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Patterns of phylogeography and gene flow were examined in the canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor. A total of 973 bp of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence data were obtained for 65 individuals from 53 populations, yielding 50 unique haplotypes. Interpopulation sequence variation ranged from 0 to 13.7%. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three deeply divergent mtDNA lineages. These three Clades were mapped onto geography and found to represent completely concordant, nonoverlapping, geographical regions. Levels of sequence divergence between the three Clades were equal to or greater than published levels of divergence found in other vertebrate species and genera. Furthermore, one Clade of H. arenicolor was found to be more closely related to the outgroup H. eximia than to other H. arenicolor, suggesting that the taxonomy of this species may require revision.  相似文献   

Patterns of gene flow and genetic structuring were examined in the canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor (Cope). Hierarchical analysis of genetic variation was performed on mitochondrial cytochrome b haplotypes from 323 individuals, representing 32 populations from previously described phylogeographic regions. Results from AMOVA revealed that 60.4-78.9% of the recovered genetic variation was the result of differences in the appointment of genetic variation between subdivisions of the primary phylogeographic regions. In contrast, populations only contained between 13.9 and 30.1% of the observed haplotypic variation. Gene flow estimates based on calculations of phi ST revealed moderate levels of gene flow within phylogeographic regions, but there was no evidence of gene flow between these regions, suggesting that geographical boundaries were probably important in the formation of phylogeographic structure in H. arenicolor. Phylogeographic regions exhibited very different patterns of gene flow. One region showed evidence of recent colonization. Another region exhibited very limited gene flow. Moderate to high estimates of gene flow were obtained for populations from two distinct phylogeographic regions characterized by mesic and xeric environments. Isolation by distance was observed in both regions suggesting that these regions are in genetic equilibrium. Because gene flow is extremely unlikely between the populations in the xeric region, this result is interpreted as historical gene flow. These results indicate that isolation-by-distance effects may still be observed even when population genetic structure and gene flow are the result of historical association.  相似文献   

Detection of genetic and behavioural diversity within morphologically similar species has led to the discovery of cryptic species complexes. We tested the hypothesis that US populations of the canyon treefrog (Hyla arenicolor) may consist of cryptic species by examining mate‐attraction signals among three divergent clades defined by mtDNA. Using a multi‐locus approach, we re‐analysed phylogenetic relationships among the three clades and a closely related, but morphologically and behaviourally dissimilar species, the Arizona treefrog (H. wrightorum). We found evidence for introgression of H. wrightorum’s mitochondrial genome into H. arenicolor. Additionally, the two‐clade topology based on nuclear data is more congruent with patterns of call variation than the three‐clade topology from the mitochondrial dataset. The magnitude of the call divergence is probably insufficient to promote isolation of the nuclear DNA‐defined clades should they become sympatric, but further divergence in call properties significant in species identification could promote speciation in the future.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A mating preference function describes the relationship between variation in a trait in potential mates and the strength of the preference for that trait. Few studies have measured mating preference functions either at a population level or for individuals. We used two-choice playback experiments to determine the mating preference functions of individual female barking treefrogs for two call characteristics: call-repetition rate and fundamental frequency. We tested each female four times with each pair of stimuli and with three to six pairs of stimuli. Individual females exhibited directional preferences for higher call rates and stabilizing preferences for intermediate fundamental frequency. These individual preference functions were similar to population-level preferences documented in previous studies. Within a stimulus type (call rate or fundamental frequency), nearly all females exhibited the same general preference function. However, females varied in the minimum difference between stimuli necessary to elicit a unanimous choice for the higher call rate, and they differed in both the intermediate fundamental frequency they preferred most and the minimum difference in fundamental frequency that elicited a unanimous choice for one of the two alternatives. The variation we observed among females was not repeatable; repeatabilities were in general low and statistically nonsignificant. The observed variation in the preferences of females, even if unrepeatable, should weaken selection on male traits relative to selection in the absence of such variation.  相似文献   

The canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor, is a wide-ranging hylid found from southwestern US into southern Mexico. Recent studies have shown this species to have a complex evolutionary history, with several phylogeographically distinct lineages, a probable cryptic species, and multiple episodes of mitochondrial introgression with the sister group, the H. eximia complex. We aimed to use genome wide AFLP markers to better resolve relationships within this group. As in other studies, our inferred phylogeny not only provides evidence for repeated mitochondrial introgression between H. arenicolor lineages and H. eximia/H. wrightorum, but it also affords more resolution within the main H. arenicolor clade than was previously achieved with sequence data. However, as with a previous study, the placement of a lineage of H. arenicolor whose distribution is centered in the Balsas Basin of Mexico remains poorly resolved, perhaps due to past hybridization with the H. eximia complex. Furthermore, the AFLP data set shows no differentiation among lineages from the Grand Canyon and Colorado Plateau despite their large mitochondrial sequence divergence. Finally, our results infer a well-supported sister relationship between this combined Colorado Plateau/Grand Canyon lineage and the Sonoran Desert lineage, a relationship that strongly contradicts conclusions drawn from the mtDNA evidence. Our study provides a basis for further behavioral and ecological speciation studies of this system and highlights the importance of multi-taxon (species) sampling in phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals for mating are important traits that could drive population differentiation and speciation. Ecology may play a role in acoustic divergence through direct selection (e.g., local adaptation to abiotic environment), constraint of correlated traits (e.g., acoustic traits linked to another trait under selection), and/or interspecific competition (e.g., character displacement). However, genetic drift alone can also drive acoustic divergence. It is not always easy to differentiate the role of ecology versus drift in acoustic divergence. In this study, we tested the role of ecology and drift in shaping geographic variation in the advertisement calls of Microhyla fissipes. We examined three predictions based on ecological processes: (1) the correlation between temperature and call properties across M. fissipes populations; (2) the correlation between call properties and body size across M. fissipes populations; and (3) reproductive character displacement (RCD) in call properties between M. fissipes populations that are sympatric with and allopatric to a congener M. heymonsi. To test genetic drift, we examined correlations among call divergence, geographic distance, and genetic distance across M. fissipes populations. We recorded the advertisement calls from 11 populations of M. fissipes in Taiwan, five of which are sympatrically distributed with M. heymonsi. We found geographic variation in both temporal and spectral properties of the advertisement calls of M. fissipes. However, the call properties were not correlated with local temperature or the callers' body size. Furthermore, we did not detect RCD. By contrast, call divergence, geographic distance, and genetic distance between M. fissipes populations were all positively correlated. The comparisons between phenotypic Qst (Pst) and Fst values did not show significant differences, suggesting a role of drift. We concluded that genetic drift, rather than ecological processes, is the more likely driver for the geographic variation in the advertisement calls of M. fissipes.  相似文献   

For polyploid species to persist, they must be reproductively isolated from their diploid parental species, which coexist at the same time and place at least initially. In a complex of biparentally reproducing tetraploid and diploid tree frogs in North America, selective phonotaxis--mediated by differences in the pulse-repetition (pulse rate) of their mate-attracting vocalizations--ensures assortative mating. We show that artificially produced autotriploid females of the diploid species (Hyla chrysoscelis) show a shift in pulse-rate preference in the direction of the pulse rate produced by males of the tetraploid species (Hyla versicolor). The estimated preference function is centred near the mean pulse rate of the calls of artificially produced male autotriploids. Such a parallel shift, which is caused by polyploidy per se and whose magnitude is expected to be greater in autotetraploids, may have facilitated sympatric speciation by promoting reproductive isolation of the initially formed polyploids from their diploid parental forms. This process also helps to explain why tetraploid lineages with different origins have similar advertisement calls and freely interbreed.  相似文献   

The selectivity of female phonotactic responses to synthetic advertisement calls was tested in choice situations. Preferences based on differences in the linear rise-time of synthetic pulses depended on intensity and carrier frequency. When the carrier frequency was 1.1 kHz, simulating the low-frequency peak in the advertisement call, females preferred alternatives with slower rise-time pulses that differed by 5 ms at playback levels of 75 dB SPL and higher. A rise-time difference of 10 ms was discriminated at 65 dB SPL. When the carrier frequency was 2.2 kHz, simulating the high-frequency peak in the call, females discriminated a 5-ms difference in rise-time only at 85 dB SPL. Females showed no preference when the difference was 10 ms at lower playback levels. The difference in the thresholds (about 15–20 dB) for discriminating differences in rise-time at the two carrier frequencies was greater than the difference in behavioral thresholds for these two frequencies (about 10 dB). This result suggests that rise-time discrimination can be mediated solely by the neural channel mainly tuned to the low-frequency peak in the call. Females probably assess differences in rise-time by comparing the first few pulses of each call rather than by averaging over the entire call. Accepted: 30 March 1999  相似文献   

The maintenance or breakdown of reproductive isolation is an observable outcome of secondary contact between species. In cases where hybrids beyond the F1 are formed, the representation of each species' ancestry can vary dramatically among genomic regions. This genomic heterogeneity in ancestry and introgression can offer insight into evolutionary processes, particularly if introgression is compared in multiple hybrid zones. Similarly, considerable heterogeneity exists across the genome in the extent to which populations and species have diverged, reflecting the combined effects of different evolutionary processes on genetic variation. We studied hybridization across two hybrid zones of two phenotypically well‐differentiated bird species in Mexico (Pipilo maculatus and P. ocai), to investigate genomic heterogeneity in differentiation and introgression. Using genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) and hierarchical Bayesian models, we genotyped 460 birds at over 41 000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci. We identified loci exhibiting extreme introgression relative to the genome‐wide expectation using a Bayesian genomic cline model. We also estimated locus‐specific FST and identified loci with exceptionally high genetic divergence between the parental species. We found some concordance of locus‐specific introgression in the two independent hybrid zones (6–20% of extreme loci shared across zones), reflecting areas of the genome that experience similar gene flow when the species interact. Additionally, heterogeneity in introgression and divergence across the genome revealed another subset of loci under the influence of locally specific factors. These results are consistent with a history in which reproductive isolation has been influenced by a common set of loci in both hybrid zones, but where local environmental and stochastic factors also lead to genomic differentiation.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential for several acoustic properties ofthe advertisement calls of male gray tree frogs to affect relativemating success by relating patterns of variation in these propertiesto minimum differences required to elicit female choice. Dynamicproperties (pulse number, PN; call rate, CR; and duty cycle,DC, the ratio of call duration to call period) varied much morewithin bouts of calling than a static property (dominant frequency,DF) but nevertheless exhibited significant between male variationin three of four breeding seasons. Many multiply recorded malesconsistently produced calls with values substantially aboveor below mean values of males recorded on the same nights. Nightlyranges of variation in PN and CR were often greater than theminimum differences required to elicit female preferences inthe laboratory. In most experiments, females chose high-PN orfast-CR calls over low-PN or slow-CR alternatives, respectively,even if the preferred stimuli were farther away or 6-10 dB lowerin sound pressure level (SPL), provided that differences inPN or CR were 100%. Consistent with these results, females didnot always choose the closer of two calling males in the field.Nightly ranges of variation in DF rarely equaled the minimumdifference required to elicit SPL independent preferences. Femalespreferred a stimulus of high-PN and slow-CR over an alternativeof low-PN or fast-CR with the same acoustic on-time; in twoexperiments, females chose calls of high-PN over low-PN alternativeseven though the playback of the high-PN call was interruptedand the low-PN call was broadcast continuously. Thus, femalepreferences were not merely based on the total time of acousticstimulation. Responses of females tested twice in the same experimentsuggest that phenotypic variation in preference was limitedin our study populations.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in antipredator behaviour within wide‐ranging species may be driven by both genetic and environmental influences. We quantified antipredator responses in neonatal (laboratory born, n = 555) and adult (field caught, n = 346) tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus) from 11 mainland and island sites in southern Australia. We used these data to test predictions from Bonnet et al.'s hypothesis that the vigour of antipredator responses in this species reflects behavioural plasticity (in turn, driven by an individual snake's exposure to predators during its lifetime) rather than by genetic variation in this trait. We used the number of predator taxa in each area as an index of predator risk. As predicted, adult snakes from predator‐rich areas had more vigorous defensive responses when handled, whereas neonatal behaviour (although also variable among populations) was unrelated to predator species richness. Adult males bit more readily than adult females (as expected from the greater predation exposure of males during mate searching) but no such sex difference was evident in neonates. Although alternative models remain possible, our data are most consistent with the hypothesis that geographic divergence in antipredator tactics within this species primarily reflects developmentally plastic responses to local predation risk.  相似文献   

Social signals play an important role in regulating hormone-behavior relationships. In anurans (frogs and toads), acoustic signals are an essential aspect of reproductive behavior; however, the physiological consequences of receiving social signals has remained largely undescribed. Each night for 5, 10, or 20 days, we presented acoustically isolated male treefrogs with a conspecific mating chorus, an array of tones, or no sound. We recorded calling rate of individuals throughout the experiment and collected blood before and after treatment. Days of stimulus exposure had no effect on any dependent measure. Acoustic treatment influenced steroid levels; testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and corticosterone increased only in the group exposed to the chorus. Chorus-exposed males also showed an increase in stimulus-evoked calling. We found no correlation between androgens and calling within each treatment group. In addition, noncallers in the chorus group had higher levels of androgens than males in the tone or no sound groups. Further, chorus-exposed males with zero, low, or high rate of calling had similar levels of androgens. These data indicate that social signals increase circulating androgens independently of calling behavior. Elevated corticosterone associated with chorus reception did not inhibit calling behavior, and corticosterone showed no correlation with androgen levels.  相似文献   

Population divergence in geographic isolation is due to a combination of factors. Natural and sexual selection may be important in shaping patterns of population differentiation, a pattern referred to as ‘isolation by adaptation’ (IBA). IBA can be complementary to the well‐known pattern of ‘isolation by distance’ (IBD), in which the divergence of closely related populations (via any evolutionary process) is associated with geographic isolation. The barn swallow Hirundo rustica complex comprises six closely related subspecies, where divergent sexual selection is associated with phenotypic differentiation among allopatric populations. To investigate the relative contributions of selection and geographic distance to genome‐wide differentiation, we compared genotypic and phenotypic variation from 350 barn swallows sampled across eight populations (28 pairwise comparisons) from four different subspecies. We report a draft whole‐genome sequence for H. rustica, to which we aligned a set of 9493 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Using statistical approaches to control for spatial autocorrelation of phenotypic variables and geographic distance, we find that divergence in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling, as well as geographic distance, together explain over 70% of genome‐wide divergence among populations. Controlling for IBD, we find 42% of genomewide divergence is attributable to IBA through pairwise differences in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling alone. By (i) combining these results with prior studies of how selection shapes morphological differentiation and (ii) accounting for spatial autocorrelation, we infer that morphological adaptation plays a large role in shaping population‐level differentiation in this group of closely related populations.  相似文献   

Hormonal levels fluctuate during the breeding season in many anurans, but the identity of the hormones that modulate breeding behavior and their effects remain unclear. We tested the influence of a combined treatment of progesterone and prostaglandin on phonotaxis, the key proceptive reproductive behavior of female anurans. First, we found that female gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) treated with progesterone and prostaglandin exhibited phonotaxis to synthetic male advertisement signals significantly more often than animals treated with ringers vehicle or uninjected controls. Responsive females had greater levels of plasma progesterone and estradiol compared to both control groups, suggesting that these steroids may be promoting phonotaxis. Second, we found that the selectivity of hormonally-induced phonotaxis in H.versicolor was similar to that observed in freshly captured breeding animals. Females made the same choices between acoustic signals after hormone treatments in tests of frequency, call rate and pulse rate, compared to their responses without treatment immediately after collection from the breeding chorus. The preference for a longer call was, however, significantly weaker after hormonal induction of phonotaxis. Hormonally primed females were also less likely to respond in any test and took longer to respond than did freshly collected females. Consequently, our study shows how progesterone-prostaglandin induced phonotaxis in female treefrogs influences both the quality and quantity of phonotaxis, relative to that exhibited by naturally breeding females.  相似文献   

Disturbance and advertisement calls of the Argentine croaker Umbrina canosai were recorded from coastal Uruguayan waters. Dissections indicate typical sciaenid extrinsic swimbladder muscles present exclusively in males. Disturbance calls were produced when captive U. canosai were startled, chased with a net or grabbed by the tail. Calls were unusual for sciaenids because each pulse consisted of multiple cycles. The number of cycles per pulse and dominant frequency did not change with U. canosai size, but pulse duration and interpulse interval increased. Advertisement calls were recorded from unseen choruses in the field and confirmed with captive individuals in a large tank. Advertisement calls were recorded throughout the known range of the species in Uruguay indicating a continuous belt of spawning populations. Tank recordings of the same individuals permitted explicit comparisons between the two calls. Advertisement call pulses averaged 2·4 more cycles (11·0–8·6) although pulses of both calls were basically similar as were durations and dominant frequencies. Pulse number, however, differed markedly, averaging 13·6 and 3·4 pulses for disturbance and advertisement calls respectively. Furthermore, disturbance calls were produced as a rapid series with an interpulse interval of 26–31 ms whereas advertisement call patterns were less stereotyped and ranged from <100 to 450 ms. Multicycle pulses distinguished U. canosai from other sympatric sciaenids.  相似文献   

Advertisement calls of green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) have two spectral peaks centered at about 1 kHz and 3 kHz. Addition of a component of intermediate frequency (1.8 kHz) to a synthetic call reduced its attractiveness to females relative to an alternative lacking this component. This mid-frequency suppression occurred over a 20-dB range of playback levels. Addition of other intermediate frequencies had weak effects on preferences at some playback levels, in some localities, and at lower-than-normal temperatures. These effects correlate well with the response properties of a population of low-frequency-tuned auditory neurons innervating the amphibian papilla. Males of a closely related species (H. gratiosa) produce calls with emphasized frequencies within the range of suppression in H. cinerea; however, suppression also occurred in localities well outside the area of geographical overlap with this species. Thus, previous speculation that mid-frequency suppression evolved to enhance species discrimination is probably incorrect. This phenomenon is more likely to reflect a general sensory bias in anurans and other vertebrates, tone-on-tone inhibition. Such negative biases, and other inhibitory mechanisms, almost certainly play an important role in the evolution of communication systems but have received far less attention than positive biases that enhance signal attractiveness.  相似文献   

North America has distinct types of Hyphantria moths (Arctiidae) characterized by red (RD)‐ and black (BL)‐headed larvae, of which the taxonomic status is unresolved. Genetic divergence of 26 populations, based on 710 bp of the mtCOI sequence, showed two phylogenetic lineages, which could not be connected in the haplotype network with 95% confidence. The two lineages are separated by 3.1% sequence divergence and should be considered for full species status. The estimated split occurred 1.2–1.6 million years ago. The range of the RD type covered most of the continent, whereas that of the BL type was limited to eastern deciduous forests. Several biological characteristics were differentiated in the zone of cohabitation where BL had more annual generations than RD. Spring emergence of BL precedes that of RD in the field by at least 1 month, because the diapause in BL was shallow, whereas it was deep in RD. Voltinism requires discreteness of numbers, which functions as a sink of hybrids between the two parental lines that have distinct but equally adaptive reproductive strategies; BL may be more r‐strategist‐like and RD more K‐strategist‐like, because fast‐developing BL has multivoltine life cycle, investing less silk proteins as the round‐the‐clock feeder, and slow‐developing RD univoltine one investing more silk as the nocturnal feeder. Also, intensity of diapause, deep in RD and weak in BL, was grossly different, which may enforce segregation of spring adults. Allochronic speciation avoiding coincidental occurrence of adult stages is therefore the most likely scenario. Because the adults never meet in nature, large morphological differentiation is not required.  相似文献   

In natural advertisement calls of the barking treefrog, Hyla gratiosa, a small amount of incoherent frequency modulation (FM) is present. Incoherency in the FM of a call creates inharmonicity and phase changes between its frequency components. In this study, the combined and separate effects of the harmonic structure, phase spectrum, and FM of an advertisement call on female choice were tested. The harmonic structure of a call can have a direct effect on female preference; females showed a significant preference for static-inharmonic calls over static-harmonic calls. Neither differences in phase or FM alone conferred a preference in two choice tests. However, when FM is present in both calls it does influence female preference for harmonic structure -namely harmonic calls become preferable to inharmonic calls. This reversal of female preference for inharmonicity in a call by the presence of FM suggests that call parameters may interact, and thereby effect mate choice.Abbreviations AP amphibian papilla - BP basilar papilla - FM frequency modulation - PM phase modulation - HS harmonic structure - GB Gaussian Band  相似文献   

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