maintaining ion gradients, membrane potentials and cell volumes. Our simulations demonstrate that the system exhibits two stable states, one physiological and one pathological. During energy deprivation, the physiological state may disappear, forcing a transit to the pathological state, which can be reverted when blocking voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels. Our model predicts that the transition to the pathological state is favoured if the extracellular space fraction is small. A reduction in the extracellular space volume fraction, as, e.g. observed with ageing, will thus promote the brain’s susceptibility to ischemic damage. Our work provides new insights into the brain’s ability to recover from energy deprivation, with translational relevance for diagnosis and treatment of ischemic strokes.  相似文献   

Cognate interactions between T and B lymphocytes lead to the formation of the immunological synapse (IS) where bidirectional activation signals are exchanged. Although the molecular architecture and the function of the IS have been studied extensively on the T cell side, little is known about events occurring during synapse formation in Ag-presenting B cells. We investigated the impact of BCR and TLR signaling on human B cell activation and on the T and B cell side of the IS. On the T cell side, we observed that T cells polarized toward both naive and previously activated B cells. Nevertheless, when T cells interacted with different B cells simultaneously, T cells selectively polarized their secretory machinery toward preactivated B cells. Furthermore, both naive and preactivated B cells reoriented their microtubule-organizing center toward the synaptic T cell during cognate interactions. This phenomenon was rapid and not dependent on T cell secretory activity. Interestingly, not only the microtubule-organizing center but also the Golgi apparatus and Lamp-3(+) and MHC class II(+) vesicles all repositioned beneath the IS, suggesting that the entire endocytic/exocytic B cell compartment was reoriented toward the T cell. Taken together, our results show that the B cell activation status fine-tunes T cell polarization responses and reveal the capacity of naive and activated B cells to polarize toward T cells during cognate interactions.  相似文献   

A diverse group of proteins known as +TIPs specifically recognize the growing plus ends of microtubules in cells. Two recent papers on one such protein, CLIP-170, provide new insights into the cellular functions of +TIPs as well as the mechanism by which they track microtubule ends.  相似文献   

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