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Two formal assumptions implied in Willi Hennig’s “phylogenetic systematics” were repeatedly criticized for not being biologically grounded. The first is that speciation is always dichotomous; the second is that the stem‐species always goes extinct when its lineage splits into two daughter species. This paper traces the theoretical roots of Hennig’s “principle of dichotomy”. While often considered merely a methodological principle, Hennig’s realist perspective required him to ground the “principle of dichotomy” ontologically in speciation. As a methodological principle, the adherence to a strictly dichotomously structured phylogenetic system allowed Hennig to be unequivocal in character analysis and precise in the rendition of phylogenetic relationships. The ontological grounding of the “principle of dichotomy” in speciation remains controversial, however. This has implications for the application of techniques of phylogeny reconstruction to populations of bisexually reproducing organisms (phylogeography). Beyond that, the “principle of dichotomy” has triggered an intensive debate with respect to phylogeny reconstruction at the prokaryote level. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

Aim Nearly 150 years ago, T. H. Huxley modified Wallace’s Line, including the island of Palawan as a component of the Asian biogeographic realm and separating it from the oceanic Philippines. Although Huxley recognized some characteristics of a transition between the regions, Palawan has since been regarded primarily as a peripheral component of the Sunda Shelf. However, several recent phylogenetic studies of Southeast Asian lineages document populations on Palawan to be closely related to taxa from the oceanic Philippines, apparently contradicting the biogeographic association of Palawan with the Sunda Shelf. In the light of recent evidence, we evaluate taxonomic and phylogenetic data in an attempt to identify the origin(s) of Palawan’s terrestrial vertebrate fauna. Location The Sunda Shelf and the Philippines. Methods We review distributional and phylogenetic data for populations of terrestrial vertebrates from Palawan. Using taxonomic data, we compare the number of Palawan taxa (species and genera) shared with the Sunda Shelf and oceanic Philippines. Among widespread lineages, we use phylogenetic data to identify the number of Palawan taxa with sister relationships to populations or species from the Sunda Shelf or oceanic Philippines. Results Although many terrestrial vertebrate taxa are shared between Palawan and the Sunda Shelf, an increasing number of species and populations are now recognized as close relatives of lineages from the oceanic Philippines. Among the 39 putative lineages included in molecular phylogenetic studies with sampling from the Sunda Shelf, Palawan and the oceanic Philippines, 17 of them reveal sister relationships between lineages from Palawan and the oceanic Philippines. Main conclusions Rather than a simple nested subset of Sunda Shelf populations, Palawan is best viewed as having played multiple biogeographic roles, including a young and old extension of the Sunda Shelf, a springboard to diversification in the oceanic Philippines, and a biogeographic component of the Philippine archipelago. Palawan has a long, complex geological history, which may explain this variation in pattern. Huxley originally noted transitional elements in Palawan’s fauna; we therefore suggest that his modification of Wallace’s Line should be recognized as a filter zone, reflecting both his original intent and available taxonomic and molecular evidence.  相似文献   

Published results of the distribution of anthocyanins in the Sterculiaceae have been re-interpreted on the basis of the phylogenetic status of the compounds present. A flavonoid score system was less useful than a cladistic interpretation based on Hennigian arguments.  相似文献   

Within the methodology of phylogenetic systematics four hierarchic levels are distinguished: the “Central Claim” (to reconstruct phylogeny), methodoloical postulate (to conclude analysis with a purely dichotomous cladogram if ever possible), method (search for sister-group relationships by character analysis), and “Taxonomic Principle” (establishment of a classification reflecting merely the recognized genealoy). Certain limits of applicability and reliability of traditional phylogenetic systematics are specified: genealogy can only be analysed among taxa with perceptible evolutionary novelties; reticulated genealogy is not yet regarded; events other than cladogenetic ones cannot be recognised. Phylogenetic systematics is an independent method which has not been absorbed by any type of “pattern” or “transformed” cladism. Phylogenetic systematics relies on the theory of evolution, which does not lead into circularity, since phylogenetic systematics does not claim to prove or to explain evolution whatsoever.  相似文献   

Androecial development of 13 species belonging to six tribes ofFlacourtiaceae has been investigated. While inScolopieae andFlacourtieae the stamens develop centrifugally, inErythrospermeae, Oncobeae andPangieae they are initiated in a centripetal sequence or a sequence that is neither distinctly centripetal nor centrifugal. The distribution of these developmental patterns coincides with the distribution of other characters (e.g. cyanogenic compounds, salicoid leaf teeth) and therefore supports a split of the family intoFlacourtiaceae s. str. (containing theScolopieae, Homalieae, Prockieae, Flacourtieae, Casearieae andBembicieae) andKiggelariaceae (withErythrospermeae, Oncobeae andPangieae) and is in accordance with results of recentrbcL studies.  相似文献   

A comparative study of naidid subfamilies shows that a combination of ordination, Jaccard/Average Linkage cluster analysis and Wagner parsimony provides a useful basis for a rational phylogeny but that this does not differ markedly from the original proposed by Sperber nearly four decades ago. Hennig rules, modified by Wiley, permit a preliminary phylogeny and classification of the Annelida to be made by hand. An error in earlier versions suggested that the Dorydrilidae lacked prostate glands, and this is corrected.  相似文献   

D L Lipscomb 《Origins of life》1984,13(3-4):235-248
The superiority of cladistic methods to both synthetic and phenetic methods is briefly advanced and reviewed. Cladistics creates testable hypotheses of phylogeny that also give a highly informative summary of available data. Thus it best fits the criteria for a method for determining the general reference classification in biology. For protistologists in particular, cladistics is especially useful. Inundated by an abundance of ultrastructural, biochemical, and cell biological information, protistologists could be greatly helped by the informative way in which cladistics orders and summarizes the data. In addition to classifying protist taxa, hypotheses about the evolution of cell organelles and cellular could be scientifically formulated and tested by cladistics . Because cladistic classifications best summarize the data, they would also be best for making predictions about taxa and characters. They would, for the same reason, be the most stable. Widespread adoption of cladistic methods would serve to stabilize the now fluid state of protist taxonomy. It is for all of these reasons that such methods best suit the needs of the evolutionary protistologist .  相似文献   

Abstract Quediina, a mega‐diverse conventional subtribe of the rove beetle tribe Staphylinini, is remarkably species rich in the north and south temperate regions of the world. Tropical faunas of this group, and the fauna of the entire Afrotropical biogeographical region (= Ethiopian region, = sub‐Saharan Africa), in contrast, are remarkably poor. The taxonomic study of the quediine genera of Staphylinini from the Afrotropical region reveals misidentifications for many of them. Their phylogenetic study demonstrates polyphyly of Quediina and reveals a new evolutionary pattern for the entire tribe Staphylinini. In particular, the formerly quediine genera Euristus Fauvel, 1899 , Ioma Blackwelder, 1952, Natalignathus Solodovnikov, 2005 , all endemic in the Afrotropical region, belong to the non‐related ‘Staphylinina’, ‘Philonthina propria’ and ‘Tanygnathinina sensu novo’ lineages of Staphylinini, respectively. Contrary to earlier records, the genus Quedius Stephens, 1929 does not occur in Africa south of Sahara: Quedius angularis Cameron, 1948 and Quedius cinctipennis Cameron, 1951 are moved to the genus Philonthus Stephens, 1829. The same is established for the Asian genus Algon Sharp, 1874, formerly for a long time associated with Quediina: African species Algon robustus Wendeler, 1928 is moved to the genus Moeocerus Fauvel, 1899 (here in the ‘Philonthina propria’ lineage); and the misidentification of Algon africanus Bernhauer, 1915, a species that probably belongs to a new genus, is discussed. The phylogenetic affiliation of Afroquedius Solodovnikov, 2006 , a South African endemic, is still ambiguous. Overall, the formerly seen bipolar distribution pattern for the ‘Quediina’ is demonstrated to be an artefact, not a reality to explain. Historical biogeographical explanations are proposed for some of the Afrotropical endemics, partly as an attempt to apply biogeography as an external criterion for the evaluation of the new phylogenetic pattern revealed for Staphylinini. The monotypic genera Euristus and Ioma, as well as Heterothops megalops Cameron, 1959 , the only representative of this widespread genus in the Afrotropical region, are redescribed. Limits and synapomorphies of the genus Heterothops are discussed. The following new combinations and new names are proposed: Philonthus cinctipennis ( Cameron, 1951 ) comb.n. (preoccupied by Philonthus cinctipennis Fauvel, 1875), here replaced by Philonthus pseudoquedius Solodovnikov nom.n. ; Philonthus angularis ( Cameron, 1948 ) comb.n. ; Moeocerus robustus ( Wendeler, 1928 ) comb.n. [preoccupied by Moeocerus robustus (Gestro, 1881)], here replaced by Moeocerus wendeleri Solodovnikov nom.n. A lectotype is designated for Heterothops megalops Cameron, 1959 .  相似文献   

Multiple family‐level subdivisions of Boraginales have been proposed in the past. The relationships of several constituent genera have been enigmatic, including Codon (Codonaceae), Hoplestigma (Hoplestigmataceae), Pholisma (Lennoaceae), Vahlia (Vahliaceae), and Wellstedia (Wellstediaceae), all of which are included in the present study. We present a molecular analysis with four chloroplast loci, including 89 ingroup taxa and a broad outgroup sampling in the asterids. The genus Vahlia is excluded from Boraginales and appears to represent an early branching lineage of Lamiales. The study provides a well supported topology for the relationships within Boraginales, including all of the genera with previously unclear relationships. Within Boraginales, two major clades are recognized, with “herbaceaous” Boraginales I resolved as [Codonaceae,[Wellstediaceae,[Boraginaceae]]] and “woody” Boraginales II resolved as [Hydrophyllaceae I,[Hydrophyllaceae II,[Heliotropiaceae,[Cordiaceae,[Ehretiaceae,Lennoaceae]]]]. A close relationship between Ehretiaceae and Lennoaceae is well supported, but the exact placement of Lennoaceae remains unresolved. The Cordiaceae lineage includes the monotypic genus Coldenia and the aberrant western and central African genus Hoplestigma. Woody Boraginales II are retrieved in two highly supported clades. Hydrophyllaceae are retrieved in two separate clades, but with poor support. There appear to be clear morphological progressions in vegetative, floral, and fruit morphology in both major Boraginales lineages. Thus capsular fruits are found in the first branching lineages of both clades, whereas reduced seed numbers in indehiscent fruits predominate in the more derived phylogenetic positions. Based on these results, we advocate the recognition of eight morphologically well defined clades in the order, namely Boraginaceae s.str., Codonaceae, Cordiaceae (incl. Coldenia and Hoplestigmataceae), Ehretiaceae (incl. Lennoaceae), Heliotropiaceae, Hydrophyllaceae I and Hydrophyllaceae II, and Wellstediaceae.  相似文献   

According to Cope’s rule, lineages tend to evolve towards larger body size, possibly because of selective advantages of being large. The status of Cope’s ‘rule’ remains controversial as it is supported in some but not all large‐scale fossil studies. Here, we test for Cope’s rule by Bayesian analyses of average body masses of 3253 extant mammal species on a dated phylogenetic tree. The data favour a model that does not assume Cope’s rule. When Cope’s rule is assumed, the best estimate of its strength is an average ancestor‐descendant increase in body size of only 0.4%, which sharply contrasts with the 9% bias estimated from fossil mammals. Thus, we find no evidence for Cope’s rule from extant mammals, in agreement with earlier analyses of existing species, which also did not find support for Cope’s rule.  相似文献   

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