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With its vast territory and complex natural environment, China boasts rich cattle genetic resources. To gain the further insight into the genetic diversity and paternal origins of Chinese cattle, we analyzed the polymorphism of Y‐SNPs (UTY19 and ZFY10) and Y‐STRs (INRA189 and BM861) in 34 Chinese cattle breeds/populations, including 606 males representative of 24 cattle breeds/populations collected in this study as well as previously published data for 302 bulls. Combined genotypic data identified 14 Y‐chromosome haplotypes that represented three haplogroups. Y2‐104‐158 and Y2‐102‐158 were the most common taurine haplotypes detected mainly in northern and central China, whereas the indicine haplotype Y3‐88‐156 predominates in southern China. Haplotypes Y2‐108‐158, Y2‐110‐158, Y2‐112‐158 and Y3‐92‐156 were private to Chinese cattle. The population structure revealed by multidimensional scaling analysis differentiated Tibetan cattle from the other three groups of cattle. Analysis of molecular variance showed that the majority of the genetic variation was explained by the genetic differences among groups. Overall, our study indicates that Chinese cattle retain high paternal diversity (= 0.607 ± 0.016) and probably much of the original lineages that derived from the domestication center in the Near East without strong admixture from commercial cattle carrying Y1 haplotypes.  相似文献   

Genomic selection is becoming a standard tool in livestock breeding programs, particularly for traits that are hard to measure. Accuracy of genomic selection can be improved by increasing the quantity and quality of data and potentially by improving analytical methods. Adding genotypes and phenotypes from additional breeds or crosses often improves the accuracy of genomic predictions but requires specific methodology. A model was developed to incorporate breed composition estimated from genotypes into genomic selection models. This method was applied to age at puberty data in female beef cattle (as estimated from age at first observation of a corpus luteum) from a mix of Brahman and Tropical Composite beef cattle. In this dataset, the new model incorporating breed composition did not increase the accuracy of genomic selection. However, the breeding values exhibited slightly less bias (as assessed by deviation of regression of phenotype on genomic breeding values from the expected value of 1). Adding additional Brahman animals to the Tropical Composite analysis increased the accuracy of genomic predictions and did not affect the accuracy of the Brahman predictions.  相似文献   

Brazilian Nellore cattle (Bos indicus) have been selected for growth traits for over more than four decades. In recent years, reproductive and meat quality traits have become more important because of increasing consumption, exports and consumer demand. The identification of genome regions altered by artificial selection can potentially permit a better understanding of the biology of specific phenotypes that are useful for the development of tools designed to increase selection efficiency. Therefore, the aims of this study were to detect evidence of recent selection signatures in Nellore cattle using extended haplotype homozygosity methodology and BovineHD marker genotypes (>777 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms) as well as to identify corresponding genes underlying these signals. Thirty‐one significant regions (< 0.0001) of possible recent selection signatures were detected, and 19 of these overlapped quantitative trait loci related to reproductive traits, growth, feed efficiency, meat quality, fatty acid profiles and immunity. In addition, 545 genes were identified in regions harboring selection signatures. Within this group, 58 genes were associated with growth, muscle and adipose tissue metabolism, reproductive traits or the immune system. Using relative extended haplotype homozygosity to analyze high‐density single nucleotide polymorphism marker data allowed for the identification of regions potentially under artificial selection pressure in the Nellore genome, which might be used to better understand autozygosity and the effects of selection on the Nellore genome.  相似文献   

The behaviour of beef cattle is important for the safety and welfare of stockmen and animals. Ten microsatellites spanning BTA29 and, in addition, the candidate gene, dopamine receptor D4 gene, were analysed in 545 German Angus calves of six sires and included in a quantitative trait locus (QTL) study on the basis of three different behaviour tests. A putative QTL for the score while entering the scale (ScE) was detected at BMS764. The DRD4 fragment was mapped in the distal region of BTA29 15.3 cM distal of ILSTS081. The results clearly indicate that BTA29 with a putative QTL in the proximal part and the candidate gene, DRD4, in the distal part plays an important role in the regulation of temperament. During the study one of the sires was detected to be a blood chimera.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial DNA D‐loop sequences of 1105 individuals were used to assess the diversity of maternal lineages of cattle populations in China. In total, 250 taurine and 88 zebu haplotypes were identified. Five main haplogroups—T1a, T2, T3, T4 and T5—were identified in Bos taurus, whereas Bos indicus harbored two haplogroups—I1 and I2. Our results suggest that the distribution of T1a in Asia was concentrated mainly in the northeast region (northeast China, Korea and Japan); haplogroups T2, T3 and T4 were predominant in Chinese cattle; and T5 was sporadically detected in Mongolian and Pingwu cattle. In contrast to the widespread presence of I1, I2 was distributed only in southwestern China (Yunnan‐Guizhou Plateau and the Tibet Autonomous Region) and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This is the first time that all five taurine haplogroups and two zebu haplogroups have been found in Mongolian cattle. In addition, eight individuals in Tibetan cattle carried the Bos grunniens mtDNA type. The high mtDNA diversity (= 0.904 ± 0.008) and the weak genetic structure among the 57 Chinese cattle breeds/populations are consistent with their complex historical background, migration route and ecological environment.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variability in horn characteristics, such as their size, number and shape, offers the opportunity to elucidate the molecular basis of horn development. The objective of this study was to map the genetic determinant controlling the production of four horns in two breeds, Jacob sheep and Navajo‐Churro, and examine whether an eyelid abnormality occurring in the same populations is related. Genome‐wide association mapping was performed using 125 animals from the two breeds that contain two‐ and four‐horned individuals. A case–control design analysis of 570 712 SNPs genotyped with the ovine HD SNP Beadchip revealed a strong association signal on sheep chromosome 2. The 10 most strongly associated SNPs were all located in a region spanning Mb positions 131.9–132.6, indicating the genetic architecture underpinning the production of four horns is likely to involve a single gene. The closest genes to the most strongly associated marker (OAR2_132568092) were MTX2 and the HOXD cluster, located approximately 93 Kb and 251 Kb upstream respectively. The occurrence of an eyelid malformation across both breeds was restricted to polled animals and those carrying more than two horns. This suggests the eyelid abnormality may be associated with departures from the normal developmental production of two‐horned animals and that the two conditions are developmentally linked. This study demonstrated the presence of separate loci responsible for the polled and four‐horned phenotypes in sheep and advanced our understanding of the complexity that underpins horn morphology in ruminants.  相似文献   

The Korean Hanwoo cattle have been intensively selected for production traits, especially high intramuscular fat content. It is believed that ancient crossings between different breeds contributed to forming the Hanwoo, but little is known about the genomic differences and similarities between other cattle breeds and the Hanwoo. In this work, cattle breeds were grouped by origin into four types and used for comparisons: the Europeans (represented by six breeds), zebu (Nelore), African taurine (N'Dama) and Hanwoo. All animals had genotypes for around 680 000 SNPs after quality control of genotypes. Average heterozygosity was lower in Nelore and N'Dama (0.22 and 0.21 respectively) than in Europeans (0.26–0.31, with Shorthorn as outlier at 0.24) and Hanwoo (0.29). Pairwise FST analyses demonstrated that Hanwoo are more related to European cattle than to Nelore, with N'Dama in an intermediate position. This finding was corroborated by principal components and unsupervised hierarchical clustering. Using genome‐wide smoothed FST, 55 genomic regions potentially under positive selection in Hanwoo were identified. Among these, 29 were regions also detected in previous studies. Twenty‐four regions were exclusive to Hanwoo, and a number of other regions were shared with one or two of the other groups. These regions overlap a number of genes that are related to immune, reproduction and fatty acid metabolism pathways. Further analyses are needed to better characterize the ancestry of the Hanwoo cattle and to define the genes responsible to the identified selection peaks.  相似文献   

White Galloway cattle exhibit three different white coat colour phenotypes, that is, well marked, strongly marked and mismarked. However, mating of individuals with the preferred well or strongly marked phenotype also results in offspring with the undesired mismarked and/or even fully black coat colour. To elucidate the genetic background of the coat colour variations in White Galloway cattle, we analysed four coat colour relevant genes: mast/stem cell growth factor receptor (KIT), KIT ligand (KITLG), melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) and tyrosinase (TYR). Here, we show that the coat colour variations in White Galloway cattle and White Park cattle are caused by a KIT gene (chromosome 6) duplication and aberrant insertion on chromosome 29 (Cs29) as recently described for colour‐sided Belgian Blue. Homozygous (Cs29/Cs29) White Galloway cattle and White Park cattle exhibit the mismarked phenotype, whereas heterozygous (Cs29/wt29) individuals are either well or strongly marked. In contrast, fully black individuals are characterised by the wild‐type chromosome 29. As known for other cattle breeds, mutations in the MC1R gene determine the red colouring. Our data suggest that the white coat colour variations in White Galloway cattle and White Park cattle are caused by a dose‐dependent effect based on the ploidy of aberrant insertions and inheritance of the KIT gene on chromosome 29.  相似文献   

The spinyhead croaker Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) is a small sciaenid species distributed along the inshore waters of northwestern Pacific Ocean, and now has been listed as Key Protected Commercial Sources of Aquatic Animals and Plants in China. To delineate stock boundaries and inform conservation policy for its management, samples were collected from eight locations across the Chinese coastal waters and analyzed at nine microsatellite loci. C. lucidus populations showed low genetic diversity (expected heterozygosity = 0.445–0.542; observed heterozygosity = 0.392–0.539; Polymorphism Information Content = 0.268–0.684). Strong genetic fdifferentiation (Fst = 0.065–0.510, all significant after Bonferroni correction) among all populations and high levels of self‐recruitment (89.2%–91.5%) were observed, which suggested limited genetic exchange for this species. Clustering results of discriminant analysis of principal components and STRUCTURE found strong support for obvious genetic clusters (populations FZ, XM and SZ vs. populations SH, YRE, ZS, WZ and ND). The results of the present study not only supported the phylogeographic pattern of north‐south differentiation, but also suggested that C. lucidus populations may be predominantly sustained by self‐replenishment rather than by recruitment from distant populations.  相似文献   

Multicomponent reactions are difficult synthetic transformations. For DNA, there is a special opportunity to align multiple strands in a folded nanostructure, so that they are preorganized to give a specific sequence. Multistrand reactions in DNA origami structures have previously been performed using photochemical crosslinking, 1,3‐diploar cycloadditions or phosphoramidate‐forming reactions. Here we report carbodiimide‐driven phosphodiester formation in a small origami sheet that produces DNA strands up to 600 nucleotides in length in a single step. The method uses otherwise unmodified oligodeoxynucleotides with a 5′‐terminal phosphate as starting materials. Compared to an enzymatic multistrand ligation involving linear duplexes, the carbodiimide‐driven ligation gave fewer side products, as detected by gel electrophoresis. The full‐length 600mer product was successfully amplified by polymerase chain reaction.  相似文献   

Enhancing climate resilience and sustainable production for animals in harsh environments are important goals for the livestock industry given the predicted impacts of climate change. Rapid adaptation to extreme climatic conditions has already been imposed on livestock species, including those exported after Columbus's arrival in the Americas. We compared the methylomes of two Creole cattle breeds living in tropical environments with their putative Spanish ancestors to understand the epigenetic mechanisms underlying rapid adaptation of a domestic species to a new and more physiologically challenging environment. Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing was used to assess differences in methylation in Creole and Spanish samples and revealed 334 differentially methylated regions using high stringency parameters (P‐value <0.01, ≥4 CpGs within a distance of 200 bp, mean methylation difference >25%) annotated to 263 unique features. Gene ontology analysis revealed candidate genes involved in tropical adaptation processes, including genes differentially hyper‐ or hypomethylated above 80% in Creole samples displaying biological functions related to immune response (IRF6, PTGDR, FAM19A5, PGLYRP1), nervous system (GBX2, NKX2‐8, RPGR), energy management (BTD), heat resistance (CYB561) and skin and coat attributes (LGR6). Our results entail that major environmental changes imposed on Creole cattle have had an impact on their methylomes measurable today, which affects genes implicated in important pathways for adaptation. Although further work is needed, this first characterization of methylation patterns driven by profound environmental change provides a valuable pointer for the identification of biomarkers of resilience for improved cattle performance and welfare under predicted climatic change models.  相似文献   

Land‐use changes have threatened populations of many insect pollinators, including bumble bees. Patterns of dispersal and gene flow are key determinants of species' ability to respond to land‐use change, but have been little investigated at a fine scale (<10 km) in bumble bees. Using microsatellite markers, we determined the fine‐scale spatial genetic structure of populations of four common Bombus species (B. terrestris, B. lapidarius, B. pascuorum and B. hortorum) and one declining species (B. ruderatus) in an agricultural landscape in Southern England, UK. The study landscape contained sown flower patches representing agri‐environment options for pollinators. We found that, as expected, the B. ruderatus population was characterized by relatively low heterozygosity, number of alleles and colony density. Across all species, inbreeding was absent or present but weak (FIS = 0.01–0.02). Using queen genotypes reconstructed from worker sibships and colony locations estimated from the positions of workers within these sibships, we found that significant isolation by distance was absent in B. lapidarius, B. hortorum and B. ruderatus. In B. terrestris and B. pascuorum, it was present but weak; for example, in these two species, expected relatedness of queens founding colonies 1 m apart was 0.02. These results show that bumble bee populations exhibit low levels of spatial genetic structure at fine spatial scales, most likely because of ongoing gene flow via widespread queen dispersal. In addition, the results demonstrate the potential for agri‐environment scheme conservation measures to facilitate fine‐scale gene flow by creating a more even distribution of suitable habitats across landscapes.  相似文献   

Evaluating how belowground processes contribute to plant community dynamics is hampered by limited information on the spatial structure of root communities at the scale that plants interact belowground. In this study, roots were mapped to the nearest one mm and molecularly identified by species on vertical (0–15 cm deep) surfaces of soil blocks excavated from dry and mesic grasslands in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) to examine the spatial relationships among species at the scale that roots interact. Our results indicated that average interspecific root – root distances for the majority of species were within a distance (3 mm) that roots have been shown to compete for resources. Most species placed their roots at random, although low root numbers for many species probably led to overestimating the occurrence of random patterns. According to theory, we expected that most of the remaining species would segregate their root systems to avoid competition. Instead we found that more species aggregated than segregated from others. Based on previous investigations, we hypothesize that species aggregate to increase uptake of water, nitrogen and/or phosphorus made available by neighbouring roots, or as a consequence of a reduction in the pathogenicity of soil biota growing in multispecies mixtures. Our results indicate that YNP grassland root communities are organized as closely interdigitating networks of species that potentially can support strong interactions among many species combinations. Future root research should address the prevalence and functional consequences of species aggregation across plant communities.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization is attracting much interest in modern speciation and conservation biology studies, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In particular, it is unclear why environmental changes often increase hybridization rates. To study this question, we surveyed mating events in a mixed oak stand and developed a spatially explicit individual‐based hybridization model. This model, where hybridization is frequency‐dependent, pollen is nonlimiting and which allows immigrant pollen to compete with local pollen, takes into account species‐specific pollen dispersal and sexual barriers to hybridization. The consequences of pollen limitation on hybridization were studied using another simple model. The results indicate that environmental changes could increase hybridization rates through two distinct mechanisms. First, by disrupting the spatial organization of communities, they should decrease the proportion of conspecific pollen available for mating, thus increasing hybridization rates. Second, by decreasing the density of conspecifics, they should increase pollen limitation and thus hybridization rates, as a consequence of chance pollination predominating over deterministic pollen competition. Altogether, our results point to a need for considering hybridization events at the appropriate level of organization and provide new insights into why hybridization rates generally increase in disturbed environments.  相似文献   

Precise genome engineering via homologous recombination (HR)‐mediated gene targeting (GT) has become an essential tool in molecular breeding as well as in basic plant science. As HR‐mediated GT is an extremely rare event, positive–negative selection has been used extensively in flowering plants to isolate cells in which GT has occurred. In order to utilize GT as a methodology for precision mutagenesis, the positive selectable marker gene should be completely eliminated from the GT locus. Here, we introduce targeted point mutations conferring resistance to herbicide into the rice acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene via GT with subsequent marker excision by piggyBac transposition. Almost all regenerated plants expressing piggyBac transposase contained exclusively targeted point mutations without concomitant re‐integration of the transposon, resulting in these progeny showing a herbicide bispyribac sodium (BS)‐tolerant phenotype. This approach was also applied successfully to the editing of a microRNA targeting site in the rice cleistogamy 1 gene. Therefore, our approach provides a general strategy for the targeted modification of endogenous genes in plants.  相似文献   

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