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1. Secondary production was estimated for Plecoptera, Odonata and Megaloptera (mostly large predators) occurring on the snag habitat of a subtropical blackwater river in the southeastern U.S.A. Coastal Plain for 2 years. Production estimates and gut analyses were used in estimating species‐specific ingestion to construct a quantitative food web of the predator portion of the invertebrate assemblage. Neither basal resources (e.g. detritus) nor predaceous vertebrates (e.g. fishes) were considered in this analysis. A discharge‐specific model of snag‐habitat availability was used to convert values per m2 of snag surface to values per m2 of river bed.
2. These three orders included the major large predators on the snag habitat, as well as two detritivorous stoneflies. The major predators were the hellgrammite (Corydaluscornutus), five perlid stoneflies (Paragnetinakansensis, Perlestaplacida, Neoperlaclymene, Acroneuriaevoluta and Acroneuriaabnormis) and two dragonflies (Neurocorduliamolesta and Boyeriavinosa). The detritivores were Pteronarcysdorsata and Taeniopteryxlita.
3. Total predator production was high, but varied from only 7.1 to 7.4 g dry mass (DM) m?2 y?1 of snag surface (2.4–2.7 g DM m?2 y?1 of river bed) over two years. Corydalus was the largest predator and had the highest production (2.8–3.1 g DM m?2 of snag surface). The most productive stoneflies were Perlesta (0.7–1.0 g DM m?2 of snag surface) and Paragnetina (1.0–1.3 g DM m?2 of snag surface). The most productive dragonfly was Neurocordulia (0.7–1.9 g DM m?2 of snag surface). Production of the non‐predaceous stoneflies was 1.0–2.3 g DM m?2 of snag surface. Production values per m2 of river bed were 2–3.5 times lower than the values per m2 snag surface.
4. Measurement of ingestion fluxes within the predator portion of the food web showed that predaceous invertebrates were primarily supported by chironomid and mayfly prey. However, the greatest consumption of chironomids and mayflies was by omnivorous hydropsychid caddisflies, which had a considerably higher production than the larger predators. There was a hierarchy of feeding with Corydalus as top predator consuming all other groups, followed in order by dragonflies, stoneflies and hydropsychids. Although the feeding hierarchy suggested the presence of four predatory trophic levels within the invertebrate assemblage, calculations of trophic position indicated there were less than two. With primary consumers (e.g. midges) having a trophic position of 2, Corydalus had a trophic position of only 3.5.
5. A relatively high fraction of invertebrate production was consumed by predaceous invertebrates, ranging from 9 to >100% for various primary consumer groups, with total consumption representing 52% of total production. Because these estimates do not include vertebrate consumption or emergence, it means that a high fraction of larval mortality is due to predation.  相似文献   

  1. Characterising food-web responses to environmental factors could greatly improve our understanding of environment-biota relationships, and especially in floodplains where trophic interactions can be particularly important during phases of hydrological disconnection. The effects of floodplain hydrology and environmental attributes on structural aspects of biotic assemblages have been extensively studied, but responses at the functional level remain largely unknown.
  2. Here, we characterised a central aspect of food-web architecture, the food chain length, as the maximum trophic position within 24 macroinvertebrate communities of parafluvial habitats in the Maggia river floodplain, in Switzerland. We investigated how the food chain length changed with different levels of habitat size, primary productivity and disturbance, the three factors potentially affecting food chain length in both theoretical and empirical studies.
  3. We found that food chain length was lower in frequently flooded habitats and immediately after a flood. We also showed that trophic omnivory, where predators fed at lower trophic levels after flooding, and in more frequently flooded habitats, may explain these changes.
  4. These findings show that trophic omnivory may explain how predators resist disturbance and are maintained in highly dynamic landscapes. More importantly, given that trophic omnivory may overall weaken trophic linkages and thus increase food-web stability, this suggests that it could be a key mechanism in sustaining biodiversity in river floodplains.

1. We tested the hypothesis that indirect food web interactions between some common, invertivorous fishes and their prey would positively affect growth of an algivorous fish species. Specifically, we predicted that orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) would increase periphyton biomass via a top‐down pathway, indirectly enhancing growth of the algivorous central stoneroller minnow (Campostoma anomalum). Moreover, we predicted that sand shiner (Notropis stramineus) would increase periphyton biomass via a bottom‐up pathway and indirectly enhance growth of the stoneroller minnow. 2. In an 83‐day experiment in large, outdoor, stream mesocosms, we stocked two fish species per mesocosm (stoneroller and either darter or shiner), estimated the effects of the invertivorous and grazing fishes on periphyton biomass and estimated growth of the algivorous fish. 3. The darter consumed grazing invertebrates, indirectly increasing periphyton biomass. The shiner consumed terrestrial insects as predicted, but it did not affect periphyton biomass. 4. In support of our hypothesis, the darter indirectly enhanced stoneroller growth. As predicted, stonerollers consumed the increased periphyton in streams with darters, resulting in greater growth, condition and gut fullness compared to streams without darters. No indirect interaction was observed between stonerollers and shiners. 5. Our study suggests that some invertivorous fish species can positively affect growth of algivorous fishes through indirect food web interactions. Thus, in stream communities, it is possible that the loss of a single, invertivorous fish taxon could have negative consequences on algivorous fish populations via the removal of positive indirect food web interactions.  相似文献   

Scavenging can have important consequences for food web dynamics, for example, it may support additional consumer species and affect predation on live prey. Still, few food web models include scavenging. We develop a dynamic model that includes two facultative scavenger species, which we refer to as the predator or scavenger species according to their natural scavenging propensity, as well as live prey, and a carrion pool to show ramifications of scavenging for predation in simple food webs. Our modeling suggests that the presence of scavengers can both increase and decrease predator kill rates and overall predation in model food webs and the impact varies (in magnitude and direction) with context. In particular, we explore the impact of the amount of dynamics (exploitative competition) allowed in the predator, scavenger, and prey populations as well as the direction and magnitude of interference competition between predators and scavengers. One fundamental prediction is that scavengers most likely increase predator kill rates, especially if there are exploitative feedback effects on the prey or carrion resources like is normally observed in natural systems. Scavengers only have minimal effects on predator kill rate when predator, scavenger, and prey abundances are kept constant by management. In such controlled systems, interference competition can greatly affect the interactions in contrast to more natural systems, with an increase in interference competition leading to a decrease in predator kill rate. Our study adds to studies that show that the presence of predators affects scavenger behavior, vital rates, and food web structure, by showing that scavengers impact predator kill rates through multiple mechanisms, and therefore indicating that scavenging and predation patterns are tightly intertwined. We provide a road map to the different theoretical outcomes and their support from different empirical studies on vertebrate guilds to provide guidance in wildlife management.  相似文献   

The effects of disturbance on communities have been a focus of both theoretical and empirical inquiries for many years. Food web stability is hypothesized to be affected by disturbance and the nature of the energy pathways (i.e. allochthonous or autochthonous) of a community. In this study, we investigated whether food webs at paired sites, one in forest and the other in grassland, in ten New Zealand streams along a disturbance gradient differ in their topological structure and robustness. Food web robustness (an indicator of web resistance) assesses the ease with which secondary extinctions permeate the food web following an initial random extinction (disturbance). We found that neither the nature of the energy source nor physical disturbance affected structural metrics or web robustness. As stream systems, particularly in New Zealand, are exposed to regular, unpredictable and dramatic physical disturbance from flooding, it may simply be that the floods result in generalist species dominating and increasing robustness irrespective of the energy source.  相似文献   

Extinction affected food web structure in paleoecosystems. Recent theoretical studies that examined the effects of extinction intensity on food web structure on ecological time scales have considered extinction to involve episodic events, with pre-extinction food webs becoming established without dynamics. However, in terms of the paleontological time scale, food web structures are generated from feedback with repeated extinctions, because extinction frequency is affected by food web structure, and food web structure itself is a product of previous extinctions. We constructed a simulation model of changes in tri-trophic-level food webs to examine how continual extinction events affect food webs on an evolutionary time scale. We showed that under high extinction intensity (1) species diversity, especially that of consumer species, decreased; (2) the total population density at each trophic level decreased, while the densities of individual species increased; and (3) the trophic link density of the food web increased. In contrast to previous models, our results were based on an assumption of long-term food web development and are able to explain overall trends posited by empirical investigations based on fossil records.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物在水生食物网中的传递行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯秋园  万祎  刘学勤  刘永 《生态学报》2017,37(9):2845-2857
食物网是持久性有机污染物(POPs)在水生生态系统中传递的重要途径,了解其传递行为与机制是POPs生态暴露风险评价的科学基础。从4个方面展开了讨论和分析:(1)食物网主要特征(营养级和食物链长度)与POPs环境行为的关系;(2)POPs在底栖及底栖-浮游耦合食物网中的环境行为;(3)微食物网对POPs环境行为的作用;(4)食物网的变化对POPs环境行为的影响。主要结论如下:(1)已有研究对水生生物中POPs生物放大作用存在较大争议。一般营养级越高,POPs生物富集性越强,但由于各种生态和生理性质的影响,也存在例外情况。食物链长度与POPs生物富集性呈正相关。(2)POPs通过底栖食物网将沉积物中的POPs向上传递,底栖-浮游食物网的耦合提高了高营养级消费者的暴露风险,目前就POPs在底栖食物网中的生物放大性是否大于浮游食物网存在争议。(3)微生物具有较大的比表面积,是吸附POPs的重要载体。另,沉积物中的微生物通过分解有机质,将POPs释放到水柱中。微生物降解也是环境中POPs脱离环境的重要途径。(4)在内、外压力下,食物网结构和功能发生变化,使物质和能量的传递方向和效率发生改变,并与环境理化性质的变化互相耦合,影响POPs的环境行为。当前研究的重点多集中在POPs在浮游食物网,尤其是高营养级浮游食物网中的环境行为,对POPs在底栖及底栖-浮游耦合食物网和微食物网中环境行为的研究相对缺乏。有关POPs在食物网中环境行为的研究多集中在食物网的某个部分,时间尺度较短,缺乏对POPs环境行为动态变化的研究,未来需深入开展多尺度和多角度的POPs在食物网中环境行为的动态变化研究。新型POPs的生产和使用量不断增加,但有关其在食物网中环境行为的相关分析还较为匮乏,需加强研究。  相似文献   

基于稳定同位素的湿地食物源判定和食物网构建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地生物营养动力学是湿地生态系统结构和功能评价研究的基础.碳、氮稳定同位素作为识别营养关系的方法,已在湿地生态系统食物来源、组成和食物链传递研究中得到广泛运用.本文系统综述了稳定同位素食物贡献度计算模型和营养级确定的基本方法和理论;讨论了动物营养分馏值和基线的选择依据;概括了湿地生态系统典型食物源及其稳定同位素变化特征;总结了草食、杂食和肉食等不同营养级动物的食物来源.指出了稳定同位素在湿地食物源溯源和食物网研究中的不足;基于国内外研究现状和发展趋势及需求,展望了未来同位素技术在湿地食物网生态学研究中的运用前景和研究重点,提出需要加强稳定同位素营养分馏和基线的影响因素、样品处理和保存方式研究以及胃含物、分子标记物和多元素同位素结合分析.  相似文献   

1. In North America, the invasive predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi was first detected in Lake Ontario. We explored the impact of Cercopagis on the lower food web of Lake Ontario through assessments of historical and seasonal abundance of the crustacean zooplankton, by conducting feeding experiments on the dominant prey of the invader, and by estimating its food requirements. 2. Between 1999 and 2001, a decrease in the abundance of dominant members of the Lake Ontario zooplankton community (Daphnia retrocurva, Bosmina longirostris and Diacyclops thomasi) coincided with an increase in the abundance of Cercopagis. Daphnia retrocurva populations declined despite high fecundity in all 3 years, indicating that food limitation was not responsible. Chlorophyll a concentration generally increased, concomitant with a decline in the herbivorous cladoceran zooplankton in the lake. 3. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that Cercopagis fed on small‐bodied species including D. retrocurva and B. longirostris. 4. Consumption demand of mid‐summer populations of Cercopagis, estimated from a bioenergetic model of the confamilial Bythotrephes, was sufficient to reduce crustacean abundance, although the degree of expected suppression varied seasonally and interannually. 5. Predatory effects exerted by Cercopagis on the Lake Ontario zooplankton, while initially very pronounced, have decreased steadily as the species became established in the lake.  相似文献   

Nutrient enrichment of rivers and lakes has been increasing rapidly over the past few decades, primarily because of agricultural intensification. Although nutrient enrichment is known to drive excessive algal and microbial growth, which can directly and indirectly change the ecological community composition, the resulting changes in food web emergent properties are poorly understood. We used ecological network analysis (ENA) to examine the emergent properties of 12 riverine food webs across a nutrient enrichment gradient in the Manawatu, New Zealand. We also derive Keystone Sensitivity Indices to explore whether nutrients change the trophic importance of species in a way that alters the resilience of the communities to further nutrient enrichment or floods. Nutrient enrichment resulted in communities composed of energy inefficient species with high community (excluding microbes) respiration. Community respiration was several times greater in enriched communities, and this may drive hypoxic conditions even without concomitant changes in microbial respiration. Enriched communities exhibited weaker trophic cascades, which may yield greater robustness to energy flow loss. Interestingly, enriched communities were also more structurally and functionally affected by species sensitive to flow disturbance making these communities more vulnerable to floods.  相似文献   

基于土壤食物网的生态系统复杂性-稳定性关系研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈云峰  唐政  李慧  韩雪梅  李钰飞  胡诚 《生态学报》2014,34(9):2173-2186
复杂性-稳定性关系是生态学核心问题之一。作为模式食物网,土壤食物网在探索生态系统复杂性-稳定性关系中起了极大的作用。总结了以Moore、de Ruiter、Neutel等为代表的理论生态学家以土壤食物网为工具研究生态系统复杂性-稳定性关系的方法、结论及不足之处,并展望了未来的发展方向。Moore、de Ruiter、Neutel等将土壤食物网功能群生物量数据、土壤食物网Lotka-Volterra模型和面向过程模型三者结合起来,描述相互作用强度大小格局、分室、能流组织形式等复杂性特征;将土壤食物网Lotka-Volterra模型与群落矩阵结合起来分析局域稳定性,进而探讨生态系统复杂性-稳定性关系的一般规律。在此基础上,Moore、de Ruiter、Neutel等证明了与随机食物网相比,真实食物网的相互作用强度格局、分室等复杂性特征提高了生态系统稳定性,生产力与稳定性共同决定了食物链的长度,并指出建立在平衡态基础上的静态土壤食物网模型在探索生态系统复杂性-稳定性关系方面具有较大的不足,动态土壤食物网是未来以土壤食物网为工具研究生态系统复杂性-稳定性关系的发展方向。  相似文献   

The increased temperature associated with climate change may have important effects on body size and predator–prey interactions. The consequences of these effects for food web structure are unclear because the relationships between temperature and aspects of food web structure such as predator–prey body-size relationships are unknown. Here, we use the largest reported dataset for marine predator–prey interactions to assess how temperature affects predator–prey body-size relationships among different habitats ranging from the tropics to the poles. We found that prey size selection depends on predator body size, temperature and the interaction between the two. Our results indicate that (i) predator–prey body-size ratios decrease with predator size at below-average temperatures and increase with predator size at above-average temperatures, and (ii) that the effect of temperature on predator–prey body-size structure will be stronger at small and large body sizes and relatively weak at intermediate sizes. This systematic interaction may help to simplify forecasting the potentially complex consequences of warming on interaction strengths and food web stability.  相似文献   

We developed a mechanistic model of nutrient, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish interactions to test the effects of phytoplankton food quality for herbivorous zooplankton on planktonic food web processes. When phytoplankton food quality is high strong trophic cascades suppress phytoplankton biomass, the zooplankton can withstand intense zooplanktivory, and energy is efficiently transferred through the food web sustaining higher trophic level production. Low food quality results in trophic decoupling at the plant-animal interface, with phytoplankton biomass determined primarily by nutrient availability, zooplankton easily eliminated by fish predation, and poor energy transfer through the food web. At a given nutrient availability, food quality and zooplanktivory interact to determine zooplankton biomass which in turn determines algal biomass. High food quality resulted in intense zooplankton grazing which favored fast-growing phytoplankton taxa, whereas fish predation favored slow-growing phytoplankton. These results suggest algal food quality for herbivorous zooplankton can strongly influence the nature of aquatic food web dynamics, and can have profound effects on water quality and fisheries production. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   

消费者多样性对食物网结构和生态系统功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前所未有的生物多样性丧失使人们越来越关注生物多样性的生态系统功能.现有的绝大多数研究都是局限在单一营养级别上,主要是植物上,但是今天越来越多的证明表明消费者的多样性对生态系统结构和功能具有深刻影响.综述了消费者多样性对相邻或非相邻营养级的种群密度、物种多样性和生产力等方面影响的最新进展,同时也提出了若干研究展望.总体上.消费者多样性,无论是草食动物还是肉食动物,都倾向于增加该消费者所在营养级的养分和能量利用效率,以及生产力.这可能源于取样效应,或者物种之间的互补作用,类似于植物物种多样性影响初级生产力的机制.草食动物可能降低或者提高植物物种多样性,或者没有显著影响,其具体效应取决于生态系统生产力水平和草食动物的大小.捕食者哌能通过直接抑制草食动物而间接提高植物的多样性和生产力,但这种效应的大小差异很大,甚至效应的方向,都可能随团体内捕食者所占的比例而改变.未来的研究,应该考虑应用较大尺度的实验来检测食物网复杂营养关系对生态系统特性的影响,继续探讨消费者对生态系统功能的影响机制.认为异速生长法则和生态化学计量学在食物网组分关系研究中的应用将有利于增强人们对消费者.生态系统功能关系的理解.另外,全球变暖和转基因植物对食物网中消费者结构和生态系统的功能的影响也将是未来的一个重要研究方向.  相似文献   

土壤动物食物网研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来关于陆地生态系统的研究都集中在地上部分,而对于地下部分知之甚少。地下生态系统营养关系是生态系统中各生物成员之间最重要的联系,是物质循环、能量流动的重要载体。研究土壤动物食物网已成为现代地下/土壤生态学研究的热点与前沿。由于土壤动物的个体小、食性复杂、栖息环境隐蔽等原因,使得对土壤动物食物网的研究困难重重,所以选择合适的研究方法尤为重要。本文总结了国际上近几十年来土壤动物食物网研究方法,将其分为传统方法(野外直接观察法、室内培养实验观察法、显微镜下肠容物分析法)、常用方法(消化酶分析法、脂肪酸分析法、稳定同位素技术、特定化合物分子的稳定同位素分析技术)和现代分子方法(DNA分子跟踪食物链网络技术、单克隆抗体技术)3大类,具体介绍了每一种方法的发展历史和应用现状。根据土壤动物自身特性及对各方法的优势与劣势的比较,脂肪酸分析法和稳定同位素分析法是当前土壤动物食物网研究的常用方法;随着未来物种分子鉴定技术的改进和数据库的积累,DNA分子跟踪食物链网络技术将会成为未来的主流发展方向。  相似文献   

Chemical concentrations and distributions in an aquatic food web were studied to quantify the relative importance of chemical properties versus food web processes in determining exposure dynamics of organic contaminants in aquatic ecosystems. Five organochlorines were measured (Pentachlorobenzene QCB, Hexachlorobenzene HCB, Octachlorostyrene OCS, Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene DDE and Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCBs) in the food web of Lake St. Clair. Levels of QCB in aquatic organisms ranged from 1.0 to 25 µg kg–1 lipid, and levels of HCB ranged from 10 to 410 µg kg–1 lipid. More elevated concentrations of OCS (13 to 392 µg kg–1 lipid), DDE (162 to 11 986 µg kg–1 lipid) and PCB (650 to 64 900 µg kg–1 lipid) were observed. Organism — water equilibrium ratios were calculated for all species sampled to quantify the importance of food web processes in regulating contaminant exposure dynamics. Correlations of organism — water equilibrium ratios with body size were not significant for QCB, HCB and OCS (P>0.1), but were found to be significant for DDE and PCB (P<0.01).Results support the conclusion that both chemical properties and food web dynamics regulate the distribution and concentration of organochlorines in aquatic ecosystems. Food web processes are important, however, for chemicals, that are not metabolized and have octanol — water partition coefficients (log K ow) greater than 5.5.  相似文献   

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