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A gene encoding a new xylanase, named xynZG, was cloned by the genome-walking PCR method from the nematophagous fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina. The genomic DNA sequence of xynZG contains a 780 bp open reading frame separated by two introns with the sizes of 50 and 46 bp. To our knowledge, this would be the first functional gene cloned from P. cucumerina. The 684 bp cDNA was cloned into vector pHBM905B and transformed into Pichia pastoris GS115 to select xylanase-secreting transformants on RBB-xylan containing plate. The optimal secreting time was 3 days at 25°C and enzymatic activities in the culture supernatants reached the maximum level of 362 U ml−1. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 19 kDa on SDS-PAGE. The optimal pH and temperature of the purified enzyme is 6 and 40°C, respectively. The purified enzyme is stable at room temperature for at least 10 h. The K m and V max values for birchwood xylan are 2.06 mg ml−1 and 0.49 mmol min−1mg−1, respectively. The inhibitory effects of various mental ions were investigated. It is interesting to note that Cu2+ ion, which strongly inhibits most other xylanases studied, reduces enzyme activity by only 40%. Furthermore, enzyme activity is unaffected by EDTA even at a concentration of 5 mM.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis BSA (L. lactis BSA) was isolated from a commercial fermented product (BSA Food Ingredients, Montreal, Canada) containing mixed bacteria that are used as starter for food fermentation. In order to increase the bacteriocin production by L. lactis BSA, different fermentation conditions were conducted. They included different volumetric combinations of two culture media (the Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) broth and skim milk), agitation level (0 and 100 rpm) and concentration of commercial nisin (0, 0.15, and 0.30 µg/ml) added into culture media as stimulant agent for nisin production. During fermentation, samples were collected and used for antibacterial evaluation against Lactobacillus sakei using agar diffusion assay. Results showed that medium containing 50 % MRS broth and 50 % skim milk gave better antibacterial activity as compared to other medium formulations. Agitation (100 rpm) did not improve nisin production by L. lactis BSA. Adding 0.15 µg/ml of nisin into the medium-containing 50 % MRS broth and 50 % skim milk caused the highest nisin activity of 18,820 AU/ml as compared to other medium formulations. This activity was 4 and ~3 times higher than medium containing 100 % MRS broth without added nisin (~4700 AU/ml) and 100 % MRS broth with 0.15 µg/ml of added nisin (~6650 AU/ml), respectively.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium ammoniagenes N424 was metabolically modified to isolate overproducers of deoxycytidine. Inosine auxotrophy (ino) was initially introduced to prevent the flow of PRPP (phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate) into the purine biosynthetic pathway by random mutagenesis using N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Following that, mutants possessing hydroxyurea resistance (HUr) were isolated to increase the activity of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase, which catalyzes the reduction of ribonucleoside diphosphate to deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate. Then, in order to block the flow of dCTP into the TMP biosynthetic pathway via dUTP, thymine auxotrophy (thy) was introduced into the mutant IH30 with ino and Hlf. The resulting mutant IM7, possessing the characteristics of ino, HUr, and thy, was deficient in dCTP deaminase and produced significantly higher amounts of deoxycytidine (81.3 mg/L) compared to its mother strain IH30 (6.2 mg/L). Deoxycytidine productivity was further enhanced by isolating the mutant IU19, which was resistant to 5-fluorouracil, an inhibitor of carbamoyl phosphate synthase. This enzyme catalyzed the synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate from glutamine, HCO3, and ATP. 5-Fluorouracil also inhibited aspartate trans-carbamoylase, catalyzeing the condensation of carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate. Finally, 5-fluorocytosine resistance (FCr) was introduced into the mutant strain IU19 to relieve the repression caused by accumulation of pyrimidine nucleosides. The mutant strain IC14-C6 possessing all the five characteristics described above produced 226.3 mg/L of deoxycytidine, which was at least 2,000 fold higher compared to the wild type, and accumulated only a negligible amount of other pyrimidines under shake flask fermentation.  相似文献   

Apidaecins are heat-stable, nonhelical antibacterial peptides isolated from lymph fluid of the honeybee (Apis mellifera). These peptides are active against a wide range of gram-negative bacteria and they are the most prominent components of the honeybee humoral defense against microbial invasion. In the present study, one isoform of apidaecin, apidaecin Ho, was expressed extracellularly in the food-grade bacterium Lactococcus lactis. Results showed that expression driven by the lactococcal nisA promoter and Usp45 signal peptide resulted in efficient secretion of apidaecin in L. lactis subsp. cremoris NZ9000. Recombinant apidaecin was purified by gel filtration and semipreparative RP-HPLC, and about 10 mg active recombinant apidaecin was obtained from 1,000 ml culture. This is the first report on the nisin-controlled extracellular production of active apidaecin in L. lacits. The expression and delivery of apidaecin in the food-grade L. lactis may provide a clue to facilitate the widespread application of apidaecin in the control and prevention of gram-negative bacteria infections of human and animals.  相似文献   

A group of nine presumptive enterococci was isolated on enterococcal selective media Slanetz-Bartley agar and/or kanamycin-esculin-azide agar during a screening of Enterococcus spp. in surface waters. All strains formed a homogeneous cluster separated from all enterococcal species using rep-PCR fingerprinting with the (GTG)(5) primer but they matched fingerprints revealed by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis representatives. Further identification using extensive biotyping and automated ribotyping with EcoRI (RiboPrinter(R) microbial characterization system) confirmed all strains as L. lactis subsp. lactis in full correspondence with the (GTG)(5)-PCR. We demonstrated that L. lactis subsp. lactis strains occur in different surface waters and can be confused with enterococci due to their positive growth on selective enterococcal media as well as positive results in tests commonly used for identification of the genus Enterococcus (esculin hydrolysis, acetoin and pyrrolidonyl arylamidase production, growth at 10 degrees C and in 6.5% NaCl). The (GTG)(5)-PCR fingerprinting was revealed as a reliable and fast method for the identification of L. lactis subsp lactis while automated ribotyping with EcoRI proved to be a good tool for intrasubspecies typing purposes.  相似文献   

Lv W  Cong W  Cai Z 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(22):1713-1716
Nisin production by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactisin fed-batch culture was doubled by using a pH feed-back controlled method. Sucrose concentration was controlled at 10 g l–1 giving 5010 IU nisin ml–1 compared to 2660 IU nisin ml–1 in batch culture.  相似文献   

Nisin production in continuous cultures of bioengineered Lactococcus lactis strains that incorporate additional immunity and regulation genes was studied. Highest nisin activities were observed at 0.2 h–1 dilution rate and 12.5 g l–1 fructose concentration for all strains. Recombinant strains were able to produce greater amounts of nisin at dilution rates below 0.3 h−1 compared to the control strain. However, this significant difference disappeared at dilution rates of 0.4 and 0.5 h–1. For the strains LL27, LAC338, LAC339, and LAC340, optimum conditions for nisin production were determined to be at 0.29, 0.26, 0.27, and 0.27 h–1 dilution rates and 11.95, 12.01, 11.63, and 12.50 g l–1 fructose concentrations, respectively. The highest nisin productivity, 496 IU ml–1 h–1, was achieved with LAC339. The results of this study suggest that low dilution rates stabilize the high specific nisin productivity of the bioengineered strains in continuous fermentation. Moreover, response surface methodology analysis showed that regulation genes yielded high nisin productivity at wide ranges of dilution rates and fructose concentrations.  相似文献   

Phloroglucinol is a valuable chemical which has been successfully produced by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. However, the low productivity remains a bottleneck for large-scale application and cost-effective production. In the present work, we cloned the key biosynthetic gene, phlD (a type III polyketide synthase), into a bacterial expression vector to produce phloroglucinol in E. coli and developed different strategies to re-engineer the recombinant strain for robust synthesis of phloroglucinol. Overexpression of E. coli marA (multiple antibiotic resistance) gene enhanced phloroglucinol resistance and elevated phloroglucinol production to 0.27 g/g dry cell weight. Augmentation of the intracellular malonyl coenzyme A (malonyl-CoA) level through coordinated expression of four acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) subunits increased phloroglucinol production to around 0.27 g/g dry cell weight. Furthermore, the coexpression of ACCase and marA caused another marked improvement in phloroglucinol production 0.45 g/g dry cell weight, that is, 3.3-fold to the original strain. Under fed-batch conditions, this finally engineered strain accumulated phloroglucinol up to 3.8 g/L in the culture 12 h after induction, corresponding to a volumetric productivity of 0.32 g/L/h. This result was the highest phloroglucinol production to date and showed promising to make the bioprocess economically feasible.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are possessing ability to synthesize antimicrobial compounds (like bacteriocin) during their growth. In this regard, novel bacteriocin compound secreting capability of LAB isolated from Tulum Cheese in Turkey was demonstrated. The synthesized bacteriocin was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, dialysis and gel filtration. The molecular weight (≈3.4 kDa) of obtained bacteriocin was confirmed by SDS-PAGE, which revealed single peptide band. Molecular identification of LAB strain isolated from Tulum Cheese was conducted using 16S rDNA gene sequencing as Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis LL171. The amino acid sequences (KKIDTRTGKTMEKTEKKIELSLKNMKTAT) of the bacteriocin from Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis LL171 was found unique and novel than reported bacteriocins. Further, the bacteriocin was possessed the thermostable property and active at wide range of pH values from 1 to 11. Thus, bacteriocin reported in this study has the potential applications property as food preservative agent.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) requires a reliable gene expression system. Especially, a stable promoter is an important genetic element to induce gene expression in such a system. We report on a novel tuf promoter (Ptuf) of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 that was screened and selected through analysis of previously published microarray data. Ptuf activity was examined and compared with three other known lactococcal promoters (PdnaJ, PpfkA, and Pusp45) using different bacteria as expression hosts. Each promoter was, respectively, fused to the promoterless and modified bmpB gene as a reporter, and we estimated promoter activity through BmpB expression. All promoters were active in IL1403, and Ptuf activity was strongest among them. The activity of each promoter differed by host bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum Lb25, Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC23272, and Escherichia coli Top10F’). Ptuf had the highest activity in IL1403 when growth reached late log phase. The activity of each promoter correlated with the expression of each cognate gene in the microarray data (R 2 = 0.7186, P = 0.06968). This study revealed that novel food-grade promoters such as IL1403 Ptuf can be selected from microarray data for food-grade microorganisms and Ptuf can be used to develop a reliable gene expression system in L. lactis.  相似文献   

We isolated bacteriocin-producing Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis from Kimchi. The bacteriocin inhibited strains of Clostridium perfringens, C. difficile, Listeria monocytogenes, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, and one out of four methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains, as well as some closely related lactic acid bacteria. In tricine-SDS-PAGE, the bacteriocin migrated with an apparent molecular weight of about 4 kDa to the same location as nisin A and crude nisin Z. The gene encoding this bacteriocin was found to be identical to that of nisin Z with direct PCR sequence methods. The inhibitory activity was stable against heat and pH, but it was lost at 100°C for 1 h and at 121°C for 15 min. The bacteriocin was inactivated by proteolytic enzymes, but was not affected by lysozyme, lipase, catalase, or β-glucosidase. There were some differences in characteristics from those of nisins described previously. Received: 21 June 2002 / Accepted: 22 July 2002  相似文献   

Phase variation in the culture of the environmental strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 194 resulted in the formation of two types of colonies differing by 15% in antibiotic activity. The active variant 194-K produced an antibiotic complex with a broad spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal activity. Five components (194-A, B, C, D, and E) were isolated from the complex by solid-phase extraction and thin-layer chromatography. Components 194-A and 194-B were hydrophobic neutral compounds soluble in organic solvents. Component 194-A possessed fungicidal activity, whereas component 194-B exhibited only bactericidal activity. Physicochemical studies of the isolated components 194-A and 194-B revealed that they had no analogs in the Berdy database of biologically active substances (BNPD) and appeared to be novel antibiotics. Component 194-C was a hydrophilic polar compound inhibiting growth of gram-positive and gramnegative bacteria. Component 194-D belonged to peptide antibiotics; it inhibited growth of only gram-positive bacteria and was similar to nisin A in biological properties but differed in electrophoretic mobility and molecular mass.  相似文献   

Production of lactic acid from glucose by immobilized cells of Lactococcus lactis IO-1 was investigated using cells that had been immobilized by either entrapment in beads of alginate or encapsulation in microcapsules of alginate membrane. The fermentation process was optimized in shake flasks using the Taguchi method and then further assessed in a production bioreactor. The bioreactor consisted of a packed bed of immobilized cells and its operation involved recycling of the broth through the bed. Both batch and continuous modes of operation of the reactor were investigated. Microencapsulation proved to be the better method of immobilization. For microencapsulated cells at immobilized cell concentration of 5.3 g l−1, the optimal production medium had the following initial concentrations of nutrients (g l−1): glucose 45, yeast extract 10, beef extract 10, peptone 7.5 and calcium chloride 10 at an initial pH of 6.85. Under these conditions, at 37 °C, the volumetric productivity of lactic acid in shake flasks was 1.8 g l−1 h−1. Use of a packed bed of encapsulated cells with recycle of the broth through the bed, increased the volumetric productivity to 4.5 g l−1 h−1. The packed bed could be used in repeated batch runs to produce lactic acid.  相似文献   

The effects of three phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent PTS carbon sources (glucose, mannose and maltose) and three non-PTS carbon sources (glycerol, galactose, and lactose) on the formation of four carotenoids with diverse structures and on the cell growth of the recombinant Escherichia coli were investigated. The biosynthetic pathways of four carotenoids, C30 diapolycopene, C30 diapotorulene, C40 lycopene, and C40 beta-carotene, were engineered in E. coli. The resulting E. coli cells were grown in a mineral medium supplemented with each of the six carbon sources. Among the six carbon sources, non-PTS glycerol showed the highest performance in production of all four carotenoid structures, whereas PTS glucose showed the lowest performance. Based on the conversion yield, carotenoid-producing capability, and the cell density, we found that there was no close correlation between PTS and non-PTS transport mechanism and carotenoid formations in E. coli.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli W was genetically engineered to produce l-alanine as the primary fermentation product from sugars by replacing the native d-lactate dehydrogenase of E. coli SZ194 with alanine dehydrogenase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus. As a result, the heterologous alanine dehydrogenase gene was integrated under the regulation of the native d-lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA) promoter. This homologous promoter is growth-regulated and provides high levels of expression during anaerobic fermentation. Strain XZ111 accumulated alanine as the primary product during glucose fermentation. The methylglyoxal synthase gene (mgsA) was deleted to eliminate low levels of lactate and improve growth, and the catabolic alanine racemase gene (dadX) was deleted to minimize conversion of l-alanine to d-alanine. In these strains, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidation during alanine biosynthesis is obligately linked to adenosine triphosphate production and cell growth. This linkage provided a basis for metabolic evolution where selection for improvements in growth coselected for increased glycolytic flux and alanine production. The resulting strain, XZ132, produced 1,279 mmol alanine from 120 g l−1 glucose within 48 h during batch fermentation in the mineral salts medium. The alanine yield was 95% on a weight basis (g g−1 glucose) with a chiral purity greater than 99.5% l-alanine. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



To evaluate the secretory and cytoplasmic expression of a thermostable Thermogata maritima invertase in Lactococcus lactis.


The thermostable invertase from T. maritima was cloned with and without the USP45 secretory peptide into the pNZ8148 vector for nisin-inducible expression in L. lactis. The introduction of an USP45 secretion peptide at the N-terminal of the enzyme led to a loss of protein solubility. Computational homology modeling and hydrophobicity studies indicated that the USP45 peptide exposes a stretch of hydrophobic amino acids on the protein surface resulting in lower solubility. Removal of the USP45 secretion peptide allowed a soluble and functional invertase to be expressed intracellularly in L. lactis. Immobilized metal affinity chromatography purification of the cell lysate with nickel-NTA gave a single protein band on SDS-PAGE, while E. coli-expressed invertase consistently co-purified with an additional band. The yields of the purified invertase from E. coli and L. lactis were 14.1 and 6.3 mg/l respectively.


Invertase can be expressed in L. lactis and purified in a functional form. L. lactis is a suitable host for the production of food-grade invertase for use in the food and biotechnology industries.

To utilize fermentative bacteria for producing the alternative fuel hydrogen, we performed successive rounds of P1 transduction from the Keio Escherichia coli K-12 library to introduce multiple, stable mutations into a single bacterium to direct the metabolic flux toward hydrogen production. E. coli cells convert glucose to various organic acids (such as succinate, pyruvate, lactate, formate, and acetate) to synthesize energy and hydrogen from formate by the formate hydrogen-lyase (FHL) system that consists of hydrogenase 3 and formate dehydrogenase-H. We altered the regulation of FHL by inactivating the repressor encoded by hycA and by overexpressing the activator encoded by fhlA, removed hydrogen uptake activity by deleting hyaB (hydrogenase 1) and hybC (hydrogenase 2), redirected glucose metabolism to formate by using the fdnG, fdoG, narG, focA, focB, poxB, and aceE mutations, and inactivated the succinate and lactate synthesis pathways by deleting frdC and ldhA, respectively. The best of the metabolically engineered strains, BW25113 hyaB hybC hycA fdoG frdC ldhA aceE, increased hydrogen production 4.6-fold from glucose and increased the hydrogen yield twofold from 0.65 to 1.3 mol H2/mol glucose (maximum, 2 mol H2/mol glucose).  相似文献   

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