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Light induces the generation of an electrochemical potential difference across the functional membrane of photosynthesis of green plants. Experimental results on the electrochemical phenomena have been largely interpreted in terms of a vectorial alternating electron hydrogen transport system as originally hypothesized by Mitchell.We asked whether or not the reaction coordinate of the electron transport crosses the membrane, and whether or not the protolytic reactions at either side of the membrane can be understood from the protolytic properties of the redox components involved. For this we studied the flash-light-induced protolytic reactions in the outer and the inner aqueous phase of the chloroplast inner disk membranes. Four sites of protolytic reactions were identified, two at either side of the membrane. One of these sites had to be attributed to the reduction of the terminal electron acceptor at the outer side of the membrane. Evidence is presented for the coupling of the other sites to the oxidation of water at the inner side of the membrane, to the reduction of plastoquinone at the outer side and its oxidation at the inner side, respectively. These results support Mitchell's hypothesis for the generation of an electrochemical potential difference by a vectorial electron transport system.  相似文献   

B.R. Velthuys  J. Amesz 《BBA》1974,333(1):85-94
A study was made of the reactions between the primary and secondary electron acceptors of Photosystem 2 by measurements of the increase of chlorophyll fluorescence induced in darkness by dithionite or by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). The experiments were done either with chloroplasts to which hydroxylamine or carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) was added, or with chloroplasts treated with tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) to which phenylenediamine and ascorbate were added as donor system. Under these conditions the fluorescence increase induced by dithionite or DCMU added after illumination with short light flashes was dependent on the flash number with a periodicity of two; it was large after an uneven number of flashes, and small after a long darktime or after an even number of flashes. The results are interpreted in terms of a model which involves a hypothetical electron carrier situated between Q and plastoquinone; this electron carrier is thought to equilibrate with plastoquinone in a two-electron transfer reaction; the results obtained with DCMU are explained by assuming that its midpoint potential is lowered by this inhibitor.  相似文献   

1. Cell-free extracts of the marine bacterium Beneckea natriegens, derived by sonication, were separated into particulate and supernatant fractions by centrifugation at 150 000 × g.2. NADH, succinate, d(?)- and l(+)-lactate oxidase and dehydrogenase activities were located in the particles, with 2- to 3-fold increases in specific activity over the cell free extract. The d(?)- and l(+)-lactate dehydrogenases were NAD+ and NADP+ independent. Ascorbate-N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylphenylenediamine (TMPD) oxidase was also present in the particulate fraction; it was 7–12 times more active than the physiological substrate oxidases.3. Ascorbate-TMPD oxidase was completely inhibited by 10 μM cyanide. Succinate, NADH, d(?)-lactate and l(+)-lactate oxidases were inhibited in a biphasic manner, with 10 μM cyanide causing only 10–50 % inhibition; further inhibition required more than 0.5 mM cyanide, and 10 mM cyanide caused over 90 % inhibition. Low sulphide (5 μM) and azide (2 mM) concentrations also totally inhibited ascorbate-TMPD oxidase, but only partially inhibited the other oxidases. High concentrations of sulphide but not azide caused a second phase inhibition of NADH, succinate, d(?)-lactate and l(+)-lactate oxidases.4. Low oxidase activities of the physiological substrates, obtained by using non-saturating substrate concentrations, were more inhibited by 10 μM cyanide and 2 mM azide than high oxidase rates, yet ascorbate-TMPD oxidase was completely inhibited by 10 μM cyanide over a wide range of rates of oxidation.5. These results indicate terminal branching of the respiratory system. Ascorbate-TMPD is oxidised by one pathway only, whilst NADH, succinate, d(?)-lactate and l(+)-lactate are oxidised via both pathways. Respiration of the latter substrates occurs preferentially by the pathway associated with ascorbate-TMPD oxidase and which is sensitive to low concentrations of cyanide, azide and sulphide.6. The apparent Km for O2 for each of the two pathways was detected using ascorbate-TMPD and NADH or succinate plus 10 μM cyanide respectively. The former pathway had an apparent Km of 8–17 (average 10.6) μM and the latter 2.2–4.0 (average 3.0) μM O2.  相似文献   

John Whitmarsh  R.P. Levine 《BBA》1974,368(2):199-213
We have investigated the process of intermolecular excitation energy transfer and the relative orientation of the chlorophyll molecules in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardi. The principal experiments involved in vivo measurements of the fluorescence polarization as a function of the exciting-light wavelength in the presence and in the absence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. We found that as the fluorescence lifetime increases upon the addition of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea that the degree of fluorescence polarization decreases over the excitation region from 600 to 660 nm. This result, we argue, implies that a Förster mechanism of excitation energy transfer is involved for Photosystem II chlorophyll molecules absorbing primarily below 660 nm. We must add that our results do not exclude the possibility of a delocalized transfer process from being involved as well. Fluorescence polarization measurements using chloroplast fragments are also discussed in terms of a Förster transfer mechanism. As the excitation wavelength approaches 670 nm the fluorescence polarization is nearly constant upon the addition of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea.Experiments performed using either vertically or horizontally polarized exciting light show that the fluorescence polarization increases as the exciting light wavelength increases from 650 to 673 nm. This suggests the possibility that chlorophyll molecules absorbing at longer wavelengths have a higher degree of relative order. Furthermore, these studies imply that chlorophyll molecules exist in discrete groups that are characterized by different absorption maxima and by different degrees of the fluorescence polarization. In view of these results we discuss different models for the Photosystem II antenna system and energy transfer between different groups of optically distinguishable chlorophyll molecules.  相似文献   

A mathematical analysis is described which measures the effects of actinic light intensity and concentration of an artificial electron donor on the steady-state light-induced redox level of a reaction-center pigment (e.g. P-700) and on the overall light-induced electron flux (e.g. reduction of NADP+). The analysis led to a formulation (somewhat similar to the Michaelis-Menten equation for enzyme kinetics) in which a parameter, I12, is defined as the actinic light intensity that, at a given concentration of electron donor, renders the reaction-center pigment half oxidized and half reduced. To determine the role of a presumed reaction-center pigment, I12 is compared with another parameter, equivalent to I12, that is obtained independently of the reaction-center pigment by measuring the effect of actinic light intensity and concentration of electron donor on the overall electron flow.The theory was tested and validated in a model system with spinach Photosystem I chloroplast fragments by measurements of photooxidation of P-700 and light-induced reduction of NADP+ by reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol. A possible extension of this mathematical analysis to more general electron-transport systems is discussed.  相似文献   

The levels of sarcosine dehydrogenase and acid-nonextractable flavin in the inner matrix of mitochondria of rat liver are decreased in animals treated with triiodothyronine and are elevated in the mitochondria obtained from thyroidectomized animals. Administration of triiodothyronine does not affect the electron-transfer flavoprotein associated with the sarcosine dehydrogenase or the relative amounts of soluble and membrane-bound proteins of the mitochondria. In phosphate-washed mitochondria from either the controls or the triiodothyronine-treated rats, the O2 uptake equals the total of the [14C]formaldehyde and [β-14C]serine isolated as reaction products of the sarcosine-[14C]methyl group. In contrast to its restraint of sarcosine or choline oxidation in preparations capable of oxidative phosphorylation, ADP does not inhibit the oxidation of these substrates in mitochondria of rats given triiodothyronine.  相似文献   

H.F. Kauffman  B.F. Van Gelder 《BBA》1973,314(3):276-283
1. Cyanide causes a slow disappearance of the oxidized band (648 nm) of cytochrome d in particles of Azotobacter vinelandii and inhibits the appearance of the reduced band (631 nm). No effect of cyanide is found on the reduced band of cytochrome d.

2. The kinetics of the disappearance of the 648-nm band of cytochrome d with excess cyanide deviates from first-order kinetics at lower temperatures (22 °C) indicating that at least two conformations of the enzyme are involved. At higher temperatures (32 °C) the observed kinetics of the cyanide reaction are first order with a kon = 0.7 M−1·s−1 and with an estimated koff of approximately 5·10−5 s−1.

3. The value of the koff (7·10−4−14·10−4 s−1 at 32 °C) determined from the rate of reduction of cyanocytochrome d by Na2S2O4 or NADH is one order of magnitude larger than the koff value found when the enzyme is in its oxidized state.

4. No effect of cyanide is found on the spectrum of cytochrome a1.  相似文献   

The interaction with the cytoplasmic membrane of the inducible, membrane-bound, cytochrome-linked dehydrogenases specific for the oxidation of d-alanine, allohydroxy-d-proline, choline and sarcosine in Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated. The susceptibility of d-alanine dehydrogenase to solubilisation by cation depletion or by washing with high ionic strength buffers indicated that it was a peripheral membrane protein. The effect of various divalent cations in reducing the amount of enzyme released by cation depletion suggests a requirement for Mg2+ in the binding of d-alanine dehydrogenase to the cytoplasmic membrane. The peripheral nature of all four dehydrogenases was confirmed by examination of the molecular properties and phospholipid content of preparations of the enzymes solubilised with 1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Additional confirmatory evidence was provided by Arrhenius plots of membrane-bound activity of d-alanine and allohydroxy-d-proline dehydrogenases which were monophasic and independent of the discontinuities attributable to membrane lipid phase separations which characterise such plots of the activity of integral membrane-bound enzymes. The shape of the Arrhenius plots obtained for the activities of known integral respiratory proteins of P. aeruginosa suggests that these enzymes may remain in a fluid environment throughout the course of the phase separation.  相似文献   

1. In the presence of Triton X-100, chloroplast membranes of the green alga Acetabularia mediterranea were disrupted into two subchloroplast fragments which differed in buoyant density. Each of these fractions had distinct and unique complements of polypeptides, indicating an almost complete separation of the two fragments.

2. One of the two subchloroplast fractions was enriched in chlorophyll b. It exhibited Photosystem II activity, was highly fluorescent and was composed of particles of approx. 50 Å diameter.

3. The light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex of the Photosystem II-active fraction had a molecular weight of 67 000 and contained two different subunits of 23 000 and 21 500. The molecular ratio of these two subunits was 2:1.  相似文献   

A. Trebst  S. Reimer 《BBA》1973,325(3):546-557
In the presence of the plastoquinone antagonist dibromothymoquinone the photoreduction of ferricyanide by isolated chloroplast membranes is attributed to Photosystem II. The reaction is stimulated by the addition of phenylenediamine or C-substituted phenylenediamines (which may form a diimine on oxidation) but not of N-substituted phenylenediamines (which form a stable radical on oxidation). Phenylenediamines also restore NADP reduction (and O2 evolution) in 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB)-treated chloroplasts. In this bypassing of the inhibition site, N-substituted phenylenediamines are very effective, whereas p-phenylenediamine and C-substituted phenylenediamines are inefficient. Uncouplers exhibit a surprising effect on these systems. Even under coupling conditions uncouplers inhibit electron flow to ferricyanide mediated by phenylenediamine in the pH range 7.3–8.0, whereas the restoration of the NADP system is stimulated.

For the interpretation of the results the side of the membrane involved is considered. It is proposed that in ferricyanide reduction by Photosystem II, a phenylenediimine/diamine shuttle operates which moves reducing equivalents from the inside to the outside across the membrane. This shuttle requires a pH gradient across the membrane because of different optimal ratios of diimine/diamine inside and outside. This pH difference is abolished by the uncoupler, accounting for the observed inhibition.

The restoration of electron flow from water to NADP in DBMIB-treated chloroplasts is assumed to be a bypass of the inhibition site inside the membrane via a phenylenediamine. Because the imine/amine ratio brought about by the pH gradient is not favorable for the inside oxidation an uncoupler stimulates NADP reduction even under coupling conditions.

Also in photoreductions by Photosystem I, for example NADP reduction at the expense of P-phenylenediamine/ascorbate, a shuttle of reducing equivalents across the membrane occurs but this time from outside to inside.  相似文献   

S. Izawa  R. Kraayenhof  E.K. Ruuge  D. Devault 《BBA》1973,314(3):328-339
Treatment of chloroplasts with high concentrations of KCN inhibits reactions which involve Photosystem I (e.g. electron transport from water or diaminodurene to methylviologen), but not those assumed to by-pass Photosystem I (e.g. electron transport from water to quinonediimides). The spectrophotometric experiments described in this paper showed that KCN inhibits the oxidation of cytochrome f by far-red light without blocking its reduction by red light. Both optical and EPR experiments indicated that KCN does not inhibit the photooxidation of P700 but markedly slows down the subsequent dark decay (reduction). Reduction of P700 by Photosystem II is prevented by KCN. It is concluded that KCN blocks electron transfer between cytochrome f and P700, i.e. the reaction step which is believed to be mediated by plastocyanin. In KCN-poisoned chloroplasts the slow dark reduction of P700 following photooxidation is greatly accelerated by reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol or by reduced N-methylphenazonium methosulfate (PMS), but not by diaminodurene. It appears that the reduced indophenol dye and reduced PMS are capable of donating electrons directly to P700, at least partially by-passing the KCN block.  相似文献   

1. Photochemical activities as a function of temperature have been compared in chloroplasts isolated from chilling-sensitive (below approximately 12 °C) and chilling-resistant plants.2. An Arrhenius plot of the photoreduction of NADP+ from water by chloroplasts isolated from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. Gross Lisse), a chilling-sensitive plant, shows a change in slope at about 12 °C. Between 25 and 14 °C the activation energy for this reaction is 8.3 kcal·mole?1. Between 11 and 3 °C the activation energy increases to 22 kcal·mole?1. Photoreduction of NADP+ by chloroplasts from another chilling-sensitive plant, bean (Phaseolus vulgaris var. brown beauty), shows an increase in activation energy from 5.9 to 17.5 kcal·mole?1 below about 12 °C.3. The photoreduction of NADP+ by chloroplasts isolated from two chilling-resistant plants, lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. winter lake) and pea (Pisum sativum var. greenfeast), shows constant activation energies of 5.4 and 8.0 kcal·mole?1, respectively, over the temperature range 3–25 °C.4. The effect of temperature on photosynthetic electron transfer in the chloroplasts of chilling-sensitive plants is localized in Photosystem I region of photosynthesis. Both the photoreduction of NADP+ from reduced 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol and the ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (EC activity of choroplasts of chilling-sensitive plants show increases in activation energies at approximately 12 °C whereas Photosystem II activity of chloroplasts of chilling-sensitive plants shows a constant activation energy over the temperature range 3–25 °C. The photoreduction of Diquat (1,1′-ethylene-2,2′-dipyridylium dibromide) from water by bean chloroplasts, however, does not show a change in activation energy over the same temperature range. The activation energies of each of these reactions in chilling-resistant plants is constant between 3 and 25 °C.5. The effect of temperature on the activation energy of these reactions in chloroplasts from chilling-sensitive plants is reversible.6. In chilling-sensitive plants, the increased activation energies below approximately 12 °C, with consequent decreased rates of reaction for the photoreduction of NADP+, would result in impaired photosynthetic activity at chilling temperatures. This could explain the changes in chloroplast structure and function when chilling-sensitive plants are exposed to chilling temperatures.  相似文献   

The influence of vanadium compounds (vanadate, vanadyl citrate) on photosynthesis in Chlorella fusca and in algal and spinach chloroplasts has been investigated. It was found that: 1. At moderately high concentrations (at least 0.1 mM) both vanadate and vanadyl citrate enhance photosynthetic O2 production in intact C. fusca cells. At lower V concentration (about 2 μM) only vanadate stimulates photosynthesis. The increase is dependent on culture conditions and on light intensity. 2. Up to 1 mM V, neither vanadium compound influences PS II activity, either in intact cells or in algal or spinach chloroplasts. 3. The PS I reaction in algal and spinach chloroplasts is maximally enhanced (3-fold) in presence of vanadium (20 μM). The increase is independent of light intensity. 4. Cr(VI), Mo(VI), and W(VI) (1 mM) stimulate photosynthesis in intact C. fusca cells, but do not influence the photosystems of isolated chloroplasts. Vanadium is suggested to act as a redox catalyst in the electron transport from PS II to PS I.  相似文献   

Joachim Vater 《BBA》1973,292(3):786-795
The dependence of the relative average oxygen yield per flash for repetitive excitation with single flashes as a function of the dark time, td, between the flashes has been investigated.

The decrease of = f(td) for long dark times (td) depends on the deactivation processes in the water-splitting system by which the number of precursors for photosynthetic oxygen evolution is diminished.

It is shown that the rate of the deactivation reactions can be either accelerated or retarded by indophenols and nitrophenols. These effects can be clearly correlated to the acidity of the hydroxyl group of these substances, but other factors have also to be considered in order to interpret completely the mode of action of these agents in the deactivation process. Possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

G. Hauska  A. Trebst  W. Draber 《BBA》1973,305(3):632-641
The topography of the chloroplast membrane has been studied using the following pairs of quinoid compounds with similar structure and chemical properties, but with different lipid solubility: phenazine/sulfophenazine, naphthoquinone/naphthoquinone sulfonate, indophenol/sulfoindophenol and lumiflavin/FMN.

All these compounds in the oxidized form are able to accept electrons from the photosynthetic electron transport chain in Hill reactions. However, only the lipophilic compounds in the reduced form can donate electrons to Photosystem I, when electron flow from Photosystem II is blocked by inhibitors. This is in agreement with the notation that the oxidizing site of Photosystem I (P700+) and the electron donors for Photosystem I (cytochrome f and plastocyanin) are located inside the lipid barrier of the inner chloroplast membrane. The reducing sites in the Hill reactions must be located on the outer surface, accessible from the suspending medium.

It has been known for a long time that N,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine can donate electrons to Photosystem I, but contrary to diaminodurene (2,3,5,6-tetramethyl phenylenediamine) it does not induce ATP formation. Both compounds are lipophilic and have similar redox potentials, but only the latter carries hydrogens which are involved in the redox reaction. For energy conservation, coupled to electon flow in Photosystem I, it therefore seems necessary that the lipophilic redox compound in the reduced form can carry hydrogens through the chloroplast membrane.  相似文献   

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