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We synthesized information on freshwater fish biodiversity in the Yangtze River basin. We documented 361 species and subspecies that had been recorded and described from the basin. Of these, 177 species are endemic. The basin is usually divided into three parts, i.e. the upper reaches, the middle reaches and the lower reaches. This study indicated that the three reaches approach was not supported by fish distribution patterns. Hydrological alterations are perhaps the largest threat to fish biodiversity in the basin. Fishes in the upper reaches will be seriously affected by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam and other dams, and action should be taken for priority conservation. The most immediate restoration need is reconnection of the Yangtze River with its lakes. The cluster of lakes in the Central Yangtze should be protected to maintain habitats for spawning, feeding and migration of migratory fishes. Our study indicates a need to identify areas of high fish biodiversity and to select nature reserves to mitigate the loss of fish biodiversity in the Yangtze River basin.  相似文献   

Fish Communities in Central Amazonian White- and Blackwater Floodplains   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In Amazonian floodplains, the flood cycle of the river is becoming the dominant seasonal factor, and fish communities are found to fluctuate greatly over the year. During inundation, fish migrate into floodplain forests to feed on fruits and seeds, in an area more than 300000km2 in size. To document patterns of species diversity, distribution, abundance and temporal dynamics and in order to describe the ecological importance of the inundated forest, floodplain fish were captured using variously sized gill nets in white and black water areas inside and outside the floodplain forests during low, rising, high and falling water level in 1990 and 1991. Dominance varies to some extent in white water between floodplain forest (0.06) and open water (0.11) while it is unchanged in black water (0.04). Black water fish communities were more diverse. Most abundant among white water fish were Liposarcus pardalis, Pygocentrus nattereri, and Pellona flavipinnis, for example, or Plagioscion squamsissimus, Serrasalmus rhombeus, and Serrasalmus manueli in black water. Among the most abundant white water fish, Colossoma macropomum, Mylossoma duriventre and Osteoglossum bicirrhosum occurred almost exclusively in inundated forests. Of the black water species there were a large number of species which were captured only in inundated forest, such as Geophagus cf. altifrons, Hoplias malabaricus, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum and Uaru amphiacanthoides. Catches varied with sample site, water level and direction of water level change. The average CPUE in white and black water was 190 and 41g fishm–2 and day, respectively, with maximum yields at low water and minimum yields at high water. Comparing rising and falling water levels, a significantly higher quantity of fishes was captured at falling water level. In black water, fish catches from the floodplain forest exceeded the open water catch by 183 to 550%, depending on season. Differences in respect of white water are smaller (106–281%). Fish communities in the area under investigation seem to be stochastically assembled, with significant differences between white and black water only. Many fishes move into the floodplain forest not only to feed but probably also for other reasons – to seek shelter, for example.  相似文献   

We intensively sampled fish in rivers and streams within a single major drainage basin (the Blackwater River) and across major drainages in British Columbia to assess the factors influencing distribution of chiselmouth, Acrocheilus alutaceus, and to develop models for predicting chislemouth presence. Chiselmouth were typically absent from sites with maximum temperatures below 20°C or 2100 annual degree days, both within a single drainage and between larger drainages. Indices of stream size (bankfull channel width and basin area) were the most significant predictors of chiselmouth presence within the Blackwater drainage (p=0.016 and p=0.032, respectively), and inclusion of thermal variables only marginally increased classification success. In contrast, bankfull channel width and basin area were poor predictors of chiselmouth presence in mainstem habitat within larger drainage basins throughout British Columbia. Inclusion of thermal variables (particularly degree days > 12°C) doubled correct classification rates of chiselmouth presence across larger drainage basins. These habitat associations suggest that water temperature is the primary constraint on presence of chiselmouth populations in larger drainages across a landscape, while selection of different habitat types (mainstem habitat over smaller tributaries) determines distribution within any given basin.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution and abundance of drifting embryonic and larval fishes and lampreys in the Smith and Van Duzen rivers of northern California, U.S.A. We collected seven fish species in four families and at least one lamprey species in the drift. All taxa drifted almost exclusively at night. Sculpins, Cottus aleuticus and C. asper, outnumbered all other taxa, comprising 63% of the catch in the Van Duzen River and 90% of the catch in the Smith River. We estimated that sculpin drift reached 3×107 individualsh–1 during the relatively high flow period from late winter through early summer. Most sculpin in these two rivers appeared to drift to the estuaries; we estimated 2.5×109 sculpin embryos and larvae reached the Smith River estuary in 1995. In contrast to the sculpins, the patterns in the drift of other taxa suggest limited transport to the estuaries. Suckers, Catostomus occidentalis in the Van Duzen River, C. rimiculus in the Smith River, threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, and lamprey, Lampetra tridentata and possibly L. richardsoni, drifted at much lower rates and later in the year than sculpins. In the Van Duzen River, drift appeared to serve as a dispersal mechanism for only one of three introduced cyprinids. California roach, Lavinia symmetricus, drifted at low rates throughout the summer while we captured only seven Sacramento pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus grandis, and no speckled dace, Rhynichthys osculus. The information gathered on the drift of early life history phases is germane to both the conservation of native fishes and management of non-indigenous species in coastal rivers.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of the small fish community was studied seasonally in 1996 in the Biandantang Lake. Based on plant cover, the lake was divided into five habitats, arranged in the order by plant structure complexity from complex to simple: Vallisneria spiralis habitat (V habitat), Vallisneria spiralis–Myriophyllum spicatum habitat (V–M habitat), Myriophyllum spicatum habitat (M habitat), Nelunbo nucefera habitat (N habitat), and no vegetation habitat (NV habitat). A modified popnet was used for quantitative sampling of small fishes. A total of 16 fish species were collected; Hypseleotris swinhonis, Ctenogobius giurinus, Pseudorasbora parva, Carassius auratus and Paracheilognathus imberis were the five numerically dominant species. In both summer and autumn, the total density of small fishes was about 10indm–2. Generally, Ctenogobius giurinus, a sedatory, benthic fish, was distributed more or less evenly among the five habitats, while the other four species had lower densities in the N habitat and NV habitat, which had the simplest structures. The distribution of the small fish species showed seasonal variations. In winter, most species concentrated in the V habitat, which had the most complex structure. In spring, the fish had low densities in the N and NV habitat, and were more or less evenly distributed in the other habitats. In summer, the fish had a low density in the NV habitat, and were evenly distributed in the other habitats. In autumn, the fish had higher densities in the V–M and M habitats than in the others. Generally, spatial overlaps between the dominant species were higher in winter than in the other seasons. It was suggested that the variations in the importance of predation risk and resource competition in habitat choice determined the seasonal changes of spatial patterns in the small fishes in the Biandantang Lake.  相似文献   

Movement of coral reef fishes across marine reserve boundaries subsequent to their initial settlement from the plankton will affect the ability of no-take reserves to conserve stocks and to benefit adjacent fisheries. However, the mobility of most exploited reef species is poorly known. We tagged 1443 individuals of 35 reef fish species captured in Antillean fish traps in the Barbados Marine Reserve and adjacent non-reserve over a two-month period. Trapping and visual surveys were used to monitor the movements of these fish during the trapping period and the subsequent two months. Estimates of distances moved were corrected for the spatial distribution of sampling effort and for the number of recaptures of individual fish. Recapture rates for individual species ranged from 0–100% (median=38%). Species mobility estimated by recapture and resighting were highly correlated. Most species were strongly site attached, with the majority of recaptures and resightings occurring at the site of tagging. However, only one of 59 tagged jacks (Caranx latus, C. ruber) was ever resighted, suggesting emigration from the study area. All species were occasionally recorded away from the sites where they had been tagged (20–500m), and several species, including surgeonfish, Acanthurus bahianus, A. coeruleus, filefish, Cantherhines pullus, butterflyfish, Chaetodon striatus, angelfish Holocanthus tricolor and parrotfish, Sparisoma viride, ranged widely within reefs. In contrast, few movements were observed between reefs separated by more than 20m of sand and rubble, and no emigration from the Reserve was recorded. Most reef fishes vulnerable to Antillean traps appear sufficiently site-attached to benefit from reserves. However, many species move over a wide enough area to take them out of small reserves on continuous reef. Use of natural home range boundaries could minimize exposure of fishes in reserves to mortality from adjacent fisheries.  相似文献   

Otolith microchemistry was applied to quantify migratory variation and the proportion of native Caribbean stream fishes that undergo full or partial marine migration. Strontium and barium water chemistry in four Puerto Rico, U.S.A., rivers was clearly related to a salinity gradient; however, variation in water barium, and thus fish otoliths, was also dependent on river basin. Strontium was the most accurate index of longitudinal migration in tropical diadromous fish otoliths. Among the four species examined, bigmouth sleeper Gobiomorus dormitor, mountain mullet Agonostomus monticola, sirajo goby Sicydium spp. and river goby Awaous banana, most individuals were fully amphidromous, but 9–12% were semi‐amphidromous as recruits, having never experienced marine or estuarine conditions in early life stages and showing no evidence of marine elemental signatures in their otolith core. Populations of one species, G. dormitor, may have contained a small contingent of semi‐amphidromous adults, migratory individuals that periodically occupied marine or estuarine habitats (4%); however, adult migratory elemental signatures may have been confounded with those related to diet and physiology. These findings indicate the plasticity of migratory strategies of tropical diadromous fishes, which may be more variable than simple categorization might suggest.  相似文献   

Tropical reef fishes are exposed to high levels of damaging ultraviolet radiation. Here we report the widespread distribution of both UVA- and UVB-absorbing compounds in the epithelial mucus of these fishes. Mucus from 137 reef fish species was examined by spectrophotometry and 90% were found to have strong absorbance peaks between 290 and 400nm. Most fish species (78%) had more than one peak, that suggests a broad-band ultraviolet screening function for their mucus. Thalassoma duperrey, a tropical wrasse, was able to alter the absorbance of its epithelial mucus in response to both naturally and experimentally manipulated UV regimes. Visual modeling suggests that a fish with UV vision, such as Dascyllus albisella, could detect the changes in mucus spectra of T. duperrey that occurred in these experiments.  相似文献   

Twenty-two sites were monitored in the Lower Sassandra River Basin (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa) to examine patterns in fish species assemblage structure along environmental gradients. Hierarchical clustering of the species presence–absence data identified four types of assemblages corresponding to the man-made Lake Buyo, the main channel, and the two major tributaries. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicated that canopy closure, leaves-wood, aquatic plants, temperature, width, total dissolved solids and depth were the environmental factors most strongly correlated with variation in the fish assemblages. Five species: Papyrocranus afer, Micralestes elongatus, Parailia pellucida, Tilapia busumana and T. mariae were reported from the basin for the first time. The investigation of the variation in species richness led to the assessment of a major anthropogenic disturbance induced by a palm oil factory. In conjunction with the fact that the Sassandra River hosts an endemic species, Synodontis koensis, it was concluded that this basin is of high conservation priority.  相似文献   

We studied spatial and temporal patterns in fish species composition and diversity at the upper Juruá River located in the west Brazilian Amazon. We collected with gillnet 822 fishes belonging to 90 species in the main Juruá River, its tributaries and the floodplain lakes during wet and dry seasons. Fish abundance and species richness were greater in the dry season. During that season, fishes may be concentrated due to the low water level, being caught more easily by gillnets. There has been a trend towards a greater fish biomass caught in lakes. This might be associated with a greater environmental stability as lakes may be less subject to large variations in water level. The fish communities differed between the two seasons and between lakes and the lotic environments (main river and tributaries). Fish species from the family Curimatidae were most abundant in the lakes, while Pimelodus spp. and Hypostomus spp. predominated in the main Juruá River. Seasonal variations in fish communities may be related to differences in the migratory behavior among fish species. Such spatial and temporal patterns influencing fish community structure at the Upper Juruá Extractive Reserve must be accounted for in management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

In order to better determine the currentstatus of desert pupfish populations (Cyprinodon macularius macularius) in the LowerColorado River Basin of Mexico, bimonthly fishsampling and habitat evaluations were carriedout from September 1996 to August 1997 in sixlocalities of Baja California and Sonora.Desert pupfish were collected using minnowseines and traps. Four sampling sites are inSonora, in shallow marginal habitats of theCiénega Santa Clara (Hunters' Camp, Outletof the Welton-Mohawk channel, El Doctor andFlor del Desierto) and two are in BajaCalifornia (Cerro Prieto and streams south ofCerro Prieto). The most abundant fish speciessampled was native desert pupfish (C.macularius, 59%) followed by sailfin molly(Poecilia latipinna, 19%), redbellytilapia (Tilapia cf. zilli, 10%) and western mosquito fish (Gambusiaaffinis, 7%). Significant temporalfluctuations in distribution and abundance ofdesert pupfish populations, as previouslyreported for these populations, was againdocumented. The main anthropogenic factorsaffecting distribution and abundance of desertpupfish populations in the Mexican portion ofthe Lower Colorado River Basin are progressivealteration of aquatic and riparian habitats, aswell as presence of exotic fishes that havecaused the displacement or elimination ofnative fish populations. Both habitat andpresence of the desert pupfish populations inthe study area are controlled by theperiodicity, quality and volume of dischargesinto the Mexican portion of the basin from theUnited States.  相似文献   

Black seabream, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, and Japanese seaperch, Lateolabrax japonicus, are important commercial species in the coastal waters of western Pacific Ocean, including Japan, Korea and China. In Hong Kong, larvae and juveniles of these two species occur in bays and estuaries during late winter and spring. This study reports on the ontogenetic changes in food habits in larvae and juveniles of these species in an artificial rocky shore area. Copepods and cladocerans were the most numerous food items for black seabream. There was a shift to larger and benthic prey as the fishes grew. Japanese seaperch <2.1cm fed predominantly on copepods and cladocerans, while larger prey were added as fish size increased. Japanese seaperch >6.0cm were piscivorous. Maximum prey width increased with fish standard length and mouth gape width in both species. Overall, black seabream showed greater diet breadth than did Japanese seaperch. In black seabream, diet breadth increased with fish size. In Japanese seaperch, diet breadth increased with size for fishes <4.0cm, then decreased as the fishes became piscivorous. Prey selectivity in black seabream was determined using information on prey availability in plankton samples. In general, preference was stronger for cypris larvae, Penilia avirostris and decapod larvae than for copepods and podonids. In recent years, overfishing and environmental degradation have led to the decline of fish populations in Tolo Harbour. Absence of fishes with empty gut indicates that inner Tolo Harbour is still an important nursery area for these two commercial species.  相似文献   

We sampled lagoon, river and forest stream habitats during the rising water, wet, falling water, and dry seasons in the lowland region of the Yasuni National Reserve in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We collected 195 species, increasing the current number of species for the Napo River basin to approximately 562. The steady rate of species accumulation per sample suggests that the fish fauna is still undersampled. Lagoon, river and forest stream fish communities are highly diverse and variable, composed of common species found within several habitats, of characteristic species found throughout the year, and of seasonally migrating species. Characteristic lagoon species were mainly the curimatids Curimata vittata, Psectrogaster amazonica, Potamorhina altamazonica, P. latior and Cyphocharax plumbeus. The characins Hyphessobrycon copelandi and Hemigrammus cf. lunatus and the catfishes Nemadoras humeralis, Pimelodella sp. C and Sorubim sp. A were characteristic river species. Characteristic forest stream species included Hoplias malabaricus, Hyphessobrycon copelandi, Pimelodella sp. B and Sternopyugus macrurus. During the dry season, lagoon and river habitats had the highest number of individuals and species, as fishes were concentrated in decreasing habitat area. In contrast, stream habitats had the highest species richness and abundance during the rising water and falling water seasons. Species collected included vital food fishes and seasonal migrants. The migratory catfishes Brachyplatystoma vaillantii, Hemisorubim platyrhynchos, Platynematichthys notatus, Platystomatichthys sturio and Sorubim lima were collected during the falling water season, which suggests that these species may begin migrating earlier than expected. These findings highlight the importance of seasonality for both adequately assessing aquatic biodiversity and for developing research and conservation programs encompassing whole river ecosystems.  相似文献   

Three specimens of Herzensteinia microcephalus (Cyprinidae: Schizothoracinae) were collected from the Chalaiburkun Chu, a headwater of Dri Chu of the southern tributaries of the Yangtze River. The sampling site is located at an altitude of 5,350 m above sea level in the North Slope of the Tanggula Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This is a new highest distribution record of cyprinids, perhaps of all fishes in the world. This new altitude record increases approximate 150 m in vertical height than that in previous studies, which would largely expand the distribution area of H. microcephalus and its habitats. The distribution uplift of H. microcephalus might be an ecological response to recent glacial retreats on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The data provide empirical evidence that climate change very likely has caused significant shifts in alpine fish distributions.  相似文献   

Based on the data collected from the Suichuan and Shushui Rivers, both tributaries of the Ganjiang River between April and July of 2015, the fish species identified were classified into 68 and 46 species, 14 and 12 families in the Suichuan River and Shushui River respectively. Cyprinidae is the most common family that accounts for 52.9% and 58.7% in the total number of fish species in the Suichuan River and Shushui River, respectively. The dominant species were Pseudohemiculter dispar, Squalidus argentatus, Silurus asotus and Leptobotia elongate for the Suichuan River and Squalidus argentatus, Acrossocheilus parallens, Pseudohemiculter dispar, Silurus asotus, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Acrossocheilus fasciatus and Zacco platypus for the Shushui River. The diversity of fish species showed more abundant and diverse for the Suichuan River. The composition of ecotype of fish indicated the rich diversities of ecotype in both the Suichuan and Shushui Rivers. The tributary (Suichuan River) and main stream of the Ganjiang River demonstrated a highly fauna similarity and the fish resources indicated its significance to maintain the fish diversity in the middle of the Ganjiang River and its benefits to the existence of the fish species in mountain streams. Dam construction, sand excavation and heavy metal pollution are the most significant threat to fish diversity and ecosystem functioning in Ganjiang River basin. In order to protect fish diversity and fisheries more effectively, relevant laws should be strengthened and conservation areas should be established for the survival of freshwater fish species.  相似文献   

The modern ichthyofauna of the Lena River includes 46 species and subspecies: 45 bony fishes and one lamprey. In the upper reaches, 24 species have been recorded, 38 in the middle reaches, 36 in the lower reaches, and 24 in the delta. Four of the seven species intentionally introduced into water bodies of the Lena River basin have successfully naturalized; the presence of the others is unconfirmed. All areas of the river are dominated by fishes of the orders Salmoniformes and Cypriniformes. The ranges of the Amur carp Cyprinus rubrofuscus, common bream Abramis brama, ide Leuciscus idus, roach Rutilus rutilus, pike Esox lucius, and perch Perca fluviatilis have expanded over the last few years. The causes and possible ways of the historical formation of the Lena River fish population are discussed in the light of data on the Pleistocene paleogeographical events and patterns of the distribution of species in the river and in adjacent basins.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, fish resources have declined severely owing to the river–lake disconnection within the Yangtze River floodplain. Studies on fish migrations between rivers and floodplain waters are imperative for fish resources restoration and lake management. However, few studies have as yet documented the migration rhythms of river–lake migratory fishes. Monthly investigations of the fish assemblage structure were conducted in three regions of the Dongting Lake, which is connected to the Yangtze River. Main results were: (i) Fish catches varied greatly, depending on the water level and area of the lake; (ii) Ten river–lake migratoty species were caught during the study, 80% of these during July–October when the water level was high. Species richness and relative abundance both decreased with increasing distance from the river, and the timing of peak abundance occurred later in the year; (iii) Abundance of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) peaked in July and August and were mainly composed of 0 + fishes. The results revealed that the key time for migration into the lake is July–August. Combining the results from previous studies, a comprehensive view is given of migration patterns of four domestic Chinese carps; (iv) Brass gudgeon (Coreius heterodon), appeared to migrate into the Dongting Lake as two separate shoals, differentiated by body size. They also appeared to remain close to the lake mouth area. Based on the above results, two recommendations can be made for river–lake migratory fish conservation in the Yangtze floodplain: prolonging the current fishing ban period of April–June to April–September; and opening sluice gates for as long as possible during April–September in order to maximize the opportunities for fish migration.  相似文献   

Italian freshwaters are highly biodiverse, with species present including the native fishes Barbus plebejus and Barbus tyberinus that are threatened by habitat alteration, fish stocking and invasive fishes, especially European barbel Barbus barbus. In central Italy, native fluvio‐lacustrine barbels are mainly allopatric and so provide an excellent natural system to evaluate the permeability of the Apennine Mountains. Here, the morphologic and genetic distinctiveness was determined for 611 Barbus fishes collected along the Padany–Venetian (Adriatic basins; PV) and Tuscany–Latium (Tyrrhenian basins; TL) districts. Analyses of morphological traits and mitochondrial DNA sequence data explored the natural and anthropogenic factors that have shaped their distribution ranges. Over 100 alien B. barbus were recorded in the Tiber basin (TL district) and Metauro basin (PV district). Comparisons of genetic and morphometric data revealed that morphometric data could identify alien B. barbus from native Barbus, but could not differentiate between B. tyberinus and B. plebejus. Genetic analyses revealed ~50 D‐loop mtDNA haplotypes and identified a distinct Barbus lineage present only in the Vomano River at the southern boundary of PV district. Demographic expansion and molecular variance analyses revealed a lack of geographic structuring across the sampling regions. While the contemporary B. plebejus distribution has been driven primarily by anthropogenic fish translocations, the dispersal of B. tyberinus has been via natural dispersion, including their crossing of the Apennine Mountains via temporary river connectivity. The results also revealed that the Barbus fishes of the mid‐Adriatic region of Europe have a complex pattern of local endemism. To conserve these patterns of genetic uniqueness, especially in the mid‐Adriatic basins, Barbus fishes should be managed by treating them as unique evolutionary units and ceasing translocations of all Barbus fishes between river basins.  相似文献   

Synopsis Migratory fishes should exhibit higher growth rates and larger body size than nonmigrants. To test this hypothesis, laboratory reared threespine sticklebacks,Gasterosteus aculeatus, representing three populations from a single drainage in northern California, U.S.A. were compared. These populations differ in their migratory patterns, ranging from highly migratory anadromous forms to nonmigratory freshwater residents. The nonmigratory inland population was significantly smaller in standard length at most ages, with correspondingly reduced growth rates compared to the more migratory upstream and estuary populations. Von Bertalanffy growth functions described the growth trajectories of these fish well, accounting for approximately 99% of the variance in body size exhibited by these populations. Broad sense heritability estimates for body size were significant for all three populations at age 60 days but were significant only for the inland population at later ages. The results of this study provide evidence of genetically-based variation in growth rate and body size among these stickleback populations, and these differences are consistent with the hypothesis that adaptation to different migratory lifestyles has occurred.  相似文献   

随着底层和近底层渔业资源的衰退,海洋中上层鱼类在我国海洋捕捞业中逐渐占据重要的地位。预测气候变化情景下中上层经济鱼类的潜在生境分布及其变化规律,可为应对气候变化的鱼类栖息地保护和渔业生态系统管理提供重要科学依据。采用物种分布模型模拟并预测现状及2050年两种气候变化情景下8种中上层经济鱼类在中国近海的潜在分布,通过分布区的收缩-扩张情形和质心迁移距离定量分析气候变化对鱼类空间分布格局的影响。结果表明:(1)模型预测结果良好,各组模型的AUC值均高于0.85,影响目标鱼类潜在分布的主要驱动因子为海水表层温度和溶解氧;(2)8种中上层经济鱼类中,羽鳃鲐(Rastrelliger kanagurta)、鳓鱼(Ilisha elongata)等种类生境分布偏南,气候变化情景下分布北界可扩展至长江口,而鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)、青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)等种类主要分布在我国北方海域,气候变化情景下生境南缘边界退缩明显;(3)整体来看RCP8.5情景下的空间分布变化率大于RCP2.6情景,其中蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)、青鳞小沙丁...  相似文献   

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