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Human peripheral blood lymphocytes, cultured either with PPD or in one-way mixed leucocyte reactions, develop a nonspecific cytotoxic potential which can be expressed on autologous as well as on unrelated xenogeneic target cells. This nonspecific cytotoxicity develops at an early stage in the mixed leucocyte reaction, before specific cytotoxic effects are demonstrable, and decreases as specific cytotoxicity increases.  相似文献   

Lymph node cells of immunized mice were lysed by specific antigen in vitro. These cells were not lysed by antigen after washing them four times with Hanks' solution. The factor lysing lymph node cells and thymus cells of normal mice in the presence of the specific antigen was found in the supernatant of the lymph node cell suspension of immunized mice. Bone marrow cells were also lysed by the factor and specific antigen only after preincubating the cells in extracts of thymus or lymph nodes of normal mice. When active supernatants were fractionated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, the active material eluted with molecules of approximately 20,000–45,000 MW. This factor was homogeneous on electrophoreses in polyacrylamide gels and detected in the prealbumin zone.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides of gram-negative bacteria are potent activators of B cells, dendritic cells and monocytes/macrophages. We have investigated the use of LPS-activated spleen cells as antigen-presenting cells to induce CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo that are reactive to MHC class I binding peptides. Compared with resting spleen cells, CTL induction was more efficient and less variable for different peptides with LPS-activated spleen cells. Cytotoxic responses were specific for the immunized peptides and contained high affinity CD8+ T cells. The removal of dendritic cells and monocytes/macrophages by Sephadex G10 column did not show profound effects on CTL induction, indicating that B-cell blasts were largely responsible. This easily accessible method should facilitate the screening of MHC class I binding peptides to determine whether or not the host's T-cell repertoire contains reactive T cells.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and muramyl dipeptide (MDP) stimulated murine splenocytes in vitro to produce cytotoxic factors (CF) that killed target cells L-929. This effect was synergic at LPS dose of 10 ng/ml and MDP dose of 10 micrograms/ml. CF production started 2 hours after spleen cell activation and was maximum in 6 hours. CF were produced by macrophages as well as by lymphocytes stimulated by LPS, MDP or their combination. However, synergic effect of immunomodulators was registered only if nonfractionated spleen cells were stimulated during 24 hours. Lymphocytes depleted on T cells did not lack the ability to generate CF upon activation. In addition, LPS and MDP activated synergically the production of interleukin-I by spleen cells in vitro.  相似文献   

We reported previously that synthetic N-acetyl-muramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine (MDP) displayed marked adjuvant activity but was devoid of mitogenicity in vitro. The data reported here establish that, under different cultural conditions, thymidine uptake and blast cells can be increased by MDP in spleen cells of DBA/2 and Balb/c mouse strains. Optimal responses were obtained on culture in a serum-free medium supplemented with 2-mercaptoethanol for 4 or 5 days. This effect was also obtained with spleen cells of Balb/c nude mice. When the synthetic MDP was compared to a natural water-soluble adjuvant (neo-WSA), extracted from Mycobacterium smegmatis cells, both were found to stimulate [3H] thymidine incorporation by mouse spleen cells. However, with the neo-WSA, the effect peaked on Day 2 and was weak or absent on Days 4 and 5. When the cells were cultured in a medium containing fetal calf serum, neo-WSA activation was completely abolished, while MDP-mediated stimulation was decreased.  相似文献   

Nonspecific cytotoxic cells (NCC) may be the teleost fish equivalent of mammalian natural killer (NK) cells. Although significant differences exist between species regarding many characteristics of these cells, both NCC and NK cells share similarities: in the types of target cells sensitive to lysis; in mechanisms of target cell recognition; in the requirements for a competent lytic cycle; and both types of effectors participate in mediating the lysis of infectious microorganisms. A putative antigen binding receptor obtained from catfish NCC has now been characterized using monoclonal antibodies (mabs). This receptor is a vimentin-like protein. Preliminary studies indicate that NCC recognize a 40 kD protein on the membranes of susceptible target cells. Solubilized target cell protein can specifically bind to NCC and inhibit killing.Similar to NK cells, NCC require cell contact with the target cell to deliver the lethal cytotoxic hit. NCC appear to be the more potent cytotoxic cells because fewer are required to kill an individual target cell and less time is required for this action to occur than for NK cells. Unlike NK cells, NCC do not recycle under experimental conditions. Preliminary studies were also reviewed to characterize signal transduction responses. Monoclonal antibody against the vimentin-like protein receptor activates NCC cytotoxicity, initiates the production of significant increased levels of free cytoplasmic calcium, and causes the production of inositol lipid intermediates (specifically phosphotidylinositol 1, 4–5 trisphosphate). NCC may be important effectors of anti-parasite immunity. Although these cells probably do not elicit memory responses, data suggest that they do recognize antigen and can be activated and recruited into peripheral tissue where they mediate cytolytic responses.  相似文献   

Antibody-forming cells with specificities against syngeneic and allogeneic thymocytes are detected in the spleens of normal mice after activation in vitro or in vivo with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The activity of such cells was measured in a complement-dependent plaque assay employing trypan blue dye to assess zones of lysis. Plaques were rarely seen in the absence of LPS treatment. Anti-immunoglobulin added to the plaque assay abrogated the appearance of plaques, but the addition of LPS had no effect. Furthermore, plaque formation was 2-mercaptoethanol sensitive indicating that the antibody responsible was of the IgM class. Plaque forming cells (PFC) were also detected against syngeneic and allogeneic lymph node cells and to a much lesser extent against splenocytes. The numbers of PFC found against syngeneic, allogeneic, or a mixture of thymocytes was similar and ranged from 1000 to 3000 PFC/10(8) viable spleen cells tested. All murine strains tested, including congenitally athymic nude mice, exhibited anti-thymocyte PFC after LPS activation. C3H/HeJ mice, genetically unresponsive to LPS, did not respond mitogenically to LPS and no anti-thymocyte plaques were observed. These findings suggest that clones of autoreactive B cells are present in normal mice and can be activated by LPS.  相似文献   

The proportion of theta-bearing cells in spleen cell suspensions of normal B6CF1 mice of both sexes, from 1 to 900 days of age, was determined using indirect immunofluorescence. By 25 days of age theta positive cells constituted ~32% of the population, and this proportion remained constant to 183 days of age. Between 183 and 650 days of age the proportion of theta positive cells declined linearly. The amount of theta antigen per cell also decreased with age. Theta was visualized as a continuous ring on cells from young mice and changed to a patchy distribution to faintly visible incomplete rings by 600 days of age.The age-associated decline in theta antigen suggests that the amount of theta on the cell surface is an indicator of, and perhaps a contributor to, the functional capability of the thymus-derived cell.  相似文献   

It was tested whether the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursor (CLP) repertoire in normal mice is biased toward recognizing foreign antigen in association with self H-2 as opposed to allogeneic H-2. The frequencies of CLPs in normal mice (H-2b,k,d) specific for TNP-modified syngeneic and TNP-modified allogeneic cells have been compared by limiting dilution analysis. Normal spleen cells were cultured at a limiting dilution with TNP-modified (TNP-self) or TNP-modified allogeneic (TNP-allo) stimulator cells. Cultures were split into four aliquots and assayed against TNP-self, TNP-allo, unmodified syngeneic, and unmodified allogeneic Concanavalin A blast targets and classified for cytotoxic activity directed against TNP-self, TNP-allo, and allo H-2 determinants. In disagreement with our expectations from the literature, the frequencies of CLPs in H-2b and H-2d responder cells recognizing TNP-modified H-2k were higher than the frequencies of CLPs recognizing TNP-self. There was no clear preference for TNP-self in the case of H-2b responder and H-2d allogeneic cells, nor vice versa. Only in the case of H-2k responder cells was there a distinct preference for TNP-self. The significance of a considerable number of TNP-specific, allo H-2-restricted CLPs in normal lymphocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

PPD-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes have been shown to exert a nonspecific cytotoxic effect on allogeneic and xenogeneic target cells labeled with 51Cr. Chromium release induced by washed transformed lymphocytes was linear with time. At lymphocyte to target cell ratios of 120:1, significant killing could be demonstrated as early as 12 hr. At 8 hr, killing occurred with ratios as low as 3:1. The cytotoxic effect was related to the ability of the lymphocytes to transform to PPD, but reached an earlier peak than either DNA or RNA synthesis. Supernatants from lymphocyte cultures were not cytotoxic: instead, viable transformed cells were required. Partial removal of macrophages from the original cultures increased the cytotoxic effect.Lymphocytes could also be nonspecifically recruited to exert a cytotoxic effect by a mitogenic-like factor produced in transforming cultures. Preliminary evidence suggested that this factor acted independently of PPD and of histocompatibility antigens. These results are discussed with reference to possible amplification mechanisms for late cytotoxic effects, and to delayed hypersensitivity reactions in vivo.  相似文献   

High concentrations of prednisolone (10?5M) failed to inhibit the nonspecific cytotoxic effects of human lymphocytes that had already transformed in response to PPD. In contrast, prednisolone added at the beginning of lymphocyte culture caused a significant inhibition of subsequent cytotoxicity at concentrations as low as 10?8M. A single concentration of prednisolone (10?6M) caused progressively less inhibition the later it was added in the lymphocyte culture period, and it is suggested that there is a steroid-sensitive phase in the early stages of development of nonspecific cytotoxicity after stimulation of lymphocytes with antigen. This steroid-sensitive phase could not be attributed to a difference in lysosome activity, since chloroquine caused the same degree of inhibition at the beginning as at the end of culture. In addition, studies with cycloheximide, actinomycin D, and mitomycin C indicated that cytotoxicity by transformed lymphocytes depended on protein synthesis but not on short-term RNA or DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Responding lymphoid cells cultured in vitro with irradiated trinotrophenyl (TNP)-modified syngeneic spleen cells develop direct cell-mediated cytotoxicity which is specific for target cells bearing both the TNP moiety and histocompatibility determinants of the modified sensitizing cell. Two subpopulations of normal mouse spleen cells have been shown to synergize in the in vitro generation of specific cell-mediated cytotoxicity to these "modified self" antigens. The synergizing populations are nylon wool column-adherent and column-nonadherent fractions of normal mouse spleen. When mixtures of these two cell populations are cultured in vitro with irradiated TNP-modified syngeneic spleen cells, greater cytotoxicity is generated in the two populations sensitized separately. The synergizing cell in the column-adherent population is resistant to lysis by rabbit anti-mouse brain serum, is distinct from the cytotoxic effector T lymphocyte, and is unresponsive to phytohemagglutinin; its synergizing function could not be replaced by peritoneal cells. These results suggest that it is a non-T cell which may be distinct from the macrophage.  相似文献   

Proliferative and cytollytical activity of lymphocytes was compared in lymphocyte alloimmunization of the spleen and intact thymus. The count of live cells and DNA-synthesizing cells in the thymocyte monoculture was 10--15-fold, and in mixed thymus cell culture--about 5-fold lower than the corresponding amounts of spleen cells. The index of immune thymocyte stimulation was several times greater than that of the immune cells of the spleen. The cytotoxicity peak was observed on the 4th--5th day of stimulation when the cytolytic activity of the immune thymocytes approached the action of the immune cells of the spleen. Low DNA synthesis and a marked cytotoxic activity of immune thymocytes signified that stimulation of the thymus cells in vitro permitted to obtain cell population with a high content of cytolytic T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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