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Under temperature sex determination (TSD), sex is determined by temperature during embryonic development. Depending on ecological and physiological traits and plasticity, TSD species may face demographic collapse due to climate change. In this context, asymmetry in bilateral organisms can be used as a proxy for developmental instability and, therefore, deviations from optimal incubation conditions. Using Tarentola mauritanica gecko as a model, this study aimed first to confirm TSD, its pattern and pivotal temperature, and second to assess the local adaptation of TSD and variation of asymmetry patterns across four populations under different thermal regimes. Eggs were incubated at different temperatures, and hatchlings were sexed and measured. The number of lamellae was counted in adults and hatchlings. Results were compatible with a TSD pattern with males generated at low and females at high incubation temperatures. Estimated pivotal temperature coincided with the temperature producing lower embryonic mortality, evidencing selection towards balanced sex ratios. The temperature of oviposition was conservatively selected by gravid females. Asymmetry patterns found were likely related to nest temperature fluctuations. Overall, the rigidity of TSD may compromise reproductive success, and demographic stability in this species in case thermal nest choice becomes constrained by climate change.  相似文献   

Rodrigues Sartori, S. S., Nogueira, K. O. P. C., Rocha, A. S. and Neves, C. A. 2011. Morphology of the stomach of the tropical house gecko Hemidactylus mabouia (Squamata: Gekkonidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 179–186. Hemidactylus mabouia is a common species in Brazil, which facilitates its use in research in several areas and allows display it as a benchmark for studies with reptiles. To study the morphology of the stomach of H. mabouia, we carried out anatomical, histological and histochemical analysis. The stomach of H. mabouia is ‘J’ shaped and can be divided into oral fundic (OF), aboral fundic (AF) and pyloric regions. The surface epithelium is composed of mucosecretory cells (MC) containing neutral mucins. In the lamina propria of the OF region, are large ramified tubulo‐acinar glands, which become smaller, less ramified and more tubular towards the AF region, and are simple tubular and short in the pyloric region. The fundic glands contain differentiated neck and pit. The neck is composed of MC containing neutral mucins and the pit is made of oxyntopeptic cells (OC). The OC of the OF region contained many zymogen granules, while those of the AF region contained few zymogen granules and many mitochondria, which suggests the existence of a gradient of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid secretion. Pyloric glands consisted of MC containing neutral mucins and both argyrophil and argentaffin endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Deciphering the mechanisms that underlie morphological and functional diversity is essential for understanding how organisms adapt to their environment. Interestingly, phenotypic divergence does not necessarily correspond to the geographic and genetic separation between populations. Here, we explored the morphological and functional divergence among populations of two genetically differentiated clades of the Moorish gecko, Tarentola mauritanica. We used linear and geometric morphometrics to quantify morphological variation and investigated how it translates into biting and CLIMBING PERFORMANCE, to better understand the mechanisms potentially underlying population and lineage divergence. We found marked morphological differences between clades, both in body size and head shape. However, much of this differentiation is more strongly related to local variation between populations of the same clade, suggesting that recent ecological events may be more influential than deep evolutionary history in shaping diversity patterns in this group. Despite a lack of association between morphology and functional diversification in the locomotor system of the Moorish gecko, straightforward links are observed between head morphology and biting performance, providing more hints on the possible underlying causes. Indeed, variation in bite force is mostly determined by size variation and sexual dimorphism, and differences between the two clades concern how sexual variation is expressed, reinforcing the idea that both social and ecological factors contribute in shaping differentiation. Interestingly, the individuals from the islets off the coast of Murcia exhibit particular morphological and functional traits, which suggests that the ecological conditions related to insularity may drive the phenotypic differentiation of this population.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) colorations have garnered extensive theoretical and empirical treatment in recent years, although the majority of studies have concerned themselves with avian taxa. However, many lizards have acute visual systems with retinal photoreceptors that are sensitive to UV wavelengths, and also display UV-reflecting colour patches. In the present study, we used UV photography and full-spectrum reflectance spectrophotometry to describe intra- and intersexual colour variation in adult ocellated lizards Lacerta ( Timon ) lepida and to obtain evidence of UV-based ornamentation. We also investigated whether any colour traits correlate with morphological traits potentially related to individual quality. The results obtained show that the prominent eyespots and blue outer ventral scales (OVS) that ocellated lizards have on their flanks reflect strongly in the UV range and are best described as UV/blue in coloration. The eyespots of males are larger and cover a larger surface area than those of females. However, these differences can be entirely accounted for by sex differences in body size, with males being generally larger than females. We also found differences in the shape of reflectance curves from males and females, with the eyespots and blue OVS of males being more UV-shifted than those of females. Other body regions have extremely low UV reflectance and are not sexually dichromatic. Eyespot size and the total surface area covered by eyespots increases with body size in males but not in females, suggesting that they may be signalling an intrinsic individual characteristic such as body size or male fighting ability. We also discuss the alternative and non-exclusive hypothesis that eyespots may function in lizards of both sexes as protective markings against predators.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 766–780.  相似文献   

The quantification of realized niche overlap and the integration of species distribution models (SDMs) with calibrated phylogenies to study niche evolution are becoming not only powerful tools to understand speciation events, but can also be used as proxies regarding the delimitation of cryptic species. We applied these techniques in order to unravel how the fundamental niche evolved during cladogenesis within the Tarentola mauritanica species-complex. Our results suggest that diversification within this complex, during the Miocene and Pleistocene, is associated with both niche divergence and niche conservatism, with a pattern that varies depending on whether the variables involved are related to the mean or seasonality of temperature and humidity. Moreover, climatic variables related to humidity and temperature seasonality were involved in the niche shift and genetic diversification of the European/North African clade during the Pleistocene and in its maintenance in a fundamental niche distinct from that of the remaining members of the group. This study further highlights the need for a taxonomic revision of the T. mauritanica species-complex.  相似文献   

Armored skin resulting from the presence of bony dermal structures, osteoderms, is an exceptional phenotype in gekkotans (geckos and flap-footed lizards) only known to occur in three genera: Geckolepis, Gekko, and Tarentola. The Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko LINNAEUS 1758) is among the best-studied geckos due to its large size and wide range of occurrence, and although cranial dermal bone development has previously been investigated, details of osteoderm development along a size gradient remain less well-known. Likewise, a comparative survey of additional species within the broader Gekko clade to determine the uniqueness of this trait has not yet been completed. Here, we studied a large sample of gekkotans (38 spp.), including 18 specimens of G. gecko, using X-rays and high-resolution computed tomography for visualizing and quantifying the dermal armor in situ. Results from this survey confirm the presence of osteoderms in a second species within this genus, Gekko reevesii GRAY 1831, which exhibits discordance in timing and pattern of osteoderm development when compared with its sister taxon, G. gecko. We discuss the developmental sequence of osteoderms in these two species and explore in detail the formation and functionality of these enigmatic dermal ossifications. Finally, we conducted a comparative analysis of endolymphatic sacs in a wide array of gekkotans to explore previous ideas regarding the role of osteoderms as calcium reservoirs. We found that G. gecko and other gecko species with osteoderms have highly enlarged endolymphatic sacs relative to their body size, when compared to species without osteoderms, which implies that these membranous structures might fulfill a major role of calcium storage even in species with osteoderms.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) sequences were analysed within Tarentola mauritanica and other selected species of Tarentola. Several highly genetically distinct lineages occur in North Africa, revealing phylogroups in southern and central Morocco, northern Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. A single haplotype characterizes populations across Spain, Portugal, Italy, Menorca, Crete, and Tunisia raising the possibility of an anthropogenic introduction followed by rapid population expansion throughout southern Europe. T. mauritanica is paraphyletic with respect to T. angustimentalis, a Canary islands endemic. The high genetic diversity observed across North Africa suggests T. mauritanica may represent a species complex.  相似文献   

The Tokay Gecko, Gekko gecko(Linnaeus, 1758) is widely distributed in Asia and there have been concerns regarding locally decreasing populations due to overexploitation for traditional Chinese medicine. Previous studies of the genetic relationships of G. gecko populations included few populations from Thailand. Here we investigated the phylogeographic patterns of G. gecko from different regions in Thailand using mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two lineages: one(Lineage A) comprising populations from Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand; and a second(Lineage B) comprising three genetically distinct groups within Thailand alone. Some Thai populations were found to have both lineages represented within them. Highly significant genetic differentiation(FST) showed geographic population structuring in Lineage B, indicating limited gene flow among groups in Thailand. Although G. gecko has a wide distribution and is well adapted to human habitation, the observed genetic structure could potentially be explained by geographic barriers such as mountain ranges. In Lineage A, our study provided primary phylogeographic evidence for lineage mixture that might be a result of human-mediated transport. Future research should include more extensive sampling across the geographic distribution of G. gecko and a landscape genetics approach could be applied for conservation planning.  相似文献   

We use approximately 3100bp of mitochondrial (ND2, ND4) and nuclear (RAG1, phosducin) DNA sequence data to recover phylogenetic relationships among 14 of the 16 recognized taxa of the lizard genus Paroedura as well as two undescribed forms. These geckos are endemic to Madagascar and the Comores and are popularly kept and bred by herpetoculturalists. The closest relative of Paroedura is another Indian Ocean leaf-toed gecko, Ebenavia. Both Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony strongly support the monophyly of two major clades within Paroedura that conflict with existing species group assignments based on scale characteristics. Our well-resolved tree elucidates a biogeographic pattern in which eastern Paroedura are most basal and western and south-western species form a monophyletic group. Our data demonstrate the phylogenetic utility of phosducin, a novel marker in squamate phylogenetics, at the intrageneric level.  相似文献   

The histology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the salivary glands of three species of squamata, Podarcis sicula sicula (mandibular glands), Tarentola mauritanica (sublingual gland) and Coluber viridiflavus (supra- and infralabial glands) were studied. Each gland contained acidic cells, positive for both periodic acid Schiff and Alcian blue reactions. These cells can be distinguished as seromucous and mucous types based on the different electron density of their granules. α-Amylase, until now detected only in mammalian salivary glands, was not found in any of the salivary glands examined. The ultrastructural study revealed that the salivary glandular cells of T. mauritanica lack intercellular canaliculi, which by contrast, are present between the seromucous cells in the salivary glands of C. viridiflavus and P. s. sicula . Comparable variation is also seen when the ultrastructural features of the secretory granules in salivary glands of the three Squamata species are compared. The salivary granules of T. mauritanica and C. viridiflavus are more or less dense but structureless, while the mucous granules of P. s. sicula have a distinctive and characteristic substructure. Therefore, this study, designed to obtain comparative data on the histology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the salivary glands of three representative, but hitherto unstudied, species of Squamata, reveals great variation in the structure of these glands within the Squamata lineage, even when compared to previously documented species.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Microhabitat use and background matching by adult Hipparchia semele (L.) in a coastal sand dune site in south Wales were studied during the flight period of 1986.
2. Microhabitat use by both sexes is related to temperature and activity. When settling substrates are cool, typically during the early morning, most individuals are located on the warmest basking substrate, lichen patches. After a period of warming, males perch to locate mates on exposed areas of sand where there is a large field of view and where they are visually apparent. Egg-laying females tend to settle on lichen patches throughout the day.
3. Overall, females are maximally visually cryptic when settled on lichen patches with unexposed forewings. Male crypsis on lichen is less effective, but greater on most other substrates, than that of females. It is argued that individuals match lichen patches because this substrate is used when they are most liable to detection and capture by vertebrate predators. Male crypsis is probably a compromise between maximizing protection on lichen patches and requirements for resemblance to other substrates.
4. The underside hindwing phenotype does not match sand. Background matching to this substrate is probably not important because it tends to be used when individuals are active and can effectively use secondary defence mechanisms.
5. It is suggested that the apical eyespot and orange patch on the forewing underside have a dual role in secondary defence, acting as a startling and deflective device, being exposed by disturbed individuals and by those engaged in activities which may disrupt the visual crypsis afforded by the hindwing underside.  相似文献   

The tokay lizard (Gekko gecko) possesses singlechambered lungs, eacch of which is a mirror image of the other reflected in the midsagittal body plane. When standard techniques are employed for instilling 2% phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde to three-quarters of the total lung capacity, neither the left nor the right lung is consistently larger. Internally, the lungs are characterized by a row of 11 dorsomedial niches and by honeycomb-like (faveolar) gas exchange tissue, which is deeper cranially than caudally. Based upon mean values for all experimental animals, a 100-g tokay would have an overall anatomical diffusion factor (respiratory surface area divided by the appropriate ht) of 203 cm2·m-1·100 g-1, 61% of which is located on the interfaveolar septa. Of the total septal anatomical diffusion factor, 94% is evenly divided between the anterior and middle thirds of the lung, with 6% in the posterior third. The 39% of the anatomical diffusion factor located on the inner lung wall is predominantly (76%) in the middle and posterior lung thirds, with only 24% in the anterior region. These tendencies toward heterogeneous distribution of anatomical diffusion factor were most pronounced in a 55 g juvenile animal. In this animal the total anatomical diffusion faxtor/body mass was 3.6 times that of a 197 g adult. This difference was attributable to a greater body massspecific lung volume and respiratory surface area as well as to a greater surface-to-volume ratio in the parenchyma and to a thinner air-blood diffusion barrier in the juvenile animal.Abbreviations ADF anatomical diffusion factor - %AR percentage of potential respiratory surface area which makes up SAR - DtO2 diffusing capacity for air-blood tissue barrier - IUR isotropic uniform randomly distributed - bm body mass - %P percentage of lung volume devoted to parenchyma - S A potential respiratory surface area (S L minus the surface area of the trabeculae) - S ANR non-respiratory surface area - S AR respiratory surface area - S L total internal surface area of the lung - S v surface area-to-volume ratio in parenchyma - ht harmonic mean thickness of the air-blood tissue barrier - V L morphometrically determined volume of both lungs, fixed at 0.75· V Lm - V Lm maximal lung volume, similar to total lung capacity in mammals - V Lr resting lung volume, similar to functional residual capacity in mammals - VP morphometrically determined volume of parenchyma of both lungs, fixed at three-quarters of VLm  相似文献   

Oliver, P.M., Richards, S.J. & Sistrom, M. (2012). Phylogeny and systematics of Melanesia’s most diverse gecko lineage (Cyrtodactylus, Gekkonidae, Squamata). —Zoologica Scripta, 41, 437–454. The systematics and biogeographical history of the diverse fauna of New Guinea and surrounding islands (Melanesia) remain poorly known. We present a phylogeny for 16 of the 21 recognised Melanesian bent‐toed geckos in the genus Cyrtodactylus based on mitochondrial sequence data. These analyses reveal two divergent lineages of Cyrtodactylus within Melanesia. One includes a single recognised species with clear affinities to sampled taxa from Asia. The other comprises a relatively diverse radiation (likely 30+ species), not closely related to sampled extralimital taxa and centred on the Melanesian region (including Australia). Many taxa within this second lineage are endemic to islands surrounding New Guinea, and dispersal and speciation on peripheral islands appears to have played an important role in the accumulation of species diversity within this clade. In contrast, little diversity is centred upon montane areas, although we do identify at least one lineage closely associated with hill and lower montane forest that probably dates to at least the late Miocene. Our phylogenetic analyses also reveal numerous divergent lineages that require taxonomic attention, including at least two widespread taxa that are likely to be composite, additional specimens of Cyrtodactylus capreoloides (until recently known only from the holotype) and several divergent and completely novel lineages, two of which we introduce herein: Cyrtodactylus arcanus sp. n. and Cyrtodactylus medioclivus sp. n.  相似文献   

1. Protective coloration in insects may be aposematic or cryptic, and some species change defensive strategy between instars. In Sweden, the adult striated shieldbugs Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) undergo a seasonal colour change from pale brown and black striation in the pre‐hibernating adults, to red and black striation in the same post‐hibernating individuals. To the human eye the pre‐hibernating adults appear cryptic against the withered late summer vegetation, whereas the red and black post‐hibernating adults appear aposematic. This suggests a possibility of a functional colour change. However, what is cryptic to the human eye is not necessarily cryptic to a potential predator. 2. Therefore we tested the effect of coloration in adult G. lineatum on their detectability for avian predators. Great tits (Parus major) were trained to eat sunflower seeds hidden inside the emptied exoskeletons of pale or red G. lineatum. Then the detection time for both colour forms was measured in a dry vegetation environment. 3. The birds required a longer time to find the pale form of G. lineatum than the red one. The pale form appears more cryptic on withered late summer vegetation than the red form, not only to the human eye but also to avian predators. The result supports the idea that the adult individuals of G. lineatum undergo a functional change from a cryptic protective coloration to an aposematic one.  相似文献   

The incredible diversity of colour patterns in coral reef fishes has intrigued biologists for centuries. Yet, despite the many proposed explanations for this diversity in coloration, definitive tests of the role of ecological factors in shaping the evolution of particular colour pattern traits are absent. Patterns such as spots and eyespots (spots surrounded by concentric rings of contrasting colour) have often been assumed to function for predator defence by mimicking predators'' enemies'' eyes, deflecting attacks or intimidating predators, but the evolutionary processes underlying these functions have never been addressed. Striped body patterns have been suggested to serve for both social communication and predator defence, but the impact of ecological constraints remains unclear. We conducted the first comparative analysis of colour pattern diversity in butterflyfishes (Family: Chaetodontidae), fishes with conspicuous spots, eyespots and wide variation in coloration. Using a dated molecular phylogeny of 95 species (approx. 75% of the family), we tested whether spots and eyespots have evolved characteristics that are consistent with their proposed defensive function and whether the presence of spots and body stripes is linked with species'' body length, dietary complexity, habitat diversity or social behaviour. Contrary to our expectations, spots and eyespots appeared relatively recently in butterflyfish evolution and are highly evolutionarily labile, suggesting that they are unlikely to have played an important part in the evolutionary history of the group. Striped body patterns showed correlated evolution with a number of ecological factors including habitat type, sociality and dietary complexity. Our findings question the prevailing view that eyespots are an evolutionary response to predation pressure, providing a valuable counter example to the role of these markings as revealed in other taxa.  相似文献   

A prominent scenario for the evolution of reptilian placentation infers that placentotrophy arose by gradual modification of a simple vascular chorioallantoic placenta to a complex structure with a specialized region for nutrient transfer. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of Niveoscincus ocellatus, apparently described originally from a single embryonic stage, was interpreted as a transitional evolutionary type that provided support for the model. Recently, N. ocellatus has been found to be as placentotrophic as species with complex chorioallantoic placentae containing a specialized region called a placentome. We studied placental development in N. ocellatus and confirmed that the chorioallantoic placenta lacks specializations found in species with a placentome. We also found that this species has a specialized omphaloplacenta. The chorioallantoic placenta is confined to the region adjacent to the embryo by a membrane, similar to that found in some other viviparous skinks, that divides the egg into embryonic and abembryonic hemispheres. We term this structure the "inter-omphalopleuric" membrane. The position of this membrane in N. ocellatus is closer to the embryonic pole of the egg than to the abembryonic pole and thus the surface area of the omphaloplacenta is greater than that of the chorioallantoic placenta. In addition, the omphaloplacenta is regionally diversified and more complex histologically than the chorioallantoic placenta. An impressive and unusual feature of the omphaloplacenta of N. ocellatus is the development of extensive overlapping folds in the embryonic component of mid-gestation embryos. The histological complexity and extensive folding of the omphaloplacenta make this a likely site of placental transfer of nutrients in this species.  相似文献   

This study was performed to explore the genetic diversity and genetic structure of red-spotted tokay geckos(Gekko gecko) from 23 different geographical areas in Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia. The mitochondrial tRNAGln/tRNA-Met/partial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 from 166 specimens was amplified and sequenced. A total of 54 different haplotypes were found. Highly significant genetic differences occurred between populations from different localities. The haplotype network revealed six major haplogroups(G1 to G6) belonging to different clades(clade A–E). Clade D and clade E were newly observed in this study. Haplogroup G4(clade D) was a sympatric population with haplogroup G1(clade B). The populations from northern Thailand were divided into two distinct haplogroups separated by mountain range. Genetic structure and genetic differentiation of the tokay in Southeast Asia was related to the geographical region sampled, spatial distance and natural barriers. Our results indicate that red-spotted tokay geckos from mainland Southeast Asia are cryptically diverse. Morphological comparisons, in addition to an intensive genetic investigation covering the whole species range, are needed to clarify the systematic and population structure of this species group.  相似文献   

Virginia striatula is a viviparous snake with a complex pattern of embryonic nutrition. Nutrients for embryonic development are provided by large, yolked eggs, supplemented by placental transfer. Placentation in this species is surprisingly elaborate for a predominantly lecithotrophic squamate reptile. The embryonic-maternal interface consists of three structurally distinct areas, an omphalallantoic placenta and a regionally diversified chorioallantoic placenta. The chorioallantoic placenta over the embryonic hemisphere (paramesometrial region) of the egg, features close apposition of embryonic and uterine blood vessels because of the attenuate form of the interceding epithelial cells. The periphery of the chorioallantoic placenta, which is adjacent to the omphalallantoic placenta, is characterized by a simple cuboidal uterine epithelium apposed to a stratified cuboidal chorionic epithelium. There are no sites with attenuate epithelial cells and close vascular apposition. The morphology of the omphalallantoic placenta is similar to that of the peripheral chorioallantoic placenta, except that the height of uterine epithelial cells is greater and allantoic blood vessels are not associated with the embryonic epithelium. The functional capabilities of the three placental regions are not known, but structural characteristics suggest that the omphalallantoic placenta and peripheral zone of the chorioallantoic placenta are sites of nutritional provision via histotrophy. The paramesometrial region of the chorioallantoic placenta is also nutritive, in addition to functioning as the primary embryonic respiratory system. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of V. striatula is a new placental morphotype for squamate reptiles that is not represented by a classic model for the evolution of reptilian placentation.  相似文献   

The genus Gonatodes is a monophyletic group of small-bodied, diurnal geckos distributed across northern South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. We used fragments of three nuclear genes (RAG2, ACM4, and c-mos) and one mitochondrial gene (16S) to estimate phylogenetic relationships among Amazonian species of Gonatodes. We used Penalized Likelihood to estimate timing of diversification in the genus. Most cladogenesis occurred in the Oligocene and early Miocene and coincided with a burst of diversification in other South American animal groups including mollusks, birds, and mammals. The Oligocene and early Miocene were periods dominated by dramatic climate change and Andean orogeny and we suggest that these factors drove the burst of cladogenesis in Gonatodes geckos as well as other taxa. A common pattern in Amazonian taxa is a biogeographic split between the eastern and western Amazon basin. We observed two clades with this spatial distribution, although large differences in timing of divergence between the east-west taxon pairs indicate that these divergences were not the result of a common vicariant event.  相似文献   

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