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High levels of morphological homoplasy have hindered progress in understanding morphological evolution within gymnophione lissamphibians. Stemming from the hypothesis that the braincase has the potential to yield phylogenetic information, the braincases of 27 species (23 genera) of gymnophione amphibians were examined using high‐resolution micro‐computed tomography and histologically prepared specimens. Morphology of the brain and its relationship to features of the braincase is described, and it is shown that eight different patterns exist in the distribution of foramina in the antotic region. The distribution of variants is congruent with molecule‐based phylogeny. Additionally, all variants are shown to correspond directly to stages along developmental continua, suggesting that the evolutionary truncation of development in the antotic region at various stages has driven the evolution of morphology in this region. Attempts to correlate the observed morphology with proxies of putative heterochronic events (including those attributable to burrowing, life history, and size) fail to explain the distribution of morphology if each proxy is considered separately. Thus, it is concluded that either currently unrecognized causes of heterochrony or combinations thereof have influenced morphology in different lineages independently. These data identify clades whose morphology can now be reconsidered in light of previously unrecognized heterochronic events, thereby providing a foundation for future analyses of the evolution of morphology within Gymnophiona as a whole. Most significantly, these data confirm, for the first time in a lissamphibian group, that the braincase can preserve important phylogenetic information that is otherwise obscured in regions of the skull that experience strong influences from functional constraints. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Of living amphibian groups, the limbless burrowing caecilians are amongst the most highly specialised, but are the least known. Their fossil record is extremely poor, leaving unresolved questions as to their origins, relationships and early distribution. We describe here caecilian remains from a Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) microfossil locality near Anoual, Morocco. This material represents the second oldest record for the group, after the Jurassic Eocaecilia of North America, and the earliest caecilian record for Gondwana. It forms the basis of a new genus, Rubricacaecilia , which appears slightly more derived than Eocaecilia , but lacks major features of crown-group taxa. We support the use of Apoda Oppel, 1811 for the crown-group alone, and Gymnophiona Rafinesque 1814 for the clade comprising stem-group taxa + Apoda.  相似文献   

The morphology of mature sperm from the testes of 22 genera and 29 species representing all five families of caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) was examined at the light microscope level in order to: (1) determine the effectiveness of silver-staining techniques on long-preserved, rare material, (2) assess the comparative morphology of sperm quantitatively, (3) compare patterns of caecilian sperm morphology with that of other amphibians, and (4) determine if sperm morphology presents any characters useful for systematic analysis. Although patterns of sperm morphology are quite consistent intragenerically and intrafamilially, there are inconsistencies as well. Two major types of sperm occur among caecilians: those with very long heads and pointed acrosomes, and those with shorter, wider heads and blunt acrosomes. Several taxa have sperm with undulating membranes on the flagella, but limitations of the technique likely prevented full determination of tail morphology among all taxa. Cluster analysis is more appropriate for these data than is phylogenetic analysis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Appreciation of the diversity of caecilian amphibians has recently been enhanced by the discovery of a radically divergent aquatic caecilian of the Neotropical Typhlonectidae. Atretochoana eiselti is the largest lungless tetrapod and the only lungless caecilian, and it possesses a suite of remarkable cranial modifications that set it apart from all other caecilians. Numerical phylogenetic analyses, using 141 morphological characters, were performed in order to resolve the evolutionary relationships of Atretochoana and representatives of all other typhlonectid genera. These analyses yield a single most parsimonious tree, (Chthonerpeton (Nectocaecilia (Typhlonectes natans, Typhlonectes compressicauda) (Potomotyphlus, Atretochoana)))) , that is both well resolved and, as judged by Bremer support and by bootstrapping, is well supported. This tree is used as a basis for interpreting ecological shifts and associated morphological evolution within the Typhlonectidae. The available data suggest that the rate of morphological evolution in the Atretochoana lineage is significandy greater than that in other typhlonectid lineages.  相似文献   

The Albanerpetontidae are Middle Jurassic-Miocene amphibians that have variously been regarded as caudates (salamanders), a clade distinct from caudates, or incertae sedis lissamphibians. Here I test for monophyly of the Albanerpetontidae and examine the affinities of the group, within the framework of a more inclusive Temnospondyli, by performing a cladistic analysis using 59 informative characters scored for four non-lissamphibian temnospondyl genera, stem- and crown-clade caudates, salientians (frogs), gymnophionans (caecilians), and the two recognized albanerpetontid genera Albanerpeton and Celtedens . Monophyly of the Albanerpetontidae is corroborated. I interpret synapomorphies of the marginal teeth (non-pedicellate; crowns chisel like, labiolingually compressed, with three mesiodistally aligned cuspules) in albanerpetontids as being associated with a shearing bite. Other synapomorphies evidently strengthened and increased the mobility of the skull, mandible, and cervical region for burrowing, feeding, or both. Nested sets of synapomorphies place the Albanerpetontidae within the Lissamphibia, as the sistertaxon of Caudata plus Salientia. None of the 17 characters previously advanced as albanerpetontid-caudate synapomorphies convincingly places the Albanerpetontidae within the Caudata or allies the two groups as sistertaxa. Albanerpetontids are better interpreted not as aberrant caudates, but as a distinct clade of lissamphibians in which numerous apomorphies are superimposed upon an otherwise primitive lissamphibian body plan.  相似文献   

We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of five individual caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) representing five of the six recognized families: Rhinatrema bivittatum (Rhinatrematidae), Ichthyophis glutinosus (Ichthyophiidae), Uraeotyphlus cf. oxyurus (Uraeotyphlidae), Scolecomorphus vittatus (Scolecomorphidae), and Gegeneophis ramaswamii (Caeciliidae). The organization and size of these newly determined mitogenomes are similar to those previously reported for the caecilian Typhlonectes natans (Typhlonectidae), and for other vertebrates. Nucleotide sequences of the nuclear RAG1 gene were also determined for these six species of caecilians, and the salamander Mertensiella luschani atifi. RAG1 (both at the amino acid and nucleotide level) shows slower rates of evolution than almost all mt protein-coding genes (at the amino acid level). The new mt and nuclear sequences were compared with data for other amphibians and subjected to separate and combined phylogenetic analyses (Maximum Parsimony, Minimum Evolution, Maximum Likelihood, and Bayesian Inference). All analyses strongly support the monophyly of the three amphibian Orders. The Batrachia hypothesis (Gymnophiona, (Anura, Caudata) receives moderate or good support depending on the method of analysis. Within Gymnophiona, the optimal tree (Rhinatrema, (Ichthyophis, Uraeotyphlus), (Scolecomorphus, (Gegeneophis Typhlonectes) agrees with the most recent morphological and molecular studies. The sister group relationship between Rhinatrematidae and all other caecilians, that between Ichthyophiidae and Uraeotyphlidae, and the monophyly of the higher caecilians Scolecomorphidae+Caeciliidae+Typhlonectidae, are strongly supported, whereas the relationships among the higher caecilians are less unambiguously resolved. Analysis of RAG1 is affected by a spurious local rooting problem and associated low support that is ameliorated when outgroups are excluded. Comparisons of trees using the non-parametric Templeton, Kishino-Hasegawa, Approximately Unbiased, and Shimodaira-Hasegawa tests suggest that the latter may be too conservative.  相似文献   

A few previous studies of skeletal and especially skull development in Gymnophiona often provided contradictory results. We studied the development of the skull and vertebral column of Gegeneophis ramaswamii, a direct-developing Indian caeciliid, based on 13 specimens. The chondrocranium forms at (Brauer in Zool Jahrb Anat 12:477-508,1899) stage 38. First dermal and perichondral ossifications occur at stage 40. The first dermal bones to form are the mentomeckelian, dentary, angular, vomer, and premaxillary. These are followed by the coronoid, palatine, pterygoid, maxillary, and the skull-roofing bones. The last occurring dermal ossifications are the parasphenoid and the squamosal. We present evidence for the occurrence of a lacrimal bone. No ectopterygoid, basioccipital, supraoccipital, pleurosphenoid, postorbital, or supratemporal elements were found. We assess the homology of the bones constituting the caecilian skull and discuss the above-mentioned terminologies. The phylogenetic implications of our findings are briefly discussed and we conclude that the evidence from developmental morphology is at present consistent with a monophyletic Lissamphibia of temnospondyl origin.  相似文献   

Atretochoana eiselti is a radically divergent aquatic caecilian until recendy known from only a single specimen from South America. In addition to its status as the largest lungless tetrapod known, and the only known lungless caecilian, this species has a suite of highly unusual morphological features that sets it apart from all other tetrapods, including sealed choanae (internal nostrils), complete loss of pulmonary arteries and veins, novel cranial architecture, and a novel stapedial muscle. The external, buccal, skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular anatomies of Atretochoana eiselti are described and compared to these features in other caecilians, particularly representatives of all typhlonectid genera which are its closest relatives. The comparative morphological data are used as a basis for interpretations of the ecology and evolution of Atretochoana eiselti. It is argued that lunglessness and the transition to cutaneous gas exchange is correlated with life in cold, montane, fast-flowing streams. Here, high oxygen concentrations and reduced metabolic rate serve to relax the physiological limitations on body size imposed by a reliance upon cutaneous gas-exchange, and lungs can produce disadvantageous buoyancy. Cranial evolution has increased the gape of Atretochoana eiselti relative to other caecilians, and seems likely to be associated with a shift in prey size and possibly type. Several modifications of the cranium appear to be associated with enhanced cranial kinesis in which a distinct cheek unit is highly mobile. The novel stapedial musculature is interpreted as contributing to this cranial kinesis. Respiratory and cranial evolution are argued to be correlated, with the ventilatory function of the buccopharyngeal pump constraining the evolution of the skull. The evolution of lunglessness removed this constraint facilitating repatterning of the skull.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal projections of the caecilian Ichthyophis kohtaoensis were investigated by anterograde transport of HRP. The optic tract forms two bundles in the diencephalon, a narrow medial bundle in the optic tectum, and a basal optic tract consisting of few fibres. Terminal fields are in the thalamus, pretectum, tectum, and as a circum-scribed basal optic neuropile in the tegmentum. Thalamic, pretectal and tectal projections are contralateral as well as ipsilateral. The reduced but existing visual projection corresponds to a reduced but existing visually guided behaviour.  相似文献   

Despite some remarkable recent discoveries, the Mesozoic fossil record of salamanders remains limited, particularly for the Jurassic. Here we describe the first articulated salamander skeleton from the Jurassic of Euramerica, recovered from Upper Jurassic deposits of the Morrison Formation, Dinosaur National Monument, USA. The specimen was studied using both conventional methods and high-resolution computed tomography. It shows a combination of primitive and derived character states that distinguish it from all known Mesozoic salamanders and which permit the erection of a new genus and species, Iridotriton hechti . The derived states (including the presence of spinal nerve foramina in the tail) suggest a position on the stem of the Salamandroidea. Together with microvertebrate material from Britain, Portugal, and North America, this specimen confirms the presence of both stem- and crown-group salamanders in Euramerica from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) onwards, paralleling their evolution in Central and eastern Asia. This, in turn, provides qualified support for the current vicariance model of salamander evolution whereby basal caudates on an undivided Laurasian plate became separated into two populations by the incursion of the Turgai Sea in the Middle Jurassic, yielding Cryptobranchoidea in Asia and Salamandroidea in Euramerica.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London , Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 599−616.  相似文献   

Parental care is widespread among vertebrates and the observed patterns of parental care and investment are extremely diverse. Among amphibians, caecilians (Gymnophiona) exhibit considerable variation in reproductive modes, including both oviparity and viviparity, combined with highly unusual investment strategies (e.g. skin‐feeding and intrauterine feeding). In the present study, current knowledge on the reproductive modes is integrated into an analysis of the evolutionary scenario of parental investment of caecilians. Phylogenetically basal caecilians possessing a biphasic life cycle that includes an aquatic larval stage invest in macrolecithal eggs directly corresponding to size at hatching. Some phylogenetically derived caecilians (i.e. the Teresomata) have a smaller clutch size and show a reduction to either medium‐yolked (mesolecithal) or small‐yolked (microlecithal) eggs. Via alternative pathways of parental investment, such as intrauterine feeding in viviparous taxa and maternal dermatotrophy in oviparous taxa, teresomatan caecilians increase both offspring size and quality. However, more data regarding reproductive biology are needed to obtain a fully resolved understanding of the evolution of reproduction in caecilian amphibians.  相似文献   

An incomplete ‘mummy’ from the Phosphorites du Quercy (presumed Eocene) was identified as a salamander during the 19th century. The specimen has now been computed tomography (CT) scanned, and this revealed the incomplete skeleton (with perfectly preserved bones) and soft tissues (lung). The fossil represents a new, well‐characterized taxon. Despite the absence of the skull, several features allow a phylogenetic analysis. The fossil belongs to pseudosaurian caudates; it is tentatively assigned to the Salamandridae, although affinities with Plethodontidae cannot be definitely ruled out.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic implications of the Crustacean nauplius   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The plesiomorphic mode of crustacean development is widely accepted to be via a larva called the nauplius. Extant taxa like the Cephalocarida, Branchiopoda, Ostracoda, Mystacocarida, Copepoda, Cirripedia, Ascothoracida, Facetotecta, Euphausiacea and Penaeidea hatch from an egg as a free-living nauplius. Other crustaceans show an embryonic phase of development suggestive of a naupliar organization. Several features of the nauplius larva have been proposed as diagnostic characters for the Crustacea: a median (nauplius) eye; at least three pairs of head appendages (antennules, antennae, mandibles); a posteriorly directed fold (the labrum) extending over the mouth and a cephalic (nauplius) shield. The relationship between trilobite protaspis with at least four appendages and the crustacean nauplius remains unclear, but reports of a copepod orthonauplius with four appendages are rejected. Swimming is suggested to represent the underived mode of locomotion for the crustacean nauplius, and that naupliar swimming directly results in naupliar feeding which also is underived.  相似文献   

Recent molecular surveys of the Swertiinae (Gentianaceae–Gentianeae) revealed unexpected phylogenetic relationships, including polyphyly of the genera Gentianella , Jaeschkea , Lomatogonium and Swertia . To find new non-molecular characters supporting the phylogeny, we examined the exine variation of 73 species of all major lineages of subtribe Swertiinae using environmental scanning electron miscroscopy supplementing older, mainly light microscopical, studies. In contrast to previous studies, we were able to pick out taxa from phylogenetic key positions with particular focus on Swertia . Many distantly related taxa such as parts of Frasera , Gentianopsis , Halenia , Gentianella , Megacodon and several lineages of Swertia share a striate–reticulate or reticulate exine pattern. This is interpreted as the plesiomorphic character state of Swertiinae. There is also considerable variation of derived patterns; for example, different types of microechinate or almost smooth pollen was repeatedly observed in distantly related groups. Another extreme was the ring-shaped reticulation found in a North American species of Gentianopsis . Unfortunately, major relationships as revealed by molecular analyses were rarely supported because of the abundance of the plesiomorphic type and homoplasy even on low taxonomic levels; for example, within Lomatogonium . Exine variation was particularly useful in characterizing independent lineages of Swertia . For example, according to pollen characters and in agreement with other data, the Asian Swertia cuneata is a sister group of a strongly diversified African lineage and Swertia yunnanensis , which is rather aberrant in flower morphology, seems close to parts of Lomatogonium .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 323–341.  相似文献   

The previously insignificant and small South American subtribe Barnadesiinae of tribe Mutisieae has been shown recently to be ancient within Asteraceae. Due to absence of a 22 kb diagnostic chloroplast inversion, plus other features, this subtribe has been elevated to subfamilial status as Barnadesioideae, now containing 90 species in nine genera. Recent cladistic analyses at the generic and specific levels based on morphology and DNA sequences (ITS and trnL intron) have revealed different relationships among taxa of the subfamily. To better understand these conflicts, we analyze specific morphological features of corollas (shape and vascularization) to develop trends (trees) in these features based on minimal structural change (i.e., morphological parsimony), and to compare these with relationships among genera derived from the two recent cladistic analyses. We define six principal types of corollas in Barnadesioideae (tubular, split, double split, ligulate, subbilabiate and bilabiate) and six principal types of corolla vascularization patterns (combinations of presence or absence of central bundles, fusion of adjacent bundles and fusion of bundles at the apex of corolla lobes). In all features we assume character states in Calyceraceae to be ancestral. In corolla shape, from tubular ancestry, we hypothesize two general evolutionary trends within the subfamily: (1) splitting of the tube, and (2) flattening of the tube. In vascularization of corollas, from an ancestral condition of one central and one lateral bundle in each corolla lobe and all traces fused at the apex, we hypothesize four basic trends: (1) gain or (2) loss of lateral vascular traces in each lobe, (3) loss of the central vein, and (4) loss of fusion of traces in lobe apices. These morphological trends allow tests of the two previous phylogenetic hypotheses by (1) counting step changes (following steps in the morphological network) in the two characters on the two competing phylogenetic trees and (2) constructing an index of morphological advancement for each genus (based on morphological trees of the two characters) and correlating these with cladistic distances within the two phylogenies. Results of both tests reveal the molecular phylogeny to be more compatible with evolutionary inferences from the two morphological features. With Fulcaldea excluded, a highly significant correlation is seen between morphological advancement and cladistic distance in the molecular phylogeny.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the renal corpuscle, the neck segment, the proximal tubule and the intermediate segment of the kidney of a South American caecilian, Typhlonectes compressicaudus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona) was examined by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and freeze-fracture technique. The glomerular filter apparatus consists of the podocyte epithelium, a distinct basement membrane, a subendothelial space and the capillary endothelium. Emanating from the podocyte cell body, several long primary processes encircle neighboring capillaries. The short slender foot processes originating from the primary processes interdigitate with those from other primary processes, thereby forming the meandering filtration slit. Thick bundles of microfilaments are found in the primary processes, but absent in the foot processes. The basement membrane consists of a lamina rara externa and a rather thin lamina densa (50 nm thickness). The wide subendothelial space contains abundant microfibrils, a few collagen fibrils and many thin processes of mesangial cells. The endothelium is flat and fenestrated (compared to mammals displaying relatively few fenestrations); some of the fenestrations are bridged by a diaphragm. The glomerular mesangium is made up of the mesangial cells and a prominent mesangial matrix containing microfibrils and collagen fibrils. The cells of the neck and intermediate segments display numerous cilia with their microtubules arranged in the typical 9 + 2 pattern. The basal bodies of the cilia are attached to thick filaments with a clear crossbanding pattern of 65 nm periodicity. The proximal tubule is composed of cells typical for this segment (PT cells) and light cells lacking a brush border (bald-headed cells). The PT cells measure 10-25 micron in height and 15-30 micron in width and do not interdigitate at their lateral borders with each other. Their basolateral cell membrane is amplified by many folds projecting into lateral intercellular spaces and into basal recesses. The brush border is scarce and composed of loosely arranged short microvilli.  相似文献   

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