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Synopsis G. multisquamatus is abundant in the Sepik River, preferring floodplain lakes and marginal areas of floodplain with moderate turbidity. It is the only rainbowfish documented to inhabit river floodplains. Migrations onto and off the floodplain occur in response to changes in flood conditions. Seasonality is evident in reproduction, condition factor and fat deposit and stomach fullness indices; all increasing in the flood season. Fecundity is high compared with stream dwelling rainbowfish species mainly due to decreased egg size. The reproductive strategy ofG. multisquamatus is interpreted as a response to increased adult mortalities encountered on floodplains in comparison to more stable stream habitats occupied by related species.G. multisquamatus is carnivorous, its diet being similar to other rainbowfishes, consisting of a variety of small invertebrates taken from mid-water or the water surface. The ecology and behaviour ofG. multisquamatus is explained as a partial colonisation of newly developed floodplains in this river.  相似文献   

Abstract Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled from four sites on upland streams in the Wentworth Falls area of the Blue Mountains, NSW. One site received effluent from a sewage treatment plant and the others were reference sites. Five replicate collections were taken from each site on four occasions at intervals of 3 months. Macroinvertebrate community data were analysed using univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (NMDS) techniques and comparisons were made between analyses at different levels of taxonomic aggregation and using different methods of data transformation. Similar patterns were observed at both species and family levels, and even the order level showed a clear community response to effluent input. Binary (presence/ absence) data provided similar results to quantitative data for the species and family levels. However, when binary data were used at the order level, the distinctions between the reference sites became blurred. We discuss the implications of these findings for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Synopsis Oxyeleotris heterodon attains 483 mm standard length (1.83 kg) and Ophieleotris aporos 245 mm (0.171 kg). Both species feature significantly in the local fishery in lowlands. Ophieleotris aporos is approximately one hundred times more abundant than Ox. heterodon in catches and landings which were influenced by river flood conditions in both species. Oxyeleotris heterodon is predominantly piscivorous but also eats Macrobrachium spp. prawns; fish prey consumed are almost exclusively Op. aporos. Ophieleotris aporos is omnivorous and feeds mainly on aquatic insects. Condition, fat deposition, feeding and reproduction in Op. aporos were related to the flood cycle with increases in the flood season; in Ox. heterodon variations in these factors related more to the availability of Op. aporos, seasonal changes being less marked. Ophieleotris aporos matures at a small size, has large gonads, small eggs and is highly fecund; Ox. heterodon exhibited opposite trends in these life-history characteristics by comparison. Reproductive styles adopted by the two species are interpreted in relation to the different predation pressures they experience. Oxyeleotris heterodon may not be adapted to high adult mortality and the fisheries implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Glossamia gjellerupi forms a considerable part of the fish biomass (25%) and density (12%) in floodplain margin streams and lower foothill streams throughout the Sepik-Ramu basin where it occurs up to an altitude of 320 meters above sea level. It prefers habitats with slow flow rates: pools, alongside banks, under cover of vegetation, etc. Biomass and density decreased with increasing current speeds. Condition factor and fat deposits were negatively correlated to current speeds, with populations from floodplain margin streams having the highest averages for both these indices. Fluctuations in population size appeared to be related to the irregular occurrence of spates. No seasonality in reproduction, condition and fat deposits were noted although peaks occurred according to specific local conditions. Fecundity was found to be low, increasing with fish size. Eggs in a ripe ovary were all in the same stage of development, with sizes of around 3.3 mm.G. gjellerupi is a male mouth brooder. Mouth-breeding may restrict the species to well oxygenated waters. Reproductive activity takes place throughout the year but is not random since clear peaks in gonad development occurred within different populations. Reproductive activity and/or survival rate of juveniles are possibly directly related to floods. Prolonged periods of environmental stability, such as those occurring in periods of less rainfall, seem to be conditional for the survival of juveniles. Fish up to 30 mm length fed predominantly on small benthic insect larvae. Fish larger than 60 mm are carnivorous top-predators feeding predominantly on crabs, bottom dwelling fish and large terrestrial insects. Fish of all sizes, except the largest, fed on caridinid prawns. Feeding habits varied between different habitats depending on local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Along elevational gradients, phylogenetic relatedness patterns constitute a considerable source of information and may shed light on ecological processes that structure communities. This study focuses on community phylogenetic structure of planthoppers, specifically the species-rich and abundant Fulgoromorpha families (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha), Cixiidae and Derbidae + Achilidae, along an elevational gradient on Mount Wilhelm (Papua New Guinea). In order to assess the factors driving planthoppers community composition, we recorded abundance data for planthoppers species at each elevation and we generated a molecular phylogeny of the local species, using Bayesian inference. We analyzed 168 individuals representing 59 local morphospecies. Using a fully resolved and well-supported phylogeny, we then investigated the phylogenetic structure of the communities by performing a Spatial Analysis of Community Diversity. We show that Cixiidae are phylogenetically clustered along the elevational gradient, whereas Derbidae + Achilidae harbor a random structure, suggesting that local adaptation to elevation shapes community structure of Cixiidae, but not that of Derbidae + Achilidae. Our findings highlight the importance of phylogenies in the study of tropical elevational gradients.  相似文献   

Characterizing community responses to environmental disturbances is difficult because of the complexity of heterogeneous ecosystems. A geographical self-organizing map (Geo-SOM) was applied to present the spatial distribution patterns of benthic communities in a river. The benthic macroinvertebrate communities were collected in the mainstream of the Nakdong River in South Korea. Geo-SOM is a machine learning technique that extracts spatial patterns of given data across spatial weight k values (0–5), which control the vicinity of the map, to extract geographical information effectively. In the results, clusters were formed mainly according to the topography on a large scale and anthropogenic impacts on a small-scale showing consistency in spatial patterning for benthic communities in the gradient across different degrees of spatial weight. Geo-SOM provided both comprehensive and detailed views for presenting species-space relationships. Corresponding to the decrease in k value (more weight in geographical information), we accumulated data variations to present a comprehensive view of spatial species distributions. Overall, correlations between species were more associated with latitude rather than longitude. The feasibility of spatial clustering was also demonstrated with the effective differentiation of community indices. Community indices were effectively differentiated into clusters in the Geo-SOM. Finally, Geo-SOM is a useful tool for extracting the spatial distribution patterns of communities in a comprehensible manner for the monitoring and management of communities in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the relative influence of water quality and substratum quality on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Animas River, a metal-polluted stream in south-western Colorado (U.S.A.).
2. A community-level in situ toxicity test measured direct effects of Animas River water on benthic invertebrates collected from a reference stream (Elk Creek). The effects of metal-contaminated biofilm were examined by comparing macroinvertebrate colonisation of clean and contaminated substrata placed in Elk Creek. A feeding experiment with the mayfly Baetis tricaudatus Dodds (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) examined metal bioaccumulation and effects of metal-contaminated biofilm on growth and survival.
3. Animas River water was acutely toxic to most taxa, with greatest effects observed on mayflies (Heptageniidae, Ephemerellidae) and stoneflies (Taeniopterygidae and Capniidae).
4. Although Animas River biofilm was characterised by high concentrations of metals and low algal biomass, most taxa colonised substratum from the reference stream and the Animas River equally. The exceptions were Ephemerellidae, Taeniopterygidae and Simuliidae, which were less abundant on Animas River substratum. Mayflies grazing Animas River biofilm accumulated significantly more metals and showed reduced growth compared with organisms feeding on Elk Creek biofilm.
5. Results of our experiments demonstrated that effects of heavy metals on benthic community structure in the Animas River were complex, and that responses to metals in water and contaminated substratum were species-specific. Predicting recovery of benthic communities following remediation requires an understanding of these species-specific responses.  相似文献   

The ways that people experience, respond to and pattern recovery from major climatic aberrations must be understood within the context of existing socioeconomic arrangements and the ethos that informs these. This paper describes immediate and longer term impacts of a major drought on two populations—Bedamuni and Kubo-Konai—in the interior lowlands of Papua New Guinea. Though they occupy similar environments, are culturally related and reliant on similar technology and resources, these two populations differ in density, intensity of land use, and social complexity. The drought of 1997 affected one of the populations much more severely than the other. A comparison of effects on subsistence regimes, mobility and social life in the two areas suggests that these were mediated by understandings people held of relationships with both the environment and other people. Bedamuni pattern their lives around an expectation of favorable returns on effort, emphasising security of tenure to protect those returns. Kubo-Konai, in contrast, pattern their lives around an expectation that availability of resources will be often in flux, and emphasise means of ensuring security of supply. These understandings are reflected, respectively, in risk-prone and risk-averse strategies of subsistence and sociality which directly influence vulnerability and responses to disruptive events.  相似文献   

Ciliate protozoans were collected from five watercourses belonging to the hydrographic network of the North Apennines (Italy) and flowing into the middle lower section of the river Po from its right bank. Thirteen stations were selected in the meta- and hyporhithron section of the five studied rivers and samples from water–sediment interface were collected during a 1year period. A total of 175 species of ciliates belonging to 97 genera were found, of which 68 were bacterivorous, 58 were algivorous, 26 were omnivorous and 23 were carnivorous. Their distribution varied both with distance along the river and with the time. Community structures were analysed using some statistical methods and this allowed the determination of similarities among stations and relationships between species and stations. The saprobic index and valency methods were used to evaluate the water quality at the 13 stations. Comparisons between the five watercourses indicate that trophic state influences the composition of ciliate communities. The high similarity observed in the unpolluted stations enabled us to define the typical species and the community of the meta- hyporhithron zone. Conversely, polluted stations showed the lowest similarities. Our results confirm that in watercourses the organic load may be the dominating factor able to influence, if not eliminate the diversifying effects of other factors such as those which characterize the longitudinal zonation of the watercourses.  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Crosa  Giuseppe A.  Harper  David M.  Kemp  Joanna L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):213-225
The functional habitat concept was applied to a large Italian river for the first time. The characteristically wide range of hydraulic conditions present in this river (compared to previously-studied small, lowland, English rivers) were expected to be of central importance to biota and, therefore, to habitat definition. TWINSPAN analysis of the invertebrate assemblages sampled in the Ticino river identified five distinct habitats: two habitats in lotic areas (run-riffle and macrophytes in current), two along the river margins (with and without macrophytes) and one in backwater areas. These correspond to five of the functional habitats identified in U.K. lowland rivers. Each of these five functional habitats could be defined either in terms of hydraulics, substratum and/or presence/absence of macrophytes. Representative taxa are presented for each habitat and community structure discussed. Macrophyte and run-riffle habitats supported the most heterogeneous and abundant benthic fauna. No match was found between replicates grouped by invertebrate assemblage (the five functional habitats identified by TWINSPAN) and the grouping of the same replicates by PCA, carried out on the physical data matrix. While obvious velocity differences were found between the functional habitats, of particular note was the fact that the Froude number did not show any clear association with habitat type. In the future, improved river management will follow improved understanding of river habitats.  相似文献   

Aims (i) To describe at the level of local communities latitudinal gradients in the species richness of different families of New World bats and to explore the generality of such gradients. (ii) To characterize the relative effects of changes in the richness of each family to the richness of entire communities. (iii) To determine differences in the rate and direction of latitudinal gradients in species richness within families. (iv) To evaluate how differences among families regarding latitudinal gradients in species richness influence the latitudinal gradient in species richness of entire communities. Location Continental New World ranging from the northern continental United States (Iowa, 42° N) to eastern Paraguay (Canindeyú, 24° S). Methods Data on the species composition of communities came from 32 intensively sampled sites. Analyses focused on species richness of five of nine New World bat families. Multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant function analysis determined and described differences among temperate, subtropical, and tropical climatic zones regarding the species richness of bat families. Simple linear regression described latitudinal gradients in species richness of families. Path analysis was used to describe: (i) the direct effect of latitude on species richness of communities, (ii) the indirect effects of latitude on the species richness of communities through its effect on the species richness of each family, (iii) the relative effects of latitude on the species richness of bat families, and (iv) the relative contribution of each family to variation in the species richness of communities. Results Highly significant differences among climatic zones existed primarily because of a difference between the temperate zone and the tropical and subtropical zones combined. This difference was associated with the high number of vespertilionids in the temperate zone and the high number of phyllostomids in the tropical and subtropical zones. Latitudinal gradients in species richness were contingent on phylogeny. Although only three of the five families exhibited significant gradients, all families except for the Vespertilionidae exhibited indistinguishable increases in species richness with decreases in latitude. The Emballonuridae, Phyllostomidae and Vespertilionidae exhibited significant latitudinal gradients whereby the former two families exhibited the classical increase in species richness with decreasing latitude and the latter family exhibited the opposite pattern. Variation in species richness of all families contributed significantly to variation in the species richness of entire communities. Nonetheless, the Phyllostomidae made a significantly stronger contribution to changes in species richness of communities than did all other families. Much of the latitudinal gradient in species richness of communities could be accounted for by the effects of latitude on the species richness of constituent families. Main conclusions Ecological and evolutionary differences among higher taxonomic units, particularly those differences involving life‐history traits, predispose taxa to exhibit different patterns of diversity along environmental gradients. This may be particularly true along extensive gradients such as latitude. Nonetheless, species rich taxa, by virtue of their greater absolute rates of change, can dominate and therefore define the pattern of diversity at a higher taxonomic level and eclipse differences among less represented taxa in their response to environmental gradients. This is true not only with respect to how bats drive the latitudinal gradient in species richness for all mammals, but also for how the Phyllostomidae drives the latitudinal gradient for all bats in the New World. Better understanding of the mechanistic basis of latitudinal gradients of diversity may come from comparing and contrasting patterns across lower taxonomic levels of a higher taxon and by identifying key ecological and evolutionary traits that are associated with such differences.  相似文献   

Changes in epilithic cyanobacterial communities were determined in a river characterized by variations in nutrient content. The cyanobacterial community composition of the upstream sites was different from that of the downstream communities, where anthropogenic influences lead to an increase in nutrients (principally soluble reactive phosphate, SRP). There was a general trend in downstream sites towards a decrease in species richness, abundance, and diversity of cyanobacteria. The reduced cyanobacterial species richness in downstream locations was due largely to a marked decrease in the number of heterocystous species, although the number of non-heterocystous species also decreased. Epilithic phycobiliprotein content was positively correlated with the number of cyanobacterial cells, implying that this pigment provides information about the abundance of the cyanobacteria community in the epilithon. The lowest concentrations of phycobiliprotein in the epilithon were observed where concentrations of phosphate were highest. Similarly, the number of heterocystous and non-heterocystous species tended to decrease as the SRP increased, and as the DIN:SRP ratio decreased. However, no relation was found with dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). The differences among cyanobacterial communities could be interpreted as being a consequence of variations in nutrient composition. Finally, the usefulness of cyanobacteria as an alternative tool for assessing changes in water quality is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A primary goal of molecular ecology is to understand the influence of abiotic factors on the spatial distribution of genetic variation. Features including altitudinal clines, topography and landscape characteristics affect the proportion of suitable habitat, influence dispersal patterns, and ultimately structure genetic differentiation among populations. We studied the effects of altitude and topography on genetic variation of long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum), a geographically widespread amphibian species throughout northwestern North America. We focused on 10 low altitude sites (< 1200 m) and 11 high-altitude sites in northwestern Montana and determined multilocus genotypes for 549 individuals using seven microsatellite loci. We tested four hypotheses: (1) gene flow is limited between high- and low-altitude sites; and, (2) gene flow is limited among high-altitude sites due to harsh habitat and extreme topographical relief between sites; (3) low-altitude sites exhibit higher among-site gene flow due to frequent flooding events and low altitudinal relief; and (4) there is a negative correlation between altitude and genetic variation. Overall F(ST) values were moderate (0.08611; P < 0.001). Pairwise F(ST) estimates between high and low populations and a population graphing method supported the hypothesis that low-altitude and high-altitude sites, taken together, are genetically differentiated from each other. Also as predicted, gene flow is more prominent among low-altitude sites than high-altitude sites; low-altitude sites had a significantly lower F(ST) (0.03995; P < 0.001) than high altitude sites (F(ST) = 0.10271; P < 0.001). Use of Bayesian analysis of population structure (BAPS) resulted in delineation of 10 genetic groups, two among low-altitude populations and eight among high-altitude populations. In addition, within high altitude populations, basin-level genetic structuring was apparent. A nonequilibrium algorithm for detecting current migration rates supported these population distinctions. Finally, we also found a significant negative correlation between genetic diversity and altitude. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that topography and altitudinal gradients shape the spatial distribution of genetic variation in a species with a broad geographical range and diverse life history. Our study sheds light on which key factors limit dispersal and ultimately species' distributions.  相似文献   

This is the first study of caprellid amphipods from the coast of Papua New Guinea. Several collections from Madang Lagoon (north) and Bootless Bay (south) have been studied. Seven species in seven genera are recorded, of which Pseudoproto papua sp. nov. is described as new to science. The genus Pseudoproto Mayer, 1903 has consisted, so far, of only one species, Pseudoproto fallax Mayer, 1903. Although only a single male has been found of Pseudoproto papua sp. nov., differences in antennae, mouthparts, gnathopod 2 and pereopods 3 and 4 have revealed that it represents a new species of Pseudoproto. Lateral view figures of all species, together with a key to species level for the Caprellidea from Papua New Guinea are also included. Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   

芦康乐  杨萌尧  武海涛  管强  张科 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1637-1649
分别于2018年5月和8月对黄河三角洲芦苇湿地19(淡水补给区11处,石油开采区8处)处采样点的底栖无脊椎动物和水体理化指标进行调查采样,运用统计方法分析两个区域物种组成、优势种、多样性、群落结构以及与环境因子的关系。结果表明:两季共采集到底栖无脊椎动物54种,主要以水生昆虫、腹足纲和软甲纲为主,淡水补给区和石油开采区各类群组成差异明显。独立样本T检验表明淡水补给区和石油开采区水体理化指标间差异显著(P<0.05)。双因子方差分析显示,昆虫纲和腹足纲密度在两区域差异显著(P<0.05),软甲纲和腹足纲密度在季节上差异明显(P<0.05)。底栖无脊椎动物优势种共10种,淡水补给区指示物种8种,而石油开采区未发现有指示物种。聚类和非参数多维排序(nM DS)显示,底栖无脊椎动物群落结构相似性较低; RDA结果表明:淡水补给区底栖无脊椎动物群落结构主要受Cond,TDS,Sal,pH,Eh,HCO3-,SO42-等环境因子的影响。石油开采区底栖无脊椎动物群落结构影响较大的环境因子为HCO...  相似文献   

Data suggest that mature egg weight is positively correlated to female parent length in all five species of fork-tailed catfish studied. Embryo weight is positively correlated with the length of the male mouthbrooding parent in the four species where data are available. Non-random mate pairing is probably between fish of equivalent size. Fecundity appears to be linearly related to female fish length in all species. There is no significant correlation between fecundity and female weight, probably because egg size increases with fish size. Low fecundities and breeding behaviour suggest that recruitment is likely to be highly density-dependent and the stocks vulnerable to increased mortality (fishing). Changes in egg size with fish size may account for deviations from a cube relationship between fecundity and fish length in other species. The relevance of this to other fish stock assessments is discussed. Attention is drawn to possible changes in egg size with fish length which could affect recruitment in fished stocks, depending on the specific relationship and the length at which mature fish are caught.  相似文献   

The members of the Anopheles punctulatus group are major vectors of malaria and Bancroftian filariasis in the southwest Pacific region. The group is comprised of 12 cryptic species that require DNA-based tools for species identification. From 1984 to 1998 surveys were carried out in northern Australia, Papua New Guinea and on islands in the southwest Pacific to determine the distribution of the A. punctulatus group. The results of these surveys have now been completed and have generated distribution data from more than 1500 localities through this region. Within this region several climatic and geographical barriers were identified that restricted species distribution and gene flow between geographic populations. This information was further assessed in light of a molecular phylogeny derived from the ssrDNA (18S). Subsequently, hypotheses have been generated on the evolution and distribution of the group so that future field and laboratory studies may be approached more systematically. This study suggested that the ability for widespread dispersal was found to have appeared independently in species that show niche-specific habitat preference (Anopheles farauti s.s. and A. punctulatus) and conversely in species that showed diversity in their larval habitat (Anopheles farauti 2). Adaptation to the monsoonal climate of northern Australia and southwest Papua New Guinea was found to have appeared independently in A. farauti s.s., A. farauti 2 and Anopheles farauti 3. Shared or synapomorphic characters were identified as saltwater tolerance (A. farauti s.s. and Anopheles farauti 7) and elevational affinities above 1500 m (Anopheles farauti 5, Anopheles farauti 6 and A. farauti 2).  相似文献   

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