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Bipolar spindle assembly critically depends on the microtubule plus‐end‐directed motor Eg5 that binds antiparallel microtubules and slides them in opposite directions. As such, Eg5 can produce the necessary outward force within the spindle that drives centrosome separation and inhibition of this antiparallel sliding activity results in the formation of monopolar spindles. Here, we show that upon depletion of the minus‐end‐directed motor dynein, or the dynein‐binding protein Lis1, bipolar spindles can form in human cells with substantially less Eg5 activity, suggesting that dynein and Lis1 produce an inward force that counteracts the Eg5‐dependent outward force. Interestingly, we also observe restoration of spindle bipolarity upon depletion of the microtubule plus‐end‐tracking protein CLIP‐170. This function of CLIP‐170 in spindle bipolarity seems to be mediated through its interaction with dynein, as loss of CLIP‐115, a highly homologous protein that lacks the dynein–dynactin interaction domain, does not restore spindle bipolarity. Taken together, these results suggest that complexes of dynein, Lis1 and CLIP‐170 crosslink and slide microtubules within the spindle, thereby producing an inward force that pulls centrosomes together.  相似文献   

The centrosome is the main microtubule (MT)-organizing centre of animal cells. It consists of two centrioles and a multi-layered proteinaceous structure that surrounds the centrioles, the so-called pericentriolar material. Centrosomes promote de novo assembly of MTs and thus play important roles in Golgi organization, cell polarity, cell motility and the organization of the mitotic spindle. To execute these functions, centrosomes have to adopt particular cellular positions. Actin and MT networks and the association of the centrosomes to the nuclear envelope define the correct positioning of the centrosomes. Another important feature of centrosomes is the centrosomal linker that connects the two centrosomes. The centrosome linker assembles in late mitosis/G1 simultaneously with centriole disengagement and is dissolved before or at the beginning of mitosis. Linker dissolution is important for mitotic spindle formation, and its cell cycle timing has profound influences on the execution of mitosis and proficiency of chromosome segregation. In this review, we will focus on the mechanisms of centrosome positioning and separation, and describe their functions and mechanisms in the light of recent findings.  相似文献   

The NIMA-family kinases Nek9/Nercc1, Nek6 and Nek7 form a signalling module required for mitotic spindle assembly. Nek9, the upstream kinase, is activated during prophase at centrosomes although the details of this have remained elusive. We now identify Plk1 as Nek9 direct activator and propose a two-step activation mechanism that involves Nek9 sequential phosphorylation by CDK1 and Plk1. Furthermore, we show that Plk1 controls prophase centrosome separation through the activation of Nek9 and ultimately the phosphorylation of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 at Ser1033, a Nek6/7 site that together with the CDK1 site Thr926 we establish contributes to the accumulation of Eg5 at centrosomes and is necessary for subsequent centrosome separation and timely mitosis. Our results provide a basis to understand signalling downstream of Plk1 and shed light on the role of Eg5, Plk1 and the NIMA-family kinases in the control of centrosome separation and normal mitotic progression.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) is thought to trigger centrosome separation in late G2 phase by phosphorylating the motor protein Eg5 at Thr927. However, the precise control mechanism of centrosome separation remains to be understood. Here, we report that in G2 phase polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) can trigger centrosome separation independently of Cdk1. We find that Plk1 is required for both C-Nap1 displacement and for Eg5 localization on the centrosome. Moreover, Cdk2 compensates for Cdk1, and phosphorylates Eg5 at Thr927. Nevertheless, Plk1-driven centrosome separation is slow and staggering, while Cdk1 triggers fast movement of the centrosomes. We find that actin-dependent Eg5-opposing forces slow down separation in G2 phase. Strikingly, actin depolymerization, as well as destabilization of interphase microtubules (MTs), is sufficient to remove this obstruction and to speed up Plk1-dependent separation. Conversely, MT stabilization in mitosis slows down Cdk1-dependent centrosome movement. Our findings implicate the modulation of MT stability in G2 and M phase as a regulatory element in the control of centrosome separation.  相似文献   

Anchoring microtubules to the centrosome is critical for cell geometry and polarity, yet the molecular mechanism remains unknown. Here we show that the conserved human Msd1/SSX2IP is required for microtubule anchoring. hMsd1/SSX2IP is delivered to the centrosome in a centriolar satellite‐dependent manner and binds the microtubule‐nucleator γ‐tubulin complex. hMsd1/SSX2IP depletion leads to disorganised interphase microtubules and misoriented mitotic spindles with reduced length and intensity. Furthermore, hMsd1/SSX2IP is essential for ciliogenesis, and during zebrafish embryogenesis, knockdown of its orthologue results in ciliary defects and disturbs left‐right asymmetry. We propose that the Msd1 family comprises conserved microtubule‐anchoring proteins.  相似文献   

The unique polarization of neurons depends on selective sorting of axonal and somatodendritic cargos to their correct compartments. Axodendritic sorting and filtering occurs within the axon initial segment (AIS). However, the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for this filter are not well understood. Here, we show that local activation of the neuronal‐specific kinase cyclin‐dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) is required to maintain AIS integrity, as depletion or inhibition of CDK5 induces disordered microtubule polarity and loss of AIS cytoskeletal structure. Furthermore, CDK5‐dependent phosphorylation of the dynein regulator Ndel1 is required for proper re‐routing of mislocalized somatodendritic cargo out of the AIS; inhibition of this pathway induces profound mis‐sorting defects. While inhibition of the CDK5‐Ndel1‐Lis1‐dynein pathway alters both axonal microtubule polarity and axodendritic sorting, we found that these defects occur on distinct timescales; brief inhibition of dynein disrupts axonal cargo sorting before loss of microtubule polarity becomes evident. Together, these studies identify CDK5 as a master upstream regulator of trafficking in vertebrate neurons, required for both AIS microtubule organization and polarized dynein‐dependent sorting of axodendritic cargos, and support an ongoing and essential role for dynein at the AIS.   相似文献   

Function studies of many proteins are waited to develop after genome sequencing. High‐throughout technology of gene cloning will strongly promote proteins' function studies. Here we describe a ligation‐independent cloning (LIC) method, which is based on the amplification of target gene and linear vector by PCR using phosphorothioate‐modified primers and the digestion of PCR products by λ exonuclease. The phosphorothioate inhibits the digestion and results in the generation of 3′ overhangs, which are designed to form complementary double‐stranded DNA between target gene and linear vector. We compared our phosphorothioate primer cloning methods with several LIC methods, including dU primer cloning, hybridization cloning, T4 DNA polymerase cloning, and in vivo recombination cloning. The cloning efficiency of these LIC methods are as follows: phosphorothioate primer cloning > dU primer cloning > hybridization cloning > T4 DNA polymerase cloning >> in vivo recombination cloning. Our result shows that the 3′ overhangs is a better cohesive end for LIC than 5′ overhang and the existence of 5′phosphate promotes DNA repair in Escherichia coli, resulting in the improvement of cloning efficiency of LIC. We succeeded in constructing 156 expression plasmids of Aeropyrum pernix genes within a week using our method.  相似文献   

Retromer is an endosomal multi‐protein complex that organizes the endocytic recycling of a vast range of integral membrane proteins. Here, we establish an additional retromer function in controlling the activity and localization of the late endosomal small GTPase RAB7. Surprisingly, we found that RAB7 not only decorates late endosomes or lysosomes, but is also present on the endoplasmic reticulum, trans‐Golgi network, and mitochondrial membranes, a localization that is maintained by retromer and the retromer‐associated RAB7‐specific GAP TBC1D5. In the absence of either TBC1D5 or retromer, RAB7 activity state and localization are no longer controlled and hyperactivated RAB7 expands over the entire lysosomal domain. This lysosomal accumulation of hyperactivated RAB7 results in a striking loss of RAB7 mobility and overall depletion of the inactive RAB7 pool on endomembranes. Functionally, we establish that this control of RAB7 activity is not required for the recycling of retromer‐dependent cargoes, but instead enables the correct sorting of the autophagy related transmembrane protein ATG9a and autophagosome formation around damaged mitochondria during Parkin‐mediated mitophagy.  相似文献   

The coagulation cascade enzymes thrombin and factor Xa are known to have specificity pockets very similar to those of trypsin and plasmin. However, comparative molecular modeling analysis of the crystal structures of benzamidine–thrombin and benzamidine–trypsin, in conjunction with a docking analysis of 5‐amidinoindole and related inhibitors in both enzymes reveals subtle differences between the specificity sites of the two types of enzymes. Specifically, thrombin and factor Xa, which have an alanine residue at position 190, exhibit increased activities for the rigid and more bulky bicyclic derivatives of benzamidine (e.g. amidinobenzofuran, amidinothiophene and amidinoindole), because of additional hydrophobic and H‐bond interactions between the inhibitors and the specificity sites, whereas enzymes with a serine residue at position 190, like trypsin and plasmin, exhibit little difference in activity among the same set of compounds because of the orientational restriction imposed on the inhibitors by Ser190, which forms an additional H‐bond with the amidino group of the inhibitors. Enzymes of both groups show similar responses to the flexible aminobenzamidine since the smaller size and the rotatable anilino group of the inhibitor would allow the inhibitor to achieve favorable electrostatic interactions with both groups of enzymes. 5‐Amidinoindole is the most dramatic example of the rigid bicyclic type inhibitor. Based on our docking analysis, we propose that a selective H‐bond with the hydroxyl group of the catalytic Ser195 and the subtle differences in steric fit imposed by Ala/Ser at position 190 explain the high potency and selectivity of 5‐amidinoindole for thrombin and factor Xa. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the Sw‐5 gene cluster has been cloned, and Sw‐5b has been identified as the functional gene copy that confers resistance to Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), its avirulence (Avr) determinant has not been identified to date. Nicotiana tabacum ‘SR1‘ plants transformed with a copy of the Sw‐5b gene are immune without producing a clear visual response on challenge with TSWV, whereas it is shown here that N. benthamiana transformed with Sw‐5b gives a rapid and conspicuous hypersensitive response (HR). Using these plants, from all structural and non‐structural TSWV proteins tested, the TSWV cell‐to‐cell movement protein (NSM) was confirmed as the Avr determinant using a Potato virus X (PVX) replicon or a non‐replicative pEAQ‐HT expression vector system. HR was induced in Sw‐5b‐transgenic N. benthamiana as well as in resistant near‐isogenic tomato lines after agroinfiltration with a functional cell‐to‐cell movement protein (NSM) from a resistance‐inducing (RI) TSWV strain (BR‐01), but not with NSM from a Sw‐5 resistance‐breaking (RB) strain (GRAU). This is the first biological demonstration that Sw‐5‐mediated resistance is triggered by the TSWV NSM cell‐to‐cell movement protein.  相似文献   

In this study, we identified a polymorphism in the 5′‐flanking region of the chicken serotonin transporter (5‐HTT) gene. Sequencing analysis revealed that in comparison with the wild‐type variant (W), a deleted variant (D) is generated by deletion of four nucleotides (5′‐AATT‐3′) and a single nucleotide change (A→T). Using a polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system, we found that the 360‐bp DNA fragment containing the W variant with the wild‐type sequence 5′‐AATTAATT‐3′ shows intrinsic DNA curvature while the 356‐bp fragment containing the D variant lacking the four base pairs AATT is not curved. Quantitative real‐time RT‐PCR and ELISA demonstrated that the expression of 5‐HTT in D/D chickens was higher than that in W/W and W/D chickens. In addition, transient transfection experiments with chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene constructs revealed increased 5‐HTT promoter activity mediated by the D variant and a silencer activity of the W variant. Interestingly, females and males with D/D genotype showed significant greater increase in body weight from 6 weeks and 16 weeks of age, respectively, and higher body mass index. Moreover, we found that D/D chickens of both genders were physically more active than W/W and W/D chickens.


We examined whether a shift in macrophage phenotype could be therapeutic for myocardial infarction (MI). The mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 was stimulated with peptidoglycan (PGN), with or without 5-azacytidine (5AZ) treatment. MI was induced by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery in rats, and the rats were divided into two groups; a saline-injection group and a 5AZ-injection group (2.5 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneal injection). LV function was evaluated and immunohistochemical analyses were performed 2 weeks after MI. Cardiac fibrosis was induced by angiotensin II (AngII) infusion with or without 5AZ (5 mg/kg/day) in mice. Nitric oxide was produced by PGN, which was reduced by 77.87% after 5AZ treatment. Both induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and iNOS promoter activity by PGN were inhibited by 5AZ. Ejection fraction (59.00 ± 8.03% versus 42.52 ± 2.58%), contractility (LV dP/dt-max, 8299.76 ± 411.56 mmHg versus 6610.36 ± 282.37 mmHg) and relaxation indices (LV dP/dt-min, −4661.37 ± 210.73 mmHg versus −4219.50 ± 162.98 mmHg) were improved after 5AZ administration. Cardiac fibrosis in the MI+5AZ was 8.14 ± 1.00%, compared with 14.93 ± 2.98% in the MI group (P < 0.05). Arginase-1(+)CD68(+) macrophages with anti-inflammatory phenotype were predominant in the infarct border zone of the MI+5AZ group, in comparison with the MI group. AngII-induced cardiac fibrosis was also attenuated after 5AZ administration. In cardiac fibroblasts, pro-fibrotic mediators and cell proliferation were increased by AngII, and these increases were attenuated after 5AZ treatment. 5AZ exerts its cardiac protective role through modulation of macrophages and cardiac fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Octopamine and 5‐hydroxytryptamine (5‐HT) have been known to mediate cellular immune responses, such as hemocytic phagocytosis and nodule formation, during bacterial invasion in some insects. In addition, eicosanoids also mediate these cellular immune reactions in various insects, resulting in clearing the bacteria circulating in the hemolymph. This study investigated a hypothesis on signal cross‐talk between both types of immune mediators in the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, which had been observed in the effect of eicosanoids on mediating the cellular immune responses. In response to bacterial infection, octopamine or 5‐HT markedly enhanced both hemocytic phagocytosis and nodule formation in S. exigua larvae. Their specific antagonists, phentolamine (an octopamine antagonist) or ketanserin (a 5‐HT antagonist) suppressed both cellular immune responses of S. exigua. These effects of biogenic monoamines on the immune mediation were expressed through eicosanoids because the inhibitory effects of both antagonists were rescued by the addition of arachidonic acid (a precursor of eicosanoid biosynthesis). Furthermore, the stimulatory effects of both monoamines on the cellular immune responses were significantly suppressed by different inhibitors acting at their specific levels of eicosanoid biosynthesis. Taken together, this study suggests that octopamine and 5‐HT can mediate hemocytic phagocytosis and nodule formation through a downstream signal pathway relayed by eicosanoids in S. exigua. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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