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Theories of parental investment and parent-offspring conflictassume that investment involves a cost to the parent and a benefitto the offspring, but for herbivorous mammals, behavioral andnutritional weaning are gradual processes that are difficultto define, and little is known about the consequences of individualvariation during weaning. To study the effects of late maternalcare on offspring fitness, we removed female bighorn sheep (Oviscanadensis) from a marked population in Alberta, Canada, andmonitored the survival, growth, and reproductive success oforphan and nonorphan lambs. Mothers were removed when lambswere 3.5–4.0 months, about 2–4 weeks before thesuspected time of nutritional weaning. Femaleorphans and nonorphanshad the same weight as yearlings, the same probability of producingtheir first lamb at 2 years of age, the same lifetime reproductivesuccess (lambs produced or lambs that survived to early autumn),and the same longevity. Male orphans from most cohorts weresmaller as yearlings compared to nonorphans from the same cohort.They were unable to compensate for this early weight differencein later life: at 4 years, orphan males had smaller horns andwere lighter than nonorphans. Small horn and body size likelylowered the reproductive success of orphaned males comparedto nonorphans from the same cohort. We suggest that in thissexually dimorphic species late maternal care is more importantfor males than for females. Because late maternal care had nomeasurable benefit for daughters, we suggest that parent-offspringconflict over the duration of maternal care may not exist formother-daughter pairs. or mother-son pairs it remains to beshown whether late maternal care involves a cost to the mother,but the assumption of a benefit to the son was met.  相似文献   

Animals exhibit a diversity of colours that can play key roles in mating interactions. However, we presently lack an understanding of the relative importance of the environment, behaviour and natural reflective properties of colourful ornaments in shaping an individual's colour appearance during mating displays. We investigated interactions among structurally based plumage, display environments and courtship shuttle displays of male Costa's hummingbirds (Calypte costae) to test how these elements may differentially contribute to colour appearance during shuttles. Male position relative to the sun was the strongest predictor of colour appearance, with shuttle behaviours and feather reflectance playing smaller roles. Furthermore, male solar orientation and shuttling behaviour (e.g. shuttle width) were repeatable among displays, whereas male colour appearance mostly was not. These results emphasise the contributions of behaviour and environment to colour‐signalling and suggest that relying on reflectance measurements of colourful ornaments alone provides an incomplete picture of ecologically relevant visual phenotypes of displaying animals.  相似文献   

Males in many bird species develop elaborate carotenoid‐based plumage ornaments that play an important role as signals of individual quality in intra‐ or intersexual selection. In the present study, we investigated which of several factors related to male condition and health affect the brightness and coloration of the carotenoid‐based orange–red breeding plumage in males of the red bishop (Euplectes orix), a polygynous and sexually dimorphic weaverbird species. The study revealed a very complex pattern, with the relationships between plumage traits and both heterophil‐to‐lymphocyte ratio and blood parasite load varying considerably among seasons, suggesting a strong influence of environmental conditions. Furthermore, overall condition of males strongly affected the association pattern between plumage traits and other factors, with males in bad condition being forced to allocate resources away from plumage elaboration to body maintenance or the enhancement of immune functions, whereas males in good condition can afford to invest in plumage ornamentation without obvious detrimental effects on health. Thus, females cannot rely on plumage characteristics alone to gather information on male quality, but have to assess additional traits that advertise general male health status. Perhaps surprisingly, testosterone levels were not related to male plumage characteristics. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 384–397.  相似文献   

Sperm proteins of marine sessile invertebrates have been extensively studied to understand the molecular basis of reproductive isolation. Apart from molecules such as bindin of sea urchins or lysin of abalone species, the acrosomal protein M7 lysin of Mytilus edulis has been analyzed. M7 lysin was found to be under positive selection, but mechanisms driving the evolution of this protein are not fully understood. To explore functional aspects, this study investigated the protein expression pattern of M7 and M6 lysin in gametes and somatic tissue of male and female M. edulis. The study employs a previously published monoclonal antibody (G26‐AG8) to investigate M6 and M7 lysin protein expression, and explores expression of both genes. It is shown that these proteins and their encoding genes are expressed in gametes and somatic tissue of both sexes. This is in contrast to sea urchin bindin and abalone lysin, in which gene expression is strictly limited to males. Although future studies need to clarify the functional importance of both acrosomal proteins in male and female somatic tissue, new insights into the evolution of sperm proteins in marine sessile invertebrates are possible. This is because proteins with male‐specific expression (bindin, lysin) might evolve differently than proteins with expression in both sexes (M6/M7 lysin), and the putative function of both proteins in females opens the possibility that the evolution of M6/M7 lysin is under sexual antagonistic selection, for example, mutations beneficial to the acrosomal function that are less beneficial the function in somatic tissue of females.Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 517‐524, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

When exposed to parasites, hosts often mount energetically expensive immune responses, and this may alter resource allocation between competing life history traits including other components of the immune system. Here, we investigated whether a humoral immune challenge towards a vaccine reduces or enhances the cutaneous immune responses towards an injection of lipopolysaccharid (LPS, innate immunity) and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA, T‐cell immunity) in nestling tawny owls in interaction with the degree of plumage melanin‐based coloration. The humoral immune challenge enhanced the response to LPS similarly in differently coloured nestlings. In contrast, the same humoral immune challenge enhanced immune response to PHA in dark reddish melanic nestlings while reducing it in pale reddish melanic nestlings. Our results highlight that both antagonistic and synergistic interactions can take place among branches of immune system, and that the sign and magnitude of these interactions can vary with immune responses involved and the degree of melanin‐based coloration.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, dioecy has arisen in 871–5,000 independent events, distributed in approximately 43% of the flowering families. The reproductive superiority of unisexuals has been the favorite explanation for the evolution of separate sexes. However, in several instances, the observed reproductive performance of unisexuals, if any, does not seem to compensate for the loss of one of the sex functions. The involvement of fitness components not directly associated with reproduction is a plausible hypothesis that has received little attention. Life‐history traits recently recognized as predictors of plant performance were compared among males, females, and hermaphrodites of a rare trioecious Opuntia robusta population in the field, using the cladode as the study unit. Cladode mortality by domestic herbivores was common and higher in females and hermaphrodites than in males. Males, females, or both displayed lower shrinkage and higher rates of survival, growth, and reproductive frequency than hermaphrodites. Unisexuals simultaneously outperformed hermaphrodites in demographic traits known to compete for common limiting resources, such as the acceleration of reproductive maturation (progenesis) and survival. A meta‐analysis combining the outcomes of each of the analyzed life‐history traits revealed a tendency of males (d++ = 1.03) and females (d++ = 0.93) to outperform hermaphrodites in presumably costly demographic options. Clonality is induced by human or domestic animal plant sectioning; and males and females highly exceeded hermaphrodites in their clonality potential by a factor of 8.3 and 5.3, respectively. The performances of unisexuals in the analyzed life‐history traits may enhance their reproductive potential in the long run and their clonality potential and could explain the observed increase of unisexuality in the population. Life‐history traits can be crucial for the evolution of unisexuality, but their impact appears to be habitat specific and may involve broad ontogenetic changes.  相似文献   

Plant growth rates strongly determine ecosystem productivity and are a central element of plant ecological strategies. For laboratory and glasshouse‐grown seedlings, specific leaf area (SLA; ratio of leaf area to mass) is a key driver of interspecific variation in growth rate (GR). Consequently, SLA is often assumed to drive GR variation in field‐grown adult plants. However, there is an increasing evidence that this is not the general case. This suggests that GR – SLA relationships (and perhaps those for other traits) may vary depending on the age or size of the plants being studied. Here we investigated GR – trait relationships and their size dependence among 17 woody species from an open‐canopy, fire‐prone savanna in northern Australia. We tested the predictions that SLA and stem diameter growth rate would be positively correlated in saplings but unrelated in adults while, in both age classes, faster‐GR species would have higher light‐saturated photosynthetic rate (Asat), higher leaf nutrient concentrations, higher branch‐scale biomass allocation to leaf versus stem tissues and lower wood density (WD). SLA showed no relationship to stem diameter GR, even in saplings, and the same was true of leaf N and P concentrations, and WD. However, branch‐scale leaf:stem allocation was strongly related to GR in both age groups, as was Asat. Together, these two traits accounted for up to 80% of interspecific variation in adult GR, and 41% of sapling GR. Asat is rarely measured in field‐based GR studies, and this is the first report of branch‐scale leaf:stem allocation (analogous to a benefit:cost ratio) in relation to plant growth rate. Our results suggest that we may yet find general trait‐drivers of field growth rates, but SLA will not be one.  相似文献   

In the current study we tested if highest incidence of benign as well as cancer growths in breast tissue is due to constitutive molecular composition of this tissue. To delineate the molecular basis, we compared the expression of nine functional gene modules (total 578 genes) that regulate major positive growth and negative inhibitory signals in normal breast with two other reproductive tissues, ovary and uterus. We present data to demonstrate that breast tissues constitutively have very highly elevated levels of several growth promoting molecules and diminished levels of inhibitory molecules which may, in part, contribute for highest incidence of tumor growths in this tissue.  相似文献   

Ornament expression fluctuates with age in many organisms. Whether these changes are adaptively plastic is poorly known. In order to understand the ultimate function of melanin‐based ornaments, we studied their within‐individual fluctuations and their covariation with fitness‐related traits. In barn owls (Tyto alba), individuals vary from reddish‐brown pheomelanic to white, and from immaculate to marked with black eumelanic spots, with males being less reddish and less spotted than females. During the first molt, both sexes became less pheomelanic, females displayed larger spots and males fewer spots, but the extent of these changes was not associated with reproduction. At subsequent molts, intra‐individual changes in melanin‐based traits covaried with simultaneous reproduction changes. Adult females bred earlier in the season and laid larger eggs when they became scattered with larger spots, whereas adults of both sexes produced larger broods when they became whiter. These results suggest that the production of melanin pigments and fitness‐related life‐history traits are concomitantly regulated in a sex‐specific way. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 689–704.  相似文献   

Knowledge‐based methods for analyzing protein structures, such as statistical potentials, primarily consider the distances between pairs of bodies (atoms or groups of atoms). Considerations of several bodies simultaneously are generally used to characterize bonded structural elements or those in close contact with each other, but historically do not consider atoms that are not in direct contact with each other. In this report, we introduce an information‐theoretic method for detecting and quantifying distance‐dependent through‐space multibody relationships between the sidechains of three residues. The technique introduced is capable of producing convergent and consistent results when applied to a sufficiently large database of randomly chosen, experimentally solved protein structures. The results of our study can be shown to reproduce established physico‐chemical properties of residues as well as more recently discovered properties and interactions. These results offer insight into the numerous roles that residues play in protein structure, as well as relationships between residue function, protein structure, and evolution. The techniques and insights presented in this work should be useful in the future development of novel knowledge‐based tools for the evaluation of protein structure. Proteins 2014; 82:3450–3465. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The toxicity of high copper (Cu) concentrations in the root environment of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) was little influenced by the sulphur nutritional status of the plant. However, Cu toxicity removed the correlation between sulphur metabolism‐related gene expression and the suggested regulatory metabolites. At high tissue Cu levels, there was no relation between sulphur metabolite levels viz. total sulphur, sulphate and water‐soluble non‐protein thiols, and the expression and activity of sulphate transporters and expression of APS reductase under sulphate‐sufficient or‐deprived conditions, in the presence or absence of H2S. This indicated that the regulatory signal transduction pathway of sulphate transporters was overruled or by‐passed upon exposure to elevated Cu concentrations.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are subject to multiple, natural and anthropogenic environmental influences, including nitrogen (N) deposition, land use and climate. Assessment of the relative importance of these influences on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is crucial for guiding policy and management decisions to mitigate global change; yet, few studies consider multiple drivers. In the UK, ongoing loss of the internationally important arctic/alpine moss‐sedge community, Racomitrium heath, has been linked to elevated N deposition, high grazing pressures and their combination; however, the relative importance of these drivers remains unclear. We used environmental gradients across the habitat's European distribution (UK, Faroes, Norway and Iceland) to investigate the relative impact of N deposition and grazing pressure, as well as climate, on the condition of the dominant moss species, Racomitrium lanuginosum. Key variables including tissue chemistry, growth and cover were measured at 36 sites, and multiple linear regressions were used to examine the relative importance of the drivers across sites. Our results clearly show that regional variation in the condition of R. lanuginosum across Europe is primarily associated with the impacts of N deposition, with climate (air temperature) and grazing pressure playing secondary roles. In contrast to previous experimental studies, we found moss growth to be stimulated by elevated N deposition; this apparent discrepancy may result from the use of artificially high N concentrations in many experiments. Despite increased growth rates, we found that moss mat depth and cover declined in response to N deposition. Our results suggest that this is due to increased decomposition of material in the moss mat, which ultimately leads to loss of moss cover and habitat degradation. This study clearly demonstrates both the key role of N deposition in degradation of Racomitrium heath and the importance of observational studies along natural gradients for testing predictions from experimental studies in the real world.  相似文献   

Evolutionary divergence in behavioural traits related to mating may represent the initial stage of speciation. Direct selective forces are usually invoked to explain divergence in mate‐recognition traits, often neglecting a role for neutral processes or concomitant differentiation in ecological traits. We adopted a multi‐trait approach to obtain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind allopatric divergence in the Amazonian frog, Allobates femoralis. We tested the null hypothesis that geographic distance between populations correlates with genetic and phenotypic divergence, and compared divergence between mate‐recognition (acoustic) and ecological (coloration, body‐shape) traits. We quantified geographic variation in 39 phenotypic traits and a mitochondrial DNA marker among 125 individuals representing eight populations. Geographic variation in acoustic traits was pronounced and tracked the spatial genetic variation, which appeared to be neutral. Thus, the evolution of acoustic traits tracked the shared history of the populations, which is unexpected for pan‐Amazonian taxa or for mate‐recognition traits. Divergence in coloration appeared uncorrelated with genetic distance, and might be partly attributed to local selective pressures, and perhaps to Batesian mimicry. Divergence in body‐shape traits was low. The results obtained depict a complex evolutionary scenario and emphasize the importance of considering multiple traits when disentangling the forces behind allopatric divergence. ©2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 826–838.  相似文献   

The growth hormone gene of the rainbow trout (tGH-II) was expressed in leaves of transgenic tobacco plants and seeds of transgenicArabidopsis plants using tissue-specific promoters. Although in the leaves and the seeds comparble amounts of tGH-II mRNA could be detected, the protein could only be identified in the tobacco leaves. Passage of the hormone into the secretory pathway, mediated by the signal sequence of the extracellular tobacco PRI-b (pathogenesis-related) protein, resulted in correct disulphide bridge formation and (partial) glycosylation of the hormone. In contrast, cytoplasmic expression resulted in misfolding and partial breakdown of the protein. The data demonstrate that synthesis, folding and glycosylation of heterologous proteins in plants is dependent both on subcellular location as well as on the tissue or cell type in which the protein is expressed.  相似文献   

Lizards display structural and pigment‐based colorations, and their visual system is sensitive to wavelengths of 300–700 nm. However, few studies in squamate reptiles have quantified interindividual colour variation that includes the structural ultraviolet (UV) component (300–400 nm). In the present study, we investigated variability of a ventral UV/yellow–red ornamentation in the common lizard Zootoca vivipara, including an analysis of spatial distribution, as well as sex and age differences. We also investigated whether the expression of coloration is related to body size and condition. Our analyses revealed two distinct patches: a gular patch with a strong UV reflectance and a belly patch with a dominant yellow–red reflectance. Males displayed a less saturated throat coloration with higher UV chroma and UV hue, and had a redder but duller belly coloration than females. Yearlings had less elaborate ornaments than adults, although they already displayed a yellow–red sexual dichromatism on the belly. UV sexual dichromatism was only apparent in adults as a result of a weaker UV reflectance in females, suggesting potential fitness costs of a bright UV coloration in that sex. Different colour traits were related to body size in both sexes, as well as to body condition in males. We discuss the potential evolutionary scenarios leading to the maintenance of this ornament in common lizards. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 128–141.  相似文献   

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