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The Oceanian plant genus Spiraeanthemum (Cunoniaceae) has a centre of diversity in New Caledonia, where it is represented by seven species. Its diversification was investigated using two low‐copy nuclear genes, ncpGS and GapC, and phylogenetic analyses were based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and recombination networks. We detected several cases of gene recombination in both datasets, and these have obscured the history within the genus. For S. ellipticum and S. pubescens, accessions from southern populations on ultramafic soils were genetically distinct from accessions from northern populations on non‐ultramafic soils. Given that no obvious morphological characters distinguish northern and southern populations in either taxon, both may be considered as examples of cryptic species. Incongruence between gene trees and species' delimitation may be explained by the parallel evolution of similar morphology, differential lineage sorting leading to differential fixation of alleles or different introgression patterns in the north and south leading to allele displacement. In New Caledonia, some species with broad ecological preferences may thus be artificial concepts. This suggests that they should be treated more critically in monographs and that the species' richness of the New Caledonian flora may be underestimated. Problems associated with the typification of S. ellipticum and evidence of hybridization events in the history of Spiraeanthemum are also discussed. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 137–152.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the evolutionary history of Codia , a plant genus endemic to the New Caledonia biodiversity hotspot in the southwest Pacific, using three single-copy nuclear genes. It seems likely that more than half of Codia species have a hybrid origin, but in the absence of cytological information, it is not known whether polyploids occur. Adaptation to ultramafic soils is possibly a plesiomorphic character for the entire genus. We found that species of hybrid origin can have some morphological characters absent in putative parental species, that is, they exhibit transgressive phenotypes. There is evidence of considerable range alteration post-origin in several species because some likely parental species of hybrid taxa no longer co-occur and are confined to putative rainforest refugia; in some cases, hybrid species do not now co-occur with either of their parental species. These results have implications for the design of conservation strategies, for example, prioritization of parental species for ex-situ conservation and preservation of the contact zones between soil types where hybridization is more likely to occur (i.e. conserving the possibility for the process to continue rather than trying to conserve taxa).  相似文献   

Ecological opportunity, defined as access to new resources free from competitors, is thought to be a catalyst for the process of adaptive radiation. Much of what we know about ecological opportunity, and the larger process of adaptive radiation, is derived from vertebrate diversification on islands. Here, we examine lineage diversification in the turtle ants (Cephalotes), a species‐rich group of ants that has diversified throughout the Neotropics. We show that crown group turtle ants originated during the Eocene (around 46 mya), coincident with global warming and the origin of many other clades. We also show a marked lineage‐wide slowdown in diversification rates in the Miocene. Contrasting this overall pattern, a species group associated with the young and seasonally harsh Chacoan biogeographic region underwent a recent burst of diversification. Subsequent analyses also indicated that there is significant phylogenetic clustering within the Chacoan region and that speciation rates are highest there. Together, these findings suggest that recent ecological opportunity, from successful colonization of novel habitat, may have facilitated renewed turtle ant diversification. Our findings highlight a central role of ecological opportunity within a successful continental radiation.  相似文献   

Eucalypts cover most of Australia. Here, we investigate the relative contribution of climate and geochemistry to the distribution and diversity of eucalypts. Using geostatistics, we estimate major element concentrations, pH, and electrical conductivity at sites where eucalypts have been recorded. We compare the median predicted geochemistry and reported substrate for individual species that appear associated with extreme conditions; this provides a partial evaluation of the predictions. We generate a site‐by‐species matrix by aggregating observations to the centroids of 100‐km‐wide grid cells, calculate diversity indices, and use numerical ecology methods (ordination, variation partitioning) to investigate the ecology of eucalypts and their response to climatic and geochemical gradients. We find that β‐diversity coincides with variations in climatic and geochemical patterns. Climate and geochemistry together account for less than half of the variation in eucalypt species assemblages across Australia but for greater than 80% in areas of high species richness. Climate is more important than geochemistry in explaining eucalypts species distribution and change in assemblages across Australia as a whole but there are correlations between the two sets of environmental variables. Many individual eucalypt species and entire taxonomic sections (Aromatica, Longistylus of subgenus Eucalyptus, Dumaria, and Liberivalvae of subgenus Symphyomyrtus) have distributions affected strongly by geochemistry. We conclude that eucalypt diversity is driven by steep geochemical gradients that have arisen as climate patterns have fluctuated over Australia over the Cenozoic, generally aridifying since the Miocene. The diversification of eucalypts across Australia is thus an excellent example of co‐evolution of landscapes and biota in space and time and challenges accepted notions of macroecology.  相似文献   

Island systems are important models for evolutionary biology because they provide convenient, discrete biogeographic units of study. Continental islands with a history of intermittent dry land connections confound the discrete definitions of islands and have led zoologists to predict (i) little differentiation of terrestrial organisms among continental shelf islands and (ii) extinction, rather than speciation, to be the main cause of differences in community composition among islands. However, few continental island systems have been subjected to well‐sampled phylogeographic studies, leaving these biogeographic assumptions of connectivity largely untested. We analysed nine unlinked loci from shrews of the genus Crocidura from seven mountains and two lowland localities on the Sundaic continental shelf islands of Sumatra and Java. Coalescent species delimitation strongly supported all currently recognized Crocidura species from Sumatra (six species) and Java (five species), as well as one undescribed species endemic to each island. We find that nearly all species of Crocidura in the region are endemic to a single island and several of these have their closest relative(s) on the same island. Intra‐island genetic divergence among allopatric, conspecific populations is often substantial, perhaps indicating species‐level diversity remains underestimated. One recent (Pleistocene) speciation event generated two morphologically distinct, syntopic species on Java, further highlighting the prevalence of within‐island diversification. Our results suggest that both between‐ and within‐island speciation processes generated local endemism in Sundaland, supplementing the traditional view that the region's fauna is relictual and primarily governed by extinction.  相似文献   

Biodiversity patterns are largely determined by variation of diversification rates across clades and geographic regions. Although there are multiple reasons for this variation, it has been hypothesized that metabolic rate is the crucial driver of diversification of evolutionary lineages. According to the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), metabolic rate – and consequently speciation – is driven mainly by body size and environmental temperature. As environmental temperature affects metabolic rate in ecto‐ and endotherms differently, its impact on diversification rate should also differ between the two types of organisms. Employing two independent approaches, we analysed correlates of speciation rates and, ultimately, net diversification rates for two contrasting taxa: plethodontid salamanders and carnivoran mammals. Whereas in the ectothermic plethodontids speciation rates positively correlated with environmental temperature, in the endothermic carnivorans a reverse, negative correlation was detected. These findings comply with predictions of the MTE and suggest that similar geographic patterns of biodiversity across taxa (e.g. ecto‐ and endotherms) might have been generated by different ecological and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Johnson and Cicero (2004) claimed that inspection of a distribution of uncorrected mitochondrial DNA avian sister-taxon distances illustrated that the late Pleistocene was an important time for avian speciation. They believed this finding to be at odds with conclusions of Klicka and Zink (1997). However, both studies document recent speciation events. More germane to the discussion is what is meant by an "important" time for speciation, which we take to mean above some baseline diversification rate. We constructed a null distribution of sister-taxon distances based on a model of constant speciation and extinction rates. The empirical distribution of sister-taxon distances in Johnson and Cicero (2004) did not differ from the null model. Therefore, our analysis of Johnson and Cicero's data suggests that the late Pleistocene was no more important for avian speciation than any other time during this time period.  相似文献   

Aim We use parametric biogeographical reconstruction based on an extensive DNA sequence dataset to characterize the spatio‐temporal pattern of colonization of the Old World monarch flycatchers (Monarchidae). We then use this framework to examine the role of dispersal and colonization in their evolutionary diversification and to compare plumages between island and continental Terpsiphone species. Location Africa, Asia and the Indian Ocean. Methods We generate a DNA sequence dataset of 2300 bp comprising one nuclear and three mitochondrial markers for 89% (17/19) of the Old World Monarchidae species and 70% of the Terpsiphone subspecies. By applying maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic methods and implementing a Bayesian molecular clock to provide a temporal framework, we reveal the evolutionary history of the group. Furthermore, we employ both Lagrange and Bayes‐ Lagrange analyses to assess ancestral areas at each node of the phylogeny. By combining the ancestral area reconstruction with information on plumage traits we are able to compare patterns of plumage evolution on islands and continents. Results We provide the first comprehensive molecular phylogenetic reconstruction for the Old World Monarchidae. Our phylogenetic results reveal a relatively recent diversification associated with several dispersal events within this group. Moreover, ancestral area analyses reveal an Asian origin of the Indian Ocean and African clades. Ancestral state reconstruction analyses of plumage characters provide an interpretation of the plumage differentiation on islands and continents. Ancestral plumage traits are inferred to be close to those of the Asian paradise‐flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi), and island species display a high degree of plumage autapomorphy compared with continental species. Main conclusions Terpsiphone paradisi is polyphyletic and comprises populations that have retained the ancestral plumage of the widespread Terpsiphone genus. The genus appears to have colonized south‐west Asia, the Indian Ocean and Africa from eastern Asia. The phylogeny and divergence time estimates indicate multiple simultaneous colonizations of the western Old World by Terpsiphone. These results reinforce a hypothesis of range expansions of a Terpsiphone paradisi‐like ancestor into eastern Asia and the western Old World.  相似文献   

The use of DNA sequence data in systematic studies has brought about a revolution in our understanding of avian relationships and when combined with digitized distributional data, has facilitated new interpretations about the origins of diverse clades of the African avifauna including its diversification up through the Tertiary until the present. Here we review recent studies with special reference to Africa's forest avifauna and specifically comment on the putative origins of 'hotspots' of endemism in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and in the Cape Region of South Africa. Intriguingly, both these areas appear to have retained populations of relict taxa since the mid-tertiary thermal optimum and at the same time have been centres of recent species differentiation.  相似文献   

In area, New Caledonia is the smallest of the world’s 25 official biodiversity hotspots, but in many taxonomic groups, the island has the highest concentration of species on earth, particularly so in the freshwater insect order Trichoptera. This study aims at applying molecular data and morphology for estimating the real species diversity of the genus Agmina on New Caledonia and investigating potential effects of ultramafic rock substrate on diversification. A dated molecular phylogeny was applied to study diversity and diversification related to geological substrate using the dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis model, diva and Bayesian ancestral character reconstruction. More than 47 species (> 63%) were unknown to science. Initial radiation occurred on ultramafic substrate followed by several independent dispersal events to nonultramafic substrate. The rate of shift from ultramafic to nonultramafic substrate was significantly higher than the rate of shift in the opposite direction, indicating a possible cost associated with living on ultramafic substrate.  相似文献   

South‐East Asia covers four of the world's biodiversity hotspots, showing high species diversity and endemism. Owing to the successive expansion and contraction of distribution and the fragmentation by geographical barriers, the tropical flora greatly diversified in this region during the Tertiary, but the evolutionary tempo and mode of species diversity remain poorly investigated. Paphiopedilum, the largest genus of slipper orchids comprising nearly 100 species, is mainly distributed in South‐East Asia, providing an ideal system for exploring how plant species diversity was shaped in this region. Here, we investigated the evolutionary history of this genus with eight cpDNA regions and four low‐copy nuclear genes. Discordance between gene trees and network analysis indicates that reticulate evolution occurred in the genus. Ancestral area reconstruction suggests that vicariance and long‐distance dispersal together led to its current distribution. Diversification rate variation was detected and strongly correlated with the species diversity in subg. Paphiopedilum (~80 species). The shift of speciation rate in subg. Paphiopedilum was coincident with sea‐level fluctuations in the late Cenozoic, which could have provided ecological opportunities for speciation and created bridges or barriers for gene flow. Moreover, some other factors (e.g. sympatric distribution, incomplete reproductive barriers and clonal propagation) might also be advantageous for the formation and reproduction of hybrid species. In conclusion, our study suggests that the interplay of reticulate evolution and sea‐level fluctuations has promoted the diversification of the genus Paphiopedilum and sheds light into the evolution of Orchidaceae and the historical processes of plant species diversification in South‐East Asia.  相似文献   

Halimeda is a genus of calcified and segmented green macroalgae in the order Bryopsidales. In New Caledonia, the genus is abundant and represents an important part of the reef flora. Previous studies recorded 19 species that were identified using morphological criteria. The aim of this work was to reassess the diversity of the genus in New Caledonia using morpho‐anatomical examinations and molecular analyses of the plastid tufA and rbcL genes. Our results suggest the occurrence of 22 species. Three of these are reported for the first time from New Caledonia: Halimeda kanaloana, H. xishaensis, and an entity resembling H. stuposa. DNA analyses revealed that the species H. fragilis exhibits cryptic or pseudocryptic diversity in New Caledonia. We also show less conclusive evidence for cryptic species within H. taenicola  相似文献   

Karst ecosystems in southern China are species‐rich and have high levels of endemism, yet little is known regarding the evolutionary processes responsible for the origin and diversification of karst biodiversity. The genus Primulina (Gesneriaceae) comprises ca. 170 species endemic to southern China with high levels of ecological (edaphic) specialization, providing an exceptional model to study the plant diversification in karsts. We used molecular data from nine chloroplast and 11 nuclear regions and macroevolutionary analyses to assess the origin and cause of species diversification due to palaeoenvironmental changes and edaphic specialization in Primulina. We found that speciation was positively associated with changes in past temperatures and East Asian monsoons through the evolutionary history of Primulina. Climatic change around the mid‐Miocene triggered an early burst followed by a slowdown of diversification rate towards the present with the climate cooling. We detected different speciation rates among edaphic types, and transitions among soil types were infrequently and did not impact the overall speciation rate. Our findings suggest that both global temperature changes and East Asian monsoons have played crucial roles in floristic diversification within the karst ecosystems in southern China, such that speciation was higher when climate was warmer and wetter. This is the first study to directly demonstrate that past monsoon activity is positively correlated with speciation rate in East Asia. This case study could motivate further investigations to assess the impacts of past environmental changes on the origin and diversification of biodiversity in global karst ecosystems, most of which are under threat.  相似文献   

Contemporary taxonomic work on New Caledonian Eumolpinae (Chrysomelidae) has revealed their high species richness in this Western Pacific biodiversity hotspot. To estimate total species richness in this community, we used rapid DNA‐based biodiversity assessment tools, exploring mtDNA diversity and phylogenetic structure in a sample of 840 specimens across the main island. Concordance of morphospecies delimitation with units delimited by phenetic and phylogenetic algorithms revealed some 98–110 species in our sample, twice as many as currently described. Sample‐based rarefaction curves and species estimators using these species counts doubled this figure (up to 210 species), a realistic estimate considering taxonomic coverage, local endemism, and characteristics of sampling design, amongst others. New Caledonia, compared with larger tropical islands, stands out as a hotspot for Eumolpinae biodiversity. Molecular dating using either chrysomelid specific rates or tree calibration using palaeogeographical data dated the root of the ingroup tree (not necessarily a monophyletic radiation) at 38.5 Mya, implying colonizations after the Cretaceous breakage of Gondwana. Our data are compatible with the slowdown in diversification rates through time and are also consistent with recent faunal origins, possibly reflecting niche occupancy after an initial rapid diversification. Environmental factors (e.g. soil characteristics) seemingly played a role in this diversification process. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We analysed the phylogenetic relationships of ten of the 13 known species of the genus Apomys using DNA sequences from cytochrome b . Apomys, endemic to oceanic portions of the Philippine archipelago, diversified during the Pliocene as these oceanic islands arose de novo . Several of the speciation events probably took place on Luzon or Mindanao, the two largest, oldest, and most topographically complex islands. Only one speciation event is associated with vicariance due to Pleistocene sea-level fluctuation, and a Pleistocene diversification model in which isolation is driven by sea-level changes is inconsistent with the data. Tectonic vicariance is nearly absent from the Philippines, in which tectonic coalescence plays a significant role. Most speciation events (about two-thirds) are associated with dispersal to newly developed oceanic islands. The data imply that the species have persisted for long periods, measured in millions of years after their origins; further implications therefore are that faunal turnover is very slow, and persistence over geological time spans is more prominent than repeated colonization and extinction. Neither the equilibrium nor the vicariance model of biogeography adequately encompasses these results; a model incorporating colonization, extinction, and speciation is necessary and must incorporate long-term persistence to accommodate our observations.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80 , 699–715.  相似文献   

The recent evidence that extant cycads are not living fossils triggered a renewed search for a better understanding of their evolutionary history. In this study, we investigated the evolutionary diversification history of the genus Encephalartos, a monophyletic cycad endemic to Africa. We found an antisigmoidal pattern with a plateau and punctual explosive radiation. This pattern is typical of a constant radiation with mass extinction. The rate shift that we found may therefore be a result of a rapid recolonization of niches that have been emptied owing to mass extinction. Because the explosive radiation occurred during the transition Pliocene–Pleistocene, we argued that the processes might have been climatically mediated.  相似文献   

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