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Viruses play a key role in all marine ecosystems, and yet little is known of their distribution in Antarctic waters, especially in bathypelagic waters (>1000 m). In this study, the abundance and distribution of viruses and their potential hosts from the surface to the bottom of Prydz Bay, Antarctic, was investigated using flow cytometry. Viruses and autotrophs were abundant in nearshore and continental shelf waters, while heterotrophic bacteria and picoeukaryotes were abundant in offshore waters. Virus and bacteria abundances generally decreased with increasing depth but increased slightly just above the seafloor. Within the water column, maximum virus numbers coincided with the maximum values of chlorophyll a (when greater than 0.1 μg l?1), in the surface and subsurface (25 m). In the open ocean, however, virus abundance usually correlated with bacterial abundance at greater depths (50, 300 and 500 m) where the surface chlorophyll a concentration was lower than 0.1 μg l?1. Viral abundance was correlated with the host cell abundance, and this was different in different pelagic zones (bacteria and autotrophs (i.e., chlorophyll a concentration) in the epipelagic waters, picoeukaryotes and bacteria in mesopelagic waters and bacteria in bathypelagic waters). Principle component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis indicated that there was a close relationship between virus abundance and chlorophyll a, bacteria and nutrients (NO2 + NO3, phosphate and silicate), and picoeukaryote abundance was mainly correlated with water depth and salinity.  相似文献   

Mimivirus, a giant DNA virus (i.e. “girus”) infecting species of the genus Acanthamoeba, was first identified in 2003. With a particle size of 0.7 μm in diameter, and a genome size of 1.2 Mb encoding more than 900 proteins, it is the most complex virus described to date. Beyond its unusual size, the Mimivirus genome was found to contain the first viral homologues of many genes thought to be the trademark of cellular organisms, such as central components of the translation apparatus. These findings revived the debate on the origin of DNA viruses, and the role they might have played in the emergence of eukaryotes. Published and ongoing studies on Mimivirus continue to lead to unexpected findings concerning a variety of aspects, such as the structure of its particle, unique features of its replication cycle, or the distribution and abundance of Mimivirus relatives in the oceans. Following a summary of these recent findings, we present preliminary results suggesting that octocorals might have come in close contact with an ancestor of Mimivirus, and that modern sponges might be host to a yet unidentified, even larger, member of the Mimiviridae.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of two recently described dsRNA mycoviruses, HetRV3-ec1 and HetRV6-ab6, on Heterobasidion wood decay fungi. The viruses originally inhabited Heterobasidion ecrustosum and Heterobasidion abietinum, and were transferred in the laboratory into other Heterobasidion species. Isogenic virus-free and virus-infected Heterobasidion isolates were used to test the effects of these viruses on their hosts' growth rate and competitive ability against mycorrhizal and decay fungi (Paxillus involutus, Meliniomyces bicolor and Phlebiopsis gigantea). This study shows that: (i) a single virus strain confers different effects on different Heterobasidion host strains; and (ii) a single virus strain may have contrasting effects on the fitness of a single host isolate (ranging from no effect to harmful or beneficial) depending on environmental and ecological conditions. We also report for the first time on the antagonism of Helotiales belonging to the sub-group RhizocyphusMeliniomyces against Heterobasidion species.  相似文献   

Cyanophages (cyanobacterial viruses) are important agents of horizontal gene transfer among marine cyanobacteria, the numerically dominant photosynthetic organisms in the oceans. Some cyanophage genomes carry and express host-like photosynthesis genes, presumably to augment the host photosynthetic machinery during infection. To study the prevalence and evolutionary dynamics of this phenomenon, 33 cultured cyanophages of known family and host range and viral DNA from field samples were screened for the presence of two core photosystem reaction center genes, psbA and psbD. Combining this expanded dataset with published data for nine other cyanophages, we found that 88% of the phage genomes contain psbA, and 50% contain both psbA and psbD. The psbA gene was found in all myoviruses and Prochlorococcus podoviruses, but could not be amplified from Prochlorococcus siphoviruses or Synechococcus podoviruses. Nearly all of the phages that encoded both psbA and psbD had broad host ranges. We speculate that the presence or absence of psbA in a phage genome may be determined by the length of the latent period of infection. Whether it also carries psbD may reflect constraints on coupling of viral- and host-encoded PsbA–PsbD in the photosynthetic reaction center across divergent hosts. Phylogenetic clustering patterns of these genes from cultured phages suggest that whole genes have been transferred from host to phage in a discrete number of events over the course of evolution (four for psbA, and two for psbD), followed by horizontal and vertical transfer between cyanophages. Clustering patterns of psbA and psbD from Synechococcus cells were inconsistent with other molecular phylogenetic markers, suggesting genetic exchanges involving Synechococcus lineages. Signatures of intragenic recombination, detected within the cyanophage gene pool as well as between hosts and phages in both directions, support this hypothesis. The analysis of cyanophage psbA and psbD genes from field populations revealed significant sequence diversity, much of which is represented in our cultured isolates. Collectively, these findings show that photosynthesis genes are common in cyanophages and that significant genetic exchanges occur from host to phage, phage to host, and within the phage gene pool. This generates genetic diversity among the phage, which serves as a reservoir for their hosts, and in turn influences photosystem evolution.  相似文献   

Ostreococcus tauri virus (OtV-1) is a large double-stranded DNA virus and a prospective member of the family Phycodnaviridae , genus Prasinovirus . OtV-1 infects the unicellular marine green alga O. tauri , the smallest known free-living eukaryote. Here we present the 191 761 base pair genome sequence of OtV-1, which has 232 putative protein-encoding and 4 tRNA-encoding genes. Approximately 31% of the viral gene products exhibit a similarity to proteins of known functions in public databases. These include a variety of unexpected genes, for example, a PhoH-like protein, a N -myristoyltransferase, a 3-dehydroquinate synthase, a number of glycosyltransferases and methyltransferases, a prolyl 4-hydroxylase, 6-phosphofructokinase and a total of 8 capsid proteins. A total of 11 predicted genes share homology with genes found in the Ostreococcus host genome. In addition, an intein was identified in the DNA polymerase gene of OtV-1. This is the first report of an intein in the genome of a virus that infects O. tauri. Fifteen core genes common to nuclear-cytoplasmic large dsDNA virus (NCLDV) genomes were identified in the OtV-1 genome. This new sequence data may help to redefine the classification of the core genes of these viruses and shed new light on their evolutionary history.  相似文献   



Next generation sequencing (NGS) methods have significantly contributed to a paradigm shift in genomic research for nearly a decade now. These methods have been useful in studying the dynamic interactions between RNA viruses and human hosts.

Scope of the review

In this review, we summarise and discuss key applications of NGS in studying the host – pathogen interactions in RNA viral infections of humans with examples.

Major conclusions

Use of NGS to study globally relevant RNA viral infections have revolutionized our understanding of the within host and between host evolution of these viruses. These methods have also been useful in clinical decision-making and in guiding biomedical research on vaccine design.

General significance

NGS has been instrumental in viral genomic studies in resolving within-host viral genomic variants and the distribution of nucleotide polymorphisms along the full-length of viral genomes in a high throughput, cost effective manner. In the future, novel advances such as long read, single molecule sequencing of viral genomes and simultaneous sequencing of host and pathogens may become the standard of practice in research and clinical settings. This will also bring on new challenges in big data analysis.  相似文献   



Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus (AHFV) and Kyasanur forest disease virus (KFDV) cause significant human disease and mortality in Saudi Arabia and India, respectively. Despite their distinct geographic ranges, AHFV and KFDV share a remarkably high sequence identity. Given its emergence decades after KFDV, AHFV has since been considered a variant of KFDV and thought to have arisen from an introduction of KFDV to Saudi Arabia from India. To gain a better understanding of the evolutionary history of AHFV and KFDV, we analyzed the full length genomes of 16 AHFV and 3 KFDV isolates.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Viral genomes were sequenced and compared to two AHFV sequences available in GenBank. Sequence analyses revealed higher genetic diversity within AHFVs isolated from ticks than human AHFV isolates. A Bayesian coalescent phylogenetic analysis demonstrated an ancient divergence of AHFV and KFDV of approximately 700 years ago.


The high sequence diversity within tick populations and the presence of competent tick vectors in the surrounding regions, coupled with the recent identification of AHFV in Egypt, indicate possible viral range expansion or a larger geographic range than previously thought. The divergence of AHFV from KFDV nearly 700 years ago suggests other AHFV/KFDV-like viruses might exist in the regions between Saudi Arabia and India. Given the human morbidity and mortality associated with these viruses, these results emphasize the importance of more focused study of these significant public health threats.  相似文献   

Maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND) is a devastating viral disease of maize caused by double infection with Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) and any one of the Potyviridae family members. Management of MLND requires effective resistance screening and surveillance tools. In this study, we report the use of small RNA (sRNA) profiling to detect MLND causal viruses and further the development of alternative detection markers for use in routine surveillance of the disease-causing viruses. Small RNAs (sRNAs) originating from five viruses namely MCMV, Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Maize streak virus (MSV), Maize-associated totivirus (MATV) and Maize yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) were assembled from infected maize samples collected from MLND hot spots in Kenya. The expression of the identified viral domains was further validated using quantitative real-time PCR. New markers for the detection of some of the MLND causal viruses were also developed from the highly expressed domains and used to detect the MLND-causative viruses in maize and alternative hosts. These findings further demonstrate the potential of using sRNAs especially from highly expressed viral motifs in the detection of MLND causal viruses. We report the validation of new sets of primers for use in detection of the most common MLND causal viruses MCMV and SCMV in East Africa.  相似文献   

The marine picoeukaryote Bathycoccus prasinos has been considered a cosmopolitan alga, although recent studies indicate two ecotypes exist, Clade BI (B. prasinos) and Clade BII. Viruses that infect Bathycoccus Clade BI are known (BpVs), but not that infect BII. We isolated three dsDNA prasinoviruses from the Sargasso Sea against Clade BII isolate RCC716. The BII-Vs do not infect BI, and two (BII-V2 and BII-V3) have larger genomes (~210 kb) than BI-Viruses and BII-V1. BII-Vs share ~90% of their proteins, and between 65% to 83% of their proteins with sequenced BpVs. Phylogenomic reconstructions and PolB analyses establish close-relatedness of BII-V2 and BII-V3, yet BII-V2 has 10-fold higher infectivity and induces greater mortality on host isolate RCC716. BII-V1 is more distant, has a shorter latent period, and infects both available BII isolates, RCC716 and RCC715, while BII-V2 and BII-V3 do not exhibit productive infection of the latter in our experiments. Global metagenome analyses show Clade BI and BII algal relative abundances correlate positively with their respective viruses. The distributions delineate BI/BpVs as occupying lower temperature mesotrophic and coastal systems, whereas BII/BII-Vs occupy warmer temperature, higher salinity ecosystems. Accordingly, with molecular diagnostic support, we name Clade BII Bathycoccus calidus sp. nov. and propose that molecular diversity within this new species likely connects to the differentiated host-virus dynamics observed in our time course experiments. Overall, the tightly linked biogeography of Bathycoccus host and virus clades observed herein supports species-level host specificity, with strain-level variations in infection parameters.Subject terms: Microbial biooceanography, Phylogenetics  相似文献   

Plant virus diseases constitute one of the limiting factors to the productivity of agriculture. Changes in host plants and insect vector populations that might result from climate change (their geographical distribution range, their densities, migration potential and phenology) could affect the spread of plant viruses. At the individual level, alterations in plant physiological processes that are relevant to their molecular interactions with viruses, like changes in metabolism, leaf temperature, and their effects on some processes, like the temperature-sensitive antiviral resistance based in RNA silencing, can also influence the ability of individual plants to control viral infections. In order to assess the impact that climate change may have on the incidence and spread of hemipteran-borne plant viruses, its potential effects on virus/plant interactions and hemipteran insect vectors, as well as other operating processes, which could exacerbate or mitigate them, are identified and analyzed in this review.  相似文献   

The yellow dwarf (YD) disease complex epidemics in cultivated cereals grown in a specific period of the year mainly depend on the presence of potential reservoir alternative hosts harbouring both the viruses and the vectors over the off‐season and serve as a source of inoculum in subsequent cropping season, further spread being supported by efficient aphid vectors. As such, an extensive and intensive exploration to generate base line information on the identity and prevalence of YD viruses [barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)‐PAV, BYDV‐MAV and BYDV‐SGV; cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV)‐RPV; and maize yellow dwarf virus (MYDV)‐RMV] on wild annual and perennial grasses and forage cereals alternative hosts was conducted consecutively during 2013–2015 main‐ and short‐rainy seasons in cereals growing belts of Ethiopia. Random sampling was employed to collect the samples that were tested by the tissue blot immunoassay (TBIA) to identify the YDVs associated with the hosts using a battery of virus‐specific polyclonal antibodies. Of 13,604 samples analysed, YDVs were detected in 392 (2.9%) samples, which consisted of various wild grasses, forage cereals and three cultivated crops. YDVs were identified from at least 26 grass species and forage cereals, some of them are new records, and some are previously documented hosts. To our knowledge, this is the first report of YDV infection of Andropogon abyssinicus (FresenR.Br. ex Fresen.) (BYDV‐PAV), Avena abyssinica Hochst (BYDV‐PAV), Bromus pectinatus Thunb. (BYDV‐PAV and BYDV‐MAV), Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter (BYDV‐PAV), Eragrostis sp. (BYDV‐PAV), Hyparrhenia anthistrioides Stapf. (BYDV‐PAV), Panicum coloratum L. (BYDV‐PAV), Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. (BYDV‐PAV), Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem & Schult (BYDV‐PAV, BYDV‐SGV and MYDV‐RMV), Setaria australiensis (Scribn. & Merrill) Vickery (BYDV‐PAV, BYDV‐MAV and CYDV‐RPV) and Snowdenia polystachya (Fresen.) Pilg (BYDV‐PAV, BYDV‐MAV, BYDV‐SGV, CYDV‐RPV and MYDV‐RMV).  相似文献   

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