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Combining different sources of information is essential for a complete understanding of the process of genetic differentiation between species. The Iberian and North African wall lizard ( Podarcis ) species complex has been the object of several studies regarding morphological and mitochondrial DNA variation but, so far, no large-scale survey of nuclear variation within this group has been accomplished. In this study, ten polymorphic allozyme loci were studied in 569 individuals collected across the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. The obtained data were analysed using both conventional population genetic tools and recent Bayesian model-based clustering methods. Our results show that there are several well-differentiated entities corroborating the major splits observed in mtDNA analyses. These groups correspond not only to the fully recognized species Podarcis bocagei , Podarcis carbonelli , and Podarcis vaucheri but also to multiple forms within the polytypic Podarcis hispanica , all of which have a similar level of differentiation to that observed between the acknowledged species. However, relationships between forms are weakly supported both by population and individual clustering methods, suggesting a scenario of a rapid diversification that contrasts to the clear bifurcating model assumed from previous mtDNA analyses. Individual multilocus analyses report few individuals misassigned or apparently admixed, some of which are most likely explained by the persistence of high levels of ancestral polymorphism. Other admixed individuals, however, are probably the result of limited levels of gene flow between forms.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 121–133.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the wall lizards of the Podarcis hispanicus complex that inhabit the south-east (SE) of the Iberian Peninsula and other lineages of the complex remain unclear. In this study, four mitochondrial and two nuclear markers were used to study genetic relationships within this complex. The phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA gene trees constructed with ML and BI, and a species tree using *BEAST support three divergent clades in this region: the Valencia, Galera and Albacete/Murcia lineages. These three lineages were also corroborated in species delimitation analyses based on mtDNA using bPTP, mPTP, GMYC, ABGD and BAPS. Bayesian inference species delimitation method (BPP) based on both nuclear data and a combined data set (mtDNA + nuclear) showed high posterior probabilities for these three SE lineages (≥0.94) and another Bayesian analysis (STACEY) based on combined data set recovered the same three groups in this region. Divergence time dating of the species tree provided an estimated divergence of the Galera lineage from the other SE group (Podarcis vaucheri, (Albacete/Murcia, Valencia)) at 12.48 Ma. During this period, the Betic–Rifian arc was isolated, which could have caused the isolation of the Galera form distributed to the south of the Betic Corridor. Although lizards from the Albacete/Murcia and Galera lineage are morphologically similar, they clearly represent distinct genetic lineages. The noteworthy separation of the Galera lineage enables us to conclude that this lineage must be considered as a new full species.  相似文献   

We describe polymerase chain reaction primers and amplification conditions for 13 highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci isolated from the Dalmatian wall lizard, Podarcis melisellensis. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 12 to 41, with levels of observed heterozygosity between 0.62 and 0.94. Most of these loci were successfully cross-amplified in the closely related species P. sicula, but levels of polymorphism were always lower.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic microsatellite loci (containing di‐ and penta‐nucleotide repeats) were developed for the Erhard's wall lizard, Podarcis erhardii, an endemic species of southern Balkan Peninsula. The number of alleles ranged from five to 17. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.28 to 0.92 and 0.57 to 0.91, respectively. These markers will provide a valuable tool for population genetics analyses and can contribute to the evaluation of conservation programs.  相似文献   

Podarcis filfolensis is an endemic lizard from the Maltese archipelago. There is evidence of human-mediated decline and even extirpation of some insular populations of this species. However, information about the intraspecific genetic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of this species is limited. Here we analyze genetic markers from a multi-locus dataset (mtDNA, 2,533 bp; nuclear c-mos gene, 353 bp; 11 microsatellites) for individuals from extant populations of P. filfolensis. Despite generally low genetic variability, two main mitochondrial groupings were clearly identified. In general, individuals from the main island of Malta were genetically distinct from those from Gozo, Comino, Cominotto and Small Blue Lagoon Rock, and also from Linosa and Lampione individuals. Three genetic clusters were detected based on microsatellite data: one was found at higher frequency on Malta, while the other two included samples from the remaining islands, showing some concordance with the mtDNA pattern. A time-calibrated Bayesian tree for the principal mitochondrial lineages indicated strong statistical support for two P. filfolensis lineages that originated in the Pleistocene (105.4–869 Ka). We show that these lineages largely meet the criteria for recognition as evolutionary significant units despite some recent admixture (possibly due to recent translocations between islands). Human disturbance, low genetic variability, evidence of bottlenecks and extirpation on one island indicate that a thorough review of the current conservation status of P. filfolensis would be timely.  相似文献   

We tested 27 microsatellite loci for cross-species amplification in the lacertids Podarcis gaigeae and Podarcis hispanica. We detected 11 and 15 polymorphic loci in the former and the latter species, respectively. In a larger sample of individuals from a single population of each species, the number of alleles ranged from five to 23 in 10 of the polymorphic loci in P. gaigeae, and between four and 13 in nine of polymorphic loci in P. hispanica. Two locus deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in P. hispanica. Between 11 and 16 of the 27 loci also amplified successfully in three other Podarcis species.  相似文献   

Fifteen polymorphic markers were developed from a microsatellite-enriched library for the lizard Podarcis gaigeae. The loci were checked for variability in 68 individuals from a population on the island of Skyros, Greece. The number of alleles ranged from 3 to 23 per locus and expected heterozygosity from 0.29 and 0.94. Most markers were also polymorphic in three closely related Podarcis species, namely P. erhardi, P. taurica and P. milensis. The markers will be used to examine gene flow and differentiation of island and mainland populations of P. gaigeae.  相似文献   

Aim   We discuss biogeographical hypotheses for the Mediterranean lizard species Podarcis and Teira within a phylogenetic framework based on partial mitochondrial DNA sequences.
Methods   We derived the most likely phylogenetic hypothesis from our data set (597 aligned positions from the 12S rDNA and phenyl tRNA) under parsimony, distance and maximum likelihood assumptions.
Results   The species usually included in Teira do not form a strongly monophyletic clade. In contrast, the monophyly of the genus Podarcis is rather well supported. Seven lineages are identified in the genus; in order of appearance within the tree, these are: the Balearic pityusensis and lilfordi pair, the sicula complex, a Tyrrhenian tiliguerta and raffonei pair, muralis , the Siculo-Maltese filfolensis and wagleriana pair, the Balkan group ( erhardi , peloponnesiaca , milensis , melisellensis and taurica ), and the Ibero-Maghrebian group ( bocagei , atrata , hispanica and vaucheri ).
Conclusions   The origin of the three European genera of lacertid assayed ( Lacerta , Teira and Podarcis ) is hypothesized to have occurred in the Oligocene. For Podarcis , a possible scenario of a Miocene diversification is derived from the sequence data, and the zoogeography of the lineages are discussed in relation to the palaeogeography of the Mediterranean. It is hypothesized that in the early history of the genus the main lineages separated by rapid, numerous and close events that produced a starting point very similar to a polytomy, hard to resolve by parsimony analysis of the data set.  相似文献   

Nine dinucleotide microsatellite loci were developed through an enrichment protocol for Bocage's wall lizard, Podarcis bocagei Seoane 1884, a lacertid endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. Nineteen primer pairs were designed and tested. From these, nine loci yielded satisfactory results and were screened on 15–19 individuals. These loci revealed a high level of polymorphism (8–15 alleles) and heterozygosity (0.611–0.947) and will certainly be useful in the study of population structure and evolutionary history of this species.  相似文献   

Two monophyletic sister species of wall lizards inhabit the two main groups of Balearic Islands: Podarcis lilfordi from islets and small islands around Mallorca and Menorca and Podarcis pityusensis from Ibiza, Formentera and associated islets. Genetic diversity within the endangered P. lilfordi has been well characterized, but P. pityusensis has not been studied in depth. Here, 2430 bp of mtDNA and 15 microsatellite loci were analysed from Ppityusensis populations from across its natural range. Two main genetic groupings were identified, although geographical structuring differed slightly between the mtDNA and the nuclear loci. In general, individuals from islets/islands adjacent to the main island of Ibiza were genetically distinct from those from Formentera and the associated Freus islands for both mtDNA and the nuclear loci. However, most individuals from the island of Ibiza were grouped with neighbouring islets/islands for nuclear loci, but with Formentera and Freus islands for the mitochondrial locus. A time‐calibrated Bayesian tree was constructed for the principal mitochondrial lineages within the Balearics, using the multispecies coalescent model, and provided statistical support for divergence of the two main Ppityusensis lineages 0.111–0.295 Ma. This suggests a mid‐late Pleistocene intraspecific divergence, compared with an early Pleistocene divergence in P. lilfordi, and postdates some major increases in sea level between 0.4 and 0.6 Ma, which may have flooded Formentera. The program IMa2 provided a posterior divergence time of 0.089–0.221 Ma, which was similar to the multispecies coalescent tree estimate. More significantly, it indicated low but asymmetric effective gene copy migration rates, with higher migration from Formentera to Ibiza populations. Our findings suggest that much of the present‐day diversity may have originated from a late Pleistocene colonization of one island group from the other, followed by allopatric divergence of these populations. Subsequent gene flow between these insular groups seems likely to be explained by recent human introductions. Two evolutionary significant units can be defined for P. pityusensis but these units would need to exclude the populations that have been the subjects of recent admixture.  相似文献   

Acanthodactylus is a widespread lacertid genus occurring from the Iberian Peninsula and western North Africa to western India including the Middle East, Cyprus, and the Arabian Peninsula. The genus is in dire need of a taxonomic revision, and the phylogenetic relationships amongst and within its species remain unclear. In particular, the taxonomy and relationship of the allopatric, narrow‐ranged Acanthodactylus schreiberi and its close relative, the widespread Acanthodactylus boskianus asper, are poorly understood. We estimated the phylogenetic and phylogeographical structure of A. schreiberi across its distribution range, and evaluated its relationships to A. b. asper, using mitochondrial and nuclear data. The phylogenetic results indicate that both species are paraphyletic, with A. schreiberi nested within A. b. asper, and the subspecies A. schreiberi syriacus nested within a distinct lineage of A. b. asper. We suggest that the group is in need of a taxonomic revision because the identified lineages and genetic diversity are incongruent with the currently recognized taxonomy. We tentatively conclude that A. schreiberi is restricted to Cyprus and Turkey, reduced to a single form, and that the populations in Lebanon and Israel belong to A. b. asper. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Iberian and North African wall lizards (Podarcis sp.) has been controversial. Recently, morphological and mtDNA sequence data have provided new information on differentiation within these lacertids. To compare these results to those provided by nuclear markers, we investigated variation at 11 polymorphic protein loci using conventional electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in 11 populations belonging to seven different mtDNA lineages. A total of 62 alleles were found. Populations belonging to the same mtDNA type presented high genetic similarity, whereas strong differentiation was observed between groups. These results are consistent with those previously obtained from morphological and mtDNA analysis and support the idea that Iberian and North African Podarcis are composed of several well-differentiated entities, some of which are already recognized as species, whereas others (belonging to the P. hispanica complex) clearly need taxonomic revision.  相似文献   

V Roca  G Garcia-Adell 《Parassitologia》1988,30(2-3):197-202
Spauligodon carbonelli n. sp. (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae), a parasite from the caecum of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) and the Spanish wall lizard Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in the Pirineos Mountains, Spain, is described. S. carbonelli differs from the other known species of the same genus, mainly in the presence and length of the spicule, the morphology of the caudal end in the male and in the structure of the cephalic end of the female.  相似文献   

The east Asian lacertid lizard genus, Takydromus , is well-defined but its relationships to other primitive Palaearctic lacertids are still uncertain and, although it has similarities to the lower Miocene Miolacerta, Takydromus does not appear to be identical with this. The 16 or 17 recognizable species are reviewed and a key provided for their identification; the remaining area of uncertainty about species boundaries is the Takydromus sexlineatus group in Assam. A phylogeny for Takydromus is estimated using a data set of 35 morphological characters drawn from external features, skeleton and soft-parts. There are two main constituent clades which may be informally recognized as Takydromus s.s. and Platyplacopus. Platyplacopus is subtropical and perhaps relict, whereas Takydromus ranges from temperate to tropical areas. The two clades have different ranges of eggs per clutch. In both of them, elongate forms that climb extensively in flimsy vegetation have evolved and have independently acquired similar features that confer performance advantages in this situation. Interestingly, the order of assembly of tliese features is markedly different.  相似文献   

Skinks are the largest family of lizards and are found worldwide in a diversity of habitats. One of the larger and more poorly studied groups of skinks includes members of the subfamily Scincinae distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African scincines are one of the many groups of lizards that show limb reduction and loss, and the genus Scelotes offers an excellent opportunity to look at limb loss in a phylogenetic context. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed for a total of 52 taxa representing all subfamilies of skinks as well as other Autarchoglossan families using sequence from six gene regions including; 12S, 16S, and cytochrome b (mitochondrial), as well as alpha-Enolase, 18S, and C-mos (nuclear). The family Scincidae is recovered as monophyletic and is the sister taxon to a (Cordylidae+Xantusiidae) clade. Within skinks the subfamily Acontinae is monophyletic and sister group to all remaining skinks. There is no support for the monophyly of the subfamilies Lygosominae and Scincinae, but sub-Saharan African scincines+Feylinia form a well supported monophyletic group. The monophyly of Scelotes is confirmed, and support is found for two geographic groups within the genus. Reconstructions of ancestral states for limb and digital characters show limited support for the reversal or gain of both digits and limbs, but conservative interpretation of the results suggest that limb loss is common, occurring multiple times throughout evolutionary history, and is most likely not reversible.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic variation at 26 presumptive gene loci was investigated in populations of Podarcis ivagleriana from Sicily, the Aegadian Islands, and the Aeolian Islands. For interspecific comparison, samples of the closely related lizard P. sicula from the same geographic area were also used. Population heterogeneity analyses carried out by the estimation of F-statistics and Nei's standard genetic distance, showed a high genetic homogeneity within P. sicula, but a noticeable genetic differentiation within P. wagleriana. In the latter species, Nei's D ranged from 0 to 0.212, and this is because the Aeolian populations were quite distinct from those inhabiting Sicily and the Aegadian Islands. Fixed differences identified at three loci (Ck, Ada, Gp-4) contributed to a relatively high value of Nei's standard genetic distance between the two population groups (D= 0.147). This value is very similar to those found comparing pairs of well-recognized biological species included in the genera Podarcis and Lacerta. Estimation of the time of evolutionary divergence shows that the Aeolian and Sicilian populations of P. wagleriana have been isolated geographically for a long time (0.7 Myr according to Nei's formula; 2 Myr according to Sarich's calibration), indicating evolutionary divergence at the species level. Based on genetic and biogeographic data, it is suggested the recognition of full specific status for the Aeolian populations, for which the name P. rajfonei comb. nova (Aeolian wall lizard) is proposed. Electrophoretic data and comparative species distributions suggest that (1) Podarcis sicula recently colonized the Aeolian Islands, and (2) it has competed successfully with P. rajfonei in this area, greatly reducing the range of the latter and causing the extinction of most of its populations. In fact, P. sicula is widespread in the Aeolian Archipelago, while P. rajfonei is confined at present to one large island (Vulcano) and three tiny islands (Strombolicchio, Scoglio Faraglione, La Canna). This can be considered a classic example of competitive exclusion of a native form (P. rajfonei) by a species accidentally introduced by man (P. sicula).  相似文献   

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