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Atlantic reef fish biogeography and evolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim To understand why and when areas of endemism (provinces) of the tropical Atlantic Ocean were formed, how they relate to each other, and what processes have contributed to faunal enrichment. Location Atlantic Ocean. Methods The distributions of 2605 species of reef fishes were compiled for 25 areas of the Atlantic and southern Africa. Maximum‐parsimony and distance analyses were employed to investigate biogeographical relationships among those areas. A collection of 26 phylogenies of various Atlantic reef fish taxa was used to assess patterns of origin and diversification relative to evolutionary scenarios based on spatio‐temporal sequences of species splitting produced by geological and palaeoceanographic events. We present data on faunal (species and genera) richness, endemism patterns, diversity buildup (i.e. speciation processes), and evaluate the operation of the main biogeographical barriers and/or filters. Results Phylogenetic (proportion of sister species) and distributional (number of shared species) patterns are generally concordant with recognized biogeographical provinces in the Atlantic. The highly uneven distribution of species in certain genera appears to be related to their origin, with highest species richness in areas with the greatest phylogenetic depth. Diversity buildup in Atlantic reef fishes involved (1) diversification within each province, (2) isolation as a result of biogeographical barriers, and (3) stochastic accretion by means of dispersal between provinces. The timing of divergence events is not concordant among taxonomic groups. The three soft (non‐terrestrial) inter‐regional barriers (mid‐Atlantic, Amazon, and Benguela) clearly act as ‘filters’ by restricting dispersal but at the same time allowing occasional crossings that apparently lead to the establishment of new populations and species. Fluctuations in the effectiveness of the filters, combined with ecological differences among provinces, apparently provide a mechanism for much of the recent diversification of reef fishes in the Atlantic. Main conclusions Our data set indicates that both historical events (e.g. Tethys closure) and relatively recent dispersal (with or without further speciation) have had a strong influence on Atlantic tropical marine biodiversity and have contributed to the biogeographical patterns we observe today; however, examples of the latter process outnumber those of the former.  相似文献   

We synthesize the evolutionary implications of recent advances in the fields of phylogeography, biogeography and palaeogeography for shallow‐water marine species, focusing on marine speciation and the relationships among the biogeographic regions and provinces of the world. A recent revision of biogeographic provinces has resulted in the recognition of several new provinces and a re‐evaluation of provincial relationships. These changes, and the information that led to them, make possible a clarification of distributional dynamics and evolutionary consequences. Most of the new conclusions pertain to biodiversity hotspots in the tropical Atlantic, tropical Indo‐West Pacific, cold‐temperate North Pacific, and the cold Southern Ocean. The emphasis is on the fish fauna, although comparative information on invertebrates is utilized when possible. Although marine biogeographic provinces are characterized by endemism and thus demonstrate evolutionary innovation, dominant species appear to arise within smaller centres of high species diversity and maximum interspecies competition. Species continually disperse from such centres of origin and are readily accommodated in less diverse areas. Thus, the diversity centres increase or maintain species diversity within their areas of influence, and are part of a global system responsible for the maintenance of biodiversity over much of the marine world.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the biogeographical structure and affinities of the Australian marine demersal ichthyofauna at the scale of provinces and bathomes for the purposes of regional marine planning. Location Australia. Methods Patterns of distribution in the Australian fish fauna, at both intra‐regional and global scales, were examined using a science‐based, management framework dividing Australia’s marine biodiversity into 16 province‐level biogeographical units. Occurrences of 3734 species in eight depth‐stratified bathomes (from the coast to the mid‐continental slope) within each province were analysed to determine the structure and local affinities of their assemblages and their association with faunas of nearby regions and oceans basins. Results Strong geographic and depth‐related structure was evident. Fish assemblages in each province, and in each bathome of each province, were distinct, with the shelf‐break bathome more similar to the adjacent continental shelf bathome than to the upper slope bathome. Data based only on endemic species performed well as a surrogate of the entire dataset, yielding comparable patterns of similarity between provinces and bathomes. Tropical and temperate elements were better discriminated than elements of the Pacific and Indian oceans, with the central western province more similar to the tropical provinces (including those in the east), and the eastern province closer to southern temperate provinces. The fauna shares the closest regional affinities with those of the adjacent south‐west Pacific, western Pacific Rim, and elements of wide‐ranging Indo‐Pacific components. Elements unique to the Pacific and Indian oceans are poorly represented. Main conclusions The complex nature of Australia’s marine ichthyofauna is confirmed. A hierarchy of provinces and bathomes, used to ensure that Australia’s developing marine reserve network is both representative and comprehensive, is equally robust when based on all known Australian fish species or on only those species endemic to this continent. Latitude and depth are more important than oceanic influences on the composition of this fauna at these scales.  相似文献   

Aim We investigate the biogeography of Austral Polychaeta (Annelida) using members of the families Eunicidae, Lumbrineridae, Oenonidae, Onuphidae, Serpulidae and Spionidae and Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE). We determine whether observed polychaete distribution patterns correspond to traditional shallow-water marine areas of endemism, estimate patterns of endemism and relationships between areas of endemism, and infer the biological processes that have caused these patterns. Location The study is concerned with extant polychaete taxa occupying shallow-water areas derived from the breakup of the Gondwana landmass (i.e. Austral areas). Methods Similarity was assessed using a significance test with Jaccard's indices. Areas not significantly different at 0.99 were combined prior to the PAE. Widespread species and genera (155 taxa) were scored for presence/absence for each area of endemism. PAE was used to derive hypotheses of area relationships. Hierarchical patterns in the PAE trees were identified by testing for congruence with patterns derived from cladistic biogeographic studies of other Gondwanan taxa and with geological evidence. Results The polychaete faunas of four area-pairs were not significantly different and the areas amalgamated: South-west Africa and South Africa, New Zealand South Island and Chatham Islands, Macquarie Island and Antipodean Islands, and West Antarctica and South Georgia. Areas with the highest levels of species endemism were southern Australia (67.0%), South-east South America (53.2%) and South Africa (40.4%). About 60% of species and 7.5% of genera occupied a single area of endemism. The remainder were informative in the PAE. Under a no long-distance dispersal assumption a single minimal-length PAE tree resulted (l=367; ci=0.42); under dispersal allowed, three minimal-length trees resulted (l=278; ci=0.56). In relation to the sister grouping of the New Zealand areas and Australia we find congruence between our minimal-length trees and those derived from a biogeographic study of land plants, and with area relationships predicted by the Expanding Earth Model. Main conclusions The polychaete distribution patterns in this study differ slightly from the classical areas of endemism, most notably in being broader, thereby bringing into question the value of using single provincial system for marine biogeographic studies. The Greater New Zealand region is found to be ‘monophyletic’ with respect to polychaetes, that is comprising a genuine biogeographical entity, and most closely related to the polychaete fauna of southern Australia. This finding is consistent with studies of land plants and with the Expanding Earth model, but disagrees with conventional geology and biogeographic hypothesis involving a ‘polyphyletic’ New Zealand. Both vicariance and concerted range expansion (=biotic dispersion) appear to have played important roles in shaping present-day distribution patterns of Austral polychaetes. Shallow-water ridge systems between the Australian and Greater New Zealand continental landmasses during the Tertiary are thought to have facilitated biotic dispersion.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Population disjunctions, as a first step toward complete allopatry, present an interesting situation to study incipient speciation. The geological formation of the Baja California Peninsula currently divides 19 species of fish into disjunct populations that are found on its Pacific Coast and in the northern part of the Gulf of California (also called the Sea of Cortez), but are absent from the Cape (Cabo San Lucas) region. We studied the genetic makeup of disjunct populations for 12 of these 19 fish species. Phylogeographic patterns for the 12 species can be separated into two major classes: a first group (eight species) showed reciprocal monophyly and high genetic divergence between disjunct populations. A second group (four species) displayed what appeared to be panmictic populations. Population structure between Pacific Coast populations, across the Punta Eugenia biogeographic boundary, was also evaluated. While dispersal potential (inferred by pelagic larval duration) was a poor predictor of population structure between Gulf of California and Pacific populations, we found that population genetic subdivision along the Pacific Coast at Punta Eugenia was always positively correlated with differentiation between Pacific and Gulf of California populations. Vicariant events, ongoing gene flow, and ecological characteristics played essential roles in shaping the population structures observed in this study.  相似文献   

The southern coast of Australia is composed of three distinct biogeographic provinces distinguished primarily by intertidal community composition. Several ecological mechanisms have been proposed to explain their formation and persistence, but no consensus has been reached. The marine clam Lasaea australis is arguably the most common bivalve on southern Australian rocky shores and occurs in all three provinces. Here, we tested if this species exhibits cryptic genetic structuring corresponding to the provinces and if so, what mechanisms potentially drove its divergence. Variation in two mitochondrial genes (16S and COIII) and one nuclear gene (ITS2) was assayed to test for genetic structuring and to reconstruct the clam's phylogenetic history. Our results showed that L. australis is comprised of three cryptic mitochondrial clades, each corresponding almost perfectly to one of the three biogeographic provinces. Divergence time estimates place their cladogenesis in the Neogene. The trident‐like topology and Neogene time frame of L. australis cladogenesis are incongruent with Quaternary vicariance predictions: a two‐clade topology produced by Pleistocene Bass Strait land bridge formation. We hypothesize that the interaction of the Middle Miocene Climate Transition with the specific geography of the southern coastline of Australia was the primary cladogenic driver in this clam lineage. Additional in‐depth studies of the endemic southern Australian marine biota across all three provinces are needed to establish the generality of this proposed older framework for regional cladogenesis.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of dispersal and adaptation in the evolutionary history of marine species is essential for predicting their response to changing conditions. We analyzed patterns of genetic differentiation in the key tropical calcifying species of large benthic foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera to reveal the evolutionary processes responsible for its biogeographic distribution. We collected specimens from 16 sites encompassing the entire range of the species and analyzed hypervariable fragments of the 18S SSU rDNA marker. We identified six hierarchically organized genotypes with mutually exclusive distribution organized along a longitudinal gradient. The distribution is consistent with diversification occurring in the Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) followed by dispersal toward the periphery. This pattern can be explained by: (a) high dispersal capacity of the species, (b) habitat heterogeneity driving more recent differentiation in the IWP, and (c) ecological‐scale processes such as niche incumbency reinforcing patterns of genotype mutual exclusion. The dispersal potential of this species drives the ongoing range expansion into the Mediterranean Sea, indicating that A. lobifera is able to expand its distribution by tracking increases in temperature. The genetic structure reveals recent diversification and high rate of extinction in the evolutionary history of the clade suggesting a high turnover rate of the diversity at the cryptic level. This diversification dynamic combined with high dispersal potential, allowed the species to maintain a widespread distribution over periods of geological and climatic upheaval. These characteristics are likely to allow the species to modify its geographic range in response to ongoing global warming without requiring genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

The marine tropics contain five major biogeographic regions (East Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) and Central Pacific). These regions are separated by both hard and soft barriers. Reconstructing ancestral vicariance, we evaluate the extent of temporal concordance in vicariance events across three major barriers (Terminal Tethyan Event (TTE), Isthmus of Panama (IOP), East Pacific Barrier, EPB) and two incomplete barriers (either side of the IAA) for the Labridae, Pomacentridae and Chaetodontidae. We found a marked lack of temporal congruence within and among the three fish families in vicariance events associated with the EPB, TTE and IOP. Vicariance across hard barriers separating the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific (TTE, IOP) is temporally diffuse, with many vicariance events preceding barrier formation. In marked contrast, soft barriers either side of the IAA hotspot support tightly concordant vicariance events (2.5 Myr on Indian Ocean side; 6 Myr on Central Pacific side). Temporal concordance in vicariance points to large-scale temporally restricted gene flow during the Late Miocene and Pliocene. Despite different and often complex histories, both hard and soft barriers have comparably strong effects on the evolution of coral reef taxa.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the distributional patterns of blenniids (Pisces: Blenniidae) in the north‐eastern Atlantic. Two peaks of species diversity were found, both in terms of number of species and number of endemics: one in the tropical African coast and another in the Mediterranean Sea. A cluster analysis of similarity values (Jaccard coefficient) among the eastern Atlantic zoogeographical areas, revealed the following groups: a north temperate group, a tropical group formed by the tropical African coast and Mauritania, another group formed by the islands of Cape Verde, a south temperate group (South Africa), and a southern Atlantic group formed by the islands of Ascension and St Helena. Within the north temperate group, the subgroups with higher similarities were: Azores and Madeira, Canary Islands and Morocco, and the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Based on affinity indices, the probable directions of faunal flows were inferred. The tropical coast of Africa and the Mediterranean emerged from this analysis as probable speciation centres of the north‐eastern Atlantic blenniid fauna. The Mediterranean may have also acted as a refuge during glacial periods.  相似文献   

Centrifugal speciation and centres of origin   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  

Climatic oscillations during the Pleistocene have greatly influenced the distribution and connectivity of many organisms, leading to extinctions but also generating biodiversity. While the effects of such changes have been extensively studied in the terrestrial environment, studies focusing on the marine realm are still scarce. Here we used sequence data from one mitochondrial and five nuclear loci to assess the potential influence of Pleistocene climatic changes on the phylogeography and demographic history of a cosmopolitan marine predator, the common dolphin (genus Delphinus). Population samples representing the three major morphotypes of Delphinus were obtained from 10 oceanic regions. Our results suggest that short‐beaked common dolphins are likely to have originated in the eastern Indo‐Pacific Ocean during the Pleistocene and expanded into the Atlantic Ocean through the Indian Ocean. On the other hand, long‐beaked common dolphins appear to have evolved more recently and independently in several oceans. Our results also suggest that short‐beaked common dolphins had recurrent demographic expansions concomitant with changes in sea surface temperature during the Pleistocene and its associated increases in resource availability, which differed between the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins. By proposing how past environmental changes had an effect on the demography and speciation of a widely distributed marine mammal, we highlight the impacts that climate change may have on the distribution and abundance of marine predators and its ecological consequences for marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The systematic features of a small West African marine gobiid fish, Gobius nigricinctus Delais 1951, are redescribed from the holotype with special emphasis on the head lateral-line canal and sensory papillae (tree neuromast) systems. A junior synonym is found to be Gobius lepidogenys Robins 1970. The status of G. nigricinctus is best expressed in a new monotypic genus, Gorogobius , with closest affinity to the Atlantic-Mediterranean Corcyrogobius and Odondebuenia , Similarities in head sensory papillae arrangement exist between Gorogobius and certain 'seven-spined' genera of the New World tropical insular fauna, but G. nigricinctus is shown not to be a recent transatlantic immigrant. The validity of the tribe Gobiosomini as a natural grouping endemic to the Americas is questioned. Close resemblance in striped coloration between Gorogobius and small Indo-West Pacific gobies, especially Quisquilius eugenius , is shown to be the result of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Proximate sources of marine biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
When temperature and other kinds of barrier divide formerly continuous populations and confine them to more restricted geographical areas, there is an evolutionary reaction that will, over time, result in the formation of endemic species. In such cases, an allopatric speciation process is considered to have taken place because reproductive isolation was caused by physical means instead of by natural selection. In contrast, when populations exist in a very high-diversity area and remain undivided by physical events, they exhibit a tendency to speciate by means of sympatry (or parapatry). This process, sometimes called competitive or ecological speciation, does involve reproductive isolation by means of natural selection. Populations that exist in geographical provinces bounded by physical barriers add to the overall diversity through the production of endemic species. This increase by species packing is relatively slow due to the very gradual tempo of the allopatric speciation process. Populations existing in centres of origin add to the general diversity through the production of species that are dominant in terms of their ability to spread over large parts of the world. It is proposed that such species are usually formed by sympatric speciation, a process that can be c. 20 times faster than species formation by allopatry. It is not suggested that sympatry is exclusive to centres of origin, nor that allopatry is confined to peripheral provinces. Both processes are widespread, but there do appear to be distinctive geographical concentrations. Considering that numbers of widespread species produced by centres of origin may eventually become subdivided by barriers, and thus give rise to descendants by allopatry, it is difficult to say how much of our present species diversity has come from one source or the other. Both speciation by sympatry from centres of origin and speciation by allopatry in peripheral provinces appear to be important sources of marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

人类活动引起的大气CO2浓度的升高,除了使全球温度升高外,导致的另一个严重生态问题——海洋酸化(Ocean acidification,OA),受到社会各界包括科研界的高度重视,该领域的大部分研究结果都是在近十年才发表出来的,目前还有很多需要解决的问题。海洋酸化的研究涉及到很多学科的交叉包括化学、古生物学、生态学、生物地球化学等等。在生物学领域,海洋酸化主要围绕敏感物种,例如由碳酸钙形成贝壳或外骨骼的贝类,珊瑚礁群体等。鱼类作为海洋脊椎动物的代表生物类群,自身具有一定的酸碱平衡调节能力,但相关海洋酸化方向的研究并不是很多。尽管人们对于海洋酸化对鱼类的影响了解甚少,这并不说明海洋酸化对鱼类没有作用或者效应小,在相关研究逐步展开的同时,发现鱼类同样受到海洋酸化的危害,几乎涉及到鱼类整个生活史和几乎大部分生理过程,尤其是早期生活史的高度敏感。因此就目前国内外对此领域研究结果做综述,以期待业界同行能够对海水鱼类这个大的类群引起重视。  相似文献   

The extant Acari occurring on the inland mountain ranges and nunataks of Continental Antarctica comprise only pre-Pleistocene endemic Prostigmata and Cryptostigmata of which the Prostigmata are the probable earlier colonists. The inland acarofauna of Continental Antarctica has a different origin from that of Maritime Antarctica, though both are the relict descendants of a Mesozoic acarofauna, which has been radically depleted by one or more Mesozoic and/or Cenozoic glacial events.  相似文献   

Macaronesia is a biogeographical region comprising five Atlantic Oceanic archipelagos: the Azores, Madeira, Selvagen (Savage Islands), Canaries and Cape Verde. It has strong affinities with the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula and the north‐western fringes of Africa. This paper re‐evaluates the biogeographical history and relationships of Macaronesia in the light of geological evidence, which suggests that large and high islands may have been continuously available in the region for very much longer than is indicated by the maximum surface area of the oldest current island (27 Ma) – possibly for as long as 60 million years. We review this literature, attempting a sequential reconstruction of Palaeo‐Macaronesia from 60 Ma to the present. We consider the implications of these geological dynamics for our understanding of the history of colonization of the present islands of Macaronesia. We also evaluate the role of these archipelagos as stepping stones and as both repositories of palaeo‐endemic forms and crucibles of neo‐endemic radiations of plant and animal groups. Our principal focus is on the laurel forest communities, long considered impoverished relicts of the Palaeotropical Tethyan flora. This account is therefore contextualized by reference to the long‐term climatic and biogeographical history of Southern Europe and North Africa and by consideration of the implications of changes in land–sea configuration, climate and ocean circulation for Macaronesian biogeography. We go on to provide a synthesis of the more recent history of Macaronesian forests, which has involved a process of impoverishment of the native elements of the biota that has accelerated since human conquest of the islands. We comment briefly on these processes and on the contemporary status and varied conservation opportunities and threats facing these forests across the Macaronesian biogeographical region.  相似文献   

Geckos are one of the most species‐rich, abundant, and widely distributed of all Squamata lineages and present several characteristics that have made them favorite model organisms for biogeographical, ecological, physiological, and evolutionary studies. One of the key aspects of any comparative study is to have a robust, comprehensive phylogeny, and an updated taxonomy. Recently, the Infraorder Gekkota has been the subject of several phylogenetic analyses and taxonomic revisions at different levels. Despite all these phylogenetic and taxonomic advances, there are still some groups whose systematics and taxonomy remain highly problematic. Maybe one of the most poorly resolved groups in spite of decades of intensive research by many herpetologists are the so‐called Palearctic naked‐toed geckos of the family Gekkonidae. This group of nocturnal geckos distributed from Mauritania across North Africa, Arabia, southwestern and central Asia to northern India, western China and southern Mongolia is characterized by the synapomorphy of lack of adhesive subdigital pads. Within the Palearctic naked‐toed geckos, the Saharo‐Arabian clade comprised by the genera Pseudoceramodactylus, Stenodactylus, and Tropiocolotes is the clade with the largest distribution range. At the same time, it is one of the problematic groups, presenting poorly supported phylogenetic relationships, with the genus Tropiocolotes being recovered non‐monophyletic in all analyses despite its morphological uniformity. To reassess the phylogeny of the Palearctic naked‐toed geckos with a special interest in the systematics of Tropiocolotes, we assembled a dataset comprising 298 gecko specimens from 283 different species (including all Tropiocolotes species but one) belonging to 122 of a total of 124 described gecko genera. This dataset included the nuclear c‐mos, ACM4, RAG1, RAG2, and PDC and the mitochondrial ND2 gene. To further investigate the relationships within Tropiocolotes and to revise the systematics of the south Arabian endemic species Tropiocolotes scorteccii, we used an integrative approach including information from the nuclear MC1R and c‐mos, the mitochondrial 12S, 16S, cytb genes, and morphological data from nine of the 10 described Tropiocolotes species. The phylogenetic analyses of the Gekkota dataset recovered a similar topology for the Palearctic naked‐toed geckos to previous studies, but in this case, Tropiocolotes was recovered monophyletic in all analyses, with high support in two of them. The results of the analyses of three datasets specifically assembled to test the effect of both gene sampling and taxon sampling in the monophyly of Tropiocolotes, and the internal relationships of the Palearctic naked‐toed geckos clearly showed that both the number and kind of characters (nuclear or mitochondrial data) and the number of taxa played a fundamental role in recovering the correct phylogenetic relationships. The phylogenetic analyses within Tropiocolotes suggested the existence of high levels of undescribed diversity in the south Arabian T. scorteccii, including a new genetically and morphologically distinct species endemic to Oman (Tropiocolotes confusus sp. nov. ). Our study using a large dataset, including several loci and a dense taxon sampling within Gekkota and especially within Tropiocolotes, has proved a valuable strategy to address the monophyly of Tropiocolotes and the relationships within the Saharo‐Arabian Palearctic naked‐toed geckos. The integrative systematic approach including several samples of south Arabian T. scorteccii based on many years of fieldwork has, once more, uncovered a new species endemic to this region. This highlights the importance of this area of Arabia as a reservoir of reptile endemicity and biodiversity, which is likely linked to the high degree of habitat heterogeneity and the effect of the monsoons. Obviously, based on this and previously published evidence, south Arabia represents an area with still high levels of undiscovered diversity.  相似文献   

Valid fish species identification is an essential step both for fundamental science and fisheries management. The traditional identification is mainly based on external morphological diagnostic characters, leading to inconsistent results in many cases. Here, we provide a sequence reference library based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) for a valid identification of 93 North Atlantic fish species originating from the North Sea and adjacent waters, including many commercially exploited species. Neighbour‐joining analysis based on K2P genetic distances formed nonoverlapping clusters for all species with a ≥99% bootstrap support each. Identification was successful for 100% of the species as the minimum genetic distance to the nearest neighbour always exceeded the maximum intraspecific distance. A barcoding gap was apparent for the whole data set. Within‐species distances ranged from 0 to 2.35%, while interspecific distances varied between 3.15 and 28.09%. Distances between congeners were on average 51‐fold higher than those within species. The validation of the sequence library by applying BOLDs barcode index number (BIN) analysis tool and a ranking system demonstrated high taxonomic reliability of the DNA barcodes for 85% of the investigated fish species. Thus, the sequence library presented here can be confidently used as a benchmark for identification of at least two‐thirds of the typical fish species recorded for the North Sea.  相似文献   

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