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1. Surface ecosystems provide the primary source of organic matter to many cave communities. Variation in the strength of connectivity to the surface suggests that some caves may be more resource‐limited than others. To test this, we examined diet, prey availability and production of an obligate cave salamander Gyrinophilus palleucus (Plethodontidae), a top predator, in two south‐eastern U.S.A. caves with different levels of organic matter (Tony Sinks cave, 165 g AFDM m?2; Bluff River cave, 62 g AFDM m?2). 2. We quantified density, biomass, growth rate, production and diet of G. palleucus monthly for 21 months. Diet composition, differences in prey communities and seasonal patterns in prey consumption were also analysed. 3. Salamander density, biomass and secondary production were significantly greater in the high organic matter cave (0.10 m?2, 0.18 g AFDM m?2, 0.12 g AFDM m?2 year?1) than in the low organic matter cave (0.03 m?2, 0.03 g AFDM m?2, 0.01 g AFDM m?2 year?1). Although growth rates were not statistically different between the two cave salamander populations, low recaptures probably influenced this result. 4. Isopoda prey were the major contributor to salamander production in the high organic matter cave (69%). In the low organic matter cave, production was provided by isopods (41%) and oligochaetes (20%). The lower number of prey taxa contributing to salamander production in the high organic matter cave suggests the ability to forage more selectively. 5. The differences in foraging strategy, density, biomass and secondary production were probably related to differences in the strength of surface connectivity, which controls organic matter supply. Links between basal resource level and top predator performance show the importance of bottom‐up limitation in the food webs of caves and other detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Eucalyptus globulus, a tree species planted worldwide in many riparian zones, has been reported to affect benthic macroinvertebrates negatively. Although there is no consensus about the effects of Eucalyptus on aquatic macrobenthos, its removal is sometimes proposed as a means of ecological restoration. 2. We combined the sampling of macroinvertebrates with measurement of the colonisation of leaf packs in mesh bags, to examine the effects of riparian Eucalyptus and its litter on benthic macroinvertebrates in three small streams in California, U.S.A. Each stream included one reach bordered by Eucalyptus (E‐site) and a second bordered by native vegetation (N‐site). 3. The macrobenthos was sampled and two sets of litter bags were deployed at each site: one set with Eucalyptus litter (Euc‐bags) and one with mixed native tree litter (Nat‐bags) containing Quercus, Umbellularia, Acer and Alnus. Bags were exposed for 28, 56 and 90 days and this experiment was repeated in the autumn, winter and spring to account for effects of changing stream flow and insect phenology. 4. Litter input (average dry mass: 950 g m?2 year?1 in E‐sites versus 669 g m?2 year?1 in N‐sites) was similar, although in‐stream litter composition differed between E‐ and N‐sites. Litter broke down at similar rates in Euc‐bags and Nat‐bags (0.0193 day?1 versus 0.0134 day?1), perhaps reflecting the refractory nature of some of the leaves of the native trees (Quercus agrifolia). 5. Summary metrics for macroinvertebrates (taxon richness, Shannon diversity, pollution tolerance index) did not differ significantly between the E and N sites, or between Euc‐bags and Nat‐bags. No effect of exposure time or site was detected by ordination of the taxa sampled. However, distinct seasonal ordination clusters were observed in winter, spring and autumn, and one of the three streams formed a separate cluster. 6. The presence of Eucalyptus was less important in explaining the taxonomic composition of the macrobenthos than either ‘season’ or ‘stream’. Similarly, these same two factors (but not litter species) also helped explain the variation in leaf breakdown. We conclude that patches of riparian Eucalyptus and its litter have little effect on stream macrobenthos in this region.  相似文献   

1. The roles that streambed geometry, channel morphology, and water velocity play in the retention and subsequent breakdown of leaf litter in small streams were examined by conducting a series of field and laboratory experiments. 2. In the first experiment, conditioned red alder (Alnus rubra Bongard) leaves were released individually in three riffles and three pools in a second‐order stream. The transport distance of each leaf was measured. Several channel and streambed variables were measured at each leaf settlement location and compared with a similar number of measurements taken at regular intervals along streambed transects (‘reference locations’). Channel features (such as water depth) and substrate variables (including stone height, stone height‐to‐width ratio, and relative protrusion) were the most important factors in leaf retention. 3. In the second experiment, the role of settlement location and reach type in determining the rate of leaf litter breakdown was examined by placing individual conditioned red alder leaves in exposed and sheltered locations (on the upper and lower edges of the upstream face of streambed stones, respectively) in riffle and pool habitats. After 10 days, percent mass remaining of each leaf was measured. Generally, leaves broke down faster in pools than in riffles. However, the role of exposure in breakdown rate differed between reach types (exposed pool > sheltered pool > sheltered riffle > exposed riffle). 4. In the third experiment, the importance of substrate geometry on leaf litter retention was examined by individually releasing artificial leaves upstream of a series of substrate models of varying shape. Substrates with high‐angle upstream faces (were vertical or close to vertical), and that had high aspect ratios (were tall relative to their width), retained leaves more effectively. 5. These results show that streambed morphology is an important factor in leaf litter retention and breakdown. Interactions between substrate and flow characteristics lead to the creation of detrital resource patchiness, and may partition leaf litter inputs between riffles and pools in streams at baseflow conditions.  相似文献   

1. Headwater stream ecosystems are primarily heterotrophic, with allochthonous organic matter being the dominant energy. However, sunlight indirectly influences ecosystem structure and functioning, affecting microbial and invertebrate consumers and, ultimately, leaf litter breakdown. We tested the effects of artificial shading on litter breakdown rates in an open‐canopy stream (high ambient light) and a closed‐canopy stream (low ambient light). We further examined the responses of invertebrate shredders and aquatic hyphomycetes to shading to disentangle the underlying effects of light availability on litter breakdown. 2. Litter breakdown was substantially slower for both fast‐decomposing (alder, Alnus glutinosa) and slow‐decomposing (beech, Fagus sylvatica) leaf litters in artificially shaded stream reaches relative to control (no artificial shading) reaches, regardless of stream type (open or closed canopy). 3. Shredder densities were higher on A. glutinosa than on F. sylvatica litter, and shading had a greater effect on reducing shredder densities associated with A. glutinosa than those associated with F. sylvatica litter in both stream types. Fungal biomass was also negatively affected by shading. Results suggest that the effects of light availability on litter breakdown rates are mediated by resource quality and consumer density. 4. Results from feeding experiments, where A. glutinosa litter incubated under ambient light or artificial shade was offered to the shredder Gammarus fossarum, suggest that experimental shading and riparian canopy openness influenced litter palatability interactively. Rates of litter consumption by G. fossarum were decreased by experimental shading in the open‐canopy stream only. 5. The results suggest that even small variations in light availability in streams can mediate substantial within‐stream heterogeneity in litter breakdown. This study provides further evidence that changes in riparian vegetation, and thus light availability, influence organic matter processing in heterotrophic stream ecosystems through multiple trophic levels.  相似文献   

1. Although European streams are now recovering chemically from acidification, biological recovery is limited. One hypothesis is that continuing acid episodes restrict acid‐sensitive species in recovering locations either through direct toxicity or by affecting ecological processes. Here, we test this hypothesis by assessing the effects of episodic acid exposure on the breakdown and macroinvertebrate colonisation of oak (Quercus robur) litter. 2. Over 83 days, acid episodes of 4 days’ duration were simulated by repeatedly transplanting litter bags of contrasting mesh size between replicate acidic and circumneutral streams around Llyn Brianne (Wales, U.K.). Results were compared against controls from circumneutral streams and circumneutral transplants, while invertebrates colonising litter were compared with adjacent assemblages. 3. Breakdown was retarded significantly by repeated acid exposure in comparison with circumneutral transplants, but only in litter to which invertebrates had access. Overall breakdown was also significantly slower in fine‐mesh than in coarse‐mesh bags. 4. Plecopteran shredders were the major invertebrate colonists of litter, along with smaller numbers of grazers and predators. However, acid exposure eliminated or suppressed acid‐sensitive families, resulting in an overall composition converging on that in acid streams. 5. The rapid loss of sensitive invertebrates from acid‐exposed litter supports the hypothesis that acid episodes suppress biological recovery from acidification through direct physiological effects. However, our litter breakdown data indicate that (i) some effects of acid episodes could be mediated through litter processing; and (ii) episodic acidification could disrupt litter breakdown through effects on invertebrate composition or activity. These data suggest that delayed biological recovery from acidification can reflect a combination of direct toxic and indirect ecological effects.  相似文献   

Leaf breakdown in streams is affected by several factors, such as leaf characteristics, water chemistry, microbial activity, and abundance of shredders. In turn, shredders may be resource-controlled. We hypothesized that the size of litter patches affects leaf breakdown, because large patches should be stable over time and therefore harbor high densities of shredders. We selected litter patches (area 0.25–10 m2) in 10 pools of three first-order streams (Manaus, Brazil). We installed 10 leaf packs of Mabea speciosa (Euphorbiaceae) in each patch, and sampled one after 1 day and three after 5, 19, and 28 days. The leaf packs were quickly colonized by the shredding caddisflies Triplectides and Phylloicus. The leaf breakdown rate (mean k = 0.026 ± 0.0015 SE) was high and similar to values reported for other tropical and temperate streams, although much higher than values reported for the adjacent Cerrado biome. Assemblage composition varied over time, but was not related to the size of litter patches. Contrary to our hypothesis, litter patch area did not affect breakdown rates (r 2 = 0.012, P = 0.766) or abundance of shredders after 5, 19, and 28 days (r 2 < 0.243, P > 0.147). We found, however, a positive relationship between the abundance of tropical shredders and leaf breakdown after 19 days (r 2 = 0.572, P = 0.011), suggesting that shredders play an important role in leaf breakdown in these headwater streams. Our study indicates that leaf breakdown rates in tropical streams are variable and can be as high as those of temperate streams.  相似文献   

亚热带溪流中树叶凋落物多酚含量对树叶分解过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
官昭瑛  赵颖  童晓立 《生态科学》2008,27(5):436-436
利用邻二氮菲-铁(Ⅲ)分光光度法测定了蒲桃与人面子树叶在二级溪流中分解时植物多酚含量的变化,并研究了多酚含量对树叶分解速率、底栖动物定殖以及微生物呼吸量的影响。结果表明,蒲桃叶片中初始多酚含量(19%)比人面子树叶的含量高(6%),其分解速率(分解系数k=0.01d-1)比人面子树叶慢(k=0.04d-1)。研究还发现,蒲桃叶片上的微生物呼吸量比人面子的低(每克叶片单位时间的耗氧量分别为0.2和0.4毫克),而且底栖动物中撕食者的种类和数量也比人面子树叶少。说明蒲桃叶片中较高的多酚含量抑制了微生物的活性和底栖动物的取食,从而减缓了蒲桃树叶的分解进程,表明叶片中多酚含量与树叶凋落物分解速率呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that leaf litter breakdown in Guinean streams is governed by microorganisms was confirmed, supporting the reported latitudinal shift in decomposers’ contribution to this process. The large body size of dominant macroinvertebrate decomposers (shrimps) only partially compensated for their very low densities. In contrast with other tropical regions mostly dominated by insect larvae, the functional consequences of global warming on these stream ecosystems may be less severe due to the lower sensitivity of crustaceans to temperature increase.  相似文献   

1. Scant information is available on leaf breakdown in streams of arid and semiarid regions, including the Mediterranean, where environmental heterogeneity can be high and the relationship between stream characteristics and leaf breakdown is poorly known. We tested the hypotheses that differences in leaf breakdown metrics would be substantially higher between mountain and lowland Mediterranean streams than among streams within each subregion and that variability among streams would be substantially higher in the lowlands, because permanent reaches in the semiarid lowland streams are rare and isolated. 2. We compared leaf breakdown and associated dynamics of nutrients, fungi and invertebrates in low‐order Mediterranean streams draining sub‐humid forests in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and nearby semiarid lowlands of south‐eastern Spain. Streams differed between the two subregions mainly in water ion content, temperature and riparian tree cover. We detected higher environmental heterogeneity among streams within the lowlands compared to the Sierra Nevada mountain range. In the lowlands, breakdown coefficients (k) of alder leaves spanned almost the entire range reported for this species from temperate streams, overlapping with less variable breakdown coefficients in the Sierra Nevada. 3. The high variability of k values among the lowland sites appeared to be caused primarily by variability in the composition and abundance of a few leaf‐consuming invertebrate taxa, particularly the snail Melanopsis praemorsa. Fungal and nutrient dynamics were less variable among sites within each subregion. 4. These results indicate that the critical condition for stream functional assessment of well‐constrained breakdown rates, or related metrics, could be met at reference sites within homogenous bio‐geo‐climatic regions such as the Sierra Nevada. By contrast, in heterogeneous areas such as the semiarid lowland streams, natural variability of breakdown rates can greatly exceed the magnitude of effects expected in response to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

The importance of crayfish in the breakdown of rhododendron leaf litter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum) is a common evergreen shrub in riparian areas of the southern Appalachians, where its leaves can comprise a large proportion of leaf litter in streams. However, they are relatively refractory and generally considered a low quality food resource for detritivores. 2. Our objective was to assess whether macroconsumers [primarily crayfish (Cambarus bartonii)] influence rhododendron leaf breakdown in a forested southern Appalachian stream in both summer (when leaves other than rhododendron are relatively scarce) and autumn (when other leaves are relatively abundant). We conducted two leaf decay experiments, one in summer and one in autumn, using pre‐conditioned leaves. Macroconsumers were excluded from the benthos of a fourth‐order stream using electric ‘fences’; we predicted that excluding macroconsumers would reduce the decay rate of rhododendron leaves in both summer and autumn. 3. In both experiments, breakdown rate was lower in exclusion treatments. Macroconsumers accounted for approximately 33 and 54% of rhododendron decay in summer and autumn, respectively. We attribute this effect to direct shredding of rhododendron by crayfish. Biomass of insect shredders, insect predators and fungi did not differ between control and exclusion treatments, indicating that insectivorous sculpins (Cottus bairdi) had no effect on rhododendron decay and that omnivorous crayfish did not exert an indirect effect via alteration of insect or fungal biomass. 4. The influence of shredding insects varied between summer and autumn. In summer, when other, more palatable leaf types were not available, rhododendron leaf packs appeared to provide ‘resource islands’ for insect shredders. There was a significant inverse relationship between insect shredders and leaf pack mass in the summer exclusion treatment: insects were the only organisms eating leaves in this treatment and, as shredder biomass increased, remaining leaf pack mass decreased. In the control treatment, however, we did not see this relationship; here, the effect of insect shredders was presumably swamped by the impact of crayfish. In autumn, when other leaves were abundant, insect shredder biomass in rhododendron leaf packs was less than one‐third of summer values. 5. Even at low density (approximately 2 m–2) crayfish were able to influence an ecosystem process such as leaf decay in both summer and autumn. Given the threatened status of many crayfish species in the United States, this finding is especially relevant. Even small alterations in crayfish assemblages, whether via loss of native species and/or introduction of exotic species, may have significant repercussions for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Streams and rivers are important conduits of terrestrially derived carbon (C) to atmospheric and marine reservoirs. Leaf litter breakdown rates are expected to increase as water temperatures rise in response to climate change. The magnitude of increase in breakdown rates is uncertain, given differences in litter quality and microbial and detritivore community responses to temperature, factors that can influence the apparent temperature sensitivity of breakdown and the relative proportion of C lost to the atmosphere vs. stored or transported downstream. Here, we synthesized 1025 records of litter breakdown in streams and rivers to quantify its temperature sensitivity, as measured by the activation energy (Ea, in eV). Temperature sensitivity of litter breakdown varied among twelve plant genera for which Ea could be calculated. Higher values of Ea were correlated with lower‐quality litter, but these correlations were influenced by a single, N‐fixing genus (Alnus). Ea values converged when genera were classified into three breakdown rate categories, potentially due to continual water availability in streams and rivers modulating the influence of leaf chemistry on breakdown. Across all data representing 85 plant genera, the Ea was 0.34 ± 0.04 eV, or approximately half the value (0.65 eV) predicted by metabolic theory. Our results indicate that average breakdown rates may increase by 5–21% with a 1–4 °C rise in water temperature, rather than a 10–45% increase expected, according to metabolic theory. Differential warming of tropical and temperate biomes could result in a similar proportional increase in breakdown rates, despite variation in Ea values for these regions (0.75 ± 0.13 eV and 0.27 ± 0.05 eV, respectively). The relative proportions of gaseous C loss and organic matter transport downstream should not change with rising temperature given that Ea values for breakdown mediated by microbes alone and microbes plus detritivores were similar at the global scale.  相似文献   

The allochthonous detritus that accumulates in the substrate of streams is used by aquatic invertebrate shredders for shelter and food. Shredders are considered rare in tropical systems, and little information is available about the role of density effects and predation risk (associated with the perception of predators by prey) in relationship to the resources used by these organisms. The aim of this study was to examine experimentally the effects of increased predation risk and of the density of Phylloicus sp. (i.e. of two types of biological relationships) on the processing of the leaf litter of Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez. Phylloicus sp. can use leaf litter for case building and as a food resource. The density effect was measured using four treatments that differed only in the number of individuals (one, two, three or four). A second experiment with five treatments was performed to test the risk of non‐lethal predation on detritus consumption (shelter and food) by Phylloicus sp. (T1: Caddisfly; T2: Mayfly; T3: Astyanax sp./fish; T4: Damselflies; T5: Stonefly). A single Phylloicus and one other organism (a potential predator blocked with 0.5 mm fine mesh) were placed in each tank (0.002 m3 volume). We observed a negative effect of density on per capita litter consumption (experiment 1). The low density of Phylloicus may be a natural factor that decreases intraspecific competition. In the presence of fish, Phylloicus showed the lowest amount of litter processing observed in the experiment, indicating top‐down control (experiment 2). In treatments that involved the presence of invertebrates (non‐predatory and predatory), Phylloicus showed the highest amount and an intermediate amount of leaf litter processing, respectively (experiment 2). This observation also suggests that the predation effect is more probable for specific predator–prey pairs. Population density and predation risk in Phylloicus may be important factors controlling leaf litter processing.  相似文献   

Abstract Decomposition of the organic matter is a key process in the functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, although different factors influence processing rates between and within these habitats. Most patterns were described for temperate regions, with fewer studies in tropical, warmer sites. In this study, we carried out a factorial experiment to compare processing rates of mixed species of leaf litter between terrestrial and aquatic habitats at a tropical site, using ?ne and coarse mesh cages to allow or prevent colonization by macroinvertebrates. The experiment was followed for 10 weeks, and loss of leaf litter mass through time was evaluated using exponential models. We found no interaction between habitat and mesh size and leaf litter breakdown rates did not differ between ?ne and coarse mesh cages, suggesting that macroinvertebrates do not influence leaf litter decomposition in either habitat at our studied site. Leaf breakdown rates were faster in aquatic than in terrestrial habitats and the magnitude of these differences were comparable to studies in temperate regions, suggesting that equivalent factors can influence between‐habitat differences detected in our study.  相似文献   

1. Leaf litter breakdown and associated invertebrates were compared among three logged and three reference stream reaches 2–3 years before and 3–4 years after logging to assess the environmental impacts of partial‐harvest logging as a novel riparian management strategy for boreal forest streams. 2. Partial‐harvest logging at three sites resulted in 10, 21 and 28% average basal area removal from riparian buffers adjacent to upland clear‐cut areas. 3. Leaf litter breakdown rates were not significantly different between reference and logged sites after logging, but litter breakdown was significantly different from year to year at all sites. 4. Significant post‐logging differences in aquatic invertebrate communities were detected at only one of the three logged sites. These differences were largely the result of increases in some leaf‐shredding stoneflies and a detritivorous mayfly and a decrease in a chironomid group 2–4 years after logging. This site where significant change was detected had the lowest intensity of riparian logging (average 10% removal) but the highest proportion of the catchment area that was clear cut (85%). 5.The post‐logging differences in invertebrate communities at this site were more related to catchment‐wide influences (e.g. weather patterns, water yield, possibly upland clearcutting) than to reach‐level disturbances from riparian logging. 6.The study indicates that partial‐harvest logging in riparian buffers at up to 50% removal should pose little risk of harm to leaf litter breakdown processes or aquatic invertebrate communities beyond any impacts that might arise from upland logging disturbance or catchment‐wide influences. However, the results should be viewed in the context of the natural disturbance (summer drought conditions) through the post‐logging assessment period of this study. Post‐logging summer drought conditions may have masked or confounded logging impacts on streams.  相似文献   

1. Channel complexity affects the physical structure, biotic communities and functioning of stream ecosystems. Large wood (LW) is a key element in the creation and maintenance of physically complex stream channels in forested areas. 2. In an attempt to enhance stream habitat quality and ecosystem functioning and to reduce inputs of organic matter to a downstream reservoir, LW was experimentally introduced into four mountain streams in the Basque Country (northern Spain), ranging in channel width from 3 to 13 m. Following a before–after/control–impact (BACI) design, streams were monitored during 1 year prior to wood addition and during 2 years after addition in one control and one experimental reach per stream. 3. Areal cover of benthic organic matter in the entire channel was measured from regular transects and the mass of stored organic matter from random Surber samples. Breakdown of organic matter was assessed in litter bag experiments performed with black alder leaves. When 50% of the initial mass in the bags remained, invertebrates associated with leaf bags were collected. 4. Wood placement produced a 2‐ to 70‐fold increase in the storage of organic matter, especially in thick deposits upstream from wood jams, with values in excess of 2 kg AFDM per m2 in the small streams. The accumulation of organic matter produced by wood introduction decreased with increasing stream size. 5. Despite the large increase in the availability of organic matter, litter breakdown rates were unaffected by the experimental reaches, suggesting large increases in the total amount of organic matter consumed at the reach scale. 6. Numbers of invertebrates and shredders per gram of leaf litter did not respond to wood addition. Average body mass of invertebrates associated with leaf litter showed a non‐significant decreasing trend, which might reflect increased recruitment. 7. Although the effects of wood addition can depend on wood stability and stream size, adding LW to restore channel complexity can improve environmental conditions for invertebrate communities and affect stream ecosystem functioning, enhancing the efficiency to use organic matter inputs on a reach scale.  相似文献   

1. We compared fungal biomass, production and microbial respiration associated with decomposing leaves in one softwater stream (Payne Creek) and one hardwater stream (Lindsey Spring Branch). 2. Both streams received similar annual leaf litter fall (478–492 g m?2), but Lindsey Spring Branch had higher average monthly standing crop of leaf litter (69 ± 24 g m?2; mean ± SE) than Payne Creek (39 ± 9 g m?2). 3. Leaves sampled from Lindsey Spring Branch contained a higher mean concentration of fungal biomass (71 ± 11 mg g?1) than those from Payne Creek (54 ± 8 mg g?1). Maximum spore concentrations in the water of Lindsay Spring Branch were also higher than those in Payne Creek. These results agreed with litterbag studies of red maple (Acer rubrum) leaves, which decomposed faster (decay rate of 0.014 versus 0.004 day?1), exhibited higher maximum fungal biomass and had higher rates of fungal sporulation in Lindsey Spring Branch than in Payne Creek. 4. Rates of fungal production and respiration per g leaf were similar in the two streams, although rates of fungal production and respiration per square metre were higher in Lindsey Spring Branch than in Payne Creek because of the differences in leaf litter standing crop. 5. Annual fungal production was 16 ± 6 g m?2 (mean ± 95% CI) in Payne Creek and 46 ± 25 g m?2 in Lindsey Spring Branch. Measurements were taken through the autumn of 2 years to obtain an indication of inter‐year variability. Fungal production during October to January of the 2 years varied between 3 and 6 g m?2 in Payne Creek and 7–27 g m?2 in Lindsey Spring Branch. 6. Partial organic matter budgets constructed for both streams indicated that 3 ± 1% of leaf litter fall went into fungal production and 7 ± 2% was lost as respiration in Payne Creek. In Lindsey Spring Branch, fungal production accounted for 10 ± 5% of leaf litter fall and microbial respiration for 13 ± 9%.  相似文献   

1. Human land‐use has altered catchments on a large scale in most parts of the world, with one of the most profound changes relevant for streams and rivers being the widespread clearance of woody riparian vegetation to make way for livestock grazing pasture. Increasingly, environmental legislation, such as the EU Water Framework Directive (EU WFD), calls for bioassessment tools that can detect such anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem functioning. 2. We conducted a large‐scale field experiment in 30 European streams to quantify leaf‐litter breakdown, a key ecosystem process, in streams whose riparian zones and catchments had been cleared for pasture compared with those in native deciduous woodland. The study encompassed a west–east gradient, from Ireland to Switzerland to Romania, with each of the three countries representing a distinct region. We used coarse‐mesh and fine‐mesh litter bags (10 and 0.5 mm, respectively) to assess total, microbial and, by difference, macroinvertebrate‐mediated breakdown. 3. Overall, total breakdown rates did not differ between land‐use categories, but in some regions macroinvertebrate‐mediated breakdown was higher in deciduous woodland streams, whereas microbial breakdown was higher in pasture streams. This result suggests that overall ecosystem functioning is maintained by compensatory increases in microbial activity in pasture streams. 4. We suggest that simple coefficients of breakdown rates on their own often might not be powerful enough as a bioassessment tool for detecting differences related to land‐use such as riparian vegetation removal. However, shifts in the relative contributions to breakdown by microbial decomposers versus invertebrate detritivores, as revealed by the ratios of their associated breakdown rate coefficients, showed clear responses to land‐use.  相似文献   

根系在凋落物层生长对凋落叶分解及酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根系向凋落物层生长是森林生态系统存在的普遍现象,研究根系存在对凋落物分解的影响对理解森林生态系统的养分物质循环具有重要意义.在福建三明市楠木和格氏栲林进行1年的凋落叶分解试验,设置有根处理和无根处理(对照),研究根系生长对凋落叶分解速率、养分释放和酶活性的影响.结果表明:在分解360 d后,有根处理楠木和格氏栲凋落叶干...  相似文献   

The dependence of fungal decomposition of leaf litter on incubation temperature and litter types used as substrata was assessed under pure culture conditions. Isolates of Xylaria sp., a major ligninolytic fungus in cool temperate forests in Japan, were used as the fungal material. Xylaria sp. is mesophilic; maximum growth and decomposition occurred at 25°C. In the temperature test, the decomposition pattern of beech leaf litter by three isolates of Xylaria sp. changed at a threshold at 25°C. Cellulolytic activity increased with temperature from 5 to 25°C, whereas above 25°C ligninolytic activity increased at the expense of cellulolytic activity, leading to suppressed overall decomposition as a result of the higher temperature. The mass loss of leaf litter caused at 20°C by an isolate of Xylaria sp. was variable among 15 litter types and was correlated negatively with acid-unhydrolyzable residue (AUR) content and positively with total carbohydrate content for the 15 litter types. The effects of temperature and litter type on the growth and decomposition of leaf litter by Xylaria sp. may have implications for changes in fungal decomposition of leaf litter that would be predicted in response to future environmental changes.  相似文献   

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