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Atriplex nummularia is a polyploid Australian saltbush which has been identified as a suitable species for use in the rehabilitation of agricultural land affected by salinity. We isolated 12 polymorphic loci for a preliminary assessment of genetic variability and structure within the species as a basis for a breeding programme. Preliminary screening of loci in 40 individuals from two populations revealed multibanded genotypes consisting of up to seven alleles in a single individual, with up to 29 alleles observed at a single locus. The multibanded patterns are consistent with the polyploid status of this species.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and differentiation of Kermode bear populations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Kermode bear is a white phase of the North American black bear that occurs in low to moderate frequency on British Columbia's mid-coast. To investigate the genetic uniqueness of populations containing the white phase, and to ascertain levels of gene flow among populations, we surveyed 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, assayed from trapped bear hairs. A total of 216 unique bear genotypes, 18 of which were white, was sampled among 12 localities. Island populations, where Kermodes are most frequent, show approximately 4% less diversity than mainland populations, and the island richest in white bears (Gribbell) exhibited substantial genetic isolation, with a mean pairwise FST of 0.14 with other localities. Among all localities, FST for the molecular variant underlying the coat-colour difference (A893G) was 0.223, which falls into the 95th percentile of the distribution of FST values among microsatellite alleles, suggestive of greater differentiation for coat colour than expected under neutrality. Control-region sequences confirm that Kermode bears are part of a coastal or western lineage of black bears whose existence predates the Wisconsin glaciation, but microsatellite variation gave no evidence of past population expansion. We conclude that Kermodism was established and is maintained in populations by a combination of genetic isolation and somewhat reduced population sizes in insular habitat, with the possible contribution of selective pressure and/or nonrandom mating.  相似文献   

The Vietnamese sika deer (Cervus nippon pseudaxis) is an endangered subspecies; it has disappeared in the wild, but is being bred in zoological parks. We studied the neutral genetic diversity and population structure of herds kept in different European zoos, using nine microsatellite loci. The goal was to evaluate the consequences of founding effects and breeding practices on the level and structure of genetic variability. The level of genetic diversity within the European zoos is not lower than that of the populations kept in Vietnamese farms. Strong differences among zoological parks and between the European group and the Vietnamese population were detected. This is probably due to founding effects, genetic drift, and possibly hybridization in both Europe and Vietnam. We expected to find a much lower level of genetic diversity in Europe. The current overall level of genetic diversity is probably due to the recent introduction of Cuc Phuong individuals, and to important differences among the populations of different zoological parks, which increase the total genetic variability. Although the current level of genetic variability is not particularly low, future levels are probably threatened by the current herd sizes and structure. Based on these results, management guidelines are proposed. Zoo Biol 22:465–475, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

中国卵叶海桑遗传多样性的ISSR研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
卵叶海桑 (Sonneratiaovata)是海桑科濒危红树植物 ,在我国仅分布于海南文昌清澜自然保护区内。采用简单序列重复区间扩增 (ISSR)分子标记技术对该天然居群和东寨港红树林自然保护区引种的人工居群共 3个居群 3 9个个体进行了遗传变异分析。 1 1个引物共扩增出 1 85条带 ,其中 1 2 7条具多态性 ,多态位点百分率为 68.65 %。在居群水平上相对较低 ,多态位点百分率 3 6.76%~ 5 4.5 9% ,平均值为 47.2 1 %。Nei的基因多样性、Shannon信息指数在物种水平上分别为 0 .1 41 1和 0 .2 2 92 ;在居群水平上平均值分别为 0 .1 2 0 9和0 .1 91 0。Nei的遗传分化系数Gst表明 :87.5 8%遗传变异分布在居群内 ,1 2 .42 %的遗传变异分布在居群间。居群间的遗传一致度达 0 .970 7。东寨港迁地保护的人工居群有效地保护了卵叶海桑的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

Polyploidization is a rare yet sometimes successful way for animals to rapidly create geno‐ and phenotypes that may colonize new habitats and quickly adapt to environmental changes. In this study, we use water frogs of the Pelophylax esculentus complex, comprising two species (Pelophylax lessonae, genotype LL; Pelophylax ridibundus, RR) and various diploid (LR) and triploid (LLR, LRR) hybrid forms, summarized as P. esculentus, as a model for studying recent hybridization and polyploidization in the context of speciation. Specifically, we compared the geographic distribution and genetic diversity of diploid and triploid hybrids across Europe to understand their origin, maintenance and potential role in hybrid speciation. We found that different hybrid and parental genotypes are not evenly distributed across Europe. Rather, their genetic diversity is structured by latitude and longitude and the presence/absence of parental species but not of triploids. Highest genetic diversity was observed in central and eastern Europe, the lowest in the northwestern parts of Europe. This gradient can be explained by the decrease in genetic diversity during postglacial expansion from southeastern glacial refuge areas. Genealogical relationships calculated on the basis of microsatellite data clearly indicate that hybrids are of multiple origin and include a huge variety of parental genomes. Water frogs in mixed‐ploidy populations without any parental species (i.e. all‐hybrid populations) can be viewed as evolutionary units that may be on their way towards hybrid speciation. Maintenance of such all‐hybrid populations requires a continuous exchange of genomes between diploids and triploids, but scenarios for alternative evolutionary trajectories are discussed.  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)5个群体的遗传多样性   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
虾夷扇贝为20世纪80年代初从日本引入我国并逐渐开展养殖的双壳贝类,目前已在我国北方地区大面积养殖。实验采用微卫星分子遗传标记技术对大连獐子岛底播增殖放流群体(CC)、黄海北部海区采集的野生群体(HQ)、日本青森养殖群体(JX)、俄罗斯远东日本海沿岸养殖群体(RX)及大连大长山岛养殖上壳白化群体(ZB)等5个虾夷扇贝群体的遗传多样性进行研究。其中HQ群体为本课题组2005年在黄海北部采集的野生群体,本研究筛选出一个该群体的特异性遗传标记。用8个微卫星位点进行扩增,共获得45个等位基因,每个位点的等位基因数处于3—9之间,大小为100—340bp,平均有效等位基因数为3.1535,基因型数为3—21个,PIC(PolymorphismInformationContent)值处于0.0322-0.5944之间。5个群体的平均观测杂合度分别为0.3292、0.3048、0.3167、0.2708、0.3042,平均期望杂合度分别为0.4595、0.4002、0.3838、0.3620、0.3885,群体间的多态性差异不显著。根据群体间遗传相似性系数、遗传距离及UPGMA聚类分析发现,CC和HQ群体亲缘关系最近,JX和RX群体的亲缘关系较近,ZB群体与JX和RX群体的亲缘关系较近。通过Hardy—Weinberg平衡及F-检验发现,5个群体都不同程度的偏离平衡,表明各群体基因频率和基因型频率的稳定性较低,且5个群体均处于不同程度的杂合子缺失状态,群体间的遗传分化程度较高,但遗传变异主要来自群体内的个体间。  相似文献   

莲瓣兰DALP遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾琳  史云东  虞泓  骆扬  李永谊 《广西植物》2012,32(6):822-827
采用DALP(Direct amplification of length polymorphism)检测莲瓣兰5个居群的遗传结构.5个引物组合共检测到103个多态位点.和其它具有相似生活史(多年生草本、以动物为媒介的杂交、种子随风散布)的物种相比,莲瓣兰原变种水平(PPB=88.18%,A=1.8818,Ae=1.4880,H=0.2911,I=0.4412)和物种水平(PPB=93.64%,A=1.9364,Ae=1.5262,H=0.3129,I=0.4732)均具有较高的遗传多样性;各居群间(Gst=0.3292)存在较大的遗传分化.基因流的估计值(Nm=1.0186)表明莲瓣兰物种水平上各居群间每代有1.0186个移居个体.地理隔离和选择压力可能是造成莲瓣兰居群间基因流动受到限制的原因.在这些研究的基础上,探讨了野生莲瓣兰资源的保护问题.  相似文献   

The genetic variation within and between wild apple samples (Malus sylvestris) and cultivated apple trees was investigated with amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and microsatellite markers to develop a conservation genetics programme for the endangered wild apple in Belgium. In total, 76 putative wild apples (originating from Belgium and Germany), six presumed hybrids and 39 cultivars were typed at 12 simple sequence repeats (SSR) and 139 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) loci. Principal co-ordinate analysis and a model-based clustering method classified the apples into three major gene pools: wild Malus sylvestris genotypes, edible cultivars and ornamental cultivars. All presumed hybrids and two individuals (one Belgian, one German) sampled as M. sylvestris were assigned completely to the edible cultivar gene pool, revealing that cultivated genotypes are present in the wild. However, gene flow between wild and cultivated gene pools is shown to be almost absent, with only three genotypes that showed evidence of admixture between the wild and edible cultivar gene pools. Wild apples sampled in Belgium and Germany constitute gene pools that are clearly differentiated from cultivars and although some geographical pattern of genetic differentiation among wild apple populations exists, most variation is concentrated within samples. Concordant conclusions were obtained from AFLP and SSR markers, which showed highly significant correlations in both among-genotypes and among-samples genetic distances.  相似文献   

Melipona quadrifasciata is a stingless bee widely found throughout the Brazilian territory, with two recognized subspecies, M. quadrifasciata anthidioides, that exhibits interrupted metasomal stripes, and M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata, with continuous metasomal stripes. This study aimed to estimate the genetic variability of these subspecies. For this purpose, 127 colonies from 15 Brazilian localities were analyzed, using nine species-specific microsatellite primers. At these loci, the number of alleles ranged from three to 15 (mean: 7.2), and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.03–0.21, while the expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.23–0.47. The genetic distances among populations ranged from 0.03–0.45. The FST multilocus value (0.23) indicated that the populations sampled were structured, and the clustering analysis showed the formation of two subgroups and two more distant populations. The first group contained the subspecies M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata, and the other, the subspecies M. quadrifasciata anthidioides and the two M. quadrifasciata populations with continuous metasomal stripes from northern Minas Gerais. These results confirmed that the yellow metasomal stripes alone are not a good means for correctly identifying the different subspecies of M. quadrifasciata.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus , is a critically-endangered species of which only two populations, separated by c . 4000 km, remain: the eastern Mediterranean (150–300 individuals) and the Atlantic/western Sahara populations (100–130 individuals). We measured current levels of nuclear genetic variation at 24 microsatellite loci in 12 seals from the eastern Mediterranean and 98 seals from the western Sahara population and assessed differences between them. In both populations, genetic variation was found to be low, with mean allelic richness for the loci polymorphic in the species of 2.09 and 1.96, respectively. For most loci, the observed allele frequency distributions in both populations were discontinuous and the size ranges similar. The eastern Mediterranean population had 14 private alleles and the western Sahara had 18, but with a much larger sample size. Highly significant differences in allele frequencies between the two populations were found for 14 out of 17 loci. F ST between the two populations was 0.578 and the estimated number of migrants per generation was 0.046, both clearly indicating substantial genetic differentiation. From a conservation perspective, these results suggest that each population may act as a source for introducing additional genetic variation into the other population.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria is famous for its in evolutionary terms young but species‐rich assemblage of cichlid fishes. This ‘superflock’ also includes additional species from adjacent water systems. Lake Victoria is surrounded by several smaller lakes that are connected to the main water body of Lake Victoria only through swampy areas. Lake Kanyaboli is one such lake, harbouring a much poorer species diversity, mostly comprised of Lake Victoria endemics, some of which are now considered extirpated from the main lake. The focus of this study was on the modern haplochromine component of the cichlid fauna, represented by Lipochromis maxillaris, Astatotilapia nubila, Xystichromis phytophagus and Astatotilapia sp. ‘Bigeye’, as well as a number of morphologically distinct haplochromine specimens that could not be assigned to any of the recognized species. We used five microsatellite markers to distinguish these five taxa. Genetically, L. maxillaris was clearly differentiated from all other taxa, and A. sp. ‘Bigeye’ was moderately differentiated from the remaining three. Astatotilapia nubila, X. phytophagus and the unidentified specimens constituted a partially overlapping cluster. As each of the clusters had several (5–14) private alleles, extremely recent divergence is suggested. As all taxa except for A. spBigeye’ and the unidentified specimens also occur or at least occurred in Lake Victoria, it is likely that they evolved as part of the Lake Victoria superflock, while A. spBigeye’ and the unidentified specimens may have currently evolved in situ. The observation of slightly distinct albeit overlapping body shapes and the extremely close genetic relationship between three of the five taxa are fully compatible and in support of the hybrid swarm theory of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Bhutanese chickens needs to be understood in order to develop a suitable conservation strategy for these birds in Bhutan. In this, work, we used microsatellite markers to examine the genetic diversity of Bhutanese chickens. Four Bhutanese chicken varieties (Black plumage, Frizzle, Naked neck and Red Junglefowl-like, corresponding to Yuebjha Narp, Phulom, Khuilay and Seim, respectively), two subspecies of Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus gallus and Gallus gallus spadecieus), two varieties of Thai native chickens (Pradhu Hang Dam and Chee; Gallus gallus domesticus) representing the Southeast Asian domestic chicken, and two commercial lines (Broiler and Single Comb White Leghorn) were genotyped with 18 microsatellites that included 16 loci recommended by the FAO/ISAG for investigations of genetic variability in chickens. All loci were polymorphic, with the number of alleles ranging from six (MCW0111) to 23 (MCW0183). Substantial genetic variation was observed in all populations, with the Bhutanese native chicken Yuebjha Narp (Black plumage chicken) showing the lowest genetic variability. Despite extensive intrapopulation variation, the genetic differentiation among 10 populations was moderate. A neighbor-joining tree revealed the genetic relationships involved while principal component analysis showed that Bhutanese native chickens should be given priority in conservation efforts because of their genetic distinctiveness. Chee chickens are especially valuable as a reservoir of predomestic diversity, as indicated by their greater genetic variation and their position in the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Abbott CL  Double MC 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(11):2953-2962
Six variable microsatellite loci were used to examine genetic structuring in the closely related shy albatross (Thalassarche cauta) and white-capped albatross (T. steadi). First, levels of genetic differentiation between the species, and among three populations within each species, were analysed using amova, FST and RST. We found high levels of genetic structuring and detected many unshared alleles between the species, which provide strong evidence against any contemporary gene flow between them. Within each species, shy albatross populations were found to be genetically distinct whereas white-capped albatross populations were undifferentiated, which implies that dispersal events are much rarer in the former than in the latter. These results formed the basis for the recommendation that the three white-capped albatross populations (as a whole) and each shy albatross population be treated as separate units for conservation. Second, levels of genetic diversity and allelic patterns in shy and white-capped albatrosses were assessed for whether they support earlier mtDNA results suggesting that shy albatrosses arose through range expansion of white-capped albatrosses. All measures indicated lower genetic diversity within shy albatrosses than within white-capped albatrosses and upheld the hypothesis that shy albatrosses were founded by white-capped albatrosses.  相似文献   

Acacia is a pantropical genus comprising > 1450 species. Following Vassal's treatment Acacia is considered as a single genus with three subgenera (Acacia, Aculeiferum and Phyllodineae). Acacia caven, A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana belong to subgenus Acacia and the relationship between them is controversial. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between the three species using amplified fragment length polymorphism, analysing 15 populations of these species, and to compare the results obtained with those from a morphological analysis. Genetic diversity indices (percentage of polymorphic loci, genetic diversity) showed that genetic variation in A. caven is higher than that in A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana. Of the total genetic diversity in A. caven and A. farnesiana, most is found within populations (∼70%). Analysis with STRUCTURE showed that the optimal number of clusters (K) was ten, and in all cases where populations were grouped they were geographically close and/or belong to the same variety. The morphological canonical discriminant analysis did not result in a separation between all individuals, indicating that they do not harbour consistent morphological discontinuities. Altogether, the results of our molecular analyses showed the existence of significant differences between A. caven, A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana, which argues for recognizing them as different species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 593–606.  相似文献   

An allozymic study of three wild species of Antirrhinum L. A. lopesiamum Rothm., A. mollissimum Roihni. and A. microphyllum Rothm. is described. All are members of subsection Kickiella Rothm., and are narrow-range endemics of the Iberian Peninsula. The variability of the different loci, as well as the number and mobility of the alleles, differ among the three species, a demonstration of the usefulness of allozymes for the systematics of the genus. The finding of alleles unique to each species indicates high divergence among species suggesting ancient diversification, and supports the hypothesis of a geographical model of speciation. All three species show high levels of within-species variability, mainly partitioned within populations, while between populations genetic differentiation is low. Correlations between population size, sample size and genetic variability, and the usefulness of allozymic data for conservation purposes, are discussed.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the relationships among populations of Campanula secundiflora s.l. and closely related and geographically close populations of C. austroadriatica and C. versicolor. Based on analyses of microsatellite DNA data, the investigated populations have high overall genetic diversity and abundant allelic variation over seven investigated loci. Bayesian model‐based clustering identified four clearly differentiated genetic groups of populations. The genetic differentiation was reflected by morphological differentiation, allowing us to propose a new taxonomic treatment of the constituents of C. secundiflora s.l. The populations distributed in south‐western Serbia and north‐eastern Montenegro were included in C. secundiflora. A new species, C ampanula montenegrina sp. nov. , distributed in the continental part of Montenegro and the northern part of Albania is described. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 64–88.  相似文献   

In times of rapid global and unforeseeable environmental changes, there is an urgent need for a sustainable cattle breeding policy, based on a global view. Most of the indigenous breeds are specialized in a particular habitat or production system but are rapidly disappearing. Thus, they represent an important resource to meet present and future breeding objectives. Based on 105 microsatellites, we obtained thorough information on genetic diversity and population structure of 16 cattle breeds that cover a geographical area from the domestication centre near Anatolia, through the Balkan and alpine regions, to the North-West of Europe. Breeds under strict artificial selection and indigenous breeds under traditional breeding schemes were included. The overall results showed that the genetic diversity is widespread in Buša breeds in the Anatolian and Balkan areas, when compared with the alpine and north-western European breeds. Our results reflect long-term evolutionary and short-term breeding events very well. The regular pattern of allele frequency distribution in the entire cattle population studied clearly suggests conservation of rare alleles by conservation of preferably unselected traditional breeds with large effective population sizes. From a global and long-term conservation genetics point of view, the native and highly variable breeds closer to the domestication centre could serve as valuable sources of genes for future needs, not only for cattle but also for other farm animals.  相似文献   

Characterizing patterns of evolution of genetic and phenotypic divergence between incipient species is essential to understand how evolution of reproductive isolation proceeds. Hybrid zones are excellent for studying such processes, as they provide opportunities to assess trait variation in individuals with mixed genetic background and to quantify gene flow across different genomic regions. Here, we combine plumage, song, mtDNA and whole‐genome sequence data and analyze variation across a sympatric zone between the European and the Siberian chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita abietinus/tristis) to study how gene exchange between the lineages affects trait variation. Our results show that chiffchaff within the sympatric region show more extensive trait variation than allopatric birds, with a large proportion of individuals exhibiting intermediate phenotypic characters. The genomic differentiation between the subspecies is lower in sympatry than in allopatry and sympatric birds have a mix of genetic ancestry indicating extensive ongoing and past gene flow. Patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation also vary between regions within the hybrid zone, potentially reflecting differences in population densities, age of secondary contact, or differences in mate recognition or mate preference. The genomic data support the presence of two distinct genetic clades corresponding to allopatric abietinus and tristis and that genetic admixture is the force underlying trait variation in the sympatric region—the previously described subspecies (“fulvescens”) from the region is therefore not likely a distinct taxon. In addition, we conclude that subspecies identification based on appearance is uncertain as an individual with an apparently distinct phenotype can have a considerable proportion of the genome composed of mixed alleles, or even a major part of the genome introgressed from the other subspecies. Our results provide insights into the dynamics of admixture across subspecies boundaries and have implications for understanding speciation processes and for the identification of specific chiffchaff individuals based on phenotypic characters.  相似文献   

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