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The effects of glycolipids on the interaction of the MIF (migration inhibition factor) with rat macrophages were examined using a migration inhibition assay system. MIF activity was specifically blocked by fucosylated Glycolipid RM [Gal alpha 1-3Gal(2-1 alpha Fuc) beta 1-3GalNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc beta 1-1ceramide, (1978) J. Biochem. 83, 85-90], but not by Cytolipin R, hematoside, or blood group B active glycolipid [Gal alpha 1-3Gal(2-1 alpha Fuc) beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc beta 1-1ceramide]. Inhibition of MIF activity was proportional to the concentration of Glycolipid RM. These findings suggest that Glycolipid RM acts as a receptor for MIF.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from apparently healthy subjects, incubated for 5 hours with cellular components or extracellular products of group A streptococci and then washed and reincubated, were found to release factor(s) capable of inhibiting guinea pig lung macrophage migration (“indirect method”). Inhibitition of macrophage migration was also obtained when the same preparations were tested directly on guinea pig lung cells, a macrophage-lymphocyte population (“direct method”). The guinea pigs had not been experimentally sensitized. The inhibition of migration appeared to depend on the presence of lymphocytes among the macrophages, since macrophages purified by repeatedly discarding nonadherent cells proved resistant to the migration inhibiting activity of the most active Streptococcal preparation, a 20 × concentrated filtrate. Reconstitution of the original lymphocyte-macrophage mixture reestablished the reactivity. The macrophage migration inhibition did not correlate with the age of the guinea pigs. It could not be obtained with preparations of group D streptococci or of Salmonella paratyphi. Group C streptococci did not inhibit the macrophage migration with the indirect method, but it did with the direct one.The factor(s) released into the medium on stimulation of apparently normal lymphocytes by Streptococcal preparations was relatively heat resistant, nondialyzable, and DNase and RNase resistant; its release was inhibited by puromycin. Pretreatment of the cells with trypsin prevented the absorption of the factor(s) and left migration unaffected. These characteristics are similar to those previously described for the migration inhibitory factor (MIF) produced by the interaction of sensitized lymphocytes and specific antigens. Whether or not these similarities indicate an identity remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The in vitro induction of effector cells mediating delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses was demonstrated during joint cultivation of plastic non-adherent spleen cells of intact CBA mice and adherent spleen cells pretreated with MBSA or OVA. The activity of these effector cells was studied by testing their ability to produce MIF after stimulation by a specific antigen. The formation of MIF-producing cells was observed with the use of low antigen doses (about 50 micrograms/ml). High OVA doses (250 micrograms/ml) were found to suppress the development of MIF-producing cells. MIF-producing cells obtained after either in vitro or in vivo exposure to identical antigens did not differ in their activity.  相似文献   

The macrophage migration inhibition test (MMI), an in vitro correlate of delayed hypersensitivity, was found to be an effective means of differentiating Trichoplusia ni and Autographa californica multiple embedded nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (NPV). Peritoneal exudate cells from guinea pigs sensitized to virions of T. ni NPV demonstrated significantly different MMI when challenged with T. ni vs A. californica virions. Similarly, when virions of A. californica NPV were employed as the sensitizing antigen, different percentages of MMI were observed in the homologuus versus heterologous challenges.The susceptibility of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, to these two pathogens was very similar as revealed by a comparison of LD50's, slopes, and fiducial limits of dose-mortality regression lines. In contrast, the cabbage looper, T. ni, was much more susceptible to A. californica NPV.The polyhedral sizes, shapes, and virion occlusion patterns of the two species of NPV were virtually indistinguishable.  相似文献   

Protoplast membranes isolated from group A streptococci suppress functions of mouse B cells in vivo and in vitro. Intraperitoneal injection 24 or 72 hr (but not 12 hr) before collection of lymphoid cells results in a selective decrease in the mitogenic response of bone marrow cells to dextran sulfate (DS). The response of bone marrow cells to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and spleen cells to both DS and LPS, is unaltered. In vitro exposure of lymphocytes to membranes concomitantly with mitogen reduces the response to both DS and LPS, however, the DS response is more susceptible to low doses of membrane. Suppression of the response to DS in vitro is not mediated by cells bearing Thy 1.2 antigen. Neither the phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-responsive cells nor the adherent cells participate in suppression of the LPS response in vitro. In contrast to the suppression of B-cell functions neither the PHA nor concanavalin A (Con A) response of mouse bone marrow, spleen, or thymus cells is altered by streptococcal protoplast membranes injected 24 hr before collection of cells. In vitro exposure of spleen cells to a limited range of concentrations of membrane results in an enhanced proliferative response of spleen cells stimulated by suboptimal doses of PHA. This synergism is not mediated by the adherent cells. Addition of membranes to spleen cell cultures in vitro has no effect upon the response of spleen cells to suboptimal doses of Con A or to optimal doses of either Con A or PHA. Higher concentrations of membranes reduce the proliferative response of both control and mitogen-stimulated cells. This nonselective suppression by high doses of membranes is not due to toxicity. Delayed hypersensitivity to sheep erythrocytes is potentiated by injection of membranes. These studies suggest that streptococcal membranes preferentially suppress the immature B cells and enhance certain T-cell functions.  相似文献   

Characteristics of group A streptococcal bacteriophages   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
Friend, Patric L. (Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Ill.), and Hutton D. Slade. Characteristics of group A streptococcal bacteriophages. J. Bacteriol. 92:148-154. 1966.-A medium for the growth of group A streptococcal phages is described, consisting of Brain Heart Infusion broth supplemented with 0.2% yeast extract, 10(-4)m CaCl(2), and 10 mug/ml of dl-tryptophan. Cell and phage growth in this medium was excellent, and did not require the addition of serum or other proteins as indicated by other workers. Growth of one phage has also been achieved in a completely synthetic medium. The adsorption characteristics of two group A phages in protein broth and synthetic broth were studied, and the initial adsorption of phage was found to be more extensive in synthetic broth. However, the final amounts of adsorption in both were similar. The addition of purified group A carbohydrate antigen to the adsorption mixture in synthetic broth had no effect on the adsorption, and cells containing type-specific M protein adsorbed phage at the same rate as those lacking M protein. It was concluded that neither the group antigen nor the type antigen was the primary site of phage adsorption. One-step growth curves of the two phages showed a second step or burst occurring. Sonic oscillation of the bacterial cultures, which broke up the chains to single cells, abolished the second step of the growth curve. It appears that the second step is a function of the chain formation of streptococcal cells.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is responsible for proinflammatory reactions in various infectious and non-infectious diseases. We have investigated the mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of epoxyazadiradione, a limonoid purified from neem (Azadirachta indica) fruits, against MIF. Epoxyazadiradione inhibited the tautomerase activity of MIF of both human (huMIF) and malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum (PfMIF) and Plasmodium yoelii (PyMIF)) non-competitively in a reversible fashion (K(i), 2.11-5.23 μm). Epoxyazadiradione also significantly inhibited MIF (huMIF, PyMIF, and PfMIF)-mediated proinflammatory activities in RAW 264.7 cells. It prevented MIF-induced macrophage chemotactic migration, NF-κB translocation to the nucleus, up-regulation of inducible nitric-oxide synthase, and nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 cells. Epoxyazadiradione not only exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in vitro but also in vivo. We tested the anti-inflammatory activity of epoxyazadiradione in vivo after co-administering LPS and MIF in mice to mimic the disease state of sepsis or bacterial infection. Epoxyazadiradione prevented the release of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α when LPS and PyMIF were co-administered to BALB/c mice. The molecular basis of interaction of epoxyazadiradione with MIFs was explored with the help of computational chemistry tools and a biological knowledgebase. Docking simulation indicated that the binding was highly specific and allosteric in nature. The well known MIF inhibitor (S,R)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxazole acetic acid methyl ester (ISO-1) inhibited huMIF but not MIF of parasitic origin. In contrast, epoxyazadiradione inhibited both huMIF and plasmodial MIF, thus bearing an immense therapeutic potential against proinflammatory reactions induced by MIF of both malaria parasites and human.  相似文献   

OVA-specific T cells were immortalized by infection with radiation leukemia virus (RadLV). Some clones derived from such population were shown to exhibit helper activity. We then tested clones without such function and found among them some that secreted macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) and leukocyte migration inhibition factor (LIF) upon exposure to the antigen in vitro. The lymphokine-producing clones, which were Thy-1+, Ly-1+ and Ly-2-, did not secrete MIF and LIF constitutively. Like other antigen-specific T cells, the immortalized clones could not be stimulated by free soluble antigen but required macrophages for presentation and for triggering the lymphokine production. The antigen-activated clones exclusively produced MIF and LIF, but not interleukin 2 or colony-stimulating factor. They neither provided helper activity nor induced delayed-type hypersensitivity. The data suggest that the T-cell clones carry the antigen receptors and that their antigen-inducible biological function is restricted to the migration inhibitory factor production.  相似文献   

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