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1. Global climate change models predict an increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme temperature events. These temperature events, heatwaves for example, will impact a wide range of physiological and behavioural processes, particularly in ectotherms, and may therefore influence interactions between species. 2. Anti‐predator responses may be more costly under more severe temperature regimes and therefore trait‐mediated disturbance could lead to high mortality or reduced reproduction under extreme and fluctuating temperature regimes. 3. We examined the impacts of extreme and fluctuating temperatures on trait‐mediated indirect interactions in an aphid–parasitoid community. 4. In treatments that isolated the effects of trait‐mediated disturbance from the effects of foraging parasitoids we found that an increase in both the amplitude and frequency of peak temperatures reduced aphid numbers and provided evidence that the cost of trait‐mediated disturbance could increase under frequent periods of high temperature. Aphid dispersal also increased with more frequent periods of high temperature. 5. In treatments where female wasps were allowed to freely forage (direct + trait‐mediated effects), there was no evidence that extreme and fluctuating temperatures influenced the wasp's foraging ability. Exposure to extreme fluctuating temperatures did not influence the offspring production of exposed wasps or the position of the mummies within the plots.  相似文献   

Prey modify their behaviour to avoid predation, but dilemmas arise when predators vary in hunting style. Behaviours that successfully evade one predator sometimes facilitate exposure to another predator, forcing the prey to choose the lesser of two evils. In such cases, we need to quantify behavioural strategies in a mix of predators. We model optimal behaviour of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae in a water column, and find the minimal vulnerability from three common predator groups with different hunting modes; 1) ambush predators that sit‐and‐wait for approaching fish larvae; 2) cruising invertebrates that eat larvae in their path; and 3) fish which are visually hunting predators. We use a state‐dependent model to find optimal behaviours (vertical position and swimming speed over a diel light cycle) under any given exposure to the three distinct modes of predation. We then vary abundance of each predator and quantify direct and indirect effects of predation. The nature and strength of direct and indirect effects varied with predator type and abundance. Larvae escaped about half the mortality from fish by swimming deeper to avoid light, but their activity level and cumulative predation from ambush predators increased. When ambush invertebrates dominated, it was optimal to be less active but in more lit habitats, and predation from fish increased. Against cruising predators, there was no remedy. In all cases, the shift in behaviour allowed growth to remain almost the same, while total predation were cut by one third. In early life stages with high and size‐dependent mortality rates, growth rate can be a poor measure of the importance of behavioural strategies.  相似文献   

Non‐consumptive predator effects (NCEs) are now widely recognised for their capacity to shape ecosystem structure and function. Yet, forecasting the propagation of these predator‐induced trait changes through particular communities remains a challenge. Accordingly, focusing on plasticity in prey anti‐predator behaviours, we conceptualise the multi‐stage process by which predators trigger direct and indirect NCEs, review and distil potential drivers of contingencies into three key categories (properties of the prey, predator and setting), and then provide a general framework for predicting both the nature and strength of direct NCEs. Our review underscores the myriad factors that can generate NCE contingencies while guiding how research might better anticipate and account for them. Moreover, our synthesis highlights the value of mapping both habitat domains and prey‐specific patterns of evasion success (‘evasion landscapes’) as the basis for predicting how direct NCEs are likely to manifest in any particular community. Looking ahead, we highlight two key knowledge gaps that continue to impede a comprehensive understanding of non‐consumptive predator–prey interactions and their ecosystem consequences; namely, insufficient empirical exploration of (1) context‐dependent indirect NCEs and (2) the ways in which direct and indirect NCEs are shaped interactively by multiple drivers of context dependence.  相似文献   

Aphidius colemani Viereck, emerging from Myzus persicae (Sulzer) mummies on the Brussels sprout cultivar ‘Bedford Winter Harvest’ (BWH), responds positively in the olfactometer to the odour of that cultivar in comparison with air. Responses to the odours of other sprout cultivars, cabbage and broad bean could be explained by the humidity from plant leaves. In a choice between BWH and other sprout cultivars, the BWH odour is preferred, or that of cv. ‘Red Delicious’ (RD) if the parasitoids are reared on RD. This confirms previous work showing that the secondary chemistry of a cultivar is learnt from the mummy cuticle during emergence. Adults emerging from pupae excised from the mummy show a similar but less pronounced preference. Parasitoids developing in aphids on an artificial diet do not discriminate between the odours of BWH and RD, unless allowed contact with a mummy from the same cultivar that the mother develops on. This suggests a cultivar‐specific maternal cue. This cue is speculated to consist of a small amount of the secondary chemistry (probably glucosinolates in the present study) that are left in or on the egg at oviposition, which subsequently induces enzymes that detoxify plant‐derived toxins in the aphid host. Indeed, when parasitoids emerging from diet‐reared aphids are released on aphid‐infested sprout plants, fewer mummies are produced than by parasitoids emerging from mummies of plant‐reared aphids or from excised pupae. Only parasitoids that emerge from mummies of plant‐reared aphids prefer the cultivar of origin as shown by the number of mummified hosts.  相似文献   

Larvae of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) that survive on genetically modified Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., Malvaceae) contribute to the risk of widespread resistance to Bt toxins. Current resistance management techniques include pupae busting, which involves deep tilling of the soil to kill overwintering pupae. Unfortunately, pupae busting runs counter to soil and water conserving techniques, such as minimum tillage. This problem could be relieved with biological control methods, whereby predators attack either larvae going to ground to pupate or moths emerging from the ground. We found that the wolf spider Tasmanicosa leuckartii (Thorell) (Araneae: Lycosidae), a common inhabitant of Australian cotton agroecosystems, is an effective predator of H. armigera, attacking and killing most larvae (66%) and emerging moths (77%) in simple laboratory arenas. Tasmanicosa leuckartii also reduced the number of emerging moths by 66% on average in more structurally complex glasshouse arenas. Males, females, and late‐instar juveniles of T. leuckartii were similarly effective. Tasmanicosa leuckartii also imposed non‐consumptive effects on H. armigera, as when a spider was present larvae in the laboratory areas spent less time on the cotton boll and more time on the soil and more mass was lost from the cotton boll. Increased loss of boll mass likely reflects changes in H. armigera foraging behavior induced by the presence of spiders (indirect non‐consumptive effects). Helicoverpa armigera spent more time as pupae when the spider was present in simple laboratory arenas, but not in more complex glasshouse enclosures. Overall, results indicate that T. leuckartii spiders can be effective predators of H. armigera late instars and moths but also suggest that, under some conditions, the presence of spiders could increase the damage to individual cotton bolls.  相似文献   

Development, reproduction and life tables of Adalia bipunctata (L.) were studied at three temperatures (19, 23 and 27°C) on a mixture of frozen pollen and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs as a factitious food and on the aphids Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) as natural foods. Development time of A. bipunctata on all tested diets decreased with increasing temperature. Mortality was lowest at 23°C, averaging 44.5%, 42.6% and 24.3% on factitious food, A. pisum and M. persicae respectively. The shortest developmental time from egg to adult at this temperature was observed on factitious food (18.55 days). However, the factitious food was inferior to the aphid diets in terms of reproduction, yielding the longest pre‐oviposition period, shortest oviposition period and lowest fecundity. The mean oviposition rate at 23°C varied from 19.94 to 25.03 eggs day?1 on factitious food and M. persicae respectively. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) on different foods increased with increasing temperature and ranged from a minimum of 0.08 females/female/day on factitious food (19°C) to a maximum of 0.18 females/female/day on A. pisum (27°C). The results suggest that a mixture of E. kuehniella eggs and pollen fully support development of A. bipunctata larvae and can be used as an alternative to live aphids in the mass rearing of the pre‐imaginal stages of the predator. However, reproductive performance of a laboratory population may be better on aphids than on the factitious food.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 can alter plant secondary metabolites,which play important roles in the interactions among plants,herbivorous insects and natural enemies.However,few studies have examined the cascading effects of host plant secondary metabolites on tri-trophic interactions under elevated CO2(eCO2).In this study,we determined the effects of eCO2 on the growth and foliar phenolics of Medicago truncatula and the cascading effects on two color genotypes oiAcyrthosiphon pisum(pink vs.green)and their parasitoid Aphidius avenae in the field open-top chambers.Our results showed that eCO2 increased photosynthetic rate,nodule number,yield and the total phenolic content of M.truncatula.eCO2 had contrasting effects on two genotypes of A.pisum;the green genotype demonstrated increased population abundance,fecundity,growth and feeding efficiency,while the pink genotype showed decreased fitness and these were closely associated with the foliar genstein content.Furthermore,eCO2 decreased the parasitic rate of A.avenae independent of aphid genotypes.eCO2 prolonged the emergence time and reduced the emergence rate and percentage of females when associated with the green genotype,but little difference,except for increased percentage of females,was observed in A.avenae under eCO2 when associated with the pink genotype,indicating that parasitoids can perceive and discriminate the qualities of aphid hosts.We concluded that eCO2 altered plant phenolics and thus the performance of aphids and parasitoids.Our results indicate that plant phenolics vary by different abiotic and biotic stimuli and could potentially deliver the cascading effects of eCO2 to the higher trophic levels.Our results also suggest that the green genotype is expected to perform better in future eCO2 because of decreased plant resistance after its infestation and decreased parasitic rate.  相似文献   

In order to guarantee the safety of genetically modified (GM) soybean crops, it is important to assess the potential toxicity of their expressed insecticidal proteins to non‐target organisms. In the present study, the effects of the GM soybean Insulin‐like Growth Factor (IGF), which is tolerant to the herbicide glufosinate, on plant‐dwelling non‐target insects and arachnids were evaluated in soybean agroecosystems. For comparison, the non‐GM parental cultivar of soybean Gwangan‐kong was used as a control. Data were collected in 2016 and 2017 via surveying at Ochang and Jeonju, Korea. In total, 13,031 individual insects and arachnids, representing 64 families in 11 orders, were captured during the study. Firstly, the results indicate that the GM soybean IGF did not negatively affect plant‐dwelling non‐target insects and arachnids. However, the numbers of captured individuals on both IGF and Gwangan‐kong were higher at Ochang in 2017. The occurrence of insect pests, natural enemies, and other insects differed significantly according to region, region and survey year, and survey year, respectively. In addition, the dominance, diversity, evenness, and richness indices for the collected insects varied significantly among the regions and survey years regardless of soybean variety. The score from PROXSCAL multidimensional scaling using combined data showed that insects and arachnids in different natural environments were separated by their cultivation regions and years irrespective of soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

1. An increasing number of studies have addressed the mechanisms by which plant inter‐specific variation influence interactions at higher trophic levels, but little is known about the underlying plant traits driving these dynamics. 2. Here we investigated the effects of host plant species on herbivore‐parasitoid interactions and the underlying traits driving such effects. For this, we measured the abundance of seed‐eating bruchids and their parasitoids across seven sympatric populations of the bean species Phaseolus coccineus and Phaseolus vulgaris in Central Mexico. To investigate the mechanisms underlying differences between bean species in bruchid‐parasitoid interactions, we carried out two laboratory experiments to test whether bruchid and parasitoid performance differed between plant species. We also measured seed size and phenolic compounds to investigate if seed traits mediate bruchid‐parasitoid interactions by influencing herbivore susceptibility or resistance to parasitoids. 3. Field surveys revealed that the rate of parasitoid recruitment to bruchids was significantly higher on P. vulgaris than on P. coccineus. Subsequent laboratory bioassays indicated that bruchids developed more slowly and exhibited lower fitness on P. vulgaris seeds than on P. coccineus seeds. Accordingly, we found that bean species differed in seed size, with P. vulgaris having smaller (less nutritious) seeds, which explains why bruchid development was slower on this plant species. 4. These results provide a mechanism for why bruchids exhibited higher parasitism rates on seeds of P. vulgaris in the field which could be due to Slow‐Growth/High‐Mortality effects, a smaller physical refuge provided by the seed, or both factors. The roles of these mechanisms remain inconclusive without further study.  相似文献   

1. Plant responses to herbivory are often specific to the feeding guild of the attacking herbivore. These phytochemical responses to herbivore damage can affect herbivore performance and activity. Comprehensive studies on the ecological consequences of multi‐herbivore plant interactions are key to understanding plant–herbivore community dynamics. 2. This study examined how feeding damage by co‐occurring herbivores from separate feeding guilds, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), a sucking herbivore, and Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), a chewing herbivore, alter plant chemistry and indirectly affect herbivore performance. Performance was measured when each insect fed on plants individually, sequentially, or simultaneously in laboratory and field experiments. Phytohormone and glycoalkaloid content were measured for each feeding sequence to evaluate plant responses to herbivory by each guild. Mid‐season and end‐of‐season tuber yield were evaluated in the field study. 3. Damage by L. decemlineata negatively impacted M. persicae performance in both laboratory and field settings. Damage by M. persicae did not affect L. decemlineata performance in laboratory assays. However, L. decemlineata performance was positively affected by M. persicae herbivory in the field, but this effect was temporary. Although phytohormones and plant defences varied across treatments, they provide little resolution on interaction outcomes. 4. These results confirm that the presence of multiple feeding guilds on a single plant can affect these chewing and sucking herbivores differentially, but given the variability in our phytochemical analyses compared with other studies, the mechanism remains unclear. The study's findings show that aphids are negatively affected by chewing herbivores across systems, while aphids temporarily affected beetles positively.  相似文献   

1. Density‐ and trait‐mediated indirect interactions (DMIIs and TMIIs, respectively) in food chains play crucial roles in community structure and processes. However, factors affecting the relative strength of these interactions are poorly understood, including in widespread and important freshwater rice ecosystems. 2. We studied the strength of DMIIs and TMIIs in a food chain involving a predator (the Reeve’s turtle Chinemys reevesii), its herbivorous prey (the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata) and a plant (rice Oryza sativa) in outdoor containers simulating rice fields. We also evaluated consumptive and non‐consumptive effects of the predator on the snail. We removed a fixed proportion of snails every 2 days to simulate prey consumption and introduced a caged turtle that was fed daily with snails to simulate non‐consumptive effects. 3. Direct consumptive effects increased growth of the remaining snails and their per capita feeding rate. Moreover, consumptive and non‐consumptive effects, and their interaction, affected the proportion of snails buried in the soil. This interaction was presumably because increasing food availability per snail induced their self‐burying behaviour. 4. Both DMIIs and TMIIs affected the number of rice plants remaining, whereas their interaction term was not significant. 5. In summary, density dependence and interactions between consumptive and non‐consumptive effects influenced snail growth and behaviour, respectively. However, no cascading effects of these complicated interactions on rice plants were detected.  相似文献   

Induction of plant defences, specifically in response to herbivore attack, can save costs that would otherwise be needed to maintain defences even in the absence of herbivores. However, plants may suffer considerable damage during the time required to mount these defences against an attacker. This could be resolved if plants could respond to early cues, such as egg deposition, that reliably indicate future herbivory. We tested this hypothesis in a field experiment and found that egg deposition by the butterfly Pieris brassicae on black mustard (Brassica nigra) induced a plant response that negatively affected feeding caterpillars. The effect cascaded up to the third and fourth trophic levels (larval parasitoids and hyperparasitoids) by affecting the parasitisation rate and parasitoid performance. Overall, the defences induced by egg deposition had a positive effect on plant seed production and may therefore play an important role in the evolution of plant resistance to herbivores.  相似文献   

Predators can indirectly benefit prey populations by suppressing mid‐trophic level consumers, but often the strength and outcome of trophic cascades are uncertain. We manipulated oyster reef communities to test the generality of potential causal factors across a 1000‐km region. Densities of oyster consumers were weakly influenced by predators at all sites. In contrast, consumer foraging behaviour in the presence of predators varied considerably, and these behavioural effects altered the trophic cascade across space. Variability in the behavioural cascade was linked to regional gradients in oyster recruitment to and sediment accumulation on reefs. Specifically, asynchronous gradients in these factors influenced whether the benefits of suppressed consumer foraging on oyster recruits exceeded costs of sediment accumulation resulting from decreased consumer activity. Thus, although predation on consumers remains consistent, predator influences on behaviour do not; rather, they interact with environmental gradients to cause biogeographic variability in the net strength of trophic cascades.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Enemy‐free space has been shown to mediate host shifts in herbivores, but this has not previously been documented in parasitoids. Also, natural enemies shown to maintain host shifts have always been from higher trophic levels, rather than competitors. 2. In Hawaii, an Australian parasitoid (Diachasmimorpha tryoni) of medflies that loses competition contests to a subsequently introduced Asian parasitoid (Fopius arisanus) has shifted its realised host range to attack non‐target gall flies on lantana. 3. The present study demonstrates experimentally that D. tryoni reproduction is: (i) lower on medflies in coffee when F. arisanus is present than when it is absent; (ii) higher in gall flies on lantana than on medflies in coffee, when F. arisanus is present; and (iii) higher in medflies on coffee than in gall flies on lantana, when F. arisanus is absent. This meets Berdegue et al.’s (Ecological Entomology, 21 , 203–217, 1996) three conditions to confirm the importance of enemy‐free space. 4. In the field, F. arisanus is abundant on medflies, whereas D. tryoni is rare on medflies, but is the dominant parasitoid of lantana gall flies. 5. Competitor‐free space is thus shown to be a key mechanism maintaining an apparent host shift by an introduced biocontrol agent onto a non‐target species.  相似文献   

1. Plant responses to herbivore attack may have community‐wide effects on the composition of the plant‐associated insect community. Thereby, plant responses to an early‐season herbivore may have profound consequences for the amount and type of future attack. 2. Here we studied the effect of early‐season herbivory by caterpillars of Pieris rapae on the composition of the insect herbivore community on domesticated Brassica oleracea plants. We compared the effect of herbivory on two cultivars that differ in the degree of susceptibility to herbivores to analyse whether induced plant responses supersede differences caused by constitutive resistance. 3. Early‐season herbivory affected the herbivore community, having contrasting effects on different herbivore species, while these effects were similar on the two cultivars. Generalist insect herbivores avoided plants that had been induced, whereas these plants were colonised preferentially by specialist herbivores belonging to both leaf‐chewing and sap‐sucking guilds. 4. Our results show that community‐wide effects of early‐season herbivory may prevail over effects of constitutive plant resistance. Induced responses triggered by prior herbivory may lead to an increase in susceptibility to the dominant specialists in the herbivorous insect community. The outcome of the balance between contrasting responses of herbivorous community members to induced plants therefore determines whether induced plant responses result in enhanced plant resistance.  相似文献   

1. Predatory larvae often have to face food shortages during their development, and thus the ability to disperse and find new feeding sites is crucial for survival. However, the dispersal capacity of predatory larvae, the host finding cues employed, and their use of alternative food sources are largely unknown. These aspects of the foraging behaviour of the aphidophagous hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus De Geer) larvae were investigated in the present study. 2. It was shown that these hoverfly larvae do not leave a plant as long as there are aphids available, but that dispersing larvae are able to find other aphid colonies in the field. Dispersing hoverfly larvae accumulated on large aphid colonies, but did not distinguish between different pea aphid race–plant species combinations. Large aphid colonies might be easier to detect because of intensified searching by hoverfly larvae following the encounter of aphid cues like honeydew that accumulate around large colonies. 3. It was further shown that non‐prey food, such as diluted honey or pollen, was insufficient for hoverfly larvae to gain weight, but prolonged the survival of the larvae compared with unfed individuals. As soon as larvae were switched back to an aphid diet, they rapidly gained weight and some pupated after a few days. Although pupation and adult hatching rates were strongly reduced compared with hoverflies continuously fed with aphids, the consumption of non‐prey food most probably increases the probability that hoverfly larvae find an aphid colony and complete their development.  相似文献   

The enemy release hypothesis posits that non‐native plant species may gain a competitive advantage over their native counterparts because they are liberated from co‐evolved natural enemies from their native area. The phylogenetic relationship between a non‐native plant and the native community may be important for understanding the success of some non‐native plants, because host switching by insect herbivores is more likely to occur between closely related species. We tested the enemy release hypothesis by comparing leaf damage and herbivorous insect assemblages on the invasive species Senecio madagascariensis Poir. to that on nine congeneric species, of which five are native to the study area, and four are non‐native but considered non‐invasive. Non‐native species had less leaf damage than natives overall, but we found no significant differences in the abundance, richness and Shannon diversity of herbivores between native and non‐native Senecio L. species. The herbivore assemblage and percentage abundance of herbivore guilds differed among all Senecio species, but patterns were not related to whether the species was native or not. Species‐level differences indicate that S. madagascariensis may have a greater proportion of generalist insect damage (represented by phytophagous leaf chewers) than the other Senecio species. Within a plant genus, escape from natural enemies may not be a sufficient explanation for why some non‐native species become more invasive than others.  相似文献   

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